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Prey selectivity of Piona exigua,a planktonic water mite   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Females, males and nymphs of Piona exigua were observed during prey capture and ingestion. The encounter radius of the mite was very small, allowing the escape of some crustaceans, such as the calanoid copepod Boeckella. Cladocerans, such as Bosmina or Chydorus, with little or no pre-contact escape response were the most vulnerable to mite predation. Preference values in size-selection experiments varied widely between individual mites. Adult mites presented with two sizes of Daphnia carinata generally preferred the smaller prey. When four sizes were presented simultaneously, however, the preferences of female mites for each size were not significantly different. Patterns of prey selection varied with predator age and sex; for example, female mites preferred Daphnia to Simocephalus, Ceriodaphnia and Chydorus, while nymphs showed a strong preference for Chydorus over Ceriodaphnia. When two prey types were present in equal proportions, differences in total prey density (range 5 or 10/1 – 30 or 50/1) did not alter preferences between the prey species. The preference of female mites for a particular prey type generally increased with increasing relative abundance of the prey type in each of three experiments (Daphnia: Ceriodaphnia, Ceriodaphnia: Chydorus, and Daphnia: Simocephalus). These results imply switching behaviour in these mites. Our results indicate the value of direct observation of predatory behaviour as an adjunct to prey selection experiments. It is also apparent that predatory behaviour in the presence of more than one prey type may not be predictable from that observed in single-prey situations. Predation rates on particular prey species were sometimes reduced in the presence of another species. The relative proportions of prey eaten when two species were present could not be predicted from the number of each species eaten when they were presented separately.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. 1. The eggs of a planktonic, predatory water mile Piona exigua Viets were reared in the laboratory at constant temperatures ranging from 10°C to 280C. Egg development rates increased with increase in temperature.
2. Five models describing the effect of temperature on egg development times were fitted to the data.
3. The variances of the egg hatching times at each temperature differed widely, but these variances were not made more equal by In-transformation.
4. A simple power curve, fitted to the raw data, accounted for ≥.97% of the variation in the data. Two further models, both of which included a third parameter, provided a better fit at the temperature extremes.
5. Close examination of the patterns of variance at difference temperatures may provide information relating to the pattern of emergence of aquatic poikilotherms.
6. At temperatures below 230C. eggs of Piona exigua developed more rapidly than eggs of Piona constricta , from Heney Lake. Quebec (Riessen, 1982)  相似文献   

不同温湿度组合对甜菜夜蛾生长发育及繁殖力的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
不同温湿组合对甜菜夜蛾各虫态生长发育和繁殖力有明显的影响,适宜该虫生长发育的温湿度为26℃与RH80%或RH94%两个组合.在这种条件下,其卵孵化率、1~5龄幼虫存活率、蛹羽化率、雌虫比率、产卵的雌虫比率和平均产卵量分别为82.63%~83.70%、81.90%~82.47%、88.00%~88.03%、90.40%~91.00%、93.36%~94.17%、95.97%~96.26%、92.77%~94.16%、0.42~0.43、0.98和605~606粒/雌,且明显高于其它温湿组合.在温湿度为32℃与RH94%条件下,该虫的内禀增长能力最大(0.225).  相似文献   

We analysed the relative effects of food availability and temperature on rates of growth and development of a predatory planktonic water mite, Piona exigua. Growth in length of mites fed Daphnia, Ceriodaphnia and Chydorus was analysed by Gompertz or von Bertalanffy curves; these curves were compared by parallel curve analysis. Growth rates of nymphs and adult female mites increased with temperature; the duration of the imagochrysalis stage decreased. Females grown at 10 °C were smaller at final size than females grown at 15 °C, 18 °C or 22 °C. Females reared at food levels of 15 or 30 prey l−1 grew more slowly and were smaller than those provided with 60 or 120 prey l−1. Nymphs grew more slowly when Daphnia were the only prey, than when smaller prey were available. Food level did not affect nymph growth at 10 °C or 15 °C, but growth at 18 °C or 22 °C may have been slowed at the lowest food levels. Synergistic effects of temperature and food level on nymph growth were apparent only from analysis of growth curves and not from stage duration data.  相似文献   

Females of Zeiraphera canadensis Mut. & Free., the spruce bud moth, were reared in the laboratory at constant and alternating temperatures, and in an outdoor insectary, to (1) determine the effects of temperature, age and size on several reproductive parameters and, (2) to test the hypothesis that body size-temperature interactions influence longevity and realized fecundity. Egg maturation was linearly related to age and large moths developed eggs at a higher rate than small ones. Mcan lifetime oviposition rate reached a maximum and remained stable at temperatures 20° C while the mean lifetime rate of egg maturation increased linearly with temperature, indicating that higher temperatures adversely affect oviposition. The production of nonviable eggs increased with age but also with temperature, suggesting high temperature (25° C) reduces egg quality and/or hinders fertilization. The realized fecundity and longevity of females reared under an alternating temperature regime (mean 20° C) was significantly less than that of females reared at constant 20° C. Similar realized fecundity, longevity and mean lifetime oviposition rates for females reared at temperatures alternating between 10 and 25° C (mean 20° C) and those at constant 25° C reflected the inability of females to recover from elevated diurnal temperatures. Longevity was positively related to female body size at constant 15 and 20° C but the relationships were negative for moths exposed to diurnal temperatures equal to or exceeding 25° C. Due to the reduced longevity of large moths at high temperatures, linear regressions between size and realized fecundity were only significant at constant temperatures 20° C. At higher temperatures, the size-fecundity relationship became curvilinear as a result of the diminished reproductive output of large individuals. Reduced fecundity and longevity of large females at high temperatures may have been due to elevated internal temperatures of large-bodied moths. Large females in a controlled-environment chamber maintained at 25° C developed an internal temperature excess (i.e. temperature above ambient) of nearly 2° C while small-bodied females exceeded ambient by only 0.3° C. However, when held at 20° C, the temperature excess of large-bodied moths was much less than 1° C and small-bodied females did not differ from ambient. Such interactions between temperature and body size suggest that there should be stabilizing selection toward moderate-sized individuals and may explain the absence of size-related effects on fecundity and longevity previously reported for several other lepidopterans.  相似文献   

The general female bias in body size of animals is usually attributed to fecundity selection. While many studies have demonstrated a positive relationship between body size and fecundity, the most common interpretation of fecundity selection is that larger females have larger abdomens and can hold more eggs, yet the relationship between abdomen size and fecundity has rarely been examined. For the waterstrider, Aquarius remigis, we find a significant relationship between body size and fecundity and demonstrate that the target of fecundity selection is abdomen size. Thus, larger females have higher fecundities because they have larger abdomens and not because of their total size per se. The rate at which fecundity increases with increasing abdomen size exceeds that which would be expected due to a simple volume constraint and suggests that other factors, such as increased ability to obtain resources, may contribute to the increase in fecundity with body size. Selection intensities estimated from our data indicate that fecundity selection could be a significant selective force on both total and abdomen lengths. Previous studies have found that abdomen size increased faster than body size and thus, larger females had relatively larger abdomens. The relationship of abdomen length and thorax length in A. remigis is hypoallometric and indicates that larger females have relatively smaller abdomens. We hypothesize that this may reflect conservation of abdomen size in females developing under poor conditions. Finally, while egg size is not directly related to body size, we find a trade-off between egg size and number when female abdomen length is held constant, suggesting that selection on egg size may influence abdomen length only indirectly through its effects on fecundity.  相似文献   

The daily Egg Production Rate (EPR) of the three Acartiidae copepods namely Acartia clausi, Paracartia latisetosa and Paracartia grani in the North Lagoon of Tunis was compared to temperature and food availability every season from March, 2003 to February, 2004 corresponding to the major seasonal peaks of their abundance and over a 20-days period. The daily EPR was evaluated by assuming a direct correlation with chlorophyll a, particulate organic carbon (POC), and some easily extractable macromolecular compounds from the seston, such as proteins, carbohydrates and lipids. The results showed significant differences in EPR between seasons and species. Temperature and salinity negatively affected the fecundity of A. clausi and positively that of P. latisetosa and P. grani. The A. clausi EPR was supported by chlorophyll a and sestonic proteins while that of P. latisetosa and P. grani correlated with POC suggesting that these two taxa feed on microzooplankton and detritus more than on phytoplankton. Overall, EPR data showed potential population recruitment evidently the highest in P. latisetosa in summer, P. grani in autumn and A. clausi in winter. Our results indicate that temperature and food quality are the determining factors of both abundance and reproduction of the copepods under study.  相似文献   

1 The pattern of dispersion within plants of the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, and its predator, the phytoseiid Phytoseiulus persimilis, was studied on the dwarf hop variety First Gold from May to September in 1997 and 1998. 2 Spider mite populations developed on the lower leaves initially but, by late July, as the numbers of mites increased, most were found towards the top of plants. From early August, the numbers of spider mites decreased most rapidly on the upper parts of plants. 3 Where P. persimilis was released, the predator maintained the numbers of T. urticae below those found on non-release plots throughout the season. 4 By early August, the predator’s pattern of dispersion was similar to that of the pest. 5 Predators spread to non-release plots by 20 June in 1997 and 24 July in 1998 and eventually became more numerous than on the plots where they had been released.  相似文献   

Pan XF  Yang JX  Chen XY  Li ZY 《动物学研究》2011,32(2):196-203
2007—2010年,对滇池金线鲃(Sinocyclocheilus grahami)进行了亲鱼培育、繁殖力和卵径(egg diameter,ED)大小的研究。滇池金线鲃的催产率、核偏位率和孵化率分别由2007年的25.2%、61.5%和30.4%到2010年的91.3%、85.2%和44.5%。四年间这3项指标均有不同程度提高,其中,催产率提高的幅度最大。提供适合滇池金线鲃营养全面的饵料可以保证亲鱼培育的最佳效果,获得高质量的鱼卵和鱼苗。滇池金线鲃绝对怀卵量与体长的关系是F=0.0004826SL3.166(R2=0.6424,P<0.05)。四年来滇池金线鲃的平均产卵量为(2118.4±899.1)粒,平均绝对怀卵量为(2402.9±881.9)粒,平均相对怀卵量为(70.4±20.8)粒。产卵量、绝对怀卵量和相对怀卵量都有随着体长增加而增加的趋势。卵的大小与胚胎存活相关,在胚胎发育的前两天,不同批次胚胎的死亡呈现一种稳定的或低的死亡率;而后5~7d不同大小的卵呈现不同的死亡率,即小的卵具有更高的死亡率;而卵径>2.0mm的胚胎死亡率趋于稳定;大的卵有更高的生存潜力,能保证仔鱼开口前继续完善身体器官的形成或发生所需要的能量。  相似文献   

Life table characteristics of Hypoaspis miles Berlese (Acarina: Hypoaspidae) fed on a mixture of Bradysia paupera Tuomikoski (Diptera: Sciaridae) and B. tritici Coquillet larvae were investigated in laboratory experiments at 4 temperatures (15, 20, 25, 30 °C) for development time, juvenile mortality, sex ratio, preoviposition period, oviposition period, postoviposition period, age-specific fecundity, and adult longevity. Juvenile development time decreased with increasing temperature from 46 days at 15 °C to 10 days at 30 °C. The lower temperature threshold was 9.9 °C and development required 205 °D. Juvenile mortality decreased from 52% at 15 °C to 3% at 25 °C and then increased to 24% at 30 °C. Preoviposition period varied with temperature from 12 days at 15 °C to 3 days at 25 °C and then increased to about 4 days at 30 °C. Oviposition period decreased with increasing temperature from 58 days at 15 °C to 25 days at 30 °C. The mean number of eggs per female per day increased from 0.4 at 15 °C to 2.3 at 25 °C and decreased to 1.3 at 30 °C. Age-specific fecundity was described by a temperature dependent model from which the maximum daily fecundity rate could be estimated to be attained at 25.6 °C. Female longevity was significantly shorter than for males, and decreased from 90 days at 15 °C to 34 days at 30 °C. Sex ratio was female-biased at all 4 temperatures and increased with temperature up to 25 °C, decreasing at 30 °C. Estimates of net reproductive rate, intrinsic rate of increase, finite rate of increase, mean generation time and doubling time were obtained. The r m -value increased with temperature from 0.031 day-1 at 15 °C to 0.133 day-1 at 25 °C, after which it decreased to 0.112 day-1 at 30 °C. The study showed that H. miles can develop and reproduce at temperatures between 15 and 30 °C. H. miles and sciarids have approximately the same optimum temperature and thresholds for development and reproduction and H. miles can be used for biological control of sciarids within the temperature range where the pest occurs.  相似文献   

Calanus finmarchicus, one of the dominant copepods species of the North Atlantic, often encounters low food concentration or quality during the reproductive period; however, our knowledge on the effect of these conditions on reproduction processes is scarce. The present study combines experiments with histological observations to describe the response of C. finmarchicus to limited food focussing on (1) oocyte maturation processes, (2) gonad morphology, (3) egg production rates as a function of spawning frequency and clutch size, and (4) the fuelling of egg production by measuring carbon and nitrogen content of the females. In the laboratory, C. finmarchicus females were exposed to 0, 10, 50, 150 or >300 μg C l−1 for several days. To account for food quality and season, reproductive activity was compared in April and July 1999 between females feeding on diatoms or dinoflagellates. The effect of feeding history was studied in February with females fed and starving prior to the experiment. Feeding conditions had severe effects on oocyte maturation process. Hence, egg production varied significantly with food concentration and quality, season and feeding history due to variation in both clutch size and spawning frequency. Clutch size differed by a factor of 2-4 between food limited and well fed females, and is thus an important parameter for modelling egg production. Changes in clutch size were related to changes of the number of maturing oocytes in the females gonads indicating that the latter can be used to precise the prediction of egg production from preserved samples. The proportion of females carrying at least some mature oocytes was relatively high at low food availability. Apparently, these females used internal body reserves as the carbon and nitrogen content decreased significantly under these conditions. These results indicate that C. finmarchicus embarks on the strategy to enable reproduction in all or many females of a population at low rates when feeding conditions are unfavourable.  相似文献   

The body length and body weight of all adult common toads (Bufo bufo) breeding at a pond in south Dorset were measured between 1983 and 1993. Each toad was placed into one of four categories depending on its sex and whether it was either a first time breeder or an animal that had previously bred. The body condition of each male and female toad for each year was compared with the average body condition of all the male and female toads captured over the 11 years of the study so that between-year differences in condition could be detected. Changes in body condition were compared with changes in body condition were compared with changes in toad density, rainfall and climatic temperature during the previous summer (March–September), during hibernation (October–February) and during the month preceding the start of spawning. During the study there was a decline in the body condition of all toad categories and these changes were significantly correlated with changes in toad density and climatic temperature. Toads were also more likely to enter hibernation in poor condition following a hot dry summer than after either cool wet or hot wet summers. Body condition explained 41% of the size-specific variation in fecundity.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between embryonic postdiapause development (PDD) and temperature in ten Acridid species was studied by culturing eggpods from diapause onwards at constant temperatures (ranging from 15.0° C to 37.5° C). In six species PDD was also studied at fluctuating temperatures (12 h at 27.5° C and 12 h at 13.0° C). The PDD duration was strongly temperature dependent in all species studied (Q10 values between 3.0 and 4.1) and differed greatly between species. To assess whether these differences affect habitat determination, PDD duration was related to habitat microclimate. We found that species with a relatively long PDD are restricted to relatively warm grasslands, while species with a short PDD are also found in colder grasslands. Two species have a more limited occurrence than predicted from PDD duration. It is argued that the length of PDD (and consequently hatching date) is crucial to the completion of the annual cycle. The results are applicable to conservation of grasshoppers in grasslands subject to eutrophication. Here increase of vegetation density and height will lead to lower maximum temperatures in the egg environment (i.e. near the soil surface) and consequently to a delay in hatching and loss of thermophilous species. Grassland management rules are proposed that should aid conservation of these species.  相似文献   

Environmentally induced phenotypic plasticity is common in nature. Hormones, affecting multiple traits and signaling to a variety of distant target tissues, provide a mechanistic link between environments, genes and trait expression, and may therefore well be involved in the regulation phenotypic plasticity. Here, we investigate whether in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana temperature-mediated plasticity in egg size and number, with fewer but larger eggs produced at lower temperatures and vice versa, is under control of juvenile hormone, and whether different temperatures cause differences in egg composition. Female B. anynana butterflies showed the expected response to temperature, however, we found no evidence for an involvement of juvenile hormone. Neither haemolymph JH II and JH III titres nor vitellogenin levels differed across temperatures. The smaller eggs produced at the higher temperature contained relatively higher amounts of water, free carbohydrates and proteins, but relatively lower amounts of lipids. While these smaller eggs had a lower absolute energy content, total reproductive investment was higher at the higher temperature (due to a higher fecundity). Overall, our study indicates that temperature-mediated plasticity in reproduction in B. anynana is mechanistically related to a biophysical model, with oocyte production (differentiation) and oocyte growth (vitellogenesis) having differential temperature sensitivities.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal nematode Ostertagia gruehneri is a parasite of reindeer that can have a significant impact on host population dynamics. To gain a better understanding of the population dynamics of O. gruehneri, we parameterise a model for its fecundity that describes the observed seasonal and intensity dependent pattern of faecal egg counts well. The faecal egg count model is combined with a model for the seasonal faecal production rate of Svalbard reindeer to obtain quantitative estimates of the fecundity of O. gruehneri. The model is used to evaluate the relative contribution to pasture contamination of variation in the abundance of O. gruehneri and variation in reindeer densities. It is concluded that due to the intensity dependence in nematode fecundity, variation in reindeer population densities is likely to be the most important of these factors for pasture contamination.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors affecting stress tolerance in phytoseiid mites is critical for their integration into biological control programs. In the present study, the effects of diet (varying in prey species, physiological status and phenotype) are examined on the future starvation tolerance of the predatory mite Neoseiulus californicus McGregor (Acari: Phytoseiidae). The predators are fed from egg to adulthood on diapausing or nondiapausing Tetranychus urticae, Tetranychus kanzawai (wild and albino strains) or the nondiapausing species Panonychus citri (wild and albino strains). Thereafter, 3‐day‐old mated adult females are held without food at 25 ± 1 °C and a relative humidity of 98 ± 2%. The survival of these starved females is observed daily until all females have died. The survival curves and mean survival times of N. californicus are found to vary among prey types and are significantly longer when the predator is fed with diapausing prey. This enhanced survival is consistent with high concentrations of glycogen and triacylglyceride in the body of the predator at the onset of starvation. The predators fed nondiapausing prey have shorter survival times, and the glycogen and triacylglyceride contents in their bodies are low or undetectable. The protein contents of the predator's body are similar after consuming different prey types, except for a high concentration when fed the albino strain of P. citri. Protein content is unlikely to play a direct role in starvation tolerance, although it may affect the response to varying glycogen and triacylglyceride levels. These findings indicate that nutritional value of prey has a strong impact on the starvation tolerance of N. californicus.  相似文献   

The relative toxicity of someacaricides to the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus persimilis and the twospottedspider mite, Tetranychus urticae (Acari: Phytoseiidae, Tetranychidae) wasevaluated in laboratory. Five of theacaricides tested, including bifenazate,acequinocyl, chlorfenapyr, flufenoxuron andfenbutatin oxide, were much less toxic to adultfemales and immatures of P. persimilisthan to those of T. urticae, and adultfemale predators treated with these fiveacaricides produced 84±96% as many eggs as didcontrol females. Etoxazole did not seriouslyaffect the survival and reproduction of adultfemale predators but caused high mortalityrates in eggs and larvae of P.persimilis. Milbemectin and fenazaquin werevery toxic to adult females and immatures ofP. persimilis. Adult female predatorssurvived on a diet of spider mites treated withbifenazate, acequinocyl, chlorfenapyr,flufenoxuron and fenbutatin oxide, and theirfecundity, prey consumption and the sex ratioof the progeny were not substantially affected. Based on the results, bifenazate, acequinocyl,chlorfenapyr, flufenoxuron and fenbutatin oxideappeared to be the promising candidates for usein integrated mite management programs whereP. persimilis is the major naturalenemy.  相似文献   

The biology of Hypoaspis miles Berlese (Acarina: Hypoaspidae) fed on mushroom sciarid larvae (Lycoriella solani Winnertz) (Diptera: Lycoriidae) and mould mites (Tyrophagus putrescentiae Schrank) (Acari: Acaridae), was investigated by laboratory experiments at 20 °C, 75% r.h. and LD16:D8 hours. H. miles had a significantly shorter development time and a significantly lower juvenile mortality when fed on sciarid larvae than on mould mites, the development time being 14.5 days and the mortality 3.5% on the former prey. The preoviposition and postoviposition periods of H. miles were not uninfluenced by the prey species and were 5–9 and 32–37 days, respectively. Oviposition periods of 53.2 and 68.5 days and female longevities of 82 and 109.6 days were observed on diets of sciarid larvae and mould mites, respectively. Male longevity (168–219 days) was uninfluenced by the prey species. The egg production of H. miles on sciarid larvae was estimated to be 44.4 ± 4.33 eggs per female, as compared to 22.43 ± 1.79 eggs per female on mould mites. The sex-ratio of the offspring was significantly influenced by the prey species, the ratios (/(+)) being 0.66 on sciarid larvae and 0.54 on mould mites. The net reproductive rate (R0) for H. miles fed on sciarid larvae was approximately 27 which was three times higher than for mites feeding on mould mites. The innate capacity of increase (rm) was highest (0.0747 day–1) when sciarid larvae served as food, giving a doubling time of 9.3 days as compared to 12.8 days on mould mites. The generation times were 44.28 on sciarid larvae and 40.67 days on mould mites. The daily food consumption rate of juvenile and adult H. miles was 0.24 and 0.86 sciarid larvae and 10.8 and 21.7 mould mites, respectively. In terms of weight consumed, however, the consumption of sciarid larvae was 2–3.5 times the weight of mould mites. The ratio of females to males influenced the oviposition period and egg production of H. miles, with virgin females laying fewer eggs over a longer period of time as compared with females with access to males. The egg production in relation to the sex-ratio was described by models predicting a maximum number of eggs per female of 22.3 to be attained at a sex ratio of 0.69 (/(+)) and a maximum daily number of eggs per female of 0.33 to be attained at a sex ratio of 0.37 (/(+)).  相似文献   

The pea leafminer, Liriomyza huidobrensis, is one of the most important economic insect pests around the world. Its population fluctuates greatly with seasonal change in China, and temperature was thought to be one of the important reasons. In attempt to further explore the impact of disadvantageous temperature on L. huidobrensis, 1-day-old adults were shocked at various temperatures (10, 25, 32, and 35 degrees C, respectively) for 4h, and the effects on thermotolerance, feeding, and fecundity were studied. Meanwhile the expression of five heat shock genes (hsp90, 70, 60, 40, and 20) was examined by real-time quantitative PCR. Our results showed that both 32 and 35 degrees C hardenings remarkably increased adult heat resistance, whereas cold tolerance was not improved accordingly. No cross resistance in response to cold and heat stresses was observed. Both adult feeding and fecundity were dramatically reduced, but no effect was observed on egg hatching, larval survival, pupal eclosion, or sex ratio. The results indicate that the deleterious effect on fecundity is the result of direct cessation of oviposition during the period of stress. Simultaneously, the mRNA levels of hsp70 and hsp20 significantly increased upon thermal hardening. Taken together, our results suggest that mild heat hardening improves thermotolerance of L. huidobrensis at the cost of impairment on fecundity, and the induced expression of hsp70 and hsp20 may play an important role in balancing the functional tradeoff.  相似文献   

Summary Although inter- and intraspecific variation in egg size among amphibians has been well documented, the relationship between egg size and fitness remains unclear. Recent attempts to correlate egg size intraspecifically with larval developmental patterns have been equivocal. In this study the development of larvae derived from large eggs and small eggs, from a single population in Maryland were compared under a range of food levels and larval population densities. Both food level and density had significant effects on the length of the larval period and size at metamorphosis. However, the response among larvae derived from different egg sizes was not additive. At low densities and high food levels, larvae from small eggs had longer larval periods and a larger size at metamorphosis than larvae derived from large eggs. In contrast, at high densities larvae from small eggs had longer developmental periods but were smaller at metamorphosis than larvae from large eggs. In addition, larvae from small eggs were more sensitive to density irrespective of food level. These results suggest that optimal egg size is correlated with environmental factors, which may explain the maintenance of both geographic and within population variation in egg size commonly observed in amphibians.  相似文献   

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