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The hypothesis of optimal host species selection predicts that when a parasitoid has the choice between two host species, it will choose the species thay gives the best survival chances for its progeny. We confirmed this hypothesis by laboratory experiments with Leptopilina boulardi Barb. et al., a cynipid parasitoid which prefers Drosophila melanogaster Meigen (the host species most suitable for parasitoid survival) above D. simulans Sturt. As far as fitness parameters are concerned, the fertility of L. boulardi is higher with D. melanogaster; the egg laying can be spread out over a long period when this host is relatively scarce. This does not occur with D. simulans in which parasitic oviposition stops soon when this host is not abundant.Investigations of this foraging strategy were done under more complex natural conditions. We found that L. boulardi has a type III functional response with D. melanogaster only; furthermore, it seems that a switching effect may exist with this host. Parasitoid females appear to distribute their eggs more regularly on D. melanogaster, thus avoiding superparasitism. This seems to be independent of the relative frequency of this host. However, superparasitism of D. simulans did occur more frequently when this host was scarce.
Stratégie de ponte de Leptopilina boulardi (hyménoptère parasite de drosophiles) dans les conditions naturelles
Résumé Le concept de réponse optimale d'un parasite vis-à-vis de l'hôte le plus favorable pour son développement demeure surtout théorique et n'a pu être vérifié que dans les conditions de laboratoire. Nous avons montré que Drosophila melanogaster s'avère être, par rapport à D. simulans, l'hôte le plus favorable pour le développement du cynipide parasite Leptopilina boulardi. Une étude sur le terrain a démontré que ce parasite présente une réponse fonctionnelle densité dépendante vis-à-vis de D. melanogaster et non vis-à-vis de D. simulans, avec un effet de bascule. D'autre part, il s'avère que ce parasite exploite beaucoup mieux son hôte, en évitant le superparasitisme, ceci étant démontré au laboratoire et dans la nature. Enfin, il apparaît qu'il est capable d'allonger sa période de ponte lorsque cet hôte est rare, ce qui ne se produit pas avec D. simulans.

The apple maggot fly, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), has only recently been found in Utah infesting sour cherry, Prunus cerasus L. An electrophoretic comparison of flies from Utah cherries with flies from Illinois hawthorns, Crataegus mollis (T. & G.) Scheele (a native host within the native range of the fly), show a marked reduction of genetic variability in the Utah sample. This result is indicative of a genetic bottleneck associated with the establishment of the apple maggot population in Utah cherries.
Résumé R. pomonella (Walsh), est originaire de Crataegus dans l'Amérique du N.E. Il attaque de nombreux autres fruits, y compris les pommes et les cerises aigres (Prunus cerasus). La mouche a été récemment signalée en Utah, à la fois sur cerises et sur Crataegus douglasii. Nous avons comparé les niveaux de variabilité génétique d'une population de l'Utah contaminant les cerises et d'une population de l'Illinois contaminant C. mollis (la population de l'Illinois est représentative des niveaux de variabilité génétique dans l'aire d'origine de la mouche).La variabilité génétique à 17 loci a été évaluée par électrophorèse sur gel d'amidon. 10 de ces loci sont polymorphes dans la population d'Illinois, mais seulement 4 dans la population de l'Utah. Les fréquences alléliques de ces 4 loci de R. pomonella diffèrent significativement en Utah et en Illinois. La population de l'Utah présente nettement moins d'allèles par locus, un plus faible pourcentage de loci polymorphes et une hétérozygotie moyenne plus faible que la population de l'Illinois. Tous ces résultats sont conformes aux conséquences prévisibles d'un goulot d'étranglement.Deux explications existent pour cette perte de variabilité, toutes les deux liées à la combinaison de la faible taille de la population et de la dérive génétique ultérieure. Pour la première, la colonisation du cerisier par les mouches venant de Crataegus peut avoir provoqué un goulot d'étranglement génétique. Au contraire, la réduction de la variabilité peut avoir été la conséquence de la colonisation de l'Utah par R. pomonella. Nous retenons cette dernière comme la cause la plus vraisemblable de la variabilité génétique de la population de R. pomonella contaminant les cerises de l'Utah.

We studied odor learning in Leptopilina boulardi,a specialist larval parasitoid of Drosophila melanogaster.The behavioral responses of differently experienced females to an artificial odor (Must de Cartier, Paris) were analyzed using a fourarmed airflow olfactometer. The responses of females with an oviposition experience in the presence of the perfume were compared with those of four control groups. As controls we used naive females, females with an oviposition experience in the absence of odor, females which had been previously exposed to perfume but without an oviposition experience, and females with an oviposition experience which also had been exposed to perfume but not at the same time. The results demonstrate that a specialist such as L. boulardican learn very well to respond to an artificial odor by associating this odor with a reward, i.e., an oviposition. The four control groups responded more or less in a similar way.  相似文献   

A simple grass-thatched hut was used to rear Glossina pallidipes Austen. Constructed to allow free flow of air, the temperature and humidity inside correspond to that of the outside environment. Pupae used to start the colony were obtained from pregnant females from Lambwe Valley, Western Kenya. Nine day-old females were paired with 12 day-old males for 7 days after which they were separated.Colony performance was evaluated on the basis of female survival, number and weight of puparia produced, and mortality rates. The emergence rate of puparia weighing more than 30 mg was above 80%. Data on the performance of the colony between June 1985 and June 1986 are presented. We suggest that the simple nature of the rearing facility and its direct contact with the outside environment have facilitated the colonization of the flies.
Résumé Une cage très simple, conçue pour assurer l'arrivé d'air, et le maintien de l'humidité et de loa température extérieure, a été employée pour conserver et élever G. pallidipes. Les pupes utilisées pour constituer la souche provenaient de Lambwe valley (ouest du Kénya). Des couples de femelles vieilles de 9 jours et de mâles de 12 jours ont été consitués, les sexes ont ensiute été séparés. La performance de la souche a été estimée en fonction de la survie des femelles et du nombre et du poids des pupes produites, et des taux de mortalité. Plus de 80% des pupes ont pesé 30 mg et plus, et le taux d'émergence a été de 80%. Les résultats fournis concernent les performances observées entre juin 1985 et juin 1986. Nous estimons que la simplicité du dispositif d'élevage et le contact direct avec les conditions écologiques externes ont facilité l'éstablissement de la souche.

Parasitoids that forage for herbivorous hosts by using infochemicals may have a problem concerning the reliability and detectability of these stimuli: host stimuli are highly reliable but not very detectable at a distance, while stimuli from the host's food are very detectable but generally not very reliable in indicating host presence. One solution to this problem is to learn to link highly detectable stimuli to reliable but not very detectable stimuli. Ample knowledge is available on how associative learning aids foraging parasitoids in the location of suitable microhabitats. However, in this paper we report on another solution to the reliability-detectability problem and present evidence for an essential, but as yet overlooked, aspect of Drosophila parasitoid ecology. For the first time it is shown that a parasitoid of Drosophila larvae spies on the communication system of adult Drosophila flies to locate potential host sites: naive parasitoids strongly respond to a volatile aggregation pheromone that is deposited in the oviposition site by recently mated female flies. Thus, the parasitoids resort to using highly detectable information from a host stage different from the one under attack (i.e. infochemical detour). The function and ecological implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Drosophila C virus (DCV) has a considerable impact on ovarian morphogenesis inDrosophila melanogaster host populations. This virus also affects the developmental time and the fresh weight of infected females. In order to investigate the hypothesis that DCV may play a role in the dynamics ofDrosophila populations, the fertility and embryonic and larvo-pupal death rates of a host population and that of five DCV-free populations were determined. A comparison of two populations, one of them DCV-free, the other infected, suggested that the fertility of the DCV-infected flies was higher than that of uninfected flies, despite a greater larvo-pupal death rate. Fertility of the infected flies was greater among the infected population than for the DCV-free populations. The DCV-free populations originated from five different localities. The virus clearly does have an impact on the biotic potential of its host population. This paper reports for the first time a positive interaction between a viral population and a host population as it increases certain parameters of host population dynamics.  相似文献   

In many species of animals, one of the sexes has a chromosome that is structurally and functionally different from its socalled homologue. Conventionally, it is called Y chromosome or W chromosome depending on whether it is present in males or females respectively. The corresponding homologous chromosomes are called X and Z chromosomes. The dimorphic sex chromosomes are believed to have originated from undifferentiated autosomes. In extant species it is difficult to envisage the changes that have occurred in the evolution of dimorphic sex chromosomes. In our laboratory, interracial hybridization between twoDrosophila chromosomal races has resulted in the evolution of a novel race, which we have called Cytorace 1. Here we record that in the genome of Cytorace 1 one of the autosomes of its parents is inherited in a manner similar to that of a classical Y chromosome. Thus this unique Cytorace 1 has the youngest neo-Y sex chromosome (5000 days old; about 300 generations) and it can serve as a ‘window’ for following the transition of an autosome to a Y sex chromosome.  相似文献   

Structural rearrangements of chromosomes have played a decisive role in the karyotypic evolution of species. It is also known that inversions, translocations, fusions, fissions, heterochromatin variations and other chromosomal changes occur as transient events in natural populations. Herein we report the occurrence of a rare event of centric fission of a metacentric chromosome in a laboratory population ofDrosophila, called Cytorace 1. This centric fission has been fixed in a sub-population of Cytorace 1, resulting in a new chromosomal lineage called Fissioncytorace-1.  相似文献   

During mass rearing, adaptation of biological control agents to the rearing environment is a potential problem. Using the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma pretiosum, the performance of 26 highly inbred lines, five composite ‘populations’ (created from the inbred lines) and one insectary‐reared population was compared using fertility life tables. Of the composite populations, three were created with maximal and identical genetic variation as a mixture of all 26 inbred lines, but these were then reared for a different number of generations (2, 6 or 17) before their performance was measured. The remaining two composite populations were created based on the performance of the individual inbred lines: one was a combination of two inbred lines with a high intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm), ‘high rm’; and the other was a combination of two lines with a ‘low rm’. High and low rm populations were reared for two generations prior to testing. Parameters measured were fertility, longevity and sex ratio. We found no difference between the maximally variable population reared for two generations and the ‘high rm’ population (rm = 0.285 and 0.282, respectively). ‘Low rm’ was the population with the lower performance (rm = 0.255). Genetically variable population reared for two generations for 48 h produced significantly more offspring than the populations reared for 6 and 17 generations. Hybrid population derived from the high‐rm lines did significantly better than that derived from the low‐rm lines. Low‐performance populations become more male based than high performance at 48 h. The potential benefits to improve population's performance using inbred lines for mass rearing are discussed.  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments tested the effectiveness ofScatophaga stercoraria (L.) as a predator of various insect species. Photophases, ages and gender of predators and effects of dung presence on predation rates were compared for either sex using counts of prey cadavers, behavioral observations and oviposition rates. Males consistently killed more prey than females, but longer photophases did not significantly increase daily predation rates. Nine to 10-day-old flies approaching sexual maturity achieved highest predation rates. Dung was found to affect predatory behaviour but not cumulative predation. Predatory behaviour of sexually mature males was more affected than female behaviour by the presence of dung, whereas sexually immatures flies showed no response to dung presence. Preconditioning ofS. stercoraria adults using 3 prey species of different sizes did not affect the prey chosen in subsequent random choice experiments. Larger prey species such asMusca domestica (L.) orDelia antiqua (Meigen) were preferred toDrosophila sp. by both sexes ofS. stercoraria. This species may be a useful predator for future integrated pest management techniques in vegetable crops or control of house flies in barns.   相似文献   

Studies were performed to develop an efficient method for fumonisin toxin production in sufficient quantities for animal toxicological experiments, on the basis of three earlier published fumonisin toxin production methods. Three absolutely necessary factors were taken into account and tested in a serial experiment. TheFusarium verticillioides strain MRC 826 was directly inoculated onto soaked, autoclaved, whole maize kernels (50 g/1.71 jar). The inoculation was performed by standard spore suspension (l×l06/ml), a 5/2 surface/volume culture was prepared and incubated at 25 °C for 5 weeks. To maintain the optimal aw of approximately 1.00, the evaporated water was re-filled weekly. A final concentration of 4454±1060.9 ppm fumonisin B1 was reached, with good repeatability. In the laboratory practice, consistent production of constant amounts of FB1 can be obtained by applying the above settings.  相似文献   

The long-term study of animal populations facilitates detailed analysis of processes otherwise difficult to measure, and whose significance may appear only when a large sample size from many years is available for analysis. For example, inbreeding is a rare event in most natural populations, and therefore many years of data are needed to estimate its effect on fitness. A key behaviour hypothesized to play an important role in avoiding inbreeding is natal dispersal. However, the functional significance of natal dispersal with respect to inbreeding has been much debated but subject to very few empirical tests. We analysed 44 years of data from a wild great tit Parus major population involving over 5000 natal dispersal events within Wytham Woods, UK. Individuals breeding with a relative dispersed over several-fold shorter distances than those outbreeding; within the class of inbreeding birds, increased inbreeding was associated with reduced dispersal distance, for both males and females. This led to a 3.4-fold increase (2.3-5, 95% CI) in the likelihood of close (f=0.25) inbreeding relative to the population average when individuals dispersed less than 200m. In the light of our results, and published evidence showing little support for active inbreeding avoidance in vertebrates, we suggest that dispersal should be considered as a mechanism of prime importance for inbreeding avoidance in wild populations.  相似文献   

Colonizing species are believed to have genetic plasticity that permits their adaptation to new habitats. The Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata, is known for this ability, reflected in its present world-wide geographical distribution. To investigate the genetic components of the colonizing capacity of this species, we studied the life-table parameters in (a) a recently-collected wild population, (b) a laboratory strain maintained for 6 years, and (c) a hybrid population resulting from crosses between the wild females and long-term laboratory maintained males. All the strain were collected in the same host and place. Within a few generations, both the hybrid and the wild strains showed life table parameters (egg, larval, pupal and adult mortalities, net reproductive rate, intrinsic rate of population growth, and generation time) similar to those of the laboratory strain. A difference in the speed of adaptation to the laboratory conditions was remarkable, with the hybrid population reaching the values of the long-term laboratory strain much faster than the wild population. An incipient reproductive isolation between the laboratory and the wild population was also observed.The genetic plasticity that allows fast adaptation to new conditions such as those in the laboratory is high in C. capitata, although the genetical variability measured by enzyme electrophoresis in Brazilian populations is low. This suggests that the isozyme variation observed is not related to this kind of adaptation.
Zusammenfassung Wahrscheinlich besitzen kolonisierende Insektenarten eine genetische Plastizität, die es ihnen ermöglicht, sich an neue Habitats anzupassen. Die Mittlemeerfruchtfliege, Ceratitis capitata, ist wegen dieser Fähigkeit allgemein bekannt. sie spiegelt sich in ihrer gegenwärtigen geographischen Verbreitung in aller Welt wieder. Um die genetischen Anteile an der Kolonisationsfähigkeit dieser Fliegenart zu untersuchen, schätzten wir die Lebensdaten-parameter bei folgenden Populationen: (a) bei einem frisch gesammelten Muster der Wildpopulation; (b) bei einem 6 Jahre lang gezüchteten Laboratoriumsstamm; (c) bei einer Kreuzungspopulation, die aus der Kombination wilde Weibchen und Laboratoriumsmännchen erhalten wurde. Alle Stämme wurden am selben Wirt und Ort gesammelt. Nach wenigen Generationen zeigten sowohl die Kreuzungs- wie auch die wilden Stämme Lebensdatenparameter (Eier, Sterblichkeit der Larven, Puppen and Adulten, Nettofortpflanzungsrate, spezifische Populationsvermehrungsrate, Generationszeit), die denen des Laboratoriumsstammes ähnlich waren.Dennoch zeigte sich ein merkwürdiger Unterschied in der Geschwindigkeit der Anpassung an die Laboratoriumsbedingungen: Die Fliegen der Kreuzungspopulation erreichten die Werte des Laboratoriumsstammes viel schneller als die Fliegen der Wildpopulation. Ferner wurde eine anfängliche Fortpflanzungsisolierung zwischen der Laboratoriums- und der Wildpopulation beobachtet.Daraus wird geschlossen, dass die genetische Plastizität, die eine schnelle Anpassung an neue Bedingungen (z.B. des Laboratoriums) zulässt, in dieser Fliegenart hoch ist, obwohl die mit Enzymelektrophorese gemessene Veränderlichkeit bei brasilianischen Populationen von C. capitata niedrig ist. Dies lässt vermuten, dass die beobachtete Isozymveränderlichkeit zu dieser Art Anpassung nicht in Beziehung steht.

Prey selection by Chaoborus punctipennis under laboratory conditions   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Equal numbers of Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum, Daphnia parvula, and Diaptomus pallidus were offered to individual, fourth-instar larvae of Chaoborus punctipennis. When the prey species were presented separately to the larvae, 100% of the Diaphanosoma, 67% of the Daphnia, and 57% of the Diaptomus were consumed. However, when the three species were offered to the predator concurrently, 90% of the Diaphanosoma, 10% of the Daphnia and < 1% of the Diaptomus were eaten. This strong selection for Diaphanosoma was consistent at three prey densities.  相似文献   

Jaap Dorgelo 《Hydrobiologia》1988,157(2):125-127
Shell growth in the snail Potamoryrgus jenkinsi (Prosobranchia, Hydrobiidae) was measured under laboratory conditions. Individuals of populations from two lakes differing in trophic status were kept in water with sandy substrates from each environment. Growth was faster in the environment of the more eutrophic lake, regardless of the origin of the snails; this held in particular for the smallest size class.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic theory predicts that variation due to rare alleles at many loci will generate a transient acceleration in the response to directional selection. We have tested this prediction by constructing experimental lines ofDrosophila melanogaster that carry positively selected ethanol resistance alleles at low frequencies, and then subjecting the lines to directional selection for ethanol resistance. Approximately 468,000 files were subjected to artificial selection over 30 generations. The predicted non-linear selection responses were observed in all experimental lines and replicates, on three genetic backgrounds. In contrast, un-selected controls and lines carrying random alleles at low frequencies on the same genetic backgrounds exhibited linear selection responses. These results demonstrate that non-linearities due to rare alleles are detectable and repeatable, provided that experiments are done on a sufficiently large scale. The results suggest that it may be possible to test for rare-alleles as a component of naturally occurring genetic variation by careful examination of selection response curves.  相似文献   

The assembly zone is a morphologically distinct region in the insect integument that lies between the epidermis and its principal secretory product, the lamellate cuticle. Despite its central location in the process of cuticle formation, little is known about its structure or function. Using various antisera we have shown that in Drosophila melanogaster larvae and pupae the assembly zone is antigenically distinct from the overlying lamellate cuticle. This observation suggests that this region does not contain lamellae in the process of assembling but rather is a stable and permeable matrix through which lamellar components travel in the process of cuticle formation. Curiously an antigen present in the assembly zone was also contained in the moulting gel, indicating a heretofore unsuspected chemical relationship between these two materials.  相似文献   

Adult Rhipicephalus appendiculatus Muguga, having high or low intensities of Theileria parva Muguga infection in their salivary glands, were exposed to 20 °C and 85% relative humidity in the laboratory or quasi-natural conditions. Survival of the ticks and T. parva infections in their salivary glands was then monitored over a two year period. Ticks, having an average infection level of 2 infected acini per female, survived for up to 70 or 106 weeks after moulting under the laboratory or quasi-natural conditions respectively. Those having an infection level of 26 infected acini per female, survived for a similar duration except that those under quasi-natural conditions survived for a slightly shorter duration (102 weeks). Similarly, T. parva parasites survived for much longer periods under quasi-natural conditions than under the laboratory conditions. They survived for up to 38 or 78 weeks post salivary gland infection under the laboratory or quasi-natural conditions respectively in both categories of infection levels. There was apparently a density dependent relationship in T. parva survival, with a dramatic fall in infection occurring in ticks with high levels of infection between weeks 10 and 18 or weeks 38 and 46 post salivary gland infection in those exposed to laboratory or quasi-natural conditions before levelling off. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The tolerance and utilization of ethanol, acetic acid and acetaldehyde vapour was investigated in Asobara persimilis (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a parasitoid of Drosophila. No significant utilization of ethanol or acetaldehyde occurred at low concentrations (< 1.5% and 0.1% respectively), however both female and male longevity was increased at concentrations of 1.0 and 1.5% acetic acid. All substances were toxic at higher concentrations, but there was sexual dimorphism in that females survived significantly longer than males.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur la tolérance et l'utilisation de vapeurs d'éthanol, d'acide acétique et d'acétaldéhyde par Asobara persimilis (Hym. Braconidae), parasitoïde de Drosophila récemment découvert en Australie. Aux faibles concentrations, il n'y a pas d'utilisation significative d'éthanol et d'acide (respectivement moins de 1,5% et 0,1%), cependant la longévité des mâles et des femelles ont augmenté avec les concentrations d'acide acétique de 1,0 et 1,5%. Toutes ces substances sont toxiques à plus forte concentrations, bien qu'il y ait un dimorphisme sexuel et que les femelles survivent significativement plus longtemps que les mâles. La tolérance des braconides est inférieure à celle de leurs hôtes, les Drosophiles cosmopolites et endémiques à l'Australie. Ceci peut faire que ces parasites limitent l'exploitation de leurs hôtes aux habitats avec une faible concentration de produits de fermentation.

We present a laboratory-based examination of oviposition preference in the Scottish biting midge, Culicoides impunctatus (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). A variety of oviposition substrates were screened in no-choice and choice bioassays for efficacy in eliciting an egg-laying response. Both upper-layer photosynthetic Sphagnum spp. moss and Juncus articulatus infusions were identified as producing increased oviposition under no-choice conditions. During choice trials against a control of damp cottonwool, upper-layer Sphagnum spp. moss produced a significantly greater egg-laying response. These conclusions are interpreted in terms of possible cues involved in oviposition site selection and assessed for future use in colonisation of this troublesome species.  相似文献   

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