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Polyunsaturated fatty acids such as arachidonic acid (AA) exhibit inhibitory modulation of Kv4 potassium channels. Molecular docking approaches using a Kv4.2 homology model predicted a membrane-embedded binding pocket for AA comprised of the S4-S5 linker on one subunit and several hydrophobic residues within S3, S5 and S6 from an adjacent subunit. The pocket is conserved among Kv4 channels. We tested the hypothesis that modulatory effects of AA on Kv4.2/KChIP channels require access to this site. Targeted mutation of a polar residue (K318) and a nonpolar residue (G314) within the S4-S5 linker as well as a nonpolar residue in S3 (V261) significantly impaired the effects of AA on K+ currents in Xenopus oocytes. These residues may be important in stabilizing (K318) or regulating access to (V261, G314) the negatively charged carboxylate moiety on the fatty acid. Structural specificity was supported by the lack of disruption of AA effects observed with mutations at residues located near, but not within the predicted binding pocket. Furthermore, we found that the crystal structure of the related Kv1.2/2.1 chimera lacks the structural features present in the proposed AA docking site of Kv4.2 and the Kv1.2/2.1 K+ currents were unaffected by AA. We simulated the mutagenic substitutions in our Kv4.2 model to demonstrate how specific mutations may disrupt the putative AA binding pocket. We conclude that AA inhibits Kv4 channel currents and facilitates current decay by binding within a hydrophobic pocket in the channel in which K318 within the S4-S5 linker is a critical residue for AA interaction.  相似文献   

All members of the inward rectifiier K(+) (Kir) channel family are activated by phosphoinositides and other amphiphilic lipids. To further elucidate the mechanistic basis, we examined the membrane association of Kir6.2 fragments of K(ATP) channels, and the effects of site-directed mutations of these fragments and full-length Kir6.2 on membrane association and K(ATP) channel activity, respectively. GFP-tagged Kir6.2 COOH terminus and GFP-tagged pleckstrin homology domain from phospholipase C delta1 both associate with isolated membranes, and association of each is specifically reduced by muscarinic m1 receptor-mediated phospholipid depletion. Kir COOH termini are predicted to contain multiple beta-strands and a conserved alpha-helix (residues approximately 306-311 in Kir6.2). Systematic mutagenesis of D307-F315 reveals a critical role of E308, I309, W311 and F315, consistent with residues lying on one side of a alpha-helix. Together with systematic mutation of conserved charges, the results define critical determinants of a conserved domain that underlies phospholipid interaction in Kir channels.  相似文献   

Atrial fibrillation (AF) contributes significantly to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. The growing epidemic is associated with cardiac repolarization abnormalities and requires the development of more effective antiarrhythmic strategies. Two-pore-domain K+ channels stabilize the resting membrane potential and repolarize action potentials. Recently discovered K2P17.1 channels are expressed in human atrium and represent potential targets for AF therapy. However, cardiac electropharmacology of K2P17.1 channels remains to be investigated. This study was designed to elucidate human K2P17.1 regulation by antiarrhythmic drugs.  相似文献   

Approximately half of the NH(2) terminus of inward rectifier (Kir) channels can be deleted without significant change in channel function, but activity is lost when more than approximately 30 conserved residues before the first membrane spanning domain (M1) are removed. Systematic replacement of the positive charges in the NH(2) terminus of Kir6.2 with alanine reveals several residues that affect channel function when neutralized. Certain mutations (R4A, R5A, R16A, R27A, R39A, K47A, R50A, R54A, K67A) change open probability, whereas an overlapping set of mutants (R16A, R27A, K39A, K47A, R50A, R54A, K67A) change ATP sensitivity. Further analysis of the latter set differentiates mutations that alter ATP sensitivity as a consequence of altered open state stability (R16A, K39A, K67A) from those that may affect ATP binding directly (K47A, R50A, R54A). The data help to define the structural determinants of Kir channel function, and suggest possible structural motifs within the NH(2) terminus, as well as the relationship of the NH(2) terminus with the extended cytoplasmic COOH terminus of the channel.  相似文献   

Functional large-conductance Ca(2+)- and voltage-activated K(+) (BK) channels can be assembled from four alpha subunits (Slo1) alone, or together with four auxiliary beta1 subunits to greatly increase the apparent Ca(2+) sensitivity of the channel. We examined the structural features involved in this modulation with two types of experiments. In the first, the tail domain of the alpha subunit, which includes the RCK2 (regulator of K(+) conductance) domain and Ca(2+) bowl, was replaced with the tail domain of Slo3, a BK-related channel that lacks both a Ca(2+) bowl and high affinity Ca(2+) sensitivity. In the second, the Ca(2+) bowl was disrupted by mutations that greatly reduce the apparent Ca(2+) sensitivity. We found that the beta1 subunit increased the apparent Ca(2+) sensitivity of Slo1 channels, independently of whether the alpha subunits were expressed as separate cores (S0-S8) and tails (S9-S10) or full length, and this increase was still observed after the Ca(2+) bowl was mutated. In contrast, beta1 subunits no longer increased Ca(2+) sensitivity when Slo1 tails were replaced by Slo3 tails. The beta1 subunits were still functionally coupled to channels with Slo3 tails, as DHS-I and 17 beta-estradiol activated these channels in the presence of beta1 subunits, but not in their absence. These findings indicate that the increase in apparent Ca(2+) sensitivity induced by the beta1 subunit does not require either the Ca(2+) bowl or the linker between the RCK1 and RCK2 domains, and that Slo3 tails cannot substitute for Slo1 tails. The beta1 subunit also induced a decrease in voltage sensitivity that occurred with either Slo1 or Slo3 tails. In contrast, the beta1 subunit-induced increase in apparent Ca(2+) sensitivity required Slo1 tails. This suggests that the allosteric activation pathways for these two types of actions of the beta1 subunit may be different.  相似文献   

Very few vacuolar two pore potassium channels (TPKs) have been functionally characterized. In this paper we have used complementation of K+ uptake deficient Escherichia coli mutant LB2003 to analyze the functional properties of Arabidopsis thaliana TPK family members. The four isoforms of AtTPKs were cloned and expressed in LB2003 E. coli background.The expression of channels in bacteria was analyzed by RT-PCR. Our results show that AtTPK1, AtTPK2 and AtTPK5 are restoring the LB2003 growth on low K+ media. The analysis of potassium uptake exhibited elevated level of K+ uptake in the same three types of AtTPKs transformants.  相似文献   

Treatment with the ω-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) exerts cardioprotective effects, and suppresses Ca2+-induced opening of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MPTP). These effects are associated with increased DHA and EPA, and lower arachidonic acid (ARA) in cardiac phospholipids. While clinical studies suggest the triglyceride lowering effects of DHA and EPA are equivalent, little is known about the independent effects of DHA and EPA on mitochondria function. We compared the effects of dietary supplementation with the ω-3 PUFAs DHA and EPA on cardiac mitochondrial phospholipid fatty acid composition and Ca2+-induced MPTP opening. Rats were fed a standard lab diet with either normal low levels of ω-3 PUFA, or DHA or EPA at 2.5% of energy intake for 8 weeks, and cardiac mitochondria were isolated and analyzed for Ca2+-induced MPTP opening and phospholipid fatty acyl composition. DHA supplementation increased both DHA and EPA and decreased ARA in mitochondrial phospholipid, and significantly delayed MPTP opening as assessed by increased Ca2+ retention capacity and decreased Ca2+-induced mitochondria swelling. EPA supplementation increased EPA in mitochondrial phospholipids, but did not affect DHA, only modestly lowered ARA, and did not affect MPTP opening. In summary, dietary supplementation with DHA but not EPA, profoundly altered mitochondrial phospholipid fatty acid composition and delayed Ca2+-induced MPTP opening.  相似文献   

The maintenance of cellular ion homeostasis is crucial for optimal neural function and thus it is of great importance to understand its regulation. Glial cells are extensively coupled by gap junctions forming a network that is suggested to serve as a spatial buffer for potassium (K+) ions. We have investigated the role of glial spatial buffering in the regulation of extracellular K+ concentration ([K+]o) within the locust metathoracic ganglion by pharmacologically inhibiting gap junctions. Using K+-sensitive microelectrodes, we measured [K+]o near the ventilatory neuropile while simultaneously recording the ventilatory rhythm as a model of neural circuit function. We found that blockade of gap junctions with either carbenoxolone (CBX), 18β-glycyrrhetinic acid (18β-GA) or meclofenamic acid (MFA) reliably induced repetitive [K+]o surges and caused a progressive impairment in the ability to maintain baseline [K+]o levels throughout the treatment period. We also show that a low dose of CBX that did not induce surging activity increased the vulnerability of locust neural tissue to spreading depression (SD) induced by Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition with ouabain. CBX pre-treatment increased the number of SD events induced by ouabain and hindered the recovery of [K+]o back to baseline levels between events. Our results suggest that glial spatial buffering through gap junctions plays an essential role in the regulation of [K+]o under normal conditions and also contributes to a component of [K+]o clearance following physiologically elevated levels of [K+]o.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial potassium channels play an important role in cytoprotection. Potassium channels in the inner mitochondrial membrane are modulated by inhibitors and activators (potassium channel openers) previously described for plasma membrane potassium channels. The majority of mitochondrial potassium channel modulators exhibit a broad spectrum of off-target effects. These include uncoupling properties, inhibition of the respiratory chain and effects on cellular calcium homeostasis. Therefore, the rational application of channel inhibitors or activators is crucial to understanding the cellular consequences of mitochondrial channel inhibition or activation. Moreover, understanding their side-effects should facilitate the design of a specific mitochondrial channel opener with cytoprotective properties. In this review, we discuss the complex interactions of potassium channel inhibitors and activators with cellular structures.  相似文献   

Myogenic, or pressure-induced, vasoconstriction is critical for local blood flow autoregulation. Underlying this vascular smooth muscle (VSM) response are events including membrane depolarization, Ca2+ entry and mobilization, and activation of contractile proteins. Large conductance, Ca2+-activated K+ channel (BKCa) has been implicated in several of these steps including, (1) channel closure causing membrane depolarization, and (2) channel opening causing hyperpolarization to oppose excessive pressure-induced vasoconstriction. As multiple mechanisms regulate BKCa activity (subunit composition, membrane potential (Em) and Ca2+ levels, post-translational modification) tissue level diversity is predicted. Importantly, heterogeneity in BKCa channel activity may contribute to tissue-specific differences in regulation of myogenic vasoconstriction, allowing local hemodynamics to be matched to metabolic requirements. Knowledge of such variability will be important to exploiting the BKCa channel as a therapeutic target and understanding systemic effects of its pharmacological manipulation.  相似文献   

Stress-induced arrest of ventilatory motor pattern generation is tightly correlated with an abrupt increase in extracellular potassium concentration ([K+]o) within the metathoracic neuropil of the locust, Locusta migratoria. Na+/K+-ATPase inhibition with ouabain elicits repetitive surges of [K+]o that coincide with arrest and recovery of motor activity. Here we show that ouabain induces repetitive [K+]o events in a concentration-dependent manner. 10−5 M, 10−4 M, and 10−3 M ouabain was bath-applied in semi-intact locust preparations. 10−4 M and 10−3 M ouabain reliably induced repetitive [K+]o events whereas 10−5 M ouabain had no significant effect. In comparison to 10−4 M ouabain, 10−3 M ouabain increased the number and hastened the time to onset of repetitive [K+]o waves, prolonged [K+]o event duration, increased resting [K+]o, and diminished the absolute value of [K+]o waves. Recovery of motor patterning following [K+]o events was less likely in 10−3 M ouabain. In addition, we show that K+ channel inhibition using TEA suppressed the onset and decreased the amplitude of ouabain-induced repetitive [K+]o waves. Our results demonstrate that ventilatory circuit function in the locust CNS is dependent on the balance between mechanisms of [K+] accumulation and [K+] clearance. We suggest that with an imbalance in favour of accumulation the system tends towards a bistable state with transitions mediated by positive feedback involving voltage-dependent K+ channels.  相似文献   



Transplanted mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) can differentiate into cardiac cells that have the potential to contribute to heart repair following ischemic injury. Overexpression of GATA-4 can significantly increase differentiation of MSC into cardiomyocytes (CM). However, the specific impact of GATA-4 overexpression on the electrophysiological properties of MSC-derived CM has not been well documented.


Adult rat bone marrow MSC were retrovirally transduced with GATA-4 (MSCGATA-4) and GFP (MSCNull) and subsequently co-cultured with neonatal rat ventricular cardiomyocytes (CM). Electrophysiological properties and mRNA levels of ion channels were assessed in MSC using patch-clamp technology and real-time PCR.


MSCGATA-4 exhibited higher levels of the TTX-sensitive Na+ current (INa.TTX), L-type calcium current (ICa.L), transient outward K+ current (Ito), delayed rectifier K+ current (IKDR) and inwardly rectifying K+ current (IK1) channel activities reflective of electrophysiological characteristics of CM. Real-time PCR analyses showed that MSCGATA-4 exhibited upregulated mRNA levels of Kv1.2, Kv2.1, SCN2a1, CCHL2a, KV1.4 and Kir1.1 channels versus MSCNull. Interestingly, MSCGATA-4 treated with IGF-1 neutralizing antibodies resulted in a significant decrease in Kir1.1, Kv2.1, KV1.4, CCHL2a and SCN2a1 channel mRNA expression. Similarly, MSCGATA-4 treated with VEGF neutralizing antibodies also resulted in an attenuated expression of Kv2.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.4, Kir1.1, CCHL2a and SCN2a1 channel mRNAs.


GATA-4 overexpression increases Ito, IKDR, IK1, INa.TTX and ICa.L currents in MSC. Cytokine (VGEF and IGF-1) release from GATA-4 overexpressing MSC can partially account for the upregulated ion channel mRNA expression.

General significance

Our results highlight the ability of GATA4 to boost the cardiac electrophysiological potential of MSC.  相似文献   

Cloning and characterizations of plant K+ transport systems aside from Arabidopsis have been increasing over the past decade, favored by the availability of more and more plant genome sequences. Information now available enables the comparison of some of these systems between species. In this review, we focus on three families of plant K+ transport systems that are active at the plasma membrane: the Shaker K+ channel family, comprised of voltage-gated channels that dominate the plasma membrane conductance to K+ in most environmental conditions, and two families of transporters, the HAK/KUP/KT K+ transporter family, which includes some high-affinity transporters, and the HKT K+ and/or Na+ transporter family, in which K+-permeable members seem to be present in monocots only. The three families are briefly described, giving insights into the structure of their members and on functional properties and their roles in Arabidopsis or rice. The structure of the three families is then compared between plant species through phylogenic analyses. Within clusters of ortologues/paralogues, similarities and differences in terms of expression pattern, functional properties and, when known, regulatory interacting partners, are highlighted. The question of the physiological significance of highlighted differences is also addressed.  相似文献   

Vacuoles play various roles in many physiologically relevant processes in plants. Some of the more prominent are turgor provision, the storage of minerals and nutrients, and cellular signalling. To fulfil these functions a complement of membrane transporters is present at the tonoplast. Prolific patch clamp studies have shown that amongst these, both selective and non-selective ion channels participate in turgor regulation, nutrient storage and signalling. This article reviews the physiological roles, expression patterns and structure function properties of plant vacuolar anion and cation channels that are gated by voltage and ligands.  相似文献   

We identified a conserved pattern of residues L-X(3-4)-R-X(2)-L-X(4)-G, in which -X(n)- is n residues of any amino acid, in two enzymes acting on the polyunsaturated fatty acids, diacylglycerol kinase epsilon (DGK?) and phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate-5-kinase Iα (PIP5K Iα). DGK? is the only one of the 10 mammalian isoforms of DGK that exhibits arachidonoyl specificity and is the only isoform with the motif mentioned above. Mutations of the essential residues in this motif result in the loss of arachidonoyl specificity. Furthermore, DGKα can be converted to an enzyme having this motif by substituting only one residue. When DGKα was mutated so that it gained the motif, the enzyme also gained some specificity for arachidonoyl-containing diacylglycerol. This motif is present also in an isoform of phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate-5-kinase that we demonstrated had arachidonoyl specificity for its substrate. Single residue mutations within the identified motif of this isoform result in the loss of activity against an arachidonoyl substrate. The importance of acyl chain specificity for the phosphatidic acid activation of phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate-5-kinase is also shown. We demonstrate that the acyl chain dependence of this phosphatidic acid activation is dependent on the substrate. This is the first demonstration of a motif that endows specificity for an acyl chain in enzymes DGKε and PIP5K Iα.  相似文献   

Knowing threshold changes in brain lipids and lipid enzymes during dietary n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid deprivation may elucidate dietary regulation of brain lipid metabolism. To determine thresholds, rats were fed for 15 weeks DHA-free diets having graded reductions of α-linolenic acid (α-LNA). Compared with control diet (4.6% α-LNA), plasma DHA fell significantly at 1.7% dietary α-LNA while brain DHA remained unchanged down to 0.8% α-LNA, when plasma and brain docosapentaenoic acid (DPAn-6) were increased and DHA-selective iPLA2 and COX-1 activities were downregulated. Brain AA was unchanged by deprivation, but AA selective-cPLA2, sPLA2 and COX-2 activities were increased at or below 0.8% dietary α-LNA, possibly in response to elevated brain DPAn-6. In summary, homeostatic mechanisms appear to maintain a control brain DHA concentration down to 0.8% dietary DHA despite reduced plasma DHA, when DPAn-6 replaces DHA. At extreme deprivation, decreased brain iPLA2 and COX-1 activities may reduce brain DHA loss.  相似文献   

Ion channel conformational changes within the lipid membrane are a key requirement to control ion passage. Thus, it seems reasonable to assume that lipid composition should modulate ion channel function. There is increasing evidence that this implicates not just an indirect consequence of the lipid influence on the physical properties of the membrane, but also specific binding of selected lipids to certain protein domains. The result is that channel function and its consequences on excitability, contractility, intracellular signaling or any other process mediated by such channel proteins, could be subjected to modulation by membrane lipids. From this it follows that development, age, diet or diseases that alter lipid composition should also have an influence on those cellular properties. The wealth of data on the non-annular lipid binding sites in potassium channel from Streptomyces lividans (KcsA) makes this protein a good model to study the modulation of ion channel structure and function by lipids. The fact that this protein is able to assemble into clusters through the same non-annular sites, resulting in large changes in channel activity, makes these sites even more interesting as a potential target to develop lead compounds able to disrupt such interactions and hopefully, to modulate ion channel function. This Article is Part of a Special Issue Entitled: Membrane Structure and Function: Relevance in the Cell's Physiology, Pathology and Therapy.  相似文献   

Calcium-independent phospholipase A2 group VIA (iPLA2β) releases docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from phospholipids in vitro. Mutations in the iPLA2β gene, PLA2G6, are associated with dystonia-parkinsonism and infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy. To understand the role of iPLA2β in brain, we applied our in vivo kinetic method using radiolabeled DHA in 4 to 5-month-old wild type (iPLA2β+/+) and knockout (iPLA2β−/−) mice, and measured brain DHA kinetics, lipid concentrations, and expression of PLA2, cyclooxygenase (COX), and lipoxygenase (LOX) enzymes. Compared to iPLA2β+/+ mice, iPLA2β−/− mice showed decreased rates of incorporation of unesterified DHA from plasma into brain phospholipids, reduced concentrations of several fatty acids (including DHA) esterified in ethanolamine- and serine-glycerophospholipids, and increased lysophospholipid fatty acid concentrations. DHA turnover in brain phospholipids did not differ between genotypes. In iPLA2β−/− mice, brain levels of iPLA2β mRNA, protein, and activity were decreased, as was the iPLA2γ (Group VIB PLA2) mRNA level, while levels of secretory sPLA2-V mRNA, protein, and activity and cytosolic cPLA2-IVA mRNA were increased. Levels of COX-1 protein were decreased in brain, while COX-2 protein and mRNA were increased. Levels of 5-, 12-, and 15-LOX proteins did not differ significantly between genotypes. Thus, a genetic iPLA2β deficiency in mice is associated with reduced DHA metabolism, profound changes in lipid-metabolizing enzyme expression (demonstrating lack of redundancy) and of phospholipid fatty acid content of brain (particularly of DHA), which may be relevant to neurologic abnormalities in humans with PLA2G6 mutations.  相似文献   

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