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DELTOUR  R.; JACQMARD  A. 《Annals of botany》1974,38(3):529-534
Mitotic index, percent nuclei in DNA synthesis and the relativeDNA content per nucleus were determined from cells of the Zeamays radicle at various times after the beginning of germination.Nuclear DNA synthesis was initiated after 45 h and mitosis wasfirst observed after 74 h from sowing. Most of the dormant nucleiwere in the pre-synthetic or G1 phase of the mitotic cycle.By 72 h most cells were in S and 77 h after the beginning ofgermination, the cells of the primary root were observed inall phases of the mitotic cycle. Dehydration of karyopses after45–74 h of imbibition progressively reduced the percentof germination to zero upon dehydration and subsequent replantingdemonstrating that drought sensitivity was related to the onsetof nuclear DNA synthesis and genome duplication.  相似文献   

Stomatal characteristics affecting gas exchange were compared in two sweet corn hybrids (var. Bonanza and Monarch Advance) which differ in foliar ozone sensitivity. No significant differences were observed in stomatal frequencies, guard cell lengths, or conductances to water vapor diffusion.  相似文献   

Maize embryogenic calli induced from pollen were subcultured for one and one half years on N, basic medium supplemented with 2 mg/1 kinetin, 1 mg/l 6-benzyl-aminopurine, 0.3 mg/l 2,4-D, 500 mg/l casein hydrolysate and 250 mg/l glutamine. These embryogenic calli were used for protoplast isolation. Protoplasts were cultured on Z2 medium (Table 1) which is composed of rice protoplast culture basic medium 1 supplemented with 0.2 mg/l kinetin, 0.1 mg/l 6-benzyl-aminopurine, 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D, 200 mg/l casein hydrolysate, 100 mg/l glutamine and 2% coconut milk. The first division of regenerated cell occurred after 4-6 days in culture. After 3 weeks later, small calli could be seen with naked eyes. At this moment, addition of the same Z2 medium with decreased osmoticum twice for the protoplast culture is necessary. Regenerated calli, 2–4 mm in diameter, were transferred in succession on differentiation medium Z3 and Z4 for organogenesis. Embryogenesis and plant regeneration could occur simultaneously on Z4 differentiation medium. It seems that except the cultural conditions genotype and using of embryogenic materials are the two key factors for plant regeneration of maize protoplast and the former may be the critical one.  相似文献   

In order to assess the potential role of endogenous cytokininsin the germination of Zea mays L. caryopses, cytokinin activitywas determined in mature kernels and in kernels 1, 2, and 3d after imbibition. Cytokinin activity was also recorded inthe endosperm and embryo tissue of mature kernels and of kernels3 d after imbibition to establish the localization and changesin the levels of endogenous cytokinins during imbibition andearly germination. Using chromatographic, chemical, and enzymic techniques, compoundswith chromatographic properties resembling those of zeatin,zeatin riboside, zeatin glucoside, zeatin riboside glucoside,and their respective dihydro derivatives were detected in extractsfrom mature maize kernels. From analyses of the endosperm andembryo tissue at the two stages, it appears that the cytokininglucosides present in the endosperm are transported to the embryonicaxis for utilization in growth and development of the seedling.This concept is supported by the fact that the levels of ß-glucosidaseactivity detected were highest in the embryos, particularlyin the radicles, 3 d after imbibition.  相似文献   

Some proteolytic enzymes occurring in the leaves of field-grown corn (Zea mays) (B73) were identified and partially characterized. Changes in activities of several proteolytic enzymes and in concentrations of protein and chlorophyll as a function of intraleaf segments (tip to base), leaf position, and leaf senescence during grain development and maturation were followed in crude leaf extracts.  相似文献   

甜玉米种子活力测定及其田间成苗能力的评估   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
室内和田间条件下检测18种基因型甜玉米种子活力状况的结果表明:不同甜玉米种子基因型间的活力差异显著,但均以品种京科甜116较佳.用电导率、糖含量、脱氢酶活性、醛含量、穿纸和老化发芽率均可评估田间出苗率,且前三者还可评估出苗速度,尤以电导率最佳.建立回归方程可对田间成苗能力进行预测.  相似文献   

The course of development during germination in the dark at21{diaeresis} was followed for five hybrids of Zea mays andtheir immediate parents of flint or dent type by dissectingand weighing daily the endosperm, scutellum and embryo, whichincluded the radicle, plumule, coleoptile and coleorrhiza. Overall triplets there were detectable losses in scutellum weightby the third day from water imbibition, but already the embryoswere gaining weight, the rate being fastest for the hybrid suchthat by the sixth day the mean embryo of the hybrid was some40 per cent larger. The expansion of the radicle and the initial development ofthe root system was again greater in the hybrid where the advantagewas in the rate of cell division rather than the number of meristematiccells. Employing solution culture procedures and greenhouse conditionsthe effects of excising the endosperm on the second day werefollowed. By the ninth day the hybrid plants, irrespective ofendosperm removal, weighed more than those of their parents.By the time the shoot of the hybrid was becoming photosyntheticallyactive, differences in favour of the hybrid were much largerfor plants without endosperm. Treating the grains with varying concentrations of gibberellin(GAs, kinetin, kaurene (a possible precursor for gibberellinsynthesis) and two inhibitors of gibberellin synthesis (CCCand AMO-1618) showed no consistent preferential effects on thegrowth of the embryo within a triplet. It is concluded that hybrid vigour is initiated by the greaterpotential of the hybrid for embryo development and a more effectiveutilization of reserve materials. Once the shoot emergesandbecomes photosynthetically active the better performance ofthe hybrid is primarily dependent on increases in the net assimilationrate or leaf area ratio.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial porin from corn (Zea mays L. B 73) shoots was solubilized with lauryl(dimethyl)-amine oxide and purified by chromatography on a hydroxyapatite:celite column. On sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the purified protein had an apparent molecular mass of 35 kD. When reconstituted in planar lipid bilayer membranes the porin formed ion-permeable channels with single-channel conductance of 2.0 and 4.0 nanosiemens in 1 M KCl. At low transmembrane voltages corn porin had the properties of a general diffusion pore with an estimated effective diameter of 1.6 nm and a small selectivity for anions over cations. The primary structure of corn porin seems to be quite different from that of other mitochondrial porins, because it did not cross-react with monoclonal antibodies against human porin and with polyclonal antibodies against yeast porin. Furthermore, the peptide maps of corn and bovine heart porins were very different. A sequence of 21 amino acids obtained by Edman degradation of peptides generated by porin proteolysis with Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease did not show any significant homology with known sequences of mitochondrial porins. Results of our investigation suggest that corn porin possesses functional properties similar to those of other mitochondrial porins, despite major structural differences.  相似文献   

The effects of ultradry storage on the starch mobilization in maize (Zea mays L.) seed after aging were investigated. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in the content of ATP,starch, and soluble sugar, as well as the activity of amylase, between ultradried seeds and seeds stored at -20 ℃ during germination. These results were consistent with the higher level of vigor of the ultradried seed. Sieve tube introduction of a fluorescence dye (carboxyl fluoresceindiacetate) and laser confocal microscopy were used to study the development of plasmodesmata in the ultradried seeds. The results indicated that plasmodesmata developed well in ultradried seeds. Fluorescence analysis also showed that the fluorescence intensity in the radicle of ultradried seeds was stronger than that in seeds with a higher moisture content. This suggests that ultradry treatment has no adverse effects on the seeds. After seed imbibition, cell orgaelles could be resumed. It is concluded that ultradry seed storage is beneficial for maintaining seed vigor and that starchy mobilization proceeds regularly during germination.  相似文献   

The effects of ultradry storage on the starch mobilization in maize (Zea mays L.) seed after aging were investigated. The results indicated that there were no significant differences in the content of ATP, starch, and soluble sugar, as well as the activity of amylase, between ultradried seeds and seeds stored at -20℃ during germination. These results were consistent with the higher level of vigor of the ultradried seed. Sieve tube introduction of a fluorescence dye (carboxyl fluoresceindiacetate) and laser confocal microscopy were used to study the development of plasmodesmata in the ultradried seeds. The results indicated that plasmodesmata developed well in ultradried seeds. Fluorescence analysis also showed that the fluorescence intensity in the radicle of ultradried seeds was stronger than that in seeds with a higher moisture content. This suggests that ultradry treatment has no adverse effects on the seeds. After seed imbibition, cell orgaelles could be resumed. It is concluded that ultradry seed storage is beneficial for maintaining seed vigor and that starchy mobilization proceeds regularly during germination.  相似文献   

Foliar application of urea to corn seedlings resulted in the preferential stimulation of gram negative bacteria with consequent reduction in fungal and actinomycete flora in the rhizosphere. The significance of this finding is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Corn plants (Zea mays L.) were grown in the field on two soils. On a droughty soil, water was withheld from some plants during the grain-filling period while other plants were irrigated. Carbon-14 was fed to the leaves, and translocation to different plant parts was determined. Translocation appeared to be more sensitive to moisture stress than was photosynthesis. More radioactive carbon was retained in both the fed portion and the nonfed portion of the leaf of stressed plants than in nonstressed plants. The stalk segment between the treated leaf and ear-node also contained less radioactivity in stressed plants than in nonstressed plants. On a soil with higher water-holding capacity, moisture stress was imposed on plants by root pruning. Plants under severe stress continued to translocate photosynthetically assimilated 14C nearly as well as nonstressed plants for 90 minutes. Between 90 and 120 minutes after labeling, there was a major reduction in amount translocated in stressed plants compared to the nonstressed plants. At longer translocation times the rates of translocation appeared again to be more nearly equal.  相似文献   

Effect of Water Loss on Germination Ability of Maize (Zea mays L.) Pollen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
BARNABAS  BEATA 《Annals of botany》1985,55(2):201-204
The correlation between water content and viability of maizepollen grains was studied on the basis of the germination abilityof pollen from a single cross hybrid. There was found to beclose correlation between viability of the grains and theirtolerance to desiccation. Most of the pollen grains in the hybridexamined survived a reduction by almost 50 per cent of the originalwater content without loss of normal function. With water lossgreater than this, less vigorous pollen grains died or losttheir ability to form pollen tubes. Consequently, when pollinationwas carried out using pollen with a water content reduced bymore than 50 per cent, only the most tolerant pollen grainssurvived to take part in the competition which precedes fertilization.Dry pollen grains required a longer period to establish adhesionto the stigma surface and to initiate pollen tubes than pollengrains with higher water content, but otherwise their behaviourwas normal. If more than 80 per cent of the original water contentwas lost, disturbances occurred in the physiology of the grainssurviving the treatment. This was exhibited as death or a reductionin rate of pollen tube growth. Drying of pollen by an amount which does not irreversibly damagethe more tolerant grains could possibly be used as a means ofpollen selection. Zea mays L., maize, pollen viability, pollen treatment, dehydration, pollen tube  相似文献   

The peripheral root cap cells of corn (cv. SX-17A) secrete a fucose-rich, high molecular weight, polysaccharide slime via the dictyosome pathway. To study the synthesis of this polysaccharide, a technique for isolating and assaying GDP-fucose:polysaccharide fucosyl transferase activity was developed. Corn roots were excised from germinated seeds, incubated 12 hours at 10 C in water, and ground in 100 millimolar Tris or Pipes buffer (pH 7.0) with or without 0.5 molar sucrose. The membrane-bound enzyme was solubilized by sonication in the presence of 2 molar urea and 1.5% (v/v) Triton X-100 and assayed by monitoring the incorporation of GDP-[14C]fucose into endogenous acceptors. Optimum enzyme activity is expressed at pH 7.0 and 30 C in the presence of 0.8% (v/v) Triton X-100. The enzyme does not require divalent cations for activation and is inhibited by concentrations of MnCl2 or MgCl2 greater than 1 millimolar. Corn root cap slime will serve as an exogenous acceptor for the enzyme if it is first hydrolyzed in 5 millimolar trifluoroacetic acid for 60 minutes at 18 pounds per square inch, 121 C. This procedure prepares the acceptor by removing terminal fucose residues from the slime molecule. Kinetics of fucose release during hydrolysis of native slime and in vitro synthesized product suggests that the two polymers possess similar linkages to fucose.  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen supply on the growth and nitrogen contentsof four cultivars of Zea mays L. of different origins were examinedunder water-culture conditions at the seedling stage. Seedlingsof cultivars CNIA12, LG11, Tusa Finn, and UNPHU XC301 were grownunder three different relative addition rates of nitrogen. Growthparameters were determined by means of functional growth analysisconducted on 10 to 19 d-old seedlings. No differences in relativegrowth rates were found among cultivars when nitrogen supplywas high. However, at the lowest rate of nitrogen supply, TusaFina and LG11 showed lower relative growth rates than CNIA12and UNPHU XC301, where relative growth rates were sustainedeven at the lowest rate of nitrogen supply, due to a higherunit leaf rate. The higher unit leaf rate of these two cultivarscorresponds directly to higher leaf and plant nitrogen contents.High positive correlations were found between plant nitrogencontents and both relative growth rate and unit leaf rate. Theresults suggest a potential for selection of genotypes withimproved performance under conditions where high rates of nitrogen-fertilizerapplication are too costly or not desirable.Copyright 1994,1999 Academic Press Maize, Zea mays, growth analysis, maize, nitrogen nutrition, nitrogen content, relative addition rates, relative growth rates, unit leaf rate  相似文献   

Sperm cells were isolated from corn (Zea mays L.) tricellular pollen grains. They were released using a light osmotic chock, and separated from pollen contaminants (especially starch grains) by a Percoll gradient centrifugation. Isolated sperm cells (3 × 106 per milliliter) show a high viability score (90%) as demonstrated with the fluorochromatic reaction. They appeared as spherical cells which lack cell wall and plastids, and can be considered as haploid protoplasts.  相似文献   

Shamina NV  Shatskaia OA 《Genetika》2011,47(4):499-507
Two original mechanisms of nuclear restitution related to different processes of meiotic division of pollen mother cells (PMCs) have been found in male meiosis of the lines of maize haploids no. 2903 and no. 2904. The first mechanism, which is characteristic of haploid no. 2903, consists in spindle deformation (bend) in the conventional metaphase-anaphase I. This leads to asymmetric incomplete cytokinesis with daughter cell membranes in the form of incisions on the mother cell membrane. As a result, the chromosomes of the daughter nuclei are combined into a common spindle during the second meiotic division, and a dyad of haploid microspores is formed at the tetrad stage. The frequency of this abnormality is about 50%. The second restitution mechanism, which has been observed in PMCs of haploid no. 2904, results from disturbance of the fusion of membrane vesicles (plastosomes) at the moment of formation of daughter cell membranes and completion of cytokinesis in the first meiotic division. This type of cell division yields a binuclear monad. In the second meiotic division, the chromosomes of the daughter nuclei form a common spindle, and meiosis results in a dyad of haploid microspores. The frequency of this abnormality is as high as 15%. As a result, haploid lines no. 2903 and no. 2904 partly restore fertility.  相似文献   

Foliar applications of 2 milligrams per liter of 2-chloro-4,6-bis (ethylamino)-s-triazine, 2-methylmercapto-4-ethylamino-6-isobutylamino-s-triazine, and 2-methoxy-4-isopropylamino-6-butylamino-s-triazine caused increases in the activities of starch phosphorylase, pyruvate kinase, cytochrome oxidase, and glutamate dehydrogenase 5, 10, and 15 days after treatment in the leaves of 3-week-old seedlings of pea (Pisum sativum L.) and sweet corn (Zea mays L.). The results indicate that sublethal concentrations of s-triazine compounds affect the physiological and biochemical events in plants which favor more utilization of carbohydrates for nitrate reduction and synthesis of amino acids and proteins.  相似文献   

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