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Direct EPR evidence of the photo-generation of superoxide radicals (O2 –.) was obtained by using a novel spin trapping probe in spinach Photosystem II (PS II) membrane fragments. The production of O2 –. was detected by following the formation of 5-diethoxyphosphoryl-5-methyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide (DEPMPO) superoxide adducts (DEPMPO-OOH). The inhibition of O2 –. formation by 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl) -1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) and the 77 K fluorescence spectrum indicated that O2 –. were generated from PS II, not from PS I. The inhibition of O2 –. formation by DCMU also suggested that O2 –. were generated from the QBbinding site, not at a site prior to DCMU blockage. The extrinsic proteins and Mn are very important to eliminate O2 –., showing that the oxygen-evolving system is involved in O2 –. removal rather than production.This revised version was published online in October 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Friedhelm Lendzian 《BBA》2005,1707(1):67-90
This short review compiles high-field electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) and electron nuclear double resonance (ENDOR) studies on different intermediate amino acid radicals, which emerge in wild-type and mutant class I ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) both in the reaction of protein subunit R2 with molecular oxygen, which generates the essential tyrosyl radical, and in the catalytic reaction, which involves a radical transfer between subunits R2 and R1. Recent examples are presented, how different amino acid radicals (tyrosyl, tryptophan, and different cysteine-based radicals) were identified, assigned to a specific residue, and their interactions, in particular hydrogen bonding, were investigated using high-field EPR and ENDOR spectroscopy. Thereby, unexpected diiron-radical centers, which emerge in mutants of R2 with changed iron coordination, and an important catalytic cysteine-based intermediate in the substrate turnover reaction in R1 were identified and characterized. Experiments on the essential tyrosyl radical in R2 single crystals revealed the so far unknown conformational changes induced by formation of the radical. Interesting structural differences between the tyrosyl radicals of class Ia and Ib enzymes were revealed. Recently accurate distances between the tyrosyl radicals in the protein dimer R2 could be determined using pulsed electron-electron double resonance (PELDOR), providing a new tool for docking studies of protein subunits. These studies show that high-field EPR and ENDOR are important tools for the identification and investigation of radical intermediates, which contributed significantly to the current understanding of the reaction mechanism of class I RNR.  相似文献   

Tetrathiatriarylmethyl radicals are ideal spin probes for biological electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and imaging. The wide application of trityl radicals as biosensors of oxygen or other biological radicals was hampered by the lack of affordable large-scale syntheses. We report the large-scale synthesis of the Finland trityl radical using an improved addition protocol of the aryl lithium monomer to methylchloroformate. A new reaction for the formal one-electron reduction of trityl alcohols to trityl radicals using neat trifluoroacetic acid is reported as well. Initial applications show that the compound is very sensitive to molecular oxygen. It has already provided high-resolution EPR images on large aqueous samples and should be suitable for a broad range of in vivo applications.  相似文献   

We investigated the location and distribution of paramagnetic species in dry black, brown, and yellow (normal) soybean seeds using electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), X-band (9?GHz) EPR imaging (EPRI), and HPLC. EPR primarily detected two paramagnetic species in black soybean. These two different radical species were assigned as stable organic radical and Mn2+?species based on the g values and hyperfine structures. The signal from the stable radical was noted at g?≈?2.00 and was relatively strong and stable. Subsequent noninvasive two-dimensional (2D) EPRI of the radical present in black soybean revealed that the stable radical was primarily located in the pigmented region of the soybean coat, with very few radicals observed in the soybean cotyledon (interior). Pigments extracted from black soybean were analyzed using HPLC. The major compound was found to be cyanidin-3-glucoside. Multi-EPR and HPLC results indicate that the stable radical was only found within the pigmented region of the soybean coat, and it could be cyanidin-3-glucoside or an oxidative decomposition product.  相似文献   

X-band electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy has been employed to investigate the dynamic properties of magnetically-aligned phospholipid bilayers (bicelles) based on the molecular order parameters (S(mol)), the hyperfine splitting values and the line shapes of the EPR spectra. For the first time, a series of EPR spectra of n-doxylstearic acid spin-labels (n = 5, 7, 12, and 16) incorporated into Tm3+-doped parallel-aligned, Dy3+-doped perpendicular-aligned, and randomly dispersed 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/1,2-dihexanoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC/DHPC) bicelles with respect to the direction of the static magnetic field have been investigated as a function of cholesterol content and temperature variation to characterize the orientational aspects along the hydrocarbon acyl chains. Important general observations are that under conditions for which the bicelle is poised in the liquid crystalline phase, the degree of ordering decreases as the nitroxide moiety is transferred toward the end of the stearic acid acyl chains. The addition of cholesterol increases the phase transition temperature and alignment temperature of the DMPC/DHPC phospholipid bilayers and increases the chain order. However, increasing the temperature of the bicelle system decreases the chain order. This report reveals that the dynamic properties of DMPC/DHPC bicelles agree well with other biological and model membrane systems. The results indicate that magnetically-aligned phospholipid bilayers are an excellent model membrane system.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4):269-280
The method of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy was used to study the reaction of human methaemoglabin (metHb) with hydrogen peroxide. The samples for EPR measurements were rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen at different times after H2O2 was added at 3- and 10-fold molar excess to 100 μM metHb in 50 mM phosphate buffer, pH 7.4, 37°C. Precautions were taken to remove all catalase from the haemoglobin preparation and no molecular oxygen evolution was detected during the reaction. On addition of H2O2 the EPR signals (- 196°C) of both high spin and low spin metHb rapidly decreased and free radicals were formed. The low temperature (- 196°C) EPR spectrum of the free radicals formed in the reaction has been deconvoluted into two individual EPR signals, one being an anisotropic signal (g° = 2.035 and g° = 2.0053), and the other an isotropic singlet (g = 2.0042, AH = 20 G). The former signal was assigned to peroxyl radicals. As the kinetic Pehaviour of both peroxyl (ROO*) and nonperoxyl (P*) free radicals were similar, we concluded that ROO* radicals are not formed from P* radicals by addition of O2. The time courses for both radicals showed a steady state during the time required for H2O2 to decompose. Once all peroxide was consumed, the radical decayed with a first order rate constant of 1.42 ± 10-3 s-1 (1:3 molar ratio). The level of the steady state was higher and its duration shorter at lower initial concentration of H2O2. The formation of the rhombic Fe(III) non-haemcentres with g = 4.35 was found. Their yield was proportional to the H2O2 concentration used and the centers were ascribed to haem degradation products. The reaction was also monitored by EPR spectroscopy at room temperature. The kinetics of the free radicals measured in the reaction mixture at room temperature was similar to that observed when the fast freezing method and EPR measurement at —196°C were used.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to use direct electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy at 37 °C and spin trapping techniques to study radical species formed during horseradish peroxidase/H2O2-initiated low-density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation. Using direct EPR, we obtained evidence for the formation not only of the α-tocopheroxyl radical but also of a protein radical(s), assigned to a tyrosyl radical(s) of apolipoprotein B-100 (apo B-100). Spin trapping with 2-methyl-2-nitrosopropane revealed (i) the formation of a mobile adduct with β-hydrogen coupling assigned to a lipid radical and (ii) a partially immobilised adduct detected in LDL as well as in apo B-100, assigned after proteolytic digestion to the trapping of a radical centred on a tertiary carbon atom of an aromatic residue, probably tyrosine. Our results support the hypothesis that radicals are initiators of the oxidative process, and show that their formation is an early event in peroxidase-mediated oxidation. We also tested the effects of resveratrol (RSV), a polyphenolic antioxidant present in red wine. Our data indicate that 1–10 μM RSV is able to accelerate α-tocopherol consumption, conjugated dienes formation and the decay kinetics of LDL-centred radicals. Since phenols are substrates for peroxidases, this result may be ascribed to a RSV-mediated catalysis of peroxidase activity.  相似文献   

Free radicals are believed to be key factors that promote ischemia reperfusion injury in the brain. This study used the characteristic spectrum of methoxycarbonyl-PROXYL to detect free radical reactions in hydrophilic and lipophilic compartments in a transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) mouse model. Methoxycarbonyl-PROXYL, which has a high water/octanol partition coefficient, allows the detection of nitroxyl radical in both compartments simultaneously. Free radicals generation was analysed from the enhanced ESR signal decay rate of methoxycarbonyl-PROXYL. The signal decay rate in the lipidic compartment was significantly enhanced 1 h after reperfusion following MCAO. The enhanced signal decay rate was significantly suppressed by Trolox. The accumulation of lipid peroxidation products increased by 6 h post-reperfusion and was suppressed by methoxycarbonyl-PROXYL or Trolox. These results demonstrate that information pertaining to different sites of free radical generation in vivo can be obtained simultaneously and that lipid-derived radicals are generated in transient MCAO mice.  相似文献   



Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy (also known as electron spin resonance, ESR, spectroscopy) is widely considered to be the “gold standard” for the detection and characterisation of radicals in biological systems.

Scope of review

The article reviews the major positive and negative aspects of EPR spectroscopy and discusses how this technique and associated methodologies can be used to maximise useful information, and minimise artefacts, when used in biological studies. Consideration is given to the direct detection of radicals (at both ambient and low temperature), the use of spin trapping and spin scavenging (e.g. reaction with hydroxylamines), the detection of nitric oxide and the detection and quantification of some transition metal ions (particularly iron and copper) and their environment.

Major conclusions

When used with care this technique can provide a wealth of valuable information on the presence of radicals and some transition metal ions in biological systems. It can provide definitive information on the identity of the species present and also information on their concentration, structure, mobility and interactions. It is however a technique that has major limitations and the user needs to understand the various pitfalls and shortcoming of the method to avoid making errors.

General significance

EPR remains the most definitive method of identifying radicals in complex systems and is also a valuable method of examining radical kinetics, concentrations and structure. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Current methods to study reactive oxygen species — pros and cons and biophysics of membrane proteins. Guest Editor: Christine Winterbourn.  相似文献   

The first step in the development of skin sensitisation to a chemical, and in the elicitation of further allergic contact dermatitis (ACD), is the binding of the allergen to skin proteins after penetrating into the epidermis. The so-formed antigenic adduct is then recognised by the immune system as foreign to the body. Sensitising organic hydroperoxides derived from autoxidation of natural terpenes are believed to form antigens through radical-mediated mechanisms, although this has not yet been established. So far, in vitro investigations on reactive radical intermediates derived from these skin sensitisers have been conducted in solution, yet with experimental conditions being far away from real-life sensitisation. Herein, we report for the first time, the potential use of EPR spin-trapping to study the in situ generation of free radicals derived from cumene hydroperoxide CumOOH in a 3D reconstructed human epidermis (RHE) model, thus much closer to what may happen in vivo. Among the undesirable effects associated with dermal exposure to CumOOH, it is described to cause allergic and irritant dermatitis, being reported as a significant sensitiser. We considered exploiting the usage of spin-trap DEPMPO as an extensive view of all sort of radicals derived from CumOOH were observed all at once in solution. We showed that in the EpiskinTM RHE model, both by incubating in the assay medium and by topical application, carbon radicals are mainly formed by redox reactions suggesting the key role of CumOOH-derived carbon radicals in the antigen formation process.  相似文献   

Tyrosine radicals play catalytic roles in essential metalloenzymes. Their properties—midpoint potential, stability…—or environment varies considerably from one enzyme to the other. To understand the origin of these properties, the redox tyrosines are studied by a number of spectroscopic techniques, including Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and resonance Raman (RR) spectroscopy. An increasing number of vibrational data are reported for the (modified-) redox active tyrosines in ribonucleotide reductases, photosystem II, heme catalase and peroxidases, galactose and glyoxal oxidases, and cytochrome oxidase. The spectral markers for the tyrosinyl radicals have been recorded on models of (substituted) phenoxyl radicals, free or coordinated to metals. We review these vibrational data and present the correlations existing between the vibrational modes of the radicals and their properties and interactions formed with their environment: we present that the ν7a(C-O) mode of the radical, observed both by RR and FTIR spectroscopy at 1480-1515 cm−1, is a sensitive marker of the hydrogen bonding status of (substituted)-phenoxyl and Tyr, while the ν8a(C-C) mode may probe coordination of the Tyr to a metal. For photosystem II, the information obtained by light-induced FTIR difference spectroscopy for the two redox tyrosines TyrD and TyrZ and their hydrogen bonding partners is discussed in comparison with those obtained by other spectroscopic methods.  相似文献   

E.P.R. experiments and spin-lattice relaxation time measurements have been performed on Flavocytochrome b 2in the range 10 K to 100 K, to obtain information on the distance between the two prosthetic groups of the protein, flavin and heme. We have used the stabilization effect of pyruvate on the semiquinone form of the flavin, to compare the E.P.R. spectral shape and the relaxation properties of the radical when the heme is either in the ferrous form or in the ferric form. When the heme is ferric, no significant increase of the line broadening or enhancement of the relaxation rate of the radical can be detected in the range 10 K to 100 K. From these results, a minimum intercentre distance of 18 to 20 Å can be estimated.  相似文献   

The Tat system is used to transport folded proteins across the cytoplasmic membrane in bacteria and archaea and across the thylakoid membrane of plant chloroplasts. Multimers of the integral membrane TatA protein are thought to form the protein-conducting element of the Tat pathway. Nitroxide radicals were introduced at selected positions within the transmembrane helix of Escherichia coli TatA and used to probe the structure of detergent-solubilized TatA complexes by EPR spectroscopy. A comparison of spin label mobilities allowed classification of individual residues as buried within the TatA complex or exposed at the surface and suggested that residues Ile12 and Val14 are involved in interactions between helices. Analysis of inter-spin distances suggested that the transmembrane helices of TatA subunits are arranged as a single-walled ring containing a contact interface between Ile12 on one subunit and Val14 on an adjacent subunit. Experiments in which labeled and unlabeled TatA samples were mixed demonstrate that TatA subunits are exchanged between TatA complexes. This observation is consistent with the TatA dynamic polymerization model for the mechanism of Tat transport.  相似文献   

Tannic acid (TA) has well-described antimutagenic and antioxidant activities. The antioxidant activity of TA has been previously attributed to its capacity to form a complex with iron ions, interfering with the Fenton reaction [Biochim. Biophys. Acta 1472, 1999, 142]. In this work, we observed that TA inhibits, in the micromolar range, in vitro Cu(II) plus ascorbate-mediated hydroxyl radical (*OH) formation (determined as 2-deoxyribose degradation) and oxygen uptake, as well as copper-mediated ascorbate oxidation and ascorbate radical formation (quantified in EPR studies). The effect of TA against 2-deoxyribose degradation was three orders of magnitude higher than classic *OH scavengers, but was similar to several other metal chelators. Moreover, the inhibitory effectiveness of TA, by the four techniques used herein, was inversely proportional to the Cu(II) concentration in the media. These results and the observation of copper-induced changes in the UV spectra of TA are indications that the antioxidant activity of TA relates to its copper chelating ability. Thus, copper ions complexed to TA are less capable of inducing ascorbate oxidation, inhibiting the sequence of reactions that lead to 2-deoxyribose degradation. On the other hand, the efficiency of TA against 2-deoxyribose degradation declined considerably with increasing concentrations of the *OH detector molecule, 2-deoxyribose, suggesting that the copper-TA complex also possesses an *OH trapping activity.  相似文献   

Seven isolates of the genus Trichinella were evaluated for their genetic identity and variability using starch gel electrophoresis. The various strains exhibited polymorphism in 8 of 11 enzyme systems tested and the strains could be segregated into at least 3 basic patterns for geographical isolates of Trichinella: pigs, wild carnivores and Trichinella spiralis var. pseudospiralis. There was also evidence for further differences between isolates from wild carnivores. The isozyme technique appears to have potential for zoogeographic studies in the genus Trichinella.  相似文献   

Immunological detection methods have become increasingly important in microbial ecology for the tracking of specific microorganisms and for community analysis. For a reliable application of these techniques, the monoclonal antibodies or polyclonal antisera used have to fulfill several quality criteria. Cross reactivity, cellular localization of the antigenic determinant, affinity characteristics and the expression of the antigenic determinant at environmental conditions have to be determined. Immunological methods can be used for the identification, quantification and enrichment of specific bacteria in extracts as well as for the visualization of cells in situ. The sensitivity of advanced immunological methods can be compared to PCR techniques. Using image processing of epifluorescence micrographs or confocal laser scanning microscopy, the immunofluorescence approach can now be applied to study complex environmental samples.  相似文献   

RH1 (2,5-diaziridinyl-3-(hydroxymethyl)-6-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone), which is currently in clinical trials, is a diaziridinyl benzoquinone bioreductive anticancer drug that was designed to be activated by the obligate two-electron reductive enzyme NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1). In this electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study we showed that RH1 was reductively activated by the one-electron reductive enzyme NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase and by a suspension of HCT116 human colon cancer cells to yield a semiquinone free radical. As shown by EPR spin trapping experiments RH1 was reductively activated by cytochrome P450 reductase and underwent redox cycling to produce damaging hydroxyl radicals in reactions that were both H2O2- and iron-dependent. Thus, reductive activation by cytochrome P450 reductase or other reductases to produce a semiquinone that can redox cycle to produce damaging hydroxyl radicals and/or DNA-reactive alkylating species may contribute to the potent cell growth inhibitory effects of RH1. These results also suggest that selection of patients for treatment with RH1 based on their expression levels of NQO1 may be problematic.  相似文献   

RH1 (2,5-diaziridinyl-3-(hydroxymethyl)-6-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone), which is currently in clinical trials, is a diaziridinyl benzoquinone bioreductive anticancer drug that was designed to be activated by the obligate two-electron reductive enzyme NAD(P)H quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1). In this electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) study we showed that RH1 was reductively activated by the one-electron reductive enzyme NADPH cytochrome P450 reductase and by a suspension of HCT116 human colon cancer cells to yield a semiquinone free radical. As shown by EPR spin trapping experiments RH1 was reductively activated by cytochrome P450 reductase and underwent redox cycling to produce damaging hydroxyl radicals in reactions that were both H2O2- and iron-dependent. Thus, reductive activation by cytochrome P450 reductase or other reductases to produce a semiquinone that can redox cycle to produce damaging hydroxyl radicals and/or DNA-reactive alkylating species may contribute to the potent cell growth inhibitory effects of RH1. These results also suggest that selection of patients for treatment with RH1 based on their expression levels of NQO1 may be problematic.  相似文献   

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