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The effect of temperature on the rates and extent of carbon and nitrogen cycling by the heterotrophic microflagellate Paraphysomonas imperforata (diameter, 7 to 12 μm) fed with the diatom Phaeodactylum tricornutum was investigated over an ecologically pertinent temperature range (14 to 26°C). All physiological rates investigated increased with increasing temperature. Q10 values were similar for all rate changes and were comparable to those which have been reported for other protozoa. In contrast to all rates, microflagellate gross growth efficiency and cell volume were unaffected by temperature. Decreases in the concentrations of particulate carbon and particulate nitrogen from grazed diatom cultures also were similar when summed over the entire growth phase of the microflagellate population. Therefore, the proportions of ingested carbon and nitrogen which were incorporated or remineralized by the microflagellate were independent of temperature between 14 and 26°C. At temperatures above 18°C, growth rates of P. imperforata were greater than the maximum growth rates reported for most phytoplankton. We conclude that the impact of P. imperforata on natural phytoplankton communities is not controlled by temperature above 18°C but may be affected by the rate at which zooplankton or microzooplankton prey on the microflagellate, as well as the inability of the microflagellate to graze efficiently when phytoplankton are present at low cell densities.  相似文献   

Summary Changes in the concentrations of bacteria, phytoplankton, protozoa, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate carbohydrate (PCHO) and particulate organic nitrogen (PON) were followed throughout the summer at an Antarctic coastal site. The colonial prymnesiophyte Phaeocystis pouchetii was the first major phytoplankton species to bloom, reaching concentrations of 6 × 107 cells · 1–1 and remained numerically dominant for most of the summer. During the P. pouchetii bloom the concentration of most other autotrophs did not increase. Microheterotroph abundance peaked during or immediately after the Phaeocystis bloom. Their peak coincided with very high concentrations of organic carbon, particularly DOC which exceeded 100 mg · 1–1, and low bacterial abundance. Maximum bacterial abundance was reached after the decline in microheterotroph numbers. Bacterial utilization of carbon substrates and microheterotroph grazing of bacteria and uptake of DOC may form an important link to higher trophic levels during Antarctic Phaeocystis blooms.  相似文献   

This work aims to examine the global behavior of a Gause type predator–prey model considering two aspects: (i) the functional response is Holling type III and, (ii) the prey growth is affected by the Allee effect. We prove the origin of the system is an attractor equilibrium point for all parameter values. It has also been shown that it is the ω-limit of a wide set of trajectories of the system, due to the existence of a separatrix curve determined by the stable manifold of the equilibrium point (m,0), which is associated to the Allee effect on prey. When a weak Allee effect on the prey is assumed, an important result is obtained, involving the existence of two limit cycles surrounding a unique positive equilibrium point: the innermost cycle is unstable and the outermost stable. This property, not yet reported in models considering a sigmoid functional response, is an important aspect for ecologists to acknowledge as regards the kind of tristability shown here: (1) the origin; (2) an interior equilibrium; and (3) a limit cycle of large amplitude. These models have undoubtedly been rather sensitive to disturbances and require careful management in applied conservation and renewable resource contexts.  相似文献   

Paramoeba invadens Jones 1985 is a pathogenic marine amoeba responsible for mass mortalities of sea urchins (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) of Nova Scotia between 1980 and 1983. A direct relationship between temperature and sea urchin paramoebiasis has been shown in previous laboratory and field studies. This study examined the effect of prey availability and temperature on the growth of P. invadens in monoxenic culture (with the marine bacterium Pseudomonas nautica). At 15°C, the specific growth rate of P. invadens increased with bacterial prey concentration and was highest at 108 bacterial cells ml−1. Growth rate of P. invadens was maximal at 15 to 20°C (which corresponds to annual sea temperature maxima in the natural environment) and the minimum generation time was 19.41 h at 20°C. At 10 and 12°C, generation times were 91.18 and 73.39 h, respectively; at 2 and 5°C, there was no growth. P. invadens did not survive in monoxenic culture at 27°C. Growth rates of P. invadens in vitro were positively correlated with time to morbidity of infected S. droebachiensis.  相似文献   

The present study was performed at Potter Peninsula (King George Island, Antarctica) with the following goals: (1) to assess the size selection of kelp gulls on Antarctic limpets during the chick-rearing period, and (2) to evaluate the degree of accuracy in the use of populational abundance and size-frequency distribution as an indicator of prey availability. The average size of limpets available to kelp gulls was significantly smaller than that of the population as a whole and those actually consumed by gulls. The odds ratio revealed a strong selectivity for large limpets, when available and consumed sizes were compared. However, only a proportion of the limpets present was available to gulls. These differences clearly show that using abundance information as an indicator of a resource importance can lead to substantial errors in ecological interpretations. Accepted: 21 November 1998  相似文献   

Color polymorphism in insects as well as factors contributing to its occurrence and maintenance have been of a great interest. Pea aphid (A. pisum) exhibits a noteworthy color polymorphism which occurs as red and green. The preference of the predatory gall midge Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani) for the two color morphs of pea aphid at two life stages (adult and second instar) was investigated. Red adults, red nymphs, green adults, and green nymphs were offered to the larvae of the predator in different sets. The larvae attacked red aphids more than green ones of a same size. But whenever adults were offered along with nymphs, the nymphs experienced significantly more attacks. Although visual cues could result in more predation on red aphids, our findings showed that the size of aphids was the more important factor. The results showed that previous findings, suggesting more predation on the red morph, are valid when the same size of aphids is used. The ovipositing females exhibited no differences in oviposition choice between stalks infested with either of two colors.  相似文献   

The sea ice microbial community plays a key role in the productivity of the Southern Ocean. Exopolysaccharide (EPS) is a major component of the exopolymer secreted by many marine bacteria to enhance survival and is abundant in sea ice brine channels, but little is known about its function there. This study investigated the effects of temperature on EPS production in batch culture by CAM025, a marine bacterium isolated from sea ice sampled from the Southern Ocean. Previous studies have shown that CAM025 is a member of the genus Pseudoalteromonas and therefore belongs to a group found to be abundant in sea ice by culture-dependent and -independent techniques. Batch cultures were grown at −2°C, 10°C, and 20°C, and cell number, optical density, pH, glucose concentration, and viscosity were monitored. The yield of EPS at −2°C and 10°C was 30 times higher than at 20°C, which is the optimum growth temperature for many psychrotolerant strains. EPS may have a cryoprotective role in brine channels of sea ice, where extremes of high salinity and low temperature impose pressures on microbial growth and survival. The EPS produced at −2°C and 10°C had a higher uronic acid content than that produced at 20°C. The availability of iron as a trace metal is of critical importance in the Southern Ocean, where it is known to limit primary production. EPS from strain CAM025 is polyanionic and may bind dissolved cations such at trace metals, and therefore the presence of bacterial EPS in the Antarctic marine environment may have important ecological implications.  相似文献   

Heteropolymer humic substances (HS) are the largest constituents of soil organic matter and are key components that affect plant and microbial growth in maritime Antarctic tundra. We investigated HS decomposition in Antarctic tundra soils from distinct sites by incubating samples at 5°C or 8°C (within a natural soil thawing temperature range of −3.8°C to 9.6°C) for 90 days (average Antarctic summer period). This continuous 3-month artificial incubation maintained a higher total soil temperature than that in natural conditions. The long-term warming effects rapidly decreased HS content during the initial incubation, with no significant difference between 5°C and 8°C. In the presence of Antarctic tundra soil heterogeneity, the relative abundance of Proteobacteria (one of the major bacterial phyla in cold soil environments) increased during HS decomposition, which was more significant at 8°C than at 5°C. Contrasting this, the relative abundance of Actinobacteria (another major group) did not exhibit any significant variation. This microcosm study indicates that higher temperatures or prolonged thawing periods affect the relative abundance of cold-adapted bacterial communities, thereby promoting the rate of microbial HS decomposition. The resulting increase in HS-derived small metabolites will possibly accelerate warming-induced changes in the Antarctic tundra ecosystem.  相似文献   

Psychrophilic Antarctic yeasts produce polysaccharides in different concentrations. According to morphological, cultural, physiological and biochemical characteristics, the best producer strain was identified as Cryptococcus flavus A51. The highest values for viscosity (59.1 mPa s) and crude polysaccharide productivity (5.75 g/L) were obtained in a medium containing 5 % sucrose and 0.25 % (NH4)2SO4, at 24 °C for 6 d. The chemical composition and sugar constituents of the crude exopolysaccharide were determined (92.5 % saccharides, 3.34 % protein, and 4.16 % ash). The monosaccharide composition of the exopolysaccharide obtained from C. flavus strain AL51 was established (55.1 % mannose, 26.1 % glucose, 9.60 % xylose, 1.90 % galactose). The microbial biopolymer has a high molar mass and homogeneity: 82 % of it had M 1.01 MDa.  相似文献   

We studied the role of bacterial secondary metabolites in the context of grazing protection against protozoans. A model system was used to examine the impact of violacein-producing bacteria on feeding rates, growth, and survival of three common bacterivorous nanoflagellates. Freshwater isolates of Janthinobacterium lividum and Chromobacterium violaceum produced the purple pigment violacein and exhibited acute toxicity to the nanoflagellates tested. High-resolution video microscopy revealed that these bacteria were ingested by the flagellates at high rates. The uptake of less than three bacteria resulted in rapid flagellate cell death after about 20 min and cell lysis within 1 to 2 h. In selectivity experiments with nontoxic Pseudomonas putida MM1, flagellates did not discriminate against pigmented strains. Purified violacein from cell extracts of C. violaceum showed high toxicity to nanoflagellates. In addition, antiprotozoal activity was found to positively correlate with the violacein content of the bacterial strains. Pigment synthesis in C. violaceum is regulated by an N-acylhomoserine lactone (AHL)-dependent quorum-sensing system. An AHL-deficient, nonpigmented mutant provided high flagellate growth rates, while the addition of the natural C. violaceum AHL could restore toxicity. Moreover, it was shown that the presence of violacein-producing bacteria in an otherwise nontoxic bacterial diet considerably inhibited flagellate population growth. Our results suggest that violacein-producing bacteria possess a highly effective survival mechanism which may exemplify the potential of some bacterial secondary metabolites to undermine protozoan grazing pressure and population dynamics.  相似文献   

We examined patch residence times for an omnivorous predator, Dicyphus hesperus on a variety of plants and prey. Individual D. hesperus were placed in cages containing either mullein, tomato, pepper or chrysanthemum plants, and either no prey, Mediterranean flour moth eggs, greenhouse whitefly pupae or two-spotted spider mite adults. Patch residence times were typically greater than 24 h. The probability of remaining on the patch was greatest on mullein and tomato, followed by chrysanthemum and least on pepper, whereas probability of remaining on the patch was greatest when flour moth eggs were present, and least when no prey were available. Patch residence time in D. hesperus was determined by both the prey, and the species of plant, in an independent fashion. Our results reinforce the notion that for omnivores, the patch itself is as important as the prey that it harbors.  相似文献   

The influence of prey mobility and species on prey selection by the coccinellid Harmonia axyridis Pallas was determined under laboratory conditions for two prey species, Hyaliodes vitripennis (Say) and Tetranychus urticae Koch. Prey selection was influenced by prey mobility. In the presence of active prey, the coccinellid selected T. urticae while in presence of immobilized prey, H. vitripennis was preferred. Harmonia axyridis searching time was longer in the presence of active H. vitripennis than in the presence of active T. urticae. Moreover, the coccinellid capture rate was lower for active H. vitripennis caused by effective defensive mechanisms. Prey suitability was affected by prey mobility and species. Immobilized H. vitripennis were the most profitable prey, i.e. induced a shorter developmental time and no mortality. However, active H. vitripennis were not a suitable food source for H. axyridis. Our results suggested that three factors are involved in prey selection by H. axyridis: (i) prey mobility; (ii) prey defensive mechanisms; and (iii) prey species.  相似文献   

The prey of Antarctic fur seals, Arctocephalus gazella, was investigated through scat analysis at Marion Island from 1996 until 2000. A total of 25 different prey species were identified from scats, of which 21 were fish, 1 crustacean and 3 cephalopods. Fish were by far the main prey item, occurring in 96.1% of samples, followed by crustaceans (2.7%) and cephalopods (1.2%). Fishes from the family Myctophidae (Gymnoscopelus piabilis, Electrona carlsbergi, G. fraseri and E. subaspera) were the most abundant prey (97.2%) every year, while those from the families Notothenididae, Paralepididae, Notosudidae, Microstomatidae and Gempylidae were present in small numbers. G. piabilis, E. carlsbergi, E. subaspera and G. nicholsi contributed the most in terms of biomass to the diet. Significant seasonal differences existed in the diet when comparing summer and winter. G. piabilis, K. anderssoni, P. bolini and P. choriodon dominated in summer as opposed to E. carlsbergi, E. subaspera, G. fraseri and G. nicholsi that dominated in winter. The fish varied in size and mass, from the small K. anderssoni to the large Paranotothenia magellanica. Cephalopods and the crustacean Nauticaris marionis, in very low numbers and in winter, appeared in the scats, but not in all years of study. Unidentified penguin remains rarely turned up in scats.  相似文献   

Mixed diets of prey and plant-provided foods, such as pollen, have been shown to benefit a wide range of arthropods. However, diet shifting between these two very different food sources remains poorly understood. We hypothesized that previous diet should influence subsequent time allocation between prey and plant food types; to reach a balanced diet, consumers are expected to allocate more time to resources previously lacking in their diet. We tested this hypothesis by observing the foraging choices of larvae of two omnivorous coccinellid species: Coccinella septempunctata L. and Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), following a diet history of prey, pollen or a mixed diet of both food types. Results showed an asymmetrical tendency of C. septempunctata larvae to complement their previous diet with unfamiliar food: larvae allocated more time to pollen feeding, but not to prey, when each of the foods was previously absent from their diet. Study results have important implications for the use of plant-provided food supplements to enhance biological control by these omnivorous consumers.  相似文献   

石建斌 《动物学杂志》2013,48(1):150-158
捕食者不但可以通过直接捕杀猎物而控制猎物的种群数量,还可以通过捕食风险效应影响猎物种群的繁殖和动态,并且在某些情况下,捕食风险效应对猎物种群动态的控制作用甚至大于捕食者的直接捕杀.关于捕食风险效应对猎物动物繁殖产出和种群动态变化的作用及其机理方面的野外研究越来越受到国内外学者重视.本文介绍了近年来捕食风险效应的研究进展,重点关注了美国黄石国家公园中捕食者对马鹿(Cervus elephus)、加拿大育空地区的捕食者对白靴兔(Lepus americanus)的捕食风险效应等案例研究,以阐明捕食风险效应对猎物种群动态影响的重要性,以及关于捕食风险效应影响猎物种群繁殖和动态机理的两个假说(捕食者敏感食物假说、捕食应激假说).并结合我国在捕食者与猎物之间关系的研究现状,提出了进一步在野外开展捕食风险效应对濒危有蹄类猎物种群动态影响研究的建议,阐释了开展这些研究的重要意义.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. To investigate the feeding by the newly described mixotrophic dinoflagellate Paragymnodinium shiwhaense (GenBank accession number=AM408889), we explored the feeding process and the kinds of prey species that P. shiwhaense is able to feed on using several different types of microscopes, including a transmission electron microscope and high‐resolution video‐microscopy. In addition, we measured the growth and ingestion rates of P. shiwhaense on its optimal algal prey Amphidinium carterae as a function of prey concentration. We also measured these parameters for edible prey at a single concentration at which the growth and ingestion rates of P. shiwhaense on A. carterae were saturated. Paragymnodinium shiwhaense feed on algal prey using a peduncle after anchoring the prey by a tow filament. Among the algal prey offered, P. shiwhaense ingested small algal species that had equivalent spherical diameters (ESDs) ≤11 μm (e.g. the prymnesiophyte Isochrysis galbana, the cryptophytes Teleaulax sp. and Rhodomonas salina, the raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo, and the dinoflagellates Heterocapsa rotundata and A. carterae). However, it did not feed on larger algal species that had ESDs ≥12 μm (e.g. the dinoflagellates Prorocentrum minimum, Heterocapsa triquetra, Scrippsiella trochoidea, Alexandrium tamarense, Prorocentrum micans, Gymnodinium catenatum, Akashiwo sanguinea, and Lingulodinium polyedrum) or the small diatom Skeletonema costatum. The specific growth rates for P. shiwhaense feeding upon A. carterae increased rapidly with increasing mean prey concentration before saturating at concentrations of ca. 350 ng C/ml (5,000 cells/ml). The maximum specific growth rate (i.e. mixotrophic growth) of P. shiwhaense on A. carterae was 1.097/d at 20 °C under a 14:10 h light–dark cycle of 20 μE/m2/s, while its growth rate (i.e. phototrophic growth) under the same light conditions without added prey was ?0.224/d. The maximum ingestion and clearance rates of P. shiwhaense on A. carterae were 0.38 ng C/grazer/d (5.4 cells/grazer/d) and 0.7 μl/grazer/h, respectively. The calculated grazing coefficients for P. shiwhaense on co‐occurring Amphidinium spp. was up to 0.07/h (i.e. 6.7% of the population of Amphidinium spp. was removed by P. shiwhaense populations in 1 h). The results of the present study suggest that P. shiwhaense can have a considerable grazing impact on algal populations.  相似文献   

Digestive capacity often limits food intake rate in animals. Many species can flexibly adjust digestive organ mass, enabling them to increase intake rate in times of increased energy requirement and/or scarcity of high-quality prey. However, some prey species are defended by secondary compounds, thereby forcing a toxin limitation on the forager’s intake rate, a constraint that potentially cannot be alleviated by enlarging digestive capacity. Hence, physiological flexibility may have a differential effect on intake of different prey types, and consequently on dietary preferences. We tested this effect in red knots (Calidris canutus canutus), medium-sized migratory shorebirds that feed on hard-shelled, usually mollusc, prey. Because they ingest their prey whole and crush the shell in their gizzard, the intake rate of red knots is generally constrained by digestive capacity. However, one of their main prey, the bivalve Loripes lucinalis, imposes a toxin constraint due to its symbiosis with sulphide-oxidizing bacteria. We manipulated gizzard sizes of red knots through prolonged exposure to hard-shelled or soft foods. We then measured maximum intake rates of toxic Loripes versus a non-toxic bivalve, Dosinia isocardia. We found that intake of Dosinia exponentially increased with gizzard mass, confirming earlier results with non-toxic prey, whereas intake of Loripes was independent of gizzard mass. Using linear programming, we show that this leads to markedly different expected diet preferences in red knots that try to maximize energy intake rate with a small versus a large gizzard. Intra- and inter-individual variation in digestive capacity is found in many animal species. Hence, the here proposed functional link with individual differences in foraging decisions may be general. We emphasize the potential relevance of individual variation in physiology when studying trophic interactions.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of the transport of ions through excisedbarley roots. It is shown that addition of 10–5 M abscisicacid (ABA) may lead to inhibition or stimulation of transport.The effect of ABA depended on the conditions in which the plantshad been grown and on the temperature at which the experimentwas carried out. It is suggested that stimulation of transportis a direct effect of ABA, but inhibition may be an indirecteffect due to disturbance of endogenous levels of plant hormones.The results are considered in relation to regulation of iontransport in the plant as a whole.  相似文献   

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