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榕树在西双版纳热带雨林生态系统中的作用   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
榕树是西双版纳热带雨林中的关键植物类群之一,能够为多种生物提供栖息地和食物,从而维持该地区热带雨林生态系统的物种多样性。一些种类的榕树有绞杀特性,在森林更新演替中能够起到积极的作用;还有些种类的榕树是先锋物种,在植被恢复中起重要作用。但是,近些年对西双版纳的过度开发已经使热带雨林片断化,榕树种群数量大量减少,榕果内的寄生蜂、食榕果动物也受到了不同程度的影响。保护好西双版纳热带雨林中关键植物类群榕树,是保护和恢复热带雨林生态系统的重要措施之一。  相似文献   

The rainforest of the Eiverpool Range (ca 32° S) consists of discrete stands ranging from 1 to 100 ha in area. Its distance from the coast (ca 160 km) results in a relatively low (for rainforest) average annual rainfall of approximately 900 mm. The rainforest is described quantitatively in terms of the relative importance of its component woody species. One hundred and fourteen vascular plant species were found and identified within the rainforest stands, including 37 tree and 16 shrub species. Daphnandra micrantha is the most common tree species in the stands, while Acmena smithii is locally dominant at higher elevations. Following Webb (1978), the Liverpool Range rainforest is described as a noto-microphyll vine forest. Alternatively, portions of the forest that are at higher elevations represent warm temperate rainforest, while the portions at lower elevations are more subtropical in character, although the two intergrade. The Liverpool Range rainforest has substantial floristic affinity with the rainforests of the southern coast of New South Wales.  相似文献   

Rainforest fragmentation and creek degradation are major problems on the Atherton Tablelands in North Queensland. Lake Barrine and Wooroonooran National Parks are separated by a 1.5‐km length of Toohey's Creek which has been cleared except for small remnant rainforest patches. The creek has been fenced and replanted to create a corridor between the two national parks. The aim of this study was to monitor the success of the corridor in providing habitat for rainforest birds. Avian communities were monitored in the corridor and in adjacent rainforest sites using point counts over the period of reestablishment of a continuous rainforest canopy. In terms of bird community composition, within 3 years of planting, the replanted sites were on a trajectory toward the rainforest sites. Although specialist rainforest species were not yet found in the plantings, after 3 years those species which mainly inhabit rainforest but also utilize edges and riparian strips were found in similar numbers in the plantings and in the small remnant patches along the corridor. Frugivorous species were quite abundant even in the youngest plantings. Thus, replanting of rainforest trees along Toohey's Creek has begun to provide habitat for some rainforest birds. It also shows good potential to act as a corridor to connect the previously isolated patches of rainforest for these species and to develop in habitat complexity as the frugivorous birds bring in rainforest plant species from nearby areas.  相似文献   

This paper reviews how and when African rainforest diversity arose, presenting evidence from both plant and animal studies. Preliminary investigations show that these African forests are an assemblage of species of varying age. Phylogenetic evidence, from both African rainforest angiosperms and vertebrates, suggest a Tertiary origin for the major lineages in some of these groups. In groups where savannah species are well represented and rainforest species are a minority, the latter appear to be relics of a Mid-Tertiary rainforest. By contrast, species that are primarily adapted to rainforest have arisen in the past 10 Myr with the main morphological innovations dating from the Late Miocene, and Quaternary speciation dominating in large, morphologically homogeneous groups. The small number of species-level phylogenies for African rainforest plants hinders a more incisive and detailed study into the historical assembly of these continental forests.  相似文献   

Brookesia dwarf chameleons, endemic to Madagascar, were surveyed at the following localities in northern Madagascar (north of 16°S): Montagne d'Ambre, Ankarana, Manongarivo, Tsaratanana, Marojejy and Masoala. A total of 15 species occur in this region. Six new species are described and five new synonyms are identified. The genus Brookesia , the most speciose chamaeleontid genus in Madagascar, contains 23 species.
Almost all the northern Brookesia species are restricted to rainforest and occupy a relatively narrow elevational range. Although the northern rainforests represent just one-third of the total rainforest and about 5% of the total island area, 65% of the Brookesia species occur in this region, and 52% are endemic to the northern rainforest. Five new biogeographic regions of the northern rainforest are identified based on centres of Brookesia endemicity: Montagne d'Ambre, Northwest, Tsaratanana, Northeast and East. Speciation is thought to have been facilitated in the north through geographic isolation, with the Tsaratanana mountain range and the dry forests south of Montagne d'Ambre forming barriers to dispersal, and the Tsaratanana mountains acting as a centre of isolation. The fragmented distribution of several Brookesia species of low altitude rainforest suggests a period in Madagascar's history when the climate was wetter and low altitude rainforest much more widespread.  相似文献   

Endemism in Tasmanian cool temperate rainforest: alternative hypotheses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endemism in Tasmanian cool temperate rainforest: alternative hypotheseS. Evidence is presented which suggests that hypotheses presented by Kirkpatrick & Brown relating to endemic species in Tasmania are either invalid or of limited importance for woody rainforest species.
In their place three hypotheses are presented to account for the presence of endemic species in Tasmanian cool temperate rainforest on the basis of the fossil record and the distribution of species which are closely related to the endemics. The first two hypotheses relate to the presence of the endemic species in the general Tasmanian region. They are:
  • 1. 

    Some species evolved in southeastern Australia during the Tertiary in response to the changing climate. Some of the ancestral species still occur in temperate rainforest at lower latitudes in Australia.

  • 2. 

    Some species have remained essentially unchanged in Tasmania during the Tertiary and Quaternary climatic changes.

The third hypothesis relates to the restriction of these cool temperate rainforest species to Tasmania:
  • 1. 

    Post-glacial climatic changes (especially a decrease in rainfall) and the human influence (especially land clearing and fire) may have combined to eliminate some cool temperate rainforest species from mainland Australia.


The Brazilian Atlantic rainforest consists of a typical tropical rainforest on mountain slopes, and stands out as a biodiversity hotspot for its high species richness and high level of species endemism. This forest is bordered by plant communities with lower species diversity, due mostly to more extreme environmental conditions than those found in the mesic rainforest. Between the mountain slopes and the sea, the coastal plains have swamp forests, dry semi-deciduous forests and open thicket vegetation on marine sand deposits. At the other extreme, on top of the mountains (>2000 m a.s.l.), the rainforest is substituted by high altitude fields and open thicket vegetation on rocky outcrops. Thus, the plant communities that are marginal to the rainforest are subjected either to flooding, drought, oceanicity or cold winter temperatures. It was found that positive interactions among plants play an important role in the structuring and functioning of a swamp forest, a coastal sandy vegetation and a cold, high altitude vegetation in the state of Rio de Janeiro. Moreover, only a few species seem to adopt this positive role and, therefore, the functioning of these entire systems may rely on them. Curiously, these nurse plants are often epiphytes in the rainforest, and at the study sites are typically terrestrial. Many exhibit crassulacean acid metabolism. Conservation initiatives must treat the Atlantic coastal vegetation as a complex rather than a rainforest alone.  相似文献   

At fine spatial scales, savanna‐rainforest‐grassland boundary dynamics are thought to be mediated by the interplay between fire, vegetation and soil feedbacks. These processes were investigated by quantifying tree species composition, the light environment, quantities and flammability of fuels, bark thickness, and soil conditions across stable and dynamic rainforest boundaries that adjoin grassland and eucalypt savanna in the highlands of the Bunya Mountains, southeast Queensland, Australia. The size class distribution of savanna and rainforest stems was indicative of the encroachment of rainforest species into savanna and grassland. Increasing dominance of rainforest trees corresponds to an increase in woody canopy cover, the dominance of litter fuels (woody debris and leaf), and decline in grass occurrence. There is marked difference in litter and grass fuel flammability and this result is largely an influence of strongly dissimilar fuel bulk densities. Relative bark thickness, a measure of stem fire resistance, was found to be generally greater in savanna species when compared to that of rainforest species, with notable exceptions being the conifers Araucaria bidwillii and Araucaria cunninghamii. A transect study of soil nutrients across one dynamic rainforest – grassland boundary indicated the mass of carbon and nitrogen, but not phosphorus, increased across the successional gradient. Soil carbon turnover time is shortest in stable rainforest, intermediate in dynamic rainforest and longest in grassland highlighting nutrient cycling differentiation. We conclude that the general absence of fire in the Bunya Mountains, due to a divergence from traditional Aboriginal burning practices, has allowed for the encroachment of fire‐sensitive rainforest species into the flammable biomes of this landscape. Rainforest invasion is likely to have reduced fire risk via changes to fuel composition and microclimatic conditions, and this feedback will be reinforced by altered nutrient cycling. The mechanics of the feedbacks here identified are discussed in terms of landscape change theory.  相似文献   

Abstract Despite the enormous contribution of invertebrates to global biodiversity and ecosystem function, the patterns and causes of insect responses to tropical rainforest destruction and fragmentation remain poorly understood. We studied the responses of beetles to these factors in a fragmented upland rainforest landscape in north‐east Queensland, Australia. Beetles were sampled using flight interception traps from six replicate sites in rainforest interior, rainforest edge, small rainforest remnants and pasture, interspersed across about 600 km2. Beetles from 10 family/subfamily groups were sorted to species. There were three major findings. First, converting rainforest into pasture has a very strong negative effect on beetle diversity and species composition. Very few beetle species were present in pasture and none of the most abundant species was more abundant in pasture than rainforest. Second, beetle assemblages appeared to respond to climate. Beetle species composition in drier rainforest habitats was different from that of moister rainforest and there were species unique to each rainforest type. Third, beetle species composition differed between small remnants and interior rainforest: drier‐associated species were more abundant in small remnants, whereas wetter‐associated species were more abundant in interiors. Edges tended to be intermediate. We argue that this pattern can be attributed to a fragmentation effect mediated by differences in microclimate rather than by floristic, structural, or area and isolation effects.  相似文献   

Despite recent efforts to reforest cleared rainforest landscapes, in Australia and elsewhere, the value of reforested sites for rainforest‐dependent reptiles is unknown. We surveyed the occurrence of reptiles in a range of reforestation types (monoculture and mixed‐species timber plantations, diverse “ecological restoration” plantings and regrowth), as well as reference sites in pasture and rainforest, in tropical and subtropical Australia. We recorded 29 species of reptiles from 104 sites, including 15 rainforest‐dependent species. Most rainforest reptiles were strongly associated with complex microhabitats (tree trunks, logs, rocks). The richness and abundance of rainforest‐dependent reptiles varied between the different types of reforestation and between regions. In the tropics, rainforest reptiles were recorded in old timber plantations and ecological restoration plantings but not in young timber plantations or regrowth. Rainforest reptiles were recorded in few reforested sites in the subtropics. The occurrence of rainforest‐dependent reptiles in reforested sites appears to be influenced by (1) habitat structure; (2) proximity to source populations in rainforest; and (3) biogeography and historical differences in the extent of rainforest. Restoration of cleared land for rainforest‐dependent reptiles may require the development, or deliberate creation, of complex structural attributes and microhabitats in reforested sites. Where reforested sites are located away from rainforest, recolonization by rainforest reptiles may require the construction of corridors of suitable habitat between reforested sites and rainforest or the translocation of reptiles to reforested sites.  相似文献   

As large nature reserves occupy only a fraction of the earth’s land surface, conservation biologists are critically examining the role of private lands, habitat fragments, and plantations for conservation. This study in a biodiversity hotspot and endemic bird area, the Western Ghats mountains of India, examined the effects of habitat structure, floristics, and adjacent habitats on bird communities in shade-coffee and cardamom plantations and tropical rainforest fragments. Habitat and birds were sampled in 13 sites: six fragments (three relatively isolated and three with canopy connectivity with adjoining shade-coffee plantations and forests), six plantations differing in canopy tree species composition (five coffee and one cardamom), and one undisturbed primary rainforest control site in the Anamalai hills. Around 3300 detections of 6000 individual birds belonging to 106 species were obtained. The coffee plantations were poorer than rainforest in rainforest bird species, particularly endemic species, but the rustic cardamom plantation with diverse, native rainforest shade trees, had bird species richness and abundance comparable to primary rainforest. Plantations and fragments that adjoined habitats providing greater tree canopy connectivity supported more rainforest and fewer open-forest bird species and individuals than sites that lacked such connectivity. These effects were mediated by strong positive effects of vegetation structure, particularly woody plant variables, cane, and bamboo, on bird community structure. Bird community composition was however positively correlated only to floristic (tree species) composition of sites. The maintenance or restoration of habitat structure and (shade) tree species composition in shade-coffee and cardamom plantations and rainforest fragments can aid in rainforest bird conservation in the regional landscape.  相似文献   

Cool temperate rainforest in Australia is commonly dominated by Nothofagus species. In Victoria and Tasmania, Nothofagus cunninghamii dominates old rainforest on optimal sites and is able to regenerate continuously. Size structure analysis of the major lowland tree species in this forest suggest that no major changes in species composition or dominance are occurring. This contrasts with the status of Nothofagus in lowland rainforest in New Zealand and rainforest below about 1000 m a.s.l. in south-central Chile. N. cunninghamii is a relatively light-demanding species, and is maintaining its dominance by seedling regeneration in canopy gaps created by the death of old individuals. The dynamics of the cool temperate rainforest in northern New South Wales are more complex. These forests are dominated by Nothofagus moorei, and size structure analysis indicates that persistence of this species within the rainforest is dependent on vegetative regeneration. On some sites this rainforest is being actively invaded by warm temperate and sub-tropical elements from lower altitudes. In these areas N. moorei in unable to regenerate beneath the canopy.Nomenclature follows Curtis (1963, 1967), Curtis & Morris (1975) and Williams (1982).We thank Mr. A. Floyd of the N.S.W. National Parks and Wildlife Service for his assistance in identifying species from the N.S.W. rainforests, and Mr. J. Hickey of the Tasmanian Forestry Commission for suggesting study sites in north-west Tasmania. Thanks are also due to the N.S.W. National Parks and Wildlife Service for allowing us access to National Parks for the purpose of this study. J. R. is supported by a Commonwealth Forestry Post-graduate Research Award.  相似文献   

The role of fire in governing rainforest–eucalypt forest ecotone dynamics is of theoretical interest and has conservation management implications. Several eucalypt forests in the Wet Tropics of Australia have an endangered status due to extensive conversion to rainforest. Rainforest plants are known to survive occasional low intensity fires in the eucalypt forest ecotone. However, the ability of rainforest plants to survive frequent fires remains untested. The timing of rainforest expansion is also a subject of interest, and is generally considered to be delayed until fire has been absent for several years. We used 14 years of data collected across 13 plots in the Wet Tropics of north‐eastern Australia to test predictions regarding rainforest seedling recruitment and post‐fire regenerative capacity. The 13 plots received different numbers of fires, between zero and five, over the 14‐year study. The recruitment of new rainforest plants in the ecotone was most abundant in the initial year after fire. If this post‐fire pulse of recruitment is left undisturbed, it can facilitate the subsequent germination of additional rainforest species. The removal of grass cover, whether temporarily in the immediate post‐fire environment or once a developing rainforest mid strata shades out grasses, appears crucial to abundant rainforest recruitment. A variety of tropical rainforest species can persist under a frequent fire regime through resprouting. The difference in the mode of resprouting, between ground‐level coppicing rainforest plants and canopy resprouting eucalypt forest trees, is the critical mechanism that causes regular fire to maintain an open structure in eucalypt forests. The inability of rainforest species to maintain their height when fires fully scorch their crowns, temporarily resets the forest's open structure and delays the rainforest's ability to dominate through shading out grasses to transform the ecosystem into a closed forest.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带季节雨林的研究   总被引:26,自引:7,他引:26  
朱华  王洪  李保贵  许再富   《广西植物》1998,18(4):371-384
本文以多个样方的资料分析,从群落综合特征上研究了西双版纳热带季节雨林的特点和类型、物种组成、生活型谱、叶级谱等。根据上层标志树种、群落生态外貌特征和生境把西双版纳的热带季节雨林区分为低丘雨林和沟谷雨林二个群系组,各包括若干群系。低丘雨林中面积最大和最有代表性的群系是大药树、龙果林,而沟谷雨林中最有代表性的群系是番龙眼、千果榄仁林。二者相比,低丘雨林的物种多样性要小一些,附生植物相对少一些,小、矮高位芽植物和小叶、落叶树种比例稍高,在生态上向季雨林和热带山地的常绿阔叶林过渡,有更强的地方代表性。沟谷雨林则更接近典型的湿热带雨林。  相似文献   

五指山热带雨林黑桫椤种群及其所在群落特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黑桫椤(Alsophila podophylla)属国家二级保护植物.作者在海南岛五指山山地雨林和低地雨林分别设立样地对黑桫椤种群及其所在群落进行了调查,分析了热带雨林黑桫椤种群的年龄结构、空间分布格局、数量分布以及群落结构和物种多样性.结果表明,山地雨林和低地雨林中黑桫椤种群分别为稳定型种群和增长型种群,都是完全集群分布.低地雨林的黑桫椤平均密度是山地雨林的1.7倍.土壤pH值对黑桫椤种群密度有负的影响,全磷含量对其有正的影响.山地雨林林地土壤pH值大而全磷含量低,低地雨林刚好相反.土壤酸碱度和全磷含量的差异是导致两地黑桫椤数量差异的原因之一.pH值对黑桫椤平均密度的影响效应是全磷含量的2.5倍,说明pH值是影响黑桫椤种群密度的主要因素.黑桫椤所在群落垂直结构分为3个乔木亚层、2个灌木亚层及草本层.山地雨林黑桫椤所在群落的Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数分别为0.957和5.305,均匀度为0.811;低地雨林黑桫椤所在群落的Simpson指数和Shannon-Wiener指数分别为0.937和5.484,均匀度为0.804.总之,五指山山地雨林和低地雨林的黑桫椤种群年龄结构、分布格局和数量分布都有一定差异,这些差异是由生境差异造成的.热带雨林黑桫椤所在群落结构复杂,物种多样性丰富.  相似文献   

Abstract Rainforests are naturally fragmented in the Northern Territory of Australia. A census of fruit and frugivorous bird abundance was taken monthly in 10 rainforest patches for 1 year and quarterly for a second year to investigate spatial and temporal patterns among the patches. Fruit abundance showed a marked annual cycle, with a peak around December in the wet season. Four of six bird species showed a significant seasonal fluctuation in abundance, and for three of them, these patterns were different among rainforest types. Three species also showed a significant tendency to be most abundant in the rainforest type with the most fruit in any month. We interpret these results as evidence that birds track fruit resources among rainforest patches of different types. The abundance of two of the species (figbird and pied imperial‐pigeon) was highly variable and did not reveal significantly different temporal trends among rainforest types. These species are probably even more mobile than the other species, although the data in the present study cannot be used to test this theory. The conservation of frugivorous birds and of the plants whose seeds they disperse will require the protection of networks of rainforest patches.  相似文献   

热带雨林片断化对榕小蜂和榕树物种的影响   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
榕树是热带雨林生态系统中的一类关键物种。榕树必须依靠榕小传数值和获得有性繁殖;而榕小蜂的幼虫又必须依靠榕树瘿花为食才能生长生长和繁衍后代,因此二者间有着密切的共生关系。研究表明:在西双版纳热带雨林榕小蜂科有3属17种分布。热带十麻片断化使榕小蜂和榕树的种类呈明显下降趋势;片断热带雨林面积的大小二对二得的物种娄和个体数有明显的影响。  相似文献   

Abstract Analysis of foliar nutrient concentrations revealed that two mesophyllic monsoon rainforest trees had higher concentrations of most nutrients in leaves than eight savanna species. One of the tested monsoon rainforest species with sclerophyllous leaves had similar nutrient concentrations to the savanna tree species. There were positive or no significant correlations between live foliar nutrient concentration and the percentage of nutrients withdrawn prior to litterfall. The nutrient concentration of litter was similar for most nutrients among tree species of monsoon rainforest or savanna. The results of this study suggest that the relative fertility of surface soils of monsoon rainforest compared with savanna is not determined by contrasting nutrient cycling strategies whereby monsoon rainforest tree species enrich their soils with relatively nutrient rich leaf litter relative to savanna tree species.  相似文献   

The decline of large coevolved frugivorous species within fragmented habitats can have an effect on ecological processes, for example, seed dispersal and germination. It is therefore necessary for more resilient species to ensure essential processes are maintained within the system. This study investigates the influence of two rodent species, Melomys cervinipes (Fawn‐footed Melomys) and Rattus fuscipes (Bush Rat), on the germination process of rainforest fruits. Both species are endemic to north Queensland rainforest and commonly found in fragmented habitats in high densities. We found in 85% of fruit species tested, rodent feeding increased seed germination rate by a factor of 3.5. Our results suggest that rodents can play a significant role in enhancing germination rates of fruits in the tropical rainforest of far north Queensland.  相似文献   

Abstract The herpetofauna of 50 monsoon rainforest patches in the Top End of the Northern Territory was surveyed during the dry season of 1990. This fauna contains few obligate monsoon rainforest species, many species which favour this habitat as part of a broad habitat range and a large number of species (indeed most of the regional species pool) that occasionally occur within monsoon rainforests. The taxonomic composition of species favouring monsoon rainforests is a non-random selection from the regional pool, with relatively few species in the families Agamidae and Scincidae occurring commonly in monsoon rainforests. Environmental variation among the rainforest patches sampled was portrayed by ordination, with the first axis corresponding to an environmental gradient from coastal sites to inland rocky rainforests and the second a gradient from relatively dry thickets to tall dense rainforests close to water. The distributions of herpetofauna species were depicted on this ordination space. Most frog species occurred in relatively wet rainforests and most gecko species were relatively restricted to drier rainforests. A substantial component of the herpetofauna was associated with rainforests on rocky substrate. In contrast to this relatively good association with these defined gradients, there was little apparent influence of patch size or level of disturbance on the distribution of individual species of herpetofauna. Sampling month was related to the abundance of many species, with many frog species and some snake and skink species declining (but some skink and one frog species increasing) in abundance in rainforest patches during the late dry season. This seasonal change in abundance is not due to movements from rainforest patches to adjacent vegetation types (or vice versa) but rather to total landscape (cross-habitat) changes in abundance (or detectability). The species composition of patches tended to be idiosyncratic, with substantial variability in composition, even between nearby patches of like environment. Hence it is not possible to nominate a representative rainforest herpetofauna, and indeed a classification of all quadrats (including those from rainforests, rainforest edges and adjacent habitats) based on herpetofauna species composition grouped many non-rainforest quadrats with those from rainforests. There was no rainforest edge herpetofauna assemblage. The herpetofauna from rainforests of the Northern Territory was similar to but somewhat richer than that recorded from the even more attenuated monsoon rainforest area of the Kimberley of northwestern Australia, but shared relatively few species with a sampling from monsoon rainforests from western Cape York. Frog species were more likely to be recorded across these three regions than were snake species. The number of herpetofaunal species per patch was low compared to tropical forests in northeastern Australia, Asia and central America. The long dry season of the Top End may contribute to this impoverishment. However, the small total area of monsoon rainforests in this region, the current scattered network of patches and historical fluctuations in extent and distribution of this habitat are probably at least as important.  相似文献   

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