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Chlorella protothecoides中国品系(C品系)与美国品系(A品系)在自养培养基中生长正常。在高浓度葡萄糖、低浓度有机氮的异养生长条件下,C品系仍为绿色,细胞生长与繁殖缓慢,指数期生长速率降低,细胞内腺苷酸能荷值(AEC)下降,但细胞仍保留叶绿素;A品系细胞转变成乳黄色,细胞生长与繁殖加快,指数期生长速率是自养细胞的2倍,细胞内腺苷酸能荷值仍保持高水平,向异养条件转换后约24h,细胞内叶绿素基本消失,重新向自养条件转换后细胞内叶绿素又逐渐恢复。AEC值是判别微藻在异养条件下能量代谢与生理状态的良好指标。同一种小球藻不同品系间的上述差异可能与细胞内基因调控的差异相关联。  相似文献   

Raab TK  Terry N 《Plant physiology》1994,105(4):1159-1166
A chimeric gene containing the patatin promoter and the transit-peptide region of the small-subunit carboxylase gene was utilized to direct expression of Escherichia coli glycogen synthase (glgA) to potato (Solanum tuberosum) tuber amyloplasts. Expression of the glgA gene product in tuber amyloplasts was between 0.007 and 0.028% of total protein in independent potato lines as determined by immunoblot analysis. Tubers from four transgenic potato lines were found to have a lowered specific gravity, a 30 to 50% reduction in the percentage of starch, and a decreased amylose/amylopectin ratio. Total soluble sugar content in these selected lines was increased by approximately 80%. Analysis of the starch from these potato lines also indicated a reduced phosphorous content. A very high degree of branching of the amylopectin fraction was detected by comparison of high and low molecular weight carbohydrate chains after debranching with isoamylase and corresponding high-performance liquid chromatography analysis of the products. Brabender viscoamylograph analysis and differential scanning calorimetry of the starches obtained from these transgenic potato lines also indicate a composition and structure much different from typical potato starch. Brabender analysis yielded very low stable paste viscosity values (about 30% of control values), whereas differential scanning calorimetry values indicated reduced enthalpy and gelatinization properties. The above parameters indicate a novel potato starch based on expression of the glgA E. coli gene product in transgenic potato.  相似文献   

The fast growing unicellular green microalgae Chlorella protothecoides has attracted interest as a promising organism for commercial production of a high-value carotenoid, lutein, by heterotrophic fermentation. Effects of two oxidant-forming reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the biomass concen-tration, and yield and content of lutein in batch culture of heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides were investigated in this study. The addition of 0.1 mmol/L H2O2 and 0.01 mmol/L NaClO plus 0.5 mmol/L Fe2 to the culture led to the generation of ·OH and enhanced the lutein content from 1.75 to 1.90 and 1.95 mg/g, respectively. The lutein content further increased to 1.98 mg/g when 0.01 mmol/L H2O2 and 0.5 mmol/L NaClO were added to generate 1O2. The maximum yield of lutein (28.5, 29.8 and 31.4 mg/L) and a high biomass concentration (15.0, 15.3 and 15.9 g/L) were also achieved through the above treatments. The results indicated that 1O2 could promote lutein formation and enhance lutein production in hetero-trophic Chlorella protothecoides. Moreover, 1O2 produced from the reaction of H2O2 and NaClO was more effective in enhancing lutein production and reducing biomass loss than ·OH from the reaction of H2O2 or NaClO plus Fe2 .  相似文献   

The fast growing unicellular green microalgae Chlorella protothecoides has attracted interest as a promising organism for commercial production of a high-value carotenoid, lutein, by heterotrophic fermentation. Effects of two oxidant-forming reactive oxygen species (ROS) on the biomass concentration, and yield and content of lutein in batch culture of heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides were investigated in this study. The addition of 0.1 mmol/L H2O2 and 0.01 mmol/L NaClO plus 0.5 mmol/L Fe2+ to the culture led to the generation of ·OH and enhanced the lutein content from 1.75 to 1.90 and 1.95 mg/g, respectively. The lutein content further increased to 1.98 mg/g when 0.01 mmol/L H2O2 and 0.5 mmol/L NaClO were added to generate 1O2. The maximum yield of lutein (28.5, 29.8 and 31.4 mg/L) and a high biomass concentration (15.0, 15.3 and 15.9 g/L) were also achieved through the above treatments. The results indicated that 1O2 could promote lutein formation and enhance lutein production in heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides. Moreover, 1O2 produced from the reaction of H2O2 and NaClO was more effective in enhancing lutein production and reducing biomass loss than ·OH from the reaction of H2O2 or NaClO plus Fe2+. Supported by the National Key Project of Sci & Tech Supporting Programs Funded by Ministry of Science & Technology of China (Grant No. 2006BAD27B03), Sci & Tech Project of Guangzhou (Grant No. 2005Z3-E0331) and Sci & Tech Project of Guangdong (Grant No. 20052050166)  相似文献   

Xu H  Miao X  Wu Q 《Journal of biotechnology》2006,126(4):499-507
The aim of the study was to obtain high quality biodiesel production from a microalga Chlorella protothecoids through the technology of transesterification. The technique of metabolic controlling through heterotrophic growth of C. protothecoides was applied, and the heterotrophic C. protothecoides contained the crude lipid content of 55.2%. To increase the biomass and reduce the cost of alga, corn powder hydrolysate instead of glucose was used as organic carbon source in heterotrophic culture medium in fermenters. The result showed that cell density significantly increased under the heterotrophic condition, and the highest cell concentration reached 15.5 g L(-1). Large amount of microalgal oil was efficiently extracted from the heterotrophic cells by using n-hexane, and then transmuted into biodiesel by acidic transesterification. The biodiesel was characterized by a high heating value of 41 MJ kg(-1), a density of 0.864 kg L(-1), and a viscosity of 5.2 x 10(-4) Pa s (at 40 degrees C). The method has great potential in the industrial production of liquid fuel from microalga.  相似文献   

Plant growth, leaf protein and chlorophyll content, and chloroplastultrastructure as affected by nitrogen (N) were examined infour rice (Oryza sativa L.) cultivars grown in culture solutionunder controlled conditions. Increasing N concentration generallyincreased height and shoot dry weight of all cultivars. Cultivardifferences were significant at normal N level (40 ppm). Amongcultivars, IR8 was most responsive to increasing N, having thesignificantly highest shoot dry weight and protein content.Total chlorophyll and protein contents varied with cultivarand N, but chlorophyll a/b ratio remained constant. At the ultrastructurallevel, chloroplasts had generally well-developed grana and stromalamellae at 40 ppm.N. Chloroplasts at high N had from one tofour times as many grana as the N-deficient chloroplasts. Nitrogendeficiency reduced the size of the chloroplast, grana-stromalamellae and resulted in fewer poorly stacked grana. Increasingthe N level (120 ppm) above the normal level did not significantlyaffect chloroplast size of any cultivar, except for IR8 whichhad the largest chloroplast. A reduction in the number of starchgrains was observed in IR8, but more were present in ER36 underN-deficient conditions. The size of starch grains was not affectedby N and did not differ among cultivars. Plastoglobuli appearedto be larger under N-deficient conditions. Nitrogen had no effecton the number of plastoglobuli but cultivar differences existed.The highly N-responsive IR8 (based on dry weight) had the largestchloroplast which increased with N level. The increase in chloroplastsize accounted for the increase in both chlorophyll and proteincontents and, consequently, dry weight. Key words: Oryza sativa L., chloroplast, chlorophyll, protein  相似文献   

A method is described to achieve density labeling of proteins in unicellular algae by using 13CO2. This is a satisfactory procedure especially for work on nitrogen metabolism. The increase in activity of glutamine synthetase (EC and glutamate synthase (EC in Chlorella sorokiniana mediated by a dark/light shift and by nitrogen starvation were investigated. Using the method of density labeling and isopycnic centrifugation, we demonstrated that the increase in enzyme activity after a dark/light shift is based on activation rather than de novo synthesis. The increase in enzyme activity after transfer to nitrogen-deficient medium is based both on activation and de novo synthesis.  相似文献   

Both autotrophically and heterotrophically grown Chlorella protothecoides cells have been obtained in cell cultures. The content of liposoluble compounds in the cells of heterotrophic algae occupied 72% of the total cells in dry weight, which was more than 4 times as high as that in the autotrophic algal cells. There existed remarkbly different distribution patterns of the hydrocarbons in thesetwo kinds of cells. The hydrocarbons in autotrophic cells were characterised by the predominance of C17 normal alkanes, wheraes the heterotrophic cells were rich in normal alkanes of higher molecular weight or longer carbon chain with C25 as the dominant carbon. The structure of the compounds in benzene fraction is not quite clear, but the compounds in autotrophis sample may be related to the degeneration of the pigments. The compounds in heterotrophic sample probably come from lipid acids. The visible--ultraviolet absorption spectrum of the pigment compounds demonstrated the absorption peaks of the acetone extract from the autotrophic cells at 432.5, 451.5, 472.5 and 661.5 nm, reflecting the existence of chlorophyll and carotenoid, both with a rather high concentration. However, the acetone extract from the hetertrophic algal cells only showed absorption peaks at 427.4, 450.8 and 477.5 nm. The absorption peaks of the original green cells completely disappeared at 432.5 and 661.5 nm, reflecting the disappearance of chlorophyll in cells on the whole; the remaining absorption peaks only reflected the existence of carotenoid, but its concentration had already been greatly reduced. The resuls from comparative experiments were of essential significance on the study of physiological metabolism in heterotrophically grown C. protothecoides and on the exploration and application of the lipid compounds in this kind of algae.  相似文献   

Chlorella protothecoides, a lutein-producing microalga, was grown aerobically in a mineral medium prepared with 70% (v/v) deuterated water. HPLC/atmospheric pressure chemical ionization-mass spectrometry (HPLC/APCI-MS) analysis revealed 58% replacement of hydrogen by deuterium atoms as indicated by the molecular mass cluster at around m/z 599. The rapidly growing microalga had much higher levels (58%) of deuterium substitution relative to previously reported (9–15%) natural sources of lutein.  相似文献   

不同营养条件下原始小球藻对蒽的富集和降解研究   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
研究了自养与异养条件下原始小球藻对蒽的降解和富集能力 .结果表明 ,自养条件下 ,浓度为1 0mg·L-1的蒽有 48.18%被降解 ,其中 2 8.81%属于自然光降解 ,仅有 19.37%被原始小球藻降解 .而异养条件下的原始小球藻对浓度为 2 .5mg·L-1的蒽降解率达到 33.5 3%,说明异养原始小球藻不仅能耐受高浓度蒽 ,而且表现出比自养原始小球藻更强的蒽降解能力 .两种条件下 ,80 %以上残留的蒽都被富集到藻细胞中 .虽然自养条件下原始小球藻对蒽的生物富集系数达 90 6 4,远大于异养条件下的生物富集系数(1899) ,但异养条件下藻对蒽的绝对富集量 (2 0 2 .2 9μg)远远高于自养条件下的 6 9.6 87μg .  相似文献   

During the production of biodiesel, a significant amount of glycerol is generated which currently has little commercial value. A study on the growth and lipid production of Chlorella protothecoides using glycerol as the carbon source was performed to demonstrate the utility of recycling crude glycerol created during biodiesel production. Glycerol was examined as both the sole carbon source and in combination with glucose. Algae cultures grown on only glycerol in shake flasks showed a specific growth rate and final lipid yield of 0.1/h and 0.31 g lipid/g substrate, respectively. The values were similar to those observed on pure glucose, 0.096/h and 0.24 g lipid/g substrate. When the media contained a mixture of glycerol and glucose, simultaneous uptake of the two substrates was observed. Due to the difference in rates of lipid storage, lipid production was 0.077 g lipid/(l h) during growth on glycerol, while growth on glucose had a productivity of 0.096 g lipid/(l h). During growth on the 9:1 mixture of both glucose and glycerol, lipid productivity was 0.098 g lipid/(l h). In order to simulate the use of waste glycerol from biodiesel production the experiments were repeated and similar growth rates, yields, and lipid productivities were achieved. Therefore, we have demonstrated the promise for simultaneous high growth rates and lipid yields of C. protothecoides heterotrophically grown on mixtures of glycerol.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrate, ammonium, and urea as nitrogen sources on the heterotrophic growth of Chlorella protothecoides were investigated using flask cultures. No appreciable inhibitory effect on the algal growth was observed over a nitrogen concentration range of 0.85-1.7 g l(-)(1). In contrast, differences in specific growth rate and biomass production were found among the cultures with the various nitrogen compounds. The influence of different nitrogen sources at a concentration equivalent to 1.7 g l(-)(1) nitrogen on the heterotrophic production of biomass and lutein by C. protothecoides was investigated using the culture medium containing 40 g l(-)(1) glucose as the sole carbon and energy source in fermentors. The maximum biomass concentrations in the three cultures with nitrate, ammonium, and urea were 18.4, 18.9, and 19.6 g l(-)(1) dry cells, respectively. The maximum lutein yields in these cultures were between 68.42 and 83.81 mg l(-)(1). The highest yields of both biomass and lutein were achieved in the culture with urea. It was therefore concluded that urea was the best nitrogen source for the production of biomass and lutein. Based on the experimental results, a group of kinetic models describing cell growth, lutein production, and glucose and nitrogen consumption were proposed and a satisfactory fit was found between the experimental results and predicted values. Dynamic analysis of models demonstrated that enhancing initial nitrogen concentration in fermentor cultures, which correspondingly enhances cell growth and lutein formation, may shorten the fermentation cycle by 25-46%.  相似文献   

《Process Biochemistry》1999,34(4):341-347
The influence of initial glucose concentrations on the production of biomass and lutein by Chlorella protothecoides CS-41 was investigated in batch cultures using both shake flasks and fermentors. The maximum biomass concentration increased from 4·9 to 31·2 g litre−1 dry cells with an increase in initial glucose concentration from 10 to 80 g litre−1. An even higher initial glucose concentration (100 g litre−1) resulted in a lower biomass concentration, a lower specific growth rate, a lower growth yield coefficient and a considerably longer lag phase, which might be due to substrate inhibition. The initial glucose level also had a significant effect on the production of lutein. In a 3·7-litre fermentor an increase in lutein production from 19·39 to 76·56 mg litre−1 was obtained with an increase in initial glucose concentration from 10 to 40 g litre−1, within which range, lutein yield coefficient was constant (YItn=1·90±0·02 mg g−1). A simple substrate inhibition model was developed, which fitted the experimental data better than the classical Haldane model. A group of time-dependent kinetic models for algal cultivation in fermentors were also constructed, which were in good agreement with the experimental results and could be employed to predict the production of biomass and lutein, and the consumption of glucose in fermentor cultures.  相似文献   

The green microalga Chlorella protothecoides was grown heterotrophically in batch mode in a 3.7-L fermenter containing 40 g/L glucose and 3.6 g/L urea. In the late exponential phase, concentrated nutrients containing glucose and urea were fed into the culture, in which the nitrogen source was sufficient compared to carbon source. As a result, a maximum cell dry weight concentration of 48 g/L was achieved. This cell dry weight concentration was 28.4 g/L higher than that obtained in batch culture under the same growth conditions. In another cultivation run, the culture was provided with the same initial concentrations of glucose (40 g/L) and urea (3.6 g/L) as in the batch mode, followed by a relatively reduced supply of nitrogen source in the fed-batch mode to establish a nitrogen-limited culture. Such a modification resulted in an enhanced lutein production without significantly lowering biomass production. The cellular lutein content was 0.27 mg/g higher than that obtained in the N-sufficient culture. The improvements were also reflected by higher maximum lutein yield, lutein productivity, and lutein yield coefficient on glucose. This N-limited fed-batch culture was successfully scaled up from 3.7 L to 30 L, and a three-step cultivation process was developed for the high-yield production of lutein. The maximum cell dry weight concentration (45.8 g/L) achieved in the large fermenter (30 L) was comparable to that in the small one (3.7 L). The maintenance of the culture at a higher temperature (i.e., 32 degrees C) for 84 h resulted in a 19.9% increase in lutein content but a 13.6% decrease in cell dry weight concentration as compared to the fed-batch culture (30 L) without such a treatment. The enhancement of lutein production resulted from the combination of nitrogen limitation and high-temperature stress.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a chromatographic method for the analysis of the anti-androgen vinclozolin (V) and its metabolites 2-[[(3,5-dichlorophenyl)-carbamoyl]oxy]-2-methyl-3-butenoic acid (M1), 3',5'-dichloro-2-hydroxy-2-methylbut-3-enanilide (M2) and 3,5-dichloroaniline (M3) in rat serum. V, M1-M3 were resolved using an HPLC gradient program with a mobile phase consisting of 60-75% methanol:acetonitrile (70:30) and 0.05 M monobasic sodium phosphate buffer pH 3.3 at 1 ml/min, a C18 column, and monitored at 212 nm. Incubates of 0.01 M monobasic potassium phosphate buffer (PB) pH 7.4 and rat serum were spiked with V and its metabolites and processed by diluting samples (1:4) with 0.1M PB pH 3.3, to limit methodological hydrolysis of analytes, followed by addition of acetonitrile. Recoveries of V, M1 and M2 ranged from 85 to 105%, whereas recovery of M3 was <25%. V was hydrolyzed to M1 and M2 after incubation in PB pH 7.4 and rat serum, with M1 the predominant metabolite. This method was successfully applied in the analysis of V and its metabolites in the serum of a male rat after oral administration of V (100 mg/kg).  相似文献   

The alteration of photosynthetic membrane proteins in relation to the disappearance of pigments during the heterotrophic growth of Chlorella protothecoides was investigated. Chlorophylls and certain polypeptides associated with the LHC II disappeared after 50 hr of heterotrophic growth but the 24 kDa apoprotein constituting LHC II was not affected. Immunological analysis indicated that the chlorophylls and the light harvesting complex proteins of the thylakoid membranes are not tightly coupled and the latter is retained in its native form irrespective of the presence or absence of the former. The circumstantial evidence that the other photosynthetic membrane polypeptides are degraded along with the pigments due to increased proteolytic activity in the rapidly dividing heterotrophic cells indicate that chlorophyll synthesis is not a pre-requisite for the synthesis of the LHC II apoprotein.  相似文献   

Chlorophyllase was extracted from green cells of Chlorella protothecoidesby n-butanol treatment and purified 600-fold, as measured byenzyme activity in chlorophyll a hydrolysis, by ammonium sulfateprecipitation, chromatography on TEAE-cellulose column and gelfiltration with Sephadex G-200. At each purification step the following activities were compared:hydrolyses of chlorophyll a and methyl chlorophyllide a, methanolysisof chlorophyll a and transphythylation of methyl chlorophyllidea to chlorophyll a. The ratio of activities of chlorophyll a hydrolysis to chlorophylla methanolysis changed on purification and partial inactivationby heat, PCMB and phytol, as well as by varying the reactiontemperature, thus suggesting that the two reactions are notcatalyzed by a single enzyme. In contrast, the activity ratio of chlorophyll a methanolysisto transphytylation of methyl chlorophyllide a remained unaltered,indicating that these reactions can be forward and backwardreactions catalyzed by one enzyme. Results of kinetic studies also indicated that the chlorophyllaseof Chlorella protothecoides consists of at least two enzymes.One enzyme catalyzes chlorophyll a hydrolysis and the other,chlorophyll a methanolysis and the reverse reaction, transphytylationof methyl chlorophyllide a. (Received May 24, 1973; )  相似文献   

The use of renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly necessary to mitigate global warming. Recently much research has been focused on identifying suitable biomass species, which can provide high-energy outputs, to replace conventional fossil fuels. This paper reports an approach for increasing the yield of bio-oil production from fast pyrolysis after manipulating the metabolic pathway in microalgae through heterotrophic growth. The yield of bio-oil (57.9%) produced from heterotrophic Chlorella protothecoides cells was 3.4 times higher than from autotrophic cells by fast pyrolysis. The bio-oil was characterized by a much lower oxygen content, with a higher heating value (41 MJ kg(-1)), a lower density (0.92 kg l(-1)), and lower viscosity (0.02 Pas) compared to those of bio-oil from autotrophic cells and wood. These properties are comparable to fossil oil. The research could contribute to the creation of a system to produce energy from microalgae, and also could have great commercial potential for liquid fuel production.  相似文献   

A suppression subtractive hybridization cDNA library was used to screen the differently expressed (up-regulated) genes in the photosynthesis–fermentation approach (PFA) of Chlorella protothecoides cultivation. A total of 87 clones were obtained and sequenced, in which 78 clones were homologous to known genes in databases. Among them, the ammonium transporter gene (CpAMT1) was characterized in detail. Quantitative real-time PCR showed that the expression of CpAMT1 was significantly induced by PFA and correlated with lipid accumulation. The up-regulation of CpAMT1 was suppressed by glutamine, while the lipid biosynthesis was also inhibited. Further analysis showed that the expression of CpAMT1 was correlated with glutamine synthetase activity, suggesting that CpAMT1, along with glutamine synthetase/glutamate synthase, may be responsible for nitrogen sensing in C. protothecoides. Together, these results imply that the ammonium transporter CpAMT1 could be the initial sensor of nitrogen deficiency and channels the carbon excess toward lipid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

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