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BACKGROUND: The mammalian glycopeptide hormone receptors (GPHRs) are key regulators of reproductive development, and their homologs are widely distributed throughout the animal kingdom. The C. elegans genome encodes a single GPHR family member, FSHR-1, which shares equal identity to the FSH, LH, and TSH receptors from mammals. RESULTS: Because loss of fshr-1 function does not produce a visible phenotype in C. elegans, we conducted a genome-wide RNAi-feeding screen to identify genes that perform functions that overlap with those of fshr-1. This approach led to the identification of the PUF family members fbf-1 and fbf-2 (the fbfs). Whereas a weak reduction in fbf activity caused little or no discernable effect in the wild-type, an equivalent loss in the fshr-1(0) mutant background resulted in a highly penetrant germline-masculinization phenotype. Furthermore, many fshr-1(0);fbf(RNAi) animals failed to maintain a germline stem cell niche. We also show that fshr-1 and the fbfs promote germline survival and prevent apoptosis with fog-1 and fog-3 and that simultaneous loss of fshr-1 and the fbfs can override the canonical requirement for fog-1 and fog-3 in the execution of the male-germline fate. Finally, we provide evidence that FSHR-1 controls germline processes nonautonomously via the soma and that FSHR-1 acts through a canonical signaling pathway involving Galpha(s) and adenyl cyclase. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate a conserved role for GPHR family receptors in controlling germline development and fertility. Our data suggest a model whereby FSHR-1 signaling acts in parallel to the known sex-determination pathway to control multiple aspects of germline development.  相似文献   

The cell cycles in C. elegans are tightly controlled but appear to use the same regulators found in other organisms. Four homologues of the dual-specificity phosphatase Cdc25 are present in the C. elegans genome. In our study, we have characterized a deletion mutant for one of these orthologues. We show that embryonic defects are absent in cdc-25.1 homozygous mutants, presumably because of maternally contributed CDC-25.1 product. These embryos hatch and develop into sterile adults. The adults do not appear to have any somatic defects. The sterility results from inadequate germline proliferation. Germline precursors divide slowly and produce abnormally sized daughter cells. Only three to four rounds of germ-cell division occur before they die during the L3 and L4 larval stages.  相似文献   

Two conserved features of oogenesis are the accumulation of translationally quiescent mRNA, and a high rate of stage-specific apoptosis. Little is understood about the function of this cell death. In C. elegans, apoptosis occurring through a specific ;physiological' pathway normally claims about half of all developing oocytes. The frequency of this germ cell death is dramatically increased by a lack of the RNA helicase CGH-1, orthologs of which are involved in translational control in oocytes and decapping-dependent mRNA degradation in yeast processing (P) bodies. Here, we describe a predicted RNA-binding protein, CAR-1, that associates with CGH-1 and Y-box proteins within a conserved germline RNA-protein (RNP) complex, and in cytoplasmic particles in the gonad and early embryo. The CGH-1/CAR-1 interaction is conserved in Drosophila oocytes. When car-1 expression is depleted by RNA interference (RNAi), physiological apoptosis is increased, brood size is modestly reduced, and early embryonic cytokinesis is abnormal. Surprisingly, if apoptosis is prevented car-1(RNAi) animals are characterized by a progressive oogenesis defect that leads rapidly to gonad failure. Elevated germ cell death similarly compensates for lack of the translational regulator CPB-3 (CPEB), orthologs of which function together with CGH-1 in diverse organisms. We conclude that CAR-1 is of critical importance for oogenesis, that the association between CAR-1 and CGH-1 has been conserved, and that the regulation of physiological germ cell apoptosis is specifically influenced by certain functions of the CGH-1/CAR-1 RNP complex. We propose that this cell death pathway facilitates the formation of functional oocytes, possibly by monitoring specific cytoplasmic events during oogenesis.  相似文献   

Asymmetric cell division occurs when a mother cell divides to generate two distinct daughter cells, a process that promotes the generation of cellular diversity in metazoans. During Caenorhabditis elegans development, the asymmetric divisions of neural progenitors generate neurons, neural support cells and apoptotic cells. C. elegans HAM-1 is an asymmetrically distributed cortical protein that regulates several of these asymmetric neuroblast divisions. Here, we show that HAM-1 is a novel protein and define residues important for HAM-1 function and distribution to the cell cortex. Our phenotypic analysis of ham-1 mutant embryos suggests that HAM-1 controls only neuroblast divisions that produce apoptotic cells. Moreover, ham-1 mutant embryos contain many unusually large cell-death corpses. An investigation of this corpse phenotype revealed that it results from a reversal of neuroblast polarity. A misplacement of the neuroblast cleavage plane generates daughter cells of abnormal size, with the apoptotic daughters larger than normal. Thus, HAM-1 regulates the position of the cleavage plane, apoptosis and mitotic potential in C. elegans asymmetric cell divisions.  相似文献   

Seidel HS  Kimble J 《PloS one》2011,6(12):e28074
Many animals alter their reproductive strategies in response to environmental stress. Here we have investigated how L4 hermaphrodites of Caenorhabditis elegans respond to starvation. To induce starvation, we removed food at 2 h intervals from very early- to very late-stage L4 animals. The starved L4s molted into adulthood, initiated oogenesis, and began producing embryos; however, all three processes were severely delayed, and embryo viability was reduced. Most animals died via 'bagging,' because egg-laying was inhibited, and embryos hatched in utero, consuming their parent hermaphrodites from within. Some animals, however, avoided bagging and survived long term. Long-term survival did not rely on embryonic arrest but instead upon the failure of some animals to produce viable progeny during starvation. Regardless of the bagging fate, starved animals showed two major changes in germline morphology: All oogenic germlines were dramatically reduced in size, and these germlines formed only a single oocyte at a time, separated from the remainder of the germline by a tight constriction. Both changes in germline morphology were reversible: Upon re-feeding, the shrunken germlines regenerated, and multiple oocytes formed concurrently. The capacity for germline regeneration upon re-feeding was not limited to the small subset of animals that normally survive starvation: When bagging was prevented ectopically by par-2 RNAi, virtually all germlines still regenerated. In addition, germline shrinkage strongly correlated with oogenesis, suggesting that during starvation, germline shrinkage may provide material for oocyte production. Finally, germline shrinkage and regeneration did not depend upon crowding. Our study confirms previous findings that starvation uncouples germ cell proliferation from germline stem cell maintenance. Our study also suggests that when nutrients are limited, hermaphrodites scavenge material from their germlines to reproduce. We discuss our findings in light of the recently proposed state of dormancy, termed Adult Reproductive Diapause.  相似文献   

Recent studies in Caenorhabditis elegans implicate PcG- and NuRD-like chromatin regulators in the establishment and maintenance of germline-soma distinctions. Somatic cells appear to utilize NuRD-related nucleosome-remodeling factors to overwrite germline-specific chromatin states that are specified through PcG-like activities. The germline, in turn, may rely on an asymmetrically inherited inhibitor to prevent chromatin reorganization that would otherwise erase pluripotency.  相似文献   

Hars ES  Qi H  Ryazanov AG  Jin S  Cai L  Hu C  Liu LF 《Autophagy》2007,3(2):93-95
The role of autophagy in ageing regulation has been suggested based on studies in C. elegans, in which knockdown of the expression of bec-1 (ortholog of the yeast and mammalian autophagy genes ATG6/VPS30 and beclin 1, respectively) shortens lifespan of the daf-2(e1370) mutant C. elegans. However, Beclin1/ATG6 is also known to be involved in other cellular functions in addition to autophagy. In the current study, we knocked down two other autophagy genes, atg-7 and atg-12, in C. elegans using RNAi. We showed that RNAi shortened the lifespan of both wild type and daf-2 mutant C. elegans, providing strong support for a role of autophagy in ageing regulation.  相似文献   

Certain aspects of the distal gonad of C. elegans are comparable to niche/stem cell systems in other organisms. The distal tip cell (DTC) caps a blind-ended tube; only the distal germ cells maintain proliferation in response to signaling from the DTC via the GLP-1/Notch signaling pathway in the germ line. Fruitful comparison between this system and other stem cell systems is limited by a lack of basic information regarding germ cell division behavior in C. elegans. Here, we explore the spatial pattern of cell division frequency in the adult C. elegans germ line relative to distance from the distal tip. We mapped the positions of actively dividing germline nuclei in over 600 fixed gonad preparations including the wild type and a gain-of-function ligand-responsive GLP-1 receptor mutant with an extended mitotic zone. One particularly surprising observation from these data is that the frequency of cell divisions is lower in distal-most cells-cells that directly contact the distal tip cell body-relative to cells further proximal, a difference that persists in the gain-of-function GLP-1 mutant. These results suggest that cell division frequency in the distal-most cells may be suppressed or otherwise controlled in a complex manner. Further, our data suggest that the presence of an active cell division influences the probability of observing simultaneous cell divisions in the same gonad arm, and that simultaneous divisions tend to cluster spatially. We speculate that this system behaves similarly to niche/stem cell/transit amplifying cell systems in other organisms.  相似文献   

A high frequency of apoptosis is a conserved hallmark of oocyte development. In C. elegans, about half of all developing oocytes are normally killed by a physiological germline-specific apoptosis pathway, apparently so that they donate cytoplasm to the survivors. We have investigated the functions of CGH-1, the C. elegans ortholog of the predicted RNA helicase ste13/ME31B/RCK/p54, which is germline-associated in metazoans and required for sexual reproduction in yeast. We show that CGH-1 is expressed specifically in the germline and early embryo, and is localized to P granules and other possible mRNA-protein particles. cgh-1 is required for oocyte and sperm function. It is also needed to prevent the physiological germline apoptosis mechanism killing essentially all developing oocytes, making lack of cgh-1 function the first stimulus identified that can trigger this mechanism. We conclude that cgh-1 and its orthologs may perform conserved functions during gametogenesis, that in C. elegans certain aspects of oocyte development are monitored by the physiological germline apoptosis pathway, and that similar surveillance mechanisms may contribute to germline apoptosis in other species.  相似文献   

Endogenous small interfering RNAs (endo-siRNAs) have been discovered in many organisms, including mammals. In C. elegans, depletion of germline-enriched endo-siRNAs found in complex with the CSR-1 Argonaute protein causes sterility and defects in chromosome segregation in early embryos. We discovered that knockdown of either csr-1, the RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP) ego-1, or the dicer-related helicase drh-3, leads to defects in histone mRNA processing, resulting in severe depletion of core histone proteins. The maturation of replication-dependent histone mRNAs, unlike that of other mRNAs, requires processing of their 3′UTRs through an endonucleolytic cleavage guided by the U7 snRNA, which is lacking in C. elegans. We found that CSR-1-bound antisense endo-siRNAs match histone mRNAs and mRNA precursors. Consistently, we demonstrate that CSR-1 directly binds to histone mRNA in an ego-1-dependent manner using biotinylated 2′-O-methyl RNA oligonucleotides. Moreover, we demonstrate that increasing the dosage of histone genes rescues the lethality associated with depletion of CSR-1 and EGO-1. These results support a positive and direct effect of RNAi on histone gene expression.  相似文献   

A global profile of germline gene expression in C. elegans   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

During mammalian programmed cell death, cleavage of the translation initiation factor 4G proteins (eIF4GI and eIF4GII) by caspase-3 induces the cap-independent synthesis of pro-apoptotic proteins. Apoptosis occurs naturally in the gonad to remove germ cells that are not selected to grow as oocytes and mature into eggs. Here, we describe two major isoforms of Caenorhabditis elegans eIF4G that are derived from a single gene (ifg-1) and their separate roles in germline homeostasis. Full length IFG-1 protein (170 kDa isoform) differs from the shorter isoform (130 kDa) by the inclusion of the N-terminal domain containing the putative eIF4E-binding site required for mRNA cap recognition. Depletion of the cap-associated p170 isoform induced CED-4 expression in oocytes and markedly increased germline apoptotic events, but did not prevent early mitotic germ cell proliferation. Loss of both p170 and p130 suppressed germ cell proliferation and arrested larval development. Evidence suggests that eIF4G isoforms are differentially utilized during oogenesis to regulate germ cell apoptosis. We propose that an alternative mechanism to eIF4G cleavage may be employed in germ cells by changing the availability of the p170 isoform.  相似文献   

Kao G  Nordenson C  Still M  Rönnlund A  Tuck S  Naredi P 《Cell》2007,128(3):577-587
C. elegans worms hatching in the absence of food show growth arrest during the first larval stage (L1). While much has been learned about the later diapause, dauer, which worms enter under adverse conditions, much less is known about the mechanisms governing L1 arrest. Here we show that worms lacking activity of the asna-1 gene arrest growth reversibly at the L1 stage even when food is abundant. asna-1 encodes an ATPase that functions nonautonomously to regulate growth. asna-1 is expressed in a restricted set of sensory neurons and in insulin-producing intestinal cells. asna-1 mutants are reduced in insulin secretion while overexpression of asna-1 mimics the effects of insulin overexpression. Human ASNA1 is highly expressed in pancreatic beta cells, but not in other pancreatic endocrine cell types, and regulates insulin secretion in cultured cells. We propose that ASNA1 is an evolutionarily conserved modulator of insulin signaling.  相似文献   

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