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Amyloid-beta, the pathologic protein in Alzheimer's disease, induces chemotaxis and production of reactive oxygen species in phagocytic cells, but mechanisms have not been fully defined. Here we provide three lines of evidence that the phagocyte G protein-coupled receptor (N-formylpeptide receptor 2 (FPR2)) mediates these amyloid-beta-dependent functions in phagocytic cells. First, transfection of FPR2, but not related receptors, including the other known N-formylpeptide receptor FPR, reconstituted amyloid-beta-dependent chemotaxis and calcium flux in HEK 293 cells. Second, amyloid-beta induced both calcium flux and chemotaxis in mouse neutrophils (which express endogenous FPR2) with similar potency as in FPR2-transfected HEK 293 cells. This activity could be specifically desensitized in both cell types by preincubation with a specific FPR2 agonist, which desensitizes the receptor, or with pertussis toxin, which uncouples it from G(i)-dependent signaling. Third, specific and reciprocal desensitization of superoxide production was observed when N-formylpeptides and amyloid-beta were used to sequentially stimulate neutrophils from FPR -/- mice, which express FPR2 normally. Potential biological relevance of these results to the neuroinflammation associated with Alzheimer's disease was suggested by two additional findings: first, FPR2 mRNA could be detected by PCR in mouse brain; second, induction of FPR2 expression correlated with induction of calcium flux and chemotaxis by amyloid-beta in the mouse microglial cell line N9. Further, in sequential stimulation experiments with N9 cells, N-formylpeptides and amyloid-beta were able to reciprocally cross-desensitize each other. Amyloid-beta was also a specific agonist at the human counterpart of FPR2, the FPR-like 1 receptor. These results suggest a unified signaling mechanism for linking amyloid-beta to phagocyte chemotaxis and oxidant stress in the brain.  相似文献   

The anti-infective peptide, innate defense-regulator peptide (IDR-1), has been selectively reported to modulate the innate immune response. We found that IDR-1 stimulates the chemotactic migration in human neutrophils. Moreover, IDR-1-induced neutrophil chemotaxis was completely blocked by pertussis toxin, suggesting the importance of the Gi protein in this process. The mechanism governing the IDR-1-induced neutrophil chemotaxis was found to be completely inhibited by the formyl peptide receptor (FPR) antagonist; cyclosporin H. IDR-1 was also found to induce chemotactic migration in FPR but not in vector-expressing HCT116 cells. Meanwhile, IDR-1 failed to stimulate superoxide anion generation and intracellular calcium increase in human neutrophils. Furthermore, IDR-1 was found to inhibit fMLF (an FPR agonist)-induced superoxide generation and calcium signaling in human neutrophils and FPR-expressing HCT116 cells. Taken together, the results demonstrate that IDR-1 is a partial agonist for FPR and further, stimulates neutrophil chemotaxis without inducing calcium signaling and superoxide generation.  相似文献   

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) can be activated by both direct ligand binding and cross-talk with other molecules, such as integrins. This integrin-mediated cross-talk with growth factor receptors participates in regulating cell proliferation, survival, migration, and invasion. Previous studies have shown that ligand-dependent EGFR activation is inhibited by GM3, the predominant ganglioside of epithelial cells, but the effect of GM3 on ligand-independent, integrin-EGFR cross-talk is unknown. Using a squamous carcinoma cell line we show that endogenous accumulation of GM3 disrupts the ligand-independent association of the integrin beta1 subunit with EGFR and results in inhibition of cell proliferation. Consistently, endogenous depletion of GM3 markedly increases the association of EGFR with tyrosine-phosphorylated integrin beta1 and promotes cell proliferation. The ligand-independent stimulation of EGFR does not require focal adhesion kinase phosphorylation or cytoskeletal rearrangement. Stimulation of EGFR and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling by GM3 depletion involves the phosphorylation of EGFR at tyrosine residues 845, 1068, and 1148 but not 1086 or 1173. The specific blockade of phosphorylation at Tyr-845 with Src family kinase inhibition and at Tyr-1148 with phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase inhibition suggests that GM3 inhibits integrin-induced, ligand-independent EGFR phosphorylation (cross-talk) through suppression of Src family kinase and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase signaling.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of a newly synthesized gastrin receptor antagonist, AG-041R, on the growth of enterochromaffin-like (ECL) carcinoid tumors in Mastomys natalensis both in vitro and in vivo. AG-041R was as potent as the well known gastrin antagonist L365,260 in inhibiting not only the gastrin-induced release of histamine from but also histidine decarboxylase (HDC) gene expression in the ECL carcinoid tumor cells. AG-041R also inhibited gastrin-induced DNA synthesis and c-fos gene expression in the tumor cells. Furthermore, AG-041R significantly inhibited the growth of the transplanted Mastomys ECL carcinoid tumors in vivo. From these data, it is concluded that endogenous gastrin is involved in the growth of ECL carcinoid tumors in Mastomys natalensis. Moreover, AG-041R is shown to have a potential as an anti-neoplastic agent for ECL carcinoid tumor of the stomach.  相似文献   

J Jacob 《FEBS letters》1988,231(1):139-142
The activation of functional responses in rabbit peritoneal neutrophils by gramicidin and the chemotactic peptide, N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine methyl ester, was studied. Gramicidin activated superoxide generation, lysosomal enzyme release and a decrease in fluorescence of chlortetracycline-loaded cells, as for the chemotactic peptide. The maximum intensities of the responses by gramicidin were lower than that by chemotactic peptide. Responses by both these peptides could be inhibited by t-butyloxycarbonyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine, a chemotactic peptide receptor antagonist. Gramicidin gave responses at low doses comparable to that of the chemotactic peptide.  相似文献   

T-20, a synthetic peptide corresponding to the heptad repeat sequence of HIV-1 gp41, blocks HIV-1 entry by targeting gp41, and is currently in clinical trials as an anti-retroviral agent. We recently reported that in vitro T-20 also functions as a phagocyte chemoattractant and a chemotactic agonist at the phagocyte N-formylpeptide receptor (FPR). Here we show that T-20 is also a potent chemotactic agonist in vitro at a related human phagocyte receptor FPRL1R. To test the relative importance of FPR and FPRL1R in primary cells, we identified the corresponding mouse T-20 receptors, mFPR and FPR2, which are both expressed in neutrophils, and compared T-20 action on neutrophils from wild type and mFPR knockout mice. Surprisingly, although T-20 activates mFPR and FPR2 in transfected cells with equal potency and efficacy in both calcium flux and chemotaxis assays, neutrophils from mFPR knockout mice did not respond to T-20. These results provide genetic evidence that FPR is the major phagocyte T-20 receptor in vivo and point to the potential feasibility of studying T-20 effects on immunity in a mouse model. This may help define the cause of local inflammation after T-20 injection that has recently been reported in Phase I clinical trials.  相似文献   

The antagonistic properties of DAU 6285, an azabicycloalkyl benzimidazolone derivative, at putative 5-hydroxytryptamine4 (5-HT4) receptors were investigated in in vitro preparations of guinea-pig ileum and human atrium, in comparison to ICS 205-930. DAU 6285 behaved as a competitive antagonist in all the preparations examined. Its affinity (pA2) ranged between 6.50 and 7.12 in the test models considered. The affinity of ICS 205-930 was 2-3 fold lower. At variance with ICS 205-930, DAU 6285 displayed a weak affinity for 5-HT3 receptors (pKi = 6.1, rat cortex; pA2 less than 5, guinea-pig ileum). In the guinea-pig ileum, DAU 6285 (10 microM) did not exert antimuscarinic, antihistaminic, antinicotinic or myolytic activity. Moreover, it did not bind to other 5-HT receptor subtypes, or to adrenergic, dopaminergic, benzodiazepine, nicotine, GABA receptors. DAU 6285 may represent a suitable tool for studies in the field of 5-HT4 receptors.  相似文献   

Our observations that opioid peptides have direct effects on islet insulin secretion and liver glucose production prompted a search for endogenous opiates and their receptors in these peripheral tissues. Mu-, delta- and kappa-receptor-active opiates were demonstrated in brain, pancreas and liver extracts by displacement studies using selective ligands for the three opiate receptor subtypes [( 3H][D-Ala2,MePhe4,Gly5-ol]enkephalin, [3H][D-Ala2,D-Leu5]enkephalin and [3H]dynorphin respectively). Receptor-active opiates in brain extracts exhibited a stronger preference for delta-opiate-receptor sites than for mu and kappa sites. Pancreatic extract opiates demonstrated a similar activity at mu and delta sites, but substantially less at kappa sites. Liver extracts displayed similar selectivity for all three sites. The affinities of the receptor-active opiates for mu-, delta- and kappa-receptor subtypes displayed a rank order of potency: brain much greater than pancreas greater than liver. Total immunoreactive beta-endorphin and [Met5]enkephalin levels in liver and hepatocytes were greater than those in brain. Immunoreactive [Met5]enkephalin levels in pancreas were similar to, but beta-endorphin levels were substantially higher than, those in brain. Delta and kappa opiate-binding sites of high affinity were identified in crude membrane preparations of islets of Langerhans, but no specific opiate-binding sites could be demonstrated in liver membrane preparations. Immunoreactive dynorphin and beta-endorphin were demonstrated by immunogold labelling in rat pancreatic islet cells. No positive staining of liver sections for opioids was observed. These results suggest that the tissue content of opiate-receptor-active compounds in the pancreas and the liver is very significant and could contribute to the regulation of normal blood glucose levels.  相似文献   

The two-component regulatory system CitA/CitB is essential for induction of the citrate fermentation genes in Klebsiella pneumoniae. CitA represents a membrane-bound sensor kinase consisting of a periplasmic domain flanked by two transmembrane helices, a linker domain and the conserved kinase or transmitter domain. A fusion protein (MalE-CitAC) composed of the maltose-binding protein and the CitA kinase domain (amino acids 327-547) showed constitutive autokinase activity and transferred the gamma-phosphate group of ATP to its cognate response regulator CitB. The autokinase activity of CitA was abolished by an H350L exchange, and phosphorylation of CitB was inhibited by a D56N exchange, indicating that H-350 and D-56 represent the phosphorylation sites of CitA and CitB respectively. In the presence of ATP, CitB-D56N formed a stable complex with MalE-CitAC. To analyse the sensory properties of CitA, the periplasmic domain (amino acids 45-176) was overproduced as a soluble, cytoplasmic protein with a C-terminally attached histidine tag (CitAPHis). Purified CitAPHis bound citrate, but none of the other tri- and dicarboxylates tested, with high affinity (KD approximately 5 microM at pH 7) in a 1:1 stoichiometry. As shown by isothermal titration calorimetry, the binding reaction was driven by the enthalpy change (DeltaH = -76.3 kJ mol-1), whereas the entropy change was opposed (-TDeltaS = + 46.3 kJ mol-1). The pH dependency of the binding reaction indicated that the dianionic form H-citrate2- is the citrate species recognized by CitAPHis. In the presence of Mg2+ ions, the dissociation constant increased significantly, suggesting that the Mg-citrate complex is not bound by CitAPHis. This work defines the periplasmic domain of CitA as a highly specific citrate receptor and elucidates the binding characteristics of CitAPHis.  相似文献   

In the present study, we determined whether the immunomodulatory effect of adenosine receptor stimulation depends on the Toll-like Receptor (TLR) used for stimulation of cytokine release. Therefore, human mononuclear cells were stimulated by different TLR agonists in the absence and presence of A1 (CPA), A2a (CGS21680), and A3 (Cl-IB-MECA) adenosine receptor agonists. Effects of these agonists on Il-6, Il-10, IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, and Il-1beta production were expressed as percentage inhibition/stimulation after TLR stimulation. CGS21680 inhibited TLR4-mediated TNF-alpha release and potentiated TLR3- and TLR5-mediated IL-6 release. Cl-IB-MECA inhibited TLR4-agonist-induced IFN-gamma release. Interestingly, CPA en Cl-IB-MECA tended to inhibit cytokine release only after TLR4 stimulation. In more detail, CPA potentiated TLR5-mediated IL-6 production, TLR3-mediated IFN-gamma production and TLR3-mediated Il-1beta-production compared to TLR4-mediated stimulation. Cl-IB-MECA potentiated TLR5-mediated IL-6 and Il-1beta formation as compared to TLR4-mediated stimulation. Finally, CGS21680 potentiated TLR5-mediated IL-6 production compared to TLR1-2 stimulation, and potentiated TLR3- and TLR5-mediated IL-10 production compared to TLR1-2-mediated stimulation. In conclusion, the effect of adenosine agonists on cytokine production depends on the specific TLR agonist used for stimulation. These findings suggest that well-known anti-inflammatory effects of adenosine agonists on LPS-induced inflammation cannot be extrapolated to situations in which stimulation of other TLR subtypes is involved.  相似文献   

The diversity of peptide ligands for a particular receptor may provide a greater dynamic range of functional responses, while maintaining selectivity in receptor activation. Dynorphin A (Dyn A), and dynorphin B (Dyn B) are endogenous opioid peptides that activate the kappa-opioid receptor (KOR). Here, we characterized interactions of big dynorphin (Big Dyn), a 32-amino acid prodynorphin-derived peptide consisting of Dyn A and Dyn B, with human KOR, mu- (hMOR) and delta- (hDOR) opioid receptors and opioid receptor-like receptor 1 (hORL1) expressed in cells transfected with respective cDNA. Big Dyn and Dyn A demonstrated roughly similar affinity for binding to hKOR that was higher than that of Dyn B. Dyn A was more selective for hKOR over hMOR, hDOR and hORL1 than Big Dyn, while Dyn B demonstrated low selectivity. In contrast, Big Dyn activated G proteins through KOR with much greater potency, efficacy and selectivity than other dynorphins. There was no correlation between the rank order of the potency for the KOR-mediated activation of G proteins and the binding affinity of dynorphins for KOR. The rank of the selectivity for the activation of G proteins through hKOR and of the binding to this receptor also differed. Immunoreactive Big Dyn was detected using the combination of radioimmunoassay (RIA) and HPLC in the human nucleus accumbens, caudate nucleus, hippocampus and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) with the ratio of Big Dyn and Dyn B being approximately 1:3. The presence in the brain implies that Big Dyn, along with other dynorphins, is processed from prodynorphin and secreted from neurons. Collectively, the high potency and efficacy and the relative abundance suggest that Big Dyn may play a role in the KOR-mediated activation of G proteins.  相似文献   

E Mozes 《Biopolymers》1983,22(1):453-464
For a better understanding of the molecular nature of the antigen-specific T-cell recognition system, continuous T-cell lines specific to the synthetic polypeptide antigen poly(Tyr,Glu)-poly(DLAla)--poly(Lys) [(T,G)–A--L] were established from C3H.SW (high-responder) activated T-cells, cloned, and characterized. These lines and their derived clones are also constitutive secretors of antigen-specific T-cell replacing helper factors. The secreted T-cell helper factor was shown to possess MHC determinants as well as V-region determinants, or more specifically, idiotypic determinants that are cross-reactive with those expressed on (T,G)–A--L-specific antibodies of the same mouse strain. Using the fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS II) and individual C57BL/6 anti-idiotypic sera produced against (T,G)–A--L-specific antibodies of C3H.SW origin, we have demonstrated the expression of the cross-reactive idiotypic markers on the monoclonal helper T-cells. Attempts were made to purify the active fraction of the T-cell factors secreted by the (T,G)–A--L continuous helper lines. Gel analysis of the twice affinity-purified eluate of a (T,G)–A--L column revealed the existence of iodinated bands with molecular weight of 17,000 and 15,000, in addition to a diffuse band of high molecular weight. The specific helper activity of the factors was associated with a 65–75% ammonium sulfate precipitate. Gel electrophoresis of the latter fraction, as well as of an eluate of a (T,G)–A--L–Sepharose column indicated that a high-molecular-weight (< 67,000) and a low-molecular-weight (15,000–17,000) fraction contained the biological activity of the factor. Similar results were obtained following chromatography of the factor on Sephadex G-100 columns. The two fractions were shown to be synthesized by the T-cell lines, as indicated by internal labeling experiments using 35S-methionine. Thus, it is suggested that a fraction of an apparent molecular weight of 15,000–17,000 preserves both the antigen specificity and the helper activity of the factor produced by the (T,G)–A--L-specific T-cell lines.  相似文献   

The tumor suppressor gene PTEN encodes a 55-kDa enzyme that hydrolyzes both protein phosphotyrosyl and 3-phosphorylated inositol phospholipids in vitro. We have found that the latter activity is physiologically relevant in intact T cells. Expression of active PTEN lead to a 50% loss of transfected cells due to increased apoptosis, which was completely prevented by coexpression of a constitutively active, membrane-bound form of protein kinase B. A mutant of PTEN selectively lacking lipid phosphatase activity, but retaining protein phosphatase activity, had no effects on cell number. Active (but not mutant) PTEN also decreased TCR-induced activation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase ERK2 (extracellular signal-related kinase 2), as seen after inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase. Our data indicate that PTEN is a phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphatase in T cells, and we suggest that PTEN may play a role in the regulation of T cell survival and TCR signaling by directly opposing phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase.  相似文献   

To newly synthesize a selective opioid receptor antagonist, 17-(cyclopropylmethyl)-4,5 alpha-epoxy-6 beta,21-epoxymethano-3-hydroxy-6,14-endoethenomorphinan-7 alpha-(N-phenethyl)carboxamide was first designed from an opioid receptor agonist TAN-821 on the basis of the accessory site concept. The designed compound antagonized the agonistic effects induced by an opioid receptor agonist beta-endorphin on the rat vas deference test. Moreover, the designed compound blocked the antinociception induced by beta-endorphin given intracerebroventricularly.  相似文献   

Azurophil and specific granules were isolated from human polymorphonuclear neutrophil leucocytes. Collagenase was almost exclusively a component of the specific granules. This finding is in contrast with the distribution of other proteolytic enzymes, which are localized in the azurophil (or lysosomal) granules.  相似文献   

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