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Synopsis Viviparity is reported in twelve species of the family Clinidae in Tasmanian waters, and superfoetation (the simultaneous development of multiple batches of eggs and/or embryos) in nine of the twelve (all in the subfamily Clinini). The reproductive anatomy and life history features are documented in two superfoetate, shallow-water species,Heteroclinus perspicillatus andHeteroclinus sp. nov. (Scott's Weedfish). Gestation of embryos is intrafollicular and their mode of nutrition shifts from lecithotrophy during early development to trophodermal matrotrophy and, eventually, intestinal nutrient transfer. The sizes of the newly born larvae differ between species, but in all cases maternal investment in individual offspring (as measured by the proportionate increase in embryo dry weight)—20125%, 5744% and 3140% forH. perspicillatus, Scott's Weedfish andH. heptaeolus, respectively — is among the highest recorded for teleosts. Relative fecundity, however, is comparable to those of temperate, demersal spawning blennioids, and this suggests that high levels of maternal investment and relatively advanced stages of larval development at parturition for the sub-family as a whole do not involve a cost in individual fecundity. Parturition, which occurs over several months in spring and summer, is asynchronous. After parturition, the larva spend from 3 to 7 weeks in the plankton, primarily in in-shore waters. Post-settlement growth is rapid and most of the reproductive populations consist of fishes in the 1 + year-class.  相似文献   

This work comprises the first comparative study of the morphology and cytology of the sperm transmission organs in males of 14 species of viviparous clinid fishes (Clinidae, Blennioidei, Teleostei). The form and dimensions of these organs differ among the various species studied. The organs are composed of intra-abdominal ampullae, into which the sperm ducts and urinary bladder anchor, and an external protruding intromittent papilla used for insemination. The form of the ampullae differs among the various species, from pear-shaped to horseshoe-shaped. It increases in dimensions with increasing length of the male. In all the species this organ is covered by a connective-tissue tunic that encompasses both circular and longitudinal striated muscle bundles. The lumina of the ampullae harbor the epididymis, a strongly convoluted and plicated duct, which becomes filled with spermatozeugmata during reproduction. From here, the epididymis continues into the protruding intromittent papillae, where its folds gradually straighten at the apical part of the intromittent organ. The form and dimensions of this copulatory organ also differ in the various species. Papillae bearing taste buds are found on the apical parts of the intromittent organ, and it is probable that these, together with the difference in forms of the organ, help to prevent interspecific copulation.  相似文献   

Differences in the diet composition of small (28–42 mm total length, LT) and large (43–75 mm LT) individuals of the cline Clinitrachus argentatus (Clinidae) were evident. Smaller individuals preyed mainly on copepods, whereas larger individuals ate mainly amphipods, isopods, brachyurans and polychaetes.  相似文献   

Synopsis Twenty-two samples of sand-dwelling fishes were collected from sublittoral sandy substrata off the Cape Peninsula, South Africa using a novel quantitative technique in which the ichthyocide, rotenone, was introduced beneath 6.25 m2 plastic sheets weighted around the perimeter with chain. A total of 94 fish of eight species and four families were recorded. Of these, four species of the family Clinidae made up 92% of the material. Fish densities varied from 0.10–2.96 fish m–2 (0.17–1.14 g m–2). Distribution patterns amongst the Clinidae were explained by sediment particle size, with all of the newly discovered species, Cancelloxus longior, inhabiting fine sand (median grain size 0.25–0.50 mm), and all Xenopoclinus leprosus, C. elongatus and Pavoclinus smalei occurring in gravel (> 1 mm). Xenopoclinus kochi was found in all sediment types, but was most abundant in coarse substrata. Diets of all four species were similar, consisting chiefly of amphipods and isopods. However, small differences in prey preference were evident. All four species reached sexual maturity at 25–30 mm standard length, were viviparous, exhibited superembryonation and gave birth to live young of approximately 14 mm. Breeding seasonality occurred in all species except P. smalei.  相似文献   

Molecular identification of Pampus fishes (Perciformes, Stromateidae)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Concerning the nomenclature, most problems arise from the great confusion due to the morphological similarities in Pampus. Twenty-five individuals in Pampus were sampled from different localities about 2,000 km apart along the coast of China covering the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and the South China Sea. The sequences of cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) and 16S rRNA (16S) genes of the mitogenomes were determined. Combined with the morphological characteristics, five Pampus species, P. minor, P. punctatissimus, P. chinensis, P. cinereus and Pampus sp., were identified. The genetic distance of intraspecies ranged from 0.000 to 0.004, while it varied from 0.012 to 0.133 for interspecies based on the 16S sequences. For COI sequence data analysis, the genetic distance of intraspecies ranged from 0.000 to 0.005, while it varied from 0.057 to 0.162 for interspecies. Phylogenetic trees showed that all Pampus fishes reciprocally constituted a monophyletic group with strong support. The sister-group relationships between P. minor and Pampus sp. and between P. chinensis and P. punctatissimus were revealed respectively. In the current GenBank data, P. minor is considered P. cinereus or P. argenteus by mistake. For the lack of a P. echinogaster specimen, we cannot decide on the name of Pampus sp. as P. argenteus or P. echinogaster.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis, commonly known as the South African Clawed frog, is a hardy adaptable species that is relatively easy to maintain as a laboratory animal. Gametogenesis in wild Xenopus laevis is continuous and under ideal conditions, reproduction can occur year round. This unique aspect of amphibian reproduction offers an advantage over mammalian model systems: the eggs and oocytes collected from laboratory maintained Xenopus laevis provide an abundant and readily obtainable supply of material for cellular and biological research. However, many investigators report that laboratory Xenopus laevis go through periods of unexplained inefficient or complete failure of oocyte production or the production of poor quality oocytes. This results in experimental delays, inability to reproduce data, and ultimately the use of more animals. There is a lack of evidenced based information regarding the housing conditions that are necessary to optimize the health and fecundity of this species in captivity, but studies of wild Xenopus laevis have shown that temperature, age of the female, and nutrition are of key importance. The objective of this report is to review oogenesis with a special emphasis on these factors as they pertain to laboratory Xenopus laevis maintained for the purpose of providing a steady supply of eggs and oocytes. Harvesting methods and other experimental techniques that affect the quality of eggs and oocytes are also discussed.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of all 16 genera (plus Psenes pellucidus) of the suborder Stromateoidei were estimated cladistically based on 43 osteological, myological, and external characters. Thirty equally parsimonious trees were obtained. Based on the strict consensus tree, Centrolophidae was nonmonophyletic, Psenopsis being placed as a sister group of a clade comprising Amarsipus, Ariomma, nomeids, Tetragonurus, and stromateids. Schedophilus formed a sister group relationship with Seriolella. The relationships among the Centrolophus, Hyperoglyphe, Icichthys, Tubbia, Schedophilus+Seriolella clade, and Psenopsis+Amarsipus+Ariomma+nomeids+Tetragonurus+stromateids clade were unresolved. Amarsipus, which is unique within the suborder in lacking a pharyngeal sac, was nested within the stromateoid clade, being a sister group of the clade including Ariomma, nomeids, Tetragonurus, and stromateids. The absence of a pharyngeal sac in Amarsipus was interpreted as a reversal, its presence in the Stromateoidei therefore being considered as a synapomorphy. Ariomma was placed as the sister group of a clade comprising nomeids, Tetragonurus, and stromateids. Monophyly of the Nomeidae and Stromateidae were supported by 2 and 11 synapomorphies, respectively.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The osmolarity and pH of the follicular fluid was determined and analyses of total glucose, total lipids, total proteins, amino acids, urea, sodium and potassium carried out.
  • 2.2. The mean osmolarity of the follicular fluid was found to be 325 mOsm/kg and the mean pH was 7.9.
  • 3.3. The embryotrophe was rich in lipids (1092.39 mg/100 ml) and amino acids with the amino acid concentration exceeding normal values for human plasma.

The present study compares gonad structure and oogenesis in 30 species of cardinal fish (Apogonidae) from the Indo-Pacific region. In all of the species studied the ovaries are bilobed, with each lobe possessing ovigerous lamellae whose numbers and dimensions increase concomitantly with growth of the fish and reproductive stage, and correlate with the total dimensions of the particular species. In species of the genus Siphamia, the ovarian lobes are associated with a fat body that is not found in species of the other genera studied. Some of the species studied (Siphamia spp.; Archamia spp.) demonstrate group-synchronized maturation of eggs, possibly with only one spawn per reproduction season. However, most of the Apogon spp., and other genera, have unsynchronized cycles, a characteristic of multiple spawners. The various stages of previtellogenic and vitellogenic development are similar in the different species, but differ in timing and dimensions of the oocytes around which the morphogenesis of the egg envelope (chorion) and follicle begins. Differentiation of the egg envelope and follicle cells parallels the vitellogenic stages of egg development. The number of eggs was found to correlate positively with the length of the body and ovary of the fish, whereas egg diameter was found to correlate negatively with body length. The surface of the egg envelope bears ridges that form patterns of various types, whose structures and dimensions seem to be species-specific, and which in most species converge upon the single micropyle on the animal pole. The exposed ridge mazes include a special fibrous web that anchors in the micropyle. The production and importance of these ridges, as well as the correlations between egg numbers per spawn, egg dimensions, and the oral dimensions of the paternal male, are discussed.  相似文献   

We studied karyotypes and other chromosomal markers such as C-banded heterochromatin and Ag-stained nucleolus organizer regions (Ag-NORs), in seven Centropyge fishes (Pomacanthidae, Perciformes). These results revealed diversified chromosomal characteristics in Centropyge species. Three species had 2n = 48 chromosomes, whereas four species had 2n = 52 chromosomes. Fundamental numbers showed a large variation from 48 to 82, particularly in the species with 2n = 52 chromosomes. In all the species, Ag-NORs were located in a single chromosome pair and C-bands were mainly distributed in the centromeric regions of most chromosomes, as commonly seen in teleostean fishes. However, these chromosomal markers showed species-specific variations and provided us with useful information that could help us in understanding chromosomal evolution. On the basis of these chromosomal characteristics, we infer the process of chromosomal evolution, which according to us involves an increase in chromosome number from 2n = 48 to 2n = 52 through centric fission or other mechanisms, and in fundamental number through pericentric inversion. In particular, karyotypic evolution involving the increase in chromosome number is an unusual event in the evolution of higher teleostean groups. Handling editor: K. Martens  相似文献   

The Clinus superciliosus complex comprises six closely related species. Three of the species were originally recognized by Gilchrist and Thompson as two distinct species, Clinus superciliosus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Clinus ornatus Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908, and a variety, Clinus superciliosus var. arborescens Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908. A number of other authors described various similar species, which subsequently were all synonymized with Clinus superciliosus. A further species, Clinus spatulatus Bennett, 1983, an obligate estuarine dweller, is known only from the Bot, Kleinmond, and Klein river estuaries in the Western Cape, South Africa. Two further species, Clinus musaicus sp. nov. (discovered while searching for C. ornatus specimens) and Clinus exasperatus sp. nov. , are herein described: the first is currently known from False Bay and the west coast of the Cape Peninsula, whereas the second species is known from only two specimens just east of False Bay. Clinus ornatus and Clinus arborescens Gilchrist & Thompson, 1908 are recognized as a valid species, and can be distinguished from C. superciliosus and C. spatulatus on the basis of meristic values, form of the orbital cirrus, position of the dorsal‐fin crest, taste bud number and pattern, diet, and coloration. All extant types of C. superciliosus are examined as specimens, or photographs and radiographs, and their validity and identification are assessed. Genetic analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA supports species differentiation. A key is provided for the species complex. Furthermore, the variable coloration of four of the species, probably related to the substrate the larvae settle upon, and the increase in the number of vertebrae, and fin‐ray and spine number, with decreasing water temperature is discussed. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2012, 166 , 827–853.  相似文献   

Systematics of Tanganyikan cichlid fishes (Teleostei: Perciformes)   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
The relationships among 53 genera of Tanganyikan cichlid fishes were analyzed based on internal and external morphological features. Comparison of the morphological cladistic tree with a previously proposed classification showed 5 of 12 tribes to be nonmonophyletic. Sixteen tribes were recognized, the changes in classification being that Trematocarini was treated as a junior synonym of Bathybatini; 5 new tribes were established for each of the following genera, Benthochromis, Boulengerochromis, Ctenochromis benthicola, Cyphotilapia, and Greenwoodochromis; Ctenochromis horei was transferred from Haplochromini to Tropheini; and Gnathochromis pfefferi was transferred from Limnochromini to Tropheini. The revised classification was supported by previously proposed molecular trees.  相似文献   

A phylogeny of sparoid fishes (Perciformes, Percoidei) based on morphology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 The putative percoid superfamily Sparoidea includes the Nemipteridae, Lethrinidae, Sparidae, and Centracanthidae. Although a rigorous cladistic analysis has never been attempted, two hypotheses regarding relationships among these families have been proposed. One early noncladistic hypothesis considered the Sparidae to be intermediate between the more primitive Nemipteridae and the more derived Lethrinidae. A later nonformal phylogenetic treatment provided evidence for a close relationship between Sparidae and Centranthidae and suggested a closer affinity between the Nemipteridae and Lethrinidae. We examine 54 osteological, ligament, and squamation characters in representatives of all 45 genera of these families and 4 outgroup taxa. The results of our cladistic analysis are congruent with a cladistic interpretation of the earlier hypothesis, with strong support for the phyletic sequence Nemipteridae, Lethrinidae, Sparidae plus Centracanthidae, with placement of centracanthids unresolved with respect to sparid genera. Received: May 21, 2001 / Revised: October 26, 2001 / Accepted: November 19, 2001  相似文献   

Three species of the genus Trichodina are reported from the gills of marine fishes in south-eastern Tasmania, Australia. Two of these species are new: T. australis n. sp. from five atherinid fish species, Atherinosoma microstoma, Leptatherina presbyteroides, Kestratherina brevirostris, K. esox and K. hepsetoides; and T. nesogobii n. sp. from Nesogobius sp. 1. One previously reported species, T. jadranica Raabe, 1958, was also found on Nesogobius sp. 1.  相似文献   

The following species are described, figured and/or recorded from pomacentrid fishes from the vicinity of the southern Great Barrier Reef coral cay Heron Island, with some mention of comparative material from other host families and locations: Derogenes pearsoni n. sp. from Amblyglyphidodon curacao, Amphiprion akindynos, Plectroglyphidodon lacrymatus (type-host), Pomacentrus chrysurus, P. moluccensis, P. tripunctatus and Pomacentrus sp.; Derogenes pharyngicola n. sp. from Abudefduf whitleyi (type-host) and Plectroglyphidodon dickii; Lecithaster stellatus from Abudefduf sexfasciatus, A. whitleyi, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, Amblyglyphidodon curacao, Chrysiptera flavipinnis, Parma polylepis, Pomacentrus chrysurus, P. moluccensis, P. cf. nagasakiensis, P. cf. pavo, P. vaiuli, P. wardi, Seriola lalandi, Cheilinus diagrammus, Lethrinus miniatus and Choerodon cyanodus from Heron Island plus Acanthopagrus australis and Rhabdosargus sarba from Moreton Bay; Aponurus laguncula from Pomacentrus moluccensis plus Callionymus limiceps, Platycephalus endrachtensis and P. fuscus from Moreton Bay; Hysterolecitha nahaensis from Abudefduf bengalensis, A. sexfasciatus, A. whitleyi, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, Amblyglyphidodon curacao, A. leucogaster, Amphiprion akindynos, A. perideraion, Chromis atripectoralis, C. nitida, C. viridis, Chrysiptera flavipinnis, C. cf. rollandi, Dascyllus aruanus, D. reticulatus, Parma polylepis, Pomacentrus chrysurus, P. moluccensis, P. cf. nagasakiensis, P. nigromarginatus, P. cf. pavo, P. tripunctatus, P. wardi and Pomacentrus sp.; Hysterolecitha heronensis n. sp. from Pomacentrus philippinus (type-host), P. amboinensis, P. moluccensis, P. nigromarginatus and Pomacentrus sp.; Hysterolecitha sp. innom. from Parma polylepis; Thulinia microrchis n. comb. (new syns Hysterolecitha microrchis, H. xesuri, H. tinkeri, Thulinia tinkeri, H. sigani) from Abudefduf bengalensis, A. sexfasciatus, A. whitleyi, Acanthochromis polyacanthus, Amphiprion perideraion, Dascyllus aruanus, D. reticulatus, Dischistodus melanotus, Parma polylepis, Plectroglyphidodon dickii, Pomacentrus amboinensis, P. moluccensis, P. philippinus, P. taeniometopon, Pomacentrus sp. and Stegastes apicalis, plus Chaetodon citrinellus, C. kleinii, Chaetodontoplus meredithi, Lethrinus miniatus, Plectropomus leopardus, Siganus doliatus, S. lineatus and S. vulpinus; Leclthocladium sp. juv from Abudefduf whitleyi, Lecithochirium sp. (? ghanense-group) from Dascyllus aruanus; Lecithochirium sp. juv. from Abudefduf whitleyi; unidentified non-ecsomate hemiuroids from Chrysiptera cf. rollandi, Parma polylepis, Pomacentrus chrysurus, P. wardi and Stegastes apicalis.  相似文献   

The following lepocreadiid species are described from pomacentrid fishes from the Southern Great Barrier Reef at Heron Island, Queensland: Lepocreadium adlardi n. sp. from Abudefduf bengalensis; L. clavatum from Acanthochromis polyacanthus and Parma polylepis; Lepocreadium sp. from Amblyglyphidodon curacao; Lepocreadium sp. from Pomacentrus cf. wardi; Preptetos xesuri (new synonyms: P. caballeroi, P. pritchardae Toman, 1989 nec Ahmad, 1984) from Parma polylepis plus the acanthurid Naso annulatus; and P. cannoni from Pomacentrus bankanensis.  相似文献   

Summary The archer fish (Toxotes) is famous for its ability to shoot down prey from overhanging foliage. However, the biomechanics of the spitting act is relatively unknown. This study analyses the structures needed to generate the pressures involved in shooting water droplets up to 1.20 m above the water surface. The results of motion pictures (300 frames/s), combined with electromyographic techniques reveal that the spit is monophasic. The results of a three-dimensional mathematical model incorporating the relevant structural dimensions, show that the tongue plays a dominant role. The mouth valves act as a flutter valve, directing the course of the trajectory. The mathematical model is formulated generally and is applicable to other studies of closed kinematic spatial systems encountered in fishes or higher vertebrates.Abbreviations c-br. ceratobranchial - cent. central - centr. centroid - c-hy. ceratohyal - cl caudal - cleit. cleithrum - cond. condyle - cop. copula - corac. coracoid - dent. dental - dist. distance - dl dorsal - e-br. epibranchial - ectopt. ectopterygoid(al) - e-hy. epihyal - entopt. entopterygoid(al) - epax. epaxial - e-scap. extrascapula - fct facet - gl-hy. glossohyal - h-br. hypobranchial - h-hy. hypohyal - hy. hyoid - hyom. hyomandibula - hyp. hypaxial - if-orb. infraorbital - i-hy. interhyal - ins. insertion - i-op. interoperculum - i-orb. interorbital - l. ligamentum - lacr. lacrimal - m. musculus - m.add.arc.pal. m. adductor arcus palatini - m.add.mand. m. adductor mandibulae - m.add.op. m. adductor operculi - m.dil.op. m. dilatator operculi - m. geniohy. m. geniohyoideus - m.hyohy.inf. m. hyohyoideus inferior - m.i-mand. m. intermandibularis - m.lev.arc.pal. m. levator arcus palatini - m.lev.op. m. levator operculi - m.protr.pect. m. protractor pectoralis - m.sternohy. m. sternohyoideus - mand. mandibula, mandibular - max. maxilla(ry) - metapt. metapterygoid - musc. musculature - nas. nasal - neur. neurocranium - N V mand. mand. branch of trigeminal nerve - op. operculum - or. origin - pal. palatinum, palatinal - par. parietal - pect. pectoral - ph.br. pharyngobranchial - p.p. pro parte - p-pect. postpectoral - pr. process - premax. premaxilla - preop. preoperculum - p-sphen. parasphenoid - p-temp. posttemporal - quadr. quadratum - rad. radial - rl rostral(is) - scap. scapula - s-cleit. supracleithrum - s-op. suboperculum - susp. suspensorium - symph. symphysis - sympl. symplecticum - t. tendon - u-hy. urohyal - vert. vertebra - vl ventral - vom. vomer(ine)  相似文献   

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