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Endogenous proteolysis in chromatin of terminally differentiated, quiescent, and actively proliferating cells was studied by measuring the released acid-soluble radioactivity of [3H]tryptophan-prelabelled nuclear proteins, and by following the specific quantitative and qualitative changes in electrophoregrams of chromosomal proteins. The experiments suggest that the chromatin of differentiated mouse kidney and liver cells, as well as chromatin from Friend cells induced to commit terminal differentiation, exhibit increased proteolysis in comparison with that of chromatin isolated from actively proliferating cells. Enhanced proteolysis was found also for the slowly renewing and quiescent cells from adult mice. The control experiments designated to discriminate between the two possible alternatives explaining the difference—increased activity of the proteolytic enzymes associated with chromatin, or increased susceptibility of the chromosomal proteins to proteases—supported the latter alternative.  相似文献   

Human diploid fibroblasts, TIG-1, cease to proliferate at about 60-62 population doubling level. In their senescent state used in this study, the percentage of nuclei labeled by [3H]thymidine for 48 h was around 1-2% in fresh medium containing 5-40% fetal bovine serum. The percentage of labelled nuclei increased up to 10-fold after infection with SV40. This increase reflects stimulation of cell DNA synthesis because: 1. The increase also occurred when ts A900 was used for infection at the non-permissive temperature, under these conditions viral DNA synthesis is inhibited; 2, the increase paralleled the stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA in a Hirt-precipitate fraction from SV40-infected cells. UV-irradiated SV40 had reduced ability to induce DNA synthesis. A viable deletion mutant of SV40, d1940, had almost the same activity to induce cell DNA synthesis as did wild-type SV40. Equilibrium density gradient centrifugation analysis of DNA labelled with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) supported semiconservative replication rather than repair synthesis. We conclude that a considerable fraction of human diploid cells in a senescent population initiate host DNA replication by infection with SV40, although these cells cannot be stimulated with fetal bovine serum.  相似文献   

When rat hepatoma cells (HTC and R117-21B), treated with concanavalin A (conA) at 37 °C, were scraped from plastic culture dishes with a silicone-rubber policeman, the cell membranes were broken and the cytoplasm was released. This phenomenon was also observed in cells treated with conA at 4 °C, even though it took a longer time to show the same effect. The effect of 10 μg/ml of conA on the release of the cellular proteins reached a plateau when the treatment was carried out at 37 °C. Ninety percent of this effect was abolished by 10 mM of α-methyl-d-mannoside. The effect was completely nullified by 100 mM. At 4 °C, however, even 100 mM of this sugar could not abolish this effect. The apparent decrease in the cellular proteins with conA after scraping was observed not only in the logarithmic phase, but also in the stationary phase of cell growth. The breakdown of plasma membranes with conA eventually caused decrease in tyrosine aminotransferase activity, even though the lectin induced the enzyme activity in cultured cells.  相似文献   

A method for culturing adult mammalian retinal neurons in serum-free N2 medium supplemented with nerve growth factor (NGF) is described. Identification of neurons in cultures of dispersed human retina was based upon morphology, immunocytochemical localization of bound tetanus toxin, and autoradiographic localization of 3H-neurotransmitter candidates (gamma-aminobutyric acid, glycine, dopamine) accumulated by high-affinity uptake mechanisms. Neurons would not attach to glass or plastic substrates, consequently the present studies were performed using neurons plated upon a feeder layer. Serum was required for the initial phase of attachment. The feeder layer was derived from retinal cells that had been plated on glass or plastic in the presence of serum and had later been passaged. Since these cells exhibited glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) immunoreactivity, they were tentatively identified as being glial in origin. Under these conditions, neuron- and glia-specific properties were retained up to 28 days. The presence of interstitial retinol-binding protein (IRBP) in medium of cultures of neuronal cells on feeder layers was demonstrated by an immunoblot technique using rabbit antibovine IRBP antibodies. No IRBP was detected in medium in which the feeder layers alone had been cultured. IRBP biosynthesis was demonstrated by incubation of the cultures with [35S]methionine. Immunoprecipitable [35S]IRBP was detected only in medium from cultures containing neurons; cells of the feeder layer did not synthesize and secrete this glycoprotein. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that IRBP, a 135K constituent of the interphotoreceptor matrix, is synthesized in vivo by a neuronal cell, specifically, the photoreceptors.  相似文献   

Polyadenylated RNA isolated 18 h after infection of HeLa cells with adenovirus type 2 was both translated in vitro and microinjected into the cytoplasm of human transformed amnion cells. The hexon polypeptide could be specifically immunoprecipitated from the products of cell-free translation with a rabbit-anti-hexon serum. The same serum when used in immunofluorescence assays of microinjected cells revealed hexon protein synthesized 6 h after microinjection. The intensity of the staining persisted up to 16 h after injection of messenger RNA (mRNA). Newly-synthesized hexon protein was characteristically located mainly in the nucleus. Essentially the same results were obtained when normal amnion cells were microinjected.  相似文献   

Human oral mucosa includes various epithelia that are commonly classified as lining, masticatory, and specialized epithelia. Although adjacent tissues, the gingiva and alveolar mucosa represent two different types of epithelia: the gingiva is cornified and exhibits high rate ridges, whereas the mucosa does not normally cornify and exhibits a relatively smooth-contoured borderline between the epithelium and the underlying connective tissue. We examined the cytokeratin patterns of both epithelia using one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The gingiva expresses a great complexity of cytokeratins, including significant amounts of components nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, and 17, as well as traces of cytokeratins nos. 4 and 15, i.e., a pattern similar to those of vaginal mucosa and epidermis containing proliferative keratinocytes. In contrast, the alveolar mucosa contains only two major cytokeratins, i.e., nos. 4 and 13, together with two minor amounts of cytokeratins nos. 5, 6, 14, and 17, thus resembling the patterns of certain other stratified, noncornified epithelia, such as the esophagus. Immunofluorescence microscopy using monoclonal antibodies to cytokeratins nos. 4 and 13 revealed the presence of these proteins in the suprabasal layers of alveolar mucosa, whereas in the gingiva, only certain small, suprabasal clusters of cells appeared to contain these cytokeratins. The cytoskeletal differences between gingival and alveolar mucosa are discussed in relation to the differences in their morphology and function, and with respect to pathological processes characteristic of these epithelia.  相似文献   

Growth of SCC-13 squamous carcinoma cultures in the presence of retinoids considerably reduced the expression of two differentiation markers, the cellular capability to form cross-linked envelopes, and the enzyme transglutaminase required for cross-linking. A limited survey of retinoids showed that all-trans retinoic acid, 13-cis retinoic acid, and arotinoid Ro 13-6298 were highly effective in the absence of hydrocortisone and were only slightly antagonized by its presence in the medium. In contrast, retinyl acetate, retinol, and retinol bound to its plasma binding protein were quite active in the absence of hydrocortisone but were essentially inactive in its presence. Dexamethasone was also highly effective in antagonizing the suppressive action of retinyl acetate on envelope formation, while the corticosteroid antagonists cortexolone and progesterone were inactive. These results suggest that there are separate pathways, which are differentially regulated by hydrocortisone, for either the metabolism or action of retinol and retinoic acid in SCC-13 cells.  相似文献   

We have investigated whether human NHIK 3025 cells are dependent upon a net increase in cellular protein content in order to traverse G1 and S. The increase in DNA and protein content was studied by means of two-parameter flow cytometry using populations of cells synchronized by mitotic selection. By adding 1 μM cycloheximide to the medium protein synthesis was partially inhibited, resulting in negligible net accumulation of protein. The cells were able to enter S and progress through S under such conditions. The latter was the case whether the cells had been accumulating protein during G1 or not. The results further indicate that the larger cells enter S earlier and traverse S at a higher rate than the smaller cells. Our conclusion is that net accumulation of protein does not seem to be a prerequisite for traverse through G1 and S, i.e. DNA replication may be dissociated from the general growth of cell mass.  相似文献   

Human amnion epithelial cells attach and flatten slowly (approximately 65 min) onto plastic in the presence of serum but much more rapidly (20-30 min) onto subcellular matrix (SCM) deposited by the same cells. This matrix contains both fibronectin and laminin, but neither molecule on its own can reproduce its adhesive properties. Cells attach on surfaces containing fibronectin and laminin and extend filopodial and lamellipodial areas of cytoplasm without extensive flattening in the perinuclear region. Matrix deposited onto plastic by amnion epithelial cells has trypsin-sensitive and trypsin-resistant, papain-sensitive adhesion-promoting components. Cell spreading triggered by the latter but not the former can be inhibited by pretreating the adhering cells with heparin. Other GAGs are without effect. The results are discussed in terms of multiple interactions between epithelial cells and basal laminae.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that newly administered vitamin A (retinol) is initially taken up by the parenchymal cells of the liver, and subsequently (within 1-2 h) transferred to non-parenchymal liver cells (NPC) (Blomhoff et al., ref. [10]). In the present study we have separated the NPC by different methods to determine the cell type responsible for this uptake of [3H]retinol. When liver cells were prepared between 5 and 18 h after intraduodenal administration of [3H]retinol, the radioactive retinol was recovered mainly in the stellate cells. Other liver cells (i.e., hepatocytes, endothelial cells and Kupffer cells) contained only small amounts of [3H]retinol. Further, fluorescence microscopy studies indicated that stellate cells contain large quantities of retinol. Our results show that newly administered [3H]retinol, which is initially located in the hepatocytes, is transferred to the stellate cells and stored there.  相似文献   

In both the presence and absence of serum, 3Y1 rat fibroblastic cells synchronized at early S phase by aphidicolin entered M phase 6 h after removal of aphidicolin. However, in the second generation their entry into S phase in the presence of serum was delayed due to the deprivation of serum in the first generation. A similar delaying effect in the second generation was observed when the resting cells were stimulated by serum and then deprived of serum during a period of 8 h preceding mitosis. In both cases, the interval between mitosis and entry into S phase in the second generation was almost equal to that required for the resting cells to enter S phase when stimulated by serum. A similar delaying effect was also observed when the cells, synchronized at early S phase, were kept in suspension culture in the presence of serum for a period in the first generation. Results of a similar type of experiments using various combinations of growth factors showed that, when the G1 period in the second generation was shortened by exposure to growth factors in the first generation, and when the resting cells were stimulated to enter S phase, the same combination of growth factors was required. These and previous results suggest that the preparation for entry into S phase is controlled in both previous and present generations of 3Y1 cells.  相似文献   

Analysis of nucleoproteins in resting human embryonic fibroblasts in vitro at different population doubling levels (PDL) using electron microscopy revealed the disappearance of non-nucleolar ribonucleoprotein structures at high PDL, the nucleoli became larger and the filamentous masses containing the nascent nucleolar RNA displayed a fibrillo-granular pattern which has never been described previously. In addition, conventional fixation revealed the disappearance of most of the stainable chromatin whose threads were unusually spaced and shortened specially at the nuclear surface after loosening. We interpret these changes in chromatin organization as the consequence of the alkali-sensitive sites that accumulate during senescence.  相似文献   

Changes in the substratum anchorage of cells and nuclei were examined during methotrexate (MTX)-induced cytodifferentiation of BeWo human choriocarcinoma cells. During this process cytotrophoblast-like cells (CTLs) transform into giant mono- and multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast-like cells (STLs). Cells treated with MTX for 24 h exhibited significantly faster rates of substratum detachment by EDTA, trypsin-EDTA, EDTA-glycine, and DMSO than did uninduced controls. The decrease in cell-substratum adhesiveness occurred prior to the onset of morphological transformation. By 48 h, when morphological transformation was first observed, there had occurred a marked change in nuclear-cytoskeletal anchorage to the substratum, as evidenced by a difference in sensitivity of Triton-extracted STL and CTL monolayers to detachment by KI. STL monolayers were completely detached within 5 min of exposure to 0.3 M KI, while CTL monolayers remained firmly attached to the substratum for at least 3 h. KI-extracted residues were examined by electron microscopy and found to consist of nuclear shells attached to intermediate filaments. When cytoskeletal residues and KI-extracted proteins of STL and CTL cells were compared by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), qualitative and quantitative differences were seen in a number of minor components. Thus the sensitivity of STL nuclear-cytoskeletal monolayers to removal by KI, an effective actin depolymerizing agent, may involve changes in the organization, stability, or interactions of actin with other components of the cytoskeletal framework.  相似文献   

The monoclonal antibody ECCD-1 recognizing a certain class of cell surface proteins inhibits the Ca2+-dependent cell-to-cell adhesion in teratocarcinoma stem cells. In this paper, we studied the effect of ECCD-1 on cell-to-cell communication in PCC3 cells by measuring the transfer of lucifer yellow between cells. To this aim, PCC3 cells were cultured in the presence of ECCD-1 for various periods, and then the fluorescent dye was injected into a cell located in the center of cell colonies, followed by counting number of cells to which the dye was transferred. The results showed that ECCD-1 inhibits the dye transfer between cells, suggesting that the Ca2+-dependent cell-to-cell adhesion system (CDS) is essential for the functions of gap junction.  相似文献   

The effects of cytoplasmic incorporation of latex spheres (a cytoplasmic marker) on the growth potential of human diploid cells was examined. After incorporation of latex spheres within their cytoplasm, GM2290 (diploid, Lesch-Nyhan) cells showed a reduced replicative potential. A lower percentage of cells exposed to latex particles incorporated [3H]thymidme during any subsequent 24-h test period when compared with comparable, untreated cells. The overall life expectancy of the cultures treated with spheres was reduced approx. 25%. A similarly treated and examined transformed cell line (HeLa) showed no similar adverse effects after incorporation of latex spheres. The results suggest that latex spheres should be used with caution in experiments on in vitro cellular senescence.  相似文献   

Explants of small intestinal tissue have been cultured from fetal and young rats (from 13-day fetuses to 3-week-old rats). Growth of morphologically typical epithelial cells was obtained from explants of tissue from 14–20 day fetuses. Optimal growth was obtained using tissue from 17-day fetuses with outgrowth from the explant being observed 1-day after explant. Eighty per cent of explants developed epithelial growth by 11 days in culture. Initially, the epithelial outgrowth showed no morphological evidence of differentiation but after 5–10 days in culture differentiation into goblet or elongated cells with alkaline phosphatase activity occurred. Cells with brush borders and goblet cells were identified using electron microscopy. No differentiation occurred if the explant was removed even though growth continued.It was very difficult to culture tissue from fetuses older than 20 days' gestation, and when small intestine of 18–20-day fetuses was divided into two parts (proximal and distal) and cultured separately, growth of epithelial cells from explants of the proximal segment was less successful than that of the distal segment, indicating that the growth ability of these epithelial cells in vitro was closely related to tissue maturation in vivo. In contrast to the apparent relationship between fetal age and successful growth of intestinal epithelial cells, squamous epithelial cells of the esophagus could be grown from explants of 14-day fetus through newborn and 3-week-old rats.  相似文献   

Using single-cell suspensions of mechanically dissociated, prenatal BDIX-rat brain cells (13th, 15th, and 21st days after fertilization) for immunization, we have established a collection of 37 monoclonal antibodies (Mabs) directed against neural cell surface determinants. The developmental-stage-dependent expression of cell-surface antigens recognized by these Mabs was analyzed both on plasma membranes isolated from whole brains of BDIX rats (prenatal days 13-22 and adults) using an indirect 125I solid-phase radioimmunoassay, and on intact BDIX-rat brain cells (prenatal days 13-22) using a fluorescence-activated cell sorter. Different types of developmental stage-dependent profiles of Mab binding were found, these being indicative of the presence of neural cell surface determinants whose expression increases, decreases, or does not change with brain development. Some of the Mab-binding profiles showed transient changes as a function of developmental stage. These Mabs are currently being used for the characterization, reproducible identification, and isolation of neural cell subpopulations of the developing rat brain, with the aim of investigating the cell type dependence and developmental (differentiation) stage dependence of malignant transformation following pulse exposure to the carcinogen N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea at defined stages of brain development.  相似文献   

The expression of the cellular proto-oncogene, c-fos, in extra-embryonic tissues of the mouse was investigated using a v-fos DNA probe and an affinity-purified antiserum raised against a C-terminal synthetic peptide. At 13.5 days of development, parietal endoderm--a tissue not previously studied using these methods--was found to express c-fos RNA at a higher level than the amnion or placenta. The previously reported dramatic increase in c-fos RNA levels in extra-embryonic membranes during gestation was found to be confined to the amnion. The antipeptide serum specifically recovered proteins with Mr values of 46,000 and 39,000 from extracts of parietal endoderm and amnion cells labelled for 15 min with 35S-methionine. On sodium-dodecyl-sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis these proteins co-migrated with proteins immunoprecipitated using serum from rats inoculated with FBJ-MuSV-transformed cells (tumour-bearing rat serum). Pulse-chasing and 32P-labelling experiments showed that the protein with an Mr of 46,000 was rapidly converted into higher-molecular-weight phosphorylated derivatives. F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells differentiated into parietal-endoderm-like cells in response to treatment with retinoic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. However, this differentiation was not accompanied by any large transient increase in c-fos RNA expression.  相似文献   

There are much greater numbers of cell surface terminal, non-reducing alpha-D-galactorpyranosyl groups in highly malignant (metastatic) cells than are found in low malignant cells derived from the same murine fibrosarcoma. We have examined the contribution of these residues to attachment of the cells to various collagens and to plastic. Removal of these carbohydrate groups with alpha-galactosidase or blocking them with lectins from Griffonia simplicifolia seeds or with anti-blood group B antiserum all dramatically inhibited the attachment of both the highly malignant and the low malignant cells. Following removal with the enzyme, the alpha-D-galactopyranosyl end groups were rapidly resynthesized. This resynthesis was inhibited by tunicamycin, an inhibitor of de novo glycoprotein synthesis. This antibiotic also impaired cell attachment and, when used in addition to treatment with alpha-galactosidase, it inhibited cell attachment more than did treatment with the enzyme alone. The effects of all treatments on cell attachment were greater for the highly malignant than for the low malignant cells. With the latter cells, inhibition by lectin was seen only in the absence of serum, whereas the adhesion of highly malignant cells was affected in both the presence and the absence of serum. On their surface membrane the highly malignant cells express much more than do the low malignant cells of a glycoprotein that cross-reacts immunologically with laminin. The basement membrane glycoprotein laminin promotes cell attachment to collagen, and both glycoproteins contain terminal, non-reducing alpha-D-galactopyranosyl groups. Attachment of cells is a requirement for the formation of a metastasis, and thus the laminin-like molecule and the alpha-D-galactopyranosyl end groups (whether on the laminin-related moiety or on other cell surface molecules) may both be important for expression of the most malignant phenotype.  相似文献   

Isolated rat liver cells were pulse-labelled with tritiated uridine and post-incubated in the presence of an excess of unlabelled uridine and of adenosine analog DRB (5-6-dichloro-1-beta-D-ribofuranosyl benzimidazole). Nuclear radioactivity was detected with high resolution autoradiography. A significant labelling of the interchromatin granules was revealed in these conditions. Pretreatments of cells with low doses of actinomycin D in order to preferentially inhibit ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis prevented the labelling of the interchromatin granules during subsequent DRB treatments. These observations indicate that in DRB-treated cells, the interchromatin granules are sites of transfer or of accumulation of nucleolar RNA. Our results are discussed in connection with our knowledge of the action of DRB on RNA metabolism in mammalian cells and with recent data concerning the still enigmatic interchromatin granules which are present in the nuclei of most cells.  相似文献   

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