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A genomewide screen for asthma- and atopy-susceptibility loci was conducted, using 563 markers, in 693 Hutterites who are members of a single 15-generation pedigree, nearly doubling the sample size from the authors' earlier studies. The resulting increase in power led to the identification of 23 loci in 18 chromosomal regions showing evidence for linkage that is, in general, 10-fold more significant (P<.001 vs. P<.01) than the linkages reported previously in this population. Moreover, linkages to loci in 11 chromosomal regions were identified for the first time in the Hutterites in this report, including five regions (5p, 5q, 8p, 14q, and 16q) showing evidence both of linkage, by the likelihood ratio (LR) chi(2), and of disequilibrium, by the transmission/disequilibrium test. A region on chromosome 19 continues to show evidence for linkage, by both tests, in this study. Studies of 17 candidate genes provide evidence for association with variation in the IL4RA gene (16p12), the HLA class II genes (6p21), and the interferon-alpha gene cluster (9p22), but the lack of evidence for linkage in these regions by the LR chi(2) test suggests that these are minor susceptibility loci. A polymorphism in the CD14 gene is in linkage disequilibrium with an as yet unidentified susceptibility allele in the 5q cytokine cluster, a region showing evidence for linkage among the Hutterites. Finally, 10 of the regions showing evidence for linkage in the Hutterites have shown evidence of linkage to related phenotypes in other genome screens, suggesting that these regions may contain common alleles that have relatively large effects on asthma and atopy phenotypes in diverse populations.  相似文献   

Despite extensive research of genetic determinants of human adult height, the genes identified up until now allow to predict only a small proportion of the trait’s variance. To identify new genes we analyzed 2,486 genotyped and phenotyped individuals in a large pedigree including 23,612 members in 18 generations. The pedigree was derived from a young genetically isolated Dutch population, where genetic heterogeneity is expected to be low and linkage disequilibrium has been shown to be increased. Complex segregation analysis confirmed high heritability of adult height, and suggested mixed model of height inheritance in this population. The estimates of the model parameters obtained from complex segregation analysis were used in parametric linkage analysis, which highlighted three genome-wide significant and additionally at least four suggestive loci involved in height. Significant peaks were located at the chromosomal regions 1p32 (LOD score = 3.35), 2p16 (LOD score = 3.29) and 16q24 (LOD score = 3.94). For the latter region, a strong association signal (FDR q < 0.05) was obtained for 19 SNPs, 17 of them were located in the CDH13 (cadherin 13) gene of which one (rs1035569) explained 1.5% of the total height variance.  相似文献   

We previously reported a genomewide scan to identify autism-susceptibility loci in 110 multiplex families, showing suggestive evidence (P <.01) for linkage to autism-spectrum disorders (ASD) on chromosomes 5, 8, 16, 19, and X and showing nominal evidence (P <.05) on several additional chromosomes (2, 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, and 20). In this follow-up analysis we have increased the sample size threefold, while holding the study design constant, so that we now report 345 multiplex families, each with at least two siblings affected with autism or ASD phenotype. Along with 235 new multiplex families, 73 new microsatellite markers were also added in 10 regions, thereby increasing the marker density at these strategic locations from 10 cM to approximately 2 cM and bringing the total number of markers to 408 over the entire genome. Multipoint maximum LOD scores (MLS) obtained from affected-sib-pair analysis of all 345 families yielded suggestive evidence for linkage on chromosomes 17, 5, 11, 4, and 8 (listed in order by MLS) (P <.01). The most significant findings were an MLS of 2.83 (P =.00029) on chromosome 17q, near the serotonin transporter (5-hydroxytryptamine transporter [5-HTT]), and an MLS of 2.54 (P =.00059) on 5p. The present follow-up genome scan, which used a consistent research design across studies and examined the largest ASD sample collection reported to date, gave either equivalent or marginally increased evidence for linkage at several chromosomal regions implicated in our previous scan but eliminated evidence for linkage at other regions.  相似文献   

A divergent population of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been identified in Malaysia by molecular and genetic analysis. It has also demonstrated that the yeast S. bayanus may be found in South America. The origin of S. cerevisiae is discussed.  相似文献   

A divergent population of Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been identified in Malaysia by molecular and genetic analysis. It has also demonstrated that the yeast S. bayanus may be found in South America. Problems of the origin of S. cerevisiae are discussed.  相似文献   

The number of trait loci in late-onset Alzheimer disease   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
Although it is clear that apoE plays an important role in the genetics of late-onset Alzheimer disease (AD), evidence exists that additional genes may play a role in AD, and estimates of the total contribution of apoE to the variance in onset of AD vary widely. Unfortunately, little information is available on the number and contribution of additional genes. We estimated the number of additional quantitative-trait loci and their contribution to the variance in age at onset of AD, as well as the contribution of apoE and sex, in an oligogenic segregation analysis of 75 families (742 individuals) ascertained for members with late-onset AD. We found evidence that four additional loci make a contribution to the variance in age at onset of late-onset AD that is similar to or greater in magnitude than that made by apoE, with one locus making a contribution several times greater than that of apoE. Additionally, we confirmed previous findings of a dose effect for the apoE varepsilon4 allele, a protective effect for the varepsilon2 allele, evidence for allelic interactions at the apoE locus, and a small protective effect for males. Furthermore, although we estimate that the apoE genotype can make a difference of 相似文献   

Late-onset familial Alzheimer disease (LOFAD) is a genetically heterogeneous and complex disease for which only one locus, APOE, has been definitively identified. Difficulties in identifying additional loci are likely to stem from inadequate linkage analysis methods. Nonparametric methods suffer from low power because of limited use of the data, and traditional parametric methods suffer from limitations in the complexity of the genetic model that can be feasibly used in analysis. Alternative methods that have recently been developed include Bayesian Markov chain-Monte Carlo methods. These methods allow multipoint linkage analysis under oligogenic trait models in pedigrees of arbitrary size; at the same time, they allow for inclusion of covariates in the analysis. We applied this approach to an analysis of LOFAD on five chromosomes with previous reports of linkage. We identified strong evidence of a second LOFAD gene on chromosome 19p13.2, which is distinct from APOE on 19q. We also obtained weak evidence of linkage to chromosome 10 at the same location as a previous report of linkage but found no evidence for linkage of LOFAD age-at-onset loci to chromosomes 9, 12, or 21.  相似文献   

Alu-mediated rearrangement of tumor suppressor genes occurs frequently during carcinogenesis. In breast cancer, this mechanism contributes to loss of the wild-type BRCA1 allele in inherited disease and to loss of heterozygosity in sporadic cancer. To identify genes required for suppression of Alu-mediated recombination we performed a genomewide screen of a collection of 4672 yeast gene deletion mutants using a direct repeat recombination assay. The primary screen and subsequent analysis identified 12 candidate genes including TSA, ELG1, and RRM3, which are known to play a significant role in maintaining genomic stability. Genetic analysis of the corresponding human homologs was performed in sporadic breast tumors and in inherited BRCA1-associated carcinomas. Sequencing of these genes in high risk breast cancer families revealed a potential role for the helicase PIF1 in cancer predisposition. PIF1 variant L319P was identified in three breast cancer families; importantly, this variant, which is predicted to be functionally damaging, was not identified in a large series of controls nor has it been reported in either dbSNP or the 1000 Genomes Project. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, Pfh1 is required to maintain both mitochondrial and nuclear genomic integrity. Functional studies in yeast of human PIF1 L319P revealed that this variant cannot complement the essential functions of Pfh1 in either the nucleus or mitochondria. Our results provide a global view of nonessential genes involved in suppressing Alu-mediated recombination and implicate variation in PIF1 in breast cancer predisposition.  相似文献   

Chromosome 14 and late-onset familial Alzheimer disease (FAD)   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Familial Alzheimer disease (FAD) is genetically heterogeneous. Two loci responsible for early-onset FAD have been identified: the amyloid precursor protein gene on chromosome 21 and the as-yet-unidentified locus on chromosome 14. The genetics of late-onset FAD is unresolved. Maximum-likelihood, affected-pedigree-member (APM), and sib-pair analyses were used, in 49 families with a mean age at onset ≥60 years, to determine whether the chromosome 14 locus is responsible for late-onset FAD. The markers used were D14S53, D14S43, and D14S52. The LOD score method was used to test for linkage of late-onset FAD to the chromosome 14 markers, under three different models: age-dependent penetrance, an affected-only analysis, and age-dependent penetrance with allowance for possible age-dependent sporadic cases. No evidence for linkage was obtained under any of these conditions for the late-onset kindreds, and strong evidence against linkage (LOD score ≤ –2.0) to this region was obtained. Heterogeneity tests of the LOD score results for the combined group of families (early onset, Volga Germans, and late onset) favored the hypothesis of linkage to chromosome 14 with genetic heterogeneity. The positive results are primarily from early-onset families. APM analysis gave significant evidence for linkage of D14S43 and D14S52 to FAD in early-onset kindreds (P < .02). No evidence for linkage was found for the entire late-onset family group. Significant evidence for linkage to D14S52, however, was found for a subgroup of families of intermediate age at onset (mean age at onset ≥60 years and <70 years). These results indicate that the chromosome 14 locus is not responsible for Alzheimer disease in most late-onset FAD kindreds but could play a role in a subset of these kindreds.  相似文献   

Strong evidence of linkage to late-onset Alzheimer disease (LOAD) has been observed on chromosome 10, which implicates a wide region and at least one disease-susceptibility locus. Although significant associations with several biological candidate genes on chromosome 10 have been reported, these findings have not been consistently replicated, and they remain controversial. We performed a chromosome 10–specific association study with 1,412 gene-based single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), to identify susceptibility genes for developing LOAD. The scan included SNPs in 677 of 1,270 known or predicted genes; each gene contained one or more markers, about half (48%) of which represented putative functional mutations. In general, the initial testing was performed in a white case-control sample from the St. Louis area, with 419 LOAD cases and 377 age-matched controls. Markers that showed significant association in the exploratory analysis were followed up in several other white case-control sample sets to confirm the initial association. Of the 1,397 markers tested in the exploratory sample, 69 reached significance (P<.05). Five of these markers replicated at P<.05 in the validation sample sets. One marker, rs498055, located in a gene homologous to RPS3A (LOC439999), was significantly associated with Alzheimer disease in four of six case-control series, with an allelic P value of .0001 for a meta-analysis of all six samples. One of the case-control samples with significant association to rs498055 was derived from the linkage sample (P=.0165). These results indicate that variants in the RPS3A homologue are associated with LOAD and implicate this gene, adjacent genes, or other functional variants (e.g., noncoding RNAs) in the pathogenesis of this disorder.  相似文献   

Late-onset Alzheimer disease is the most common form of dementia and is strongly associated with age. Today, around 24 million people suffer from dementia and with aging of industrial populations this number will significantly increase throughout the next decades. An effective therapy that successfully decelerates or prevents the progressive neurodegeneration does not exist. Histopathologically Alzheimer disease is characterized by extensive extracellular amyloid β (Aβ) plaques, intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), synaptic loss and neuronal cell death in distinct brain regions. The molecular correlation of Aβ or NFTs and development of late-onset Alzheimer disease needs further clarification. This review focuses on structural and functional alterations of the brain during aging, age-associated imbalances of defences against oxidative stress and age-related alterations of the metabolism of Aβ, via a comparison of observations in healthy aged individuals and cognitively impaired or AD patients. Although our understanding of brain region-specific neuronal aging is still incomplete, the early structural and molecular changes in the transition from cognitive health to impairment are subtle and the actual factors triggering the severe brain atrophy during LOAD remain ambiguous.  相似文献   

Unlike many other organisms, the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae can tolerate the loss of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). Although a few proteins have been identified that are required for yeast cell viability without mtDNA, the mechanism of mtDNA-independent growth is not completely understood. To probe the relationship between the mitochondrial genome and cell viability, we conducted a microarray-based, genomewide screen for mitochondrial DNA-dependent yeast mutants. Among the several genes that we discovered is MGR1, which encodes a novel subunit of the i-AAA protease complex located in the mitochondrial inner membrane. mgr1Delta mutants retain some i-AAA protease activity, yet mitochondria lacking Mgr1p contain a misassembled i-AAA protease and are defective for turnover of mitochondrial inner membrane proteins. Our results highlight the importance of the i-AAA complex and proteolysis at the inner membrane in cells lacking mitochondrial DNA.  相似文献   

Non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (nsSNPs) are considered as biomarkers to disease susceptibility. In the present study, nsSNPs in CLU, PICALM and BIN1 genes were screened for their functional impact on concerned proteins and their plausible role in Alzheimer disease (AD) susceptibility. Initially, SNPs were retrieved from dbSNP database, followed by identification of potentially deleterious nsSNPs and prediction of their effect on proteins by PolyPhen and SIFT. Protein stability and the probability of mutation occurrence were predicted using I-Mutant and PANTHER respectively. SNPs3D and FASTSNP were used for the functional analysis of nsSNPs. The functional impact on the 3D structure of proteins was evaluated by SWISSPDB viewer and NOMAD-Ref server. On analysis, 3 nsSNPs with IDs rs12800974 (T158P) of PICALM and rs11554585 (R397C) and rs11554585 (N106D) of BIN1 were predicted to be functionally significant with higher scores of I-Mutant, SIFT, PolyPhen, PANTHER, FASTSNP and SNPs3D. The mutant models of these nsSNPs also showed very high energies and RMSD values compared to their native structures. Current study proposes that the three nsSNPs identified in this study constitute a unique resource of potential genetic factors for AD susceptibility.  相似文献   

A polygenic basis for late-onset disease   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The biological basis of late-onset disease has been shaped by genetic factors subject to varying degrees of evolutionary constraint. Late-onset traits are not only more sensitive to environmental variation, owing to the breakdown of homeostatic mechanisms, but they also show higher levels of genetic variation than traits directly influencing reproductive fitness. The origin and nature of this variation suggests that current strategies are poorly suited to identifying genes involved in many complex diseases.  相似文献   

We have conducted a multistage genomewide association study, using 1,620,742 single-nucleotide polymorphisms to systematically investigate the genetic factors influencing intrinsic skin pigmentation in a population of South Asian descent. Polymorphisms in three genes—SLC24A5, TYR, and SLC45A2—yielded highly significant replicated associations with skin-reflectance measurements, an indirect measure of melanin content in the skin. The associations detected in these three genes, in an additive manner, collectively account for a large fraction of the natural variation of skin pigmentation in a South Asian population. Our study is the first to interrogate polymorphisms across the genome, to find genetic determinants of the natural variation of skin pigmentation within a human population.  相似文献   

Genetic and karyotypic studies of someSaccharomyces sensu stricto yeasts from Brazil revealed a genetically isolated population which apparently represents a new sibling species ofS. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

We determined the allele frequencies for three hypervariable DNA loci D2S44, D1S7 and D7S21 using the probes YNH24, MS1 and MS31 in the genetically isolated Finnish population. The allelic length ranges were 1.7- < 6.0 kb for YNH24, 1.7- < 18.0 kb for MS1 and 3.2- < 12.0 kb for MS31. High heterozygosity rates (0.94-0.96) were detected for all three probes. In 48 mother-child pairs no mutations were found using the probes YNH24 and MS31, whereas a mutation rate of 0.064 was observed for probe MS1. In addition, an unexpected four-band pattern was detected in 1 out of 170 individuals using the probe MS1, suggesting complex DNA polymorphism based on both a variable number of tandem repeats and restriction site polymorphism. Our findings also show that all three probes are valuable in individual identification in this genetically isolated population.  相似文献   

The capacity of populations to respond adaptively to environmental change is essential for their persistence. Isolated populations often harbour reduced genetic variation, which is predicted to decrease adaptive potential, and can be detrimental under the current scenarios of global change. In this study, we examined climatic adaptation in larval life history traits in the pool frog Rana lessonae along a latitudinal gradient across the northern distribution area of the species, paying special attention to the isolated and genetically impoverished fringe populations in central Sweden. Larvae from eight populations within three geographic areas (Poland, Latvia and Sweden) were reared under three temperatures (19, 22 and 26°C) in a common garden laboratory experiment. We found clear evidence for latitudinal adaptation in R. lessonae populations, larvae from higher latitudes growing and developing faster than low‐latitude ones. Larvae from the Swedish populations were able to compensate for the effects of cooler temperatures and a shorter growth season with genetically higher growth and development rates (i.e. countergradient variation) in the two higher temperature treatments, but there was no difference among the populations at the lowest temperature treatment, which is likely to be close to the temperature limiting growth in R. lessonae. Our results demonstrate that isolated and genetically impoverished populations can be locally adapted, and identify the Swedish fringe populations as a significant conservation unit adapted to the northern environmental conditions.  相似文献   

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