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The low-insulin responding spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus), maintained on a 50% sucrose diet vs isocaloric regular diet, responded with an impressive increase in the activity of hepatic enzymes of glycolysis and lipogenesis and in hyperlipidemia. There was no hyperinsulinemia or hyperglycemia and spiny mice did not gain weight on sucrose due to loss of adipose tissue. Serum T3 levels rose 1.8 fold and the activity of the hepatic mitochondrial FAD-glycerol-3-phosphate oxidase became induced 2.6 fold representing the enhancement of multiple, T3-dependent, energy-consuming metabolic cycles. An increased TG lipolysis in adipose tissue was also observed. C57BL/6J ob/ob mice were markedly hyperinsulinemic and gained weight on sucrose almost as much as those on regular diet, without changes in serum glucose or insulin. Serum triglyceride level decreased, whereas liver triglycerides accumulated markedly. The extent of the increase in hepatic enzyme activities related to lipogenesis was much lower both in the ob/ob mice and their lean siblings, than in spiny mice, but the basal enzyme activities in ob/ob mice were remarkably elevated. Serum T3 level was also elevated already on the regular diet and rose only slightly on sucrose. Basal glycerol phosphate oxidase activity in ob/ob mice exceeded that in spiny mice and rose only marginally on sucrose. Adipose tissue lipolysis was not increased. Thus, sucrose diet by enhancing the T3 production appeared to activate protective mechanism against weight gain in normoinsulinemic spiny mice, whereas the full expression of these mechanisms appeared to be precluded by the hyperinsulinemia of ob/ob mice.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To determine if the chemotherapeutic drug cyclophosphamide influences the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, the effects of cyclophosphamide on norepinephrine concentration in the heart, adrenal gland, spleen, and thymus gland were evaluated. Male BALB/cByJ mice were administered a single injection of cyclophosphamide (15, 50, or 100 mg/kg, i.p) or saline-vehicle. Organs were collected 72 or 120 h after injection and norepinephrine concentrations were determined by high pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Cyclophosphamide reduced spleen, thymus gland, and heart mass while also elevating spleen and thymus gland norepinephrine concentrations (both pmoles/mg tissue and pmoles/mg protein) in a dose- and time-dependent manner. Norepinephrine concentrations in heart and adrenal gland were not altered by cyclophosphamide at any drug dose or time point. Dose- and time-dependent cyclophosphamide-mediated changes in peripheral norepinephrine levels in the spleen and thymus gland are interesting because subjects administered cyclophosphamide may be more susceptible to opportunistic infections, not only because the drug is antineoplastic, but also because the drug alters nervous system-immune system communication and the neurochemical milieu in which surviving cells interact.  相似文献   

beta-Amyloid peptides (Abetas) share with lipopolysaccharide, a potent pro-inflammatory agent, the property of stimulating glial cells or macrophages to induce various inflammatory mediators. We recently reported that central administration of lipopolysaccharide induces peripheral interleukin-6 responses via both the central and peripheral norepinephrine system. In this study, the effect of intracerebroventricular injection of various synthetic Abetas on plasma interleukin-6 levels was examined in mice. Abeta(1-42) dose-dependently increased plasma interleukin-6 levels: 'aged' Abeta(1-42) was more effective than fresh, whereas Abeta(42-1) had no effect. 'Aged' Abeta(1-42) (205 pmol/mouse i.c.v.)-induced plasma interleukin-6 peaked at 2 h post injection, which is earlier than the peak time of the Abeta(1-42)-induced brain interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha and interleukin-1beta levels, which was 4, 4 and 24 h, respectively. Among various peripheral organs, Abeta(1-42) (205 pmol/mouse i.c.v.) significantly increased interleukin-6 mRNA expression in lymph nodes and liver. Abeta(1-42) (205 pmol/mouse i.c.v.) significantly increased norepinephrine turnover in both hypothalamus and spleen. Either central or peripheral norepinephrine depletion effectively inhibited the Abeta(1-42)-induced peripheral interleukin-6 response. Pretreatment with prazosin (alpha(1)-adrenergic antagonist), yohimbine (alpha(2)-adrenergic antagonist), and ICI-118,551 (beta(2)-adrenergic antagonist), but not with betaxolol (beta(1)-adrenergic antagonist), inhibited Abeta(1-42)-induced plasma interleukin-6 levels. These results demonstrate that centrally administered Abeta(1-42) effectively induces the systemic interleukin-6 response which is mediated, in part, by central Abeta(1-42)-induced activation of the central and the peripheral norepinephrine systems.  相似文献   

Osteocalcin, the most abundant member of the family of extracellular mineral binding gamma-carboxyglutamic acid proteins is synthesized primarily by osteoblasts. Its affinity for calcium ions is believed to limit bone mineralization. Several of the numerous hormones that regulate synthesis of osteocalcin, including glucocorticoids and parathyroid hormone, are also affected by stressful stimuli that require energy for an appropriate response. Based on our observations of OC responding to stressful sensory stimuli, the expression of OC in mouse and rat sensory ganglia was confirmed. It was thus hypothesized that the behavioral responses of the OC knockout mouse to stressful sensory stimuli would be abnormal. To test this hypothesis, behaviors related to sensory aspects of the stress response were quantified in nine groups of mice, aged 4-14 months, comparing knockout with their wild-type counterparts in six distinctly different behavioral tests. Resulting data indicated the following statistically significant differences: open field grooming frequency following saline injection, wild-type > knockout; paw stimulation with Von Frey fibers, knockout < wild-type; balance beam, knockout mobility < WT; thermal sensitivity to heat (tail flick), knockout < wild-type; and cold, knockout < wild-type. Insignificant differences in hanging wire test indicate that these responses are unrelated to reduced muscle strength. Each of these disparate environmental stimuli provided data indicating alterations of responses in knockout mice that suggest participation of osteocalcin in transmission of information about those sensory stimuli.  相似文献   

Sucrose is the most abundant disaccharide in the environment because of its origin in higher plant tissues, and many Eubacteria possess catalytic enzymes, such as the sucrose-6-phosphate hydrolases and sucrose phosphorylases, that enable them to metabolise this carbohydrate in a regulated manner. This review describes the range of gene architecture, uptake systems, catabolic activity and regulation of the sucrose-utilisation regulons that have been reported in the Eubacteria to date. Evidence is presented that, although there are many common features to these gene clusters and high conservation of the proteins involved, there has been a certain degree of gene shuffling. Phylogenetic analyses of these proteins supports the hypothesis that these clusters have been acquired through horizontal gene transfer via mobile elements and transposons, and this may have enabled the recipient bacteria to colonise sucrose-rich environmental niches.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at .  相似文献   

The Soa bitter-sensitivity and Prp salivary-protein loci map to distal mouse chromosome six. No recombination has been found between sucrose octaacetate (SOA)-avoidance phenotype and PRP haplotype in any mouse population. Soa and Prp, therefore, are either very near each other or identical. To assess the latter possibility, two type-A, proline-rich protein genes (MP2 and M14), situated approximately 30 kb apart at the Prp locus, were separately transferred from an SOA-taster inbred strain (SWR) to an SOA-nontaster inbred strain (FVB). Five MP2-transgenic mice and seven M14-transgenic mice were insensitive to 1 mM SOA in two-bottle tests, thus retaining the nontaster FVB phenotype. Each transgenic mouse was mated to control FVB mice. Their transgene-positive F1 and F2 offspring also were insensitive. Transgene expression varied among the founder lines, but SWR-like expression levels, higher than background FVB expression levels, were found in submandibular gland tissue of adult transgenic mice from two MP2 lines and one M14 line. F3 mice from one of these MP2 lines were mated to F2 mice from the M14 line. Nine offspring inherited both transgenes. All nine were insensitive to 1 mM SOA. These findings indicated that expression of mRNAs for both type-A Prp genes alone or together did not enhance SOA taste sensitivity in nontaster mice.  相似文献   

β-blockers and β-agonists are primarily used to treat cardiovascular diseases. Inter-individual variability in response to both drug classes is well recognized, yet the identity and relative contribution of the genetic players involved are poorly understood. This work is the first genome-wide association study (GWAS) addressing the values and susceptibility of cardiovascular-related traits to a selective β(1)-blocker, Atenolol (ate), and a β-agonist, Isoproterenol (iso). The phenotypic dataset consisted of 27 highly heritable traits, each measured across 22 inbred mouse strains and four pharmacological conditions. The genotypic panel comprised 79922 informative SNPs of the mouse HapMap resource. Associations were mapped by Efficient Mixed Model Association (EMMA), a method that corrects for the population structure and genetic relatedness of the various strains. A total of 205 separate genome-wide scans were analyzed. The most significant hits include three candidate loci related to cardiac and body weight, three loci for electrocardiographic (ECG) values, two loci for the susceptibility of atrial weight index to iso, four loci for the susceptibility of systolic blood pressure (SBP) to perturbations of the β-adrenergic system, and one locus for the responsiveness of QTc (p<10(-8)). An additional 60 loci were suggestive for one or the other of the 27 traits, while 46 others were suggestive for one or the other drug effects (p<10(-6)). Most hits tagged unexpected regions, yet at least two loci for the susceptibility of SBP to β-adrenergic drugs pointed at members of the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid axis. Loci for cardiac-related traits were preferentially enriched in genes expressed in the heart, while 23% of the testable loci were replicated with datasets of the Mouse Phenome Database (MPD). Altogether these data and validation tests indicate that the mapped loci are relevant to the traits and responses studied.  相似文献   

Nervous system development requires the correct specification of neuron position and identity, followed by accurate neuron class-specific dendritic development and axonal wiring. Recently the dendritic arborization (DA) sensory neurons of the Drosophila larval peripheral nervous system (PNS) have become powerful genetic models in which to elucidate both general and class-specific mechanisms of neuron differentiation. There are four main DA neuron classes (I-IV)(1). They are named in order of increasing dendrite arbor complexity, and have class-specific differences in the genetic control of their differentiation(2-10). The DA sensory system is a practical model to investigate the molecular mechanisms behind the control of dendritic morphology(11-13) because: 1) it can take advantage of the powerful genetic tools available in the fruit fly, 2) the DA neuron dendrite arbor spreads out in only 2 dimensions beneath an optically clear larval cuticle making it easy to visualize with high resolution in vivo, 3) the class-specific diversity in dendritic morphology facilitates a comparative analysis to find key elements controlling the formation of simple vs. highly branched dendritic trees, and 4) dendritic arbor stereotypical shapes of different DA neurons facilitate morphometric statistical analyses. DA neuron activity modifies the output of a larval locomotion central pattern generator(14-16). The different DA neuron classes have distinct sensory modalities, and their activation elicits different behavioral responses(14,16-20). Furthermore different classes send axonal projections stereotypically into the Drosophila larval central nervous system in the ventral nerve cord (VNC)(21). These projections terminate with topographic representations of both DA neuron sensory modality and the position in the body wall of the dendritic field(7,22,23). Hence examination of DA axonal projections can be used to elucidate mechanisms underlying topographic mapping(7,22,23), as well as the wiring of a simple circuit modulating larval locomotion(14-17). We present here a practical guide to generate and analyze genetic mosaics(24) marking DA neurons via MARCM (Mosaic Analysis with a Repressible Cell Marker)(1,10,25) and Flp-out(22,26,27) techniques (summarized in Fig. 1).  相似文献   

The immediate responses of the upper respiratory tract (URT) to the irritants acrolein and acetic acid were examined in healthy and allergic airway-diseased C57Bl/6J mice. Acrolein (1.1 ppm) and acetic acid (330 ppm) vapors induced an immediate increase in flow resistance, as measured in the surgically isolated URT of urethane-anesthetized healthy animals. Acrolein, but not acetic acid, induced a small URT vasodilatory response. In awake spontaneously breathing mice, both vapors induced a prolonged pause at the start of expiration (a response mediated via stimulation of nasal trigeminal nerves) and an increase in total respiratory specific airway flow resistance, the magnitude of which was similar to that observed in the isolated URT. Both responses were significantly reduced in animals pretreated with large doses of capsaicin to defunctionalize sensory nerves, strongly suggesting a role for sensory nerves in development of these responses. The breathing pattern and/or obstructive responses were enhanced in mice with ovalbumin-induced allergic airway disease. These results suggest that the primary responses to acrolein and acetic acid vapors are altered breathing patterns and airway obstruction, that sensory nerves play an important role in these responses, and that these responses are enhanced in animals with allergic airway disease.  相似文献   

The translocation frequency response in the chromosomes of peripheral blood lymphocytes is widely used for radiation biomonitoring and dose estimation. However, this assay is based upon several assumptions that have not been rigorously tested. It is typically assumed that the translocation frequency in blood lymphocytes reflects the level of genomic damage in other hemopoietic tissues and is independent of the chromosome probe and genetic background. We conducted studies to evaluate these assumptions using mice with different genetic backgrounds. Six different whole-chromosome fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) probes were used to detect translocations in peripheral blood lymphocytes at multiple times after whole-body irradiation. Translocation frequencies were chromosome-independent at 6 and 16 weeks after exposure but were chromosome-dependent at 1. 5 years after exposure. Similar translocation frequencies were observed in blood, bone marrow and spleen at 1.5 years, supporting previous suggestions that genetically aberrant peripheral blood lymphocytes may derive from precursor populations in hemopoietic tissues. Translocations measured 66 h after irradiation differed among some strains. We conclude that the translocation frequency response is a complex phenotype that is influenced not only by exposure dose but also by genetic background, the choice of chromosome analyzed, and time after exposure. These results raise important considerations for the use of the FISH-based translocation frequency response for radiation dosimetry and biomonitoring.  相似文献   

Serotonin transporter (5-HTT) null mutant mice provide a model system to study the role genetic variation in the 5-HTT plays in the regulation of emotion. Anxiety-like behaviors were assessed in 5-HTT null mutants with the mutation placed on either a B6 congenic or a 129S6 congenic background. Replicating previous findings, B6 congenic 5-HTT null mutants exhibited increased anxiety-like behavior and reduced exploratory locomotion on the light ↔ dark exploration and elevated plus-maze tests. In contrast, 129S6 congenic 5-HTT null mutant mice showed no phenotypic abnormalities on either test. 5-HTT null mutants on the 129S6 background showed reduced 5-HT1A receptor binding (as measured by quantitative autoradiography) and reduced 5-HT1A receptor function (as measured by 8-OH-DPAT-indcued hypothermia). These data confirm that the 5-HTT null mutation produced alterations in brain 5-HT function in mice on the 129S6 background, thereby discounting the possibility that the absence of an abnormal anxiety-like phenotype in these mice was due to a suppression of the mutation by 129 modifier genes. Anxiety-like behaviors in the light ↔ dark exploration and elevated plus-maze tests were significantly higher in 129S6 congenic +/+ mice as compared to B6 congenic +/+ mice. This suggests that high baseline anxiety-like behavior in the 129S6 strain might have precluded detection of the anxiety-like effects of the 5-HTT null mutation on this background. Present findings provide further evidence linking genetic variation in the 5-HTT to abnormalities in mood and anxiety. Furthermore, these data highlight the utility of conducting behavioral phenotyping of mutant mice on multiple genetic backgrounds.  相似文献   

水稻粒长QTL定位与主效基因的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究利用短粒普通野生稻矮杆突变体和长粒栽培稻品种KJ01组配杂交组合F_1,构建分离群体F_2;并对该群体粒长进行性状遗传分析,利用平均分布于水稻的12条染色体上的132对多态分子标记对该群体进行QTL定位及主效QTLs遗传分析,为进一步克隆新的主效粒长基因奠定基础,并为水稻粒形育种提供理论依据。结果表明:(1)所构建的水稻杂交组合分离群体F_2的粒长性状为多基因控制的数量性状。(2)对543株F_2分离群体进行QTL连锁分析,构建了控制水稻粒长的连锁遗传图谱,总长为1 713.94 cM,共检测出24个QTLs,只有3个表现为加性遗传效应,其余位点均表现为遗传负效应。(3)检测到的3个主效QTLs分别位于3号染色体的分子标记PSM379~RID24455、RID24455~RM15689和RM571~RM16238之间,且三者对表型的贡献率分别为54.85%、31.02%和7.62%。(4)在标记PSM379~RID24455之间已克隆到的粒长基因为该研究新发现的主效QTL位点。  相似文献   

Biological Invasions - Genetic diversity can affect population viability and can be reduced by both acute and chronic mechanisms. Using the history of the establishment and management of two...  相似文献   

Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) is a severe hepatic disorder caused by larval infection by the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis. The course of parasitic development and host reactions are known to vary significantly among host species, and even among different inbred strains of mice. As reported previously, after oral administration of parasite eggs, DBA/2 (D2) mice showed a higher rate of cyst establishment and more advanced protoscolex development in the liver than C57BL/6 (B6) mice. These findings strongly suggest that the outcome of AE is affected by host genetic factor(s). In the present study, the genetic basis of such strain-specific differences in susceptibility/resistance to AE in murine models was studied by whole-genome scanning for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) using a backcross of (B6 × D2)F1 and D2 mice with varying susceptibility to E. multilocularis infection. For cyst establishment, genome linkage analysis identified one suggestive and one significant QTL on chromosomes (Chrs.) 9 and 6, respectively, whereas for protoscolex development, two suggestive and one highly significant QTLs were detected on Chrs. 6, 17 and 1, respectively. Our QTL analyses using murine AE models revealed that multiple genetic factors regulated host susceptibility/resistance to E. multilocularis infection. Moreover, our findings show that establishment of the parasite cysts in the liver is affected by QTLs that are distinct from those associated with the subsequent protoscolex development of the parasite, indicating that different host factors are involved in the host–parasite interplay at each developmental stage of the larval parasite. Further identification of responsible genes located on the identified QTLs could lead to the development of effective disease prevention and control strategies, including an intensive screening and clinical follow-up of genetically high-risk groups for AE infection.  相似文献   

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