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Summary. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) affects the rate of brain protein synthesis in male rats. Two experiments were done on five or three groups of young rats (5 wk) given the diets containing 20% casein administrated 0 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg, 100 mg or 200 mg/100 g body weight GABA dissolved in saline by oral gavage for 1 day (d) (Experiment 1), and given the diets contained 0%, 0.25% or 0.5% GABA added to the 20% casein diet (Experiment 2) for 10 d. The plasma concentration of growth hormone (GH) was the highest in rats administrated 50 mg and 100 mg/100 g body weight GABA. The concentration of serum GABA increased significantly with the supplementation groups. The fractional (Ks) rates of protein synthesis in brain regions, liver and gastrocnemius muscle increased significantly with the 20% casein + 0.25% GABA diet and still more 20% casein + 0.5% GABA compared with the 20% casein diet. In brain regions, liver and gastrocnemius muscle, the RNA activity [g protein synthesized/(g RNA·d)] significantly correlated with the fractional rate of protein synthesis. The RNA concentration (mg RNA/g protein) was not related to the fractional rate of protein synthesis in any organ. Our results suggest that the treatment of GABA to young male rats are likely to increase the concentrations of plasma GH and the rate of protein synthesis in the brain, and that RNA activity is at least partly related to the fractional rate of brain protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The effects of increasing doses of diazepam on striatal dopamine (DA) and homovanillic acid (HVA) levels were studied in rats pretreated with -hydroxybutyric acid (GHB). A dose of 750 mg/kg of GHB causes a rise of both DA and HVA striatal levels in rats. Diazepam, administered to animals pretreated with GHB, induces a further increase of striatal DA and HVA levels.  相似文献   

The synaptosoma fractions of 6 brain areas-olfactory tubercles (OT), frontal cortex (FC), striatum (Sr), amygdala (A), thalamus (Th), hypothalamus (Hy)-have been analyzed for their neurotransmitter amino acids (AA) content in Wistar rats exhibiting petit-mal epilepsy (PM-E) and in controls (C). The analysis was carried out at 11 p.m. (nighttime corresponding to the acrophase for the hourly number of spike-wave complexes) and at 11 a.m. (daytime). A day versus night rhythmicity is recorded for synaptosomal inhibitory AA in control and in PM-E rats. However, day versus night variations are more frequent and more prominent in C rats than in PM-E rats. Two day versus night variations exist only in PM-E rats: increases of GABA level in Sr and of Asp in Hy. Differences between PME-and C in synaptosomal AA content are more likely to be present during the nighttime. During this period lower AA values for PM-E rats are found for one or several inhibitory AA in OT, Th, and FC. It seems that the differences between PM-E and C concerning the inhibitory AA correlate with the number of spike-wave discharges. Only in one brain area is there a similar difference for PM-E and C during daytime and nighttime: a decreased GABA content for PM-E rats in OT. The decrease is larger in nighttime than in daytime. This difference may serve as a marker for this epileptic disorder. Moreover, it is in OT that the greatest number of PM-E versus C differences in synaptosomal neurotransmitter AA are observed. In view of these and former data, the existence of different alterations in synaptosomal neurotransmitter AA for different types of epilepsy is suggested.Abbreviations used GABA 4-aminobutyrate - Tau taurine - Gly glycine - Asp aspartate - Glu glutamate - Gln glutamine - OT offactory tubereles - FC fronto-parietal cortex - Sr striatum - A amygdala - Th lateral thalamus - Hy lateral hypothalamus - AA neurotransmitter amino acids - I inhibitory - E excitatory - C control rats - PM-E petit-mal rats  相似文献   

Nipecotic acid is one of the most potent competitive inhibitors and alternative substrates for the high-affinity -aminobutyric acid transport system in neurons, but the structural basis of this potency is unclear. Because -aminobutyrate is a highly flexible molecule in solution, it would be expected to lose rotational entropy upon binding to the transport system, a change which does not favor binding. Nipecotic acid, in contrast, is a much less flexible molecule, and one would expect the loss of conformational entropy upon binding to be smaller thus favoring the binding of nipecotic acid over -aminobutyric acid. To investigate this possibility, the thermodynamic parameters, G°, H°, and S°, were determined for the binding of -aminobutyrate and nipecotic acid to the high affinity GABA transport system in synaptosomes. In keeping with expectations, the apparent entropy change for nipecotic acid binding (112±13 J·K–1) was more favorable than the apparent entropy change for -aminobutyric acid binding (61.3±6.6 J·K–1). The results suggest that restricted conformation per se is an important contributory factor to the affinity of nipecotic acid for the high-affinity transport system for -aminobutyric acid.This work was conducted when both authors were at the Department of Chemistry, University of Maryland, College Park.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Elling Kvamme.  相似文献   

Taurine is essential for the hepatic synthesis of bile salts and, although taurine is synthesized mainly in pericentral hepatocytes, taurine and taurine-conjugated bile acids are abundant in periportal hepatocytes. One possible explanation for this discrepancy is that the active supply of taurine to hepatocytes from the blood stream is a key regulatory factor. The purpose of the present study is to investigate and identify the transporter responsible for taurine uptake by periportal hepatocytes. An in vivo bolus injection of [(3)H]taurine into the rat portal vein demonstrated that 25% of the injected [(3)H]taurine was taken up by the liver on a single pass. The in vivo uptake was significantly inhibited by GABA, taurine, β-alanine, and nipecotic acid, a GABA transporter (GAT) inhibitor, each at a concentration of 10 mM. The characteristics of Na(+)- and Cl(-)-dependent [(3)H]taurine uptake by freshly isolated rat hepatocytes were consistent with those of GAT2 (solute carrier SLC6A13). Indeed, the K(m) value of the saturable uptake (594 μM) was close to that of mouse SLC6A13-mediated taurine transport. Although GABA, taurine, and β-alanine inhibited the [(3)H]taurine uptake by > 50%, each at a concentration of 10 mM, GABA caused a marked inhibition with an IC(50) value of 95 μM. The [(3)H]taurine uptake exhibited a significant reduction when the GAT2 gene was silenced. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that GAT2 was localized on the sinusoidal membrane of the hepatocytes predominantly in the periportal region. These results suggest that GAT2 is responsible for taurine transport from the circulating blood to hepatocytes predominantly in the periportal region.  相似文献   

The universal genetic code includes 20 common amino acids. In addition, selenocysteine (Sec) and pyrrolysine (Pyl), known as the twenty first and twenty second amino acids, are encoded by UGA and UAG, respectively, which are the codons that usually function as stop signals. The discovery of Sec and Pyl suggested that the genetic code could be further expanded by reprogramming stop codons. To search for the putative twenty third amino acid, we employed various tRNA identification programs that scanned 16 archaeal and 130 bacterial genomes for tRNAs with anticodons corresponding to the three stop signals. Our data suggest that the occurrence of additional amino acids that are widely distributed and genetically encoded is unlikely.  相似文献   

1. Cerebral-cortex slices prelabelled with gamma-amino[1-(14)C]butyrate (GABA) were incubated in a glucose-saline medium. After the initial rapid uptake there was no appreciable re-entry of (14)C into the GABA pool, either from the medium or from labelled metabolites formed in the tissue. The kinetic constants of GABA metabolism were determined by computer simulation of the experimental results by using mathematical procedures. The GABA flux was estimated to be 0.03mumol per min/g, or about 8% of the total flux through the tricarboxylic acid cycle. It was found that the assumption of compartmentation did not greatly affect the estimates of the GABA flux. 2. The time-course of incorporation of (14)C into amino acids associated with the tricarboxylic acid cycle was followed with [1-(14)C]GABA and [U-(14)C]-glucose as labelled substrates. The results were consistent with the utilization of GABA via succinate. This was confirmed by determining the position of (14)C in the carbon skeletons of aspartate and glutamate formed after the oxidation of [1-(14)C]GABA. These results also indicated that under the experimental conditions the reversal of reactions catalysed by alpha-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase and glutamate decarboxylase respectively was negligible. The conversion of [(14)C]GABA into gamma-hydroxybutyrate was probably also of minor importance, but decarboxylation of oxaloacetate did occur at a relatively slow rate. 3. When [1-(14)C]GABA was the labelled substrate there was evidence of a metabolic compartmentation of glutamate since, even before the peak of the incorporation of (14)C into glutamate had been reached, the glutamine/glutamate specific-radioactivity ratio was greater than unity. When [U-(14)C]glucose was oxidized this ratio was less than unity. The heterogeneity of the glutamate pool was indicated also by the relatively high specific radioactivity of GABA, which was comparable with that of aspartate during the whole incubation time (40min). The rates of equilibration of labelled amino acids between slice and medium gave evidence that the permeability properties of the glutamate compartments labelled as a result of oxidation of [1-(14)C]GABA were different from those labelled by the metabolism of [(14)C]glucose. The results showed therefore that in brain tissue incubated under the conditions used, the organization underlying metabolic compartmentation was preserved. The observed concentration ratios of amino acids between tissue and medium were also similar to those obtaining in vivo. These ratios decreased in the order: GABA>acidic acids>neutral amino acids>glutamine. 4. The approximate pool sizes of the amino acids in the different metabolic compartments were calculated. The glutamate content of the pool responsible for most of the labelling of glutamine during oxidation of [1-(14)C]GABA was estimated to be not more than 30% of the total tissue glutamate. The GABA content of the ;transmitter pool' was estimated to be 25-30% of the total GABA in the tissue. The structural correlates of metabolic compartmentation were considered.  相似文献   

An enzyme activity oxidizing -aminobutyraldehyde (ABAL) to GABA reflecting an alternative pathway for GABA synthesis was assayed in the developing chick embryonic brain and was compared with glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) activity. An enzyme activity oxidizing ABAL to GABA showed almost constant level during development in the chick embryonic brain, and was present at low levels compared with GAD activity. The results indicate that GABA synthesis via an alternative pathway is always much less than synthesis via the GAD-dependent pathway in the developing chick embryonic brain.  相似文献   

GAT-1 mediates transport of GABA together with sodium and chloride in an electrogenic process enabling efficient GABAergic transmission. Biochemical and modeling studies based on the structure of the bacterial homologue LeuT are consistent with a mechanism whereby the binding pocket is alternately accessible to either side of the membrane and which predicts that the extracellular part of transmembrane domain 10 (TM10) exhibits aqueous accessibility in the outward-facing conformation only. In this study we have engineered cysteine residues in the extracellular half of TM10 of GAT-1 and probed their state-dependent accessibility to sulfhydryl reagents. In three out of four of the accessible cysteine mutants, the inhibition of transport by a membrane impermeant sulfhydryl reagent was diminished under conditions expected to increase the proportion of inward-facing transporters, such as the presence of GABA together with the cotransported ions. A conserved TM10 aspartate residue, whose LeuT counterpart participates in a "thin" extracellular gate, was found to be essential for transport and only the D451E mutant exhibited residual transport activity. D451E exhibited robust sodium-dependent transient currents with a voltage-dependence indicative of an increased apparent affinity for sodium. Moreover the accessibility of an endogenous cysteine to a membrane impermeant sulfhydryl reagent was enhanced by the D451E mutation, suggesting that sodium binding promotes an outward-facing conformation of the transporter. Our results support the idea that TM10 of GAT-1 lines an accessibility pathway from the extracellular space into the binding pocket and plays a role in the opening and closing of the extracellular transporter gate.  相似文献   

Summary. γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA), a hypotensive compound, is formed from glutamic acid under anaerobic condition in tea shoots. Glutamic acid was exhausted in the first three hours of anaerobic incubation and the increase of GABA stopped. After that, when tea shoots were released under aerobic condition, glutamic acid reproduced rapidly. After one hour of aerobic incubation, tea shoots were given three hours of anaerobic incubation again and then accumulated glutamic acid changed to GABA. The content of GABA increased much more than usual anaerobic incubation. GABA was more in the tea stem than in the leaf. Received January 4, 2000 Accepted March 1, 2000  相似文献   

Summary The distribution in the rat oviduct of -aminobutyric acid and its catabolic enzyme GABA-transaminase was studied by the use of immunocytochemical and enzymehistochemical techniques. At the light-microscopic level, both GABA immunoreactivity and GABA-transaminase enzyme reactivity were found primarily in the tubal epithelium while in the muscle layers of the organ only a faint GABA and GABA-transaminase positive staining could be detected. Electron-microscopic evaluation of the GABA immunoreactivity revealed a heavy labelling of the basal bodies (kinetosomes) and a moderate staining of the cilia. These findings indicate that the role of GABA in the oviduct is not related to neurotransmission but may be related to ciliary functions.  相似文献   

The heavy chain of a human myeloma protein (Vin) belonging to the gamma4 subclass was subjected to tryptic digestion after reduction and carboxymethylation. Cyanogen bromide fragments were also prepared and all 19 tryptic peptides that account for one of them (the Fc-like fragment) were studied. Selected peptic peptides were isolated and provided evidence for the order of 15 of the tryptic peptides. In addition the sequence of two large peptic peptides derived from two sections of the molecule including all the interchain bridges is presented. Comparison with published data on other chains allows us to propose a sequence of gamma4 chains that extends from just before the presumed starting point of the invariable region (at about residue 113) to the C-terminal end of the chain (approx. residue 446), except for a section of about 50 residues. The results of the comparison suggest that the immunoglobulin subclasses have a recent independent evolutionary origin in different species. Implications for complement fixation and for the evolutionary origin of antibody diversity are also discussed.  相似文献   

Reduction in α2A-adrenoreceptors (α2A-AR) expression in the rat brain during neonatal ontogenesis has been observed to influence neurochemical, hormonal, and behavioral characteristics on the stage of exploratory behavior development. Injection of antisense nucleotide complimentary to α2A-AR mRNA on the 2nd–4th day after birth has been demonstrated to decrease the quantity of α2-AR in the brain at this stage significantly. Subsequent increase in receptor’s expression (inhibited after the treatment) and its excess in the brainstem and hippocampus over the control meanings at 3 weeks of age were detected. Reduction in the basal corticosterone level in the blood and significant increase in exploratory behavior in the open-field test (number of risings on the hind legs) has been demonstrated in three-week-old pups. No differences in motor activity of these rats assessed by the number of grid crossings were indicated compared to control animals. In total, the reported results have been shown to indicate the presence of a deferred influence of short-term decrease in the brain α2A-AR expression in the first day of life on the subsequent development of α2A-AR system and exploratory behavior.  相似文献   

This paper provides molecular evidence for a liver glyconeogenic pathway, that is, a concomitant activation of hepatic gluconeogenesis and glycogenesis, which could participate in the mechanisms that cope with amino acid excess in high-protein (HP) fed rats. This evidence is based on the concomitant upregulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) gene expression, downregulation of glucose 6-phosphatase catalytic subunit (G6PC1) gene expression, an absence of glucose release from isolated hepatocytes and restored hepatic glycogen stores in the fed state in HP fed rats. These effects are mainly due to the ability of high physiological concentrations of portal blood amino acids to counteract glucagon-induced liver G6PC1 but not PEPCK gene expression. These results agree with the idea that the metabolic pathway involved in glycogen synthesis is dependent upon the pattern of nutrient availability. This nonoxidative glyconeogenic disposal pathway of gluconeogenic substrates copes with amino excess and participates in adjusting both amino acid and glucose homeostasis. In addition, the pattern of PEPCK and G6PC1 gene expression provides evidence that neither the kidney nor the small intestine participated in gluconeogenic glucose production under our experimental conditions. Moreover, the main glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) isoform expressed in the small intestine is the ubiquitous isoform of G6Pase (G6PC3) rather than the G6PC1 isoform expressed in gluconeogenic organs.  相似文献   

Mixed cell suspensions from rabbit brain have been used to study the effect of base exchange in membrane phospholipids, on amino acid accumulation in vitro. -Aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutamic acid, and aminoisobutyric acid have been used. The accumulation of [3H]GABA, at concentrations employing the high-affinity uptake system, was measured after base-exchange reactions with ethanolamine, choline, orL-serine. Serine incorporation induced an increase of GABA uptake at all the concentrations used, while choline incorporation essentially led to inhibition of GABA accumulation. Ethanolamine exchange produced both stimulation and inhibition. The observed effects were not specific for GABA. Neuronal and glial cell perikarya and synaptosomes were studied in the same system in an attempt to resolve the complex type of response obtained with the mixed suspension. Cell specificity was found with respect to stimulation or inhibition of GABA transport after base exchange but, in some cases, the isolated fractions retained the multiphasic response observed with the mixed suspension.  相似文献   


Distribution and metabolism of γ-methyleneglutamic acid, γ-methyleneglutamine and other amino acids and amides has been studied during fruit growth of Tribulus terrestris. The largest concentration of free amino acids and amides has been observed in fruit stage 1. The marked decline in the amount of γ-methyleneglutamic acid and γ-methyleneglutamine after fruit stage 1 may indicate their rapid utilization along with asparagine and glutamine during fruit growth. In leaf and in different fruit growth stages, γ-methyleneglutamic acid dominated over γ-methyleneglutamine.  相似文献   

Cys116, Lys240*, and Asp241* (asterisks indicate residues from the second subunit of the active dimer) at the active site of L-methionine γ-lyase of Pseudomonas putida (MGL_Pp) are highly conserved among heterologous MGLs. In a previous study, we found that substitution of Cys116 for His led to a drastic increase in activity toward L-cysteine and a decrease in that toward L-methionine. In this study, we examined some properties of the C116H mutant by kinetic analysis and 3D structural analysis. We assumed that substitution of Cys116 for His broke the original hydrogen-bond network and that this induced a significant effect of Tyr114 as a general acid catalyst, possibly due to the narrow space in the active site. The C116H mutant acquired a novel β-elimination activity and lead a drastic conformation change in the histidine residue at position 116 by binding the substrate, suggesting that this His residue affects the reaction specificity of C116H. Furthermore, we suggest that Lys240* is important for substrate recognition and structural stability and that Asp241* is also involved in substrate specificity in the elimination reaction. Based on this, we suggest that the hydrogen-bond network among Cys116, Lys240*, and Asp241* contributes to substrate specificity that is, to L-methionine recognition at the active site in MGL_Pp.  相似文献   

Amino acid concentrations have been determined in rat brain regions (cortex, striatum, cerebellum, and hippocampus) by HPLC after administration of acute anticonvulsant doses of sodium valproate (400 mg/kg, i.p.) and -vinyl-GABA (1g/kg, i.p.). After valproate administration the GABA level increases only in the cortex; aspartic acid concentration decreases in the cortex and hippocampus, and glutamic acid decreases in the hippocampus and striatum and increases in the cortex and cerebellum. There are no changes in the concentrations of glutamine, taurine, glycine, serine, and alanine following valproate administration. Only the GABA level increases in all the regions after -vinyl-GABA administration. Cortical analyses 2, 4 and 10 minutes after pulse labeling with 2-[14C]glucose, i.v., shown no change in the rate of cortical glucose utilization in the valproate treated group. The rate of labeling of glutamic acid is also unchanged, but the rate of labeling of GABA is reduced following valproate administration. After -vinyl-GABA administration there is no change in the rate of labeling of GABA. These biochemical findings can be interpreted in terms of a primary anticonvulsant action of valproate on membrane receptors with secondary effects on the metabolism of amino acid neurotransmitters. This contrasts with the primary action of -vinyl-GABA on GABA-transaminase activity.This paper is dedicated to Dr. Derek Richter on his sevety-fifth birthday  相似文献   

There are different requirements for the nutrient medium of various mammalian cell lines. We have determined the behaviour of the amino acid concentrations in the medium of two growing cell lines used for producing human interleukin 2 and human interferon constitutively. The experiments are based on a fermentation process with a bubble free cell culture aeration system with porous moving membranes, which allows production of high cell densities without foaming. We found interesting alterations in which the actual amino acid ratios are able to trigger consumption and production of a particular component depending on the supply of other possible replacements. Such data indicate the complicated biochemical network of synthesis, conversion and transport phenomena. Finally, we demonstrated the influence of product synthesis upon the amino acid requirements using as an example transformed hu IL-2- and hu -IFN-producing mouse L-cells.Abbreviations CTLL Cytotoxic T Cell Line - DME Dulbeccos Modified Eagle - FCS Foetal Calf Serum - Hepes N(2-Hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid - hu -IFN human -Interferon - hu IL-2 human Interleukin 2 - THF Tetrahydrofuran  相似文献   

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