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The recent discoveries of remarkably preserved specimens of Imerites dichotomum (Ammonoidea, Ancyloceratina) bring new palaeontological precisions on this genus. The study of the ontogenic development demonstrates that Imerites directly derives from genus Pseudoshasticrioceras. So, their origin is within the Gassendiceratinae and not in the Heteroceratidae like it was usually admitted. On the other hand, the coexistence of macroconch and microconch specimens in the species of the genus Imerites confirms the hypothesis of a dimorphism. The new palaeontological data prove that “Crioceras” cristatus is a nomen dubium and must be abandoned.  相似文献   

This work is mainly an answer to the work of Bert (2009), on families Helicancylidae Hyatt, 1894 and Acrioceratidae Vermeulen, 2009. On the nomenclatural speaking, the non validity of the genus Helicancylus Gabb, 1869 and of the family Helicancylidae Hyatt, 1894 and, consequently, the validity of the family Acrioceratidae Vermeulen, 2004 are established. The second part of this work is devoted to the respect of former work and, contrary to the assertions from Bert (2009), it is shown that the stratigraphical positioning of the Upper Barremian level with small Barremites, realized by Cotillon (1971), is at least as precise as that proposed by Bert. The last part of this work highlights a lack of bibliographical references, fact which had already been highlighted ( Vermeulen and Lepinay, 2010) in a former work of Bert et al. (2009).  相似文献   

The revision of the Crioceras puzosianum d’Orbigny, 1842 made during the revision of the Paléontologie Française of d’Orbigny, shows that this taxon belongs to a new genus: Anglesites gen. nov. This new genus, from upper Barremian age, is monospecific for the moment and is homeomorphic to the Leptoceratoides from the Lower Barremian. It is temporarily included in the subfamily of the Leptoceratoidinae. A neotype for the “Crioceraspuzosianum d’Orbigny, 1842 is herein designated.  相似文献   

In the volume IV of the “Paléontologiefrançaise”, A. d’Orbigny deals in particular with Cretaceous rudists. Numerous type specimens of Hippuritidae, Caprinidae, Radiolitidae, Caprotinidae, Requieniidae belonging to his collection and deposited in the Muséumnationald’histoirenaturelle, Paris. Among the 78 species that he has studied, A. d’Orbigny introduced 41 as new ones. This review presents a picture of all types with a comment on the original definition, and set the statute, and the precise stratigraphical level of illustrated forms. The present work gives rise to the designation of 40 lectotypes, two syntypes and three neotypes.  相似文献   

The rich echinoid fauna from the Lower Cretaceous of the Agadir, Haha and Essaouira basins has been revised taxonomically, based on new and abundant collections. Forty-seven species have been identified, of which 20 are reported for the first time from this region and a further three represent new species left in open nomenclature. Their stratigraphic ranges have been determined accurately by reference to the regional ammonite zonation. However, it is also possible to use a local biostratigraphical scheme based on the echinoid succession, where ammonites are rare. The Toxasteridae, which are very abundant and underwent rapid evolution, are the most useful biostratigraphically. The genus Toxaster appears in the Lower Berriasian and continues until the Gargasian passing through the following succession: T. africanus, T. granosus, T. kiliani, T. lorioli, T. obtusus, T. exilis, T. retusus, T. maurus, T. peroni, T. collegnoi. The presence of Eoholaster, Macraster, Douvillaster, Palhemiaster, Heteraster and Pygopyrina is signaled for the first time in the Atlantic High Atlas region.  相似文献   

The detailed study of the Miocene strata of Bonifacio has revealed an atypical Miogypsinid assemblage. In addition to the three already cited genera, Miogypsinoides, Miogypsina and Miolepidocyclina from this region, Miogypsinodella is for the first time represented by two new species (Mdella corsicana nov. sp. et Mdella pillaria nov.sp.). The stratigraphical ranges of each genus in the Miogypsinidae are not verified here. However, Mdes bantamensis is still present in the Upper Burdigalian and the genus Miogypsinoides is also present in the Lower Langhian. Six species of Miogypsina coexist in the Upper Burdigalian (M. tani, M. globulina, M. intermedia, M. cf. sabahensis, M. cushmani, M. mediterranea) and two species are present in the Lower Langhian (M. antillea, M. digitata). This distribution is apparently an example of palaeoendemism resulting from the geographic isolation and the rotation of the Corso-Sardinian block and also from the palaeogeographical and palaeoecological favourable environment during that time.  相似文献   

The molluscan fauna recovered from Holocene continental sediments at Villa Valle María fossiliferous locality (Diamante, Entre Ríos, Argentina), eolian in origin and dated at 2,490 ± 45 14C yrs. B.P. on Bulimulus sp, is reported. It represents the first illustrated record of Quaternary molluscs from loess sequences in Argentina. It is represented exclusively by land snails which belong to five gastropod families (Pupillidae, Succineidae, Ferussaciidae, Orthalicidae and Scolodontidae), 7 genera and 9 species: Gastrocopta nodosaria (d’Orbigny), Succinea meridionalis d’Orbigny, Cecilioides consobrina (d’Orbigny), Bulimulus apodemetes (d’Orbigny), Bbonariensis bonariensis (Rafinesque), Bulimulus sp, Naesiotus pollonerae (Ancey), N. deletangi (Parodiz), Miradiscops brasiliensis (Thiele) and Scolodonta semperi (Doering). The first record of Miradiscops is reported for Entre Ríos province. The gastropod assemblage, typical of habitats with plant cover and leaves and trunks as substrate, is similar to the modern molluscan fauna found today along southern Entre Ríos province (Mesopotamian District in the Subtropical Dominium), an area characterized by a warm-temperate steppe continental scenario. However, the associated record of S. meridionalis, typical of environments with higher humidity contents like ponds, suggests local more humid temporary environmental conditions such as palustrine habitats during the time span considered. Our results provide additional evidence regarding the occurrence of a dominant eolian event which produced the reworking and subsequent accumulation of superficial deflated sediments on the Pampean region. They add to previous models considering a dry period between 3,500 and 1,400 yrs. B.P. over the central Argentine plains.  相似文献   

Cephalopods and conodonts from the upper part of the Aspe-Brousset Limestones and lower part of the Iraty Limestones in Central and Western Pyrenees are described. Two levels differing in age are distinguished on their behalf. The oldest one belonging to the Late Visean or Early Serpukhovian yields specimens described as Goniatites baylei Leymerie, 1957, by Mirouse (1957, 1962). They are placed here in the species Dombarites falcatoides Ruzhentsev and Bogoslovkaya, 1971 for which the new subspecies D. falcatoides mirousei is established. The upper level corresponds to the Albergian (upper Serpukhovian) and is characterized by Proshumardites delepinei Schindewolf, 1939. Numerous conodonts belonging to the Lochriea and the Gnathodus groups occur together with this fauna. The joint study of goniatites and conodonts allows us to show the relationship existing between the distributions of both these two groups of organisms as well as to provide precisions on the stratigraphic and the palaeogeographical data in these areas.  相似文献   

In this paper we present first results of the study of planktonic Foraminifera, large benthic Foraminifera and carbonate facies of La Désirade, aiming at a definition of the age and depositional environments of the Neogene carbonates of this island. The study of planktonic Foraminifera from the Detrital Offshore Limestones (DOL) of the Ancienne Carrière allows to constrain the biochronology of this formation to the lower Zone N19 and indicates a latest Miocene to early Pliocene (5.48-4.52 Ma) age. Large benthic Foraminifera were studied both as isolated and often naturally split specimens from the DOL, and in thin sections of limestones from the DOL and the Limestone Table (LT). The assemblages of Foraminifera include Nummulitidae, Amphisteginidae, Asterigerinidae, Peneroplidae, Soritidae, Rotalidae (Globigerinidae: Globigerinoides, Sphaeroidenellopsis, Orbulina) and incrusting Foraminifera (Homotrema and Sporadotrema). The genera Amphistegina, Archaias and Operculina are discussed. Concerning the Nummulitidae we include both “Paraspiroclypeuschawneri and “Nummulitescojimarensis, as well as a newly described species, Operculina desiradensis new species, in the genus Operculina, because the differences between these 3 species are rather on the specific than the generic level, while their morphology, studied by SEM, is compatible with the definition of the genus Operculina (D’Orbigny emend. Hottinger). The three species can be easily distinguished on the basis of their differences in spiral growth: while O. desiradensis has an overall logarithmic spiral growth, O. cojimarensis and especially O. chawneri show a tighter and more geometric spiral growth. O. cojimarensis and O. chawneri were originally described from Cuba in outcrops originally dated as Oligocene and later redated as early Pliocene. Therefore, O. chawneri was considered until now as restricted to the early Pliocene. However, in the absence of a detailed morphometric and biostratigraphic study of the Caribbean Neogene nummulitids, it is difficult to evaluate the biochronologic range of these species. The history of the carbonates begins with the initial tectonic uplift and erosion of the Jurassic igneous basement of La Désirade, that must have occurred at latest in late Miocene times, when sea-level oscillated around a long-term stable mean. The rhythmic deposition of the Désirade Limestone Table (LT) can be explained by synsedimentary subsidence in a context of rapidly oscillating sea-level due to precession-driven (19-21 kyr) glacio-eustatic sea-level changes during the latest Miocene-Pliocene. Except for a thin reef cap present at the eastern edge of the LT, no other in-place reefal constructions have been observed in the LT. The DOL of western Désirade are interpreted as below wave base gravity deposits that accumulated beneath a steep fore-reef slope. They document the mobilisation of carbonate material (including Larger Foraminifera) from an adjacent carbonate platform by storms and their gravitational emplacement as debris and grain flows. The provenance of both the reefal carbonate debris and the tuffaceous components redeposited in the carbonates of La Désirade must be to the west, i.e. the carbonate platforms of Marie Galante and Grande Terre.  相似文献   

About 200 micromammal isolated teeth (rodents, lagomorphs) originating from the middle Orleanian locality of Béon 2 (Montréal-du-Gers, SW France) are described. The rodent fauna is dominated by myomorphs (7 species), including the cricetid Democricetodon aff. hispanicus Fahlbusch, the melissiodontid Melissiodon sp., the glirids Peridyromys murinus (Pomel), Pseudodryomys aff. ibericus, Pseudodryomys aff. simplicidens, and Glirudinus modestus (Dehm), and the eomyid Ligerimys aff. florancei. Sciuromorphs are represented only by Heteroxerus rubricati Crusafont, Villalta and Truyols. Within lagomorphs, 2 dental morphs referred to the ochotonid Prolagus Pomel are identified in Béon 2. They correspond to Prolagus oeningensis (König) and P. aff. vasconiensis. On a biostratigraphical point of view, this study confirms the location of Béon 2 at the early part of the MN4; this locality is older than other regional sites such as Pellecahus, Béon 1, La Romieu, and Bézian (MN4b), and it is coeval to Artenay, in the Loire basin. In particular, glirids and lagomorphs from Béon 2 testify to close relationships with micromammal localities referred to the MN3 biozone.  相似文献   

The large canid of Vallonnet cave belongs to Xenocyon lycaonoides. Its remains are similar to the Xenocyon from Untermassfeld in Germany. X. Lycaonoides, and evoluated form of the Xenocyon genus, is characteristic of the second half of the Lower Pleistocene. The genus Xenocyon may be the ancestor of both Cuon and Lycaon.  相似文献   

A microfauna composed of 11 species of ostracodes belonging to 11 genera have been recovered from the Bhanness Formation of Kimmeridgian age, in Central Lebanon. Four species are new and are described herein: Ektyphocythere dahressawanensis nov. sp., Dicrorygma (Orthorygma) libanensis nov. sp., Citrella? elongata nov. sp. and Procytherura inflata nov. sp. From a palaeobiogeographical standpoint, this fauna characterizes the North Gondwana province which differs from the South Gondwana province, particularly by the presence of the genus Schuleridea and the absence of the genus Majungaella.  相似文献   

A new biozonation is proposed for the Late Carboniferous strata of the northeastern Paraná Basin (São Paulo and Paraná States), based on well-preserved palynological assemblages recovered from outcrops and core samples retrieved from the Itararé Subgroup. Assemblages include forty-nine species of trilete spores and twenty-five pollen species. The oldest biozone, the Ahrensisporites cristatus Interval Zone (AcZ), in the basal portion of the Itararé Subgroup, includes eleven exclusive spore species, and is assigned a Pennsylvanian (late Bashkirian to Kasimovian) age. The overlying proposed biozone, the Crucisaccites monoletus Interval Zone (CmZ), dated late Pennsylvanian (Kasimovian to Gzhelian), ranges approximately from the top of the lower portion to the middle portion of the Itararé Subgroup, bears only one exclusive species of pollen. Both zones are characterized by the dominance of trilete spores and monosaccate pollen grains, including also few taeniate pollen grains. Furthermore, the basal Protohaploxypinus goraiensis Subzone of the Vittatina costabilis Interval Zone (VcZ) is broadly recognized for the first time in the upper portion of the Itararé Subgroup in the northeastern Paraná Basin. This subzone is attributed to the Early Permian (Early Cisuralian), and is characterized by the dominance of monosaccate pollen grains, a significant increase of taeniate grains (mainly Protohaploxypinus spp.), apart from the appearance of polyplicate pollen (Vittatina spp.). Reference sections and the main characteristics of the two new zones (AcZ and CmZ) are presented, along with a preliminary palynological correlation and discussion on their ages.  相似文献   

In prolongation of the previous studies, the Gregoryceras Spath, 1924 (Ammonitina, Peltoceratina) species from the uppermost Middle Oxfordian (Rotoides sub-zone) to the Early Late Oxfordian (Bifurcatus zone), are revised. Sections providing most of the studied specimens in this work (Spain, Algeria, Tunisia) are described and dated based on faunal comparisons between Tethyan and Subtethyan domains. It appears that the best tool for correlations is the presence of the genus Gregoryceras, the succession of its species being similar for the two considered domains. It allows us to complete the biostratigraphic scale based on the Gregoryceras species succession, and parallel to the standard zonation. During this period the revised species of Gregoryceras are G. fouquei (Kilian, 1889) and G. pervinquieri (Spath, 1913). G. fouquei is only present in the Rotoides sub-zone (uppermost Middle Oxfordian), and not in the Stenocycloides sub-zone (early Late Oxfordian), where G. pervinquieri (Spath, 1913). A new species, G. benosmanae nov. sp. is described as the most recent species of the genus (Grossouvrei sub-zone). The evolution of the youngest species of Gregoryceras continues the peramorphocline described for older forms. Concerning a potential dimorphism, new data (size differences, umbilicus enlargement during growth) are particularly provided by G. pervinquieri.  相似文献   

The Cenomanian Smail Marl Formation in the Bellezma and Aures mountains of northeastern Algeria is well exposed and rich in macroinvertebrates, including cephalopods. Twenty-five ammonite species and two nautiloid species from the Thénièt El Manchar, Djebel Metrassi and Djebel Bouarif sections are described and seven assemblage zones proposed as provisional working units: Mantelliceras mantelli–Sharpeiceras laticlavium Assemblage Zone (lower Cenomanian), Mantelliceras dixoni Assemblage Zone (uppermost lower Cenomanian), Cunningtoniceras inerme Assemblage Zone (lower middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras rhotomagense and Acanthoceras cf. rhotomagense Assemblage Zone (middle middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras amphibolum Assemblage Zone (upper middle Cenomanian), Acanthoceras jukesbrownei Assemblage Zone (uppermost middle Cenomanian), and Neolobites vibrayeanus Assemblage Zone (lower upper Cenomanian). The lower Cenomanian Mantelliceras mantelli–Sharpeiceras laticlavium Zone is subdivided into the Submantelliceras aumalense, Sharpeiceras schlueteri and Mantelliceras saxbii subzones. The base of the middle Cenomanian is marked by the disappearance of species of Mantelliceras and the appearance of the scleractinian coral Aspidiscus cristatus (Lamarck, 1801), associated with Cunningtoniceras inerme (Pervinquière, 1907). The middle Cenomanian contains abundant A. cristatus and species of Acanthoceras, i.e., A. cf. rhotomagense (Defrance in Brongniart, 1822), A. jukesbrownei (Spath, 1926) and A. amphibolum Morrow, 1935. An ammonite zonal scheme is then applied to the Cenomanian exposed in the Bellezma-Aures mountains located on the southern Tethys margin in Algeria.  相似文献   

The detailed study of a sample of “Pecten (Amussiopecten) benoisti” Cossmann and Peyrot (1914) from the Chattian outcrops of the Adour Basin, allowed to improve our knowledge of this species poorly known till now and to show its important ornamental variability. It follows that some nomenclatural points have been clarified at the generic level: we refute the attribution of this species to the genus Amussiopecten Sacco (1897) as used by authors—genus which was besides emended several times subsequently— and we propose its allocation to Cristatopecten nov. gen. Furthermore, this study allowed to remove the ambiguity existing originally as for the attribution of the species benoisti and burdigalensis to a same genus: our comparison of the latter two taxa shows that if benoisti has to be henceforth included in the new genus Cristatopecten (as its type species), burdigalensis (which is the type species of Amussiopecten) must be incorporated in the genus Flabellipecten Sacco (1897). The two genera Amussiopecten and Flabellipecten are therefore synonymous, as Depéret and Roman had already stated in 1910. The Cristatopecten from the Old World seem to be derived from a group of “Aequipecten” notably known in the Italian Rupelian, the group of “Aequipecten deletus” (Michelotti, 1861), of which we study here a sample from the Aquitaine Chattian. In the Aquitaine Basin, the Cristatopecten are represented, in the Chattian, by Cristatopecten benoisti (Cossmann and Peyrot, 1914); in the Lower Aquitanian, by C. praehaueri (Bongrain, Cahuzac and Freneix, 1994); in the Burdigalian-Langhian of the Saubrigues paleocanyon, by C. haueri (Michelotti, 1847) and C. miogallicus (Cossmann and Peyrot, 1914). During the whole Neogene, they spread and evolved in the Tethys and the Paratethys areas, and seem to have become extinct in the Pliocene with the disappearance of C. cristatus (Bronn, 1827), a species that we consider not as an Amusium s.s., but as the last representative of the Cristatopecten phylum.  相似文献   

Upper Paleozoic sedimentary sequences from several localities of the northeastern Paraná Basin were sampled for paleobotanical and palynological studies. Well-preserved terrestrial assemblages from samples of Campinas, São Paulo State, from an outcrop at the 97 km mark on the Bandeirantes Highway, located at the Municipality of Campinas, São Paulo State were recorded where fertile bryophytes and megaspores were previously also found. The Campinas palynoflora is composed of 23 species of bryophytic and pteridophytic spores, 16 species of pollen grains, and one algae (Botryococcus braunii Kützing). Among the sporomorphs, Reticulatisporites asperidictyus Playford and Helby is described for the first time from the Paraná Basin. Assemblages bear diagnostic species of the Ahrensisporites cristatus Interval Zone, such as Anapiculatisporites argentinensis Azcuy, Cristatisporites inordinatus (Menéndez and Azcuy) Playford, and Psomospora detecta Playford and Helby, of Late Carboniferous age (Pennsylvanian). Palynological content suggests a glacio-deltaic/lacustrine environment of deposition. This is supported by lithological data and by the absence of marine palynomorphs.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present the techno-typological study of level 16 of El Castillo cave (Archaic Aurignacian). In this level, we can identify an important bladelet production from schémas opératoires of unipolar prismatic cores, carinated endscraper and carinated burins types. Besides, we find a specific production of Discoid conception. The retouched blanks, though scanty, are dominated by the Dufour bladelets. Level 16 is in relation with the Archaic Aurignacian at the Cantabrian Iberia, which is present in sites like Cueva Morín, Labeko Koba, Gatzarria, or Isturitz and it also is in relation with the Mediterranean Archaic Aurignacian. Finally, we analyse the different hypotheses about the Initial Upper Paleolithic origin in Europe. The mosaic hypothesis is acceptable for us.  相似文献   

Explorations and diggings of the Italian Institute of Human Palaeontology in Latium from 1950 to 2005, have brought out the following composite sequence: (1) for upper-middle Pleistocene of northern Latium: Travertine, gravels Acheulian-Mousterian transition, Riss. Homo (femur), Elephas antiquus, Hippopotamus, Bubalus murrensis, with upper Acheulian artefacts. (2) In middle Latium, middle Pleistocene: Volcanoclastic K-Ar 360 Ky. Below: Lower Acheulian complex and bone artefacts. Homo, Inuus, Elephas antiquus, Ursus deningeri, Dama clactoniana. Volcanic ash with Zelkowa, Buxus: caucasian flora. Hot pyroclastic flow about 15 m (50 feet) thick between 520 and 530 Ky. Limno-tuffite with Taxodiacea flora Lower-middle Pleistocene choppers artefacts below volcanic limit of 700 Ky. Southern Latium, lower Pleistocene: travertine reed Phragmites fragments. Ceprano hominid calvarium 800-900 Ky old. Gravel with chopper artefacts. Red sand with Unio shells. Lower palaeolithic gravelly sand, with very rough choppers artefacts, at Arce, Colle Marino, Colle Pece localities; at Castro dei Volsci chopper, assemblage is more evolved. Unconformity. Yellow sand layer with middle Villafranchian Anancus arvernensis and Mammuthus meridionalis fauna.  相似文献   

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