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Abstract Food consumption and reproduction were compared through two gonotrophic cycles in female brown-banded cockroaches, Supella longipalpa (F.), fed a standard rat food diet which had been serially diluted with methyl cellulose, alpha cellulose or dextrin. Females did not increase daily intake to compensate for dilution, and reproductive rate was highly dependent upon the degree of dilution of the diet. With increasing dextrin concentrations, digestibility increased, but reproductive rate, size and mass of oothecae, and efficiency of food utilization progressively decreased.
On diets containing 75% rat food and 25% methyl cellulose, females consumed minimal amounts of food and 80% of the females did not mate or produce oothecae within 30 days. On identical diets containing 25% alpha cellulose, food digestibility decreased and females ate significantly more than females fed 25% methyl cellulose, but less than females fed rat food. Many (65%) females fed 25% alpha cellulose produced oothecae which were smaller and took longer to form than in control females fed on rat food. At concentrations higher than 50% of either methyl or alpha cellulose daily intake was further reduced and females died rapidly.  相似文献   

Nymphal development and adult female reproduction were examined in the German cockroach, Blattella germanica, using a defined artificial diet in which the type of protein was varied. Milk proteins, including casein, supported development poorly compared to meat and plant proteins. Soybean protein supported development better than all other highly purified proteins including vitamin-free casein which is commonly used in artificial diets. Last instar females fed the soybean-based diet eclosed earlier at higher eclosion weights, developed their oocytes at a faster rate and experienced higher fecundity than females fed a vitamin-free casein-based diet. Last instar females exhibited different dose-response patterns on diets containing soybean isolate or vitamin-free casein. However, at all concentrations soybean protein was superior to casein in supporting development. The results of a food utilization study during the last instar revealed that consumption rates varied between females fed the soybean and casein based diets. However, approximate digestibility, efficiency of conversion of digested food and the efficiency of conversion of ingested food did not vary significantly between the two dietary treatments. Differential development of females fed the two diets was attributed to differences in stage-specific consumption rates and the poorer quality of casein as a source of protein for development in this species.  相似文献   

光周期与温度对林地德国小蠊生长发育与繁殖的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朱道弘  刘世大  赵吕权 《生态学报》2006,26(7):2125-2132
为弄清湖南株洲(北纬27°50′,东经112°54′)栖息于林地的德国小蠊(Blattella germanica)季节生活史策略,研究了光周期和温度对其若虫发育、龄数变异及成虫繁殖的影响。结果表明,德国小蠊的若虫发育明显受光周期的影响。长日条件(LD 16∶8h)下若虫发育最快,中间日长(LD 14∶10h)次之,短日条件(LD 12∶12h)下若虫发育最慢。将孵化后30日的若虫自长日条件向短日条件转移,则若虫发育受到明显抑制,反方向的转移,则若虫发育迅速。说明德国小蠊若虫存在滞育现象,短日条件诱导并维持滞育,长日条件解除滞育。若虫期经历的龄数受光周期和温度的影响,25℃的温度条件下,LD 16∶8h、LD 14∶10h及LD 12∶12h若虫期的龄数分别为7、8和9龄;长日条件下,30℃和25℃的若虫龄数为7龄,而20℃为9龄。根据实验室观察和林地调查结果,德国小蠊在湖南株洲1年发生1代,以滞育若虫越冬。30℃、25℃、20℃的温度条件下,卵鞘成活率分别为14.3%、90.1%和51.9%,高温和低温均不适合德国小蠊的繁殖。因此,可以认为控制若虫发育和龄数的光周期、温度反应的生态意义在于调控繁殖虫态和繁殖的适宜季节保持同步。  相似文献   

Sexual conflicts often arise between mating partners because each sex tries to maximize its own reproductive success. One major male strategy to influence a partner's resource allocation is the transfer of accessory gland proteins. This has been shown to occur in simultaneous hermaphrodites as well as in organisms with separate sexes. Although accessory gland proteins affect the investment of resources in both male and female function, we here specifically focus on female investment. In the great pond snail, Lymnaea stagnalis, previous studies found that the accessory gland protein ovipostatin reduced female fecundity by suppressing egg laying in the partner in the short term (days). To investigate whether this reduction in egg laying is a commonly found effect of mating in freshwater snails, we compared egg output for evidence of suppression in isolated and paired snails of eight pulmonate species. Furthermore, we determined whether the suppression of egg laying caused a shift in resource allocation to the eggs. We found that in five of the eight species egg laying was suppressed, with fewer and lighter egg masses being laid when they had access to a mating partner. In mated pairs of L. stagnalis and Biomphalaria alexandrina, allocation of resources to the eggs was altered in opposite ways: individuals of L. stagnalis laid fewer but larger and heavier eggs; individuals of B. alexandrina laid smaller and lighter eggs, with no change in egg numbers. Such changes in the female function are most likely the result of combined effects of receiving accessory gland proteins, and the cost of mating in both male and female roles. Thus, effects of the maternal environment, including the receipt of accessory gland proteins, on offspring investment are not restricted to species with separate sexes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The role of dietary nitrogen in reproductive development was investigated in the female boll weevil, Anthonomus grandis (Boh.)(Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Artificial diets were employed containing 1.7%, 2.6% and 4.0% N. Each diet was labelled with a 14C-amino acid mixture and standardized relative to cpm and N per mg of diet dry weight. Egg production, diet consumption, nitrogen consumption and nitrogen utilization were measured by recovering the cpm in the faeces, ovaries plus eggs and the carcass.
Females given the 4% N diet initiated oviposition on day 4 with maximum egg production of 11 eggs/day/female occurring on day 6. Females on the 2.6% N diet also initiated oviposition on day 4, but the time necessary to reach maximum egg production was extended. Egg production by these females eventually equalled the total production of the group on the 4% N diet. This was achieved by consuming more diet per female and dedicating a higher percentage of the absorbed diet to egg formation. With the 1.7% N diet, females showed both a delay and a decrease in total egg production because of reduced feeding and a reduced commitment of consumed nutrients to oöcyte maturation.
Switching dietary nitrogen concentrations after the initiation of oviposition resulted in changes in consumption and reproductive allocation within 48 h.  相似文献   

Females of Glossina morsitans morsitans were fed diets of different composition and their performance in terms of survival, fecundity and offspring size, used as a basis for assessing the nutritional importance of the dietary constituents for reproduction. Diets comprised defibrinated bovine blood from which individual components had been removed, or various fractions of bovine blood mixed in different ratios and combinations.Flies fed serum-free diets (comprising saline-washed bovine erythrocytes) failed to reproduce and their ovaries were atrophied. Attempts were made to correct these symptoms by adding serum components to washed erythrocytes. Results showed that serum albumin and lipoproteins were vital for ovarian growth. The erythrocytes in defibrinated bovine blood could be replaced by preparations of haemoglobin. Dialysis against isotonic sodium chloride, removal of gamma globulins, removal of lymphocytes or heating to 55°C for 2 h did not alter the nutritional quality of defibrinated bovine blood. The qualitative importance of dietary albumin associated lipids and lipoproteins for oöcyte growth suggests a specialisation which may be peculiar to viviparous Diptera. Results are discussed in terms of the development of synthetic diets for tsetse.  相似文献   

Because a biochemical function has not been defined for boron (B), its nutritional essentiality has not been firmly established. Nonetheless, dietary guidance should be formulated for B, because it has demonstrated beneficial, if not essential, effects in both animals and humans. Intakes of B commonly found with diets abundant in fruits, vegetables, legumes, pulses, and nuts have effects construed to be beneficial in macromineral, energy, nitrogen, and reactive oxygen metabolism, in addition to enhancing the response to estrogen therapy and improving psychomotor skills and cognitive processes of attention and memory. Perhaps the best-documented beneficial effect of B is on calcium (Ca) metabolism or utilization, and thus, bone calcification and maintenance. The paradigm emerging for the provision of dietary guidance that includes consideration of the total health effects of a nutrient, not just the prevention of a deficiency disease, has resulted in dietary guidance for chromium (Cr) and fluoride; both of these elements have beneficial effects in humans, but neither has a defined biochemical function. Knowledge of B nutritional effects in humans equals or is superior to that of Cr and fluoride; thus, establishing a dietary reference intake for B is justified. An analysis of both human and animal data suggests that an acceptable safe range of population mean intakes of B for adults could well be 1–13 mg/d. Recent findings indicate that a significant number of people do not consistently consume more than 1 mg B/d; this suggests that B could be a practical nutritional or clinical concern.  相似文献   

Protein is essential for living organisms, but digestibility of crude protein is poorly understood and difficult to predict. Nitrogen is used to estimate protein content because nitrogen is a component of the amino acids that comprise protein, but a substantial portion of the nitrogen in plants may be bound to fiber in an indigestible form. To estimate the amount of crude protein that is unavailable in the diets of mountain gorillas (Gorilla beringei) in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park, Uganda, foods routinely eaten were analyzed to determine the amount of nitrogen bound to the acid-detergent fiber residue. The amount of fiber-bound nitrogen varied among plant parts: herbaceous leaves 14.5+/-8.9% (reported as a percentage of crude protein on a dry matter (DM) basis), tree leaves (16.1+/-6.7% DM), pith/herbaceous peel (26.2+/-8.9% DM), fruit (34.7+/-17.8% DM), bark (43.8+/-15.6% DM), and decaying wood (85.2+/-14.6% DM). When crude protein and available protein intake of adult gorillas was estimated over a year, 15.1% of the dietary crude protein was indigestible. These results indicate that the proportion of fiber-bound protein in primate diets should be considered when estimating protein intake, food selection, and food/habitat quality.  相似文献   

Doppel(简称Dpl)是新发现的一种糖基磷脂酰肌醇锚定(GPI)结构糖蛋白, 在结构上与朊蛋白(Prion protein, PrP)相似, 其编码基因位于朊蛋白编码基因(Prion protein gene, PRNP)下游, 但在生理功能上两者差异较大。Dpl蛋白在成年动物体内的表达主要集中在睾丸组织, 对雄性动物精子完整性、活力以及维持正常受精能力等生殖功能具有重要作用。以下主要综述了Dpl蛋白的生物学特征、生理功能以及对雄性动物生殖调控的影响, 旨在为Dpl蛋白的功能研究和雄性动物生殖调控研究提供理论参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Newly-emerged Spodoptera exempta (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) moths contain high levels of lipid held largely in the abdominal fat body, the quantity depending on the larval feeding conditions. There is a positive relationship between weight-related lipid content and moth weight, which is consistent for female but not for male moths, suggesting that larval feeding conditions producing large individuals allow the accumulation of quantitatively disproportionate lipid reserves. Male and female moths have comparable levels of abdominal protein.
Changes in the water content in starved moths or ones provided with distilled water or sucrose solution show that while starved individuals die rapidly from desiccation, water-fed moths regulate their water contents between narrow limits which are higher for females than for males. Sucrose-fed moths maintain higher, more variable water contents probably due to the phagostimulatory effect of the sugar.
Reproducing and unmated moths are able to supplement their lipid and, to a lesser extent, their protein reserves following carbohydrate uptake.
During both larval and early adult stages, the capacity to accumulate lipid reserves in excess of those apparently required for reproduction, suggests that these reserves also provide the main fuel for the prolonged flights of which migratory individuals are known to be capable.  相似文献   

There is often large divergence in the effects of key nutrients on life span (LS) and reproduction in the sexes, yet nutrient intake is regulated in the same way in males and females given dietary choice. This suggests that the sexes are constrained from feeding to their sex‐specific nutritional optima for these traits. Here, we examine the potential for intralocus sexual conflict (IASC) over optimal protein and carbohydrate intake for LS and reproduction to constrain the evolution of sex‐specific nutrient regulation in the field cricket, Teleogryllus commodus. We show clear sex differences in the effects of protein and carbohydrate intake on LS and reproduction and strong positive genetic correlations between the sexes for the regulated intake of these nutrients. However, the between‐sex additive genetic covariance matrix had very little effect on the predicted evolutionary response of nutrient regulation in the sexes. Thus, IASC appears unlikely to act as an evolutionary constraint on sex‐specific nutrient regulation in T. commodus. This finding is supported by clear sexual dimorphism in the regulated intake of these nutrients under dietary choice. However, nutrient regulation did not coincide with the nutritional optima for LS or reproduction in either sex, suggesting that IASC is not completely resolved in T. commodus.  相似文献   

One hundred forty pubertal Swiss-Webster female mice (Mus musculus) were assigned randomly to a purified diet modified to contain 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ppm copper as copper carbonate (Diets 1 thru 6, respectively). Diet 7 was a commercial rodent laboratory diet containing 11 ppm copper. Following 60 days of prefeeding, the breeding regimen was initiated by introducing a proven breeder male into each cage of 10 females in the afternoon and removing them the next morning. The breeding regimen was conducted for 28 days and females were either sacrificed at 24 or 96 hours following detection of a vaginal plug. Body weight, hematocrit, heart weight, hemoglobin concentration, ova recovery rate and fertilization rate were recorded for each female. All morphologically normal embryos collected 24 hours after detection of the vaginal plug were cultured and development in vitro evaluated. Body weight, hemoglobin concentration and hematocrit were lower (P less than .05), and heart weight and percent body weight occupied by the heart (%BWOH) were higher (P less than .05) in mice fed Diet 1. Heart weight and %BWOH were not different among mice fed Diets 2 thru 6 (P greater than .05). Ova recovery rate and fertilization rate were significantly reduced in mice maintained on Diet 1. The incidence of in vitro blastocyst formation was lower in embryos collected from females fed Diets 1 and 3 (P less than .05). Blastocyst hatching in vitro was not observed in embryos from females maintained on Diet 1, and was greater in embryos from females fed Diets 4, 5, and 7 (P less than .05).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Availability of adequate nutrition is among the most important factors affecting growth, development, and reproduction in animals. In holometabolous insects, diets and nutritional needs change between life stages, with larval storage, and adult feeding and reproduction being linked to one another. In several butterfly species, adult feeding is of fundamental importance to realize the full reproductive potential, primarily due to a prominent role of adult diet-derived carbohydrates. In contrast, the role of adult diet-derived amino acids is still under debate, despite the fact that butterflies were often found to preferentially feed on amino acid-rich substrates. Recently it was found that amino acids from adult income could compensate for adverse effects of larval food quality. In our study on the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana (Butler) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae), we used larval starvation to investigate corresponding effects on female reproductive output. Short periods of larval starvation prolonged development time and reduced larval survival, larval growth rate, pupal mass, and egg size. Regardless of the degree of larval starvation, access to amino acids in the adult diet increased egg size, whereas egg number remained largely unaffected. Thus, although there was some evidence for adult diet-derived amino acids being overall beneficial to reproduction, there was no indication that they can compensate for larval starvation.  相似文献   


Host life history traits are often shaped by trade-offs between the current and potential future costs of parasitism. Reproductive tissues are not normally essential for host survival and diversion of resources elsewhere is a common effect of parasitic infection. Variations in reproductive output may therefore indicate overall fitness correlated to the host response to parasite pressure. Here, we investigated reproductive fitness in a Biomphalaria glabrata—Schistosoma mansoni system, a laboratory model for schistosomiasis. Five matched groups of unselected B. glabrata snails were individually exposed to doses of 1, 2, 5, 10 or 20 S. mansoni miracidia, respectively. A sixth group remained unexposed providing a control. Fertility (defined as actual reproductive performance, measured as the number of offspring produced) and fecundity (defined as potential reproductive capacity, measured as number of eggs and embryos formed) were monitored for each group at weekly intervals. Our results revealed that both parasite dose and infection status had a significant effect on the potential reproductive capacity of the host, but this was not always reflected in the actual reproductive success. Egg mass production showed a negative association with increasing parasite dose in patently infected snails. In contrast, snails exposed to the parasite, but within which infection did not establish, demonstrated a positive association between egg mass production and parasite dose. This suggests the existence of a fecundity compensation mechanism occurring within the post-patent period of infection. This is, to our knowledge, the first report of such an effect in a snail-trematode system and, indeed, in any host-parasite association.  相似文献   

Abstract. In a laboratory study, groups of third-instar Blatta orientalis nymphs were reared to adulthood in arenas containing fenoxycarb (48 mg a.i./m2) treated ceramic or plywood tiles. The reproductive capacity of the emergent adults was assessed by pairing each individual with two untreated individuals of the opposite sex. Oothecal production, oothecal hatch and the numbers of nymphs emergent from each hatched ootheca were monitored. Exposure to 1-day-old deposits of fenoxycarb reduced adult emergence by 45–75% in comparison with an untreated control treatment. Substantial (>40%) mortality also resulted when nymphs were exposed to deposits up to 3 months old on plywood and up to 6 months old on ceramic. Exposure to fenoxycarb significantly extended the time taken to reach adulthood of males contacting 6-month-old deposits on both surfaces, and of females contacting 1-year-old deposits on ceramic. Adult females exposed as nymphs to fenoxycarb were unable to produce oothecae, except one female laid a non-viable ootheca. Untreated females paired with treated males produced large numbers of oothecae of normal appearance but very low viability, with only 0–7.1% hatching. With marked effects on both development and reproduction in B. orientalis , fenoxycarb is a promising agent for control of this species.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of dietary phosphorus (P) intake on the bone mineralization and calcium (Ca) absorption in adult female rats. Fifteen 16-wk-old female Wistar rats were divided into three groups, and respectively fed a low-P diet containing 0.15% P (LP), a control diet containing 0.5% P (C), and a high-P diet containing 1.5% P (HP) for 42 d. The apparent Ca absorption was significantly increased with decreasing dietary P level. The serum parathyroid hormone concentration was significantly lower in the LP group than in the C and HP groups. The serum osteocalcin concentration and urinary excretion of deoxypyridinoline were significantly higher in the HP groups than in the LP and C groups. The bone mineral density of the fifth lumbar vertebra was significantly increased with decreasing dietary P level. These results indicate that the low-P diet increased Ca absorption, this being effective for bone mineralization in adult female rats.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the influence of Westernised and traditional African diets on biochemical and haematological profiles in vervet monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops). Twelve adult male vervet monkeys bred at the Medical Research Council, all over 4 years of age and weighing more than 5 kg each, were divided into two groups of six individuals. These monkeys were raised on a standard in-house diet post-weaning, before they were fed for 8 weeks on diets containing milk solids (17.2%) or maize + legume (17.4%), as sources of high crude protein (+/- 3.5 g/kg). High protein diets had no significant effect on serum biochemical indices such as aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) concentrations (P > 0.10). However, alanine aminotransferase (ALT) concentrations were significantly higher during week 8 (P < 0.05) for the maize + legume protein group. Alkaline phosphatase (ALP; P < 0.07), total protein (P < 0.0001), albumin (P < 0.02), and bilirubin (P < 0.003) were elevated in the milk solids group, while glucose levels were also significantly higher for the milk solids group (P < 0.05) between weeks 2 and 6. Elevated protein intake had no significant effect on haematological parameters such as red blood cells (RBC), platelet and white blood cell (WBC) counts, haemoglobin levels and monocyte and neutrophil concentrations (P > 0.10). In contrast, serum lymphocyte levels were significantly raised in the maize + legume protein group (P = 0.03), whereas values for the haematocrit (P < 0.002), mean cell volume (MCV; P < 0.03) and mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration (MCHC; P < 0.0001) were higher in the monkeys that were fed the milk solids. This investigation showed that the type of dietary protein that is consumed may well affect certain biochemical and haematological indices in vervet monkeys. Compared to the group that were given the traditional African food regime, the animals on the Western-type milk solids diet showed significant elevations in a number of important biological indicators. However, longer-term studies should be completed in this area if we are to make firmer conclusions regarding the link between the nature of dietary proteins that are consumed and its effect on metabolism.  相似文献   

Objective: The aim of the present study was to analyse the relationship between masticatory ability (self‐assessed masticatory ability and bite force) and intake of energy, nutrients and food items in a population sample of elderly subjects. Design and Subjects: From a population sample of 80‐year‐old people, 160 individuals (74 men and 86 women) took part in an odontological study. Main Outcome Measures: A dental examination including bite force recording, a questionnaire focusing on self‐assessed masticatory ability, and a dietary interview. Setting: Department of Geriatric Medicine, Göteborg University, Sweden. Results: The dental status among the participants varied much (from edentulous in both jaws ‐ 22% ‐ to more than 20 natural teeth ‐ 30%). The mean maximum bite force was higher in men (165 N) than in women (105 N). Bite force was significantly correlated to the Eichner index and to the number of teeth. One third of the subjects reported no masticatory problem, whereas 18% identified 3 such problems. The intake of energy and nutrients varied much but the means were well above recommended values. The correlations between dental status and bite force on one side and dietary intake on the other side were in general weak and most often statistically non‐significant. Impaired general health and reduced dentition were both associated with more masticatory problems. Conclusion: The examined sample of 80‐year‐old subjects had a great variation in dental status, bite force and self‐assessed masticatory ability, but these factors had only a minor influence on dietary selection and intake, which on average were well above recommended values.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. . Final instar nymphs of the oligophagous acridid Locusta migratoria (L.) and larvae of the polyphagous noctuid Spodoptera littoralis (Boisduval) were fed for 4, 8 or 12 h, the conditioning period, on one of four artificial diets. Of these, diet PC contained 20% protein and 10% digestible carbohydrate; another, P, contained 20% protein but with the digestible carbohydrate component replaced by cellulose; a third, C, had the protein component substituted by cellulose, and the fourth, O, had both protein and digestible carbohydrate replaced. After this conditioning period, insects were given a choice of two diets, P and C, and hence an opportunity to select for the nutrients, if any, which were lacking in their previous food. Amounts eaten and selection behaviour were then recorded in detail for a total of 9 h. This paper deals with total amounts of diet eaten during the conditioning and choice periods. Spodoptera larvae were more sensitive than the locusts to being fed a nutritionally inadequate conditioning diet, and ate only small quantities of the P, C and O diets as compared with the PC diet, irrespective of the duration of conditioning. Locusts, on the other hand, when restricted to the P diet continued to eat relatively large amounts of it throughout a 12 h conditioning period. Those nymphs fed the C diet ingested large quantities (more than of the PC diet) up until 8 h, after which intake fell. When offered a choice, both species selected for the nutrients missing from the conditioning diet, even if the conditioning period had been as short as 4 h. During the first hour of choice locusts selected the P diet if they had been previously fed C and the C diet if previously fed P. Those deprived of both nutrients increased consumption of both P and C diets. Spodoptera larvae were more sensitive to prior deprivation of digestible carbohydrate than of protein. During the first hour of choice they selected the C diet if previously fed P or O but did not choose the P diet if previously fed C. In the subsequent 8 h of choice, however, a strong selection for the P diet after previous deprivation became apparent. In the locust, the selection for nutrients missing from the conditioning diet continued for the following 8 h of choice but became masked by a tendency, shown by all nymphs, to select C over P. The functional significance and possible physiological basis of all these responses is discussed.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle and sexuality ofLethrinus rubrioperculatus in waters off Okinawa and Yaeyama were studied. The spawning period extended from April to December off Okinawa, but only until August off Yaeyama. Sexual maturation in the species started at about 20 cm FL, being completed in females at 26 cm FL. Spawning intervals were estimated as between 1.0 and 1.52 days from May to October. FL-batch fecundity relationships were also estimated. The species exhibited protogynous hermaphroditism. The smallest male and largest female were 26.4 cm and 41.9 cm FL, respectively, off Okinawa, and 29.2 cm and 32.8 cm FL, respectively, off Yaeyama.  相似文献   

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