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Ortega JK 《Plant physiology》1977,60(5):805-806
The sporangiophore of Phycomyces shows a transient response to a double barrier, the avoidance growth response. Tensile tests conducted on the stage IV sporangiophore demonstrate that an increase in mechanical extensibility occurs about a minute after a double barrier stimulus. This change in mechanical extensibility is similar to the one that occurs after a light stimulus. We have concluded that the avoidance stimulus occurs somewhere on the same pathway between the photoreceptor mechanism and the final growth response.  相似文献   

The elongation response elicited by incubating excised hypocotyl sections of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) in light in gibberellin (GA) can be enhanced by the addition of Cl(-), Br(-), and NO(3) (-) salts of K(+) and Na(+). Sections incubated in light in the absence of GA do not elongate in response to the addition of salts. In contrast, excised hypocotyls incubated in darkness elongate equally in both GA and water, and their elongation can also be enhanced by KCl treatment. Growth stimulation by the salts of K(+) and Na(+) occurs optimally at 10 mm and the magnitude of the response is proportional to the duration of salt treatment. Although the growth of sections incubated in light in the absence of GA is not enhanced by various salts of K(+) and Na(+), the concentration of these cations exceeds that in GA-treated sections. In dark-grown tissue, uptake of K(+) also occurs in both GA- and H(2)O-treated sections incubated in 10 mm KCl. Since increased osmotic potential resulting from cation uptake does not correlate with growth stimulation resulting from salt treatments, we conclude that increased cell turgor is not the principal driving force for growth in hypocotyl sections. Changes in the extensibility of GA-treated, light-grown tissue and dark-grown tissue incubated with and without GA correlate with the increased growth rate of these sections. Incubation of sections in KCl results only in changes in water potential of sections without having a significant effect on extensibility. When changes in water potential are accompanied by increased extensibility, however, a marked increase in growth rate is observed.  相似文献   

Proteomic profiling of the pectoralis muscle of Thai indigenous chickens during growth period was analyzed using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and matrix assisted laser desorption ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/MS). A total of 259, 161, 120 and 107 protein spots were found to be expressed in the chicken pectoralis muscles at 0, 3, 6 and 18 weeks of age, respectively. From these expressed proteins, five distinct protein spots were significantly associated with chicken age. These protein spots were characterized and showed homology with phosphoglycerate mutase 1 (PGAM1), apolipoprotein A1 (APOA1), triosephosphate isomerase 1 (TPI1), heat shock protein 25 kDa (HSP25) and fatty acid binding protein 3 (FABP3). These five protein spots were categorized as follows: (i) the expression levels of PGAM1 and TPI1 proteins were positively correlated with chicken aging (p<0.05), (ii) the expression levels of APOA1 and FABP3 proteins were negatively correlated with chicken aging (p<0.05) and (iii) the expression levels of the HSP25 protein were up- and down-regulated during growth period. Moreover, the mRNA expression levels of the FABP3 and HSP25 genes were significantly decreased in muscle during the growth period (p<0.05), whereas no significant changes of the PGAM1, TPI1 and APOA1 gene expression from the chicken muscle was observed. The identified proteins were classified as metabolic and stress proteins. This demonstrates a difference in energy metabolism and stress proteins between age groups and shows that proteomics is a useful tool to uncover the molecular basis of physiological differences in muscle during the growth period.  相似文献   

Effects of ancymidol (Anc) and gibberellin A3 (GA3) on rootgrowth, osmotic concentration and cell-wall extensibility ofthe root were investigated in the gibberellin-sensitive cultivarof dwarf pea, Little Marvel. Anc strongly suppressed elongationof both shoots and roots in darkness. Although the elongationof shoots of this dwarf cultivar was severely retarded in thelight, it was repressed still further by Anc. GA3 promoted elongationof shoots both in the presence and in the absence of Anc, whereasit reversed suppression of root elongation by Anc. The concentrationof GA3 required for the recovery of root elongation was lowerthan that required for the promotion of shoot elongation. Treatmentwith Anc led to increased thickening of roots with increasednumbers of cells per cross section and lateral expansion ofcells in the cortex. GA3 had little effect on the osmotic concentration of cell sapobtained from root segments. Anc-treated roots did not respondto acid solutions by elongation, whereas GA3-treated roots respondednormally to such solutions. Anc suppressed but GA3 enhancedthe cell-wall extensibility of roots as measured in vivo andin vitro. These results indicate that a low concentration of gibberellinplays a role in normal elongation of roots by maintaining theextensibility of the cell wall in this gibberellin-sensitivedwarf pea. (Received January 17, 1994; Accepted July 15, 1994)  相似文献   

生长调节剂处理对银杏结实的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
盛花期对银杏雌株叶面喷施多效唑,B9,GA3,GA3+6-BA。结果表明,多效唑和B9能够明显提高坐果率,有效增加来年成花数量,GA3和GA3+6-BA对提高坐果无影响,但能增加种子重量,促进纵,横径增加,GA3还能够促进翌年成花数量,多效唑处理提高产量的原因,一是抑制树体营养生长,二是减少落花落果,增加植株翌年成花量。  相似文献   

研究了花锚中去甲氧基花锚甙和花锚甙的含量随着不同生长期的变化趋势,为药材的合理栽培和采收提供科学依据。RP—HPLC法,使用VPODS C18柱,流动相为乙腈:磷酸:水(1‰),梯度洗脱程序:0~5.00min乙腈的体积分数(以下同)为15%、5.01~14.00min由15%增至25%、14.01~30.00min由25%增至40%,流速为1mL/min,柱温25C,检测波长:254nm。花锚甙和去甲氧基花锚甙、在花锚全草中的含量在不同生长期有明显变化。  相似文献   

A linear stress strain analyzer was used to determine the effects of inhibitors of RNA and protein synthesis on auxin-induced increases in cell wall extensibility. With etiolated soybean hypocotyl, maize mesocotyl and Avena coleoptile sections and light-grown pea internode sections, inhibition of RNA synthesis resulted in inhibition of auxin-induced extensibility changes and cell expansion. The results with both actinomycin D and cycloheximide support an earlier conclusion that unstable cell constituents, presumably enzymes, are essential for cell wall loosening induced by auxin as well as for cell elongation.  相似文献   

N J Philp  W Chang  K Long 《FEBS letters》1987,225(1-2):127-132
We examined the intracellular distribution of three proteins involved in the cyclic GMP cascade of visual transduction; cGMP phosphodiesterase, the alpha-subunit of G-protein and arrestin. In adult rats, light-induced changes in the amounts of G and arrestin in the photoreceptor cell outer segments were observed both by polyacrylamide gel analysis of purified ROS and by immunocytochemical localization on retinal sections. In dark conditions, G was concentrated in the outer segments of photoreceptor cells while in the light G alpha was seen in the inner segments and the outer nuclear layer. Arrestin had the opposite distribution, appearing in the inner segments and outer nuclear layer under dark conditions and in the ROS under light conditions. In contrast, PDE, the enzyme which is activated by G and inhibited by arrestin showed no light-stimulated movement. In both light- and dark-adapted retinas, PDE was localized primarily in the outer segments of the photoreceptor cells.  相似文献   

Social circumstances often impinge on later generations in a socio-economic manner, giving children an uneven start in life. Overfeeding and overeating might not be an exception. The pathways might be complex but one direct mechanism could be genomic imprinting and loss of imprinting. An intergenerational "feedforward" control loop has been proposed, that links grandparental nutrition with the grandchild's growth. The mechanism has been speculated to be a specific response, e.g. to their nutritional state, directly modifying the setting of the gametic imprint on one or more genes. This study raises the question: Can overnutrition during a child's slow growth period trigger such direct mechanisms and partly determine mortality? Data were collected by following-up a cohort born in 1905 in Överkalix parish, northernmost Sweden. The probands were characterised by their parents' or grandparents' access to food during their own slow growth period. Availability of food in the area was defined by referring to historical data on harvests and food prices, records of local community meetings and general historical facts. If there was a surfeit of food in the environment when the paternal grandfather was a 9–12 year old boy a shortening of the proband survival could be demonstrated. The influence of parents', maternal grandparents' and paternal grandmothers' access to food during their slow growth period was discounted in a multivariable analysis. The results are indicative of very early programming mechanisms in human adaptation to the social environment.  相似文献   

MERTZ  DAN 《Plant & cell physiology》1970,11(2):273-279
Cultures of Gibberella fujikuroi grown under continuous illuminationof 1800 lux incorporated over 60% more leucine into the gibberellinsthan dark controls. In the dark at a C/N ratio of 37.6 Ca++increased the incorporations of leucine into A3 to essentiallythe same level as the light-stimulated incorporation. The failureof Ca++ to increase gibberellin synthesis in the dark at a C/Nratio of 9.4 suggested that light and Ca++ were exerting theirregulatory roles at different sites. (Received October 15, 1969; )  相似文献   

M Gresík  N Kolarova  V Farkas 《FEBS letters》1989,248(1-2):185-187
When illuminated by visible light, cell-free extracts from the fungus Trichoderma viride catalysed the phosphorylation of at least two proteins with molecular masses of 18 and 114 kDa which were practically absent when the phosphorylation was performed in the dark. The effect of light could be substituted by 3mM cyclic AMP, not only in the cell-free extract, but also in the separated cytosol. It is concluded that the process of photoinduced conidiation in Trichoderma involves phosphorylation of conidiation-specific proteins by (a) cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase(s) present in the cytosol.  相似文献   

Light-stimulated synthesis of NADP malic enzyme in leaves of maize   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Illumination of etiolated maize plants for 80 h brings about a 15-20-fold increase in activity of NADP malic enzyme (EC Increases in NADP malic enzyme protein and in the level of translatable mRNA for this protein occur simultaneously with the activity increase. Radiolabeled amino acids are also incorporated into NADP malic enzyme during this time. These results are consistent with the conclusion that an increase in NADP malic enzyme activity during greening results from de novo synthesis of NADP malic enzyme protein. Polyadenylated RNA extracted from greening maize leaves directs the synthesis in vitro of a protein 12,000 daltons larger than NADP malic enzyme purified from corn leaves. This protein is a precursor of NADP malic enzyme because 1) both the precursor and mature NADP malic enzyme are immunoprecipitated by antibody made against NADP malic enzyme purified from corn leaves, 2) both NADP malic enzyme protein and the level of mRNA for the precursor increase during greening, and 3) peptide maps of the precursor and of mature NADP malic enzyme are very similar. Mature NADP malic enzyme and its precursor (synthesized in vitro) both migrate on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gradient gels as doublet bands. Peptide analyses show all bands to be structurally related.  相似文献   

A field experiment with a 2 x2 factorial block design (WxSx)was conducted in northern Sweden where the mechanical loadsin the crowns of sixteen 2.5m high Scots pine (Pinus sylvestrisL.)trees were increased during one winter (W1, dormant period)and (or) summer (S1, growth period). Trees treated were loadedwith five 2kg bags hung over mid-crown branches close to thestem, i.e. 10kg per tree. After treatment, all trees were leftto grow untreated for one additional year. Trees were then cutat ground level and annual ring widths for the last 5 yearswere measured on stem discs taken at 1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and50% of tree height. Differences between treatments were analysedwith two-way factorial ANOVA. Accumulated treatment responsewas positive for winter loading (W1Sx) at all levels, and statisticallysignificant at 1, 15 and 20% of tree height. Summer loading(WxS1) had positive effects at the lowest and middle parts ofthe stem, and negative in between. No statistically significanttwo-way interaction (W xS) was observed. Results support thehypothesis that Scots pine trees can retain information aboutmechanical forces acting on their stems during winter, and respondto this during the following growth period. The results alsosuggest that stem form of trees in boreal forests may be stronglyaffected by winter conditions. Stem form; mechanical perturbation; Scots pine; Pinus sylvestris; dendrometer; diameter; growth; dormancy; thigmomorphogenesis; wind; sway  相似文献   

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