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山东南部景观生态对策研究   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:8  
在对山东南部气候、地貌、土壤、植被等景观生态要素研究的基础上,以地貌和基质为基本线索、以植被为标志建立了该地区的景观生态分类系统.该系统为二级分类系统,包括7个景观型、17个景观亚型,其中,景观型根据植被(植被型或栽培植被型)划分,景观亚型根据地貌、植被(群系组或栽培组合)划分.以景观亚型或景观亚型的组合为基本单位,以1∶100万土壤图为基础底图,参考多种比例尺的卫星照片、植被图、土地利用图、地貌图等,编制了山东南部1∶100万景观生态类型图;在景观生态类型图上量算了各景观亚型的面积.据此详细分析了山东南部稀疏植被景观、常绿针叶林景观、落叶阔叶林景观、旱地作物景观、水旱轮作景观、湖泊景观等主要景观型的生态问题,提出了相应的生态对策  相似文献   

淮河下游地区景观生态对策研究阎传海宋永昌(徐州师范大学地理系,徐州221009)(华东师范大学环境科学系,上海200062)StudyoftheEcologicalStrategiesoftheLandscapeintheLowerHuaiheVal...  相似文献   

The biomass structure and the contents of (ABA) and cytokinins (zeatin plus zeatin riboside) were studied in flowering plants of ten herbaceous species of the Middle Urals representing stress-tolerant (S) and ruderal (R) ecological strategies. The plants, which explicitly manifested S- and R-strategies, differed in ABA and cytokinin concentrations and phytohormone partitioning in particular organs. Higher ABA accumulation in the leaves and especially in the reproductive organs (here the ABA concentration exceeded by several times that of cytokinins) was characteristic of the R-plants as compared to the S-plants. In addition, the R-plants manifested higher cytokinin contents in the roots, whereas, in the S-plants, cytokinins dominated in the leaves and the reproductive organs (in the latter, the content of cytokinins exceeded that of ABA). The diverse hormonal status of the R- and S-species is discussed in relation to the patterns of plant growth and development and the photosynthate transport and partitioning characteristic of two ecological strategies. The authors conclude that plant ability to maintain the typical hormonal balance is instrumental in acquiring specific ecological strategies.  相似文献   

以往研究流域开发战略问题,多从流域内资源的开发利用方面考虑,而衡量其方案的优劣也多以经济效益的大小为准绳。现在,环境污染与生态危机已威胁着人类的生存与发展,因此在研究流域战略问题时,必须开拓思路,  相似文献   

The leaf construction cost, i.e., the energy expenditure required for the production of plant biomass (CC, g glucose/g dry biomass), is considered to be a major determinant of species success in various habitats. Nitrogen, carbon, and mineral contents in leaves were used to measure leaf CC. The aboveground biomass was sampled from the most abundant plant species (Poa pratensis L., Lolium perenne L., Festuca valida (Uechtr.) Penzes, Trifolium repens L., Taraxacum officinale Weber ex Wigg, Plantago lanceolata L., and Achillea millefolium L.) during the 1997 growing season in an upland grassland dominated by C3 species. Soil samplings were performed in parallel with leaf samplings in order to determine soil inorganic nitrogen. T. repens leaves had the highest nitrogen concentration; grasses had the highest carbon content, while the highest mineral content was observed in the leaves of the forb species. The highest leaf CC was calculated for the legume T. repens followed by the grass F. valida. The grass L. perenne had the cheapest leaves, since it had the lowest CC. A positive correlation between leaf CC and soil inorganic nitrogen was evident for grasses (P. pratensis, L. perenne, F. valida) and P. lanceolata.  相似文献   

The boreal forest is the largest terrestrial biome in North America and holds a large portion of the world’s reactive soil carbon. Therefore, understanding soil carbon accumulation on a landscape or regional scale across the boreal forest is useful for predicting future soil carbon storage. Here, we examined the relationship between floristic composition and ecosystem parameters, such as soil carbon pools, the carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio of live black spruce needles, and normalized basal area increment (NBAI) of trees in black spruce communities, the most widespread forest type in the boreal forest of Alaska. Variability in ecosystem properties among black spruce stands was as large as that which had previously been documented among all forest types in the central interior of Alaska; we found an eightfold range in NBAI and fivefold range in mineral soil carbon and nitrogen pools. Acidic black spruce communities had significantly more carbon in the organic soil horizon than did nonacidic black spruce communities, but did not differ in any other measured ecosystem parameter. We explained 48% of the variation in total soil carbon with a combination of plant community indices and abiotic and biotic factors. Plant community composition was at least as effective as any single environmental factor or stand characteristic in predicting soil C pools in Alaskan black spruce ecosystems. We conclude that among the community properties analyzed, the presence of key groups of species, overall species composition, and diversity of certain functional types, especially Sphagnum moss species, are important predictors of soil carbon sequestration in the black spruce forest type.  相似文献   

气候变暖和大气氮沉降增加会改变北方泥炭地的养分状态,从而影响其植被的物种组成和固碳功能。酚类物质是植物用于 防御植食性动物和适应环境的次生代谢产物,由于其具有抗分解的特性,在调节泥炭地碳动态方面也起着重要的作用。然而,北方 泥炭地不同功能型植物的酚含量及其如何随氮有效性变化尚不清楚。本论文通过测定中国东北大兴安岭地区18个泥炭地共11 种植物的叶片总酚含量(Total Phenols Contents, TPC),研究了它们随叶片氮、磷含量的变化关系,并探讨了其潜在机制。结果表明,灌木叶片TPC高于草本植物,说明生长较快且无菌根的草本植物比生长较慢且具有菌根的灌木对防御的碳投入较少。灌木叶片TPC随叶片氮含量增 加而降低,表明其防御碳投入随氮有效性增加而减少。相反,草本植物叶片TPC随氮含量增加而增加,随磷含量增加而减少,由于草本植物相对于灌木具有较强的氮限制和较弱的磷限制,草本植物防御碳投入可能随养分有效性增加而增加。我们的结果表明,泥炭地在氮有效性随气候变暖和氮沉降增加而增加的背景下,灌木将投入相对较多的碳用于生长而非防御,而草本植物则与之相反。这些发现将有助于对北方泥炭地灌木入侵及其资源竞争机制的理解。  相似文献   

福建沿海地区的景观生态建设途径探讨   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
景观生态学研究景观和区域尺度的资源、环境经营与管理问题 ,具有综合整体性和宏观区域性特色 ,并以中尺度的景观结构与生态过程关系研究见长[8] 。自 2 0世纪 80年代后期 ,景观生态学逐渐成为资源、环境生态方面研究的一个热点。福建沿海地区是指北从福鼎县南至诏安县的广大沿海县、市 ,行政上包括 33个县市行政单位。该区域是福建省经济最为活跃 ,发展速度最快的地区 ,近 2 0年来经济年均增长率达 18% ,随着经济的发展 ,带来了一系列的环境问题 :城市生活污水、生活垃圾、工业废料和农业化肥等都成为福建省沿海地区严重的污染源。如何协调…  相似文献   

论我国城市园林公墓的生态建设   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论我国城市园林公墓的生态建设周鸿杨一光(云南大学生物系,昆明650091)OnEcologicalConstructionoftheUrbanGardenCemeteriesinChina.ZhouHong,YangYiguang(Departmen...  相似文献   

广东省生态农业建设及其发展对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了广东生态农业的产生和发展的背景及生态农业建设的基本情况,并着重对目前广东省生态农业建设的9种主要模式及其经济和生态效益以及存在问题进行了较详细的分析,在此基础上提出了广东生态农业发展的主要对策。  相似文献   

介绍了广东生态农业的产生和发展的背景及生态农业建设的基本情况,并着重对目前广东省生态农业建设的9种主要模式及其经济和生态效益以及存在的问题进行了较详细的分析,在此基础上提出了广东生态农业发展的主要对策。  相似文献   

无公害蔬菜生产的关键是在产品质量安全的同时 ,谋求其最大输出量 ,而质量与产量的保证基础是基地建设 ,只有合格的基地才能生产出合格的无公害蔬菜[4 ] 。现有的无公害蔬菜基地大多处于生态保护较好、环境质量较优的偏远地区。对于地处城郊结合部的蔬菜产地 ,一方面受到城市污染的潜在威胁 ,另一方面其生态结构又呈简单化趋势 ,能否保证无公害蔬菜的产量和质量 ,是无公害蔬菜生产中一个值得研究的课题。本文根据重庆市现有蔬菜基地情况 ,选择近郊区槽上基地的部分区域 ,进行调查、分析、试验、规划等 ,探讨建立城郊可持续性的无公害蔬菜基…  相似文献   

为研究三峡水库消落带优势植物的养分利用特征及其对生境的适应策略,选择消落带分布最多的4种草本植物为研究对象,分析了植物根、茎、叶的碳(C)、氮(N)、磷(P)、钾(K)含量和化学计量比特征。结果表明:(1)相比陆地系统和自然湿地系统,消落带植物具有较低的C含量和较高的N、P、K含量,C/N、C/P、C/K均较低,表明植物具有低固碳和高养分积累、低养分利用效率和高生长速率的特征;(2)4种植物的养分含量和计量比存在一定差异,其中狗牙根具有较低的N、P、K含量和较高的C/N、C/P、C/K,且变异系数均低于其他3种植物,其低养分需求、高养分利用效率以及较强的内稳性可能是其在库区分布最广的重要机制;(3)4种植物在不同器官的养分分配策略相似,均表现为叶片C含量低于根和茎,而N、P、K含量则显著高于根、茎;同时,与根、茎相比,叶片C/N、C/P、C/K较低,N/P、N/K较高,且在不同生境条件下变异系数较小,表现出相对较高的稳定性;(4)落消带植物的养分含量及计量比从全库区上游至下游的空间变异性较强,其中N、C/N、N/P变异性较大,而C、P、K变异性较小,表明植物N含量受生境变化的影响较大,...  相似文献   

Several anthropogenic and natural sources are considered as the primary sources of toxic metals in the environment. The current study investigates the level of heavy metals contamination in the flora associated with serpentine soil along the Mafic and Ultramafic rocks northern-Pakistan. Soil and wild native plant species were collected from chromites mining affected areas and analyzed for heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Fe, Mn, Co, Cu and Zn) using atomic absorption spectrometer (AAS-PEA-700). The heavy metal concentrations were significantly (p < 0.01) higher in mine affected soil as compared to reference soil, however Cr and Ni exceeded maximum allowable limit (250 and 60 mg kg?1, respectively) set by SEPA for soil. Inter-metal correlations between soil, roots and shoots showed that the sources of contamination of heavy metals were mainly associated with chromites mining. All the plant species accumulated significantly higher concentrations of heavy metals as compared to reference plant. The open dumping of mine wastes can create serious problems (food crops and drinking water contamination with heavy metals) for local community of the study area. The native wild plant species (Nepeta cataria, Impatiens bicolor royle, Tegetis minuta) growing on mining affected sites may be used for soil reclamation contaminated with heavy metals.  相似文献   

植物作为自然界生态系统的重要组成部分,其多样性的保护与发展是人类可持续发展的物质基础之一,对维护生态环境的平衡与稳定具有重要意义,也是当今中国生态园林城市建设的重要内容。以上海滨江森林公园一期工程为例,通过总结建设过程中自然生境的恢复与重建、现状植物保护和开发的经验,探索郊野公园设计建造中植物多样性保护的有效措施,为今后城市郊野公园的建设和原有绿地的绿化改造等提供参考借鉴。  相似文献   

为探究木兰科(Magnoliaceae)常绿与落叶物种叶片构建的生理生态策略,选取黄山木兰(Yulaniacylindrica)、玉兰(Y.denudata)和鸡公山玉兰(Y. jigongshanensis) 3种落叶物种,以及荷花玉兰(Magnolia grandiflora)、含笑花(Michelia figo)、石碌含笑(M. shiluensis) 3种常绿物种,对其叶片构建成本和叶片寿命相关的性状进行比较。结果表明,木兰科3落叶种的单位叶片面积成本(CCarea)显著低于3常绿种,但落叶和常绿物种的叶片质量成本(CCmass)差异不显著。落叶物种的叶氮、磷含量(Nmass,Pmass)和比叶面积(SLA)均显著高于常绿物种,而叶片寿命(LLS)显著低于常绿物种。CCarea与LLS呈显著正相关,Nmass、Pmass和SLA均与LLS呈显著负相关。这说明木兰科玉兰属落叶物种单位面积叶片构建成本小于常绿物种;落叶物种叶片寿命短,但采取低成本构建策略,提高比叶面积获得更多光资源,增加营养积累,也揭示了玉兰属落叶物种适应北亚热带较短的生长季和较低水热条件的生理生态策略。  相似文献   

Exotic species have become increasingly significant management problems in parks and reserves and frequently complicate restoration projects. At the same time there may be circumstances in which their removal may have unforeseen negative consequences or their use in restoration is desirable. We review the types of effects exotic species may have that are important during restoration and suggest research that could increase our ability to set realistic management goals. Their control and use may be controversial; therefore we advocate consideration of exotic species in the greater context of community structure and succession and emphasize areas where ecological research could bring insight to management dilemmas surrounding exotic species and restoration. For example, an understanding of the potential transience of exotics in a site and the role particular exotics might play in changing processes that influence the course of succession is essential to setting removal priorities and realistic management goals. Likewise, a greater understanding of the ecological role of introduced species might help to reduce controversy surrounding their purposeful use in restoration. Here we link generalizations emerging from the invasion ecology literature with practical restoration concerns, including circumstances when it is practical to use exotic species in restoration.  相似文献   

程莅登  袁兴中  孙阔  唐婷  袁嘉 《生态学报》2024,44(11):4795-4807
植物功能性状能表征其对资源的利用能力和对外界环境的响应,而水淹强度的不同使得三峡库区消落带不同高程的生境存在较大差异,因此开展不同水淹梯度下消落带植物群落生态策略及功能性状差异的研究,对全面理解植物对消落带不同生境的适应机理具有重要意义。研究选取受三峡水库水位变化影响的澎溪河流域,沿高程梯度对不同水淹强度下的植物群落及其功能性状指标进行分析。结果表明:(1)消落带植物群落处于演替的初级阶段,不同水淹梯度下的植物群落存在显著分化;(2)环境胁迫是决定消落带植物生态策略的主要因素,总体呈现较为集中的耐压策略,随着高程升高有逐渐向杂草策略转移的趋势;(3)随着高程升高,植物的高度、主茎干物质量、比根长及叶组织密度都有增大的趋势,比叶面积则相反。(4)各功能性状之间存在显著相关性,并通过形成不同的性状组合以适应不同强度水淹干扰的生境。消落带下部更倾向于投资于叶片使植物在出露期能快速获取资源和完成生活史,而消落带上部则更倾向于投资防御组织及根系以抵御干旱,研究结果可为消落带生物多样性保护及其生态系统修复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

探索生态建设路子促进经济社会发展陆琪黄远昌(江苏省大丰市人民政府研究室,224100)ExploretheWayofEcologicalConstruction,PromoteSocialandEconomicDevelopment.LuQi,Hua...  相似文献   

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