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  • 1.1. The sterol mixtures of two marine sedentary annelids, Chaetopterus variopedatus and Spirographis spallanzani (Phylum Annelida, class Polychaeta) were fractionated by argentation chromatography and were analyzed by combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, capillary GLC and coinjection with standards.
  • 2.2. C. variopedatus and S. spallanzani contain Δ5-sterols and cholesterol is the major component of the sterol mixtures. In addition to the Δ5-sterols C. variopedatus also contains five ring saturated sterols, cholestanol being the principal stanol present.

基因的表达失控是疾病发生的主要原因之一,干扰靶基因的表达可能成为有效的治疗手段。RNA干扰技术是近年兴起的基因调控干预方法,其基础,特别是应用研究极受关注,人们期待RNA干扰能成为肿瘤、病毒感染等难治疾病的临床治疗手段。然而,这一新兴技术在应用研究过程中显现出诸多问题,如细胞毒性、引起机体非特异性反应等等。就RNA干扰引起的非特异性免疫反应展开综述,探讨其机制,期望为RNA干扰的应用研究提供一些思考。  相似文献   

Evidence has accumulated that shows that fragments of C3 are potent inhibitors of immune responses. A low-molecular-weight fragment of C3 and fragments possessing leukocyte-mobilizing activity have been shown to block both antigen- and mitogen-induced human T cell proliferation, and to block mixed lymphocyte culture responses and the generation of cytotoxic lymphocytes. The same fragments inhibit the development of secondary in vitro antibody responses of rat lymphocytes. C3b can be shown to inhibit the polyclonal activation of human lymphocytes by pokeweed mitogen, but it has no effect on T cell proliferation or on the generation of cytotoxic T cells. We now propose that different C3 fragments selectively act on various lymphocyte subsets and thus play a profound role in regulating both immune effector functions and the intensity of the immune response.  相似文献   

Native structure of active forms of rat liver immune proteasomes has been studied by two-dimensional electrophoresis method modified for analysis of unpurified protein fractions. The developed method allowed revealing the proteasome immune subunits LMP7 and LMP2 in 20S subparticles and in the structures bound to one or two PA28αβ activators, but not to the PA700 activator, which is involved in the hydrolysis of ubiquitinated proteins. The results obtained indicate the participation of the immune proteasomes in delicate regulatory mechanisms based on the production of biologically active peptides and exclude their participation in processes of crude degradation of “rotated” ubiquitinated proteins.  相似文献   

Current concepts of the structure of immune proteasomes and their role in immune response have been considered. The main attention has been paid to the formation of immune proteasomes in secondary lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs during ontogenesis of mammals. The causes of ineffective formation of immune system in early postnatal development have been discussed.  相似文献   

Phagosomes undergo multiple rounds of fusion with compartments of the endocytic pathway during the course of maturation. Despite the insertion of vast amounts of additional membrane, the phagosomal surface area remains approximately constant, implying active ongoing fission. To investigate the mechanisms underlying phagosomal fission we monitored the fate of Fcgamma receptors (FcgammaR), which are known to be cleared from the phagosome during maturation. FcgammaR, which show a continuous distribution throughout the membrane of nascent phagosomes were found at later times to cluster into punctate, vesicular structures, before disappearing. In situ photoactivation of receptors tagged with a light-sensitive fluorescent protein revealed that some of these vesicles detach, whereas others remain associated with the phagosome. By fusing FcgammaR to pH-sensitive fluorescent proteins, we observed that the cytoplasmic domain of the receptors enters an acidic compartment, indicative of inward budding and formation of multivesicular structures. The topology of the receptor was confirmed by flow cytometry of purified phagosomes. Phagosomal proteins are ubiquitylated, and ubiquitylation was found to be required for formation of acidic multivesicular structures. Remarkably, proteasomal function is also involved in the vesiculation process. Preventing the generation of multivesicular structures did not impair the acquisition of late endosomal and lysosomal markers, indicating that phagosomal fusion and fission are controlled separately.  相似文献   

Current concepts of the structure of immune proteasomes and their role in immune response have been considered. The main attention has been paid to the formation of immune proteasomes in secondary lymphoid and nonlymphoid organs during ontogenesis of mammals. The causes of ineffective formation of immune system in early postnatal development have been discussed.  相似文献   

The present review deals with the role(s) of thymus-eicosanoids in the immune response. It reports the production of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase metabolites of arachidonic acid by cells of the thymus microenvironment and the role(s) of these eicosanoids in the differentiation and the maturation of immature T-cells. The possibility that these products may be involved in tolerance to self is discussed. Briefly, it is likely that cells from the monocyte-macrophage lineage which constitute a part of the thymus microenvironment could contribute to the education of immature thymocytes by both presenting self-antigens and producing eicosanoids. Tolerance to self might result from PGE2-driven apoptosis and/or LTB4-induced generation of suppressor cells.  相似文献   

The proteasome is critically involved in the production of MHC class I-restricted T cell epitopes. Proteasome activity and epitope production are altered by IFN-gamma treatment, which leads to a gradual replacement of constitutive proteasomes by immunoproteasomes in vitro. However, a quantitative analysis of changes in the steady state subunit composition of proteasomes during an immune response against viruses or bacteria in vivo has not been reported. Here we show that the infection of mice with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus or Listeria monocytogenes leads to an almost complete replacement of constitutive proteasomes by immunoproteasomes in the liver within 7 days. Proteasome replacements were markedly reduced in IFN-gamma(-/-) mice, but were only slightly affected in IFN-alphaR(-/-) and perforin(-/-) mice. The proteasome regulator PA28alpha/beta was up-regulated, whereas PA28gamma was reduced in the liver of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-infected mice. Proteasome replacements in the liver strongly altered proteasome activity and were unexpected to this extent, since an in vivo half-life of 12 days had been previously assigned to constitutive proteasomes in the liver. Our results suggest that during the peak phase of viral and bacterial elimination the antiviral cytotoxic T lymphocyte response is directed mainly to immunoproteasome-dependent T cell epitopes, which would be a novel parameter for the design of vaccines.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the expression of LMP7 and LMP2 proteasome subunits during embryonic and early postnatal development of rat spleen and liver was studied in comparison with the dynamics of chymotrypsin-like and caspase-like proteasome activities and expression of MHC (major histocompatibility complex) class I molecules. The distribution of LMP7 and LMP2 immune subunits in spleen and liver cells was also evaluated throughout development. The common tendency of both organs to increase the expression of both LMP7 and LMP2 subunits on the 21st postnatal day (P21) was found. However, the total proteasome level was shown to be constant. At certain developmental stages, the dynamics of immune subunits expression in the spleen and liver was different. While the gradual enhancement of both immune subunits was observed on P1, P18 and P21 in the spleen, the periods of gradual increase observed on E16 (the 16th embryonic day) and E18 gave way to a period of decrease in immune subunits on P5 in the liver. This level did not reliably change until P18 and increased on P21. The revealed changes were accompanied by an increase in chymotrypsin-like activity and a decrease in caspase-like activity in the spleen at P21 compared to the embryonic period. This indicates the increase in proteasome ability to form antigenic epitopes for MHC class I molecules. In the liver, both activities increased compared to the embryonic period by P21. The dynamics of caspase-like activity can be explained not only by the change of proteolytic constitutive and immune subunits, but also by additional regulatory mechanisms. Moreover, it was discovered that the increase in the expression of immune subunits during early spleen development is associated with the process of formation of white pulp by B- and T-lymphocytes enriched with immune subunits. In the liver, the increase in the level of immune subunits by P21 was also accompanied by an increase of their expression in hepatocytes. While the decrease of their level by P5 may be associated with the fact that the liver has lost its function as the primary lymphoid organ in the immune system by this time, as well as with the disappearance of B-lymphocytes enriched with immune proteasomes. In the spleen and the liver, MHC class I molecules were found during the periods of increased levels of proteasome immune subunits. On E21, the liver was enriched with neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS); the level of nNOS decreased after birth and then increased by P18. This fact indicates the possibility of the induction of expression of the LMP7 and LMP2 immune subunits in hepatocytes via a signaling pathway involving nNOS. These results indicate that compared to the rat liver cells, splenic T cell immune response develops in rats starting around P19–P21. First, a T-area of white pulp is formed in the spleen during this period. Second, an increased level of immune proteasomes and MHC class I molecules in hepatocytes can ensure the formation of antigenic epitopes from foreign proteins and their delivery to the cell surface for subsequent presentation to cytotoxic T-lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The mannose receptor (MR) recognizes a range of carbohydrates present on the surface and cell walls of micro-organisms. The MR is primarily expressed on macrophages and dendritic cells and is involved in MR-mediated endocytosis and phagocytosis. In addition, the MR plays a key role in host defense and provides a link between innate and adaptive immunity. Herein, we will review the role of the MR in innate host defense as well as the recent evidence for its role in the adaptive response, for both humoral and cellular immune responses.  相似文献   

Role of nonsynaptic communication in regulating the immune response   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discovery of nonsynaptic communication in the 1960s and 1970s was an important milestone in investigating the function of the nervous system, and it revolutionized our view about information transmission between neurons. In addition, nonsynaptic communication has a practical importance not only within the nervous system, but in the communication between the peripheral nervous system and other organ systems. Nonsynaptic communication takes place in different immune organs, which are innervated by sympathetic nerve terminals. In addition, the function of microglia, one of the immunocompetent cell types of the brain, can also be affected by neurotransmitters released from axon varicosities. The various functions of immune cells are modulated by released neurotransmitters without any direct synaptic contact between nerve endings and targeted immune cells requiring only functional neurotransmitter receptors on immune cells. Here, we briefly overview the role of the various receptor subtypes mediating nonsynaptic modulation of the function of immunocompetent cells both in the periphery and in the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The present review deals with the analysis of lymphokine response in two main respiratory viral infections: influenza and respiratory syncytial (RS) infection. Immune response in these two diseases has great phenomenological differences. In particular, in RS infection the intensive response of macrophages and epithelial cells, accompanied mainly by the synthesis and secretion of tumor necrosis factor and interleukin 8, is observed. Due to this fact no protective immunity is formed in RS infection, in contrast to influenza. The specific features of immune and lymphokine response in RS infection make it difficult to develop protective vaccines. At the same time it is with RS infection that the development of chronic bronchopulmonary diseases is linked. The analysis of the role of lymphokine response in respiratory viral infections, particularly in influenza and RS infections, confirms the necessity of revising therapy both in the acute and subacute stages of these diseases.  相似文献   

Pools of 26S and 20S proteasomes were studied in the spleen, liver, lung, and ascitic carcinoma Krebs-II of mouse. Western blotting demonstrated that the pool of 26S proteasomes in ascitic carcinoma Krebs-II was twice that in control lung cells and did not significantly differ by total 26S proteasome quantities from the spleen and liver. At the same time, the level of immune subunit LMP7 was 12 times lower in it compared to lung proteasomes and 4–5 times lower compared to spleen and liver proteasomes. Immune subunit LMP2 was undetectable by this technique in the ascitic carcinoma in contrast to the lung, spleen, and liver. All immune subunits in the studied organs and ascitic carcinoma Krebs-II are components of 26S but not 20S proteasomes.  相似文献   

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