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Indole-3-butyric acid in plant growth and development   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Within the last ten years it has been established by GC-MS thatindole-3-butyric acid (IBA) is an endogenous compound in a variety ofplant species. When applied exogenously, IBA has a variety of differenteffects on plant growth and development, but the compound is stillmainly used for the induction of adventitious roots. Using moleculartechniques, several genes have been isolated that are induced duringadventitious root formation by IBA. The biosynthesis of IBA in maize(Zea mays L.) involves IAA as the direct precursor. Microsomalmembranes from maize are able to convert IAA to IBA using ATP andacetyl-CoA as cofactors. The enzyme catalyzing this reaction wascharacterized from maize seedlings and partially purified. The invitro biosynthesis of IBA seems to be regulated by several externaland internal factors: i) Microsomal membranes from light-grownmaize seedlings directly synthesize IBA, whereas microsomal membranesfrom dark-grown maize plants release an as yet unknown reaction product,which is converted to IBA in a second step. ii) Drought and osmoticstress increase the biosynthesis of IBA maybe via the increaseof endogenous ABA, because application of ABA also results in elevatedlevels of IBA. iii) IBA synthesis is specifically increased byherbicides of the sethoxydim group. iv) IBA and IBA synthesizingactivity are enhanced during the colonization of maize roots with themycorrhizal fungus Glomus intraradices. The role of IBA forcertain developmental processes in plants is discussed and somearguments presented that IBA is per se an auxin and does notact via the conversion to IAA.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was identified by HPLC and GC-MS as one of the reaction products after incubation of sterile cultures of Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings with labeled indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). This is the first demonstration of IBA biosynthesis in a dicotyledonous plant. After 1 h of incubation most of the IBA was found in the free form, while after longer periods of incubation most of it was detected in conjugated forms. Formation of IBA conjugates was inhibited by the addition of unlabeled IBA. The biosynthesis of IBA and its conjugates was followed throughout the development of the seedlings and at different pH values. All parts of the plant (isolated roots, leaves, shoots and flowers) were able to convert IAA to IBA to the same extent.IAA was more readily transported than IBA in mature Arabidopsis plants. Feeding of labeled phenylacetic acid (PAA) and -naphthylacetic acid (NAA) to Arabidopsis seedlings resulted in a new small peak which was hydrolyzed by 7N NaOH, but the formation of compounds with longer side chains (analogous to IBA) could not be detected.Abbreviations IAA indole-3-acetic acid - IBA indole-3-butyric acid - NAA -naphthylacetic acid - PAA phenylacetic acid  相似文献   

Although IBA is a naturally occurring auxin, its role in plant development is still under debate. In this study a set of Arabidopsis mutants was used to analyze the biosynthesis of IBA in vitro. The mutants chosen for this study can be classified as: (1) involvement in auxin metabolism, transport or synthesis (amt1, aux1, ilr1, nit1, rib1, sur1, trp1-100); (2) other hormones possibly involved in the regulation of IBA synthesis (aba1, aba3, eto2, fae1, hls1, jar1); (3) photomorphogenesis (det1, det2, det3); and (4) root architecture (cob1, cob2, scr1). In addition, two transgenic lines overexpressing the IAA glucose synthase (iaglu) gene from maize were analyzed. The ecotypes No-0 and Wassilewskija showed the highest IBA synthetase activity under control conditions, followed by Columbia, Enkheim and Landsberg erecta. In the mutant lines IBA synthetase activity differed in most cases from the wild type, however no particular pattern of up- or down-regulation, which could be correlated to their possible function, was found. For rib1 mutant seedlings it was tested whether reduced IBA synthetase activity correlates with the endogenous IBA levels. Free IBA differed only depending on the culture conditions, but gave no clear correlation with IBA synthetase activity compared to the wild type. Since drought and osmotic stress as well as abscisic acid (ABA) application enhanced IBA synthesis in maize, it was tested whether IBA synthetase from Arabidopsis is also inducible by drought stress conditions. This was confirmed for the two ecotypes Col and Ler which showed different IBA synthetase activity when cultivated with various degrees of drought stress. IBA synthetase was also determined in photomorphogenic mutants under different light regimes. Induction of IBA synthetase in det1 and det3 plants was found under short day plus a red light pulse or in the dark, respectively. The results are discussed with respect to the functions of the mutated genes.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was much more effective than indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) in inducing adventitious root formation in mung bean ( Vigna radiata L.) cuttings. Prolonging the duration of treatment with both auxins from 24 to 96 h significantly increased the number of roots formed. Labelled IAA and IBA applied to the basal cut surface of the cuttings were transported acropetally. With both auxins, most radioactivity was detected in the hypocotyl, where roots were formed, but relatively more IBA was found in the upper sections of the cuttings. The rate of metabolism of IAA and IBA in these cuttings was similar. Both auxins were metabolized very rapidly and 24 h after application only a small fraction of the radioactivity corresponded to the free auxins. Hydrolysis with 7 M NaOH indicates that conjugation is the major pathway of IAA and IBA metabolism in mung bean tissues. The major conjugate of IAA was identified tentatively as indole-3-acetylaspartic acid, whereas IBA formed at least two major conjugates. The data indicate that the higher root-promoting activity of IBA was not due to a different transport pattern and/or a different rate of conjugation. It is suggested that the IBA conjugates may be a better source of free auxin than those of IAA and this may explain the higher activity of IBA.  相似文献   

Previously we identified aminooxy compounds as auxin biosynthesis inhibitors. One of the compounds, aminooxyacetic acid (AOA) inhibited indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis in rice and tomato. Here, we found that AOA induced auxin over-accumulation in Arabidopsis. The results suggest that auxin-related metabolic pathways are divergent among these plant species.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) greatly enhanced the rooting of an early-flowering variety of protea, Leucadendron discolor, but had very little effect on a late-flowering variety. IBA transport and metabolism were studied in both varieties after incubating the cuttings in 3H-IBA. More of the radio-label was transported to the leaves of the easy-to-root variety than the difficult-to-root (35–45% and 10%, respectively). IBA was metabolized rapidly by the cuttings of both varieties and after 24 h most of the label was in the new metabolite. However, free IBA (about 10%) was present in the cuttings during the whole period up to the time of root emergence (4 weeks). More free IBA was accumulated in the base of easy-to-root cuttings, while in the difficult-to-root variety most of the IBA was found in the leaves. The metabolite was identified tentatively as an ester conjugate with a glucose. It is possible that IBA-glucose serves as a source for free IBA, and the difference between the varieties is a consequence of the free IBA which is released, transported and accumulated in the site of a root formation.  相似文献   

Plants can regulate levels of the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) by conjugation to amino acids or sugars, and subsequent hydrolysis of these conjugates to release active IAA. These less active auxin conjugates constitute the majority of IAA in plants. We isolated the Arabidopsis ilr2-1 mutant as a recessive IAA-leucine resistant mutant that retains wild-type sensitivity to free IAA. ilr2-1 is also defective in lateral root formation and primary root elongation. In addition, ilr2-1 is resistant to manganese- and cobalt-mediated inhibition of root elongation, and microsomal preparations from the ilr2-1 mutant exhibit enhanced ATP-dependent manganese transport. We used a map-based positional approach to clone the ILR2 gene, which encodes a novel protein with no predicted membrane-spanning domains that is polymorphic among Arabidopsis accessions. Our results demonstrate that ILR2 modulates a metal transporter, providing a novel link between auxin conjugate metabolism and metal homeostasis.  相似文献   

While indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) has been confirmed to be an endogenous form of auxin in peas, and may occur in the shoot tip in a level higher than that of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), the physiological significance of IBA in plants remains unclear. Recent evidence suggests that endogenous IAA may play an important role in controlling stem elongation in peas. To analyze the potential contribution of IBA to stem growth we determined the effectiveness of exogenous IBA in stimulating stem elongation in intact light-grown pea seedlings. Aqueous IBA, directly applied to the growing internodes via a cotton wick, was found to be nearly as effective as IAA in inducing stem elongation, even though the action of IBA appeared to be slower than that of IAA. Apically applied IBA was able to stimulate elongation of the subtending internodes, indicating that IBA is transported downwards in the stem tissue. The profiles of growth kinetics and distribution suggest that the basipetal transport of IBA in the intact plant stem is slower than that of IAA. Following withdrawal of an application, the residual effect of IBA in growth stimulation was markedly stronger than that of IAA, which may support the notion that IBA conjugates can be a better source of free auxin through hydrolysis than IAA conjugates. It is suggested that IBA may serve as a physiologically active form of auxin in contributing to stem elongation in intact plants.  相似文献   

In previous work it has been shown that the route from indoleacetic acid (IAA) to indolebutyric acid (IBA) is likely to be a two-step process with an unknown intermediate designated ‘product X′. Our objective was to characterize and purify enzyme activities that are involved in these reactions. Indole-3-butyric acid synthetase was isolated and characterized from light-grown maize seedlings (Zea mays L.), which were able to synthesize IBA from indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) with ATP and acetyl-CoA as cofactors. The enzyme activity is most likely located on the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum, as shown by means of aqueous two-phase partitioning and sucrose density gradient centrifugation, with subsequent marker enzyme analysis. It was possible to solubilize the enzyme from the membranes with a detergent (CHAPS) and high concentrations of NaCl. The molecular mass of solubilized IBA synthetase was ca 31 kDa and its isoelectric point was at pH 4.8. The enzyme forming the reaction intermediate had a molecular mass of only 20 kDa and it seemed to be located on different membranes. Inhibition experiments with reducing agents and sulfhydryl reagents indicated that no sulfhydryl groups or disulfide bridges were present in the active centre of IBA synthetase. KCN inhibited the enzyme activity completely, and sodium azide by about 50%. Substrate analogs. such as 1-IAA, 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, phenylacetic acid, and naphthaleneacetic acid, inhibited IBA formation to a high extent. Experiments with tunicamycin gave evidence that the enzyme is not a glycoprotein. These findings were confirmed by affinity chromatography with Concanavalin A. where the enzyme did not bind to the matrix. Further purification of the IBA synthetase on an ATP-affinity column resulted in a more than 1 000-fold purification compared to the microsomal membranes. IBA synthetase activity was also present in other plant families. Our results present further evidence that IBA is synthesized by a two-step mechanism involving two different enzyme activities.  相似文献   

[2′,2′-2H2]-indole-3-acetic acid ([2′,2′-2H2]IAA) was prepared in an easy and efficient manner involving base-catalyzed hydrogen/deuterium exchange. 1-O-([2′,2′-2H2]-indole-3-acetyl)-β-D-glucopyranose, [2′,2′-2H2]-2-oxoindole-3-acetic acid, and 1-O-([2′,2′-2H2]-2-oxoindole-3-acetyl)-β-D-glucopyranose were also successfully synthesized from deuterated IAA, and effectively utilized as internal standards in the quantitative analysis of IAA and its metabolites in Arabidopsis thaliana by using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS/MS). The use of this technique shows that these metabolites were accumulated in the roots of Arabidopsis seedlings. Dynamic changes in the metabolites of IAA were observed in response to exogenous IAA, revealing that each metabolic action was regulated differently to contribute to the IAA homeostasis in Arabidopsis.  相似文献   

Auxin metabolism   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Auxin metabolism encompasses transport, conjugation, deconjugation, conversion, and catabolism. The balance between auxin metabolism and biosynthesis determines the actual level of the hormone in a given cell and consequently plays an important role in many developmental processes from seed germination to fruit ripening. Mass spectrometry used in conjunction with stable isotope labeling studies has enabled comprehensive examination of auxin biosynthesis and turnover along with the identification of many auxin conjugate. It appears that the conjugate moiety may signal the metabolic fate (e.g. storage and eventual hydrolysis to free hormone, or catabolism). Recently identified auxin-metabolizing enzymes are encoded by gene families which vary in specificity for auxin metabolites. The expression patterns of these genes will reveal a great deal about the mechanics of auxin metabolism.  相似文献   

The use of ring-labelled, pentadeutero IAA as an internal standard in selected ion monitoring analysis of Douglas fir seedlings revealed an estimate of IAA which was nearly an order of magnitude smaller than that reported earlier.  相似文献   

Comparative effects of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) on lateral root (LR) formation were studied using 2-day-old seedlings of IR8 rice (Oryza sativa L.). Results showed that IBA at all concentrations (0.8–500 nmol/L) increased the number of LRs in the seminal root. However exogenous IAA, failed to increase the number of LRs. On the other hand, both IBA and IAA caused inhibition of seminal root elongation and promotion of LR elongation, but IAA can only reach to the same degree of that of IBA at a more than 20-fold concentration. Exogenous IBA had no effect on endogenous IAA content. We conclude from the results that IBA could act directly as a distinct auxin, promoting LR formation in rice, and that the signal transduction pathway for IBA is at least partially different from that for IAA.  相似文献   

Indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) was recently identified by GC/MS analysis as an endogenous constituent of various plants. Plant tissues contained 9 ng g?1 fresh weight of free IBA and 37 ng g?1 fresh weight of total IBA, compared to 26 ng g?1 and 52 ng g?1 fresh weight of free and total indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), respectively. IBA level was found to increase during plant development, but never reached the level of IAA. It is generally assumed that the greater ability of IBA as compared with IAA to promote rooting is due to its relatively higher stability. Indeed, the concentrations of IAA and IBA in autoclaved medium were reduced by 40% and 20%, respectively, compared with filter sterilized controls. In liquid medium, IAA was more sensitive than IBA to non-biological degradation. However, in all plant tissues tested, both auxins were found to be metabolized rapidly and conjugated at the same rate with amino acids or sugar. Studies of auxin transport showed that IAA was transported faster than IBA. The velocities of some of the auxins tested were 7. 5 mm h?1 for IAA, 6. 7 mm h?1 for naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and only 3. 2 mm h?1 for IBA. Like IAA, IBA was transported predominantly in a basipetal direction (polar transport). After application of 3H-IBA to cuttings of various plants, most of the label remained in the bases of the cuttings. Easy-to-root cultivars were found to absorb more of the auxin and transport more of it to the leaves. It has been postulated that easy-to-root, as opposed to the difficult-to-root cultivars, have the ability to hydrolyze auxin conjugates at the appropriate time to release free auxin which may promote root initiation. This theory is supported by reports on increased levels of free auxin in the bases of cuttings prior to rooting. The auxin conjugate probably acts as a ‘slow-release’ hormone in the tissues. Easy-to-root cultivars were also able to convert IBA to IAA which accumulated in the cutting bases prior to rooting. IAA conjugates, but not IBA conjugates, were subject to oxidation, and thus deactivation. The efficiency of the two auxins in root induction therefore seems to depend on the stability of their conjugates. The higher rooting promotion of IBA was also ascribed to the fact that its level remained elevated longer than that of IAA, even though IBA was metabolized in the tissue. IAA was converted to IBA by seedlings of corn and Arabidopsis. The Km value for IBA formation was low (approximately 20 μM), indicating high affinity for the substrate. That means that small amounts of IAA (only a fraction of the total IAA in the plant tissues) can be converted to IBA. It was suggested that IBA is formed by the acetylation of IAA with acetyl-CoA in the carboxyl position via a biosynthetic pathway analogous to the primary steps of fatty acid biosynthesis, where acetyl moieties are transferred to an acceptor molecule. Incubation of the soluble enzyme fraction from Arabidopsis with 3H-IBA, IBA and UDP-glucose resulted in a product that was identified tentatively as IBA glucose (IBGIc). IBGIc was detected only during the first 30 min of incubation, showing that it might be converted rapidly to another conjugate.  相似文献   

In the view of the facts that algal extracts have been used in agriculture asa source of plant growth stimulating agents and IAA has been shown to bepresent in the extracts, a study was planned to establish whether or notaxenic algae can produce IAA. Evidence is provided for extracellular IAAproduction during culture of two axenic green microalgae. IAAidentification was based on co-chromatography with the standard, analysisof UV and fluorescent spectra, and gas chromatography – selectedion-monitoring mass spectrometry. HPLC analyses showed that underthe experimental conditions the amounts of IAA released to the mediumby Scenedesmus armatus and Chlorella pyrenoidosa weregenerally low. IAA tended to occur in Scenedesmus armatus culturemedium at higher concentrations than in that of Chlorellapyrenoidosa. In fast-growing cultures of Scenedesmus armatus,constantly aerated with CO2/air mixture, the concentration of IAAcalculated per cell was less than in the slow-growing cultures.  相似文献   

Indole-3-acetic acid in microbial and microorganism-plant signaling   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Diverse bacterial species possess the ability to produce the auxin phytohormone indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). Different biosynthesis pathways have been identified and redundancy for IAA biosynthesis is widespread among plant-associated bacteria. Interactions between IAA-producing bacteria and plants lead to diverse outcomes on the plant side, varying from pathogenesis to phyto-stimulation. Reviewing the role of bacterial IAA in different microorganism-plant interactions highlights the fact that bacteria use this phytohormone to interact with plants as part of their colonization strategy, including phyto-stimulation and circumvention of basal plant defense mechanisms. Moreover, several recent reports indicate that IAA can also be a signaling molecule in bacteria and therefore can have a direct effect on bacterial physiology. This review discusses past and recent data, and emerging views on IAA, a well-known phytohormone, as a microbial metabolic and signaling molecule.  相似文献   

The effects of applying indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) for periods up to 48 h were examined in difficult-to-root microcuttings (from newly-established cultures) and in easy-to-root microcuttings (from long-term subcultures) of Jonathan apple (Malus X domestica Borkh). In easy-to-root material, 20% of the microcuttings produced roots in the absence of IBA, while 6 h exposure to 10 M IBA gave 100% rooting of microcuttings. In contrast, root formation in difficult-to-root material was IBA-dependent. Maximum rooting of these microcuttings (50%) required 24 h exposure to 10 M IBA.Variation in the endogenous levels of free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) during the course of root induction was similar in microcuttings of both types but there were marked differences in endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) levels. In easy-to-root microcuttings ABA remained at a constant low level, but in difficult-to-root material ABA exhibited marked fluctuations and was present at higher concentrations than in easy-to-root microcuttings.  相似文献   

The plant hormone auxin has been shown to be involved in lateral root development and application of auxins, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-butyric acid (IBA), increases the number of lateral roots in several plants. We found that the effects of two auxins on lateral root development in the indica rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. IR8) were totally different from each other depending on the application method. When the roots were incubated with an auxin solution, IAA inhibited lateral root development, while IBA was stimulatory. In contrast, when auxin was applied to the shoot, IAA promoted lateral root formation, while IBA did not. The transport of [3H]IAA from shoot to root occurred efficiently (% transported compared to supplied) but that of [3H]IBA did not, which is consistent with the stimulatory effect of IAA on lateral root production when applied to the shoot. The auxin action of IBA has been suggested to be due to its conversion to IAA. However, in rice IAA competitively inhibited the stimulatory effect of IBA on lateral root formation when they were applied to the incubation solution, suggesting that the stimulatory effect of IBA on lateral root development is not through its conversion to IAA.  相似文献   

Gene targeting in Arabidopsis thaliana.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Summary Gene targeting of a chromosomally integrated transgene in Arabidopsis thaliana is reported. A chimeric gene consisting of the promoter of the 35S RNA of CaMV, the polyadenylation signal of the octopine synthase gene and the coding region of the bacterial hygromycin phosphotransferase gene (hpt), which was rendered non-functional by deletion of 19 bp, was introduced into the genome of A. thaliana using Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer. A total of 3.46 x 108 protoplasts isolated from 17 independent transgenic Arabidopsis lines harbouring the defective chimeric hpt gene were transformed via direct gene transfer using various DNA forms containing only the intact coding region of the hpt gene. Out of 150 hygromycin-resistant colonies appearing in the course of these experiments, four were the result of targeted recombination of the incoming DNA with the defective chromosomal locus as revealed by PCR and Southern blot analysis. Comparison with the number of transformants obtained when an hpt gene controlled by a promoter and terminator from the nopaline synthase gene was employed results in a maximal ratio of homologous to non-homologous transformation in A. thaliana of 1 x 10–4.  相似文献   

A 13.8 kb DNA sequence containing the promoters and the structural genes of the Arabidopsis thaliana nit2/nit1/nit3 gene cluster has been isolated and characterized. The coding regions of nit2, nit1 and nit3 spanned 1.9, 1.8 and 2.1 kb, respectively. The architecture of the three genes is highly conserved. Each isoform consists of five exons separated by four introns. The introns are very similar with respect to size and position, but differ considerably in sequence composition. In contrast to the coding sequences the three promoters are very different in sequence, size and in their repertoire of cis elements, suggesting differential regulation of the three nitrilase isoenzymes by the developmental program of the plant and by diverse environmental factors. The nit1 promoter was subjected to analysis in planta. Translational fusions placing the nit1 full-length promoter and a series of 5-deletion fragments in front of the uidA gene encoding -glucuronidase (GUS) were used for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation of Nicotiana tabacum. GUS expression was highest in fully expanded leaves and in the shoot apex as well as in the apices of developing lateral buds, whereas the GUS activity displayed by developing younger leaflets was restricted to the tips of the expanding leaves. Within the root tissue GUS expression was restricted to the root tips and the tips of newly forming lateral roots. Structural features of the nitrilase gene family and nitrilase gene expression patterns are discussed in context with current knowledge of auxin biosynthesis and auxin effects on different tissues.  相似文献   

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