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Antibodies raised against purified rapeseed 19 kDa oleosin protein were used to screen an embryo-derived gt11 expression library from Brassica napus. A near full-length cDNA clone, BnV, was isolated. The 781 bp cDNA contained an open reading frame of 549 bp followed by an untranslated region of 222 pb and a poly(A) region of 10 bp. Comparisons between this cDNA and a different oleosin cDNA previously isolated from the same library showed high degrees of sequence similarity in the central domain region and in the 3 untranslated region. Sequence similarities between the derived protein sequence of this cDNA and all other known oleosin protein sequences are discussed.  相似文献   

To manipulate the quantity and quality of storage components in Brassica napus seeds, we have constructed an antisense gene for the storage protein napin. The antisense gene was driven by the 5-flanking region of the B. napus napin gene to express antisense RNA in a seed-specific manner. Seeds of transgenic plants with antisense genes often contained reduced amounts of napin. In some transgenic plants, no accumulation of napin was observed. However, the total protein content of transgenic and wild-type seeds did not differ significantly. Seeds lacking napin accumulated 1.4 to 1.5 times more cruciferin than untransformed seeds, although the oleosin content was not affected. Fatty acid content and composition in the seeds of transgenic plants were also analyzed by gas chromatography. Though the total fatty acid content of the transformants was the same as that of non-transformants, there was a reduction in 18:1 contents and a concomitant increase of 18:2 in seeds with reduced napin levels. This observed change in fatty acid composition was inherited in the next generation.  相似文献   

A simple protocol has been developed for high frequency protoplast regeneration via somatic embryogenesis in B. napus. Protoplasts isolated from hypocotyl tissue of 8–12 day old seedlings of Brassica napus ISN706 (AACC) when cultured in KM(A) medium resulted in divisions with a, frequency ranging from 30–35%. Regeneration of plantlets was possible by both organogenesis and embryogenesis. Nearly 80% of the call transferred on to MS medium supplemented with 5.0 mg l-1 2iP, 0.1 mg l-1 NAA, 0.001 mg l-1 GA3, 0.5 g l-1 PVP and 0.5 g l-1 MES displayed somatic embryogenesis. The somatic embryos developed into normal plantlets, and also displayed secondary, repetitive embryogenesis.  相似文献   

The level of two thioesterases, acyl-CoA thioesterase and acyl-ACP thioesterase was determined during seed maturation in oil seed rape. Both thioesterase activities rose markedly prior to the onset of lipid accumulation, but the induction kinetics suggest that the activities reside on distinct polypeptides. Acyl-ACP thioesterase (EC was purified 2000-fold using a combination of ion exchange, ACP-affinity chromatogr aphy, chromatofocusing and gel filtration. Using native gel electrophoresis, and assays for enzymic activity, two polypeptides were identified on SDS-PAGE as associated with the activity. Cleveland mapping of these polypeptides, of 38 kDa component and 33 kDa respectively, demonstrated that they are related. An antibody was prepared against the 38 kDa component, and this also recognises the 33 kDa polypeptide in highly purified preparations. Western blotting of a crude extract identifies one band at 38 kDa consistent with the 33 kDa component being a degradation product generated during purification. The native molecule has a Mr of 70 kDa indicating a dimeric structure. The enzyme has a pH optimum of 9.5 and shows strong preference for oleoyl-ACP as substrate. The intact enzyme has an N-terminus blocked to protein sequencing. We also found that two other polypeptides co-purify with acyl-ACP thioesterase under native conditions. The N-terminal amino-acid sequence of these polypeptides is shown and their possible identity is discussed.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone, Sta 44-4, corresponding to a mRNA highly expressed in Brassica napus cv. Westar stamens, was isolated by differential screening and characterized. Northern blot and in situ analyses demonstrated that Sta 44-4 is synthesized in pollen beginning at the late uninucleate stage and reaches a maximum in trinucleate microspores. Sta 44-4 displayed significant sequence similarity to known pollen polygalacturonase genes. The B. napus pollen polygalacturonase gene was shown to be part of a small gene family and to display some polymorphism among different cultivars.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe the isolation and characterization of a genomic clone (Bp4) from Brassica napus which contains three members of a pollen-specific multigene family. This family is composed of 10 to 15 closely related genes which are expressed in early stages of microspore development. The complete nucleotide sequence of the clone Bp4 and of three homologous cDNA clones is reported. One of the genes (Bp4B) contained in the genomic clone is believed to be non-functional because of sequence rearrangements in its 5 region and intron splicing sites. The remaining genes (Bp4A and Bp4C), as well as the cDNA clones, appear to code for small proteins of unique structure. Three different types of proteins can be predicted as a result of the deletion of carboxy or amino terminal portions of a conserved core protein. These proteins all share a common alternation of hydrophobic and hydrophilic domains. A fragment of the genomic clone containing the gene Bp4A, as well as the non-functional gene Bp4B, was introduced into tobacco plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation. The functional gene Bp4A is expressed in transgenic tobacco plants and shows spatial and temporal regulation consistent with the expression patterns seen in Brassica napus.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterization of microRNAs from Brassica napus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A library containing approximately 40,000 small RNA sequences was constructed for Brassica napus. Analysis of 3025 sequences obtained from this library resulted in the identification of 11 conserved miRNA families, which were validated by secondary structure prediction using surrounding sequences in the Brassica genome. Two 21 nt small RNA sequences reside within the arm of a pre-miRNA like stem-loop structure, making them likely candidates for novel non-conserved miRNAs in B. napus. Most of the conserved miRNAs were expressed at similar levels in a F1 hybrid B. napus line and its four double haploid progeny that showed marked variations in phenotypes, but many were differentially expressed between B. napus and Arabidopsis. The miR169 family was expressed at high levels in young leaves and stems, but was undetectable in roots and mature leaves, suggesting that miR169 expression is developmentally regulated in B. napus.  相似文献   

Summary Brassica napus and Brassica juncea were infected with a number of Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains. Tumourigenesis was very rapid and extremely efficient on B. juncea with all but one of the strains. Tumourigenesis on B. napus varied widely. It was very efficient with the nopaline strains, was reduced with the succinamopine strain A281 and was very weak with the octopine strains. The latter observation was confirmed with six different B. napus rapeseed cultivars. The selectivity was due to differences in the virulence of Ti plasmids with B. napus, rather than the tumourigenicity of the T-DNA or virulence of the chromosomal genes associated with the strains. An exception was strain LBA4404. The virulence of the octopine strains was increased by coinfection with more virulent disarmed strains and by induction with acetosyringone.  相似文献   

In order to investigate the role of cell division in plant development, we isolated several plant genes which encode homologues of animal and yeast cell cycle regulators known as cyclins.Through the use of degenerate primers and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) we isolated a Brassica sequence which showed homology to the cyclin box functional domain found within cyclin proteins. Southern blot analysis indicated that Brassica napus has a large number of genes containing cyclin box-related sequences. This was further supported by the isolation of cyclin box sequences from six different genomic clones. In addition, we have isolated two different cyclin cDNA clones, BnCYC1 and BnCYC2, from a Brassica napus shoot apical cDNA library. Both of the cDNA clones contain a destruction box regulatory domain similar to animal mitotic cyclins.Northern blot analysis using BnCYC2 shows mRNA levels which correlate well with the level of cell division in various tissues. Messenger RNA abundance was highest in 1–3 mm leaves, root tips and shoot apices. The mRNA detected using BnCYC1 was restricted to young leaves and the shoot apex, suggesting divergent, organ-specific roles for cyclin family members. The results demonstrate that the plant cyclin gene family is more extensive than previously demonstrated and consists of genes expressed in all dividing tissues as well as a subset of developmentally specific members.  相似文献   

Summary Populations of highly homogeneous uninucleate and binucleate microspores ofBrassica napus cv. Topas were obtained by bud selection and percoll fractionation. The development of the uninucleate and the binucleate microspores in culture was compared to thosein vivo using the fluorochrome DAPI to stain DNA. The major developmental pathway of the uninucleate microsporesin vitro resulted in embryo formation. The characteristic of this pathway was that the first division produced two diffusely stained nuclei and subsequent divisions gave rise to a multinucleate embryoid. The second pathway which occurred in a small number of the uninucleate microspores led to callus formation. The majority of the binucleate microsporesin vitro followed the developmental pattern of their counterpartsin vivo and were not embryogenic. The embryogenic binucleate microspores produced embryos through the divisions of the vegetative nucleus.Plant Research Centre Contribution # 1147  相似文献   

The levels of certain essential amino acids, in particular cysteine, lysine and methionine, in the seed storage protein of a commercial spring variety of rape, Brassica napus, have been increased by the introduction of an antisense gene for cruciferin, which is the most abundant storage protein in rapeseed. The antisense construct contained part of the cruA gene in an inverted orientation, and the gene was driven by the 5 flanking region of the gene for napin such that antisense RNA was expressed in a seed-specific manner. The construct was introduced by Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. In self-pollinated seeds (T1 seeds) of transgenic plants there was a reduction in the levels of the 11 and 2/32/3 subunits of cruciferin, whereas the level of the 44 subunit was unchanged. The total protein and lipid contents of transgenic seeds did not differ significantly from that of normal seeds. Seeds with reduced amounts of cruciferin accumulated higher amounts of napin than non-transformed seeds, but the level of oleosin was unaffected. Amino-acid analysis of the seed storage protein revealed that T1 seeds with reduced amounts of cruciferin contained higher relative levels of three essential amino acids, namely, lysine, methionine and cysteine, with increases of 10%, 8% and 32% over the respective levels in non-transgenic seeds (B. napus cv Westar).  相似文献   

S1 nuclease analysis and sub-family-specific oligonucleotide probes were used to characterize the expression during embryogenesis of the napin storage protein gene family ofBrassica napus (oilseed rape). The expression of one sub-class represented by the napin gene gNa peaks and declines earlier than the other members of the family. This sub-class was highly expressed representing ca. 20% of napin mRNA at 26 days after anthesis.  相似文献   

Pectate lyase (EC is an enzyme involved in the maceration and soft rotting of plant tissue via degradation of cell wall in organisms. Plants as well as bacteria and fungi are capable of producing pectate lyases. Here we report the cloning of a novel full-length cDNA of pectate lyase gene, designated BPL1, from Brassica napus by rapid amplification of cDNA ends. BPL1 cDNA is 1787 bp containing a 1503 bp ORF encoding a 500 amino acid protein precursor. The protein precursor has a potential signal peptide with 22 amino acids. Alignment of sequences shows that there are some extremely conserved amino acids among pectate lyase-like proteins from different plant species, and novel C-terminal domains are found in Arabidopsis and Brassica. Phylogenetic analysis of 50 pectate lyase-like proteins from various species demonstrates the obvious distinction among pectate lyase-like proteins from plants, bacteria and fungi, which are subsequently clustered into three groups. The cloning of BPL1 enables us to explore its diverse roles in higher plants and potential application in crop improvement.  相似文献   

The onset of storage lipid biosynthesis during seed development in the oilseed crop Brassica napus (rape seed) coincides with a drastic qualitative and quantitative change in fatty acid composition. During this phase of storage lipid biosynthesis, the enzyme activities of the individual components of the fatty acid synthase system increase rapidly. We describe a rapid and simple purification procedure for the plastidlocalized NADH-dependent enoyl-acyl carrier protein reductase from developing B. napus seed, based on its affinity towards the acyl carrier protein (ACP). The purified protein was N-terminally sequenced and used to raise a potent antibody preparation. Immuno-screening of a seed-specific gt11 cDNA expression library resulted in the isolation of enoyl-ACP reductase cDNA clones. DNA sequence analysis of an apparently full-length cDNA clone revealed that the enoyl-ACP reductase mRNA is translated into a precursor protein with a putative 73 amino acid leader sequence which is removed during the translocation of the protein through the plastid membrane. Expression studies in Escherichia coli demonstrated that the full-length cDNA clone encodes the authentic B. napus NADH-dependent enoyl-ACP reductase. Characterization of the enoyl-ACP reductase genes by Southern blotting shows that the allo-tetraploid B. napus contains two pairs of related enoyl-ACP reductase genes derived from the two distinct genes found in both its ancestors, Brassica oleracea and B. campestris. Northern blot analysis of enoyl-ACP reductase mRNA steady-state levels during seed development suggests that the increase in enzyme activity during the phase of storage lipid accumulation is regulated at the level of gene expression.  相似文献   

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