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When human DNA(cytosine-5)methyltransferase was used to methylate a series of snapback oligodeoxy-nucleotides of differing stem lengths, each containing a centrally located CG dinucleotide recognition site, the enzyme required a minimum of 22 base pairs in the stem for maximum activity. Extrahelical cytosines in slipped duplexes that were 30 base pairs in length acted as effective methyl acceptors and were more rapidly methylated than cytosines that were Watson-Crick paired. Duplexes containing hairpins of CCG repeats in cruciform structures in which the enzyme recognition sequence was disrupted by a C.C mispair were also more rapidly methylated than control Watson-Crick-paired duplexes. Since enzymes have higher affinities for their transition states than for their substrates, the results with extrahelical and mispaired cytosines suggest that these structures can be viewed as analogs of the transition state intermediates produced during catalysis by methyltransferases.  相似文献   

Several second-generation inhibitors of DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferases based on studies of modified synthetic oligodeoxynucleoides have been described. As an aid to studies of these inhibitors, we present an electronic structure-based algorithm that can be used as a method for predicting the nature of the expected inhibition by any noncytosine nucleotide target. Targeting by the major human enzyme (hDnmt1) is governed by the presence of a three-nucleotide motif. In hemimethylated DNA, this motif consists of a 5-methylcytosine targeting signal that causes the enzyme to probe the opposite strand for a normally paired guanosine or inosine residue and attempt to methylate the residue 5' to that site. As a demonstration of the method, we apply these rules to the design and characterization of a novel oligodeoxynucleotide inhibitor of hDnmt1. This inhibitor takes advantage of the three-nucleotide recognition motif characteristic of hDnmt1 and shows that the enzyme is inhibited in vitro by non-CG methylation which targets the enzyme to normally basepaired but unproductive nucleotides such as dG, dA, and dT. Kinetic analysis at constant S-adenosyl-L-methionine concentration shows that representative inhibitory oligodeoxynucleotides are best viewed as weakly productive components of systems containing two DNA substrates. This model suggests that the most effective inhibitors are those with very low apparent Vmax and very low Km values. Oligodeoxynucleotides containing mispaired and unproductive targets such as dG, dA, dT, and dU are also inhibitory as secondary substrates for the human enzyme. Biologically, fail-safe mechanisms identified by the ab initio approach appear to be active in preventing potentially mutagenic deamination of dihydrocytosine and enzymatic methylation of dU.  相似文献   

M13 DNAs in which carbon 5 of each deoxycytidine residue in one strand is replaced with a bulky group are very good substrates for human DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferase. Rate enhancements of up to 35 fold are obtained depending on the size of the moiety at C-5. The enzyme appears optimally suited to sense a methyl group in one strand at this position. Alkaline density gradient analyses of the distribution of methyl groups applied to 5-BrdCyd or 5-IdCyd substituted DNA reveal that these groups serve to direct the enzyme to methylate the unsubstituted strand.  相似文献   

A novel gene encoding a cytosine-5-DNA methyltransferase recognizing the dinucleotide GpC was cloned from Chlorella virus NYs-1 and expressed in both Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae . The gene was sequenced and a predicted polypeptide of 362 amino acids with a molecular weight of 41.903 kDa was identified. The protein contains several amino acid motifs with high similarity to those of other known 5-methylcytosine-forming methyltransferases. In addition, this enzyme, named M. Cvi PI, shares 66% identity and 76% similarity with M. Cvi JI, the only other cytosine-5-DNA methyltransferase cloned from a Chlorella virus. The short, frequently occurring recognition sequence of the new methyltransferase will be very useful for in vivo chromatin structure studies in both yeast and higher organisms.  相似文献   

The symmetry of the responses of the human DNA (cytosine-5)methyltransferase to alternative placements of 5-methylcytosine in model oligodeoxynucleotide duplexes containing unusual structures has been examined. The results of these experiments more clearly define the DNA recognition specificity of the enzyme. A simple three-nucleotide recognition motif within the CG dinucleotide pair can be identified in each enzymatically methylated duplex. The data can be summarized by numbering the four nucleotides in the dinucleotide pair thus: 1 4/2 3. With reference to this numbering scheme, position 1 can be occupied by cytosine or 5-methylcytosine; position 2 can be occupied by guanosine or inosine; position 3, the site of enzymatic methylation, can be occupied only by cytosine; and position 4 can be occupied by guanosine, inosine, O6-methylguanosine, cytosine, adenosine, an abasic site, or the 3' hydroxyl group at the end of a gapped molecule. Replacing the guanosine normally found at position 4 with any of the moieties introduces unusual (non-Watson-Crick) pairing at position 3 and generally enhances methylation of the cytosine at that site. The exceptional facility of the enzyme in actively methylating unusual DNA structures suggests that the evolution of the DNA methyltransferase, and perhaps DNA methylation itself, may be linked to the biological occurrence of unusual DNA structures.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotides spanning codon 12 of the human c-Ha-ras gene were found to be exceptionally good substrates for de novo methylation by human DNA(cytosine-5)methyltransferase. In the complex formed by two complementary 30mers, only the C-rich strand was methylated by the enzyme. Guanines at the 3' end of the G-rich strand of the complex could not be completely modified by dimethyl sulfate [corrected] suggesting tetrameric bonding at these G-residues. An eight-stranded structure, composed of four duplex DNAs at one end, joined to a G4-DNA segment at the other with the junction between the two DNA forms at codon 12, can account for our results.  相似文献   

The presence of the C.C mispair in a defined duplex oligodeoxynucleotide enhanced its capacity to serve as a substrate for highly purified human DNA methyltransferase. Analysis of tritiated reaction products showed that the C.C mispair acted as a "methylation acceptor" in that it was itself rapidly methylated. The m5C.G base pair also enhanced the capacity of the oligodeoxynucleotide to serve as a substrate for the enzyme. However, this complementary base pair was found to act as a "methylation director". That is, the presence of the m5C in one strand induced the enzyme to rapidly methylate at the cytosine residue on the opposite strand in an adjacent C.G base pair.  相似文献   

DNA (cytosine-5) methylation represents one of the most widely used mechanisms of enduring cellular memory. Stable patterns of DNA methylation are established during development, resulting in creation of persisting cellular phenotypes. There is growing evidence that the nervous system has co-opted a number of cellular mechanisms used during development to subserve the formation of long term memory. In this study, we examined the role DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferase (DNMT) activity might play in regulating the induction of synaptic plasticity. We found that the DNA within promoters for reelin and brain-derived neurotrophic factor, genes implicated in the induction of synaptic plasticity in the adult hippocampus, exhibited rapid and dramatic changes in cytosine methylation when DNMT activity was inhibited. Moreover, zebularine and 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine, inhibitors of DNMT activity, blocked the induction of long term potentiation at Schaffer collateral synapses. Activation of protein kinase C in the hippocampus decreased reelin promoter methylation and increased DNMT3A gene expression. Interestingly, DNMT activity is required for protein kinase C-induced increases in histone H3 acetylation. Considered together, these results suggest that DNMT activity is dynamically regulated in the adult nervous system and that DNMT may play a role in regulating the induction of synaptic plasticity in the mature CNS.  相似文献   

Initial velocity determinations were conducted with human DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferase (DNMT1) on unmethylated and hemimethylated DNA templates in order to assess the mechanism of the reaction. Initial velocity data with DNA and S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) as variable substrates and product inhibition studies with methylated DNA and S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) were obtained and evaluated as double-reciprocal plots. These relationships were linear for plasmid DNA, exon-1 from the imprinted small nuclear ribonucleoprotein-associated polypeptide N, (CGG.CCG)(12), (m(5)CGG. CCG)(12), and (CGG.CCG)(73) but were not linear for (CGG. Cm(5)CG)(12). Inhibition by AdoHcy was apparently competitive versus AdoMet and uncompetitive/noncompetitive versus DNA at 相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Dcm cytosine methyltransferase on 5-azacytidine (5-azaC) mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. We used a Lac reversion assay to measure C-to-G and C-to-T mutations at a single, methylatable cytosine in the lacZ gene, in the presence and absence of Dcm. C-to-G mutations are stimulated by 5-azaC but are largely independent of Dcm. In contrast, C-to-T mutations are not stimulated by 5-azaC in either wild type or dcm cells. However, in cells which contain Dcm but are defective in very short patch repair, the normally high frequency of spontaneous C-to-T mutations is decreased by the analog in a dose-dependent manner.  相似文献   

DNA methyltransferases catalyse the transfer of a methyl group from the ubiquitous cofactor S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) onto specific target sites on DNA and play important roles in organisms from bacteria to humans. AdoMet analogs with extended propargylic side chains have been chemically produced for methyltransferase-directed transfer of activated groups (mTAG) onto DNA, although the efficiency of reactions with synthetic analogs remained low. We performed steric engineering of the cofactor pocket in a model DNA cytosine-5 methyltransferase (C5-MTase), M.HhaI, by systematic replacement of three non-essential positions, located in two conserved sequence motifs and in a variable region, with smaller residues. We found that double and triple replacements lead to a substantial improvement of the transalkylation activity, which manifests itself in a mild increase of cofactor binding affinity and a larger increase of the rate of alkyl transfer. These effects are accompanied with reduction of both the stability of the product DNA–M.HhaI–AdoHcy complex and the rate of methylation, permitting competitive mTAG labeling in the presence of AdoMet. Analogous replacements of two conserved residues in M.HpaII and M2.Eco31I also resulted in improved transalkylation activity attesting a general applicability of the homology-guided engineering to the C5-MTase family and expanding the repertoire of sequence-specific tools for covalent in vitro and ex vivo labeling of DNA.  相似文献   

DNA bending induced by six DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferases was studied using circular permutation gel mobility shift assay. The following bend angles were obtained: M.BspRI (GGm5CC), 46–50°; M.HaeIII (GGm5CC), 40–43°; M.SinI (GGWm5CC), 34–37°; M.Sau96I (GGNm5CC), 52–57°; M.HpaII (Cm5CGG), 30°; and M.HhaI (Gm5CGC), 13°. M.HaeIII was also tested with fragments carrying a methylated binding site, and it was found to induce a 32° bend. A phase-sensitive gel mobility shift assay, using a set of DNA fragments with a sequence-directed bend and a single methyltransferase binding site, indicated that M.HaeIII and M.BspRI bend DNA toward the minor groove. The DNA curvature induced by M.HaeIII contrasts with the lack of DNA bend observed for a covalent M.HaeIII–DNA complex in an earlier X-ray study. Our results and data from other laboratories show a correlation between the bending properties and the recognition specificities of (cytosine-5) methyltransferases: enzymes recognizing a cytosine 3′ to the target cytosine tend to induce greater bends than enzymes with guanine in this position. We suggest that the observed differences indicate different mechanisms employed by (cytosine-5) methyltransferases to stabilize the helix after the target base has flipped out.  相似文献   

Cytosine-5 methyltransferases of the Dnmt2 family are highly conserved in evolution and their biological function is being studied in several organisms. Although all structural DNA methyltransferase motifs are present in Dnmt2, these enzymes show a strong tRNA methyltransferase activity. In line with an enzymatic activity towards substrates other than DNA, Dnmt2 has been described to localize to the cytoplasm. Using molecular and biochemical approaches we show here that Dnmt2 is both a cytoplasmic and a nuclear protein. Sub-cellular fractionation shows that a significant amount of Dnmt2 is bound to the nuclear matrix. Sub-cellular localization analysis reveals that Dnmt2 proteins are enriched in actively dividing cells. Dnmt2 localization is highly dynamic during the cell cycle. Using live imaging we observed that Dnmt2-EGFP enters prophase nuclei and shows a spindle-like localization pattern during mitotic divisions. Additional experiments suggest that this localization is microtubule dependent and that Dnmt2 can access DNA during mitotic cell divisions. Our results represent the first comprehensive characterization of Dnmt2 proteins on the cellular level and have important implications for our understanding of the molecular activities of Dnmt2.  相似文献   

S Xu  J Xiao  J Posfai  R Maunus    J Benner  nd 《Nucleic acids research》1997,25(20):3991-3994
BssHII restriction endonuclease cleaves 5'-GCGCGC-3' on double-stranded DNA between the first and second bases to generate a four base 5'overhang. BssHII restriction endonuclease was purified from the native Bacillus stearothermophilus H3 cells and its N-terminal amino acid sequence was determined. Degenerate PCR primers were used to amplify the first 20 codons of the BssHII restriction endonuclease gene. The BssHII restriction endonuclease gene (bssHIIR) and the cognate BssHII methyltransferase gene (bssHIIM) were cloned in Escherichia coli by amplification of Bacillus stearothermophilus genomic DNA using PCR and inverse PCR. BssHII methyltransferase (M.BssHII) contains all 10 conserved cytosine-5 methyltransferase motifs, but motifs IX and X precede motifs I-VIII. Thus, the conserved motifs of M. BssHII are circularly permuted relative to the motif organizations of other cytosine-5 methyltransferases. M.BssHII and the non-cognate multi-specific phiBssHII methyltransferase, M.phiBss HII [Schumann,J. et al . (1995) Gene, 157, 103-104] share 34% identity in amino acid sequences from motifs I-VIII, and 40% identity in motifs IX-X. A conserved arginine is located upstream of a TV dipeptide in the N-terminus of M.BssHII that may be responsible for the recognition of the guanine 5' of the target cytosine. The BssHII restriction endonuclease gene was expressed in E.coli via a T7 expression vector.  相似文献   

In order to specify the recognition requirements of the human DNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase, two isomeric 48mers were synthesized so as to link a long block of DNA with a shorter complementary block of DNA through a tether consisting of five thymidine residues. These isomeric foldback molecules, differing only in the location of the 5-methyldeoxycytosine, were shown to be unimolecular, to contain a region of duplex DNA, and to contain a region of single-stranded DNA. When used as substrates for the DNA methyltransferase, only one of the isomers was methylated. A comparison of the structures of the two isomers allows us to begin to define the potential sites of interaction between the enzyme and the three nucleotides forming a structural motif consisting of 5-methyldeoxycytosine, its base-paired deoxyguanosine, and a deoxycytosine 5' to the paired deoxyguanosine.  相似文献   

Pradhan S  Estève PO 《Biochemistry》2003,42(18):5321-5332
The human maintenance DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferase (hDNMT1) consists of a large N-terminal regulatory domain fused to a catalytic C-terminal domain by randomly repeated Gly-Lys dipeptides. Several N-terminal deletion mutants of hDNMT1 were made, purified, and tested for substrate specificity. Deletion mutants lacking 121, 501, 540, or 580 amino acids from the N-terminus still functioned as DNA methyltransferases, methylated CG sequences, and preferred hemimethylated to unmethylated DNA, as did the full-length hDNMT1. Methylated DNA stimulated methylation spreading on unmethylated CpG sequences for the full-length and the 121 amino acid deletion hDNMT1 equally well but not for the mutants lacking 501, 540, or 580 amino acids, indicating the presence of an allosteric activation determinant between amino acids 121 and 501. Peptides from the N- and C-termini bound methylated DNA independently. Point mutation analysis within the allosteric region revealed that amino acids 284-287 (KKHR) were involved in methylated DNA-mediated allosteric activation. Allosteric activation was reduced in the double point mutant enzymes D25 (K284A and K285A) and D12 (H286A and R287A). Retinoblastoma gene product (Rb), a negative regulator of DNA methylation, bound to the allosteric site of hDNMT1 and inhibited methylation, suggesting Rb may regulate methylation spreading.  相似文献   

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