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根据烟实夜蛾(Helicovperpa assulta)的性信息素合成激活肽基因序列设计引物,以烟实夜蛾基因组DNA为模板进行PCR扩增,得到665bp的特异性片段。该片段经过同源比较和活性测定,证实烟实夜蛾的基因组中存在类滞育激素基因。烟实夜蛾的类滞育激素是一个由24个氨基酸组成的神经肽,在第4和第5个氨基酸之间,插入了一个482bp的内含子。进一步的分析表明,该神经肽在蛹期的食道下神经节中表达。  相似文献   

徐春媛  刘彦群  鲁成  向仲怀 《遗传学报》2003,30(11):1034-1040
根据家蚕(Bombyx mori)性信息素合成激活肽(pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide,PBAN)基因DNA序列设计引物,扩增获得中国野桑蚕(Bombyx mandarina China)PBAN基因。分析表明,PBAN由33个氨基酸组成,在第14个氨基酸异亮氨酸和第15个氨基酸酪氨酸之间插入了698bp的内含子。根据PBAN及其基因cDNA、DNA序列分别构建分子进化树,结果显示3个水平比对结果构建的分子进化树有较好的一致性,推测PBAN基因可能适合于科、属之间的进化分析;并且PBAN基因内含子没有表现出特有的进化信息,推测PBAN基因内含子的进化与PBAN全长基因的进化在进化速率上并没有显著差别。相对于PBAN及α—SGNP、γ—SGNP,β—SGNP的进化速率相对较快,推测β—SGNP序列可能适合用于种间的进化分析。  相似文献   

利用Northern杂交方法,在转录水平上,对甜菜夜蛾Spodoptera exigua(Hübner)性信息素激活肽(PBAN)基因在不同发育时期表达进行了研究。结果表明,PBAN基因在甜菜夜蛾不同发育时期的表达有差异。在2日龄的处女蛾的咽下神经节(SG)中,进入暗期第3时、第9时表达量较高,在光期表达量相对较低;在不同日龄的处女蛾SG中,进入暗期第5时以1日龄最高,2日龄次之,以后在每日龄的表达逐渐减弱。文中对这些现象进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

家蚕滞育激素-性信息素合成激活肽基因的表达徐卫华(中国农业科学院蚕业研究所,江苏镇江,212000)山下兴亚(名古屋大学农学院,日本名古屋,464-01)关键词滞育激素-性信息素合成激活肽基因;发育阶段;表达;家蚕昆虫是地球上最繁盛的物种,占地球上生...  相似文献   

利用RT-PCR技术从烟实夜蛾Helicoverpa assulta (Hass) 雄虫触角中扩增得到了信息素结合蛋白3(Hass PBP3)。克隆和测序结果表明,该基因核苷酸序列全长495 bp,编码164个氨基酸残基,预测分子量18.5 kD。并预测N-末端疏水区包含由22个氨基酸组成的信号肽。因此,成熟蛋白应包括142个氨基酸,预测分子量为16.1 kD,等电点为5.44。经氨基酸序列同源性分析发现,此序列与已知昆虫PBP3有较高的同源性,而且具有气味结合蛋白的典型特征。将该基因重组到表达载体pGEX-4T-2中进行原核表达。经IPTG诱导、SDS-PAGE分析和Western印迹检测,结果表明烟实夜蛾PBP3基因能在大肠杆菌BL21中表达,电泳检测到一条大约42 kD的外源蛋白,与预测的融合蛋白分子量相符。  相似文献   

家蚕滞育激素-性信息素合成激活肽基因表达的调节   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
滞育激素和性信息素合成激活肽是两个重要的昆虫神经肽,这两个神经肽由一个基因编码.利用分子杂交和RT-PCR技术,确定了滞育激素-性信息素合成激活肽基因表达的调节不属于转录后的调节,推定为翻译后形成一个大的前体多肽再剪接为几个成熟的神经肽分子.  相似文献   

实夜蛾属Heliothis和铃夜蛾属Helicoverpa昆虫的性信息素通讯系统主要包括雌蛾的性信息素合成和雄蛾对性信息素接收两个方面,每方面都有分子、细胞、系统水平上进行协同作用的生物过程。性信息素生物合成激活肽(PBAN)与其受体作用,启动信号转导系统,从而激活合成性信息素的酶系统来合成性信息素,利用化学和生物测定的方法鉴定出具有诱蛾活性的性信息素腺体组分及行为功能;性信息素分子与性信息素结合蛋白(PBP)的复合体同受体相互作用,启动信号转导系统,诱导产生神经信号,从而引起一系列性行为反应。这些生物过程受到各种内部和外部因素的影响。  相似文献   

铃夜蛾属昆虫性信息素生物合成及内分泌调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了铃夜蛾属Helicoverpa昆虫性信息素生物合成途径及内分泌因子的调控作用 ,包括信息素生物合成激活神经肽 (PBAN)和信息素生物合成抑制肽 (PSP)等的来源、结构和作用机制及一些种中保幼激素 (JH)和章鱼胺 (OA)对性信息素生物合成的作用 ,并展望了未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

利用RT-PCR技术扩增了编码烟实夜蛾 Helicoverpa assulta 触角化学感受蛋白(chemosensory protein)的全长cDNA。克隆和测序结果表明,烟实夜蛾化学感受蛋白基因核苷酸序列全长384 bp(GenBank序列号: DQ285667),编码127个氨基酸残基,预测N-末端包含16个氨基酸组成的信号肽序列,因此估测其成熟蛋白分子量为12.97 kD,等电点为5.32。将该基因重组到表达载体pGEX-4T2中,并转入原核细胞中进行表达。SDS-PAGE和Western印迹分析表明,经IPTG诱导后,烟实夜蛾化学感受蛋白基因能在大肠杆菌BL21中表达,电泳检测到一条约39 kD的外源蛋白,与预测的融合蛋白分子量大小相符。  相似文献   

Pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) is a suboesophageal ganglion secretory polypeptide of insect, which activates the pheromone gland to produce sex pheromone biosynthesis in female silkworm, Bombyx mori. A Bombyx genomic library was screened by the method of plaque hybridization using the 32P-labeled BomDH cDNA as a probe. The genomic sequence encoding PBAN has been cloned and its structure is analyzed. The PBAN gene comprises two exons interspersed by a single intron 697 bp in length. Preceding the PBAN amino acid sequence is a 32-amino acid sequence containing two FXPRL amide peptides, which are α-SGNP (Ile-Ile-Phe-Thr-Pro-Lys-Leu) and β-SGNP (Ser-Val-Ala-Asn-Pro-Arg-Thr-His-Glu-Ser-Leu-Glu-Phe-Ile-Pro-Arg-Leu), which is followed by a Gly-Arg processing site. Immediately, after the PBAN amino acid sequence is a Gly-Arg processing site and a FXPRL amide peptide γ-SGNP (Thr-Met-Ser-Phe-Ser-Pro-Arg-Leu). It is suggested that besides PBAN, 7-, 8-, and 17-residue amidated peptides wer  相似文献   

Diapause, an arrested period of post‐embryonic development in insects, is under the control of hormonal interactions. In the bamboo borer Omphisa fuscidentalis Hampson (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), larvae remain in diapause for as long as 9 months during the dry season, from September to the following June, although the factors that regulate larval diapause are poorly understood. The present study describes the cloning and expression analysis of the diapause hormone and pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (DH‐PBAN) precursor of O. fuscidentalis (Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN cDNA), aiming to reveal how it may be involved regulating larval diapause in this species in combination with environmental factors. The open reading frame (ORF) of the cDNA encodes a 199‐amino acid precursor protein that contains DH, PBAN and three other neuropeptides, all of which share a conservative C‐terminal pentapeptide motif FXPR/KL (X = G, T or S). The Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN is highly similar (74%) to the DH‐PBAN of the legume pod borer (Maruca vitrata). A quantitative real‐time polymerase chain reaction reveals that Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN mRNA is expressed only in neural tissues and that expression is highest in the suboesophageal ganglion. In addition, the expression level of Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN mRNA in the suboesophageal ganglion is consistently high during the fifth larval instar, increasing moderately in early diapause before reaching a peak during late diapause. After pupation, expression of the Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN precursor decreases to a low level. In addition to endocrine factors, the results demonstrate that photoperiod increases the expression level of Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN mRNA in larval diapause. These results also suggest that the expression of the Ompfu‐DH‐PBAN gene correlates with larval diapause development and may be activated by photoperiod in O. fuscidentalis.  相似文献   

The control of Spodoptera littoralis sex pheromone biosynthesis has been investigated with synthetic pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) and different labeled tracers using an in vitro isolated gland system. Responsiveness of the glands to PBAN stimulation was impaired by careless tissue manipulation. The fact that PBAN is active in the isolated gland system suggests that this might be a target organ for this peptide in S. littoralis. As reported previously with Br-SOG extracts and intact females, label incorporation into the pheromone increased in glands treated with PBAN from all the precursors tested. However, the formation of labeled intermediates from d5E11–14:Acid also occurred in glands incubated in the absence of the peptide, but the amounts of d5Z9, E11–14:Acid were lower in PBAN treated glands than in controls. These results indicate that PBAN controls pheromone biosynthesis in S. littoralis by regulating the reduction of acyl moieties. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A number of analogs of the C-terminal hexapeptide of PBAN were prepared and tested in vivo for pheromonotropic activity in Helicoverpa zea. Peptides prepared with longer-chain ω-aminocarboxylic acids (Tyr-6-aminocaproyl-Leu-NH2 and Tyr-7-aminoheptanoyl-NH2) were active at 25 and 2.5 nmol. Acetyl-Pro-Arg-Leu-NH2 was active at 1,000 pmol and represents a new minimum active fragment in the PBAN system. Addition of a bulky, hydrophobic tail (4-octylphenoxyacetyl) to the C-terminal hexapeptide of PBAN gave an analog that was active at all concentrations tested from 1 to 1,000 pmol when injected, had slight oral activity, but had no activity when applied topically. Glu-Tyr-Phe-Ser-Pro-Arg-Leu-NH2was active at 1,000, but not at 100 pmol; at the latter dose it synergised the activity of 5 pmol of PBAN. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 35:315–322, 1997.© 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A [3H]-PBAN (pheromone biosynthesis-activating neuropeptide) analog was synthesized, and binding of the radioligand to a specific PBAN-antiserum was achieved. The inhibition of binding of the radioligand by unlabeled PBAN, several PBAN analogs, and other competitors was studied and a specific radio-immunoassay was developed. Using this radioimmunoassay we found PBAN-like immunoreactivity in methanol extracts of hemolymph and neural tissues from females. Higher levels of PBAN-like immunoreactivity in extracts of brain-suboesophageal ganglion complexes, corpora cardiaca, thoracic ganglia, and abdominal ganglia were observed during the 4-5th h scotophase when compared to the PBAN-like immunoactivity levels during the 6-11th h photophase. On the other hand, the concentrations of PBAN-like immunoreactivity, in the terminal abdominal ganglion were higher during the photophase relative to minimal levels observed during the scotophase, indicating an accumulation before the onset of pheromone production. These differences in concentrations of PBAN were also reflected in the stimulation of in vitro pheromone glands, whereby significant stimulations were obtained by scotophase and photophase brain extracts, scotophase thoracic ganglia extracts, and photophase terminal abdominal ganglia extracts. No detectable levels of PBAN were found in hemolymph extracts during the sampling periods.  相似文献   

Female sex pheromone production in certain moth species have been shown to be regulated by a cephalic endocrine peptidic factor: pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN), having 33 amino acid residues. Antisera against syntheticHeliothis zea-PBAN were developed. Using these polyclonals, immunoreactivity was mapped in the nervous system ofAchaea janata. Three distinct groups of immunopositive secretory neurons were identified in the suboesophageal ganglion; and immunoreactivity was observed in the corpora cardiaca, thoracic and in the abdominal ganglia. From about 6000 brain sub-oesophageal ganglion complexes, the neuropeptide was isolated; and purified sequentially by Sep-pak and reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic methods. Identity of purified PBAN fraction was confirmed with polyclonal antibody by immunoblotting. Molecular mass of the isolated peptide was determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry, and was found to be 3900 Da, same as that of knownH. zea-PBAN. Radiochemical bioassay confirmed the pheromonotropic effect of the isolated neuropeptide in this insect  相似文献   

Lee DW  Boo KS 《Peptides》2005,26(12):2404-2411
Pheromone biosynthesis activating neuropeptide (PBAN) produced in the subesophageal ganglion stimulates pheromone production in the pheromone gland. A cDNA isolated from female adult heads of the diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella (L.)) encodes 193 amino acids including PBAN, designated as Plx-PBAN, and four other neuropeptides (NPs): diapause hormone (DH) homologue, -NP, β-NP and γ-NP. All of the peptides are amidated in their C-termini and shared a conserved motif, FXPR(or K)L structure, as reported from other PBAN cDNAs. Plx-PBAN consists of 30 amino acids, the shortest PBAN so far reported. Plx-PBAN exhibited below 50% homology, compared with other known PBANs. The Plx-DH homologue is structurally different from DH of Bombyx mori. The length of Plx-β-NP (16 amino acids) was the shortest and showed relatively low similarity, whereas γ-NP (10 amino acids in length) was the longest among examined γ-NPs. When female adults were injected with synthetic Plx-PBAN, pheromone production showed a maximal increase 1 h post-injection. RT-PCR screening revealed that Plx-PBAN cDNA was expressed in all examined body parts, with the highest expression level in the head of female adults. Analysis of RT-PCR products indicated the Plx-PBAN sequence was identical in all examined body parts of both sexes. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the Plx-PBAN gene is distantly related to other PBANs, demonstrated by the relatively low similarity.  相似文献   

Selected tissues presumably involved in the control of sex pheromone production were analyzed by ELISA for the presence of PBAN-like immunoreactivity (PBAN-IR) in Spodoptera littoralis. The temporal distribution pattern of PBAN-IR in the hemolymph is similar to that of pheromone production in the gland. On the other hand, analysis of the retrocerebral complex, brain-subesophageal ganglion complex, and terminal abdominal ganglion (TAG) revealed similar PBAN-IR levels in both photophase and scotophase periods. Pheromonotropic activity exhibited by both hemolymph and TAG, as determined by a modified in vitro bioassay, agrees with the results of the immunochemical analyses. Severing the ventral nerve cord anterior to the TAG impaired normal sex pheromone production by second-scotophase females. These results are discussed in the context of how sex pheromone biosynthesis is regulated by PBAN in S. littoralis. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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