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Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni stalk-eyed flies have extremely high mating rates. In this paper, we examine the fitness costs and benefits of high mating rates, using flies with low or high early mating rates. We show that high early mating rates are beneficial as they increase the total number of matings gained by a male for a given lifespan. However, males with high early mating rates suffer a cost through lowered survival. There was no consistent effect of male mating rate on female egg production or on male fertility. As higher mating rates are associated with larger accessory gland size, we hypothesize that the extra production of accessory gland products in high early mating males is responsible for much of the cost of reduced longevity.  相似文献   

Age at first reproduction is an extremely important life-historytrait. Several factors such as nutritional state and age-specificfecundity have been shown to influence time to sexual maturity;however, little work has been done in insects. We addressedthis in a stalk-eyed fly (Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni), by testingthe hypothesis that time to sexual maturity is associated withthe development of male internal reproductive structures. Wefound that sexual maturity was attained after an increased rateof growth in the accessory glands, several days after maturesperm bundles, and motile sperm were observed in the testes.Although testis development is essential, the results suggestthat accessory gland growth is more closely associated withthe time taken to reach sexual maturity than is testis growth.When we manipulated the growth of testes and accessory glandsvia a dietary manipulation, we found that delayed growth ratesincreased the time taken to reach sexual maturity. Among thedelayed individuals, sexually mature males had larger accessoryglands, but not testes, than did immature males. In adult males,mating frequency was significantly positively correlated withaccessory gland size, but not with testis length or body size.We conclude that accessory gland size is a critical determinantof sexual maturity and male mating frequency in this species.  相似文献   

We used the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni to examine predictions made by condition-dependent handicap models of sexual selection. Condition was experimentally varied by manipulation of larval food availability. Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni is a highly dimorphic species exhibiting strong sexual selection, and the male sexual ornament (exaggerated eyespan) showed strong condition-dependent expression relative to the homologous trait in females and nonsexual traits. Male eyespan also showed a great increase in standardized variance under stress, unlike nonsexual traits. The inflated variance of the male ornament was primarily attributable to condition-dependent (but body-size-independent) increase in variance. Thus, evaluation of male eyespan allows females to gain additional information about male condition over and above that given by body size. These findings accord well with condition-dependent handicap models of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Life history theory predicts a trade-off between current and future reproduction. Despite a wealth of research on the cost of reproduction for females, there have been very few studies that have looked at the cost of reproduction for males. Longevity is closely related to the opportunity for future reproduction, and thus decreased longevity in response to current reproductive effort has been used as a measure of the cost of reproduction. Here we examine the cost of reproduction for males and females in the dung beetle Onthophagus binodis. Like many onthophagines, O. binodis exhibit dimorphic male morphology; major males develop a large pronotal horn while minor males remain hornless. Alternative morphologies are associated with alternative reproductive tactics. Thus, we ask whether major and minor males pay different costs of reproduction. We found that in contrast to previous work on Diptera, mating is not costly in terms of reduced longevity for female dung beetles. Despite a longevity cost of reproduction for males, we found no evidence for differential longevity costs associated with alternative reproductive tactics.  相似文献   

Sex-ratio (SR) males produce predominantly female progeny because most Y chromosome sperm are rendered nonfunctional. The resulting transmission advantage of XSR chromosomes should eventually cause population extinction unless segregation distortion is masked by suppressors or balanced by selection. By screening male stalk-eyed flies, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni, for brood sex ratio we found unique SR alleles at three X-linked microsatellite loci and used them to determine if SR persists as a balanced polymorphism. We found that XSR/XST females produced more offspring than other genotypes and that SR males had lower sperm precedence and exhibited lower fertility when mating eight females in 24 h. Adult survival was independent of SR genotype but positively correlated with eye span. We infer that the SR polymorphism is likely maintained by a combination of weak overdominance for female fecundity and frequency dependent selection acting on male fertility. Our discovery of two SR haplotypes in the same population in a 10-year period further suggests that this SR polymorphism may be evolving rapidly.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical and empirical work has suggested that the X chromosome may play a special role in the evolution of sexually dimorphic traits. We tested this idea by quantifying sex chromosome influence on male relative eyespan, a dramatically sexually selected trait in the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. After 31 generations of artificial sexual selection on eyespan:body length ratio, we reciprocally crossed high- with low-line flies and found no evidence for maternal effects; the relative eyespan of F1 females from high- and low-line dams did not differ. However, F1 male progeny from high-line dams had longer relative eyespan than male progeny from low-line dams, indicating X-linkage. Comparison of progeny from a backcross involving reciprocal F1 males and control line females confirmed X-linked inheritance and indicated no effect of the Y chromosome on relative eyespan. We estimated that the X chromosome accounts for 25% (SE = 6%) of the change in selected lines, using the average difference between reciprocal F1 males divided by the difference between parental males, or 34%, using estimates of the number of effective factors obtained from reciprocal crosses between a high and low line. These estimates exceed the relative size of the X in the diploid genome of a male, 11.9% (SE = 0.3%), as measured from mitotic chromosome lengths. However, they match expectations if X-linked genes in males exhibit dosage compensation by twofold hyperactivation, as has been observed in other flies. Therefore, sex-linked expression of relative eyespan is likely to be commensurate with the size of the X chromosome in this dramatically dimorphic species.  相似文献   

Females of the stalk-eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni, mate repeatedly during their lifetime and exhibit mating preferencefor males with large eye span. How these mating decisions affectfemale fitness is not fully understood. In this study, we examinedthe effects of multiple mating and male eye span on short-termreproductive output in this species. Experiments that manipulatedthe number of copulations and partners a female received suggested that obtaining a sufficient sperm supply is an important benefitassociated with multiple mating. The average percentage offertile eggs laid by females increased as a function of matingfrequency and ranged from 40% for females mated once, to 80%for females mated continuously. In addition, a high proportionof copulations in this species appeared to be unsuccessful. One-third of all females mated once laid less than 10% fertileeggs. There was no significant difference in reproductive performancebetween females mated to multiple partners and females matedto a single partner. There was also no indication that femalesreceived any short-term reproductive benefits from mating withmales with large eye span. In fact, females mated to males with short eye span laid a higher percentage of fertile eggs thanfemales mated to large eye span males.  相似文献   

The effect of transient nutritional stress (sucrose culture medium) on female mate preference was investigated in the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. Two experimental treatments were run in parallel. In the first, female preference was initially tested on corn (standard medium) and subsequently on sucrose (novel medium). In the second, female preference was tested in the reverse order: sucrose then corn. Females fed on corn had stronger preferences for large-eyespan males than females fed on sucrose. Female age, experience or the order of exposure to culture media had no effects on the strength of preference. An additional experiment demonstrated that the sucrose diet reduced the number of developing and mature eggs. We discuss the adaptive significance of changes in female preference due to transient nutritional stress, and the effect of changes in female preference on the strength of sexual selection.  相似文献   

Summary The hypothesis was tested that egg-laying by rosehip fruit flies,Rhagoletis basiola, would lead to reduced adult survivorship compared with oviposition-deprived flies, through experimental manipulation. Oviposition-deprived flies were assigned to two groups: mated and spinster. All three treatment groups were permitted to spend equal time and energy exploring and handling hosts but only the former group were allowed to deposit eggs (three/day). Results clearly showed that ovipositing flies suffered significantly higher mortality rates and that mated and spinster flies produced similar survivorship patterns. I consider these results both as a foraging problem (i.e. laying eggs in inferior hosts can cost both eggs and life) and as a more general life history problem.  相似文献   

Costs of reproduction include the costs of mating and egg production. Specific techniques such as irradiation or genetic mutation have been used to divide the expense into costs of mating and egg production in previous studies. We tried to divide the costs in the adzuki bean beetle, Callosobruchus chinensis (Coleoptera: Bruchidae), which needs some kinds of bean as an oviposition substrate. Mated females that were not allowed to lay eggs had a shorter life span than virgin females, but they had a longer life span than mated females that were allowed to lay eggs. The results showed two independent significant costs, mating and egg production, on the life span in C. chinensis. Costs of mating, however, include the costs of sexual harassment by males and copulation itself, and we need further studies to divide the costs. The present method for dividing the cost of reproduction into costs of mating and egg production can be applied to a broad taxonomic range of insect species, and thus it will be a useful model system for inter-specific comparisons of costs of mating and egg production.  相似文献   

Reproductive success of male insects commonly hinges both on their ability to secure copulations with many mates and also on their ability to inseminate and inhibit subsequent sexual receptivity of their mates to rival males. We here present the first investigation of sperm storage in Queensland fruit flies (Tephritidae: Bactrocera tryoni; a.k.a. 'Q-flies') and address the question of whether remating inhibition in females is directly influenced by or correlated with number of sperm stored from their first mates. We used irradiation to disrupt spermatogenesis and thereby experimentally reduce the number of sperm stored by some male's mates while leaving other aspects of male sexual performance (mating probability, latency until copulating, copula duration) unaffected. Females that mated with irradiated rather than normal males were less likely to store any sperm at all (50% vs. 89%) and, if some sperm were stored, the number was greatly reduced (median 11 vs. 120). Despite the considerable differences in sperm storage, females mated by normal males and irradiated males were similarly likely to remate at the next opportunity, indicating (1) number of sperm stored does not directly drive female remating inhibition and (2) factors actually responsible for remating inhibition are similarly expressed in normal and irradiated males. While overall levels of remating were similar for mates of normal and irradiated males, factors responsible for female remating inhibition were positively associated with presence and number of sperm stored by mates of normal but not irradiated males. We suggest seminal fluids as the most likely factor responsible for remating inhibition in female Q-flies, as these are likely to be transported in proportion to number of sperm in normal males, be uninfluenced by irradiation, and be transported without systematic relation to sperm number in irradiated males.  相似文献   

In the stalk-eyed fly Cyrtodiopsis whitei (Diopsidae; Diptera), the relatively long optic nerve develops within the tight lumen of a very short eyestalk. Axonal growth is generally considered in terms of path finding, selective fasciculation, and towing. Physical forces that are necessary for axon lengthening are generated either by the growth cone or by the growth of surrounding tissues. Therefore, it is surprising to encounter a loosely coiled nerve apparently lacking any attachments that could allow for pull, or towing, of the nerve. In this study, we used histological sections and whole-mount preparations to confirm that the optic nerve of the stalk-eyed fly indeed elongates without the external application of tension to the nerve. Secondly, we examined the distribution of cytoskeletal elements and selected proteins that may be involved in axon extension. Staining against the vesicle fusion proteins SNAP-24 and SNAP-25 consistently results in stronger staining in the rapidly extending optic nerve than in a control nerve, suggesting a possible role of these proteins in the extension process. On a gross morphological level, SNAP-24/25 as well as the cytoskeletal elements actin and tubulin are uniformly distributed throughout the lengths of the growing nerve, suggesting that nerve elongation is distributed rather than localized. Finally, we identified glia as a possible source for tension within the nerve bundle. Glia proliferate rapidly in the optic nerve but not in the control nerve. Much work continues to focus on the growth of axons in culture, but this study is one of the few that considers the dynamics of nerve bundle extension as a whole.This research is supported by the National Science Foundation (IBN-9974512 and IBN-211770).  相似文献   

Eicosanoids are oxygenated metabolites of three C20 polyunsaturated fatty acids, mainly arachidonic acid (AA; 20:4n-6), but also 20:3n-6 and 20:5n-3. Aside from their importance in biomedicine, eicosanoids act in invertebrate biology. Prostaglandins (PGs) influence salt and water transport physiology in insect rectal epithelia and in Malpighian tubules. PGs also influence a few insect behaviors, including releasing oviposition behavior and behavioral fever. Eicosanoids act in ovarian development and in insect immunity. Because eicosanoids act in several areas of insect biology, we posed the hypothesis that chronic inhibition of eicosanoid biosynthesis, in the absence of microbial challenge, can influence insect life table parameters, including developmental time, survival, adult longevity and parasitoid fecundity. Here we report that inhibiting eicosanoid biosynthesis throughout the larval life exerted minor influences on some life table parameters of the greater wax moth, Galleria mellonella and its ectoparasitoid, Bracon hebetor, however, the inhibitors strongly reduced the production and hatchability of the parasitoids’ eggs. The significance of the work relates to the potentials of understanding and targeting eicosanoid systems as a platform for developing new technologies of insect pest management. As seen here, the impact of targeting eicosanoid systems is seen in crucial moments of insect life histories, such as reproduction or immune challenge rather than in overall larval development.  相似文献   

Jan Ryser 《Oecologia》1989,78(2):264-268
Summary The consequences of reproduction for body weight, growth and survival were studied in a Swiss population of the explosive breeder, Rana temporaria. Males and females continuously loss weight in the range of 0.5% of total body weight per day from the breeding migration throughout May. Females also lost about 33% (1983) and 29% (1984) due to spawning. In addition to this significant year-to-year variation, there was also considerable individual variation in reproductive output. Skeletochronological techniques indicated that breeding male or female frogs experienced a growth reduction of several millimeters relative to non-breeding frogs of the same body size. There was no relationship between an individual female's reproductive output in consecutive years or with her subsequent growth or survival. It was concluded that weight loss is caused by a seasonally elevated metabolism in combination with a lack of feeding and represents a basic energetic cost of reproduction, resulting in lowered growth. Individual variation in relative reproductive output is mostly environmentally induced and is not an expression of different reproductive strategies. This may explain the lack of trade-offs that are predicted by the cost-of-reproduction-hypothesis.  相似文献   

Three different concentrations of the antibiotic tetracycline in honey were tested for their influence on the offspring production and longevity of the parasitoid wasp Encarsia formosa. Several earlier publications did not provide a conclusive answer on the effect that the Wolbachia have on these wasps. The results of our experiments show that at high tetracycline hydrochloride concentrations in honey (50mg/ml) the antibiotic is toxic to the females, all females died within three days after the antibiotic treatment. The concentration 5mg/ml was less toxic although the treated females also lived shorter and produced less offspring than the control females. At the lowest tested concentration of 1mg/ml there was no significant difference either in offspring production or in longevity between the control and the treated females. The antibiotic treatment at both 5 and 1mg/ml resulted in exclusively male progeny after the first two days of oviposition. These results are consistent with the theory that in species in which all individuals are infected the Wolbachia should not impose a large fitness cost.  相似文献   

Allan J. Landwer 《Oecologia》1994,100(3):243-249
Life-history theory predicts that the allocation of energy to current reproduction is associated with a decrement in future fecundity, future survival, or both. I treated this notion as the cost hypothesis, and tested the assumption that current reproduction exacts a cost in future survival and fecundity. Surgical manipulations of egg production were applied to natural populations of the tree lizard, Urosaurus ornatus, in south western New Mexico by yolkectomy surgery in two different years. I reduced the number of eggs produced in the first clutch during vitellogenesis by approximately 50% in yolkectomized females relative to controls. Subsequent survival, fecundity, and growth of females were followed for two or three years, depending on the cohort. Treated females in both cohorts showed significantly higher growth and survivorship throughout the experiment than in controls. After 2 years, yolkectomized females had grown an additional 2 mm (snout-vent length) compared to controls, enough for them to add on average an additional egg to their next clutch. This demonstrated a cost in terms of future fecundity through a reduction in growth and an increase in mortality in these lizards.  相似文献   

We investigated the role of photosynthesis by reproductive organs in meeting the carbon costs of sexual reproduction in the snow-buttercup, Ranunculus adoneus. The exposed green carpels of snow-buttercup flowers have 1–2 stomata each. Net carbon assimilation rates of flowers are negative during bud expansion, but rise to zero at maturity, and become positive during early fruit growth. Experimental removal of separate whorls of flower parts demonstrated that the showy, nectary-housing petals account for most of the respiration cost of flower presentation. Conversely, photosynthesis by female organs contributes to a flower's carbon balance. Dipteran pollinators of R. adoneus are most active in sunny mid-morning to mid-afternoon intervals. At this time of day, rates of carpel photosynthesis (Amax) meet respiratory costs of pollinator attraction in fully expanded flowers. Achenes remain photosynthetically active until dispersal, and positive net carbon assimilation rates characterize infructescences throughout fruit maturation. Photosynthetic rates of achenes are positively correlated with infructescence growth rates. We tested the causal basis of this relationship by experimentally shading developing infructescences. Mature achenes from shaded infructescences were 16–18% smaller than those from unshaded controls. Leaf photosynthetic rates did not differ between plants bearing shaded and unshaded seed heads. Since female reproductive organs are only 8% more costly in terms of caloric investment than male ones and contribute to their own carbon balance, it is plausible that the energy cost of male function equals or exceeds that of female function in this hermaphroditic species.  相似文献   

The level of female sexual receptivity is an important component of male and female reproductive success. In many insects, mating itself causes a sharp decline in female receptivity. This can be a direct result of the physical act of mating, or because of actions of sperm or seminal fluid proteins. The degree to which males can decrease female receptivity will directly affect their reproductive success, by altering the chance that their sperm will be used in fertilizations in the interval before the female mates again. In this study, we investigated the effect of mating on female receptivity in the sexually dimorphic stalk‐eyed fly, Cyrtodiopsis dalmanni. Our results showed no evidence for mating‐induced reductions in female receptivity. In addition, we found that matings with males that differed in eyespan did not cause differences in the level of female receptivity. There was also no evidence that females remated sooner when presented with large eyespan males. These results are surprising, given the indirect benefits that females gain from matings with large eyespan males. Finally we demonstrate that males do not appear to discriminate between females on the basis of female mating status.  相似文献   

The cost of reproduction in the glaucous-winged gull   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
W. V. Reid 《Oecologia》1987,74(3):458-467
Summary Experimental enlargement of brood size in the glaucous-winged gull (Larus glaucescens) resulted in increased adult foraging time, decreased adult body weight at the end of the breeding season, and decreased over-winter adult survival. The decreased survival of breeding adults was associated with reduced body condition at the end of breeding (resulting from physiological costs of reproduction). Decreased survival was not due to an increased risk of injury or predation during the breeding season. Brood size did not directly affect the fecundity of surviving birds in the subsequent year. However, brood size may have an indirect effect on subsequent fecundity because the probability of mate loss increased among birds with large broods and the reproductive performance of birds with new mates was reduced. Based on estimates of life-time fitness calculated from fecundity and survivorship, birds with two- or three-chick broods (the normal brood size) have higher fitness than birds with one- or four-chick broods. However, the decreased fitness of birds with four-chick broods was slight, and probably not a sufficient explanation for the absence of natural four-chick broods in the glaucouswinged gull.  相似文献   

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