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Here we describe the fine root distribution of trees and grasses relative to soil nitrogen and water profiles. The primary objective is to improve our understanding of edaphic processes influencing the relative abundance of trees and grasses in savanna systems. We do this at both a mesic (737 mm MAP) site on sandy-loam soils and at an arid (547 mm MAP) site on clay rich soils in the Kruger National Park in South Africa. The proportion of tree and grass fine roots at each soil depth were estimated using the δ13C values of fine roots and the δ13C end members of the fine roots of the dominant trees and grasses at our study sites. Changes in soil nitrogen concentrations with depth were indexed using total soil nitrogen concentrations and soil δ15N values. Soil water content was measured at different depths using capacitance probes. We show that most tree and grass roots are located in the upper layers of the soil and that both tree and grass roots are present at the bottom of the profile. We demonstrate that root density is positively related to the distribution of soil nitrogen and negatively related to soil moisture. We attribute the negative correlation with soil moisture to evaporation from the soil surface and uptake by roots. Our data is a snapshot of a dynamic process, here the picture it provides is potentially misleading. To understand whether roots in this system are primarily foraging for water or for nitrogen future studies need to include a dynamic component.  相似文献   

The allocation of carbon to shoots, roots, soil and rhizosphere respiration in barrel medic (Medicago truncatulaGaertn.) before and after defoliation was determined by growing plants in pots in a labelled atmosphere in a growth cabinet. Plants were grown in a 14CO2-labelled atmosphere for 30 days, defoliated and then grown in a 13CO2-labelled atmosphere for 19 days. Allocation of 14C-labelled C to shoots, roots, soil and rhizosphere respiration was determined before defoliation and the allocation of 14C and 13C was determined for the period after defoliation. Before defoliation, 38.4% of assimilated C was allocated below ground, whereas after defoliation it was 19.9%. Over the entire length of the experiment, the proportion of net assimilated carbon allocated below ground was 30.3%. Of this, 46% was found in the roots, 22% in the soil and 32% was recovered as rhizosphere respiration. There was no net translocation of assimilate from roots to new shoot tissue after defoliation, indicating that all new shoot growth arose from above-ground stores and newly assimilated carbon. The rate of rhizosphere respiration decreased immediately after defoliation, but after 8 days, was at comparable levels to those before defoliation. It was not until 14 days after defoliation that the amount of respiration from newly assimilated C (13C) exceeded that of C assimilated before defoliation (14C). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

15N labelled (NH4)2SO4 was applied to barley at 5 g N m−2 (50 kg N ha−1) in microplots at sowing to study the timing of the N losses and the contribution of soil and fertilizer N to the plant. Water treatments included rainfed and irrigation at 45–50 mm deficit beginning in the spring. Recovery of15N in the plant increased to a maximum of about 20% within 91 days after sowing (DAS 91) and then remained constant. Approximately 16% (0.8 g N m−2) of the fertilizer was in the stem and leaves at DAS 91 and this N was subsequently redistributed to the head. At maturity, approximately 75% of the15N assimilated by the tops was recovered in the grain. Soil N contributed 3.6 g N m−2 to the head; 2.2 g N m−2 was remobilized from the stem and leaves, and the balance, approximately 1.4 g N m−2, was taken up from the soil between DAS 69 to 91. Effects of irrigation treatments on N accumulation were not significant. Residual15N fertilizer in the soil decreased with time from sowing, and at maturity 40% of the applied N was recovered in the surface 0.15 m.15N movement to depth was limited and less than 5% of the fertilizer was recovered below 0.15 m. Irrigation had no effect on the15N recovery at depth. Total recovery of the15N varied between 60 and 67% and implies that 33–40% was lost from the soil-plant system. The total recovery in the soil and plant was not affected by time or irrigation in the interval DAS 39 to 134. Losses occurred before DAS 39 when crop uptake of N was small and soil mineral N content was high. There was an apparent loss of 1.9 g fertilizer N m−2 (i.e. 38% of that applied) between DAS 1 and 15. This loss occurred before crop emergence when rainfall provided conditions suitable for denitrification.  相似文献   

刘庆霞  周林滨  毋赟  杨玉敏  张黎 《生态学报》2018,38(18):6768-6777
浮游动物在食物链能量流动与物质循环中发挥着重要作用,能将摄入的浮游植物转化为不同形态的碳,在海洋碳循环中发挥重要作用。应用14C标记示踪方法,定量分析海洋浮游动物褶皱臂尾轮虫Brachionus plicatilis摄入碳的碳同化与碳排放。喂食不同密度小球藻Chlorella sp.(1×105个/mL、5×105个/mL、1×106个/mL)后,褶皱臂尾轮虫对小球藻碳的同化率(AE)为34%-51%,呈现随饵料密度增加而减小的趋势;未被轮虫同化的碳,主要以溶解有机碳(DOC)的形态排放到水体中,DOC占碳排放的比例为37%-51%,随着饵料密度增加而增加;二氧化碳(CO2)的比例为15%-40%,随着饵料密度增加而减小;颗粒有机碳(POC)占碳排放的比例较少,为23%-34%,随着饵料密度的增加而增加。此外,分析褶皱臂尾轮虫排放DOC的粒径组成,发现低分子量有机碳(LMW,< 3 kDa)的量大于胶体有机碳(COC,3 kDa-0.22 μm)的量,COC占DOC比例为33%-43%;LMW占DOC比例为57%-67%。本研究结果表明,浮游动物可把相当部分食物中的碳转化为DOC,排放到水体中为细菌所利用,在海洋碳循环中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Analysis of stable isotope ratios is increasingly used to reconstruct diets in passerine birds, but studies of diet–tissue isotopic discrimination for this avian group are scarce. We determined 15N and 13C diet–tissue discrimination factors on whole blood in the red-throated ant tanager (Habia fuscicauda), an insectivorous–frugivorous passerine. Birds were fed an isotopically uniform, semi-synthetic diet of dog puppy dry food, soy protein isolate, wheat germ, and other ingredients, during 92 days. Average (± SD) diet–tissue discrimination was 2.6 ± 0.2‰ for N and 2.2 ± 0.1‰ for C. Nitrogen diet-tissue discrimination was similar to the values found previously in other passerines fed animal protein and it can probably be used to accurately reconstruct protein dietary origin in passerines feeding on animal protein (e.g., insects). In the case of C, diet reconstruction might be affected by metabolic routing of dietary nutrients.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of dissolved organic C (DOC) and its effects on microbial activity and N dynamics were studied during two consecutive years in soils with different organic C concentrations (hilltop and hillslope) in a tropical deciduous forest of Mexico. We found that DOC concentrations were higher at the hilltop than at the hillslope soils, and in both soils generally decreased from the dry to the rainy season during the two study years. Microbial biomass and potential C mineralization rates, as well as dissolved organic N (DON) and NH4+ concentrations and net N immobilization were higher in soils with higher DOC than in soils with lower DOC. In contrast, net N immobilization and NH4+ concentration were depleted in the soil with lowest DOC, whereas NO3 concentrations and net nitrification increased. Negative correlations between net nitrification and DOC concentration suggested that NH4+ was transformed to NO3 by nitrifiers when the C availability was depleted. Taken together, our results suggest that available C appears to control soil microbial activity and N dynamics, and that microbial N immobilization is facilitated by active heterotrophic microorganisms stimulated by high C availability. Soil autotrophic nitrification is magnified by decreases in C availability for heterotrophic microbial activity. This study provides an experimental data set that supports the conceptual model to show and highlight that microbial dynamics and N transformations could be functionally coupled with DOC availability in the tropical deciduous forest soils. Responsible Editor: Chris Neill  相似文献   

集约化生产下农田土壤碳、氮含量变化是衡量土壤肥力持久性的重要指标.对常规水稻-蚕豆轮作地、露地蔬菜地、3年塑料大棚地和10年以上塑料大棚地的土壤pH、电导率(EC)、土壤有机碳(SOC)和总氮(TN)含量及δ13C和δ15N同位素丰度进行测定,研究了集约化生产程度对土壤特性的影响.结果表明:与水稻-蚕豆轮作地相比,露地蔬菜地、3年塑料大棚地和10年以上塑料大棚地0 ~20 cm耕层土壤pH分别降低1.1、0.8和0.7,而土壤EC分别是水稻-蚕豆轮作地的4.2、4.9和5.2倍;土壤碳、氮含量随塑料大棚地生产年限的增加总体上呈先增大后减小的趋势.与水稻-蚕豆轮作地相比,10年以上塑料大棚地0~20、20~40、40 ~60、60 ~ 80、80 ~ 100 cm土层的土壤SOC含量分别下降了54%、46%、60%、63%和59%,土壤TN含量分别下降了53%、53%、71%、82%和85%.农田集约化生产程度显著影响土壤SOC、TN含量和δ13C、δ15N丰度,土壤δ13C丰度与SOC含量呈显著负相关.土壤δ13C丰度可作为评价农田土壤碳循环受人为干扰强度的指标.  相似文献   

The Maricopa cotton and wheat FACE (free-air CO2 enrichment) experiments offer propitious opportunity to quantify carbon turnover. The commercial CO2 (% MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGaeqiTdq2aaW% baaSqabeaacaaIXaGaaG4maaaakiaaboeacqGHijYUcqGHsislcaaI% ZaGaaG4naiaacwcaliaad+gaaaa!3FCB!\[\delta ^{13} {\text{C}} \approx - 37\% o\]) used to elevate CO2 concentration in field plots provided a strongly 13C-depleted tracer. Soil CO2 and 13C of soil organic carbon (SOC) in CO2-enriched and Control plots were measured between the final cotton FACE project (October 1991) and the end of the second wheat experiment (June 1994). The initial 13C-depletion in SOC of cotton FACE plots (measured by the difference in 13C between FACE and Control plots) persisted at the same level (1.9) 1.5 years after the experiment ended. A similar depletion was observed in soil CO2 evolved in the same plots, indicating ongoing decomposition of the new SOC. The SOC 13C of wheat plots before and after two growing seasons showed increasing 13C-depletion in FACE relative to Control. Isotopic mass balance was consistent with 5–6% new carbon input from the two wheat crops. This is lower than the 12–13% calculated for FACE cotton and perhaps a consequence of the larger root system of cotton or the 3-year duration of the cotton experiments versus 2 years for the wheat.  相似文献   

Dynamics of soil organic carbon (SOC) inchronosequences of soils below forests that had beenreplaced by grazed pastures 3–25 years ago, wereinvestigated for two contrasting soil types (AndicHumitropept and Eutric Hapludand) in the Atlantic Zoneof Costa Rica. By forest clearing and subsequentestablishment of pastures, photosynthesis changes froma C-3 to a C-4 pathway. The accompanying changes inC-input and its 13C and 14Csignals, were used to quantify SOC dynamics. C-input from rootturnover at a pasture site was measured by sequentialharvesting and 14C-pulse labelling. With aspatial resolution of 5 cm, data on total SOC,13C and 14C of soil profileswere interpreted with a model that distinguishes threepools of SOC: active C, slow C and passive C,each with a 1-st order decomposition rate(ka, ks and kp). The modelincludes carbon isotope fractionation and depth-dependentdecomposition rates. Transport of C between soillayers was described as a diffusion process, whichaccounts for physical and biotic mixing processes.Calibrated diffusion coefficients were 0.42 cm2yr-1 for the Humitropept and 3.97 cm2yr-1 for the Hapludand chronosequence.Diffusional transport alone was insufficient foroptimal simulation; it had to be augmented bydepth-dependent decomposition rates to explain thedynamics of SOC, 13C and14C. Decomposition rates decreasedstrongly with depth. Upon increased diffusion,differences between calibrated decomposition rates ofSOC fractions between surface soils and subsoilsdiminished, but the concept of depth-dependentdecomposition had to be retained, to obtain smallresiduals between observed and simulated data. At areference depth of 15–20 cm ks was 90 yr-1in the Humitropept and 146 yr-1 in the Hapludand.Slow C contributed most to total organic C in surfacesoils, whereas passive C contributed most below 40 cmdepth. After 18–25 years of pasture, net loss of C was2180 g C m-2 for the Hapludand and 150 g m-2for the Humitropept soil.  相似文献   

A major part of the dissolved organic matter produced in the organic layers of forest ecosystems and leached into the mineral soil is retained by the upper subsoil horizons. The retention is selective and thus dissolved organic matter in the subsoils has different composition than dissolved organic matter leached from the forest floor. Here we report on changes in the composition of dissolved organic matter with soil depth based on C-to-N ratios, XAD-8 fractionation, wet-chemical analyses (lignin-derived CuO oxidation products, hydrolysable sugars and amino sugars) and liquid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Dissolved organic matter was sampled directly beneath the forest floor using tension-free lysimeters and at 90cm depth by suction cups in Haplic Arenosols under Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Rendzic Leptosols under European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) forest. At both sites, the concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) decreased but not as strongly as reported for deeply weathered soils. The decrease in DOC was accompanied by strong changes in the composition of dissolved organic matter. The proportion of the XAD-8-adsorbable (hydrophobic) fraction, carboxyl and aromatic C, and the concentrations of lignin-derived phenols decreased whereas the concentrations of sugars, amino sugars, and nitrogen remained either constant or increased. A general feature of the compositional changes within the tested compound classes was that the ratios of neutral to acidic compounds increased with depth. These results indicate that during the transport of dissolved organic matter through the soils, oxidatively degraded lignin-derived compounds were preferentially retained while potentially labile material high in nitrogen and carbohydrates tended to remain dissolved. Despite the studied soils' small capacity to sorb organic matter, the preferential retention of potentially refractory and acidic compounds suggests sorption by the mineral soil matrix rather than biodegradation to govern the retention of dissolved organic matter even in soils with a low sorption capacity.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted in a 14C-labelled atmosphere to study the influence of living plants on organic-N mineralization. The soil organic matter had been labelled, by means of a 200-days incubation, with 15N. The influence of the carbon input from the roots on the formation of microbial biomass was evaluated by using two different light intensities (I). Mineralization of 15N-labelled soil N was examined by following its fate in both the soil biomass and the plants. Less dry matter accumulated in shoots and roots at the lower light intensity. Furthermore, in all the plant-soil compartments examined, with the exception of rhizosphere respiration, the proportion of net assimilated 14C was lower in the low-I treatment than in the high-I treatment. The lower rates of 14C and 15N incorporation into the soil biomass were associated with less root-derived 14C. During the chamber period (14CO2-atmosphere), mineralized amounts of 15N (measured as plant uptake of 15N) were small and represented about 6.8 to 7.8% of the initial amount of organic 15N in the soil. Amounts of unlabelled N found in the plants, as a percentage of total soil N, were 2.5 to 3.3%. The low availability of labelled N to microorganisms was the result of its stabilization during the 210 days of soil incubation. Differences in carbon supply resulted in different rates of N mineralization which is consistent with the hypothesis that roots induce N mineralization. N mineralization was higher in the high-I treatment. On the other hand, the rate of mineralization of unlabelled stable soil N was lower than labelled soil 15N which was stabilized. The amounts of 15N mineralized in planted soil during the chamber period (43 days) which were comparable with those mineralized in unplanted soil incubated for 210 days, also suggested that living plants increased the turnover rate of soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Summary The availability and turnover in different soil fractions of residual N from leguminous plant material and inorganic fertilizer was studied in a pot culture experiment using wheat as a test crop. Plants utilized 64% of the residual fertilizer N and 20% of the residual legume N. 50–60% of the N taken up by plants was recovered in grain and 4–8% in roots. After harvesting wheat up to 35% and 38% of the residual legume N and fertilizer N, respectively was found in humic compounds. A loss of humus N derived from legume and fertilizer was found during wheat growth but the unlabelled N increased in this fraction. Biomass contained 6% and 8% of the residual legume and fertilizer N, respectively when both were available. The mineralizable component contained upto 28% of both the residual legume and residual fertilizer N. Only a small percentage of the soil N (3–4%) was observed in biomass whereas the mineralizable component accounted for 7–14% of the soil N. In this fraction legume derived N increased during wheat growth whereas unlabelled N increased in both the mineralizable component and microbial biomass. Some loss of N occurred from residual legume and fertilizer N. Nevertheless, a positive total N balance was observed and was attributed to the addition of unlabelled N in the soil-plant system by N2 fixation. The gain in N was equivalent to about 38% of the plant available N in the soil amended with leguminous material. The additional N was concentrated mainly in the mineralizable fraction and microbial biomass, although some addition was also noted in humus fractions.  相似文献   

Soil microbes constitute an important control on nitrogen (N) turnover and retention in arctic ecosystems where N availability is the main constraint on primary production. Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) symbioses may facilitate plant competition for the specific N pools available in various arctic ecosystems. We report here our study on the N uptake patterns of coexisting plants and microbes at two tundra sites with contrasting dominance of the circumpolar ECM shrub Betula nana. We added equimolar mixtures of glycine-N, NH4+–N and NO3–N, with one N form labelled with 15N at a time, and in the case of glycine, also labelled with 13C, either directly to the soil or to ECM fungal ingrowth bags. After 2 days, the vegetation contained 5.6, 7.7 and 9.1% (heath tundra) and 7.1, 14.3 and 12.5% (shrub tundra) of the glycine-, NH4+- and NO315N, respectively, recovered in the plant–soil system, and the major part of 15N in the soil was immobilized by microbes (chloroform fumigation-extraction). In the subsequent 24 days, microbial N turnover transferred about half of the immobilized 15N to the non-extractable soil organic N pool, demonstrating that soil microbes played a major role in N turnover and retention in both tundra types. The ECM mycelial communities at the two tundras differed in N-form preferences, with a higher contribution of glycine to total N uptake at the heath tundra; however, the ECM mycelial communities at both sites strongly discriminated against NO3. Betula nana did not directly reflect ECM mycelial N uptake, and we conclude that N uptake by ECM plants is modulated by the N uptake patterns of both fungal and plant components of the symbiosis and by competitive interactions in the soil. Our field study furthermore showed that intact free amino acids are potentially important N sources for arctic ECM fungi and plants as well as for soil microorganisms. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Natural 15N abundance measurements of ecosystem nitrogen (N) pools and 15N pool dilution assays of gross N transformation rates were applied to investigate the potential of δ15N signatures of soil N pools to reflect the dynamics in the forest soil N cycle. Intact soil cores were collected from pure spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) and mixed spruce-beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) stands on stagnic gleysol in Austria. Soil δ15N values of both forest sites increased with depth to 50 cm, but then decreased below this zone. δ15N values of microbial biomass (mixed stand: 4.7 ± 0.8‰, spruce stand: 5.9 ± 0.9‰) and of dissolved organic N (DON; mixed stand: 5.3 ± 1.7‰, spruce stand: 2.6 ± 3.3‰) were not significantly different; these pools were most enriched in 15N of all soil N pools. Denitrification represented the main N2O-producing process in the mixed forest stand as we detected a significant 15N enrichment of its substrate NO3 (3.6 ± 4.5‰) compared to NH4+ (−4.6 ± 2.6‰) and its product N2O (−11.8 ± 3.2‰). In a 15N-labelling experiment in the spruce stand, nitrification contributed more to N2O production than denitrification. Moreover, in natural abundance measurements the NH4+ pool was slightly 15N-enriched (−0.4 ± 2.0 ‰) compared to NO3 (−3.0 ± 0.6 ‰) and N2O (−2.1 ± 1.1 ‰) in the spruce stand, indicating nitrification and denitrification operated in parallel to produce N2O. The more positive δ15N values of N2O in the spruce stand than in the mixed stand point to extensive microbial N2O reduction in the spruce stand. Combining natural 15N abundance and 15N tracer experiments provided a more complete picture of soil N dynamics than possible with either measurement done separately.  相似文献   

M. Burger  L. E. Jackson 《Plant and Soil》2005,266(1-2):289-301
Immobilization of ammonium (NH 4 + ) by plants and microbes, a controlling factor of ecosystem nitrogen (N) retention, has usually been measured based on uptake of15NH 4 + solutions injected into soil. To study the influence of roots on N dynamics without stimulating consumption of NH 4 + , we estimated gross nitrification in the presence or absence of live roots in an agricultural soil. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum var. Peto76) plants were grown in microcosms containing root exclosures. When the plants were 7 weeks old,15N enriched nitrate (NO 3 ) was applied in the 0–150 mm soil layer. After 24 h, > 30 times more15NH 4 + was found in the soil with roots than in the soil of the root exclosures. At least 18% of the NH 4 + -N present at this time in the soil with roots had been converted from NO 3 . We estimated rates of conversion of NO 3 to NH 4 + , and rates ofNH 4 + immobilization by plants and microbes, by simulating N-flow of14+15N and15N in three models representing mechanisms that may be underlying the experimental data: Dissimilatory NO 3 reduction to NH 4 + (DNRA), plant N efflux, and microbial biomass nitrogen (MBN) turnover. Compared to NO 3 uptake, plant NH 4 + uptake was modest. Ammonium immobilization by plants and microbes was equal to at least 35% of nitrification rates. The rapid recycling of NO 3 to NH 4 + via plants and/or microbes contributes to ecosystem N retention and may enable plants growing in agricultural soils to capture more NH 4 + than generally assumed.  相似文献   

A 12-week greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the effect of the polyphenol, lignin and N contents of six legumes on their N mineralization rate in soil and to compare estimates of legume-N release by the difference and 15N-recovery methods. Mature tops of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.), round leaf cassia (Cassia rotundifolia Pers., var. Wynn), leucaena (Leucaena leucocephala Lam., deWit), Fitzroy stylo (Stylosanthes scabra Vog., var Fitzroy), snail medic (Medicago scutellata L.), and vigna (Vigna trilobata L., var verde) were incorporated in soil at the rate of 100 mg legume N kg-1 soil. The medic and vigna were labeled with 15N. Sorghum-sudan hybrid (Sorghum bicolor, L. Moench) was used as the test crop. A non-amended treatment was used as a control. Net N mineralization after 12 weeks ranged from 11% of added N with cassia to 47% of added N for alfalfa. With the two legumes that contained less than 20 g kg-1 of N, stylo and cassia, there was net N immobilization for the first 6 weeks of the experiment. The legume (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio was significantly correlated with N mineralization at all sampling dates at the 0.05 level and at the 0.01 level at 6 weeks (r2=0.866). Legume N, lignin, or polyphenol concentrations or the lignin:N ratio were not significantly correlated with N mineralization at any time. The polyphenol:N ratio was only significantly correlated with N mineralization after 9 weeks (r2=0.692). The (lignin + polyphenol):N ratio appears to be a good predictor of N mineralization rates of incorporated legumes, but the method for analyzing plant polyphenol needs to be standardized. Estimates of legume-N mineralization by the difference and 15N recovery methods were significantly different at all sampling dates for both 15N-labeled legumes. After 12 weeks, estimates of legume-N mineralization averaged 20% more with the difference method than with the 15N recovery method. This finding suggests that estimates of legume N available to subsequent crops should not be based solely on results from 15N recovery experiments.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to determine the effects of the application of 13C (1.256 atom%) and 15N (1.098 atom%) dual-labeled maize residue compost (MRC) on the nitrogen and carbon uptake by radish, komatsuna, and chingensai as compared with the effect of inorganic fertilizer (IF). The vegetables were grown over three consecutive growing seasons over 4 months; compost was applied at the rate of 24 g kg–1 soil. Nonlabeled nitrogen fertilizer was applied to the compost treatments in the second and third crops to compare the effects of blends of compost with N fertilizer to fertilizer alone. The N uptake and yield of vegetables were significantly higher with the recommended inorganic N treatment. The vegetables took up significantly (P < 0.05) lower amounts of N from MRC than from IFs during the three cultivations. The values of the N uptake derived by fertilizer application to the plant exhibited significant differences among different vegetables. Nitrogen recovered by komatsuna and chingensai from MRC was 7.3 (6.6%), 2.7 (1.8%), and 2.3, (1.7%) in the first, second, and third crops, respectively. Radish, komatsuna, and chingensai recovered significant amounts of C from MRC in the first and second crops, with negligible C recovery in the third crop. The initial loss of fertilizer C in soil at the first crop indicates that the microbial decomposition decoupled substantial amounts of 13C/15N-labeled compounds early in plant development, thus giving the microorganisms a preemptive competitive advantage in the acquisition of easily available 13C/15N-labeled substrates. It is concluded that a combination of compost and inorganic N did not supply sufficient plant-available N to increase vegetables yields or N uptake over those of fertilizer alone. The data suggested that higher productivity of vegetables might be achieved after the accumulation of a certain amount of residual compost N.  相似文献   

Peter Sørensen 《Plant and Soil》2004,267(1-2):285-296
About 50–60% of dairy cattle slurry nitrogen is ammonium N. Part of the ammonium N in cattle slurry is immobilised due to microbial decomposition of organic matter in the slurry after application to soil. The immobilisation and the remineralisation influence the fertiliser value of slurry N and the amount of organic N that is retained in soil. The immobilisation and the remineralisation of 15 N-labelled dairy cattle slurry NH4-N were studied through three growing seasons after spring application under temperate conditions. Effects of slurry distribution (mixing, layer incorporation, injection, surface-banding) and extra litter straw in the slurry on the plant utilisation of labelled NH4-N from slurry were studied and compared to the utilisation of 15N-labelled mineral fertiliser. The initial immobilisation of slurry N was influenced by the slurry distribution in soil. More N was immobilised when the slurry was mixed with soil. Surface-banding of slurry resulted in significant volatilisation losses and less residual 15N in soil. Much more N was immobilised after slurry incorporation than after mineral fertiliser application. After 2.5 years the recovery of labelled N in soil (0–25 cm) was 46% for slurry mixed with soil, 42% for injected slurry, 22% for surface-banded slurry and 24% for mineral fertiliser N. The total N uptake in a ryegrass cover crop was 5–10 kg N/ha higher in the autumn after spring-application of cattle slurry (100–120 kg NH4-N/ha) compared to the mineral fertiliser N reference, but the immobilised slurry N (labelled N) only contributed little to the extra N uptake in the autumn. Even in the second autumn after slurry application there was an extra N uptake in the cover crop (0–10 kg N/ha). The residual effect of the cattle slurry on spring barley N uptake was insignificant in the year after slurry application (equivalent to 3% of total slurry N). Eighteen months after application, 13% of the residual 15N in soil was found in microbial biomass whether it derived from slurry or mineral fertiliser, but the remineralisation rate (% crop removal of residual 15N) was higher for fertiliser- than for slurry-derived N, except after surface-banding. Extra litter straw in the slurry had a negligible influence on the residual N effects in the year after application. It is concluded that a significant part of the organic N retained in soil after cattle slurry application is derived from immobilised ammonium N, but already a few months after application immobilised N is stabilised and only slowly released. The immobilised N has negligible influence on the residual N effect of cattle slurry in the first years after slurry application, and mainly contributes to the long-term accumulation of organic N in soil together with part of the organic slurry N. Under humid temperate conditions the residual N effects of the manure can only be optimally utilised when soil is also covered by plants in the autumn, because a significant part of the residual N is released in the autumn, and there is a higher risk of N leaching losses on soils that receive cattle slurry regularly compared to soils receiving only mineral N fertilisers.  相似文献   

Summary A loam soil containing an organic fraction labelled with15N was used for pot experiments with spring barley, rye-grass and clover. The organically bound labelled N was mineralized at a rate corresponding to a half-life of about 9 years. Fertilization with 106 and 424 kgN/ha of unlabelled N in the form of KNO3 significantly increased uptake of labelled N from the soil in barley and the first harvest of rye-grass crops. The fertilized plants removed all the labelled NH4 and NO3 present in the soil, whereas the unfertilized plants removed only about 80%. The second, third and fourth harvests of the unfertilized rye-grass took up more labelled N than the fertilized rye-grass. The total uptake in the four harvests was similar whether the plants were fertilized or not. Application of KCl to barley plants in amounts equivalent to that of KNO3 resulted in a small but insignificant increase in uptake of labelled N. The uptake of labelled N in the first harvest of clover which was not fertilized but inoculated with Rhizobium was similar to that of the fully fertilized rye-grass indicating that the biological fixation of N had the same effect as addition of N-fertilizer. N uptake in the following harvests was lower and the total uptake by four harvests of clover was similar to that of rye-grass. There was no indication that fertilization with KNO3 accelerated the mineralization of the organically bound labelled N. The observed apparent ‘priming effect’ of the fertilizer on the uptake of labelled N was compensated by subsequent crops and harvests, and it seems to arise from a more thorough search of the soil volume by a better developed root system of the fertilized plants.  相似文献   

The apparent transfer of N from clover to associated grass was evaluated over a four year period both on the basis of harvested herbage and by taking account of changes in N in stubble and root (to 10 cm depth) in swards with perennial ryegrass and three different white clover cultivars differing in leaf size. The large leaved Aran transferred 15% of its nitrogen while Huia transferred 24% and the small leaved Kent Wild White transferred 34%. When changes in stubble and root N were taken into account the percentage of N transferred was calculated to be 5% less than in harvested herbage only, as the small leaved types had proportionately more N in the roots and stolons, but the large leaved type was probably more competitive towards the grass.Loss of N from clover roots from July to October was compared to that from grass roots in a grass/white clover sward continuously stocked with steers using a method which incorporated tissue turnover and 15N dilution techniques. Less than 1 mg N m-2 d-1 was lost from the grass roots. In contrast 8 mg m-2 d-1 were estimated to be lost from clover roots while 12 mg N m-2 d-1 were assimilated.It is concluded that clover cultivar and competitive ability on grass have to be taken into account together with the relationship between N turnover in roots and N available for grass growth when modelling N transfer in grass/clover associations.  相似文献   

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