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Andrew McDonald 《Brittonia》1991,43(2):120-122
A new species ofArgemone (Papaveraceae),A. subalpina, is recognized from the subalpine glades of Sierra Peña Nevada, Nuevo León, México. It is the first member of the poppy family to be associated with timberline vegetation in the New World. The new taxon is closely related toA. platyceras of the Mexican transvolcanic belt, but differs by retrorse cauline spines, broadly ellipsoid flower buds to 20 mm long, caudate sepal norns 3–5 mm long, and recurved fruit spines.  相似文献   

Sequences of the ITS region of nrDNA were analyzed for the seven genera of Papaveraceae subf. Chelidonioideae s.str. Three major clades can be recognized. These are 1.Chelidonium/Hylomecon/Stylophorum, 2.Eomecon/Sanguinaria, and 3.Bocconia/Macleaya. The monophyly of genera in the first of these three clades is doubtful, and clades two and three are sister to each other. Use of the ITS phylogeny of the subfamily to trace its morphological and ecological evolution shows that morphological change is concentrated in theBocconia/Macleaya clade, and probably related to the evolution of wind-pollination from insect-pollination in these two genera after habitat shift.  相似文献   

This study represents a nuclear rDNA ITS-based phylogenetic analyses of a greater sampling of the Old WorldAstragalus compared to our previous work (212 vs. 134 taxa). Phylogenetic relationships among 212 species (213 accessions) of the Old WorldAstragalus, including newly segregated monotypic genusPodlechiella, the two aneuploid New WorldAstragalus, and five related genera, were inferred from analyses of nuclear rDNA ITS sequences using maximum parsimony. A total of 658 nucleotide sites and four binary characters for indels were analyzed. The results of phylogenetic analyses suggest sect.Phyllolobium, comprising mostly the Chinese species, is placed outside of the so-calledAstragalus s. str. and is a well-supported monophyletic group. The monotypic annual segregate genusThlaspidium (≡Astragalus sect.Thlaspidium, A. thlaspi), is clearly nested withinAstragalus s. str. Among the many sections analyzed here, only sects.Cenanthrum, Caraganella, Eremophysa, Incani, Laxiflori, andLotidium are strongly supported as monophyletic. Our analysis, in agreement with previous studies, shows that the North American euploidAstragalus species are scattered throughout the Old World groups of the genus.  相似文献   

Hierarchical patterns inSilene sect.Sedoideae were investigated using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD), nucleotide sequences of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the 18S–28S nuclear ribosomal DNA, and discrete morphological characters. All data sets firmly supported the species recognized. The RAPD data offered the best resolution at the intraspecific level, supporting the current intraspecific classifications ofS. sedoides andS. integripetala. The ITS sequences and the morphological data gave poor resolution within species, and the three data sets disagreed about the relationships among species. The signal from the RAPD data was strongest and remained when the total data set was analysed. The three data sets all support an amphiploid origin ofS. aegaea, with the strongest evidence from the ITS sequences. Incongruences among data sets as well as merits and shortcomings of each are discussed. The robustness of the results can be evaluated using perturbations of data, i.e., bootstrap and jackknife of taxa and characters. These methods should not be taken as methods of statistical inference at the taxonomic level, because unbiased sampling appears impossible. RAPD data, however, come close to being suitable for statistical estimation of hierarchies at the genome level, but several methodological problems have to be solved.  相似文献   

Sequences of both internal and external transcribed spacers of nuclear ribosomal DNA were sequenced for four species belonging to the Dactylorhiza maculata group or "spotted marsh-Orchids". These four species are D. fuchsii, D. saccifera, D. foliosa, and D. maculata. Extensive nuclear ribosomal DNA polymorphism was uncovered within the diploid D. fuchsii and the putative autotetraploid D. maculata. Within the phylogenetic trees reconstructed using parsimony and Bayesian analyses, four main lineages (A, B, C, and D) were well supported. While D. saccifera, D. maculata, and D. foliosa were confined to clades B, C, and D, respectively, D. fuchsii accessions were spread over three clades (A, B, and C). Lineage C, which included accessions of the diploid D. fuchsii and the tetraploid D. maculata, was closely related to the lineage of D. foliosa (lineage D), an endemic diploid species from Madeira. Moreover, intra-individual polymorphism was found within accessions of D. maculata, D. fuchsii, and D. saccifera. It is shown that in some instances two lineages, contributed to the observed intra-individual polymorphism (C and A in D. maculata, A and B in D. fuchsii and D. saccifera). Evolutionary scenarios leading to this extensive nuclear ribosomal DNA polymorphism are discussed in the light of results from maternally inherited chloroplast DNA markers and an autopolyploid origin of D. maculata from a D. foliosa-like ancestor is postulated.  相似文献   

ITS and ETS-based sequence analyses of 29 Neolitsea, six Actinodaphne and five outgroup `core' Laureae taxa show that Neolitsea is monophyletic with two large subclades, whereas most of the sampled Actinodaphne are paraphyletic below it. Inflorescence features appear to be among the more reliable morphological characters for explaining relationships between Neolitsea and other genera within the `core' Laureae, with the Neolitsea/Actinodaphne clade defined by inflorescences lacking vegetative terminal buds in the main axis. Although the relationships within Neolitsea are still poorly resolved, there is enough structure to suggest that the genus seems to divide into two groups based on fruit shape: elliptic or ovoid, versus globose, although more evidence (both molecular and morphological) and wider taxon sampling are required to confirm this.  相似文献   

To evaluate the sectional classification in Carex, subgenus Vignea, the ITS region of 58 species of 20 sections was analyzed with Neighbor Joining (NJ) and Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. Sections Dioicae, Physodeae and Ovales are found to be monophyletic, with C. bohemica well integrated in the section Ovales. Section Heleonastes turns out to be monophyletic, if C. canescens is treated separately in section Canescentes. Section Elongatae is monophyletic, but C. remota is placed in section Remotae and C. bromoides in section Deweyanae. In both analyses, six representatives of section Arenariae cluster together in a terminal group, whereas C. disticha, C. repens and C. siccata form a basal cluster. C. maritima, as the only member of section Incurvae, shares this basal position. C. chordorrhiza is ascribed to section Chordorrhizeae and not ascribed to the paraphyletic section Divisae. C. vulpina and C. otrubae are assigned to section Vulpinae and separated from the heterogeneous section Stenorhynchae. The other members of sections Divisae, Muehlenbergianae, Multiflorae and Stenorhynchae are scattered throughout the trees. The representatives of section Foetidae are dispersed in both analyses, section Paniculatae appears to be non-monophyletic in the molecular results as well. The subgenus appears subdivided in at least four larger subgroups in all analyses. Whereas these subgroups are strongly supported, the relationships between these subgroups remain only poorly resolved.  相似文献   

Systematics of the genus Isatis (Brassicaceae) is difficult and controversial, and previous studies were based solely on morphological characters. Sequence variation of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and the 5.8S gene of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) were analyzed using parsimony and Bayesian methods. Twenty-eight taxa of Isatis and related genera of the tribe Isatideae were sampled, including 20 Isatis species representing almost all major morphological lineages, all three species of Pachypterygium, two of nine species of Sameraria, and monospecific Boreava, Myagrum, and Tauscheria. Two well-supported clades were resolved in the ITS tree, and they demonstrate the artificiality of the present delimitation of the tribe. One clade includes I. emarginata, I. minima, I. trachycarpa, P. brevipes, P. multicaule, P. stocksii, and T. lasiocarpa. The second clade includes I. buschiana, the polymorphic I. cappadocica with five subspecies, I. gaubae, I. kotschyana, I. leuconeura, I. pachycarpa, I. takhtajanii, I. tinctoria, and S. armena. Pachypterygium is polyphyletic and, together with Boreava, Sameraria, and Tauscheria, all are nested within Isatis. This study is a continuation of our recent systematic survey based on seed-coat microsculpturing ( Moazzeni et al., 2007. Flora 202, 447–454) and reveals that fruit characters mapped onto the molecular tree show considerable convergence. The reliance on fruit characters alone in the delimitation of genera may well lead to erroneous phylogenetic results and thus to incorrect taxonomic conclusions.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic studies were conducted for Carpinus and the subfamily Coryloideae (Betulaceae) using sequences of the chloroplast matK gene, the trnL-trnF region (trnL intron, and trnL [UAA] 3' exon-trnF [GAA] intergenic spacer) and the psbA-trnH intergenic spacer, and the nuclear ribosomal ITS regions. The combined analyses of the three chloroplast regions suggest that Coryloideae is monophyletic; Ostryopsis is sister to the Carpinus - Ostrya clade; Corylus is monophyletic and sister to the Ostrya - Carpinus - Ostryopsis clade; Ostrya is paraphyletic; and within Carpinus, species of sect. Carpinus from eastern Asia form a monophyletic group, whereas the positions of C. betulus from Europe and C. caroliniana from eastern North America are unresolved within the Carpinus clade. The cpDNA tree generated in this study is largely congruent with the previously published ITS results, but the ITS tree places Carpinus sect. Distegocarpus as sister to the Ostrya - Carpinus sect. Carpinus clade. Future work is needed to examine the relationships within the Ostrya - Carpinus clade, evaluate the generic status of Ostrya, and test the phylogenetic position of Ostryopsis.  相似文献   

Sequences of the nrDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the cpDNAtrnL/trnF intergenic spacer (IGS) region were analysed for 41 Mediterranean and Eurasian representatives of the Anthemideae (Compositae) to ascertain the systematic position of the unispecific genusCastrilanthemum Vogt & Oberprieler and to study the phylogeny of the Anthemideae in the Mediterranean region. Both markers consistently point to the close relationship ofCastrilanthemum with the W Mediterranean generaLeucanthemopsis (Giroux) Heywood andProlongoa Boiss., forming a strongly supported monophyletic group (theLeucanthemopsis-group which also comprises the unispecific genusHymenostemma (Kunze) Willk.). Results also demonstrate that subtribes Achilleinae, Leucantheminae, and Matricariinae sensu Bremer & Humphries are non-monophyletic. Besides results from sequence variation, a marked 5bp-deletion intrnL/trnF IGS divides all these subtribes into more basal subgroups which are related to each other and to the large Eurasian generaTanacetum L. andAnthemis L., and a monophyletic group of closely related and more advanced subgroups which also contain the monophyletic Chrysantheminae sensu Bremer & Humphries. For this second group a W Mediterranean centre of diversification is suggested, however, its sister-group relationships within the basal grade of generic groups remain unclear.  相似文献   

Internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) were used in the phylogenetic reconstruction of Pedicularis, a genus with strong adaptive radiation. Forty-two species representing 12 greges of the genus were all, except P. resupinata, sampled from the Hengduan Mountain region, China. A high level of ITS sequence variation was found among the species distributed in such a small geographical area, which had been rarely reported in other groups. The great ITS divergence in Pedicularis could be explained by a relatively ancient origin and diversification of the genus followed by migration of different floristic components into the Hengduan Mountains, or accelerated rates of molecular evolution in parasitic lineages of Orobanchaceae. In the present ITS phylogeny, almost all the main clades are not consistent with the high hierarchical taxa within Pedicularis, which implies that significant parallel evolution occurred in floral morphology of the genus, and that undue attention has been paid to corolla characters in the intragenus classifications.We thank the two anonymous reviewers for valuable comments and suggestions; Professor Guo You-Hao, Drs. Tan Dun-Yan, Luo Yi-Bo, Bao Ying, Luo Yan, Mr. Mao Jian-Feng and Mr. Qin Wei for their great help in the field collection; Drs. Song Bao-Hua, Wei Xiao-Xin and Miss Sun Ying-Xue for their help in the laboratory work. This study was supported by State Key Basic Research and Development Plan (Grant No. G2000046804) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30121003).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships within the tribe Antirrhineae (Scrophulariaceae) are analysed and discussed on the basis of parsimony analyses of morphological andndhF gene sequence data. The results indicate that the tribe Antirrhineae consists of four major groups of genera, theAnarrhinum clade, theGambelia clade, theMaurandya clade, and theAntirrhinum clade. TheAnarrhinum clade, consisting of the Old World bee-pollinated generaAnarrhinum andKickxia, is sister to the rest of the tribe. TheGambelia clade consists of the New World generaGambelia andGalvezia, which are very closely related and pollinated by hummingbirds. TheMaurandya clade consists of one subclade includingMaurandya and a number of related bee- or hummingbird-pollinated New World genera and another subclade with the Old World bee-pollinated generaAsarina andCymbalaria. TheAntirrhinum clade consists mainly of bee-pollinated Old World genera, such asAntirrhinum, Linaria, Chaenorhinum, and their segregates, but also includes the New World generaMohavea andHowelliella, of which the latter is known to be partly pollinated by hummingbirds. It is concluded that hummingbirdpollination has evolved independently within Antirrhineae at least three times from bee-pollinated ancestors.  相似文献   

Sequences of the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions 1 & 2 (nrDNA ITS) including the intervening 5.8S region were analyzed cladistically for 43 individuals of 35 species ofScaphyglottis s.l. plus two outgroup taxa. Low levels of sequence divergence do not allow estimation of relationships among most clades, but the analyses indicate that four segregate genera (Hexisea Lindl.,Reichenbachanthus Barb. Rodr.,Hexadesmia Brogn., andPlatyglottis coriacea L.O. Williams) are embedded within a broad paraphyleticScaphyglottis. This broadly definedScaphyglottis sensu Dressler is characterized within Laeliinae by the usual presence of superposed growth habit and the presence of a column foot. In order to accommodate species formerly placed inPlatyglottis andReichenbachanthus, three new combinations are made inScaphyglottis:Scaphyglottis brasiliensis (Schltr.) Dressler,S. coriacea (L. O. Williams) Dressier, andS. emarginata (Garay) Dressler.  相似文献   

Several systems of classification have been proposed for the family Agavaceae. A distinctive bimodal karyotype and similarities of fruits and seeds strongly support close relationships among Yucca, Hesperaloë, Beschorneria, Furcraea, Agave, Manfreda, Polianthes, Prochnyanthes, and perhaps Hosta. However, Dasylirion, Beaucamea, Nolina, Calibanus, Dracaena, and Sansevieria differ in so many cytological and morphological features that many have concluded they should be excluded from Agavaceae and separated into two families, Nolinaceae and Dracaenaceae. Chloroplast DNA restriction site data support these separations and indicate that Nolinaceae and Dracaenaceae are very close to Convallariaceae (Maianthemum, Convallaria, Aspidistra, Liriope, etc.). In this paper we report the results of an ITS rDNA sequencing study of 40 taxa in Agavaceae sensu lato and related groups in the order Asparagales. Sequence alignments were optimized using the Consistency Index, Retention Index, and Rescaled Consistency Index to find the alignment that exhibited the least amount of homoplasy. The results of our study are congruent with the conclusions drawn from cytological, immunological, cpDNA, and rbcL studies, which support a narrow interpretation of Agavaceae and a close relationship among Convallariaceae, Dracaenaceae, and Nolinaceae. In addition, the ITS sequence data provide evidence for some interesting relationships within these families.  相似文献   

The genus Bonatea is widely distributed throughout southern and eastern Africa. Considerable debate surrounds the generic status of Bonatea, but there have been neither previous studies of evolutionary relationships among Bonatea species, nor any tests of the monophyly of the genus in relation to its close relative Habenaria. We investigated phylogenetic relationships between Bonatea and selected Habenaria species using morphology, as well as sequences of the chloroplast gene matK and the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of nuclear ribosomal DNA. A fully resolved cladogram was obtained using morphological data, but neither the ITS, matK, nor combined data sets yielded well-resolved and well-supported phylogenetic structure for Bonatea. There is poor congruence between ITS and matK data for interspecific relationships in Bonatea, whilst the morphological results are largely congruent with the ITS analysis. Relative to Habenaria, there is little sequence variation between Bonatea species, which could indicate a recent and rapid radiation of Bonatea. Although the sampled Bonatea species form a distinct clade, more extensive sampling of Habenaria would be required to establish unambiguously whether or not Bonatea is monophyletic.  相似文献   

Alnicola (=Naucoria, pro parte) is a mushroom genus of strictly temperate, obligately ectomycorrhizal species, traditionally included in the family Cortinariaceae. Most Alnicola spp. are primarily host specific on Alnus, although a few are mycobionts of Salix or other hosts. The different species of Alnicola exhibit unique morphological (cystidia, pileipellis) and cytological (dikaryotic or monokaryotic hyphae) characters. This makes the genus Alnicola of particular interest for studying the evolution of host specificity and morphological characters in ectomycorrhizal basidiomycetes. We used a combination of classical morphological and phylogenetic methods (rDNA ITS and LSU sequences) to address the following questions: (i) Is Alnicola monophyletic? And (ii) Are characters like host specificity or microscopical structures synapomorphic for certain clades? The study included nearly all currently known European Alnicola sp. Our results demonstrated that, on one hand, the genus Alnicola is polyphyletic, with sistergroup relationships to Hebeloma, Anamika or the clades /Hymenogaster I and /Hymenogaster II. On the other hand, Alnicola splits into three well-supported clades corresponding to the sections Alnicola, Submelinoides, and Salicicolae. The strict host-specificity to Alnus is a derived character and has occurred at least twice. The following morphological characters are synapomorphic for defined clades: the spindle-shaped hymenial cystidia for sect. Alnicola, the hymeniform pileipellis for sect. Submelinoides, and monocaryotic/clampless hyphae for sect. Salicicolae and its sistergroup /Hymenogaster II. As a taxonomical consequence, polyphyly of Alnicola implies that the sects. Submelinoides and Salicicolae need to be segregated from Alnicola.  相似文献   

We sequenced the nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions to determined the phylogenetic relationships of the severalGoodyera species in Korea and to measure the extent of their differentiation region. ITS 1 was 238 to 239 bp long while ITS 2 was 258 to 259 bp. The 5.8S coding region was 156 bp long. Sequence divergences among species, calculated by Kimura’s two- parameter method, ranged from 0.0 to 5.4%. The most parsimonious tree, with a consistency index of 0.935 and a retention index of 0.937, was produced with 337 steps. Our ITS sequence results demonstrate the monophyly of KoreanGoodyera and support previous morphological, geographical, and RAPD data analyses.  相似文献   

The dried plant material of medicinally important Anthemis deserti Boiss. (family: Asteraceae) especially when it remains in the powdered form often look similar to Anthemis melampodina Del.; and therefore, difficult to distinguish, finally lead to chances of adulteration. The adulteration in medicinal plants effects on the efficacy of the drugs. The molecular authentication of herbal plant materials such as based on the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) is considered as more reliable method compared to other the biochemical or histological methods. The present study aims to molecular authentication ofA. deserti based on molecular phylogenetic analyses of ITS2 gene sequence of nrDNA region. The ITS2 region of nrDNA of A. deserti were sequenced, and the molecular phylogenetic analyses were performed together with the GenBank sequences. The Maximum Parsimony tree revealed the close relationships of A. deserti with A. melampodina; however, the Neighbor-Joining and Maximum Likelihood tree clearly revealed that A. deserti is distinct from A. melampodina, which is also supported by the differences in nucleotides at five diffident positions (i.e. 22, 28, 87, 175 and 198) in the DNA sequence alignment.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of Alisma (Alismataceae), a genus of approximately nine species of aquatic plants mainly distributed in the Northern Hemisphere, was reconstructed with parsimony analysis on RAPD data and sequences of the nuclear ITS and chloroplast trnL regions, and with MDS on RAPD data. Separate analyses were performed on each data set. Butomus umbellatus was used as outgroup in the analysis of sequence data, and Luronium and Baldellia in the analyses of RAPD data. Among diploid Alisma, two major groups were found: (i) the gramineum group consisting of A. gramineum and A. wahlenbergii, and (ii) the plantago-aquatica group with A. plantago-aquatica, A. orientale, A. subcordatum, A. juzepczukii and A. ``bottnicum'. Taxa within the groups were poorly separated. The Baltic endemics A. wahlenbergii, A. juzepczukii and A. ``bottnicum' have probably originated relatively recently from local populations of A. gramineum (i.e. A. wahlenbergii) and A. plantago-aquatica (i.e. A. juzepczukii and A. ``bottnicum'). The exact origin of the polyploid taxa, i.e. A. lanceolatum, A. triviale, A. canaliculatum and A. rariflorum, is still unclear.  相似文献   

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