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Immunization of C57BL/6 mice with BALB.B spleen cells in vivo and subsequent boosting in mixed lymphocyte culture result in the generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes (CTLs) which are specific for a limited number of immunodominant antigens. Experiments are described which suggest the existence of a hierarchy of immunodominance in this donor: host combination. Two antigens, CTT-1.3 and CTT-2.3, are dominant in the C57BL/6 anti-BALB.B CTL response. The distribution of these antigens among CXB recombinant inbred (RI) strains suggests that they segregate as single gene traits. Elimination of the CTT-1.3 and CTT-2.3 antigens by complementation in the responder, or elimination from the priming and boosting stages by the selection.of CXB RI strain mice as responders or stimulators, reveals a second level of immunodominant antigens which include CTT-3.3 and CTT-4.3. CXB mice which express one of the CTT-1.3 or CTT-2.3 antigens will produce CTLs specific for the other antigen upon priming and boosting with BALB.B cells. Expression of both antigens in responders results in the generation of CTLs specific for the second level, dominant antigens. Immunodominance is not confined to the C57BL/6 anti-BALB.B system but can also be observed in the BALB.B anti-C57BL/6 and B10.D2 anti-DBA/2 systems. Finally, generation of CTLs following priming and boosting with dominant and dominated antigens presented on different cells confirmed that immunodominance can only be observed when the dominant and dominated antigens are presented on the same cells. These observations suggest that immunodominance is revealed at the level of antigen-presenting cells primarily involved in vivo priming.  相似文献   

Immunization of mice with multiple non-H-2 histocompatibility antigens results in the generation of cytolytic T lymphocytes that are specific for a limited number of immunodominant antigens. The experiments presented in this communication were designed to reveal immunodominance in pairwise combinations of autosomal and sex-linked non-H-2 histocompatibility (H) antigens. Priming and boosting responders with the male antigen, H-Y, paired with the H-4.2, H-7.1, or H-3.1 antigens, resulted in the generation of cytolytic T cells specific for the autosomal H antigens but not the H-Y antigen. Furthermore, co-immunization and boosting of C57BL/6 female responder spleen cells with BALB.B male cells resulted in the generation of cytolytic T cells specific for the BALB.B immunodominant antigens but not H-Y. No dominance was observed in H-4-plus H-7-incompatible combinations. Co-immunization of three different H-3 congenic strains with H-3.1 plus H-Y demonstrated that an efficient anti-H-3.1 T cell response is required for observing H-3.1 immunodominance over H-Y. Co-expression of H-3.1 and H-Y on the same priming and boosting cells was required for immunodominance. In fact, immunization with H-3.1 and H-Y presented on different cells resulted in normal generation of H-Y-specific cytolytic T cells, but no generation of H-3.1-specific cytolytic T cells resulted unless H-Y-specific cells were stimulated in the mixed lymphocyte cultures. These observations suggest that in vitro T cell responses to paired, non-H-2 H antigens may be independent, competitive, or synergistic, depending on the identity of the antigens and the priming and boosting conditions.  相似文献   

Immunodominance controls the generation of CTL in the C57BL/6By (B6) anti-BALB.B H-2b-matched strain combination. Despite the potential of responding to numerous individual minor histocompatibility (H) Ag on BALB.B APC, the focus of the CTL response is largely specific for only a limited number of target Ag. These minor H Ag could be distinguished by their differential expression on a panel of target cells from the CXB recombinant inbred strains, the E, G, I, J, and K (all H-2b), which express different composites of the original BALB minor H Ag. A hierarchy was observed in which first-order immunodominant Ag were present on both CXBK and CXBG cells, whereas second-order dominant Ag were found on CXBE, CXBJ, and CXBI cells. To test whether immunodominance also plays a role in the development of lethal graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) directed to multiple minor H Ag, B6 T cells were transplanted along with T cell depleted bone marrow, to irradiated (825 rad) recipients of either the BALB.B or CXB recombinant inbred strains. The results indicate that a hierarchy of immunodominance does exist in GVHD, but it differs from that predicted from the in vitro CTL studies. GVHD was observed in BALB.B, CXBE, CXBI, and CXBJ recipients, but not in CXBG and CXBK recipients. Presensitization of B6 donor mice to CXBG or CXBK splenocytes 3 wk before transplant did not significantly increase the overall GVHD potential in the corresponding CXBG or CXBK recipients. Evidence for second-order immunodominance was provided by the transfer of CXBE T cells and ATBM to irradiated CXBG and BALB.B recipients with resultant, potent GVHD.  相似文献   

Antibodies to T cell receptors and to histocompatibility antigens   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The injection of 106 parental strain spleen cells into adult F1 hybrid mice resulted in the formation of two serum activities: anti-receptor antibodies and alloantibodies. To demonstrate the respective roles of T and B cells in the elicitation of these serum activities, parental strain lymphoid cell suspensions containing varying proportions of T and B cells, or consisting only of T or B cells, were employed as inocula for F1 mice. The results indicated that the injection of pure T cells led to the formation of antireceptor antibodies only, while the injection of pure B cells resulted exclusively in formation of alloantibodies, suggesting that anti-receptor antibodies were structures elicited by T cell receptors. Alloantibodies appear to be formed as a consequence of the interaction of B cell receptors with alloantigen.  相似文献   

We determined the tissue distribution of 7 human minor histocompatibility (H) Ag. Each of these Ag is defined by one or more MHC class I-restricted CTL clones, previously generated from PBL primed against minor H Ag by HLA-identical bone marrow transplantation (BMT). CTL-mediated lysis of tissue-derived cells and cultured cell lines was used as an in vitro assay for minor H Ag expression of several human tissues. The Ag HA-3 (HLA-A1-restricted), HA-4 (HLA-A2 restricted), HA-6 and HA-7 (HLA-B7 restricted), and the male-specific Ag H-Y (HLA-A2 and B7 restricted) were found to be expressed on cells of all tissues tested. In contrast, the HLA-A2-restricted Ag HA-1 and HA-2 were demonstrated on PHA-blasts, EBV-BLCL, purified T cells, B cells, monocytes, and immature thymocytes, but could not be demonstrated on skin-derived cultured fibroblasts, keratinocytes, melanocytes, cultured epithelial cells of kidney proximal tubili, and umbilical cord vein-derived endothelial cells. Incubation of the latter cell lines with rIFN-gamma, rTNF-alpha, and/or rIL-1 alpha, in concentrations shown to maximally increase their susceptibility to lysis by allo-MHC class I CTL, did not induce recognition by HA-1- and HA-2-specific CTL in vitro. These results indicate an ubiquitous tissue expression of the minor H Ag HA-3, -4, -6, -7 and H-Y in contrast to a to the hemopoietic cell lineage-restricted expression for HA-1 and HA-2. The heterogeneity in tissue expression of T cell-defined, class I-restricted non-MHC Ag implies that they might be derived from intracellular proteins with either an ubiquitous or a more specialized cell type-specific function.  相似文献   

Normal mouse lymphocytes are not capable of mounting a primary cytotoxic T cell response to Mls encoded, non H-2, allodeterminants, although a strong lymphoproliferative response is observed in primary MLR between Mls incompatible cells. In this study it is reported that in the supernatant of primary cultures between AKR macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (H-2 identical, incompatible for Mls and other minor antigens) a suppressor of T cell proliferation in MLR is detected. By contrast, a suppressor is not detected in supernatants from primary cultures between BALB/C macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (H-2 incompatible, Mls identical), B10.BR macrophages and CBA/H macrophages and CBA/H lymphocytes (syngeneic) suggesting that the production of the suppressor factor occurs only when an Mls incompatibility exists. The suppressive activity of the Mls incompatible culture supernatant upon MLR between incompatible macrophages and lymphocytes is neither antigen specific nor Mls or H-2 restricted, nor is it due to an irreversible toxic effect on T lymphocytes or macrophages. The inhibition of T cell proliferation could be explained by inhibition of IL 2 production, by blocking its union to T cells or by a combination of both effects. Our findings could help explain previous observations that lymphocytes from mice preimmunized with Mls incompatible cells have a depressed proliferative response as well as depressed cytotoxicity against alloantigens.  相似文献   

T cell responses to Ags involve recognition of selected peptide epitopes contained within the antigenic protein. In this report, we describe a new approach for direct identification of CD4+ T cell epitopes of complex Ags that uses human class II tetramers to identify reactive cells. With a panel of 60 overlapping peptides covering the entire sequence of the VP16 protein, a major Ag for HSV-2, we generated a panel of class II MHC tetramers loaded with peptide pools that were used to stain peripheral lymphocytes of an HSV-2 infected individual. With this approach, we identified four new DRA1*0101/DRB1*0401- and two DRA1*0101/DRB1*0404-restricted, VP16-specific epitopes. By using tetramers to sort individual cells, we easily obtained a large number of clones specific to these epitopes. Although DRA1*0101/DRB1*0401 and DRA1*0101/DRB1*0404 are structurally very similar, nonoverlapping VP16 epitopes were identified, illustrating high selectivity of individual allele polymorphisms within common MHC variants. This rapid approach to detecting CD4+ T cell epitopes from complex Ags can be applied to any known Ag that gives a T cell response.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic effector T cells specific for non-H-2 histocompatibility (H) antigens were examined for phenotypic expression of lymphocyte differentiation (Ly) antigens. Virtually all H-Y-specific cytotoxic effectors generated in mixed lymphocyte culture were Ly-1+2+ T cells. H-3-specific effectors comprised both Ly-1+2+ and Ly-1-2+ T cells. However, cytotoxic effectors specific for multiple non-H-2 H antigens were predominantly Ly-1-2+ T cells. The optimal generation of H-Y- and H-3-specific effectors required Ly-1+2+ T cells; optimal generation of multiple non-H-2 H antigen-specific effectors required an interaction between Ly-1+2- and Ly-1-2+ T cells. These observations suggest that the identity of the target H antigen in part determines the Ly type of responsive T cells. Our observations suggest that 2 alternative pathways of T cell response exist for non-H-2 H antigens. The first pathway involves an interaction between Ly-1+2- helper T cells and Ly-1-2+ cytotoxic effector precursors. The 2nd pathway simply involves the response of Ly-1+2+ T cells proliferating and generating H antigen-specific cytotoxic effectors.  相似文献   

Replication of human cytomegalovirus is controlled by a vigorous CD8 T cell response. The persistent nature of infection is believed to periodically stimulate T cell responses resulting in considerable expansions of virus-specific CD8 T cells over time. In this study, we describe the magnitude and breadth of CD8 T cell responses against the immunodominant viral Ags, IE-1 and pp65, in acute and long-term infection using the IFN-gamma ELISPOT assay. Simultaneously, we have identified several novel MHC class I restricted CD8 T cell epitopes. Acute phase responses in immunocompetent donors appear to be extremely focused as early as 1 week post diagnosis with dominant peptide-specific responses observed against both proteins. These dominant responses remain detectable at all later time points over a 4-year follow-up. Interestingly the IE-1 responses show an increase over time whereas the pp65 responses do not, which contrasts with data showing that responses against both Ags are elevated in elderly individuals. We also observe the rapid emergence of an effector memory phenotype for virus-specific CD8 T cells as observed in persistent infection. Over time the revertant CD45RA(pos) effector cell population is also expanded, and this is more evident in the preferentially expanded IE-1 responses. We postulate that periodic low-level virus reactivation after the acute infection phase preferentially stimulates these responses whereas pp65-specific T cell expansions probably occur during the infrequent episodes of lytic viral replication or secondary infection.  相似文献   

Immunoblot analysis was used to characterize the Trichinella spiralis L1 larval Ag recognized by antisera from T. spiralis-infected AKR/J mice. Antisera were analyzed for reactivity with crude worm extract, excretory/secretory proteins and cuticle proteins from L1 larvae. The response was biphasic; antibodies against one set of Ag were detected 13 days after infection (group I Ag), and antibodies against a different set of Ag were detected 35 days after infection (group II Ag). Excretory/secretory and cuticle proteins were recognized only by antibodies produced late in infection. The predominant isotype in day 42 antiserum was IgG1, and 80% of these IgG1 antibodies reacted with a stage-specific determinant shared by virtually all group II Ag. A mAb reactive with the shared determinant was used to purify the group II Ag from L1 larval extract. Such affinity-purified Ag were protective when used to immunize mice against subsequent infection, and T cells from infected mice proliferated when cultured with these Ag in vitro. Other mouse strains also made a strong serum antibody response to the group II Ag. We hypothesize that immune responses to the shared epitope play an important role in determining the outcome of the host-parasite interaction during infection.  相似文献   

The ability of various (C57BL/6J X CBA/HT6T6)F1 spleen cell subpopulations to induce tolerance to allogeneic histocompatibility antigens after injection into neonatal CBA/HT6T6 mice was examined. The requirements for tolerization of cytotoxic T lymphocyte precursors (CTLp) and IL 2-producing helper T cell precursors (IL 2Tp) appear to be coordinated but not identical. CTLp frequencies measured in limiting dilution analysis (LDA) were found to be decreased by 90 to 99% in mice injected neonatally with unseparated or a variety of semiallogeneic spleen cell fractions, including T cells, T cell-depleted spleen, the Ig+ and Ig- fractions of nylon-adherent, T-depleted spleen cells, Sephadex-G10 (G10)-nonadherent spleen cells, and T-depleted allogeneic C57BL/6J spleen cells. In contrast, IL 2Tp showed tolerization only after neonatal injection of unseparated or T cell-depleted F1 spleen cells, and not after injection of T or B cells or of G10-nonadherent or T-depleted allogeneic spleen cells. These studies show that the CTLp and IL 2Tp compartments have different requirements for neonatal tolerization, which appear to correlate with the presence of cells expressing class I or class II alloantigens in the inoculum: all spleen cell types tested were capable of tolerizing the CTLp compartment, whereas only whole spleen and T-depleted spleen cells could tolerize IL 2Tp; donor T cells, although capable of inducing CTLp tolerance, are not necessary for either CTLp or IL 2Tp tolerance induction; Ig+ B cells alone are marginally effective in tolerization of IL 2Tp, and G10-nonadherent cells are ineffective, suggesting that macrophages or another type of G10-adherent accessory cell may be required for tolerization of IL 2Tp, although it is not clear whether they are sufficient; and tolerization of CTLp can occur in the presence of a normal IL 2Tp compartment when certain inocula, such as T cells, are used for tolerance induction at birth.  相似文献   

We investigated whether and how molecular mimicry affects the shaping of the helper T cell repertoire. We implemented an algorithm that measures the probability of mimicry between epitopes of known immunogenicity and self or nonself proteomes. This algorithm yields 'similarity profiles', which represent the probability of matching between all contiguous overlapping peptides of the antigen under examination and those in the proteome(s) considered. Similarity profiles between helper T cell epitopes (of self or microbial antigens and allergens) and human or microbial SWISSPROT collections were produced. For each antigen, both collections yielded largely overlapping profiles, demonstrating that self-nonself discrimination does not rely on qualitative features that distinguish human from microbial peptides. However, epitopes whose probability of mimicry with self or nonself prevails are, respectively, tolerated or immunodominant and coexist within the same (auto-)antigen regardless of its self/nonself nature. Epitopes (on self and nonself antigens) can cross-stimulate T cells at increasing potency as their similarity with nonself augments. Mimicry, rather than complicating self-nonself discrimination, assists in the shaping of the immune repertoire and helps define the defensive or autoreactive potential of a T cell. Being a predictor of epitope immunogenicity, it bears relevance to vaccine design.  相似文献   

In this paper we have examined the phenomenon of hapten-specific tolerance in the cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL), using the trinitrophenyl (TNP) and azobenzenearsonate haptens. We found that the H-2 K and H-2 D-end restricted CTL in H-2a mice are differentiable in the ease with which they are tolerized to the TNP hapten. With TNP modified syngeneic spleen cells (TNP-SC), or low amounts of trinitrobenzylsulfonic acid as tolerogen, preferential hyporesponsiveness of D-end restricted CTL can be observed. Larger doses of hapten, e.g. a higher amount of trinitrobenzylsulfonic acid, will tolerize both K- and D-end restricted TNP-specific CTL in H-2a mice. The phenomenon of preferential D-end restricted CTL hyporesponsiveness is not observed in H-2d, H-2k, or H-2b mice, nor is it observed in H-2a mice with respect to the azobenzenearsonate hapten. We have also shown that the clones of CTL responsible for lysis of TNP-modified allogeneic targets (cross-reactive lysis) in H-2a mice probably overlap with the D-end restricted TNP-specific CTL since D-end restricted hyporesponsiveness induced by intravenous injection of TNP spleen cells also results in the elimination of cross-reactive lysis of TNP-modified allogeneic targets. The possible mechanisms of preferential D-end hyporesponsiveness to the TNP hapten in the H-2a mice as well as its significance and relationship to previous work in this area are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The phenotype of T cells that initiate graft-vs-host disease (GVHD) in response to minor histocompatibility antigens (minor HA) was determined in three H-2 compatible strain combinations by using negative selection with monoclonal antibodies to Lyt-2 and L3T4 antigens to test the hypothesis that Lyt-2-positive T cells alone initiate GVHD. The phenotype of T cells required to initiate GVHD was different in each of the three strain combinations studied. Both Lyt-2+ and L3T4+ LP spleen cells were necessary to cause lethal GVHD in C57BL/6 recipients. In the reciprocal transplant, Lyt-2+, but not L3T4+ C57BL/6 spleen cells were sufficient to initiate GVHD in LP recipients. In contrast, L3T4+, but not Lyt-2+ B10.D2 spleen cells were found to initiate GVHD in BALB/c recipients. The optimal response to minor HA requires both Lyt-2+ and L3T4+ T cells because a mixture of the two subsets of spleen cells resulted in a more severe form of GVHD than either subset alone in all three strain combinations studied. This study demonstrates that L3T4+ cells participate in the initiation of GVHD in response to minor HA. The dominant T cell subset that initiates GVHD varies with the specific strain combination tested. The specific minor HA expressed in the transplant recipient, the H-2 type, and possibly non-major histocompatibility complex immune response genes of the donor strain appear to determine the phenotype of the initiator T cells.  相似文献   

When B10.A(5R) mice are immunized with congenic C57BL/10 cells only 2-ME-sensitive antibodies (IgM type) are found directed against H-2Db. To obtain 2-ME-resistant antibodies (IgG type) 5R mice must be immunized with noncongenic cells (e.g., A.BY); in this case non-H-2 cell surface antigens will activate helper T cells to induce anti-Db IgG antibody production by B cells. An attempt was made to define helper antigens that activate helper T cells. Neither N-2 antigens of seven H-2Db recombinant strains nor a limited set of non-H-2 cell surface antigens were able to serve as helper antigens. By using individual backcross mice as antigen, one helper antigen was found on the background of strain A under the conditions used, whereas other backgrounds may carry more than one antigen. The helper antigen is dominantly expressed in F1 mice and has to be presented on the same cell as H-2Db to induce the switch from IgM to IgG.  相似文献   

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