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A semi-automated method has been developed for the quantification and measurement of conidia discharged by the aphid pathogen Erynia neoaphidis. This was used to compare conidiation by E. neoaphidis-mycosed pea aphid cadavers, mycelial plugs cut from agar plates, mycelial pellets from shake flasks and by mycelial pellets from different phases of liquid batch fermenter culture. Aphid cadavers discharged significantly more and significantly smaller conidia than plugs or pellets. The volume of conidia discharged was stable over the period of discharge (80 h), but more detailed analysis of the size frequency distribution showed that more very small and very large conidia were discharged after 5 h incubation than after 75 h incubation. Biomass harvested at the end of the exponential growth phase in batch fermenter culture produced significantly more conidia than biomass from any other growth phase. The implications of these findings for the development of production and formulation processes for E. neoaphidis as a biological control agent are discussed.  相似文献   

Two biotypes of pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, have been recognized in Australia, by their susceptibility (S) or resistance (R) to certain isolates of the fungal pathogen Erynia neoaphidis. The responses of these two biotypes to 40 isolates of the fungus have shown that the R form is largely confined to two States, New South Wales and Victoria, but appears to have recently spread into Queensland and Tasmania. There is no evidence to suggest it occurs outside Australia. Sequential sampling of two field populations of pea aphids during 1981 and 1982 showed that the proportion of R form remained stable at 10.7±3.0 and 14.6±2.6% (mean±standard error) for the two populations. Glasshouse competition experiments run at the comparatively high temperature of 25°C resulted in the R form becoming dominant even when the initial ratio was 4:1 in favour of the S form. The ecological and genetical implications are discussed.
Résumé Deux types biologiques d'Acyrthosiphon pisum ont été définis, en Australie, suivant leur sensibilité (S) ou leur résistance (R) à certains isolats du champignon pathogène Erynia neoaphidis. Les réponses des deux biotypes à 40 isolats du champignon ont montré que la forme R est essentiellement cantonnée à deux états: Nouvelle Galle due Sud et Victoria, mais a récemment gagné le Queensland et la Tasmanie. Aucun élément ne fait dire qu'elle existe hors d'Australie. Des échantillonnages séquentiels des deux populations de pucerons dans la nature en 1981 et 1982 ont montré que la proportion de la forme R est restée stable à 10,7 et 14,62 dans les deux populations. Des expériences de compétition en serre à la température relativement haute de 25°C ont rendu la forme R dominante, même quand le rapport initial était de 4/1 en faveur de la forme S. La discussion porte sur les conséquences écologiques et génétiques.

The influence of wheat (Triticum aestivumL.) resistance, the parasitoid Aphidius rhopalosiphiDe Stephani-Perez (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and the entomopathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis(Remaudière et Hennebert) Humber (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) on the density and population growth rate of the cereal aphid Sitobion avenae(F.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae) was studied under laboratory conditions. Partial wheat resistance was based on hydroxamic acids, a family of secondary metabolites characteristic of several cultivated cereals. The partial resistance of wheat cultivar Naofén, the action of the parasitoid and the joint action of the parasitoid and fungus, reduced aphid density. The lowest aphid densities were obtained with the combination of the parasitoid and the fungus, but wheat resistance under these circumstances did not improve aphid control. Significant reductions of population growth rate (PGR) of aphids were obtained with the joint action of wheat resistance and natural enemies. In particular, the combined effects of parasitoids and fungi showed significantly lower PGR than the control without natural enemies in both wheat cultivars. Our results support the hypothesis that wheat resistance and the utilization of biological control agents could be complementary strategies in an integrated pest management program against cereal aphids.  相似文献   

We used a model plant-aphid system to investigate whether the aphid-specific entomopathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis responds to aphid-induced defence by the broad-bean plant, Vicia faba. Laboratory experiments indicated that neither in vivo sporulation, conidia size nor the in vitro growth of P. neoaphidis was affected by Acyrthosiphon pisum-induced V. faba volatiles. The proportion of conidia germinating on A. pisum feeding on previously damaged plants was significantly greater than on aphids feeding on undamaged plants, suggesting a direct functional effect of the plant volatiles on the fungus. However, there were no significant differences in the infectivity of P. neoaphidis towards A. pisum feeding on either undamaged V. faba plants or plants previously infested with A. pisum. Therefore, these results provide no evidence to suggest that P. neoaphidis contributes to plant indirect defence strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract The aphid-pathogenic fungus Erynia neophidis grew on a semi-defined medium containing 16 g·1−1 glucose, 3 g·1−1 yeast extract and 5 g·1 mycological peptone only when the medium was supplemented with low concentrations of certain fatty acids. Of these, oleic acid fulfilled the growth requirement at a concentration of 0.02% (v/v), but higher concentrations were toxic, causing complete loss of viability of cultures at a concentration of 0.2% (v/v) in liquid medium and at 4% (v/v) on solid medium. The reduced viability of the fungus in liquid culture compared to that on equivalent solid medium, and at low inoculum density compared to high inoculum density in liquid medium, is explicable in terms of this toxicity.  相似文献   

T. M. Butt  A. Beckett 《Protoplasma》1984,120(1-2):72-83
Summary An account of mitosis in the aphid-pathogenic, entomophthoraceous fungusErynia neoaphidis is presented. The mitotic apparatus is characterized by a closed, intranuclear, polarized spindle. Chromosomes are permanently attached by kinetochore microtubules (kcMTs) to the poles during mitosis. The spindle develops as the spindle pole bodies migrate and separate. At metaphase the eccentric spindle contains only kcMTs and is located in a relatively chromatinfree zone. Paired sister kinetochores are arranged in a broad metaphase plate. During anaphase kcMTs shorten, astral and nonchromosomal microtubules develop and elongate and the interpolar distance increases.  相似文献   

The aphid-pathogenic fungus Erynia neoaphidis, as dried fungus-infected aphids, was applied to caged plots of winter wheat infested with cereal aphids at two sites, one in Hertfordshire and the other in Hampshire, in 1983. In each trial, the fungus became established in the aphid populations in the treated plots even though conditions were drier than average and therefore sub-optimal for fungus spread. Treatment applied in the third week of June increased the proportion of infected aphids more than that applied two weeks later at one site, and the early application was the only treatment to have an obvious effect at the other. In spite of the observed effect of treatments on the proportion of infected aphids, the fungus failed to reduce the numbers of aphids relative to those in untreated plots, chiefly because in these plots many aphids were killed by fungi of the same species as that introduced and other related species from natural sources. Artificial introduction of E. neoaphidis acts too slowly and unpredictably to be likely to form a practical alternative to conventional insecticides for cereal aphid control.  相似文献   

Conidia of the aphid pathogen Erynia neoaphidis on detached bean leaves and glass coverslips maintained at 20°C and at humidities from 40 to 100% r.h. lost their infectivity for pea aphids at a rate dependent on the humidity. Infectivity declined most rapidly in inocula kept on leaves at 70% r.h. and persisted longest in those at 40 and 50% r. h. That of inocula on coverslips declined most rapidly at 77% r.h. and persisted longest in those kept at 40% r.h. Even after 21 days a little infectivity was retained by conidia stored at 50% r.h. on leaves and 40% r.h. on coverslips.  相似文献   

T. M. Butt  A. Beckett 《Protoplasma》1984,120(1-2):61-71
Summary A detailed account of the ultrastructure and behaviour of the spindle pole body (SPB) of the entomophthoraceous fungusErynia neoaphidis is presented for the first time.The SPB consists of extranuclear (ENC) and intranuclear (INC) components. The ENC is a saucepan-shaped structure which lies in a pocket of the nuclear envelope. It is composed of a forked, fibrillar handle and a shallow, cylindrical pan. The pan has a wall of two layers, both of which are thickened with a regular periodicity so that they appear to be beaded. It is postulated that the pan is formed from rough endoplasmic reticulum and that it synthesizes the amorphous, electron-dense material coating the ENC.The INC is a saucer-shaped, electron-dense plaque in which the ends of the spindle microtubules terminate. During metaphase, a clear zone separates the INC from the nuclear envelope and persists until telophase. The roles of the amorphous, electron-dense material and the clear zone as well as the method of SPB replication are discussed.  相似文献   

Pandora neoaphidis is an aphid-specific entomopathogen that produces infective conidia. As aphid movement increases, so does the likelihood of contact with conidia. Volatile distress signals released in response to aphid infestation as an indirect defence against herbivory may affect aphid foraging and, therefore, the fungus-aphid interaction. In this study, two different methods were used to investigate the effect of plant volatiles and P. neoaphidis-sporulating cadavers on (1) the colonisation of Vicia faba plants by Acyrthosiphon pisum and (2) P. neoaphidis transmission. This study indicates that A. pisum does not avoid bean plants containing P. neoaphidis and that transmission of conidia occurs during plant colonisation and, to a lesser extent, during in situ feeding. Although significantly more aphids were recovered from damaged plants compared to undamaged plants, the likelihood of infection was not affected by previous infestation by aphids.  相似文献   

Pandora neoaphidis is one of the most important fungal pathogens of aphids and has a great potential for use in biocontrol. Little is known on how this fungus persists in an area and in particular on its overwintering strategies. It is hypothesized that natural areas play an important role for survival and that soil may serve as a source of inoculum for new aphid populations in spring. To test these hypotheses, a cultivation-independent PCR-based diagnostic tool was developed, that allows the detection of P. neoaphidis in the environment. Two P. neoaphidis specific PCR primer pairs were designed, targeting sequences in the ribosomal RNA gene cluster. Specificity of both primer pairs was demonstrated with P. neoaphidis and non-target close entomophthoralean relatives. Moreover, single amplicons of expected sizes were obtained with both primer pairs from various environmental sample types, including aphid cadavers, plant material, and soil. The PCR-based diagnostic tool was applied to investigate the persistence of P. neoaphidis in soil samples obtained in 2004/2005 from a nettle field harboring infected aphids in fall 2004. P. neoaphidis was detected in every sample collected in November 2004 and March 2005, suggesting an overwintering stage of P. neoaphidis in top soil layers. The developed cultivation-independent PCR-based tool will be valuable for further investigation of the ecology of P. neoaphidis and for the development and future implementation of management strategies against aphids involving conservation biocontrol.  相似文献   

Previous research concerning theEntomophthorales has demonstrated their capabilities as biological control agents. To use them widely and at industrial levels, studies to demonstrate their innocuity in animals must be made. The present study concerns the intraperitoneal and subcutaneous inoculation of 274 animals (mice and guinea pigs) withErynia neoaphidis Remaudière & Hennebert andConidiobolus major (Thaxter) Remaudière & Keller, fungi pathogenic for the spittlebug [Aeneolamia postica (Walk) andProsapia simulans (Walk)] in Mexico. The alterations found were macroscopic tissue lesions consisting of nodules, abscesses and adhesions in the liver, spleen, kidneys and intraperitoneal cavity. No fungi could be recovered from organs at any time and only lysed filaments surrounded by polymorphonuclear cells could be seen at day 8 post-inoculation. The histopathological findings showed no important pathological alterations. These results suggest the innocuity ofErynia neoaphidis Remaudière & Hennebert andConidiobolus mamor (Thaxter) Remaudière & Keller in mice and guinea pigs.
Résumé L'utilisation des Entomophthorales dans la lutte biologique contre les insectes n'est possible qu'après avoir vérifié leur innocuité vis-à-vis des vertébrés. Dans ce but, des injections sous-cutanées et intrapéritonéales ont été réalisées chez 274 animaux (cobayes et souris) à l'aide de mycélium et spores deErynia neoaphidis etConidiobolus major pathogènes de la “mosca pinta”. Les seules lésions tissulaires observées sont des nodules, des abcès et des adhérences au niveau de la rate, du foie, des reins et du péritoine. Les champignons n'ont jamais pu être réisolés à partir des divers organes. Les observations histopathologiques ne montrent aucune altération pathologique importante; seuls des filaments lysés entourés de polymorphonucléaires ont pu être retrouvés. Ces résultats indiquent l'innocuité deE. neoaphidis etC. major vis-à-vis des souris et des cobayes.

Granular formulations of the aphid-pathogenic fungus Erynia neoaphidis were produced by entrapping mycelia in alginate polysaccharide polymers. Four Swiss isolates were compared for the numbers of conidia discharged from the surface of alginate granules in standardized laboratory assays and two were considered to be suitable for further development. Conidiation was achieved from granules produced using nozzle diameters of 2.0. 1.0 and 0.5 mm from glass burettes or a novel vibrating tip apparatus. The mean diameters of dried granules varied from 0.5 to 1.8 mm. The addition of sucrose, potato starch or chitin in alginate solutions significantly improved the numbers of discharged conidia. W ith freshly produced granules, there was a 14.2- fold increase in sporulation from 6.3 to 89.7 conidia mm - 2 using 2% (w/v) sucrose. Increases of 1.6-to 2.3-fold, from 11.0 to 17.7 and 25.2 conidia mm - 2, were observed using 5% (w/v) starch or chitin respectively. The overnight drying of granules in a laminar flow hood and storage for 4 days at 4 C made differences in sporulation more obvious. There was a 15.5-fold difference in conidial numbers of 12.4 and 0.8 conidia mm - 2 from granules with and without sucrose respectively. For starch and chitin, there were 76.0-and 46.5-fold increases from 0.4 to 30.4 and 18.6 conidia mm - 2respectively. Fresh or dried alginate granules containing 2% sucrose and 5% starch gave 8.6-26.6% infection in laboratory bioassays with nymphs of pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum , which were not significantly different when compared with infections of 6.7-22.9% using agar cultures or unsupplemented granules. Further studies on desiccation and storage regimes are required in order to improve the short-term shelf-life of E. neoaphidis alginate granules.  相似文献   

The parasitoid Aphidius colemani developed normally (approximately 90% adult emergence) when its cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) host was treated with Verticillum lecanii conidia 5 or 7 days after parasitization. Fungus exposure 1 day before or up to 3 days after parasitization, however, reduced A. colemani emergence from 0 to 10%. Also, numbers of spores and mycelial fragments in aphid homogenates were much higher in aphids exposed to the fungus up to 3 days after parasitization than in aphids treated after 5 or 7 days. Our results suggest that the parasitoid and fungus may be used together for aphid biocontrol as long as fungus applications are timed to allow late-instar development of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

The interactions that occur between the entomopathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis and a predator (Coccinella septempunctata) and a parasitoid (Aphidius ervi) were assessed in microcosm and polytunnel experiments. Transmission of P. neoaphidis to the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, was enhanced in the presence of both C. septempunctata and A. ervi in microcosm experiments done under fixed abiotic conditions. In contrast, the reproductive success of A. ervi was reduced in the presence of P. neoaphidis. Despite the increased fungal transmission in the presence of C. septempunctata, there was no additional decrease in the aphid population indicating that P. neoaphidis is functionally redundant in the presence of the coccinellid. In polytunnel experiments the reproductive success of A. ervi was not affected by P. neoaphidis. These results do not support those of the microcosm and may be due to the more natural abiotic conditions in the polytunnel reducing the competitive advantage of the fungus. Microcosms therefore provide an arena in which the interactions between fungal pathogens and other aphid-natural enemies can be assessed however, further assessments at increased spatial scales under more natural abiotic conditions are also required to accurately determine the outcome of these interactions.  相似文献   

Larval cuticle fromTrichoplusia ni, Helicoverpa (=Heliothis)zea, andHeliothis virescens and a cellulose substrate were used to quantify release of proteolytic, chitinolytic, and lipolytic enzymes by germinating conidia of the entomopathogenic fungus,Nomuraea rileyi. There was no significant difference in conidial viability incubated withT. ni, H. zea or cellulose substrates. Conidial viability onH. virescens cuticle, however, was significantly lower (ca. 19–25%) than the other three substrates. The presence of cuticle substrates, especially cuticle ofT. ni, stimulated germination. The nature of the substrate influenced both the time and quantity of the enzymes expressed. Specific proteases (aminopeptidase, chymoelastase, trypsin) generally were expressed earlier and/or in greater quantities on cuticular than on the cellulose substrate. Although both chitinolytic enzymes (endochitinase, N-acetylglucosaminidase) were detected on all three cuticular substrates, their activity was substantially lower than that of the proteolytic enzymes. Lipase activity was only minimally present. Early concurrent release of both proteases and chitinases suggested that both may be important in the penetration of the larval integument by germinating conidia ofN. rileyi. Expression of proteases and chitinases, especially aminopeptidase and endochitinase was probably a specific response to cuticle, because little or no activity was expressed on the non-host, cellulose substrate.This article reports the results of research only. Mention of a proprietary product in this paper does not constitute a recommendation for use by the US Department of Agriculture.  相似文献   

Conidia of the aphid pathogen Erynia neophidis inoculated on to bean leaves in the field in 1980, 1981 and 1982, retained some infectivity for pea aphids for at least 14 days. Decline in infectivity occurred linearly with time. Inocula on leaves near the base of plants remained infective longer than those on leaves near the top and those on the abaxial surface remained infective for longer than those on the adaxial surface. Infectivity persisted longest in 1981 when conditions were coolest with least sun.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus Pandora neoaphidis is a recognized pathogen of aphids, causes natural epizootics in aphid populations, and interacts and competes with aphid predators and parasitoids. Survival of entomophthoralean fungi in periods of unsuitable weather conditions or lack of appropriate host insects is accomplished mainly by thick-walled resting spores (zygospores or azygospores). However, resting spores are not known for some entomophthoralean species such as P. neoaphidis. Several hypotheses of P. neoaphidis winter survival can be found in the literature but so far these hypotheses do not include the presence of resting spores. Resting spores were found in an aphid population where P. neoaphidis was the only entomophthoralean fungus observed during surveys conducted in organic horticultural crops in greenhouses and open fields in Buenos Aires province, Argentina. This study sought to use molecular methods to confirm that these resting spores were, in fact, those of P. neoaphidis while further documenting and characterizing these resting spores that were produced in vivo in aphid hosts. The double-walled resting spores were characterized using light and transmission electron microscopy. The Argentinean resting spores clustered together with P. neoaphidis isolates with bootstrap values above 98 % in the small subunit ribosomal RNA (SSU rRNA) sequence analysis and with bootstrap values above 99 % the Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) II region sequence analysis. This study is the first gene-based confirmation from either infected hosts or cultures that P. neoaphidis is able to produce resting spores.  相似文献   

The entomopathogenic fungus Metarhizium anisopliae (strain ME1) failed to swell or form germ-tubes in distilled water. However, a period of soaking in distilled water (10–44 h) accelerated the process of germination when a suitable nutrient source was provided. The implications of this novel observation are discussed in terms of mechanisms of germination and the use of parasitic fungi for insect pest control.  相似文献   

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