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The goal of this study was to examine seasonal frugivory by two sympatric peccary species ( Tayassu pecari and T. tajacu ) in a small (2178 ha), Atlantic Forest fragment on the inland plateau region of São Paulo State, Brazil. Fruit availability was determined with systematic ground surveys conducted over a 5-yr period. Examining fruit availability trends for dry and wet seasons, we found that species diversity was greater in the wet season, but the total number and dry mass of fruits were higher in the dry season. Fruit abundance in the dry season was due to one palm, 'jeriva' ( Syagrus romanzoffiana ), which could be considered a keystone species at Caetetus Ecological Station as it also supported a diverse array of mammals, birds, reptiles, and insects. White-lipped peccaries were the only ungulates that ate palmito fruits ( Euterpe edulis ) at Caetetus. They consumed ripe and unripe fruits and predated the seeds by chewing the pulp and seed. This occurred primarily during the dry season and was associated with a seasonal range shift and a preference for palmito habitat by the white-lipped peccaries. The dominance of fruits in peccary diets (80% fruit items in scat) has management implications for other plateau forest fragments. Forest fragments with diminished fruit abundance or diversity, or lacking key species such as S. romanzoffiana or E. edulis , will not support the energetic requirements of the characteristically large and highly mobile white-lipped peccary populations.  相似文献   

The diet of the white-lipped peccari Tayassu pecari was studied from July 1996 to April 1997 in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica, through fecal analysis and direct observations. The feces consisted of 61.6% fruits, 37.5% vegetative parts, 0.4% invertebrates and 0.5% unidentified material. These proportions are similar to those reported for white-lipped peccaries diet in South America, but the species consumed were different. In Corcovado, the white-lipped peccary fed on parts of 57 plant species (37 of them fruits). Moraceae was the most represented family. In contrast, the diet of the Peruvian Amazon peccary primarily consists of plant parts (Arecaceae). Costa Rican peccary diet consisted of vegetative parts from Araceae and Heliconaceae. Direct observation showed that peccaries spent 30% of feeding time rooting. Samples taken from rooting sites suggest that peccaries fed on earthworms. Diet differed between months, seasons and habitats. They ate more fruits in coastal and primary forests and more vegetative parts in secondary forest. In the months Octubrer and November the consumption of vegetative parts exceeded fruit consumption.  相似文献   

We determined the potential nutritional levels in 25 species of plants, and in earthworms, that constitute part of the diet of white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari) in Corcovado National Park, Costa Rica, from January 1998 to March 1999. The highest content of fat and energy was found in seeds of the Myristicacea family. The highest content of calcium was found in vegetative parts of Dieffenbachia spp. Nutritious contents differed among plant parts (seeds, fruits, stems and leaves). Fat and energy content were larger in seeds and fruits, whereas the largest content of protein was found in fruits and leaves. Mineral content also differed among plant parts. Calcium, potassium and magnesium were higher in leaves whereas copper and zinc were higher in seeds. Differences of diet between white-lipped peccaries in Corcovado and in other tropical regions of Latin America could be partially explained by our results. We found several species with higher fat and energy content than palms, which can explain the low consumption of palm seeds in Corcovado. It is possible that the regular consumption of stems and leaves of some species is related to their high mineral content. Seasonality of reproduction in Corcovado seems to be related not only to fruit availability but also to the nutritional quality of food.  相似文献   

Inter-specific competition is considered one of the main selective pressures affecting species distribution and coexistence. Different species vary in the way they forage in order to minimize encounters with their competitors and with their predators. However, it is still poorly known whether and how native species change their foraging behavior in the presence of exotic species, particularly in South America. Here we compare diet overlap of fruits and foraging activity period of two sympatric native ungulates (the white-lipped peccary, Tayassu pecari, and the collared peccary, Pecari tajacu) with the invasive feral pig (Sus scrofa) in the Brazilian Pantanal. We found high diet overlap between white-lipped peccaries and feral pigs, but low overlap between collared peccaries and feral pigs. Furthermore, we found that feral pigs may influence the foraging period of both native peccaries, but in different ways. In the absence of feral pigs, collared peccary activity peaks in the early evening, possibly allowing them to avoid white-lipped peccary activity peaks, which occur in the morning. In the presence of feral pigs, collared peccaries forage mostly in early morning, while white-lipped peccaries forage throughout the day. Our results indicate that collared peccaries may avoid foraging at the same time as white-lipped peccaries. However, they forage during the same periods as feral pigs, with whom they have lower diet overlap. Our study highlights how an exotic species may alter interactions between native species by interfering in their foraging periods.  相似文献   

In forest fragments, rare habitats contribute to heterogeneity and may provide unique resources for frugivorous species like peccaries with spatially and temporally complex patterns of range use. This study examined seasonal habitat use by two sympatric peccary species ( Tayassu pecari and Tayassu tajacu ) in an Atlantic forest fragment on the plateau region of São Paulo state, Brazil. Previous studies showed that range use by T. pecari was highly nonrandom, and that both species persisted at population densities typical of larger forest fragments. To explain this, we quantified the use and availability of habitats and riparian zones with compositional analysis. Use by T. pecari was nonrandom with respect to availability. Habitat preferences were different during dry and wet seasons and corresponded closely with seasonal movements, core range and fruit use. Although aquatic habitats made up a small proportion of the herd home range, they were most preferred by T. pecari during both seasons. Headwater palmito Euterpe edulis swamps were most favored in the dry season, whereas swamps and marshes near larger streams were preferred in the wet season. Tayassu pecari preferred riparian zones <50 m from streams over drier zones. These habitats were important sources of fruits, travel routes and corridors between forest patches in the agricultural matrix. The least-preferred habitat of T. pecari during both seasons was disturbed forest edge dominated by bamboo. Habitat and riparian zone use were herd-specific for T. tajacu and related to habitat quality and composition where stable home ranges had been established. The persistence of viable peccary populations after 75 years of fragmentation-associated pressures is related to preservation of rare habitats and overall habitat diversity. Thus, T. pecari is an indicator of high habitat diversity in forest fragments and will function as an umbrella species when targeted for conservation.  相似文献   

Jaguars Panthera onca inhabiting tropical or subtropical evergreen moist forest have often been classified as opportunistic predators because they consume prey relative to its availability. However, these studies failed to address simultaneously the distribution of predator and prey through time and space, which may lead to an incomplete or erroneous understanding of jaguar foraging strategies. In this study, we reconstructed jaguar diet from scat, and used camera traps to investigate jaguar prey availability and the distribution of jaguar and its prey through space and time. We focused our examination of predator–prey temporal and spatial relations on forest infrastructure comprising man-made paths, small mammal trails, tapir Tapirus bairdi trail and trail-less, forested areas as they represent distinct habitats for prey selection. Overall, we observed high overlap between the prey used and available, suggestive of opportunistic foraging. However, jaguars exhibited selective tendencies in discriminating between larger prey. Jaguars used collared peccary Tayassu tajacu greater than its availability, while preying upon the equally abundant and similarly distributed white-lipped peccary Tayassu pecari and tapir less than predicted based upon availability. Armadillo Dasypus novemcinctus and paca Agouti paca , 56.6% of total consumption, were consumed relative to availability but exhibited low spatial overlap with jaguar. Armadillo and paca used trail-less, forested areas and small mammal trails not used by jaguar and were photographed more frequently at greater distances from man-made paths, major thoroughfares for jaguars. This study suggests that although forest jaguars use prey relative to its abundance, jaguars may rely on foraging strategies other than chance encounters for exploiting prey.  相似文献   

Fruit pulp is an important source of nutrients for many bird species. Fruit‐eating birds use a variety of strategies to cope with changes in the availability of fruits, exhibiting a remarkable ability to track resources. We assessed the role of nutrient availability in the fruiting environment as a factor driving resource tracking by fruit‐eating birds. Fruit consumption by the four most common frugivorous species in a 6‐ha plot in the Southern Yungas montane forest of Argentina was assessed. We determined the content of selected nutrients (soluble carbohydrates, proteins, phenols, ascorbic acid and essential minerals) in 22 fruiting plant species eaten by birds, and measured fruit–frugivore interactions and the availability of nutrients and dry fruit pulp mass over 2 years. There was strong temporal covariation in the availability of the selected nutrients in fruits across the study period. Similarly, the availability of nutrients in the fruiting environment covaried with pulp mass. Fruit consumption by the four commonest bird species and the abundance of most species were positively associated with nutrient availability and dry pulp mass. Nutrient availability was a good predictor of temporal fruit tracking by three of the four commonest frugivores. Despite large differences in particular nutrient concentrations in fruits, overall nutrient (and pulp) quantity in the fruiting environment played a greater role in fruit tracking than did the nutritional quality of individual fruits. While overall nutrient availability (i.e. across fruit) and total pulp mass were important determinants of fruit tracking, we suggest that plant species‐specific differences in fruit nutrient concentration may be important in short‐term foraging decisions involved in fruit choice and nutritional balance of birds.  相似文献   

Defensive behavioral patterns in response to human-induced rapid environmental change can affect animals’ fitness and may play a role in species conservation status. To test this hypothesis, we compared the risk assessment and defensive behavioral responses of captive white-lipped peccary (WLP; Tayassu pecari) and collared peccary (CP; Pecari tajacu), which retain different conservation status; WLP are considered vulnerable and CP of least concern. We used an adapted paradigm of the mouse defense test battery (MDTB) comprising four consecutive tests. Two of these tests simulated a novel environment, while the other two stimulated the expression of defensive behavioral patterns. Besides differences in risk assessment and defensive threat/attack behavioral patterns between species, we compared flight initiation distance, flight speed, and plasma glucocorticoid concentrations. When facing a novel environment and risk challenges from humans’ predator-like cues, the white-lipped peccary showed more exploratory and defensive threat/attack behavioral patterns, shorter flight initiation distances, and lower flight speeds, whereas the collared peccaries showed more cautious and retreat patterns, longer flight initiation distances, and higher flight speeds. There were also correlations between physiological and behavioral parameters. We confirmed our hypothesis that the collared peccary’s cautiousness may help to prevent a decrease in its population, while the white-lipped peccary’s exploratory and confrontational behavioral patterns in overhunted areas, together with other simultaneous factors as forest fragmentation, might contribute to placing this species in the vulnerable category.  相似文献   

Lowland Amazon is climatically one of the least seasonal regions on the planet, but little is known about how this is reflected in ecological seasonality. The central objective of this study was to determine whether seasonal fluctuations in the availability of fruit resources in Neotropical forests are sufficiently marked to affect the ecology and physiology of frugivorous bats. Seasonal variations in the overall bat abundance and in the captures, body condition, and reproductive activity of the two most abundant species, Carollia perspicillata and Artibeus planirostris, were studied within a region of central Brazilian Amazonia dominated by a mosaic of nonflooded (terra firme) and seasonally flooded forests (várzea and igapó). Concurrent seasonal changes in fruit availability were measured. The abundance of fruits was markedly seasonal, with far fewer resources available during the low-water season. There was a positive correlation between fruit and bat abundance. Overall, bats did not increase the consumption of arthropods during the period of fruit shortage. In A. planirostris, the body condition declined when fruits were scarcer. In both C. perspicillata and A. planirostris, foraging and reproductive activity were positively correlated with fruit availability. Consequently, the results suggest that resource seasonality is sufficiently marked to affect frugivorous bats and force them to make important eco-physiological adjustments.  相似文献   

Determining the composition of primate diet and identifying factors that affect food choice are important in understanding habitat requirements of primates and designing conservation plans. We studied the diet of Cross River gorillas (Gorilla gorilla diehli) in relation to availability of food resources, in a semideciduous lowland forest site (Mawambi Hills) in Cameroon, from November 2009 to September 2011. Based on 109 d of feeding trail data, 203 fecal samples, and 22 mo of phenological monitoring, we determined that gorillas consumed a total of 242 food items, including 240 plant items from 186 species and 55 taxonomic families. Mawambi gorillas diversified fruit consumption when fruit availability increased, and consumed more fibrous foods (pith, leaf, bark) during times of fruit scarcity, consistent with results of other gorilla studies. However, fruit availability was not related to rainfall, and the period of fruit scarcity was more pronounced at Mawambi than at other gorilla study sites, due to a single long dry season and extreme rainfall at the end of the rainy season that delayed fruit production and ripening. We found no relationship between the daily path length of the gorillas and fruit consumption. We found feeding habits of Mawambi gorillas to be notably similar to those of a population of Cross River gorillas at Afi Mountain, Nigeria, although subtle differences existed, possibly due to site-specific differences in forest composition and altitude. At both sites the liana Landolphia spp. was the single most important food species: the leaves are a staple and the fruits are consumed during periods of fruit scarcity. Snails and maggots were consumed but we observed no further faunivory. We suggest that tree leaves and lianas are important fallback food sources in the gorilla diet in seasonally dry forests.  相似文献   

We investigated the relation between temporally varying resources, diet composition, and seed-handling behaviors in a group of blue monkeys (Cercopithecus mitis doggetti) in a tropical montane forest of Rwanda. Changes in diet composition were related to concurrent phenological studies of fruit-producing trees, and density and abundance of tree resources within the monkey's home range. Fruit composed nearly 50 percent of the diet. Over 50 percent of the fruits eaten had juicy fleshy pulp. Observations of seed handling behavior provided insights into the role of these animals as potential seed dispersal agents. The monkeys moved the seeds of 29 species out of parent canopies by defecating seeds intact and by potentially carrying seeds in cheek pouches and dropping them later. Seeds of 18 species were found intact in fecal piles. Our study showed community-level phenology patterns did not indicate a decrease in fruit availability during the study period, but an analysis of the preferred fruits consumed by the monkeys showed distinct periods of low fruit availability. The study period included two dry seasons; only one of these produced a period of fruit scarcity for the animals. The animals employed different strategies during times of preferred fruit scarcity. They increased consumption of leaves and other fleshy fruits, and diet diversity increased, or became mainly seed predators and diet diversity decreased. The variable responses of these monkeys to changes in food availability highlights their dietary plasticity and imposes significant variations in their role as potential seed dispersers.  相似文献   

As part of a study on the ecology of a community of middle-sized and larger mammals in a seasonally dry forest in the far north of the Brazilian Amazonia, peccaries (the white-lipped peccary Tayassu pecari and the collared peccary Tayassu tajacu ) and large cats (the jaguar Panthera onca and the puma Puma concolor ) were regularly surveyed for 1 year. Diurnal and nocturnal surveys were carried out by the line-transect method, in five different forest types along a 10 km transect, and data were collected on their use of the forest types. The peccary herds and the large cats were sighted regularly throughout the study period, but more frequently over the dry season in the high-ground forests in eastern Maracá. Over the dry season, when food was scarce except in the Buritizals, T. pecari , closely followed by a P. onca , monopolized the Buritizal forests, whereas T. tajacu , followed by a P. concolor , exploited the other available high-ground forest types. Fluctuations in food supply regulated the dynamics of the two species of peccaries, which ultimately determined the whereabouts of the large cat predators. This may be a counter-strategy to survive in an extremely seasonal environment where food, more than any other variable, is the key determinant of the survival of both peccaries and large cats.  相似文献   

We examined seasonal patterns of fruit availability, dietary quality, and group size in the descendants of an introduced chimpanzee population on Rubondo Island, Tanzania. The site has supported a free-ranging population without provisioning for 40 years. Our goals were to determine whether Rubondo chimpanzees experience periods of fruit shortage, and whether they respond to changes in fruit availability similarly to chimpanzees at endemic sites. We indexed the fruit availability of tree and liana species on transects stratified across three chimpanzee ranging areas. We used fecal analyses to evaluate seasonal changes in diet, and used data on party size and nesting group size to examine seasonal patterns of grouping. Tree fruit availability was positively correlated with rainfall, with a period of relative tree fruit scarcity corresponding with the long dry season. Liana fruit availability was not related to rainfall, and lianas exhibited less variable fruiting patterns across seasons. Fruits made up the majority of the chimpanzee diet, with lianas accounting for 35% of dietary fruit species. Fruits of the liana Saba comorensis were available during all months of phenological monitoring, but they were consumed more when tree fruit was scarce, suggesting that Saba comorensis fruits may be a fallback food for Rubondo chimpanzees. There were no increases in consumption of lower-quality plant parts between seasons, and there were no changes in group size between seasons. These results contrast with evidence from several endemic chimpanzee study sites, and indicate that Rubondo chimpanzees may have access to abundant and high-quality foods year round.  相似文献   

The effect of fruit availability on chimpanzee party size was investigated in the montane forest of Kahuzi. Seasonal variation in both fruit availability and party size was examined. Fruit abundance per se does not affect chimpanzee party size. However, seasonality and distribution patterns of fruits are both determinant ecological factors that control the size of chimpanzee parties at Kahuzi. There was no correlation between fruit abundance and the spatial distribution of fruits. When fruits were clumped and available in large amounts for a long period, chimpanzee party size increased, or otherwise decreased when fruits were highly available for only a limited period. Tree species that produced only a small amount of ripe fruit throughout the year did not affect the foraging party size of chimpanzees. Temporal and spatial variability in fruit abundance seems to constrain grouping patterns of chimpanzees at Kahuzi more so than in other chimpanzee habitats previously described.  相似文献   

Summary The relationship between diet and biomass was examined in the Amazonian ungulates (red brocket deer, grey brocket deer, collared peccary, white-lipped peccary, and lowland tapir) of Northeastern Peru. Tropical forest ungulates have lower biomasses than savanna or grassland ungulates, because in tropical forests the majority of primary production occurs in the canopy, well out of reach from terrestrial herbivores. Within the Amazonian ungulates, species that supplement their diet with animal material, namely the peccaries, obtain a greater crude and metabolic biomass, and higher reproductive rates than the purely herbivorous species. Omnivory appears to help terrestrial herbivores inhabiting closed canopy forests overcome some effects of food limitation.  相似文献   

Kara L. Lefevre  F. Helen Rodd 《Oikos》2009,118(9):1405-1415
Fruit consumption by birds is an important ecological interaction that contributes to seed dispersal in tropical rainforests. In this field experiment, we asked whether moderate human disturbance alters patterns of avian frugivory: we measured fruit removal by birds in the lower montane rainforest of Tobago, West Indies, using artificial infructescences made with natural fruits from two common woody plants of the forest understory (Psychotria spp., Rubiaceae). Displays were mounted simultaneously in three forest habitats chosen to represent a gradient of increasing habitat disturbance (primary, intermediate and disturbed), caused by subsistence land use adjacent to a protected forest reserve. We measured the numbers of fruits removed and the effect of fruit position on the likelihood of removal, along with the abundances of all fruits and fruit‐eating birds at the study sites. Fruit removal was highly variable and there was not a significant difference in removal rate among forest habitats; however, the trend was for higher rates of removal from displays in primary forest. Canopy cover, natural fruit availability, and frugivore abundance were not good predictors of fruit removal. Birds preferred more accessible fruits (those proximal to the perch) in all habitats, but in disturbed forest, there was a tendency for distal fruits to be chosen more frequently than in the other forest types. One possible explanation for this pattern is that birds in disturbed forests were larger than those in other habitats, and hence were better able to reach the distal fruits. Coupled with differences in bird community composition among the forest types, this suggests that different suites of birds were removing fruit in primary versus disturbed forest. As frugivore species have different effectiveness as seed dispersers, the among‐habitat differences in fruit removal patterns that we observed could have important implications for plant species experiencing disturbance; these possible implications include altered amounts of seed deposition and seedling recruitment in Tobago's tropical rainforest.  相似文献   

The ability of any species to support high hunting pressures depends on its reproductive efficiency. Based on the gross anatomic examination of 208 adult female reproductive tracts, we characterised the reproductive biology of the wild white-lipped peccary in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon. White-lipped peccary apparently bred year round in the northeastern Peruvian Amazon, and the number of pregnant females was 80 (38.4%). Mean ovulation rate was 2.09 ± 0.47 CLs, and litter size was 1.60 ± 0.49 embryos or foetuses per pregnant female. A phenomenon of embryo migration was observed in the 27.5% of pregnant females. Estimations suggest 0.89 births per year and a yearly reproductive production of 1.42 piglets per pregnant female. Females in the late pregnancy stage showed a higher hunting vulnerability that could be an important restrictive factor for the reproductive efficiency of the wild white-lipped peccary populations in the Peruvian Amazon.  相似文献   

Many Amazon River fishes consume fruits and seeds from floodplain forests during the annual flood season, potentially serving as important seed dispersers and predators. Using a participatory approach, this study investigated how within-season variation in flood level relates to fruit consumption and seed dispersal by two important frugivorous fish, Colossoma macropomum and Piaractus brachypomus , in two Lower Amazon River fishing communities in Brazil. Diets of both fish species were comprised of 78–98 percent fruits, largely dominated by a few species. Diets included fruits of 27 woody angiosperms and four herbaceous species from 26 families, indicating the importance of forest and Montrichardia arborescens habitat during peak flood. A correspondence between peak fruit species richness and peak flood level was observed in one of two communities, which may reflect higher forest diversity and/or differences in selection of fishing habitat. Both fishes are seed dispersers and predators, the relative role of which did not vary by flood level, seed size, or fish size, but may vary with seed hardness. Interspecific differences in diet volume and intact seeds suggest P. brachypomus are more effective seed dispersers than C. macropomum . Overall, the spatial and temporal variation in fruit species composition and richness demonstrate plasticity in fruit consumption in relation to flood level and locally available fruits. While such diets are adaptive to the dynamic changes of Amazon floodplain habitats, the high consumption of forest fruits and seeds from mid- and late-successional species suggests that floodplain forest degradation could disrupt seed dispersal and threaten local and regional fisheries.  相似文献   

The phenology of principal fruits consumed by the endangered Great Pied Hornbill (Buceros bicornis) was monitored for two years in a wet forest habitat in southern India. Lipid–rich fruits, produced by several interior forest trees mainly of the family Lauraceae, were highly seasonal in their availability, and their production in the dry, hot season coincided with the breeding of the hornbill. Sugary fruits, produced mainly by several species of Ficus, were available year–round due to aseasonal fruiting patterns. Because Ficus fruited even at times of low fruit resource availability, and was heavily utilized by hornbills and other frugivores, it played a keystone role in the maintenance of the avian frugivore community. Overall fruit production was scarce between July and January during the southwest and northeast monsoon seasons. Vitex altissima produced berries abundantly during much of this time (September–December) and thus was another important fruit resource for avian frugivores. To safeguard the fruit resource base for the Great Pied Hornbill, we recommend: (1) The protection of Ficus and Vitex trees from overexploitation, and (2) the conservation of forest integrity to maintain compositions and densities of the lipid–rich fruit tree species utilized by the hornbill.  相似文献   

The Suidae and the Dicotylidae (or Tayassuidae) are related mammalian families, both belonging to the artiodactyl suborder Suiformes, which diverged more than 37 million years ago. Cross-species chromosome painting was performed between the domestic pig (Sus scrofa; 2n = 38), a representative of the Suidae, and two species of the Dicotylidae: the collared peccary (Tayassu tajacu; 2n = 30) and the white-lipped peccary (T. pecari; 2n = 26). G-banded metaphase chromosomes of the two peccaries were hybridized with whole chromosome painting probes derived from domestic pig chromosomes 1-18 and X. For both peccary species, a total of 31 autosomal segments that are conserved between pig and peccary could be identified. The painting results confirm conclusions inferred from G-band analyses that the karyotypes of the collared peccary and the white-lipped peccary are largely different. The karyotypic heterogeneity of the Dicotylidae contrasts with the relative homogeneity among the karyotypes of the Suidae. For this difference between the Dicotylidae and the Suidae, a number of explanations are being postulated: 1) the extant peccaries are phylogenetically less closely related than is usually assumed; 2) the peccary genome is less stable than the genome of the pigs; and 3) special (e.g. biogeographical or biosocial) circumstances have facilitated the fixation of chromosome rearrangements in ancestral dicotylid populations.  相似文献   

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