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We identify instances of parallel morphological evolution in North American scincid lizards of the Eumeces skiltonianus species group and provide evidence that this system is consistent with a model of ecological speciation. The group consists of three putative species divided among two morphotypes, the small-bodied and striped E. skiltonianus and E. lagunensis versus the large-bodied and typically uniform-colored E. gilberti. Members of the group pass through markedly similar phenotypic stages during early development, but differ with respect to where terminal morphology occurs along the developmental sequence. The morphotypes also differ in habitat preference, with the large-bodied gilberti form generally inhabiting lower elevations and drier environments than the smaller, striped morphs. We inferred the phylogenetic relationships of 53 skiltonianus group populations using mtDNA sequence data from the ND4 protein-coding gene and three flanking tRNAs (900 bp total). Sampling encompassed nearly the entire geographic range of the group, and all currently recognized species and subspecies were included. Our results provide strong evidence for parallel origins of three clades characterized by the gilberti morphotype, two of which are nested within the more geographically widespread E. skiltonianus. Eumeces lagunensis was also nested among populations of E. skiltonianus. Comparative analyses using independent contrasts show that evolutionary changes in body size are correlated with differences in adult color pattern. The independently derived association of gilberti morphology with warm, arid environments suggests that phenotypic divergence is the result of adaptation to contrasting selection regimes. We provide evidence that body size was likely the target of natural selection, and that divergences in color pattern and mate recognition are probable secondary consequences of evolving large body size.  相似文献   

Skinks are the largest family of lizards and are found worldwide in a diversity of habitats. One of the larger and more poorly studied groups of skinks includes members of the subfamily Scincinae distributed in sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan African scincines are one of the many groups of lizards that show limb reduction and loss, and the genus Scelotes offers an excellent opportunity to look at limb loss in a phylogenetic context. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed for a total of 52 taxa representing all subfamilies of skinks as well as other Autarchoglossan families using sequence from six gene regions including; 12S, 16S, and cytochrome b (mitochondrial), as well as alpha-Enolase, 18S, and C-mos (nuclear). The family Scincidae is recovered as monophyletic and is the sister taxon to a (Cordylidae+Xantusiidae) clade. Within skinks the subfamily Acontinae is monophyletic and sister group to all remaining skinks. There is no support for the monophyly of the subfamilies Lygosominae and Scincinae, but sub-Saharan African scincines+Feylinia form a well supported monophyletic group. The monophyly of Scelotes is confirmed, and support is found for two geographic groups within the genus. Reconstructions of ancestral states for limb and digital characters show limited support for the reversal or gain of both digits and limbs, but conservative interpretation of the results suggest that limb loss is common, occurring multiple times throughout evolutionary history, and is most likely not reversible.  相似文献   

Partitioned Bayesian analyses of approximately 2.2 kb of nucleotide sequence data (mtDNA) were used to elucidate phylogenetic relationships among 30 scincid lizard genera. Few partitioned Bayesian analyses exist in the literature, resulting in a lack of methods to determine the appropriate number of and identity of partitions. Thus, a criterion, based on the Bayes factor, for selecting among competing partitioning strategies is proposed and tested. Improvements in both mean -lnL and estimated posterior probabilities were observed when specific models and parameter estimates were assumed for partitions of the total data set. This result is expected given that the 95% credible intervals of model parameter estimates for numerous partitions do not overlap and it reveals that different data partitions may evolve quite differently. We further demonstrate that how one partitions the data (by gene, codon position, etc.) is shown to be a greater concern than simply the overall number of partitions. Using the criterion of the 2 ln Bayes factor > 10, the phylogenetic analysis employing the largest number of partitions was decisively better than all other strategies. Strategies that partitioned the ND1 gene by codon position performed better than other partition strategies, regardless of the overall number of partitions. Scincidae, Acontinae, Lygosominae, east Asian and North American "Eumeces" + Neoseps; North African Eumeces, Scincus, and Scincopus, and a large group primarily from sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, and neighboring islands are monophyletic. Feylinia, a limbless group of previously uncertain relationships, is nested within a "scincine" clade from sub-Saharan Africa. We reject the hypothesis that the nearly limbless dibamids are derived from within the Scincidae, but cannot reject the hypothesis that they represent the sister taxon to skinks. Amphiglossus, Chalcides, the acontines Acontias and Typhlosaurus, and Scincinae are paraphyletic. The globally widespread "Eumeces" is polyphyletic and we make necessary taxonomic changes.  相似文献   


The karyotypes of the skinks Leiolopisma telfairi (Desjardin) and Cyclodina oliveri (McCann) are presented for the first time, from male spceimens. Metaphase cells from intestinal epithelium (C. oliveri) and testicular material (C. oliveri and L. telfairi) gave the diploid number, 2n = 30, for both species. Heteromorphism of the pair 6 chromosomes was observed in C. oliveri; this is the first published report of male heterogamety in the Scincidae. A common origin is proposed for L. spenceri and L. telfairi, on the basis of chromosome pair 8 morphology. These species may be more closely allied to Cyclodina than previously believed.  相似文献   

Brookesia dwarf chameleons, endemic to Madagascar, were surveyed at the following localities in northern Madagascar (north of 16°S): Montagne d'Ambre, Ankarana, Manongarivo, Tsaratanana, Marojejy and Masoala. A total of 15 species occur in this region. Six new species are described and five new synonyms are identified. The genus Brookesia , the most speciose chamaeleontid genus in Madagascar, contains 23 species.
Almost all the northern Brookesia species are restricted to rainforest and occupy a relatively narrow elevational range. Although the northern rainforests represent just one-third of the total rainforest and about 5% of the total island area, 65% of the Brookesia species occur in this region, and 52% are endemic to the northern rainforest. Five new biogeographic regions of the northern rainforest are identified based on centres of Brookesia endemicity: Montagne d'Ambre, Northwest, Tsaratanana, Northeast and East. Speciation is thought to have been facilitated in the north through geographic isolation, with the Tsaratanana mountain range and the dry forests south of Montagne d'Ambre forming barriers to dispersal, and the Tsaratanana mountains acting as a centre of isolation. The fragmented distribution of several Brookesia species of low altitude rainforest suggests a period in Madagascar's history when the climate was wetter and low altitude rainforest much more widespread.  相似文献   

Varanid lizards, which vary considerably in body mass both interspecifically and intraspecifically, are generally considered to be morphologically similar. However, significant and non-isometric variation in the relative appendage dimensions for 17 species of Western Australian goannas suggest that these lizards are not morphologically conservative. The first and second canonical variates clearly distinguish the two subgeneral Odatria and Varanus, and species are generally sexually dimorphic. The morphological variation observed among these 17 species of goanna is associated with foraging mode and ecology. However, no single or small group of morphological dimensions discriminates phylogenetic groups, sexes, or ecological groups, and body size is an important component in these analyses. J. Morphol. 233:127–152, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Digit loss is a common theme in tetrapod evolution that may involve changes in several developmental processes. The skink genus Hemiergis provides an ideal model to study these processes in closely related taxa: within three Western Australian Hemiergis species, digit quantity ranges between two and five. For three consecutive reproductive seasons, gravid females of Hemiergis were collected in the field and their embryos prepared for histological analysis of limb skeletal development (chondrogenesis and osteogenesis). Comparative studies of skeletal developmental morphology demonstrate that limbs with fewer than five digits do not result from a simple truncation of a putative ancestral (five-digit) developmental program. The developmental and adult morphologies in two-, three-, and four-digit Hemiergis are neither predicted nor explained by a simple model of heterochrony involving either chondrogenesis or osteogenesis. In postnatal Hemiergis, digit number and relative limb length do not correlate in a simple linear fashion. Instead, limb size and digit reduction may correlate with substrate conditions and burrowing behavior.  相似文献   

We investigated the functional morphology of lingual prey capture in the blue‐tongued skink, Tiliqua scincoides, a lingual‐feeding lizard nested deep within the family Scincidae, which is presumed to be dominated by jaw‐feeding. We used kinematic analysis of high‐speed video to characterize jaw and tongue movements during prey capture. Phylogenetically informed principal components analysis of tongue morphology showed that, compared to jaw‐feeding scincids and lacertids, T. scincoides and another tongue‐feeding scincid, Corucia zebrata, are distinct in ways suggesting an enhanced ability for hydrostatic shape change. Lingual feeding kinematics show substantial quantitative and qualitative variation among T. scincoides individuals. High‐speed video analysis showed that T. scincoides uses significant hydrostatic elongation and deformation during protrusion, tongue‐prey contact, and retraction. A key feature of lingual prey capture in T. scincoides is extensive hydrostatic deformation to increase the area of tongue‐prey contact, presumably to maximize wet adhesion of the prey item. Adhesion is mechanically reinforced during tongue retraction through formation of a distinctive “saddle” in the foretongue that supports the prey item, reducing the risk of prey loss during retraction.  相似文献   

We conducted partitioned and combined Bayesian and parsimony phylogenetic analyses of corytophanid lizards (Iguania) using mtDNA, gross morphology, and sperm ultrastructure data sets. Bayesian and parsimony hypotheses showed little disagreement. The combined analysis, but not any of the partitioned ones, showed strong support for the monophyly of Corytophanidae and its three genera, Basiliscus , Corytophanes , and Laemanctus . Basiliscus is the sister taxon of a well-supported clade formed by Corytophanes and Laemanctus . The relationships of species within Basiliscus and Corytophanes received weak support, regardless of the method used. We defend those relationships as feasible and open to further testing. Data derived from the ultrastructure of spermatozoa are potentially a good source of characters for systematic inferences of Iguania and its major lineages. A Brooks Parsimony Analysis based on the geographic distributions of corytophanids and the phylogenetic tree obtained from the combined analysis suggested a Central American origin of the group, a recent colonization of northern South America, and the role of epeirogenic uplifts and the formation of lowlands during the late Tertiary in the differentiation of corytophanids.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses of DNA sequences were conducted to evaluate four alternative hypotheses of phrynosomatine sand lizard relationships. Sequences comprising 2871 aligned base pair positions representing the regions spanning ND1-COI and cyt b-tRNA(Thr) of the mitochondrial genome from all recognized sand lizard species were analyzed using unpartitioned parsimony and likelihood methods, likelihood methods with assumed partitions, Bayesian methods with assumed partitions, and Bayesian mixture models. The topology (Uma, (Callisaurus, (Cophosaurus, Holbrookia))) and thus monophyly of the "earless" taxa, Cophosaurus and Holbrookia, is supported by all analyses. Previously proposed topologies in which Uma and Callisaurus are sister taxa and those in which Holbrookia is the sister group to all other sand lizard taxa are rejected using both parsimony and likelihood-based significance tests with the combined, unparitioned data set. Bayesian hypothesis tests also reject those topologies using six assumed partitioning strategies, and the two partitioning strategies presumably associated with the most powerful tests also reject a third previously proposed topology, in which Callisaurus and Cophosaurus are sister taxa. For both maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods with assumed partitions, those partitions defined by codon position and tRNA stem and nonstems explained the data better than other strategies examined. Bayes factor estimates comparing results of assumed partitions versus mixture models suggest that mixture models perform better than assumed partitions when the latter were not based on functional characteristics of the data, such as codon position and tRNA stem and nonstems. However, assumed partitions performed better than mixture models when functional differences were incorporated. We reiterate the importance of accounting for heterogeneous evolutionary processes in the analysis of complex data sets and emphasize the importance of implementing mixed model likelihood methods.  相似文献   

Because of the poor state of knowledge of many of the gymnophthalmid genera, systematic revision is necessary to render the classification consistent with evolutionary history. To that end, I conducted a review of the species of three genera of the Cercosaurinae which appear to form a monophyletic group: Cercosaura , Pantodactylus , and Prionodactylus . Phylogenetic analysis of 61 morphological characters was conducted after specimens of all species were examined to evaluate the composition of each taxon. The phylogenetic reconstruction suggested that the genus Prionodactylus was paraphyletic. A new phylogenetic classification is proposed that synonymizes Pantodactylus and Prionodactylus with Cercosaura. Cercosaura is redefined to include 11 species and seven subspecies. A key is provided to distinguish among species.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2003, 137 , 101−115.  相似文献   

Based on morphological and genetic evidence we evaluated the taxonomic status of a newly discovered forest-dwelling population of skink(genus Scincella)from the Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, Mondulkiri Province, Cambodia. From phylogenetic analysis of a668-bp fragment of the mt DNA COI and diagnostic morphological characters we allocate the newly discovered population to the Scincella reevesii–S.rufocaudata species complex and describe it as Scincella nigrofasciata sp. nov. The new skink species can be distinguished from all other Southeast Asian congeners by the following combination of morphological characters: snout-vent length(SVL)40.0–52.6 mm; relative tail length(TaL/SVL ratio)1.25–1.94; prefrontals in broad contact; infralabials 6;primary temporals 2; relative forelimb length(FIL/SVL ratio) 0.20–0.22; relative hindlimb length(HIL/SVL ratio) 0.30–0.33; relative forearm length(FoL/SVL ratio) 0.14–0.16; adpressed forelimbs and hind limbs either overlapping(0.4–2.2 mm) or separated(1.9–2.3 mm); midbody scale rows 32–33, paravertebral scales69–74, vertebral scales 65–69; dorsal scales between dorsolateral stripes 8; comparatively slender fingers and toes, subdigital lamellae under fourth toe 15–17;dark discontinuous regular dorsal stripes 5–7; distinct black dorsolateral stripes, narrowing to lateral sides and extending to 52%–86% of total tail length. We provide additional information on the holotype of Scincella rufocaudata(Darevsky Nguyen, 1983), and provide evidence for the species status of Scincella rupicola. Our discovery brings the number of Scincella species in Cambodia to five and emphasizes the incompleteness of knowledge on the herpetofaunal diversity of this country.  相似文献   

We describe seasonal variations of the histology of the seminiferous tubules and efferent ducts of the tropical, viviparous skink, Mabuya brachypoda, throughout the year. The specimens were collected monthly, in Nacajuca, Tabasco state, Mexico. The results revealed strong annual variations in testicular volume, stages of the germ cells, and diameter and height of the epithelia of seminiferous tubules and efferent ducts. Recrudescence was detected from November to December, when initial mitotic activity of spermatogonia in the seminiferous tubules were observed, coinciding with the decrease of temperature, photoperiod and rainy season. From January to February, early spermatogenesis continued and early primary and secondary spermatocytes were developing within the seminiferous epithelium. From March through April, numerous spermatids in metamorphosis were observed. Spermiogenesis was completed from May through July, which coincided with an increase in temperature, photoperiod, and rainfall. Regression occurred from August through September when testicular volume and spermatogenic activity decreased. During this time, the seminiferous epithelium decreased in thickness, and germ cell recruitment ceased, only Sertoli cells and spermatogonia were present in the epithelium. Throughout testicular regression spermatocytes and spermatids disappeared and the presence of cellular debris, and scattered spermatozoa were observed in the lumen. The regressed testes presented the total suspension of spermatogenesis. During October, the seminiferous tubules contained only spermatogonia and Sertoli cells, and the size of the lumen was reduced, giving the appearance that it was occluded. In concert with testis development, the efferent ducts were packed with spermatozoa from May through August. The epididymis was devoid of spermatozoa by September. M. brachypoda exhibited a prenuptial pattern, in which spermatogenesis preceded the mating season. The seasonal cycle variations of spermatogenesis in M. brachypoda are the result of a single extended spermiation event, which is characteristic of reptilian species. J. Morphol. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Rates of phenotypic evolution derive from numerous interrelated processes acting at varying spatial and temporal scales and frequently differ substantially among lineages. Although current models employed in reconstructing ancestral character states permit independent rates for distinct types of transition (forward and reverse transitions and transitions between different states), these rates are typically assumed to be identical for all branches in a phylogeny. In this paper, I present a general model of character evolution enabling rate heterogeneity among branches. This model is employed in assessing the extent to which the assumption of uniform transition rates affects reconstructions of ancestral limb morphology in the scincid lizard clade Lerista and, accordingly, the potential for rate variability to mislead inferences of evolutionary patterns. Permitting rate variation among branches significantly improves model fit for both the manus and the pes. A constrained model in which the rate of digit acquisition is assumed to be effectively zero is strongly supported in each case; when compared with a model assuming unconstrained transition rates, this model provides a substantially better fit for the manus and a nearly identical fit for the pes. Ancestral states reconstructed assuming the constrained model imply patterns of limb evolution differing significantly from those implied by reconstructions for uniform-rate models, particularly for the pes; whereas ancestral states for the uniform-rate models consistently entail the reacquisition of pedal digits, those for the model incorporating among-lineage rate heterogeneity imply repeated, unreversed digit loss. These results indicate that the assumption of identical transition rates for all branches in a phylogeny may be inappropriate in modeling the evolution of phenotypic traits and emphasize the need for careful evaluation of phylogenetic tests of Dollo's law.  相似文献   

A prominent scenario for the evolution of reptilian placentation infers that placentotrophy arose by gradual modification of a simple vascular chorioallantoic placenta to a complex structure with a specialized region for nutrient transfer. The structure of the chorioallantoic placenta of Niveoscincus ocellatus, apparently described originally from a single embryonic stage, was interpreted as a transitional evolutionary type that provided support for the model. Recently, N. ocellatus has been found to be as placentotrophic as species with complex chorioallantoic placentae containing a specialized region called a placentome. We studied placental development in N. ocellatus and confirmed that the chorioallantoic placenta lacks specializations found in species with a placentome. We also found that this species has a specialized omphaloplacenta. The chorioallantoic placenta is confined to the region adjacent to the embryo by a membrane, similar to that found in some other viviparous skinks, that divides the egg into embryonic and abembryonic hemispheres. We term this structure the "inter-omphalopleuric" membrane. The position of this membrane in N. ocellatus is closer to the embryonic pole of the egg than to the abembryonic pole and thus the surface area of the omphaloplacenta is greater than that of the chorioallantoic placenta. In addition, the omphaloplacenta is regionally diversified and more complex histologically than the chorioallantoic placenta. An impressive and unusual feature of the omphaloplacenta of N. ocellatus is the development of extensive overlapping folds in the embryonic component of mid-gestation embryos. The histological complexity and extensive folding of the omphaloplacenta make this a likely site of placental transfer of nutrients in this species.  相似文献   

Ovarian structure and folliculogenesis of females at different reproductive stages are described for the viviparous placentotrophic lizard Mabuya mabouya. The small ovaries have a thin wall formed by the ovarian epithelium and a thin tunica albuginea. One to two germinal beds that contain numerous oogonia and developing primordial follicles are derived from the ovarian epithelium and are next to the ovarian hilum. The ovarian cortex contains follicles at different stages of development, corpora lutea, and atretic follicles. The yolk nucleus and Balbiani complex were not evident in the ooplasm of previtellogenic follicles. The follicular epithelium of these follicles is polymorphic, as in other species of Squamata, but the larger cells are spherical and monolayered rather than pyriform. The zona radiata of the preovulatory follicles is less developed than in lecithotrophic species. These features suggest a decrease in metabolic and absorptive processes during follicular growth. In preovulatory follicles (1.5-1.8 mm diameter), primordial yolk vacuoles and small cortical granules are deposited in the ooplasm instead of fatty yolk platelets, so that only one stage of vitellogenesis is observed. Polyovular atretic follicles occur in some females. Follicular atresia is minimal for preovulatory follicles, but is more frequent in follicles with polymorphic epithelia. In the corpus luteum, the luteal tissue is formed from granulosa cells and luteolysis occurs during the late gastrula -- late neurula embryonic stages. Thus, the maintenance of gestation from the pharyngula to preparturition stages seems to be related to secretion of extraluteal progesterone, possibly of placental origin. These observed ovarian features are related to the high degree of placental complexity of this species and show that the evolution of advanced placentotrophy in species of this lineage has been accompanied by concomitant changes in ovarian function.  相似文献   

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