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  • 1 FST hemispheres have been proposed as a method for assessing flow characteristics near the river bottom. We suspected that the hemispheres were too big for this goai and that the ground plate would significantly affect near-bottom microhydraulics.
  • 2 The results we present have confirmed our assumption about the limitations of this method: the correlation between FST results and current velocity (measured by an anemometer, φ= 1.2cm) was best at 40% of depth (‘mean current velocity’, coefficient of determination r2= 0,58) and decreased to r2= 0.24 at 0.6 cm above the bottom; the correlation with (calculated) shear stress was only r2= 0.23. A correlation between FST results and macroinvertebrate abundance was found for only four of eight investigated taxa and was similar to the correlation between abundance and ‘mean current velocity’.
  • 3 We conclude that for fieldwork the FST hemispheres have about the same limitations as has a conventional (i.e. propeller-type) anemometer. With the hemispheres we could not obtain better data than with other methods.

  • 1 This response to the paper of Frutiger & Schib (1993) focuses on substantial errors that are relevant to the interpretation of results and deficiencies in their study design. I include some reanalysis of the original data of Schib (1991), which formed the basis of Frutiger & Schib's paper.
  • 2 The paper of Frutiger & Schib (1993) is flawed because of their sampling strategy (sequence of measurements, depth stratification, and the long duration of the study in relation to temporal changes in the insect populations), the selection of study sites (one lake outlet, one river disturbed by bathers), the mixing of single-species and multiple-species units in the analysis, the pooling of data and its analysis, the omission of essential information given by Schib (1991), and the generation of doubtful arguments. Their approach and interpretation places FST hemispheres at an unreasonable disadvantage in a debate about the relative utility of hemispheres and propeller-type current meters and consistently discriminates against the general role hydraulics play in the micro-distribution of the eight insect taxa that were studied.
  • 3 Despite the deficiencies of their study, my reanalysis of the original data of Schib (1991) provides significant models of insect abundance in relation to hemisphere density for six of the eight insect taxa, with r2 values between 0.62 and 0.86 for five of them.

We analysed the influence of environmental stress (mainly deforestation of catchment due to windstorm) on taxonomic structure as well as composition of functional groups (FG) based on zonation preferences and feeding types of caddisfly species in 11 streams (12 sites) with various environmental conditions situated in the High Tatra Mts, Slovakia. Using Spearman correlation, we confirmed an expected positive association between taxonomic and functional groups richness (Ri), diversity (Shannon — Wiener Index) (Di) and equitability (Eq), but not with habitat diversity (HQA indices). By testing measured physiographical, physico-chemical and hydromorphological factors using CCA analysis we found that stream order and temperature best explained the functional and taxonomic structure of caddisfly assemblages. The occurrence of Rhyacophila glareosa decreased with increasing daily mean water temperature positively correlated with deforestation, whereas R. tristis (dominating at sites most affected by erosion) showed the opposite pattern. Composition of functional groups based on zonation preferences and feeding types distinguished well near natural sites from impacted ones, dominated by crenal/rhithral predators, and explained more of the overall variance of the species-environment relationships than taxonomic composition of caddisfly assemblages.  相似文献   

Small-scale movements of lotic macroinvertebrates with variations in flow   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
1. The small-scale movements and distribution patterns of invertebrates were observed in an attempt to identify the various mechanisms by which organisms may use flow refugia during flow disturbances. The microdistribution of lotic macroinvertebrates was examined in two replicate, non-circulating laboratory flumes with variations in flow among microhabitat patches (≈ 0.015–0.035 m2). The discharge in one experimental flume was manipulated to mimic spates and alter near-bed flow patterns; the other flume acted as a control. After an initial settling period, the position and behaviour of animals within the flumes was recorded before, during and after a simulated spate. Three species with contrasting flow microhabitat preferences and movement behaviour were examined. 2. At low discharge, the microdistribution of all three study species in flumes was broadly consistent with field observations. In the field, the optimum current speed was lowest for adults of the dytiscid beetle, Oreodytes sanmarkii, and highest for mayfly nymphs, Ephemerella ignita, with nymphs of the stonefly, Leuctra inermis, most abundant at intermediate velocities. In the flumes, O. sanmarkii occurred only in very low velocity areas, L. inermis occurred widely throughout the flumes with highest density in low velocity areas and E. ignita also occurred throughout the flumes, but maximum density was in moderately high velocity areas. 3. Increased discharge did not reduce the total number of individuals in experimental versus control flumes for any of the three species studied, although total numbers did decrease over the observation period in both treatments. Simulated spates resulted in a change in the microdistribution of O. sanmarkii and E. ignita, but not L. inermis, such that numbers were reduced in very high velocity microhabitats and animals accumulated in lower flow areas, analogous to flow refugia. These distributional shifts were attributed to movements of individuals among microhabitats. 4. Both active and passive modes of movement contributed to the accumulation of E. ignita and O. sanmarkii in low flow microhabitats (i.e. flow refugia). Some nymphs of E. ignita actively crawled from high to low flow microhabitats. Both species drifted between microhabitats. Drift entry could be active or passive, whereas regaining the substratum was active: O. sanmarkii swam down and E. ignita altered its body posture to promote sinking.  相似文献   

Responses of photosynthetic rates, determined by oxygen evolution using the light and dark bottles technique, to different temperatures, irradiances, pH, and diurnal rhythm were analyzed under laboratory conditions in four charophyte species (Chara braunii Gmelin, C. guairensis R. Bicudo, Nitella subglomerata A. Braun and Nitella sp.) from lotic habitats in southeastern Brazil. Parameters derived from the photosynthesis versus irradiance curves indicated affinity to low irradiances for all algae tested. Some degree of photoinhibition, [β= ‐(0.30–0.13) mg O2 g?1 dry weight Ir1 (μmol photons m?2 s?1)?1], low light compensation points (Ic= 4–20 μmol photons m?2 s?1) were found for all species analyzed, as well as low values of light saturation parameter (Ik) and saturation (Is) 29–130 and 92–169 μmol photons m?2 s?1, respectively. Photoacclimation was observed in two populations of N. subglomerata collected from sites with different irradiances, consisting of variations in photosynthetic parameters (higher values of a, and lower of Ik and maximum photosynthetic rate, Pmax, in the population under lower irradiance). The highest photosynthetic rates for Chara species were observed at 10–15°C, while for Nitella the highest photosynthetic rate was observed at 20–25°C, despite the lack of significant differences among most levels tested. Rates of dark respiration significantly increase with temperature, with the highest values at 25°C. The results from pH experiments showed highest photosynthetic rates under pH 4.0 for all algae, suggesting higher affinity for inorganic carbon in the form of carbon dioxide, except in one population of N. subglomerata, with similar rates under the three levels, suggesting indistinct use of bicarbonate and carbon dioxide. Diurnal changes in photosynthetic rates revealed a general pattern for most algae tested, which was characterized by two peaks: the first (higher) during the morning (07.00–11.00) and the second (lower) in the afternoon (14.00–17.00). This suggests an endogenous rhythm determining the daily variations in photosynthetic rates.  相似文献   

The role of Chironomidae in energy flow of a lotic ecosystem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Chironomid secondary production was estimated on a species-specific basis for 14 dominant taxa in a third-order woodland stream. Results from this study were used to provide an expalanation for the common observation that benthos secondary production in streams is insufficient to account for levels of fish production,i.e., the ALLEN paradox. Annual chironomid secondary production was 29.7 g dry mass m–2 and accounted for 80% of the total aquatic insect secondary production. A contribution by chironomids this high has not been reported previously from similar streams and indicates that chironomids are an energetically important group available for fish consumption. Most studies examining chironomid secondary production group all taxa at the family level and calculate secondary production for the entire family using the size-frequency method. This approach violates assumptions of the size-frequency method and will result in inaccurate and unpredictable estimates of chironomid secondary production. The species-specific approach to estimate chironomid production used in this study, combined with non-chironomid production, yielded a benthos annual production rate that exceeded consumption necessary to support fish production.  相似文献   

Information about forest biodiversity has so far been collected mostly by using field inventories, but it is desirable to find other methods that can cover large areas at a lower cost. In a forest landscape covering 2000 ha in southern Sweden we tested if colour-infrared (CIR) aerial photographs on the scale of 1:30000 can be used to interpret forest stand characteristics correlated to the occurrence of epiphytic lichens that are Red-listed or otherwise indicate high nature conservation value (signal species). Using logistic regression we found that the interpreted stand variables tree height and crown structure class were significantly correlated to the occurrence of Red-listed species. For signal species, the variables tree height, percentage of southern deciduous trees and crown structure class were significantly correlated to the occurrence. The logistic regression models successfully predicted a significantly higher probability to find Red-listed species in the stands that actually contained such species compared to stands without Red-listed species. The same was true for stands with signal species. We conclude that interpretation of CIR aerial photographs could be a useful method to find certain groups of epiphytic lichens in surveys covering large areas.  相似文献   

Many forest-dwelling bats spend their diurnal inactivity period in tree cavities. During this time bats can save energy through heterothermy. A heterothermic response (torpor) is characterized by a lowered body temperature, reduced metabolic rate, and reduction of other physiological processes, and can be influenced by the microclimatic conditions of roost cavities. The thermal and physical characteristics of roosts used by the sympatric, ecologically, and morphologically similar bat species Myotis bechsteinii, M. nattereri, and Plecotus auritus were compared. These three species differ in their heterothermic behavior, with the lowest skin temperatures observed for P. auritus. Therefore, we hypothesized that roosts occupied by the three species should differ in roost characteristics and microclimatic conditions, whereby P. auritus should select colder and thermally less stable roosts. The results showed that horizontal depth of the cavity, diameter of the roost tree, and microclimatic conditions within roosts differed among species. Roosts of P. auritus had the lowest horizontal depth, lowest thermal stability, and lowest mean minimum roost temperatures. Height of the roost, diameter of the roost tree, and vertical depth were also shown to influence microclimatic conditions. With increasing diameter of the tree and increasing horizontal depth, mean minimum roost temperature increased and thermal stability improved. Furthermore, with ascending height above ground insulation and mean roost temperatures increased. Our results imply that species such as P. auritus, which use pronounced torpor as a primary energy saving strategy, prefer colder cavities that support their heterothermic strategy.  相似文献   

We investigated the restoration trajectories in vegetation and soil parameters of monospecific Rhizophora mucronata stands planted 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, and 50 years ago (restored system). We tested the hypothesis that the changes in vegetation characteristics, with progressing mangrove age, are related to the changes in soil characteristics. The vegetation and soil parameters were compared across this restoration sequence using a reference system comprising mature, natural mangrove stands of unknown age. Rapid increases in leaf area index and aboveground biomass, and declines in tree density and size (in terms of tree diameter and height) occurred with increasing stand age. Soil organic matter, total nitrogen, and soil redox potential increased, and soil temperature decreased as stands aged. These patterns tended to stabilize at approximately the 11th year, indicating the probable age that restoration plots tend toward forest maturity. The time for the restored systems to reach forest maturity, attaining characteristics similar to the reference system, is estimated at 25 years, which is relatively slow compared to forest regeneration trajectories estimated for natural mangroves. Our study describes the trajectory patterns for planted mangroves, which are important for the assessment of both the progress and success of mangrove rehabilitation programs.  相似文献   

1. The effects of small-scale variation in the nature of a river bed upon the colonization dynamics of benthic invertebrates were explored through a series of microhabitat implants placed in a small river in southern Ontario. The implants presented variations in the levels of four microhabitat features: substrate particle size, current regime, added food and light. The sixteen possible combinations of these variables were replicated five times, for a total of eighty implants.
2. After 14 days of exposure, some of the controlled variables had been modified and a number of other variables (sand, fine (FPOM) and coarse (CPOM) particulate organic matter) had been added by the river.
3. Benthic diversity differed among the implants, with sand and CPOM accounting for 15.5% of the variation. Benthic density was more uniform and was weakly related only to added food. Application of the CANOCO program to the data set suggested that, in general, the environmental variables manipulated in this study were not the key factors influencing colonization, although they may have been important in non-linear combination.
4. A number of important positive associations were evident among colonizing species, some of which are thought to reflect those of predator and prey.
5. Control of colonization appears to be through multiple factors (abiotic, biotic, autochthonous, allochthonous) that differ in nature according to species, and which underline the complexity of selection responses of individual taxa to local variations in bed structure. Researchers must acknowledge this multifactorial organization and dynamic nature if workable models of lotic community structure and development are to be forthcoming.  相似文献   

1. The effects of small-scale variation in the nature of a river bed upon the colonization dynamics of benthic invertebrates were explored through a series of microhabitat implants placed in a small river in southern Ontario. The implants presented variations in the levels of four microhabitat features: substrate particle size, current regime, added food and light. The sixteen possible combinations of these variables were replicated five times, for a total of eighty implants.
2. After 14 days of exposure, some of the controlled variables had been modified and a number of other variables (sand, fine (FPOM) and coarse (CPOM) particulate organic matter) had been added by the river.
3. Benthic diversity differed among the implants, with sand and CPOM accounting for 15.5% of the variation. Benthic density was more uniform and was weakly related only to added food. Application of the CANOCO program to the data set suggested that, in general, the environmental variables manipulated in this study were not the key factors influencing colonization, although they may have been important in non-linear combination.
4. A number of important positive associations were evident among colonizing species, some of which are thought to reflect those of predator and prey.
5. Control of colonization appears to be through multiple factors (abiotic, biotic, autochthonous, allochthonous) that differ in nature according to species, and which underline the complexity of selection responses of individual taxa to local variations in bed structure. Researchers must acknowledge this multifactorial organization and dynamic nature if workable models of lotic community structure and development are to be forthcoming.  相似文献   

Cell proliferation is an attractive endpoint inin vitro toxicity assays, since nearly any kind of damage in a cell may result in altered cell proliferation. In toxicological applications, liquid scintillation counting, measuring radioactivity from tritiated thymidine, has been the traditional way to estimate cell proliferation. An alternative approach is the measurement of BrdU incorporation by flow cytometry. Before the actual DNA synthesis starts, several proteins are expressed on the cell surface, as well as intracellularly. Among the markers on the cell surface CD69, CD25, and CD71 are sequentially expressed on human lymphocytes after a mitogenic stimulation. The aim of this study was to evaluate information obtained by analysis of expression of activation markers on cell surfaces in lymphocyte subsets and to compare it with data from cell proliferation studies performed by liquid scintillation counting and BrdU flow cytometry. The experiments were performed with phytohemagglutinin-stimulated human lymphocytes exposed to ochratoxin A and cyclosporin A. While ochratoxin A-treated cultures showed a steep inhibition with increasing concentration, the cyclosporin A treatment gave an inhibition curve with a less steep slope. Activation marker studies showed that the effect of treatment with both of the toxins was more pronounced on the late markers CD25 and CD71, while CD69 had the advantage that significant effects could be detected as early as 6 h after ochratoxin A treatment. Cyclosporin A treatment induced only minor alterations in CD69 expression. Certain differences in expression of activation markers between CD4+ and CD8+ subsets were found both in ochratoxin A- and cyclosporin A-treated cultures. A stimulating effect was found in cell cultures exposed to the lowest concentration of ochratoxin A on CD69 and CD25 expression. Signs of an increase in frequencies of proliferating cells measured with the BrdU flow cytometry method were also seen. This increase could not be detected with liquid scintillation counting. No other differences between the liquid scintillation counting and BrdU flow cytometry measurements of proliferation were obtained. We conclude that studies of activation marker expression by the flow cytometric approach used in this report are useful complements to traditional measurements of cell proliferation as they yield subsetspecific information about cellular processes which precede proliferation of lymphocytes.Abbreviations A pulse area - BrdU bromodeoxyuridine - CD cluster of differentiation - FBS fetal bovine serum - FITC fluorescein isothiocyanate - FL fluorescence - FSC forward light scatter - H pulse height - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - PI propidium iodide - R-PE R-phycoerythrin - RPMI Roswell Park Memorial Institute - SEM standard error of the mean - SSC orthogonal light scatter - W pulse width  相似文献   

B. Statzner  T. F. Holm 《Oecologia》1989,78(2):145-157
Summary Using Laser Doppler Anemometry we measured current velocities in the median plane around dead lotic macroinvertebrates in a flume which reproduced natural near bottom hydraulics. We investigated specimens of the gastropods Ancylus, Acroloxus, and Potamopyrgus, the amphipod Gammarus, and the larval caddisflies Anabolia, Micrasema, and Silo of various size, various alignment to the flow or which were otherwise manipulated in order to clarify certain questions of adaptation of shape or case building style to flow, or the effects of flow on field distribution patterns. The steepest velocity gradients close to the animals were found near areas of their bodies protruding furthest into the flow. In such regions the rates of potential diffusive exchange processes, the potential corrasion (abrasion through suspended solids), and, for larger specimens, the lift forces (directed towards the water surface) must be highest. Posterior of these areas growing boundary layers formed above those species whose upper contour was approximately parallel to the upstream-downstream direction of the flow. All specimens removed momentum from the flow and thus experience a drag force (directed downstream). From the complete data set we derived the following general conclusions about the physical effects of potential morphological adaptations, taking into consideration diffusion through boundary layers, corrasion, lift forces, friction and pressure drag forces: The physical significance of these five factors generally depends on the Reynolds number of an animal and is largely affected by flow separation, which was significantly related to the ratio of body length to height and the slope of the posterior contour. A simultaneous effective morphological adaptation to all five factors is physically impossible and, in addition, would have to change from life at low (e.g. a young, small specimen of a species) to life at high (e.g. a fully grown specimen of the same species) Reynolds number.  相似文献   

  1. The importance of flow‐related factors to benthic organisms, as well as the role of habitat conditions in shaping aquatic communities during low‐flow periods, have been recognised. Despite this, the preferences of macroinvertebrates to the ratio of lentic to lotic habitats at the reach scale have not been accurately quantified in most instances.
  2. Aquatic invertebrates and habitat features in a range of temporary rivers in Sardinia were investigated. The investigation focused on the flow‐related characteristics that contribute to defining the lentic–lotic condition of the river reaches. The relation of habitat features to benthic taxa distributions was assessed using multidimensional scaling. The main aim of the paper was to quantify the responses of taxa to the different lentic and lotic habitat conditions by applying hierarchical logistic regressions. Finally, taxon optima were aligned along the lentic–lotic gradient and the responses of different taxonomic groups compared.
  3. Unbroken waves and imperceptible flow were correlated with benthic taxa variability, suggesting local hydraulics and turbulence have a major role in regulating community composition. The overall lentic–lotic character of the river reaches was also clearly related to the benthic taxa distribution. More than 80% of taxa were significantly related to the lentic–lotic gradient, and an asymmetrical response curve was the predominant model.
  4. Benthic groups showed taxon optima clustered in different ranges of the lentic–lotic gradient. Odonata, Coleoptera, Hemiptera, and Mollusca preferred clearly lentic conditions. Diptera mainly ranged on the lotic side of the gradient, while Trichoptera were relatively uniformly distributed across the gradient. Ephemeroptera taxa clustered in intermediate lentic–lotic conditions, with two species preferring extremely lentic habitats. In general, optima converged at intermediate and extremely lentic conditions, presumably due, respectively, to the coexistence of different lentic and lotic features and to the highly diverse environmental characteristics under extremely lentic situations.
  5. These results support the conclusion that dissimilar ecological factors act on benthic taxa along the lentic–lotic range and species favouring different lentic–lotic conditions are subjected to pressures of different nature. This should not be ignored when defining species preferences and studying community structure or relationships between species in Mediterranean rivers, which cyclically vary their habitat composition. In addition, the uneven distribution of optima of different groups along the lentic–lotic gradient might affect macroinvertebrate metrics when assessing ecological status or establishing reference conditions under variable climatic conditions.

Local ecological attributes of streams are known to have strong influences on community membership for many aquatic insects. Differences in aquatic insect assemblages, therefore, should be clearly detectable across large scale ecological "units", such as ecoregions. Many studies of aquatic invertebrates however, have suffered from a lack of species level identifications. In addition, many previous studies that examined the influence of ecoregion on aquatic assemblages have the implicit assumption that members of different taxa are responding in the same manner. Our study, therefore, was restricted to an ecologically (lotic) and functionally (mostly filter-feeding) homogenous group, the Simuliidae. In the current study, we examine the relationship between species assemblages of preimaginal blackflies and the landscape through which their stream habitats flow. Accordingly, the larval simuliid faunas from South Carolina, USA, are compared among three ecoregions established a priori: Blue Ridge Mountains, Piedmont, and Sandhills. Using discriminant function analysis, we show that each ecoregion produces a distinct stream habitat; factors responsible for regionalization are quantified. We also show that streams can be assigned correctly to ecoregion of origin 85% of the time on the basis of the simuliid assemblage. We suggest that our results can be interpreted most readily by considering the distribution of individual species.  相似文献   

Shane Brooks 《Hydrobiologia》1994,281(2):123-128
A suction sampler designed to minimize sampling error, and quantitatively collect benthic macroinvertebrates from coarse substrata under various flow regimes is described. This sampler uses a 12 V bilge pump (capacity 4400 1 h–1) to suck animals into a collecting net from substrata disturbed by a single operator. Macroinvertebrates were collected more rapidly by this sampler than by a Surber sampler or a Boulton suction sampler. Sources of sampling error are discussed for all three samplers. The electric pump sampler described here is suitable for sampling habitats where depth and velocity vary spatially and with time.  相似文献   

Hyperplastic liver nodules and hepatocellular carcinomas were induced in rats by oral administration of the carcinogen N-2-fluorenylacetamide. Neoplastic tissue was compared with control, fetal, neonatal, and precancerous liver tissues. The development of the tumors was slow, such that temporal changes in the biochemical and morphologic development of carcinogenesis could be identified. Ganglioside sialic acid levels were elevated in all but the most poorly differentiated tumors. Experiments to monitor individual enzymes suggested that the alterations in glycolipid composition were a direct effect of alterations in biosynthetic activities. The pattern during tumorigenesis was the inverse of that during normal development. Also, ganglioside patterns showed a progressive simplification from hyperplastic nodules to well-differentiated hepatomas and through two grades of poorly differentiated hepatomas. An increase in the activity of the branchpoint enzyme of ganglioside biosynthesis preceded both a decrease in the branchpoint enzyme of the disialoganglioside pathway and a marked increase in the galactosyltransferase of GM1 formation. The results indicate that ganglioside deletions are the end result of a cascade of events in the tumorigenic transformation. The onset of ganglioside deletions but not of the cascade per se may correlate with the onset of malignancy. Glycolipid levels are elevated early in certain surrounding tissues especially in the blood. In rats bearing transplantable hepatomas, serum levels of lipidbound sialic acid were elevated 2.5-fold. Similar results were obtained with sera of mice bearing transplantable mammary carcinomas and of cancer patients. These findings provide new emphasis for gangliosides in both cancer detection and as regulatory signals for growth and multiplication of cells.  相似文献   

Coliphages were monitored in conjunction with indicator bacteria and enteroviruses in a drinking-water plant modified to reduce trihalomethane production. Coliphages could be detected in the source water by direct inoculation, and sufficient coliphages were detected in enterovirus concentrates to permit following the coliphage levels through different water treatment processes. The recovery efficiency by different filter types ranged from 1 to 53%. Statistical analysis of the data indicated that enterovirus isolates were better correlated with coliphages than with total coliforms, fecal coliforms, fecal streptococci, or standard plate count organisms. Coliphages were not detected in finished water.  相似文献   

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