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The natural resistance-associated macrophage protein (Nramp) defines a conserved family of secondary metal transporters. Molecular evolutionary analysis of the Nramp family revealed the early duplication of an ancestral eukaryotic Nramp gene, which was likely derived from a bacterial ortholog and characterized as a proton-dependent manganese transporter MntH (Makui, H., Roig, E., Cole, S. T., Helmann, J. D., Gros, P., and Cellier, M. F. (2000) Mol. Microbiol. 35, 1065-1078). Escherichia coli MntH represents a model of choice to study structure function relationship in the Nramp protein family. Here, we report E. coli MntH transmembrane topology using a combination of in silico predictions, genetic fusion with cytoplasmic and periplasmic reporters, and MntH functional assays. Constructs of the secreted form of beta-lactamase (Blam) revealed extra loops between transmembrane domains 1/2, 5/6, 7/8, and 9/10, and placed the C terminus periplasmically; chloramphenicol acetyltransferase constructs indicated cytoplasmic loops 2/3, 6/7, 8/9, and 10/11. Two intra loops for which no data were produced (N terminus, intra loop 4/5) both display composition bias supporting their deduced localization. The extra loops 5/6 and 6/7 and periplasmic exposure of the C terminus were confirmed by targeted reporter insertion. Three of them preserved MntH function as measured by a disk assay of divalent metal uptake and a fluorescence assay of divalent metal-dependent proton transport, whereas a truncated form lacking transmembrane domain 11 was inactive. These results demonstrate that EcoliA is a type III integral membrane protein with 11 transmembrane domains transporting both divalent metal ions and protons.  相似文献   

Two lines of mice selected to produce maximal (AIRmax) or minimal (AIRmin) acute inflammatory reactions (AIR) differ in their susceptibility to infection by Salmonella enterica serotype Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium). The LD(50) for AIRmax mice is 1000 times higher than that observed for AIRmin mice, and higher frequencies of Slc11a1 alleles (known to confer either resistance (R) or high susceptibility (S) to S. Typhimurium) were consistently found in AIRmax and AIRmin mouse lines, respectively. In order to evaluate the effect of the quantitative trait loci (QTL) segregated in AIRmax and AIRmin mice on Slc11a1 dependent susceptibility to S. Typhimurium, the R and S alleles were fixed in homozygosity in AIRmax and AIRmin backgrounds by genotype assisted breedings. These new lines were named AIRmax(RR), AIRmax(SS), AIRmin(RR), and AIRmin(SS). Acute inflammation of Slc11a1(RR) animals was more severe in comparison to their Slc11a1(SS) counterparts, implicating Slc11a1 (or other linked genes) in AIR regulation. The LD(50) of S. Typhimurium was 800-times higher for AIRmax(SS) than for AIRmin(SS), demonstrating that AIR QTL can act as modifiers of the Slc11a1(SS) susceptibility gene. Four microsatellite markers for S. Typhimurium susceptibility QTL described in other mouse lines showed specific allele fixation in AIRmax or AIRmin mice, suggesting that these chromosomal regions also segregate with inflammatory phenotypes.  相似文献   

The prevalence of canine leishmaniasis infection in an endemic area such as the Mediterranean basin (67%) is higher than the prevalence of the disease (10%), suggesting a role of host genetics related to the outcome of the disease. Because Slc11a1 gene affects susceptibility and clinical outcome of autoimmune and infectious diseases, we analyzed five polymorphisms of the Slc11a1 gene in a case-control study with 97 dogs: three new single nucleotide polymorphisms and a G-stretch in the promoter and a microsatellite in intron 1. Haplotype frequency distributions showed significant differences between case and control populations (P = .01), most likely owing to the single nucleotide polymorphisms in the promoter region that were associated to case dogs. The most frequent haplotypes included TAG-8-141, which was present in all the breeds, in both case and control animals; and TAG-9-145, which was overrepresented in the control population and mostly found in boxer dogs. Within the boxer breed, 81% of the healthy dogs were homozygous TAG-9-145, whereas TAG-8-141 was significantly associated to case boxers (P = .02). The special genotype distribution for the Slc11a1 polymorphism associated with the prevalence of the illness in the boxer breed emphasizes the potential importance that breed genetic background has in canine leishmaniasis susceptibility.  相似文献   

Genes controlling antibacterial resistance may be important in the hygiene hypothesis, which states that lack of bacterial infections during childhood would favor development of allergic disease. We, therefore, studied whether Nramp1 (Slc11a1) alleles, which determine susceptibility (Nramp1(s)) or resistance (Nramp1(r)) to intracellular bacteria, affect the efficacy of heat-killed Mycobacterium vaccae in the treatment of allergic asthma in a mouse model. Treatment of OVA-sensitized Nramp1(s) mice with M. vaccae suppressed airway hyperresponsiveness, airway eosinophilia, Ag-specific IgE, and IL-4 and IL-5 production after OVA aerosol challenge. In contrast, M. vaccae hardly affected these parameters in Nramp1(r) mice. In addition, The Nramp1 gene affected both T cell-mediated responses to M. vaccae in vivo and the level of macrophage activation after stimulation with M. vaccae in vitro. In conclusion, the efficacy of M. vaccae in preventing allergic and asthmatic manifestations in a mouse model is strongly affected by Nramp1 alleles. These findings could have important implications for the future use of mycobacteria and their components in the prevention or treatment of allergic asthma. A new link is described between genes, the environment, and the development of allergy, in which the Nramp1 gene fine tunes the hygiene hypothesis.  相似文献   

Dictyostelium amoebae are professional phagocytes, which ingest bacteria as the principal source of food. We have cloned the Dictyostelium homologue of human natural resistance-associated membrane protein 1 (Nramp1) [solute carrier family 11 member 1 (Slc11a1)], an endo-lysosomal membrane protein that confers on macrophages resistance to infection by a variety of intracellular bacteria and protozoa. The Dictyostelium Nramp1 gene encodes a protein of 53 kDa with 11 putative transmembrane domains. The Nramp1 gene is transcribed during the growth-phase and downregulated to barely detectable levels upon starvation. To gain insights into their intracellular localization, we fused Nramp1 or the vatB subunit of the V-H(+)ATPase with green fluorescent protein and expressed in cells. Green fluorescent protein-vatB was inserted in membranes of all acidic compartments and the contractile vacuole network and decorated macropinosomes and phagosomes. Green fluorescent protein-Nramp1 decorated macropinosomes and phagosomes, in addition to intracellular vesicular compartments positive for endosomal SNARE protein Vti1 or vacuolin, a marker of the exocytic pathway. Nramp1 disruption generated mutants that were more permissive hosts than wild-type cells for intracellular growth of Legionella pneumophila and Micobacterium avium. Nramp1 overexpression protected cells from L. pneumophila infection. Evidence is provided that Nramp1 transports metal cations out of the phagolysosome in an ATP-dependent process and that L. pneumophila and M. avium use different mechanisms to neutralize Nramp1 activity.  相似文献   

The chicken natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (NRAMP1) gene has been mapped by linkage analysis by use of a reference panel to develop the chicken molecular genetic linkage map and by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The chicken homolog of the murine Nramp1 gene was mapped to a linkage group located on Chromosome (Chr) 7q13, which includes three genes (CD28, NDUSF1, and EF1B) that have previously been mapped either to mouse Chr 1 or to human Chr 2q. Physical mapping by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis revealed that NRAMP1 is tightly linked to the villin gene and that the genomic organization (gene order and presence of CpG islands) of the chromosomal region carrying NRAMP1 is well conserved between the chicken and mammalian genomes. The regions on mouse Chr 1, human Chr 2q, and chicken Chr 7q that encompass NRAMP1 represent large conserved chromosomal segments between the mammalian and avian genomes. The chromosome mapping of the chicken NRAMP1 gene is a first step in determining its possible role in differential susceptibility to salmonellosis in this species.  相似文献   

Over 20 years ago it was recognised that murine susceptibility to several antigenically unrelated pathogens was influenced by a host genetic factor. Linkage studies suggested that Lsh, Ity, and Bcg, the leishmania-, salmonella-, and mycobacteria-susceptibility genes, may be one gene, located on mouse chromosome 1. A reverse genetics strategy identified a candidate gene, Nramp1, which was expressed only in reticuloendothelial cells. A single nonconservative amino acid substitution was found to correlate with the susceptibility genotype in 27 inbred mouse strains. The production of an Nramp1 gene-disrupted mouse and a transgenic mouse, which restored the resistance genotype, conclusively proved that Nramp1 is the Bcg/Lsh/Ity gene. The Nramp family includes genes expressed in both prokaryotic and eukaryotic species. These genes have provided clues to the possible function of Nramp1. The ubiquitously expressed gene Nramp2 is an Fe(2+) transporter and a mutation in this gene causes microcytic anaemia in mice and rats. The functions of Nramp1 and its human homologue, NRAMP1, remain unknown, though it is hypothesised that they may regulate the intraphagosomal concentration of Fe(2+) and/or other cations. The identification of polymorphisms in the human NRAMP1 gene has facilitated studies on the relevance of this gene to human mycobacterial susceptibility. NRAMP1 variant alleles are strongly associated with tuberculosis, indicating that this is an important mycobacterial-susceptibility gene in humans and confirming the usefulness of this mouse model in the study of human infectious disease susceptibility.  相似文献   

The natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (NRAMP1) was mapped in the pig for study as a potential candidate gene in controlling pig resistance to Salmonella infection. Primers were designed from the pig cDNA to amplify a 1·6 kb fragment between exons 1 and 3. By using a pig-rodent somatic cell hybrid panel, NRAMP1 was mapped to pig chromosome 15 (SSC15) with 100% probability, and the regional assignment was SSC15q23-26 with 87% concordance. A polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) marker was developed by using the Hinf I enzyme and three alleles were identified from a population including 11 breeds. Linkage analysis confirmed the physical assignment by using the PiGMaP reference families. Pig NRAMP1 was linked to SSC15 markers S0088, S0149 and S0284 (LOD > 3). A small population study revealed large allele frequency differences among tested breeds. An A allele is only observed in dam (white) lines whereas a similar exclusivity of the C allele was seen in sire (colored) breeds.  相似文献   

Mycobacteriosis in Chesapeake Bay (USA) striped bass Morone saxatilis is an ongoing disease problem with important economic implications for a large commercial and recreational fishery. Additionally, striped bass serve as a reservoir of potential mycobacterial zoonoses. Recently, we described a striped bass gene homolog of the natural resistance-associated macrophage protein family (MsNramp), which is responsible for resistance to mycobacterial infections in mice. Striped bass MsNramp is strongly induced in peritoneal exudate cells (PE) in vivo after intraperitoneal injection with Mycobacterium spp. The purpose of the present study was to investigate short-term in vitro MsNramp expression and reactive oxygen intermediate (ROI) production in primary cultures of adherent PE after exposure to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), or live- or heat-killed (HK) Mycobacterium marinum. PE expressed significantly higher levels of MsNramp at 4 and 24 h post-treatment with live and HK M. marinum. MsNramp response to LPS was dose-dependent in these cells, with maximum expression at 4 h and 20 microg/ml LPS. Treatment of PE with LPS resulted in increased intracellular superoxide anion levels, whereas treatment with live M. marinum caused a significant depression. This study is the first report of induction of a teleost Nramp in vitro by mycobacteria, and supports findings of teleost Nramp induction by LPS.  相似文献   

Acute and chronic inflammation cause many changes in total body iron metabolism including the sequestration of iron in phagocytic cells of the reticuloendothelial system. This change in iron metabolism contributes to the development of the anemia of inflammation. MTP1, the duodenal enterocyte basolateral iron exporter, is also expressed in the cells of the reticuloendothelial system (RES) and is likely to be involved in iron recycling of these cells. In this study, we use a lipopolysaccharide model of the acute inflammation in the mouse and demonstrate that MTP1 expression in RES cells of the spleen, liver, and bone marrow is down-regulated by inflammation. The down-regulation of splenic expression of MTP1 by inflammation was also observed in a Leishmania donovani model of chronic infection. The response of MTP1 to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) requires signaling through the LPS receptor, Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4). In mice lacking TLR4, MTP1 expression is not altered in response to LPS. In addition, mice lacking tumor necrosis factor-receptor 1a respond appropriately to LPS with down-regulation of MTP1, despite hyporesponsiveness to tumor necrosis factor-alpha signaling, suggesting that this cytokine may not be required for the LPS effect. We hypothesize that the iron sequestration in the RES system that accompanies inflammation is because of down-regulation of MTP1.  相似文献   

In macrophages, Nramp1 (Slc11a1) is expressed in lysosomes and restricts replication of intracellular pathogens by removing divalent metals (Mn2+ and Fe2+) from the phagolysosome. Nramp2 (DMT1, Slc11a2) is expressed both at the duodenal brush border where it mediates uptake of dietary iron and ubiquitously at the plasma membrane/recycling endosomes of many cell types where it transports transferrin-associated iron across the endosomal membrane. In Nramp2, a carboxyl-terminal cytoplasmic motif ((555)YLLNT(559)) is critical for internalization and recycling of the transporter from the plasma membrane. Here we studied the subcellular trafficking properties of Nramp1 and investigated the cis-acting sequences responsible for targeting to lysosomes. For this, we constructed and studied Nramp1/Nramp2 chimeric proteins where homologous domains of each protein were exchanged. Chimeras exchanging the amino-(upstream TM1) and carboxyl-terminal (downstream TM12) cytoplasmic segments of both transporters were stably expressed in porcine LLC-PK1 kidney cells and were studied with respect to expression, maturation, stability, cell surface targeting, transport activity, and subcellular localization. An Nramp2 isoform II chimera bearing the amino terminus of Nramp1 was not expressed at the cell surface but was targeted to lysosomes. This lysosomal targeting was abolished by single alanine substitutions at Tyr15 and Ile18 of a (15)YGSI(18) motif present in the amino terminus of Nramp1. These results identify YGSI as a tyrosine-based sorting signal responsible for lysosomal targeting of Nramp1.  相似文献   

Nramp1 (natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1) is a phagosomal iron transport molecule. In addition to its anti-microbial activity, Nramp1 exerts a wide range of pleiotropic effects, including increased stability of Nramp1 mRNA and a variety of other mRNA species. Previously, we showed that the increased stability of Nramp1 mRNA is regulated by an oxidant-generated signaling pathway that requires PKC. In the current study, we show that inhibition of ERK1,2 and p38 MAP kinase activities decreases Nramp1 mRNA stability in Mycobacterium avium infected RAW264.7 cells expressing Nramp1(Gly169) but not in RAW264.7-Nramp1(Asp169) cells. Phosphorylation of ERK1,2 and p38 MAP kinases, which could be inhibited by the anti-oxidant BHA and a protein kinase C inhibitor, was higher in M. avium infected RAW264.7-Nramp1(Gly169) cells than in RAW26.47-Nramp1(Asp169) cells. These results suggest that generation of oxidants by Nramp1 iron transport activates MAP kinase signaling cascades that result in stabilization of Nramp1 mRNA.  相似文献   

Predicting resistance or susceptibility to infectious diseases on the basis of the genotypes of animals regarding disease or immune related genes could be important in animal production. We evaluated the potential influence of the genetic polymorphisms of four immune related genes, porcine beta defensin 4, interferon-induced GTP-binding protein Mx1, natural resistance-associated macrophage protein 1 (Nramp1), and Toll-like receptor 2 (TLR2) on post-weaning piglet survivability in farms. We selected a single SNP that satisfied the criteria of non-synonymous substitutions and the minor allele frequency >0.1 from each gene, and performed PCR–RFLP. Distributions of allele and genotype frequencies of the SNPs were, in general, significantly different among the five breeds (Berkshire, Yorkshire, Duroc, Landrace, and Korean native pigs. Initially, 371 randomly collected Yorkshire × Landrace F1 piglets consisting of post-weaning survival (n = 185) and non-survival groups (n = 186) were genotyped for the selected SNPs. For the Nramp1 and TLR2 SNPs, genotype frequencies were significantly different between the two groups (P < 0.05). To confirm the results, additional animals that were collected in a different time-period were genotyped for the Nramp1 (n = 390) and TLR2 (n = 240) SNPs. The results using the combined samples (n = 761) were consistent with the initial analysis (P < 0.01), suggesting that the genetic polymorphisms of Nramp1 and TLR2 affect post-weaning piglet survivability. The relative risks, i.e. odds ratios, between the beneficial and non-beneficial genotypes to piglet survivability were 4.88 and 29.65 for the Nramp1 and TLR2 SNPs, respectively.  相似文献   

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