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The concentration of adenosine 3′,5′-cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) was measured in the parotid gland of the mouse after intraperitoneal injection of a beta-adrenergic drug, isoproterenol. A marked elevation of cAMP was observed 10 min after the administration, followed by a return to the control level within 40 min. A small peak was found around 14 h, onset of the stimulated DNA synthesis being observed at 20 h. A close relationship was found between the cAMP level at 10 min and the rate of DNA synthesis at 24 h in animals given different doses of the drug. However, DNA synthesis could not be induced by adrenalin in spite of a significant increase in the cAMP concentration. Furthermore, X-irradiation or certain metabolic inhibitors (actinomycin D and cycloheximide), administered prior to isoproterenol, completely inhibited the stimulated DNA synthesis without affecting the cAMP elevation at 10 min. It is concluded that the critical step in the initiation of stimulated DNA synthesis may be located at a period later than the initial cAMP elevation.  相似文献   

Inactivated Sendai virus was used to fuse nucleated chick erythrocytes with mouse L and A9 cells which had been enucleated by centrifugation in the presence of cytochalasinB. The enucleation step removed the nuclei from more than 99% of the cells. During the fusion step, chick erythrocyte nuclei were introduced into 20% of the enucleated mouse cytoplasms. This resulted in the formation of a large number of "reconstituted cells" where practically all the cytoplasm originated from the mouse cell while the nucleus was of chick origin. The chick erythrocyte nuclei appeared to become well integrated into the mouse cytoplasms since they increased dramatically in size and dry mass, formed nucleolus-like bodies, and resumed RNA synthesis. This, however, did not prevent a gradual decrease in the rate of protein synthesis in the cytoplasm after the removal of the mouse nucleus. Protein synthesis decayed at a similar rate in both reconstituted and enucleated cells. The majority of these "cells" died within 48 h and all of them within 5 days after enucleation/fusion. By contrast, the small number of L cells which failed to become enucleated multiplied rapidly. The results obtained suggest that the reactivation of the chick erythrocyte nuclei is not fast enough to rescue the enucleated mouse cytoplasms.  相似文献   

Fusion experiments employing chick erythrocytes and multiply biochemically marked BHK-derived cell lines have given clear evidence that reacquisition of enzyme activity in all markers followed the same time course and correlated with the appearance of a microscopically detectable nucleolar structure in the reactivating erythrocyte nucleus. The studies additionally provide evidence of passive transfer at the time of fusion of a considerable amount of APRT activity and a lesser amount of HGPRT activity but not of the other enzyme activities followed.  相似文献   

The reactivation of chick erythrocyte nuclei after Sendai virus induced fusion of chick erythrocytes with intact or anucleate rat myoblasts or rat epithelial cells was studied by electron microscopy. Both in heterokaryons and in reconstituted cells formed by the fusion of chick red cells with anucleate rat L6 myoblasts the amount of highly condensed chromatin in the chick nuclei decreased with time after fusion at the same time as the proportion of dispersed chromatin increased. Nuclear organelles, typical of active nuclei but absent in the nuclei of unfused erythrocytes, appeared during reactivation. The percentage of chick nuclei containing a nucleolus was low 24 h after fusion but increased so that almost all nuclei contained one or more nucleoli 120 h after fusion. In reconstituted cells the frequency of nucleoli was much lower than in heterokaryons. In other respects, the erythrocyte nuclei introduced into anucleate rat cells underwent a normal reactivation and appeared to be well integrated with the cytoplasm. Thus, the nuclear envelope consisted of two normal leaflets in direct contact with the cytoplasm. Nuclear pores were observed in front of interchromatin channels. A normal cytoplasmic geometry appeared to be re-established since the Golgi apparatus occupied a position close to the poles of the chick nucleus.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of reactivated chick erythrocyte nuclei from heterokaryons was developed. The heterokaryons were produced by fusing chick erythrocytes with HeLa or L cells in the presence of inactivated Sendai virus. At various time intervals after fusion nuclei were isolated directly from the monolayer by treatment with an acidic detergent solution. Chick erythrocyte nuclei were then separated from other nuclei (HeLa or L cell) by centrifugation on sucrose gradients. The purified preparation of reactivated chick erythrocyte nuclei was shown to be free from other nuclei and cytoplasmic contamination. By using L cells which had been labelled with 3H-leucine before fusion or heterokaryons labelled after fusion it was demonstrated that labelled mouse proteins migrate from the cytoplasm of the heterokaryons into the reactivating chick erythrocyte nuclei. 3H-uridine labelling of heterokaryons made by fusing UV-irradiated chick erythrocytes with L cells failed to reveal any significant migration of mouse RNA into the chick erythrocyte nuclei.  相似文献   

The chromatin of the dormant chick nucleus is dispersed in the heterokaryons made by Sendai virus fusion of phase II WI38 cells with chick erythrocyte nuclei. The erythrocyte nucleus resumes RNA synthesis and enters into DNA synthesis with the host nucleus. In the heterokaryons of phase III WI38 cells and chick erythrocytes, the nuclear chromatin is not dispersed and RNA synthesis occurs at a reduced rate. The differences in the physiological state of the young and senescent cells measured by [3H]uridine incorporation into nuclear RNA is reflected in the extent of reactivation of the chick erythrocyte nuclei in the cytoplasm of these cells. The reactivation of the chick nucleus in enucleated fibroblasts parallels the nucleated cells. The results of these studies are interpreted as evidence that there is a specific loss of nuclear function in the senescent cells.  相似文献   

Nuclei of active cells (HeLa, mouse fibroblasts) partnered with chick erythrocyte nuclei in heterokaryons are suppressed, as judged by a decreased rate of 3H-uridine incorporation and diminished nuclear binding of 3H-actinomycin D. The extent to which active partner nuclei are suppressed, the extent to which erythrocyte nuclei are reactivated, and the degree of sensitivity of heterokaryons towards certain inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes, all correlate strongly with the ratios of erythrocyte nuclei to active nuclei. Thus, reactivation of individual erythrocyte nuclei is reduced progressively and active nuclei are suppressed progressively as the ratio of erythrocyte nuclei per active nucleus in heterokaryons increases. This erythrocyte nuclear-dose dependent suppression is markedly amplified when heterokaryons are grown in the presence of protease inhibitors. The protease inhibitors found to affect heterokaryons are low molecular weight (<400) inhibitors of trypsin-like enzymes: -1-tosylamide-2-leucyl chloromethyl ketone (TLCK), N-α-tosyl- -arginine methyl ester (TAME) and N-benzoyl- -arginine amide (BAA). They affect heterokaryons at concentrations comparable to the minimal concentrations at which they inhibit trypsin. Nonfused HeLa cells, mouse fibroblasts, or their homokaryons are refractory to protease inhibitors at these concentrations.Reactivation of chick erythrocyte nuclei in a heterokaryon may involve release of suppressors ordinarily confined to the erythrocyte nucleus, with subsequent redistribution of suppressor among all the nuclei of the heterokaryon. Under these circumstances the state of nuclear activity will depend on the quantity of suppressor per individual nucleus; within the erythrocyte nucleus the suppressors will decrease its rate of reactivation, when they migrate into an active nucleus they will suppress it. These suppressors, either in transit between the nuclei, or within the nuclei, may be hydrolysed by intracellular proteases.  相似文献   

The reactivation of the chick erythrocyte nucleus was studied after erythrocytes were induced to fuse with rat epithelial cells in the presence of Sendai virus. The chick nucleus swells, shows an increase in dry mass and protein content and resumes RNA synthesis. Nucleoplasmic antigens characteristic of the rat cell are found to migrate into the erythrocyte nucleus. The rate of uptake of these molecules, which are believed to be proteins, appears to be directly related to increases in nuclear size, 3H-uridine incorporation and RNA polymerase activity. The polymerase activity which increases during the first days after cell fusion is sensitive to α-amanitin but relatively resistant to actinomycin D. At later time points there is an increase in α-amanitin resistant polymerase activity which probably reflects the appearance of ribosomal RNA synthesis.When heterokaryons containing different proportions of rat: chick nuclei are compared, reactivation is found to proceed most rapidly in those containing a high rat: chick nuclear ratio. As the number of erythrocyte nuclei in heterokaryons increases, the rate of reactivation in the individual nuclei is progressively reduced suggesting that the erythrocyte nuclei compete with each other for macromolecules of specific importance for the activation process.  相似文献   

Pattern of chick gene activation in chick erythrocyte heterokaryons   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
The reactivation of chicken erythrocyte nuclei in chick-mammalian heterokaryons resulted in the activation of chick globin gene expression. However, the level of chick globin synthesis was dependent on the mammalian parental cell type. The level of globin synthesis was high in chick erythrocyte-rat L6 myoblast heterokaryons but was 10-fold lower in chick erythrocyte-mouse A9 cell heterokaryons. Heterokaryons between chick erythrocytes and a hybrid cell line between L6 and A9 expressed chick globin at a level similar to that of A9 heterokaryons. Erythrocyte nuclei reactivated in murine NA neuroblastoma, 3T3, BHK and NRK cells, or in chicken fibroblasts expressed less than 5% chick globin compared with the chick erythrocyte-L6 myoblast heterokaryons. The amount of globin expressed in heterokaryons correlated with globin mRNA levels. Hemin increased beta globin synthesis two- to threefold in chick erythrocyte-NA neuroblastoma heterokaryons; however, total globin synthesis was still less than 10% that of L6 heterokaryons. Distinct from the variability in globin expression, chick erythrocyte heterokaryons synthesized chick constitutive polypeptides in similar amounts independent of the mammalian parental cell type. Approximately 40 constitutive chick polypeptides were detected in heterokaryons after immunopurification and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The pattern of synthesis of these polypeptides was similar in heterokaryons formed by fusing chicken erythrocytes with rat L6 myoblasts, hamster BHK cells, or mouse neuroblastoma cells. Three polypeptides synthesized by non-erythroid chicken cells but less so by embryonic erythrocytes were conspicuous in heterokaryons. Two abundant erythrocyte polypeptides were insignificant in non-erythroid chicken cells and in heterokaryons.  相似文献   

Fusion of terminally differentiated chick erythrocytes (CE) with replicating quail myoblasts or established L6J1 rat myoblasts results in reactivation of DNA synthesis in the dormant CE nuclei and in suppression of DNA synthesis in the myoblast nuclei. The nuclei of primary quail myoblasts are more effectively inhibited than the nuclei of established rat myoblasts. Inhibition of DNA replication occurs not only by preventing G1 nuclei from entering S-phase but also by blocking nuclei in S-phase and by delaying nuclei in G2 from undergoing mitosis and starting a new DNA replication cycle. No inhibition of DNA synthesis could be observed when mouse erythrocytes, i.e., erythrocytes lacking nuclei, were fused with rat myoblasts to generate mouse-globin-containing L6J1 cybrids. — Reactivation of CE nuclei is associated with a loss of the tissuespecific H5 histone variant. Complete elimination of H5 histone, however, does not seem to be a necessary prerequisite for the initiation or completion of DNA replication in CE nuclei since H5 antigens are found on reactivated G1, S, and G2 nuclei.  相似文献   

Leukocytes and mast cells of rat peritoneal exudate (PE) were fused in vitro with actively growing mouse cells. Segmented ring-shaped nuclei of granulocytes undergo drastic changes which result in dispersion of tightly condensed chromatin and gradual disappearance of the opening in the centre of the nucleus. These changes are paralleled by a resumption of RNA and DNA synthesis, as shown by autoradiography with [3H]uridine and [3H]thymidine. Solid inactive nuclei of mast cells, lymphocytes, monocytes and macrophages also resume DNA replication and high level of RNA synthesis. Fusion of thymidine kinase-deficient 3T3-4E cells with PE cells results in the incorporation of [3H]thymidine into the nuclei of heterokaryons. This may be considered evidence of the phenotypic expression of rat thymidine kinase gene in heterokaryons. A similar way in which segmented and non-segmented dormant nuclei undergo reactivation suggests that the reversibility of nuclear inactivation is a common feature of differentiated somatic cells.  相似文献   

The reactivation of the nuclei of erythrocytes, reticulocytes and bone marrow cells has been studied by means of hybridization of the pigeon erythroid cells with the human embryonic cells A1. The process of reactivation of the erythroid nucleus was shown to depend on the stage of erythroid cell differentiation. The nuclei of cells at the earlier stages of differentiation give a higher percentage of heterocaryons (40%, 70%) than those of more mature cells (9%). The activated nuclei of immatur cells formed nucleoli already 24 hrs, whereas those of mature erythrocytes only 3-5 days after the cell fusion.  相似文献   

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