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The order Hexanchiformes currently comprises two families, Chlamydoselachidae (frilled sharks) and Hexanchidae (six‐ and seven‐gill sharks), but its monophyly and relationships with other elasmobranchs are still discussed. Previous studies of hexanchiforms addressing these issues were based mainly on external morphology, teeth, skeletal features, and molecular data, whereas the employment of characters derived from variations in muscles has not been significantly explored. Dissections of four species of Hexanchiformes (including Chlamydoselachus anguineus) are reported here describing the mandibular (musculus adductor mandibulae dorsalis, m. adductor mandibulae ventralis, m. levator labii superioris, m. intermandibularis, and m. constrictor dorsalis) and hyoidean (m. constrictor hyoideus dorsalis and ventralis) arch muscles. Our results provide new data concerning the relationships of hexanchiforms to other elasmobranchs. The m. adductor mandibulae superficialis is described and illustrated in C. anguineus, contradicting previous accounts in which is was considered absent. The anteroposterior orientation of the m. adductor mandibulae superficialis in Chlamydoselachus is similar to the pattern found in hexanchids, squaloids, and hypnosqualeans (including batoids), suggesting it was secondarily lost in Echinorhinus. This muscle therefore provides further support for the inclusion of the Chlamydoselachidae and Hexanchidae in the Squalomorphi, and not basal to all other elasmobranchs or nested within an all‐shark collective, as has been previously proposed. However, the m. adductor mandibulae superficialis originating at the jaw joint and with an aponeurotic insertion in hexanchids, squaliforms, and hypnosqualeans, may be a separate derived feature uniting these taxa. The insertion of the m. constrictor dorsalis is restricted to the postorbital articulation in hexanchids, whereas it extends farther anteriorly in C. anguineus. The insertion of the m. constrictor hyoideus dorsalis solely on the palatoquadrate is found exclusively in the Hexanchidae. We conclude that no specific pattern of mandibular or hyoid arch muscles support the monophyly of hexanchiforms (i.e., including Chlamydoselachus). J. Morphol., 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Skull and head muscles of Heptranchias perlo were studied. Its distinctive features include the suboccipital muscles, described for the first time, the absence of the palatoquadrate symphysis, a longitudinally extended mouth, and teeth unsuited for dissecting prey in typical method of modern sharks, which is cutting motions powered by head shaking from side to side. The palatoquadrate cartilages of H. perlo and closely related Hexanchidae articulate with the neurocranium via orbital and postorbital articulations, which together allow for lateral expansion of the jaws, but restrict retraction and protraction. We interpret these features as an adaptation to a different method of prey dissection, that is, ripping in a backward pull. It employs the specific postorbital articulation together with the suboccipital muscles as force-transmitting devices, and is powered by swimming muscles which produce a rearward thrust of the tail. During this type of dissection, the anterior part of the vertebral column should experience a tensile stress which explains the replacement of rigid vertebral bodies by a collagenous sheath around the notochord in H. perlo. The backward-ripping dissection could have been common among ancient Elasmobranchii based on the similarly developed postorbital articulation, a longitudinally extended mouth, and the absence of the palatoquadrate symphysis. A biomechanical comparison with the extinct Pucapampella indicates that ancient elasmobranchs could be also specialized in the backward-ripping prey dissection, but their mechanism was different from that inferred for H. perlo. We suggest that in the early evolution of sharks this mechanism was replaced by head-shaking dissection and then later was restored in H. perlo on a new morphological basis. A new position of the postorbital articulation below the vertebral axis is fraught with the braincase elevation when backward ripping the prey, and as a counter-mean, requires formation of suboccipital portions of the axial musculature unknown in other sharks. Homology and origin of these portions is considered.  相似文献   

Labyrinth morphology in extant elasmobranchs (neoselachians: sharks, skates and rays) and several extinct chondrichthyans ranging in age from Pliocene to Devonian is investigated using high-resolution computed tomography (CT scanning) and digital reconstitution techniques. The elasmobranch labyrinth is highly specialized toward low-frequency semi-directional sound detection (LFSDP), optimally around 100 Hz. Several features associated with LFSDP in neoselachians also occur in Mesozoic hybodonts (e.g., Egertonodus, Tribodus) and in some incertae sedis extinct sharks (Acronemus, Tristychius), but are absent in osteichthyans, extant and fossil holocephalans, and certain Paleozoic chondrichthyans (ctenacanths, symmoriiforms, Pucapampella). Thus, LFSDP is regarded as an evolutionary novelty of elasmobranchs that arose some time after their divergence from chimaeroids. The suite of characters associated with LFSDP was probably acquired progressively, some characters being more widely distributed among fossil chondrichthyans than others. LFSDP evolved only within chondrichthyans whose otico-occipital fissure became secondarily closed during ontogeny.  相似文献   

The Subclass Elasmobranchii is widely considered nowadays to be the sister group of the Subclass Holocephali, although chimaeroid fishes were originally classified as elasmobranchs along with modern sharks and rays. While this modern systematic treatment provides an accurate reflection of the phylogenetic relationships among extant taxa, the classification of many extinct non-holocephalan shark-like chondrichthyans as elasmobranchs is challenged. A revised, apomorphy-based definition of elasmobranchs is presented in which they are considered the equivalent of neoselachians, i.e. a monophyletic group of modern sharks and rays which not only excludes all stem and crown holocephalans, but also many Palaeozoic shark-like chondrichthyans and even close extinct relatives of neoselachians such as hybodonts. The fossil record of elasmobranchs (i.e. neoselachians) is reviewed, focusing not only on their earliest records but also on their subsequent distribution patterns through time. The value and limitations of the fossil record in answering questions about elasmobranch phylogeny are discussed. Extinction is seen as a major factor in shaping early elasmobranch history, especially during the Triassic. Extinctions may also have helped shape modern lamniform diversity, despite uncertainties surrounding the phylogenetic affinities of supposedly extinct clades such as cretoxyrhinids, anacoracids and odontids. Apart from these examples, and the supposed Cretaceous extinction of 'sclerorhynchids', elasmobranch evolution since the Jurassic has mostly involved increased diversification (especially during the Cretaceous). The biogeographical distribution of early elasmobranchs may be obscured by sampling bias, but the earliest records of numerous groups are located within the Tethyan realm. The break-up of Gondwana, and particularly the opening of the South Atlantic Ocean (together with the development of epicontinental seaways across Brazil and Africa during the Cretaceous), provided repeated opportunities for dispersal from both eastern (European) and western (Caribbean) Tethys into newly formed ocean basins.  相似文献   

Klug, S. & Kriwet, J. (2010). Timing of deep‐sea adaptation in dogfish sharks: insights from a supertree of extinct and extant taxa. —Zoologica Scripta, 39, 331–342. Dogfish sharks (Squaliformes) constitute a monophyletic group of predominantly deep‐water neoselachians, but the reasons and timing of their adaptation to this hostile environment remain ambiguous. Late Cretaceous dogfish sharks, which generally would be associated with deep‐water occur predominantly in shallow water environments. Did the end‐Cretaceous mass extinction event that eliminated large numbers of both terrestrial and aquatic taxa and clades including sharks trigger the evolutionary adaptation of present deep‐water dogfish sharks? Here, we construct, date, and analyse a genus‐level phylogeny of extinct and living dogfish sharks to bring a new perspective to this question. For this, eleven partial source trees of dogfish shark interrelationships were merged to create a comprehensive phylogenetic hypothesis. The resulting supertree is the most inclusive estimate of squaliform interrelationships that has been proposed to date containing 23 fossil and extant members of all major groups. ?Eoetmopterus represents the oldest dalatoid. ?Microetmopterus, ?Paraphorosoides, ?Proetmopterus and ?Squaliogaleus are stem‐group dalatoids in which bioluminescence most likely was not developed. According to our analyses, bioluminescence in dogfish sharks was already developed in the early Late Cretaceous indicating that these sharks adapted to deep‐water conditions most likely at about 100 Mya. The advantage of this reconstruction is that the fossil record is used directly for age node estimates rather than employing molecular clock approaches.  相似文献   

BackgroundLiving gnathostomes (jawed vertebrates) comprise two divisions, Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes, including euchondrichthyans with prismatic calcified cartilage, and extinct stem chondrichthyans) and Osteichthyes (bony fishes including tetrapods). Most of the early chondrichthyan (‘shark’) record is based upon isolated teeth, spines, and scales, with the oldest articulated sharks that exhibit major diagnostic characters of the group—prismatic calcified cartilage and pelvic claspers in males—being from the latest Devonian, c. 360 Mya. This paucity of information about early chondrichthyan anatomy is mainly due to their lack of endoskeletal bone and consequent low preservation potential.Conclusions/SignificanceThe Meckel’s cartilages show a jaw articulation surface dominated by an expansive cotylus, and a small mandibular knob, an unusual condition for chondrichthyans. The scapulocoracoid of the new specimen shows evidence of two pectoral fin basal articulation facets, differing from the standard condition for early gnathostomes which have either one or three articulations. The tooth structure is intermediate between the ‘primitive’ ctenacanthiform and symmoriiform condition, and more derived forms with a euselachian-type base. Of special interest is the highly distinctive type of calcified cartilage forming the endoskeleton, comprising multiple layers of nonprismatic subpolygonal tesserae separated by a cellular matrix, interpreted as a transitional step toward the tessellated prismatic calcified cartilage that is recognized as the main diagnostic character of the chondrichthyans.  相似文献   

A systematic SEM survey of tooth microstructure in (primarily) fossil taxa spanning chondrichthyan phylogeny demonstrates the presence of a superficial cap of single crystallite enameloid (SCE) on the teeth of several basal elasmobranchs, as well as on the tooth plates of Helodus (a basal holocephalan). This suggests that the epithelial-mesenchymal interactions required for the development of enameloid during odontogenesis are plesiomorphic in chondrichthyans, and most likely in toothed gnathostomes, and provides phylogenetic support for the homology of chondrichthyan and actinopterygian enameloid. Along the neoselachian stem, we see a crownward progression, possibly modulated by heterochrony, from a monolayer of SCE lacking microstructural differentiation to the complex triple-layered tooth enameloid fabric of neoselachians. Finally, the occurrence of fully-differentiated neoselachian enameloid microstructure (including compression-resistant tangle fibered enameloid and bending-resistant parallel fibered enameloid) in Chlamydoselachus anguineus, a basal Squalean with teeth that are functionally "cladodont," is evidence that triple-layered enameloid microstructure was a preadaption to the cutting and gouging function of many neoselachian teeth, and thus may have played an integral role in the Mesozoic radiation of the neoselachian crown group.  相似文献   

Cartilaginous fishes (chondrichthyans) have traditionally been taken as an early offshoot among jawed vertebrates. To examine some crucial chondrichthyan relationships, we have sequenced the mitochondrial genomes of the holocephalan Chimaera monstrosa (ratfish) and the basal galeomorph species Heterodontus francisci (horn shark) and analysed them together with the corresponding data set of several other chondrichthyans, teleosts, the coelacanth, the African lungfish and the bichir. The rooting point of the tree was established using unequivocal outgroups, the sea lamprey , the sea lancelet or echinoderms. The phylogenetic analyses identified monophyletic Chondrichthyes in a terminal position in the piscine tree, lending no support to the traditionally accepted basal position of cartilaginous fishes among extant gnathostomes. The findings suggest that the cartilage characterizing extant chondrichthyans is a retention of an embryonic condition, thus representing a derived rather than a primitive phylogenetic and developmental stage. Similarly, the analyses suggest that the open gill slits of neoselachians (sharks and rays) constitute a derived state compared to the operculum (gill cover) characterizing bony fishes and holocephalans. The analyses did not support the so-called Squalea/Galea hypothesis which posits that batomorphs (sharks, rays) have arisen from recent selachians (sharks). Inconsistent with the common understanding of piscine and gnathostome evolution, the two taxa having lungs, the African lungfish and the bichir, had a basal position in the piscine tree. The findings put into question the phylogenetic validity of the taxonomic nomenclature attributed to various vertebrate, notably piscine, clades.  相似文献   

The chondrichthyan faunas from the Danish Maastrichtian chalk and the K/T boundary clay, the Fiskeler, are described for the first time. The rich and diverse fauna discovered in the late Maastrichtian chalk experienced a massive drop in diversity prior to the boundary. However, the fauna started to recover immediately after the deposition of the impact layer during earliest Danian times and had regained much of its diversity during the first few millennia after the bolide impact. Precision sampling has made it possible to document the recovery of the fauna, which did not suffer an extinction event of the same magnitude, as apparently observed in Morocco. At Stevns Klint, only 33 per cent of the chondrichthyan fauna became extinct compared with the 96 per cent in Morocco. The drop in diversity before the boundary is attributed to a sudden change in sea level. Among the sharks found in the chalk and Fiskeler are rare species such as Parasquatina and Echinorhinus and the first representative of Nebrius in Europe.  相似文献   



The relationships of cartilaginous fishes are discussed in the light of well preserved three-dimensional Paleozoic specimens. There is no consensus to date on the interrelationship of Paleozoic chondrichthyans, although three main phylogenetic hypotheses exist in the current literature: 1. the Paleozoic shark-like chondrichthyans, such as the Symmoriiformes, are grouped along with the modern sharks (neoselachians) into a clade which is sister group of holocephalans; 2. the Symmoriiformes are related to holocephalans, whereas the other Paleozoic shark-like chondrichthyans are related to neoselachians; 3. many Paleozoic shark-like chondrichthyans, such as the Symmoriiformes, are stem chondrichthyans, whereas stem and crown holocephalans are sister group to the stem and crown neoselachians in a crown-chondrichthyan clade. This third hypothesis was proposed recently, based mainly on dental characters.

Methodology/Principal Findings

On the basis of two well preserved chondrichthyan neurocrania from the Late Carboniferous of Kansas, USA, we describe here a new species of Symmoriiformes, Kawichthys moodiei gen. et sp. nov., which was investigated by means of computerized X-ray synchrotron microtomography. We present a new phylogenetic analysis based on neurocranial characters, which supports the third hypothesis and corroborates the hypothesis that crown-group chondrichthyans (Holocephali+Neoselachii) form a tightly-knit group within the chondrichthyan total group, by providing additional, non dental characters.


Our results highlight the importance of new well preserved Paleozoic fossils and new techniques of observation, and suggest that a new look at the synapomorphies of the crown-group chondrichthyans would be worthwhile in terms of understanding the adaptive significance of phylogenetically important characters.  相似文献   

Klug, S. (2009). Monophyly, phylogeny and systematic position of the †Synechodontiformes (Chondrichthyes, Neoselachii). — Zoologica Scripta, 39 , 37–49.
Identifying the monophyly and systematic position of extinct sharks is one of the major challenges in reconstructing the phylogeny and evolutionary history of sharks in general. Although great progress has been accomplished in the last few decades with regard to resolving the interrelationships of living sharks, a comprehensive phylogeny identifying the systematic position of problematic or exclusively fossil taxa is still lacking. Fossil taxa traditionally assigned to synechodontiform sharks are very diverse with a fossil record extending back into the Palaeozoic but with uncertain inter- and intrarelationships. Here, phylogenetic analyses using robust cladistic principles are presented for the first time to evaluate the monophyly of this group, their intrarelationships and their systematic position within Neoselachii. According to the results of this study, taxa assigned to this group form a monophyletic clade, the †Synechodontiformes. This group is sister to all living sharks and displays a suite of neoselachian characters. Consequently, the concept of neoselachian systematics needs to be enlarged to include this completely extinct group, which is considered to represent stem-group neoselachians. The origin of modern sharks can be traced back into the Late Permian (250 Mya) based on the fossil record of †Synechodontiformes. The systematic position of batoids remains contradictory, which relates to the use of different data (molecular vs. morphological) in phylogentic analyses.  相似文献   

The skeletal morphology of Paraorthacodus jurensis, a Late Jurassic neoselachian from Nusplingen, is described based on the incomplete holotype and a newly discovered almost complete specimen. For the first time, the postcranial skeleton could be investigated. Paraorthacodus is characterized by a monognath dental heterodonty and tearing‐type dentition. The number of lateral cusplets in the lateral teeth differs between the holotype and the new specimen, possibly indicating sexual dimorphism. Clasper organs are not preserved in either of the two specimens. The notochord is sheathed by about 123 well‐calcified vertebral centra. The posterior‐most caudal vertebrae are lacking. The transition from monospondylous thoracic to diplospondylous abdominal vertebrae occurs at centra 48 and 49. The origin of the caudal fin is at the 80th centrum. Most conspicuous is the presence of a single spineless dorsal fin. In this respect, Paraorthacodus differs from most palaeospinacids, but resembles Macrourogaleus. Palidiplospinax possibly is sister to a group comprising Synechodus, Paraorthacodus, and Macrourogaleus (the Palaeospinacidae). A reinterpretation of dental and skeletal characters of synechodontiform taxa indicates that Synechodontiformes and Palaeospinacidae are monophyletic groupings of basal neoselachians. Synechodontiformes is probably sister to all living elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

Higher elasmobranch phylogeny and biostratigraphy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Living sharks, skates and rays share several derived skeletal characters that are absent in most extinct elasmobranchs, suggesting a monophyletic group of 'higher' elasmobranchs. Within this group opinions vary as to phylogenetic relationships, although three broad groups are generally recognized. Arguments for and against monophyly of these group (batoids; squalomorphs; galeomorphs) are examined. Many of their contained taxa are also of questionable validity. Cladistic analysis of living galeomorphs reveals a sequence of characters supporting monophyly of the group as whole, but not of its more generalized contained taxa. The temporal distribution of fossil galeomorphs corroborates the hypothesis of relationship suggested by neontological data; i.e. there is considerable stratigraphic harmony with Recent phylogenetic data.  相似文献   

Enameloid is a hard mineralized tissue covering chondrichthyan and actinopterygian teeth. Over the past 40 years, it has been extensively studied in various extinct and extant sharks, leading to the broad use of microstructural characters to differentiate between hybodont and neoselachian teeth. However, the chondrichthyan taxic diversity is disproportionately high compared to the number of taxa explored for enameloid microstructure, and the generalization of these few observations to the whole group is problematic. Indeed, many other groups, in particular modern rays and skates, have been completely overlooked, and almost nothing is known about their tooth histology. Furthermore, the recent discovery of typical neoselachian character in cladodontomorph sharks teeth clearly indicates that we have had an over‐simplified perception of the chondrichthyan enameloid distribution, which put into question the previously proposed evolutive scenarios dealing whith this tissue. We propose a brief historical overview of the study and understanding of chondrichthyan enameloid diversity and briefly discuss preparation issues encountered when dealing with the study of chondrichthyan hypermineralized tissues. Then, the variation of enameloid microstructures encountered in ctenacanthiforms, hybodonts, selachimorphs, and batomorphs is explored, summarized, and discussed. Although the full extent of the diversity and variability of the enameloid microstructure in many of these groups and others remains to be fully determined, we are able to show that most possess a much more complex enameloid microstructure than expected, and propose a revised and more fitting chondrichthyan enameloid terminology, based on the recognition of two main units: an external Single Crystallite Enameloid (SCE) and an internal Bundled Crystallite Enameloid (BCE). Our study reveals new insights in the understanding of character distribution among batomorphs and sets a framework for tackling global chondrichthyan tooth enameloid evolution. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

The development of Callorhinchus milii, a primitive chondrichthyan fish (Subclass Holocephali) is described in detail based on a complete series of embryos from stage 17 to hatching. The external features of these specimens, in comparison with other chondrichthyan embryos, are used to establish the first staging table for any chimaeroid species. Each stage of C. milii is defined by a suite of morphological characters in addition to total length, including the number of somites, extent of external pigmentation, eye size and shape, head flexure, heart morphology, and size and shape of paired and unpaired fins. Particular attention is given to features of the gill arches and associated structures, including external gill filaments and the opercular flap. Embryos of this species also possess a transient rostral bulb, a feature unique to chimaeroids. Embryological development of Callorhinchus milii is similar to that previously described for sharks and batoids (Subclass Elasmobranchii), including the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias, the Japanese bullshark, Heterodontus japonicus, the lesser spotted dogfish, Scyliorhinus canicula, the frill shark, Chlamydoselachus anguineus, the guitarfish, Rhinobatus halavi, and the skate, Raja brachyura. Callorhinchus milii is also similar in overall development to another holocephalan, Hydrolagus colliei. A review of previous staging schemes confirms that early morphological development in all three major chondrichthyan lineages (sharks, batoids, and chimaeras) can be correlated using a common set of stages. A uniform staging system is provided that should prove useful in continuing ontogenetic and phylogenetic studies of this entire clade of fishes. J. Morphol. 236:25–47, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



The chondrichthyan or cartilaginous fish (chimeras, sharks, skates and rays) occupy an important phylogenetic position as the sister group to all other jawed vertebrates and as an early lineage to diverge from the vertebrate lineage following two whole genome duplication events in vertebrate evolution. There have been few comparative genomic analyses incorporating data from chondrichthyan fish and none comparing genomic information from within the group. We have sequenced the complete Hoxa cluster of the Little Skate (Leucoraja erinacea) and compared to the published Hoxa cluster of the Horn Shark (Heterodontus francisci) and to available data from the Elephant Shark (Callorhinchus milii) genome project.  相似文献   

Validated age and growth estimates are important for constructing age-structured population dynamic models of chondrichthyan fishes, especially those which are exploited. We review age and growth studies of chondrichthyan fishes, using 28 recent studies to identify areas where improvements can be made in describing the characteristics of ageing structures (both traditional and novel) utilized to estimate ages of sharks, rays, and chimaeras. The topics identified that need consistency include the: (1) terminology used to describe growth features; (2) methods used to both verify and validate age estimates from chondrichthyan calcified structures, especially edge and marginal increment analyses; and (3) the functions used to produce and describe growth parameters, stressing the incorporation of size at birth (L 0) and multiple functions to characterize growth characteristics, age at maturity and longevity.  相似文献   

Carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses have improved our understanding of food webs and movement patterns of aquatic organisms. These techniques have recently been applied to diet studies of elasmobranch fishes, but isotope turnover rates and isotope diet–tissue discrimination are still poorly understood for this group. We performed a diet switch experiment on captive sandbar sharks (Carcharhinus plumbeus) as a model shark species to determine tissue turnover rates for liver, whole blood, and white muscle. In a second experiment, we subjected captive coastal skates (Leucoraja spp.) to serial salinity reductions to measure possible impacts of tissue urea content on nitrogen stable isotope values. We extracted urea from spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) white muscle to test for effects on nitrogen stable isotopes. Isotope turnover was slow for shark tissues and similar to previously published estimates for stingrays and teleost fishes with low growth rates. Muscle isotope data would likely fail to capture seasonal migrations or diet switches in sharks, while liver and whole blood would more closely reflect shorter term movement or shifts in diet. Nitrogen stable isotope values of skate blood and skate and dogfish white muscle were not affected by tissue urea content, suggesting that available diet–tissue discrimination estimates for teleost fishes with similar physiologies would provide accurate estimates for elasmobranchs.  相似文献   

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