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Tsetse flies occupy discontinuous habitats and gene flow among them needs to be investigated in anticipation of area-wide control programs. Genetic diversities were estimated at six microsatellite loci in seven Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newstead (Diptera: Glossinidae) populations and five microsatellite loci in six G. m. morsitans Westwood populations. Nei's unbiased diversities were 0.808 and 76 alleles in G. m. submorsitans and 0.727 and 55 alleles in G. m. morsitans. Diversities were less in three laboratory cultures. Matings were random within populations. Populations were highly differentiated genetically. Populations were strongly subdivided, as indicated by fixation indices (F(ST)) of 0.18 in G. m. morsitans and 0.17 in G. m. submorsitans. 35% of the genetic variance in G. m. submorsitans was attributed to differences between populations from The Gambia and Ethiopia. All available genetic evidence suggests that genetic drift is much greater than gene flow among G. morsitans s.l. populations.  相似文献   

Breeding structure of Glossina morsitans submorsitans Newstead was evaluated by using genetic markers in mitochondrial DNA where diversity was scored at two loci in five natural populations from The Gambia and two populations in Ethiopia (form ugandensis Vanderplank), countries separated by c. 5450 km. Twenty six haplotype combinations were found, of which 17 were shared among two or more populations. Nine haplotypes were found in The Gambia and 23 haplotypes in Ethiopia. There were 12 unique haplotypes. Only six haplotypes were shared between the two countries. Populations in The Gambia (he = 0.26 +/- 0.04) showed less than a third of the diversity of populations in Ethiopia (he = 0.84 +/- 0.03). This suggests recovery from an earlier reduction in population. In a nested analysis of molecular variance of haplotype frequencies, 65% of the variance was due to differences within populations, 34% to differences between populations grouped by country, and only 1% was due to differences among populations within countries. In terms of gene flow, the fixation index FST = 0.35, which leads to an estimate by Wright's island model of less than one reproducing migrant per generation exchanged between the eastern and western submorsitans populations. Nei's genetic similarity measure showed a deep division between Gambian and Ethiopian populations.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA diversity was studied at four loci in six natural populations of the tsetse fly Glossina pallidipes from Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Single-locus diversity varied from 0.39 at 12S to 0.65 at COII. A total of 32 haplotypes was found with a mean of 6.4 +/- 2.9 per locus. To study breeding structure, diversity at two loci, COII and 16S2, was evaluated in 18 populations sampled from an area of approximately 1,611,000 km2 and in three laboratory cultures. Twenty-six haplotypes were detected at the two loci and mean haplotype diversity over all natural populations was 0.63. A high degree of population subdivision was detected within and among the Ethiopian and Kenya populations. The Zimbabwe and Zambia populations showed much less variation and differentiation than the northern populations. A population in Mozambique showed high levels of haplotype variation and affinities closest to populations in eastern Kenya, some 1700 km to the north. Analysis of variance of haplotype frequencies showed that 51.5% of the total lay within populations, 13% among populations within five nested groups, and 35.5% among the five groups. Wright's FST was 0.485, Nei's GST was 0.33, and Weir and Cunningham's theta = 0.45. Ecological data show that G. pallidipes is highly vagile. The large amount of genetic differentiation may be explained by genetic drift that occurred in scattered, relict populations during the rinderpest panzootic of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.  相似文献   

Genomic libraries enriched for simple sequence repeats were constructed for Glossina morsitans morsitans, G. m. submorsitans, and G. m. centralis. Sixteen microsatellite markers were isolated from the libraries and evaluated on flies from natural G. m. morsitans populations and other Glossina species in the Morsitans and Palpalis species groups. The primers amplified appropriate sized DNA fragments in the Morsitans and Palpalis groups. In G. morsitans s.l., eight of 12 dinucleotide repeats and four of 12 trinucleotide repeats were polymorphic. The polymorphic loci showed a mean 7.5 +/- 4.8 alleles per locus and their mean heterozygosity was 55.8 +/- 7.7%.  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of a field population (recently collected in Melquiades, Brazil) and two laboratory strains (LE and NMRI) of a human blood fluke, Schistosoma mansoni, were analysed using microsatellite markers. Data from the three groups showed an extreme and consistent discrepancy in the level of polymorphism at all microsatellite loci between the field population and laboratory populations. The numbers of alleles detected in LE and NMRI populations averaged only 14 and 10% of those found in the field population, respectively. Especially apparent was the abundance of rare alleles in the Melquiades population when compared with the laboratory strains. The reduction in allelic diversity in the laboratory strains is most likely due to the founder effect and potential bottlenecks that may have occurred during decades of laboratory maintenance. Surprisingly, a much less drastic difference was found when comparing the average heterozygosity of the field population with the laboratory strains. This apparent anomaly may be explained by observed population substructuring (and a potential resultant Wahlund effect) in the natural population. Our comparison of genetic diversity between laboratory and field populations of S. mansoni emphasizes the need for studies of representative populations in schistosome vaccine development.  相似文献   

Enzyme electrophoresis was used to estimate genetic diversity and population structure in natural and cultivatedOenanthe javanica (Blume) DC. In the six natural populations, 8 of the 22 loci showed polymorphisms. Cultivated populations had fewer alleles per locus (1.84 vs. 1.91), fewer effective alleles per locus (1.47 vs. 1.52), a lower percentage of polymorphic loci (42.3 vs. 50.0), and lower diversity (0.210 vs. 0.228) than did natural populations. These parameters of genetic diversity indicate that the cultivated populations are genetically depauperate relative to their presumptive progenitor, and that the domestication process has partly eroded the level of genetic variation of this species. Nevertheless, the diversity of this species has higher-than-average values compared with other species having similar life-history traits. We propose that the mix-mating system; perennial, high gene flow; and large population sizes are possible factors contributing to this high diversity, which seemed to increase with distance from the coastlines.  相似文献   

Apparent selection affecting starch gel electrophoretic alleles at the Esterase-2 locus of Drosophila buzzatii has been detected in laboratory and natural populations. Perturbation-reperturbation of allele frequencies in replicated laboratory populations attempts to test direct selective effects at the locus versus effects of linked loci. Sequential gel electrophoresis has identified more alleles within starch classes, and three of these alleles (within the a, b and c starch alleles) were used in cage population experiments. Allele a/1.00/1.00/1.00 was set up in 10 replicate populations with allele c/1.00/1.00/1.00, and in an independent 10 replicate populations with allele b/0.99/1.01/1.00. For each set, three reperturbations were done. Replicate populations generally showed similar patterns of allele frequency change and clear directionality: effects of selection, not drift. However, four populations deviated from their replicates, indicating dissipation of linkage disequilibrium. Estimates of pre-adult viability in the F2 of pair-wise crosses among 12 sequential gel electrophoretic alleles showed very variable modes of inheritance and relative viability fitnesses. Together with the diversity of patterns of allele frequency change in the cage populations, these results suggest a gene complex, with selection acting on an interacting set of loci which may include Esterase-2.  相似文献   

Salicornia spp is one of the most salt-tolerant vascular plants and is native to salt marshes and estuaries. We developed expressed sequence tag derived-simple sequence repeat (EST-SSR) markers for estimating genetic diversity and marker-assisted Salicornia breeding. Six polymorphic EST-SSRs of 40 detected 27 alleles, ranging from three to five alleles per locus. The average number of alleles per locus was 4.33 and 4.17, and the major allele frequency at locus DY529765 was high, being 0.859 and 0.857 in S. bigelovii and S. europea, respectively. Gene diversity, heterozygosity and polymorphism information content were highest at locus DY529950 and similar in these two species. Gene diversity increased with increase in the number of alleles that had a low major allele frequency at a locus. Six polymorphic loci effectively discriminated 46 taxa into three clusters via different analyses. Significant deviation of F(ST) from zero in three suggested populations for six loci indicated population differentiation and limited gene flow among them. A reduced median network established that taxon SB65 is primitive. SMART (simple modular architecture research tool) analysis of peptide sequences of six EST-SSRs showed that loci DY529765, DY529950 and EC906203 contained transmembrane, TLC, AgrB and NTR domains and might be involved in salinity stress tolerance. These EST-SSRs are a valuable resource for marker development and may be useful in marker-assisted Salicornia breeding.  相似文献   

Low levels of allozyme heterozygosity in populations are often attributed to previous population bottlenecks; however, few experiments have examined the relationship between heterozygosity and bottlenecks under natural conditions. The composition and number of founders of 55 experimental populations of the eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki), maintained under simulated field conditions, were manipulated to examine the effects of bottlenecks on three components of allozyme diversity. Correlations between observed and expected values of allozyme heterozygosity, proportions of polymorphic loci, and numbers of alleles per locus were 0.423, 0.602, and 0.772, respectively. The numbers of polymorphic loci and of alleles per locus were more sensitive indicators of differences in genetic diversity between the pre-bottleneck and post-bottleneck populations than was multiple-locus heterozygosity. In many populations, single- and multiple-locus heterozygosity actually increased as a result of the founder event. The weak relationship between a population's heterozygosity and the number and composition of its founders resulted from an increase in the variance of heterozygosity due to drift of allele frequencies. There was little evidence that selection influenced the loss of allozyme variation. When it is not possible to estimate heterozygosity at a large number of polymorphic loci, allozyme surveys attempting to detect founder events and other types of bottlenecks should focus on levels of locus polymorphism and allelic diversity rather than on heterozygosity.  相似文献   

Allozyme and PCR-based molecular markers have been widely used to investigate genetic diversity and population genetic structure in autotetraploid species. However, an empirical but inaccurate approach was often used to infer marker genotype from the pattern and intensity of gel bands. Obviously, this introduces serious errors in prediction of the marker genotypes and severely biases the data analysis. This article developed a theoretical model to characterize genetic segregation of alleles at genetic marker loci in autotetraploid populations and a novel likelihood-based method to estimate the model parameters. The model properly accounts for segregation complexities due to multiple alleles and double reduction at autotetrasomic loci in natural populations, and the method takes appropriate account of incomplete marker phenotype information with respect to genotype due to multiple-dosage allele segregation at marker loci in tetraploids. The theoretical analyses were validated by making use of a computer simulation study and their utility is demonstrated by analyzing microsatellite marker data collected from two populations of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.), an economically important autotetraploid tree species. Numerical analyses based on simulation data indicate that the model parameters can be adequately estimated and double reduction is detected with good power using reasonable sample size.  相似文献   

Genetic diversity is unusually high at loci in the S-locus region of the self-incompatible species of the flowering plant, Arabidopsis lyrata, not just in the S loci themselves, but also at two nearby loci. In a previous study of a single natural population from Iceland, we attributed this elevated polymorphism to linkage disequilibrium (LD) between variants at loci close to the S locus and the S alleles, which are maintained in the population by balancing selection. With the four S-flanking loci whose diversity we previously studied, we could not determine the extent of the region linked to the S loci in which neutral sites are affected. We also could not exclude the possibility of a population bottleneck, or of admixture, as causes of the LD. We have now studied four more distant loci flanking the S-locus region, and more populations, and we analyze the results using a theoretical model of the effect of balancing selection on diversity at linked neutral sites within and between different functional S-allelic classes. In the model, diversity is a function of the number of selectively maintained alleles and the recombination distances from the selectively maintained sites. We use the model to estimate the number of different functional S alleles, their turnover rate, and recombination rates between the S-locus region and other loci. Our estimates suggest that there is a small region of very low recombination surrounding the S-locus region.  相似文献   

利用10对SSR引物对濒危植物秦岭冷杉(Abies chensiensis)6个自然居群的120个个体进行了遗传多样性研究,旨在分析秦岭冷杉6个自然居群的遗传多样性、遗传结构及基因流变化.研究结果表明,120个个体在10个位点上共检测到149个等位基因,平均每个位点的等位基因数(A)为14.9,每个位点的有效等位基因数(e)为7.7,每个位点的平均预期杂合度(He)和平均观察杂合度(Ho)分别为0.841和0.243,Shannon多样性指数(Ⅰ)为2.13,自然居群杂合性基因多样度的比率(FsT)为6.7%,居群间的基因流(Nm)为3.45.利用Mantel检测到自然居群的遗传距离与地理距离间无显著相关性(r=0.490 6,P>0.05).秦岭冷杉自然居群的遗传多样性水平较低,遗传变异主要存在于居群内部.结合研究数据、实地调查及相关资料,推测秦岭冷杉自然居群间基因流较原来增大可能是因为居群间发生了远交衰退.  相似文献   

We analyzed genetic structure and diversity among eight populations of popcorn, using SSR loci as genetic markers. Our objectives were to select SSR loci that could be used to estimate genetic diversity within popcorn populations, and to analyze the genetic structure of promising populations with high levels of heterozygosity that could be used in breeding programs. Fifty-seven alleles (3.7 alleles per locus) were detected; the highest effective number of alleles (4.21) and the highest gene diversity (0.763) were found for the Umc2226 locus. A very high level of population differentiation was found (F(ST) = 0.3664), with F(ST) for each locus ranging from 0.1029 (Umc1664) to 0.6010 (Umc2350). This analysis allowed us to identify SSR loci with high levels of heterozygosity and heterozygous varieties, which could be selected for production of inbred lines and for developing new cultivars.  相似文献   

The Miyaluo captive forest musk deer population (Sichuan Province, China) is one of the largest captive breeding populations in the world. In order to evaluate the genetic quality and provide available genetic management strategy, seven polymorphism microsatellite loci were applied to assess the genetic variation of the Miyaluo forest musk deer. The results indicated that a total of 168 alleles were detected from these seven microsatellite loci in 361 individuals, and the number of the alleles per locus ranged from 12 to 41 with a mean of 24. The average observed heterozygosity, expected heterozygosity, and PIC were 0.782, 0.854, and 0.837, respectively. Considering the results of the loci Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium test, the comparison of the common allele frequency as well as the private allele between the adults and juveniles, we concluded that the heterozygosity and the genetic diversity of the Miyaluo captive breeding population are increasing due to the input of new individuals from other populations. However, the frequency of some alleles declined sharply, and some were even lost indicating that there is a risk for diversity loss. Thus, we proposed an improved management and breeding strategy for the captive breeding population of the forest musk deer.  相似文献   

H. Innan  R. Terauchi    N. T. Miyashita 《Genetics》1997,146(4):1441-1452
Variation in repeat number at 20 microsatellite loci of Arabidopsis thaliana was studied in a worldwide sample of 42 ecotypes to investigate the pattern and level of polymorphism in repetitive sequences in natural plant populations. There is a substantial amount of variation at microsatellite loci despite the selfing nature of this plant species. The average gene diversity was 0.794 and the average number of alleles per locus was 10.6. The distribution of alleles was centered around the mean of repeat number at most loci, but could not be regarded as normal. There was a significantly positive correlation between the number of repeats and the amount of variation. For most loci, the observed number of alleles was between the expected values of the infinite allele and stepwise mutation models. The two models were rejected by the sign test. Linkage disequilibrium was detected in 12.1% of the pairwise comparisons between loci. In phylogenetic tree, there was no association between ecotype and geographic origin. This result is consistent with the recent expansion of A. thaliana throughout the world.  相似文献   

Jeffrey R. Powell 《Genetics》1973,75(3):557-570
Twelve laboratory populations of recently collected Drosophila willistoni were begun with different frequencies of alleles at three enzyme loci, six populations at 25 degrees and six at 19 degrees . Periodic sampling of the populations allowed monitoring of the frequency changes in allozymes over time.-At Lap-5 (a locus coding for leucine amino peptidase), three alleles converged to the same frequencies in all populations at both temperatures. The apparent equilibrium frequency of the major allele was about.75; this is different from the frequency (.57) found in the natural population from which the experimental populations were begun. Allele frequency changes at the esterase-5 locus (Est-5) were slower but consistent in all cages. It is difficult to determine if an equilibrium has been reached. However, the frequency of the rare allele in all cages is about the same as in wild populations, 5%. Alleles at both Lap-5 and Est-5 are non-randomly associated with inversions in the chromosomes onto which they map. Because of these associations, it is impossible to unambiguously attribute the change in allele frequencies to selection at the loci being observed.-After one year, no significant gene frequency changes were detected at Est-7, the third locus studied.  相似文献   

To investigate the population genetic characteristics of VNTR polymorphisms in human populations, we have studied the allele frequency distribution of six VNTR loci (D1S57, RB1, D1S77, D1S61, alpha-globin 5'HVR, D1S76) in three well-defined populations (Kachari of Northeast India; Dogrib Indian of Canada; and New Guinea Highlander of Papua New Guinea). Even though the number of alleles sampled is limited, 48 to 92 alleles per locus per population, significant variation is noticed in the number of alleles per locus for all the populations. Using alternate summary measures, we have observed that genotype distributions at the six VNTR loci apparently conform to their respective Hardy-Weinberg predictions. Multilocus genotype profiles of the individuals in each of the three populations suggest that the VNTR alleles are independently segregating with the exception of the two linked loci D1S76 and D1S77. Lack of fit of all VNTR loci to one particular model of mutational change, either the Infinite Allele Model or the Stepwise Mutation Model, suggests more than one mechanism for production of new VNTR alleles. This study also indicates that increased heterozygosity at VNTR loci in comparison to protein and blood group loci may lead to more accurate estimates of genetic distance.  相似文献   

Allozyme genetic variability in five natural populations of Cyclobalanopsis championii (Fagaceae) in Taiwan was investigated using 12 loci from 9 enzyme systems. The average values of parameters describing within-population variation, expected heterozygosity (He = 0.151), the percentage of polymorphic loci per individual (P = 50%), the average number of alleles per locus (A = 1.7), effective number of alleles per locus (Ae = 1.25), and the average number of alleles per polymorphic loci (AP = 2.2) are comparable to those of other long-lived woody plants. The overall fixation index (Fis = 0.208) indicates a significant deficiency of heterozygotes at the population level. Allelic frequency deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was found for different loci in different populations. An exact test for population differentiation using the Tools for Population Genetic Analyses program also indicates that allelic frequencies among populations are significantly different (P < .001). Among-population variation, Gst, accounted for 9.2% of the total heterozygosity. The population at Shouchia and the southernmost population Nanjenshan had higher inbreeding coefficients (0.177 and 0.153, respectively) than did the northern populations. Genetic drift is supported by the observations of the variance components of linkage disequilibrium and a large proportion of loci in Nanjenshan and Shouchia that show pairwise locus disequilibrium. We believe continuous genetic drift in the southern populations will increase genetic divergence among populations of C. championii in Taiwan. Significant correlation was found between elevation and expected heterozygosity. We therefore inferred that temperature is the most important ecological factor to influence the genetic diversity of C. championii.  相似文献   

We analyzed the ecological-genomic diversity of microsatellites of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum (C. Koch) Thell., at 18 loci in 306 individuals of 16 populations from Jordan across a southward transect of increasing aridity. The 18 microsatellites revealed a total of 249 alleles, with an average of 13.8 alleles per locus (range 3-29), with nonrandom distribution. The proportion of polymorphic loci per population averaged 0.91 (range 0.83-1.00); gene diversity, He, averaged 0.512 (range 0.38-0.651). We compared the number of alleles of the 18 loci to those found in Israel populations by Turpeinen et al. Out of the 280 alleles, 138 (49.3%) were unique (i.e. occurred in only one of the countries). The percentage of unique alleles in Jordan and Israel populations was 43.0% and 17.9%, respectively, suggesting that Jordan is an important center of origin and diversity of wild barley. Estimates of mean gene diversity were highest in the populations collected near the Golan Heights, such as Shuni North, Shuni South and Jarash. Sixty nine percent of the microsatellite variation was partitioned within populations and 31% between populations. Associations between ecogeographical values and gene diversity were established for eight microsatellite loci. The cluster produced by simple sequence repeat (SSR) data is mostly coincidence with the result of the dendrogram of the Spalax ehrenbergi superspecies of subterranean mole rats in Jordan based on allozyme gene loci. The major soil type in the wild barley habitat of each ecological group was different. Stepwise multiple regression analysis indicated that the variance of gene diversity was explained by altitude (R(2) = 0.362**). These observations suggest that microsatellites are at least partly adaptive and subject to natural selection.  相似文献   

Sporophytic self-incompatibility (SSI) was studied in 11 British Senecio squalidus populations to quantify mating system variation and determine how its recent colonization of the United Kingdom has influenced its mating behavior. S allele number, frequency, and dominance interactions in populations were assessed using full diallels of controlled pollinations. A mean of 5.1 S alleles per population was observed, and no population contained more than six S alleles. Numbers of S alleles within populations of S. squalidus declined with increasing distance from the center of its introduction (Oxford). Cross-classification of S alleles allowed an estimate of approximately seven and no more than 11 S alleles for the entire British S. squalidus population. The low number of S alleles observed in British S. squalidus compared to other SI species is consistent with the population bottleneck associated with S. squalidus' introduction to the Oxford Botanic Garden and subsequent colonization of Britain. Extensive S allele dominance interactions were observed to be a feature of the S. squalidus SSI system and may represent an adaptive response to improve limited mate availability imposed by the presence of so few S alleles. Multilocus allozyme genotypes were also identified for individuals in all populations and geographic patterns of S locus and allozyme loci variation investigated. Less interpopulation structure was observed for the S locus than for allozyme diversity--a finding indicative of the effects of negative frequency-dependent selection at the S locus maintaining equal S phenotypes within populations and enhancing effective migration between populations.  相似文献   

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