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Using single primer pairs Y3 and Y4, in siru polymerase chain reaction (in situ PCR) was successfully performed on the specimen slides of peripheral leukocytes. By both of the direct digpxiginin-11-dUTP incorporation into PCR products with in situ PCR (direct in situ PCR) and in situ PCR followed by detection of in situ hybridization (indirect in siru PCR), DNA fragments specific for human Y chromosome were obviously amplified in cellular nuclei of specimens on the slides. The results were verified by Southern analysis. The methodology of in situ PCR and its application were discussed.  相似文献   

X and Y specific probes were identified in order to apply the fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technique to bovine spermatozoa. For Y chromosome detection, the BRY4a repetitive probe, covering three quarters of the chromosome, was used. For X chromosome detection, a goat Bacterial Artificial Chromosome (BAC) specific to the X chromosome of bovine and goats and giving a strong FISH signal was used. Each probe labeled roughly 45% of sperm cells. The hybridization method will be useful for evaluating the ratio of X- and Y- bearing spermatozoa in a sperm sample and consequently can be used to evaluate the efficiency of sperm sorting by different techniques such as flow cytometry.  相似文献   

We present chromosomal fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) results that both extend the HSA20/BTA13 comparative map as well as cytogenetically anchor two microsatellite markers. A bovine bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was screened for conserved genes (type I loci) previously assigned to HSA10 or HSA20 and BTA13, and for microsatellites selected from two published BTA13 linkage maps. Clones from six out of nine comparative loci and both microsatellites were found represented in the BAC library. These BAC clones were used as probes in single colour FISH to determine the chromosome band position of each locus. As predicted by the human/bovine comparative map, all type I loci mapped to BTA13. Because single colour FISH analysis revealed that the loci were clustered within the distal half of BTA13, dual colour FISH was used to confirm the locus order. Established order was centromere- PRNP-(SODIL/AVP/OXT)-(BL42/GNAS1)-HCK-CSSM30 . The findings confirm the presence of a conserved HSA20 homologous synteny group on BTA13 distal of a HSA10 homologous segment.  相似文献   

荧光原位杂交技术及其在微生物生态学中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
呼庆  齐鸿雁  张洪勋 《生态学报》2004,24(5):1048-1054
综述了荧光原位杂交技术 (fluorescence in situ hybridization FISH)在微生物生态学领域的各种应用 ,同时就其发展过程、原理及种类做了介绍  相似文献   

师明磊  赖维莉  易天红  柯潇  赵志虎 《遗传》2017,39(4):326-332
CHO细胞是常用的哺乳动物表达工程细胞。外源基因整合至CHO细胞染色体后,在大规模蛋白质生产过程中,由于相关压力撤除,外源基因存在丢失的可能,因此有必要对其整合稳定性进行检测。康柏西普(conbercept)是一个能够特异性结合VEGF-A的各种异构体、VEGF-B以及PlGF,从而发挥抗血管生成活性的融合蛋白。康柏西普目前已在美国进入Ⅲ期临床试验。本文运用荧光原位杂交对康柏西普基因在CHO细胞的整合状态进行了检测,发现经过4和19次传代后,康柏西普基因依然能稳定整合在基因组上,并且呈现出3个特点:(1)分布在一条染色体上,而不是多条染色体上;(2)分布在较长的染色体上;(3)在同一染色体上有较多拷贝数。同时,荧光定量PCR结果证明基因拷贝数无明显改变,ELISA检测证明蛋白表达水平亦无明显改变。上述实验证明在经过19次传代以后,康柏西普基因仍然稳定整合在基因组中,并可活跃表达,为康柏西普大规模生产及产品质控提供了有力依据。  相似文献   

Utilization of repetitive DNA probes to assess the taxonomic affinity between related species has become the most powerful tool in evolutionary biology today. Consequently, tremendous strides have recently been made towards establishing the phylogenetic relationship of humans with chimpanzee. We employed human genomic proe (P5080 B.5) to identify the degree of divergence of chimpanzee genome from humans. A small protion of structurally distinct genomic areas in chimpanzee could be identified by fluorescencein situ hybridization (FISH) technique when compared to human DNA. The genomic divergence is confined mainly to the chromosomal ends in chimpanzee and may be an important phylogenetic characteristic in human evolution.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with DNA probes specific to chromosomes 17 and the X has been applied to human ejaculated sperm. After sperm nuclei were decondensed with EDTA and DTT, biotinylated alpha satellite DNA probes TR17 and TRX were separately used on preparations from thirteen healthy donors. After hybridization 96% of sperm were labelled with the TR17 probe and 48% of sperm were labelled with the TRX probe. Frequencies of 0.33% disomic 17 and 0.29% disomic X sperm were found. The frequencies of diploid sperm were assessed as 0.37% using the TR17 probe and 0.20% using the TRX probe which labelled only one half of the sperm; after correcting the result from the X-probe to 0.40% the two frequencies are very similar.  相似文献   

利用染色体荧光原位杂交技术(FISH),将3种重复序列5S rDNA、45S rDNA和C0t-1 DNA用不同荧光物进行标记,对我国10个不同地理来源的苜蓿种质(Medicago sativa L.;2n=4X=32)进行了染色体多态性检测。结果表明,利用以上重复序列可以较好地将苜蓿32条染色体区分为16对特征不同的染色体,10份不同种质材料FISH带纹特征表现高度相似,比较不同种质间同源染色体重复序列杂交特征,揭示出种质群体内和群体间多态性染色体的存在,其中不同的同源染色体多态性表现不尽一致,1号染色体(随体染色体)多态性最高,10份材料中检出7个多态型,3、4、15号染色体保守性较强,在不同种质间表现为单态,其他染色体多态性居中。对在地理分布上自西向东的10个材料进行染色体多态性比较,结果显示分布于西藏、新疆以及分布在辽宁的材料部分染色体多态型显著区别于其他材料。  相似文献   

A cosmid clone containing the complete sheep inhibin subunit βB gene (INHBB) was assigned to sheep and cattle homologous chromosome bands 2q31-q33 by fluorescence in situ hybridization. The assignment of INHBB in sheep excludes another candidate gene as the site of the FecB mutation.  相似文献   

Numerical change in chromosome 8 is an acquired abnormality associated with high clinical stage and may be involved in the conversion of carcinoma in situ in the breast to invasive carcinoma. Fine needle aspiration smears from 53 cases of breast carcinoma were hybridized with centromeric probes for chromosome 8 and the X chromosome. Thirty-eight cases revealed chromosome 8 copy gain. Of the 45 grade II and III tumours, 28 showed polysomy (>3 signals) and six showed trisomy. Of the eight grade I tumours, four were trisomic, none were polysomic. There were only two cases of chromosome 8 copy loss (one each of grade I and III). X chromosome polysomy was also a frequent finding although the signal counts were similar to those for chromosome 8 in only a few cases. Chromosome 8 polysomy occurs frequently in breast carcinoma and high copy number (>3) is associated with high malignancy grade.  相似文献   

A bovine bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) library was screened for the presence of eight type I anchor loci previously used within hybrid somatic cells and an interspecies hybrid backcross to construct a genome map of bovine chromosome 19 (BTA19). Six out of eight loci were identified in the BAC library ( NF1, CRYB1, CHRNB1, TP53, GH1 and P4HB ). The BACs were then used in single-colour fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to assign these genes to BTA19 band locations. Gene order was determined by single-colour FISH, and was confirmed by dual-colour FISH to mitotic and meiotic chromosomes. The order, centromere- NF1-CRYB1-CHRNB1-TP53-GH1-P4HB , was in agreement with the order determined by linkage analyses. In addition, the order of CHRNB1 and TP53 , previously unresolved by linkage analyses, was established. These data provide high-resolution cytogenetic anchorage of the BTA19 genome map from chromosome bands 14–22.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to develop a rapid and simultaneous detection system of chromosome Y- and 1-bearing porcine spermatozoa by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Chromosome Y- and 1-specific DNA probes were produced by polymerase chain reaction with digoxigenin (Dig)- or biotin-dUTP. The hybridization probe mixture of labeled Y-chromosome and chromosome 1-specific DNA was applied to the preparation, immediately denatured at 75°C for 8 min, hybridized for 5 min at 37°C and overall FISH steps were done within a few hours. When double FISH with Dig-labeled chromosome Y-specific and biotin-labeled chromosome 1-specific probes was applied to sperm nuclei pretreated with dithiothreitol, the average of 50.9% of sperm nuclei had the Dig-signal, 99.2% of the sperm nuclei had the biotin-signal and the average of 0.3% of sperm nuclei showed no signal. The putative rate of Y-bearing spermatozoa ranged from 49.8% to 52.8% among 5 boars and the average putative rate of Y-bearing spermatozoa was 51.0%. The results indicated that a rapid and simultaneous FISH with chromosome Y- and 1-specific porcine DNA probes produced by PCR made possible more accurate assessment of Y-bearing porcine spermatozoa. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

佘朝文  蒋向辉  宋运淳  刘伟 《遗传》2010,32(3):264-270
为分析玉米着丝粒卫星DNA(CentC)和着丝粒反转录转座子(CRM)在玉米种的亚种及近缘种中的保守性,采用双色荧光原位杂交检测了这两种重复序列在墨西哥玉米、二倍体多年生类玉米、多年生类玉米、摩擦禾、薏苡、高粱中的存在和分布。CentC、CRM探针在墨西哥玉米、二倍体多年生类玉米和多年生类玉米的所有染色体的着丝粒区产生了强或较强的杂交信号, 而且不同染色体的杂交信号的强度存在差异, 表明两种玉米着丝粒重复序列在不同着丝粒中的数量不同; 此外, 部分着丝粒中的CentC和CRM信号的强度存在差异, 不完全重叠。CentC、CRM探针仅在摩擦禾的多数染色体的着丝粒区产生了弱的杂交信号。在薏苡和高粱中仅测检到主要分布在着丝粒区的较强或强的CRM信号。这些结果表明, CentC在玉米种的亚种间及玉蜀黍属的物种间高度保守, 在与玉蜀黍属亲缘关系最近的摩擦禾属物种中也具有较高的保守性; CRM在与玉蜀黍属亲缘关系较近和较远的禾本科种属中都具有保守性。  相似文献   

A novel in situ hybridization technique using sulfonated probes is described. This non-radioactive approach, which employs chemically modified DNA and immunocytochemical procedures, is compatible with pre-G-banding and allows a rapid localization of the hybridized sequences on chromosomal spreads with a high spatial resolution. Using this technique we have localised the Chinese hamster ribosomal genes in the telomeric region of ten chromosomes, and among them in the subtelomeric q region of the Z5 chromosome. These results are discussed, the genetic markers confirming and locating the origin of Z group chromosomes by rearrangements of Chinese hamster chromosomes.  相似文献   

A new multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (mFISH) probe set is presented, and its possible applications are highlighted in 25 clinical cases. The so-called heterochromatin-M-FISH (HCM-FISH) probe set enables a one-step characterization of the large heterochromatic regions within the human genome. HCM-FISH closes a gap in the now available mFISH probe sets, as those do not normally cover the acrocentric short arms; the large pericentric regions of chromosomes 1, 9, and 16; as well as the band Yq12. Still, these regions can be involved in different kinds of chromosomal rearrangements such as translocations, insertions, inversions, amplifications, and marker chromosome formations. Here, examples are given for all these kinds of chromosomal aberrations, detected as constitutional rearrangements in clinical cases. Application perspectives of the probe set in tumors as well as in evolutionary cytogenetic studies are given.  相似文献   

 Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with multiple probes has been applied to meiotic chromosome spreads derived from ph1b common wheat x rye hybrid plants. The probes used included pSc74 and pSc 119.2 from rye (the latter also hybridizes on wheat, mainly B genome chromosomes), the Ae. squarrosa pAs1 probe, which hybridizes almost exclusively on D genome chromosomes, and wheat rDNA probes pTa71 and pTa794. Simultaneous and sequential FISH with a two-by-two combination of these probes allowed unequivocal identification of all of the rye (R) and most of the wheat (W) chromosomes, either unpaired or involved in pairing. Thus not only could wheat-wheat and wheat-rye associations be easily discriminated, which was already feasible by the sole use of the rye-specific pSc74 probe, but the individual pairing partners could also be identified. Of the wheat-rye pairing observed, which averaged from about 7% to 11% of the total pairing detected in six hybrid plants of the same cross combination, most involved B genome chromosomes (about 70%), and to a much lesser degree, those of the D (almost 17%) and A (14%) genomes. Rye arms 1RL and 5RL showed the highest pairing frequency (over 30%), followed by 2RL (11%) and 4RL (about 8%), with much lower values for all the other arms. 2RS and 5RS were never observed to pair in the sample analysed. Chromosome arms 1RL, 1RS, 2RL, 3RS, 4RS and 6RS were observed to be exclusively bound to wheat chromosomes of the same homoeologous group. The opposite was true for 4RL (paired with 6BS and 7BS) and 6RL (paired with 7BL). 5RL, on the other hand, paired with 4WL arms or segments of them in more than 80% of the cases and with 5WL in the remaining ones. Additional cases of pairing involving wheat chromosomes belonging to more than one homoeologous group occurred with 3RL, 7RS and 7RL. These results, while adding support to previous evidence about the existence of several translocations in the rye genome relative to that of wheat, show that FISH with multiple probes is an efficient method by which to study fundamental aspects of chromosome behaviour at meiosis, such as interspecific pairing. The type of knowledge attainable from this approach is expected to have a significant impact on both theoretical and applied research concerning wheat and related Triticeae. Received: 21 February 1996 / Accepted: 12 July 1996  相似文献   

The haplodiploid sex determining system in Hymenoptera, whereby males develop from haploid eggs and females from diploid eggs, allows females to control the primary sex ratio (the proportion of each sex at oviposition) in response to ecological and/or genetic conditions. Surprisingly, primary sex ratio adjustment by queens in eusocial Hymenoptera has been poorly studied, because of difficulties in sexing the eggs laid. Here, we show that fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) can be used to accurately determine the sex (haploid or diploid) of eggs, and hence the primary sex ratio, in ants. We first isolated the homologue coding sequences of the abdominal-A gene from 10 species of 8 subfamilies of Formicidae. Our data show that the nucleotide sequence of this gene is highly conserved among the different subfamilies. Second, we used a sequence of 4.5 kbp from this gene as a DNA probe for primary sex ratio determination by FISH. Our results show that this DNA probe hybridizes successfully with its complementary DNA sequence in all ant species tested, and allows reliable determination of the sex of eggs. Our proposed method should greatly facilitate empirical tests of primary sex ratio in ants.  相似文献   

AIMS: Pseudomonas spp. are considered the most important milk spoilage organisms. Here we describe development of a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probe specific for detection and enumeration of Pseudomonas spp. in milk. METHODS AND RESULTS: 16S rRNA sequences were analysed to develop specific oligonucleotide probe for the genus Pseudomonas. Twenty different Pseudomonas spp. and 23 bacterial species from genera other than Pseudomonas (as negative controls) were tested. All tested Pseudomonas spp. yielded a positive FISH reaction, whereas negative controls showed no FISH reaction except for Burkholderia cepacia that showed a relatively weak FISH reaction. The FISH assay specifically stains Pseudomonas in milk when the milk contains a mixture of other bacterial species. The FISH assay takes 2 h and compares favourably with current culturing methods, which take a minimum of 48 h. Specificity of the probe was validated using polymerase chain reaction to selectively amplifying the Pseudomonas rDNA gene and sequencing the gene products. CONCLUSIONS: The method presented in this study allows simultaneously detection, identification and enumeration of Pseudomonas spp. in milk. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Rapid and accurate enumeration of Pseudomonas facilitates the identification of specific contamination sources in dairy plants, the accurate validation of pasteurization treatments and the prediction of shelf life of processed milk.  相似文献   

AIMS: Development of a rapid method to identify and quantify Leuconostoc populations in mesophilic starter cultures. METHODS AND RESULTS: 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes were used in a whole cell in situ hybridization assay for the identification of the genus Leuconostoc and an undescribed Leuconostoc ribospecies. The probes were fluorescently labelled and used to quantify the Leuconostoc populations in five different mixed starter cultures. CONCLUSIONS: There was a good correlation between the results obtained using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with that of standard plate counting methods. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: To develop a FISH method capable of identifying and quantifying the Leuconostoc population in starter cultures within 1 day.  相似文献   

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