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Action spectra for photosynthesis in higher plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The action and quantum yield spectra of photosynthetic CO2 uptakeand the absorptance spectrum were determined for leaves of 33species of higher plant including 7 arbores over the wavelengthrange 344–758 nm, to interpret various curves of the spectralresponses. Almost the same curves either in the action or quantumyeild spectra were obtained for all the plants tested exceptin the ultraviolet (UV) and blue regions where the responserelative to the red maximum was significantly lower in the arboreousthan in herbaceous plants. The lower action in the UV and bluewas seen in leaves having higher absorptance in the green, anda very close correlation (r=–0.920) was found betweenthe ratio of action at 435 nm to that at 560 nm and the absorptanceat 560 nm (A560). These facts proved that the variation of actionspectra in the range from the UV to the green depended largelyon the differences in absorptance of leaves in the green, anda curve with a pronounced second peak in the blue could be obtainedwhen the A560 was less than about 0.6. (Received October 3, 1975; )  相似文献   

Teruo Ogawa 《BBA》1982,681(1):103-109
Illumination of leaves of Vicia faba L. provoked oscillations in the rates of CO2 uptake and O2 evolution. The oscillations were marked under anaerobic conditions, but were absent at 20% O2. The minimum CO2 concentration required for the appearance of oscillations was 600 μl · l?1. The higher the CO2 concentration, the stronger the oscillations. The effect of CO2 concentration was saturated at 1000 μl CO2 · l?1. The period of the oscillations was 5–6 min at a light intensity of 80 nE · cm?2 · s?1 and became longer on lowering of the intensity. No oscillations appeared at intensities below 12 nE · cm?2 · s?1. Oscillations could also be generated by increasing the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere during strong illumination under anaerobic conditions. The chlorophyl a fluorescence yield showed oscillations, similar in shape and frequency to those of photosynthesis, after such an environmental change. Oscillations were also observed in photosynthesis of other C3 plants, Lycopersicon esulentum Mill and Glycine max Merrill, under the same conditions as those required for V. faba, but were absent for the C4 plants, Zea mays and Amaranthus retroflexus L.  相似文献   

Karelina TA  Belov AA  Kukushkin AK 《Biofizika》2005,50(6):1105-1111
The oscillatory regime of delayed millisecond luminescence was obtained by the model developed earlier. We compared the rates of changes in the concentrations of some of the metabolites calculated by the model with the rates calculated by other known models. The results of calculations for the changes in metabolite concentrations after switching off the light were compared with experimental data.  相似文献   

At a boulder on a hill near Casey Station, Wilkes Land, sensors for light, temperature and humidity were installed facing the four cardinal directions. The measurements lasted for about two months of the summer season 1985/86. The data recording was carried out at intervals of 6 minutes for all probes by automatic recording instruments. Data analysis was carried out with special regard to the biological effects of the parameters analyzed. These data of the microclimatic features taken from its original place of growth were used to a regression model of potential photosynthetic activity ofUsnea sphacelata, which is a characteristic species of this area.  相似文献   

To analyse the whole life of higher plants, an attempt was made to describe their growth and reproduction by mathematical models based on the elements determining matter production and economy of the matter. A plant body was regarded as a compound system of two parts; “productive part” and “reproductive part”. A parameter (reproductive index) was introduced to connect these two parts, and a set of the mathematical models describing the quantitative growth of these two parts were established. Two basic patterns of reproduction in higher plants were distinguished into “D-reproduction” and “I-reproduction”. The state of matter production of the mother plant determined an initial size of the daughter plant in theD-reproduction, while, in theI-reproduction, it did not determine the initial size of the daughter, but determined the number of propagules. The model of each reproduction pattern was also constructed. A formula determining the initial size of a plant in a given generation was constructed as the model of theD-reproduction. The model for theI-reproduction described the number of propagules produced in a given generation. Some aspects of the plant life, e.g. the optimum reproductive index, the switch-over time from the vegetative to the reproductive growth phase, the seed number, types of expansive reproduction, were theoretically analysed and discussed under these mathematical models.  相似文献   

Environmental stresses trigger a wide variety of plant responses, ranging from altered gene expression and cellular metabolism to changes in growth rates and crop yields. A plethora of plant reactions exist to circumvent the potentially harmful effects caused by a wide range of both abiotic and biotic stresses, including light, drought, salinity, high temperatures, and pathogen infections. Among the environmental stresses, drought stress is one of the most adverse factors of plant growth and productivity. Understanding the biochemical and molecular responses to drought is essential for a holistic perception of plant resistance mechanisms to water-limited conditions. Drought stress progressively decreases CO2 assimilation rates due to reduced stomatal conductance. Drought stress also induces reduction in the contents and activities of photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle enzymes, including the key enzyme, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase. The critical roles of proline and glycine-betaine, as well as the role of abscisic acid (ABA), under drought stress conditions have been actively researched to understand the tolerance of plants to dehydration. In addition, drought stress-induced generation of active oxygen species is well recognized at the cellular level and is tightly controlled at both the production and consumption levels in vivo, through increased antioxidative systems. Knowledge of sensing and signaling pathways, including ABA-mediated changes in response to drought stress, is essential to improve crop management. This review focuses on the ability and strategies of higher plants to respond and adapt to drought stress.  相似文献   

Pavlova ZB  Lutova LA 《Genetika》2000,36(9):1173-1188
The stages of the legume-rhizobial symbiosis and nodule structure in various legume plants are briefly reviewed. Modern data on the mechanisms involved in the control of nodule initiation and morphogenesis are considered.  相似文献   

Ernst WH 《Biodegradation》1998,9(3-4):311-318
Sulfur is a major nutrient for all organisms. Plant species have a high biodiversity in uptake, metabolization and accumulation of sulfur so that there are potentials to use plants for phytoremediation of sulfur-enriched sites. A survey of soils enriched with sulfur either naturally or by human activities shows that a surplus of sulfur is mostly accompanied with a surplus of other chemical elements which may limit phytoremediation because these co-occurring elements are more toxic to plants than sulfur. In addition, the accumulation of the other elements makes the plant material (phyto-extraction) less suitable for the use as fodder and for human consumption.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the Calvin photosynthesis cycle   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1. A mathematical model is presented for photosynthetic carbohydrate formation in C3 plants under conditions of light and carbon dioxide saturation. The model considers reactions of the Calvin cycle with triose phosphate export and starch production as main output processes, and treats concentrations of NADPH, NAD+, CO2, and H+ as fixed parameters of the system. Using equilibrium approximations for all reaction steps close to equilibrium steady-state and transient-state relationships are derived which may be used for calculation of reaction fluxes and concentrations of the 13 carbohydrate cycle intermediates, glucose 6-phosphate, glucose 1-phosphate, ATP, ADP, and inorganic (ortho)phosphate. 2. Predictions of the model were examined with the assumption that photosynthate export from the chloroplast occurs to a medium containing orthophosphate as the only exchangeable metabolite. The results indicate that the Calvin cycle may operate in a single dynamically stable steady state when the external concentration of orthophosphate does not exceed 1.9 mM. At higher concentrations of the external metabolite, the reaction system exhibits overload breakdown; the excessive rate of photosynthate export deprives the system of cycle intermediates such that the cycle activity progressively approaches zero. 3. Reactant concentrations calculated for the stable steady state that may obtain are in satisfactory agreement with those observed experimentally, and the model accounts with surprising accuracy for experimentally observed effects of external orthophosphate on the steady-state cycle activity and rate of starch production. 4. Control analyses are reported which show that most of the non-equilibrium enzymes in the system have a strong regulatory influence on the steady-state level of all of the cycle intermediates. Substrate concentration control coefficients for cycle enzymes may be positive, such that an increase in activity of an enzyme may raise the steady-state concentration of the substrate is consumes. 5. Under optimal external conditions (0.15-0.5 mM orthophosphate), reaction flux in the Calvin cycle is controlled mainly by ATP synthetase and sedoheptulose bisphosphatase; the cycle activity approaches the maximum velocity that can be supported by the latter enzyme. At lower concentrations of external orthophosphate the cycle activity is controlled almost exclusively by the phosphate translocator.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Graham Dunn 《Phytochemistry》1974,13(8):1341-1346
An in vitro system for the breakdown of starch granules by mixtures of α- and β-amylase is developed and discussed with reference to information concerning the degradation of starch in vivo. β-Amylase has no action on starch granules and has very little effect on the rate of starch granule digestion by α-amylase. It does, however, affect the product distribution in an α-amylase digest and is considered to attack dextrin intermediates produced by the action of α-amylase on the starch granules.  相似文献   

The influence of vanadium compounds (vanadate, vanadyl citrate) on photosynthesis in Chlorella fusca and in algal and spinach chloroplasts has been investigated. It was found that: 1. At moderately high concentrations (at least 0.1 mM) both vanadate and vanadyl citrate enhance photosynthetic O2 production in intact C. fusca cells. At lower V concentration (about 2 μM) only vanadate stimulates photosynthesis. The increase is dependent on culture conditions and on light intensity. 2. Up to 1 mM V, neither vanadium compound influences PS II activity, either in intact cells or in algal or spinach chloroplasts. 3. The PS I reaction in algal and spinach chloroplasts is maximally enhanced (3-fold) in presence of vanadium (20 μM). The increase is independent of light intensity. 4. Cr(VI), Mo(VI), and W(VI) (1 mM) stimulate photosynthesis in intact C. fusca cells, but do not influence the photosystems of isolated chloroplasts. Vanadium is suggested to act as a redox catalyst in the electron transport from PS II to PS I.  相似文献   

Oscillations in the yield of chlorophyll fluorescence, in oxygen evolution, and in CO2 uptake observed with leaves upon perturbation of steady-state conditions are suggested to be due to the interdependence of turnover of adenylates and Calvin cycle intermediates. This suggestion is quantified in a mathematical model; the behavior of the model system in the neighborhood of the singular point of the system is analyzed. The linearized system is solved analytically, a condition for the occurrence of oscillations is given, and explicit expressions for the oscillation period and the damping constant are derived. The model is shown to be capable of exhibiting oscillations with the period observed with algae or leaves, whereas calculated values of the damping constant are higher than those measured for leaves or algae.  相似文献   

The signaling role of action potential (AP) in higher plants is considered. The principles underlying realization of this role and the significance of AP-induced short-term effector response are discussed. The notion is put forward that the effect of propagating AP on plant cells is similar to nonspecific component of the cell functional response to external stimuli.  相似文献   

The influence of a variation potential on photosynthesis in pumpkin seedlings (Cucurbita pepo L.) was investigated in our work. It was shown that the variation potential induced by cotyledon burning propagates into a leaf. It decreases CO2 assimilation and transpiration as well as increases nonphotochemical quenching. Investigation of isolated chloroplasts showed that lowering of the pH in incubation medium from 6.9–7.2 to 6.5 increases nonphotochemical quenching. It was proposed that lowering of the cytoplasmic pH induced by the variation potential takes place in the photosynthetic response development.  相似文献   

In plantlets of Bidens pilosa L., under severely limiting environmental conditions the growth of the buds at the axil of the cotyledons (cotyledonary buds) is asymmetric (i.e. one of the buds starts growing before the other one), this asymmetry being oriented by the pricking of one of the cotyledons (i.e. pricking one cotyledon increases the probability that the bud at the axil of the other cotyledon be the first to start to grow). As long as the plant apex (i.e. the terminal bud) is present, the growth of the cotyledonary buds is inhibited (apical dominance), but the souvenir of the asymmetric message caused by sub-optimal environmental conditions and the orientation given by the cotyledon pricking is always present in the plant and can be revealed by removing the apex. Depending on the conditions for removing the plant apex and/or on the application of a variety of symmetrical treatments (e.g. thermal treatment, symmetrical pricking treatments, etc.) the stored asymmetry will either take effect (the bud at the axil of the non-pricked cotyledon will be the first to start to grow more often than the other one) or not (both buds will have equal chance to be the first to start to grow). This has been termed 'recalling' the stored asymmetry. By combining several successive symmetrical treatments, it is possible to reversibly switch on and off the recall function several times. This recall of the stored plant-asymmetry is analogous to the evocation function of a memory system. In this paper, we will present first a discrete logical version of the observed interaction structure between the main components of the bud growth system, then a continuous differential version, taking into account the main features of the observed experimental reality and trying to explain this phenomenology. The interaction structure of both the discrete and the continuous models presents similar positive and negative feedback circuits, necessary condition for observing multistationarity and stability.  相似文献   

In order to accomplish the transition from avascular to vascular growth, solid tumours secrete a diffusible substance known as tumour angiogenesis factor (TAF) into the surrounding tissue. Neighbouring endothelial cells respond to this chemotactic stimulus in a well-ordered sequence of events comprising, at minimum, of a degradation of their basement membrane, migration and proliferation. A mathematical model is presented which takes into account two of the most important events associated with the endothelial cells as they form capillary sprouts and make their way towards the tumour i.e. cell migration and proliferation. The numerical simulations of the model compare very well with the actual experimental observations. We subsequently investigate the model analytically by making some relevant biological simplifications. The mathematical analysis helps to clarify the particular contributions to the model of the two independent processes of endothelial cell migration and proliferation.  相似文献   

Abstract A compilation of existing data on higher plant responses to heat-shock temperatures has been utilized to produce a biochemically based model of integrated cellular responses to elevated temperatures. This model describes a potential mechanism for the triggering of several biochemical responses to a thermally induced leakage of extracellular or vacuolar ions into the cytoplasm. It seems possible that many of the observed heat-shock responses are involved in the protection of (a) enzymes from inactivation and (b) nucleic acids from cleavage induced by the presence of elevated levels of specific metals.  相似文献   

The “second method” of Liapunov is used to perform a stability analysis of a mathematical model of the neuron. This analysis is based on the hypothesis that the firing of the neuron coincides with a temporary state of instability of the system, and that the initiation of all-or-none process depends on the magnitude of membrane depolarization and its first time derivative. It is found that the stability (and hence the possibility of a second firing) is restored approximately when the rate of membrane repolarization is at a maximum. This result predicts that the duration of the period of absolute refractoriness in neurons would be about 75 per cent of the spike duration, and thus shorter than the value usually obtained from experimental measurements.  相似文献   

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