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Two-component signal transduction systems (TCSs), utilized extensively by bacteria and archaea, are involved in the rapid adaptation of the organisms to fluctuating environments. A typical TCS transduces the signal by a phosphorelay between the sensor histidine kinase and its cognate response regulator. Recently, small-sized proteins that link TCSs have been reported and are called "connectors." Their physiological roles, however, have remained elusive. SafA (sensor associating factor A) (formerly B1500), a small (65-amino-acid [65-aa]) membrane protein, is among such connectors and links Escherichia coli TCSs EvgS/EvgA and PhoQ/PhoP. Since the activation of the EvgS/EvgA system induces acid resistance, we examined whether the SafA-activated PhoQ/PhoP system is also involved in the acid resistance induced by EvgS/EvgA. Using a constitutively active evgS1 mutant for the activation of EvgS/EvgA, we found that SafA, PhoQ, and PhoP all contributed to the acid resistance phenotype. Moreover, EvgS/EvgA activation resulted in the accumulation of cellular RpoS in the exponential-phase cells in a SafA-, PhoQ-, and PhoP-dependent manner. This RpoS accumulation was caused by another connector, IraM, expression of which was induced by the activation of the PhoQ/PhoP system, thus preventing RpoS degradation by trapping response regulator RssB. Acid resistance assays demonstrated that IraM also participated in the EvgS/EvgA-induced acid resistance. Therefore, we propose a model of a signal transduction cascade proceeding from EvgS/EvgA to PhoQ/PhoP and then to RssB (connected by SafA and IraM) and discuss its contribution to the acid resistance phenotype.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli AtoS-AtoC two-component signal transduction system regulates the expression of the atoDAEB operon genes, whose products are required for short-chain fatty acid catabolism. In this study purified his-tagged wild-type and mutant AtoS proteins were used to prove that these proteins are true sensor kinases. The phosphorylated residue was identified as the histidine-398, which was located in a conserved Eta-box since AtoS carrying a mutation at this site failed to phosphorylate. This inability to phosphorylate was not due to gross structural alterations of AtoS since the H398L mutant retained its capability to bind ATP. Furthermore, the H398L mutant AtoS was competent to catalyze the trans-phosphorylation of an AtoS G-box (G565A) mutant protein which otherwise failed to autophosphorylate due to its inability to bind ATP. The formation of homodimers between the various AtoS proteins was also shown by cross-linking experiments both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, there are 32 open reading frames (ORFs) that are assumed to be response regulator genes of two-component signal transduction systems on the basis of sequence similarities. We cloned all of these 32 ORFs into a multicopy expression vector and investigated whether or not they confer drug resistance via control of drug resistance determinants. Fifteen of these ORFs, i.e., baeR, citB, cpxR, evgA, fimZ, kdpE, narL, narP, ompR, rcsB, rstA, torR, yedW, yehT, and dcuR, conferred increased single- or multidrug resistance. Two-thirds of them conferred deoxycholate resistance. Five of them, i.e., evgA, baeR, ompR, cpxR, and rcsB, modulated the expression of several drug exporter genes. The drug resistance mediated by evgA, baeR, and cpxR could be assigned to drug exporters by using drug exporter gene knockout strains.  相似文献   

Two-component systems, composed of a homodimeric histidine kinase (HK) and a response regulator (RR), are major signal transduction devices in bacteria. Typically the signal triggers HK autophosphorylation at one His residue, followed by phosphoryl transfer from the phospho-His to an Asp residue in the RR. Signal extinction frequently involves phospho-RR dephosphorylation by a phosphatase activity of the HK. Our understanding of these reactions and of the determinants of partner specificity among HK-RR couples has been greatly increased by recent crystal structures and biochemical experiments on HK-RR complexes. Cis-autophosphorylation (one subunit phosphorylates itself) occurs in some HKs while trans-autophosphorylation takes place in others. We review and integrate this new information, discuss the mechanism of the three reactions and propose a model for transmembrane signaling by these systems.  相似文献   

Rewiring the specificity of two-component signal transduction systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two-component signal transduction systems are the predominant means by which bacteria sense and respond to environmental stimuli. Bacteria often employ tens or hundreds of these paralogous signaling systems, comprised of histidine kinases (HKs) and their cognate response regulators (RRs). Faithful transmission of information through these signaling pathways and avoidance of detrimental crosstalk demand exquisite specificity of HK-RR interactions. To identify the determinants of two-component signaling specificity, we examined patterns of amino acid coevolution in large, multiple sequence alignments of cognate kinase-regulator pairs. Guided by these results, we demonstrate that a subset of the coevolving residues is sufficient, when mutated, to completely switch the substrate specificity of the kinase EnvZ. Our results shed light on the basis of molecular discrimination in two-component signaling pathways, provide a general approach for the rational rewiring of these pathways, and suggest that analyses of coevolution may facilitate the reprogramming of other signaling systems and protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, the CpxA-CpxR two-component signal transduction system and the sigma(E) and sigma(32) response pathways jointly regulate gene expression in adaptation to adverse conditions. These include envelope protein distress, heat shock, oxidative stress, high pH, and entry into stationary phase. Certain mutant versions of the CpxA sensor protein (CpxA* proteins) exhibit an elevated ratio of kinase to phosphatase activity on CpxR, the cognate response regulator. As a result, CpxA* strains display numerous phenotypes, many of which cannot be easily related to currently known functions of the CpxA-CpxR pathway. It is unclear whether CpxA* phenotypes are caused solely by hyperphosphorylation of CpxR. We here report that all of the tested CpxA* phenotypes depend on elevated levels of CpxR-P and not on cross-signalling of CpxA* to noncognate response regulators.  相似文献   

The AtoS-AtoC two-component signal transduction system positively regulates the expression of the atoDAEB operon in Escherichia coli. Upon acetoacetate induction, AtoS sensor kinase autophosphorylates and subsequently phosphorylates, thereby activating, the response regulator AtoC. In a previous work we have shown that AtoC is phosphorylated at both aspartate 55 and histidine73. In this study, based on known three-dimensional structures of other two component regulatory systems, we modeled the 3D-structure of the receiver domain of AtoC in complex with the putative dimerization/autophosphorylation domain of the AtoS sensor kinase. The produced structural model indicated that aspartate 55, but not histidine 73, of AtoC is in close proximity to the conserved, putative phosphate-donor, histidine (H398) of AtoS suggesting that aspartate 55 may be directly involved in the AtoS-AtoC phosphate transfer. Subsequent biochemical studies with purified recombinant proteins showed that AtoC mutants with alterations of aspartate 55, but not histidine 73, were unable to participate in the AtoS-AtoC phosphate transfer in support of the modeling prediction. In addition, these AtoC mutants displayed reduced DNA-dependent ATPase activity, although their ability to bind their target DNA sequences in a sequence-specific manner was found to be unaltered.  相似文献   

The CpxA-CpxR two-component signal transduction pathway of Escherichia coli was studied in a mutant (pss-93) lacking phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). Several properties of this mutant are comparable to phenotypes of cpxA point mutants, indicating that this two-component pathway is activated in PE-deficient cells. In contrast to point mutants, cpx operon null mutants have a wild-type phenotype. By use of this information, a cpx operon null allele was introduced into a pss-93 mutant. Certain altered properties of PE-deficient mutants, which were consistent with activation of the Cpx pathway, returned to the wild-type phenotype, namely, active accumulation of proline and thiomethyl-beta-D-galactopyranoside was partially restored to wild-type levels, increased resistance to amikacin returned to wild-type sensitivity, and high levels of degP expression returned to repressed wild-type levels. Elevated levels of acetyl phosphate and nlpE gene product can result in activation of the Cpx pathway. However, inactivation of the nlpE gene or mutations eliminating the ability to make acetyl phosphate did not alter the high level of degP expression in pss-93 mutants. We propose that the lack of PE results in an alteration in cell envelope structure or physical properties, leading to direct activation of the Cpx pathway.  相似文献   

Novel domains of the prokaryotic two-component signal transduction systems   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
The archetypal two-component signal transduction systems include a sensor histidine kinase and a response regulator, which consists of a receiver CheY-like domain and a DNA-binding domain. Sequence analysis of the sensor kinases and response regulators encoded in complete bacterial and archaeal genomes revealed complex domain architectures for many of them and allowed the identification of several novel conserved domains, such as PAS, GAF, HAMP, GGDEF, EAL, and HD-GYP. All of these domains are widely represented in bacteria, including 19 copies of the GGDEF domain and 17 copies of the EAL domain encoded in the Escherichia coli genome. In contrast, these novel signaling domains are much less abundant in bacterial parasites and in archaea, with none at all found in some archaeal species. This skewed phyletic distribution suggests that the newly discovered complexity of signal transduction systems emerged early in the evolution of bacteria, with subsequent massive loss in parasites and some horizontal dissemination among archaea. Only a few proteins containing these domains have been studied experimentally, and their exact biochemical functions remain obscure; they may include transformations of novel signal molecules, such as the recently identified cyclic diguanylate. Recent experimental data provide the first direct evidence of the participation of these domains in signal transduction pathways, including regulation of virulence genes and extracellular enzyme production in the human pathogens Bordetella pertussis and Borrelia burgdorferi and the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris. Gene-neighborhood analysis of these new domains suggests their participation in a variety of processes, from mercury and phage resistance to maintenance of virulence plasmids. It appears that the real picture of the complexity of phosphorelay signal transduction in prokaryotes is only beginning to unfold.  相似文献   

The A-type response regulator ARR4 is an element in the two-component signalling network of Arabidopsis. ARR4 interacts with the N-terminus of the red/far-red light photoreceptor phytochrome B (phyB) and functions as a modulator of photomorphogenesis. In concert with other A-type response regulators, ARR4 also participates in the modulation of the cytokinin response pathway. Here evidence is presented that ARR4 directly modulates the activity state of phyB in planta, not only under inductive but also under extended irradiation with red light. Mutation of the phosphorylatable aspartate to asparagine within the receiver domain creates a version of ARR4 that negatively affects photomorphogenesis. Additional evidence suggests that ARR4 activity is regulated by a phosphorelay mechanism that depends on the AHK family of cytokinin receptors. Accordingly, the ability of ARR4 to function on phyB is modified by exogenous application of cytokinin. These results implicate a cross-talk between cytokinin and light signalling mediated by ARR4. This cross-talk enables the plant to adjust light reponsiveness to endogenous requirements in growth and development.  相似文献   

Overexpression of the EvgA regulator of the two-component signal transduction system was previously found to modulate multidrug resistance of Escherichia coli by increasing efflux of drugs (K. Nishino and A. Yamaguchi, J. Bacteriol. 183:1455-1458, 2001). Here we present data showing that EvgA contributes to multidrug resistance through increased expression of the multidrug transporter yhiUV gene.  相似文献   

Recent analysis revealed that, in Escherichia coli the AtoS-AtoC/Az two-component system (TCS) and its target atoDAEB operon regulate the biosynthesis of short-chain poly-(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate (cPHB) biosynthesis, a biopolymer with many physiological roles, upon acetoacetate-mediated induction. We report here that spermidine further enhanced this effect, in E. coli that overproduces both components of the AtoS-AtoC/Az TCS, without altering their protein levels. However, bacteria that overproduce either AtoS or AtoC did not display this phenotype. The extrachromosomal introduction of AtoS-AtoC/Az in an E. coli DeltaatoSC strain restored cPHB biosynthesis to the level of the atoSC(+) cells, in the presence of the polyamine. Lack of enhanced cPHB production was observed in cells overproducing the TCS that did not have the atoDAEB operon. Spermidine attained the cPHB enhancement through the AtoC/Az response regulator phosphorylation, since atoC phosphorylation site mutants, which overproduce AtoS, accumulated less amounts of cPHB, compared to their wild-type counterparts. Exogenous addition of N(8)-acetyl-spermidine resulted in elevated amounts of cPHB but at lower levels than those attained upon spermidine addition. Furthermore, AtoS-AtoC/Az altered the intracellular distribution of cPHB according to the inducer recognized by the TCS. Overall, AtoS-AtoC/Az TCS was induced by spermidine to regulate both the biosynthesis and the intracellular distribution of cPHB in E. coli.  相似文献   

The ability of enterococci to adapt and respond to different environmental stimuli, including the host environment, led us to investigate the role of two-component signal transduction in the regulation of Enterococcus faecalis physiology. Using a bioinformatic approach, we previously identified 17 two-component systems (TCS), consisting of a sensory histidine kinase and the cognate response regulator, as well as an additional orphan response regulator (L. E. Hancock and M. Perego, J. Bacteriol. 184:5819-5825, 2002). In an effort to identify the potential function of each TCS in the biology of E. faecalis clinical isolate strain V583, we constructed insertion mutations in each of the response regulators. We were able to inactivate 17 of 18 response regulators, the exception being an ortholog of YycF, previously shown to be essential for viability in a variety of gram-positive microorganisms. The biological effects of the remaining mutations were assessed by using a number of assays, including antibiotic resistance, biofilm formation, and environmental stress. We identified TCS related to antibiotic resistance and environmental stress and found one system which controls the initiation of biofilm development by E. faecalis.  相似文献   

Evolution of two-component signal transduction   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Two-component signal transduction (TCST) systems are the principal means for coordinating responses to environmental changes in bacteria as well as some plants, fungi, protozoa, and archaea. These systems typically consist of a receptor histidine kinase, which reacts to an extracellular signal by phosphorylating a cytoplasmic response regulator, causing a change in cellular behavior. Although several model systems, including sporulation and chemotaxis, have been extensively studied, the evolutionary relationships between specific TCST systems are not well understood, and the ancestry of the signal transduction components is unclear. Phylogenetic trees of TCST components from 14 complete and 6 partial genomes, containing 183 histidine kinases and 220 response regulators, were constructed using distance methods. The trees showed extensive congruence in the positions of 11 recognizable phylogenetic clusters. Eukaryotic sequences were found almost exclusively in one cluster, which also showed the greatest extent of domain variability in its component proteins, and archaeal sequences mainly formed species-specific clusters. Three clusters in different parts of the kinase tree contained proteins with serine-phosphorylating activity. All kinases were found to be monophyletic with respect to other members of their superfamily, such as type II topoisomerases and Hsp90. Structural analysis further revealed significant similarity to the ATP-binding domain of eukaryotic protein kinases. TCST systems are of bacterial origin and radiated into archaea and eukaryotes by lateral gene transfer. Their components show extensive coevolution, suggesting that recombination has not been a major factor in their differentiation. Although histidine kinase activity is prevalent, serine kinases have evolved multiple times independently within this family, accompanied by a loss of the cognate response regulator(s). The structural and functional similarity between TCST kinases and eukaryotic protein kinases raises the possibility of a distant evolutionary relationship.  相似文献   

苏云金芽孢杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis)能产生杀虫晶体蛋白等多种活性成分,是目前应用最广泛的微生物杀虫剂。本文采用生物信息学方法,系统分析了由本实验室完成全基因组测序的苏云金芽孢杆菌YBT-1520、CT-43和BMB171 3个菌株的双组分信号转导系统(Two-componentsignal transduction system,TCS)的分布、结构及功能,并初步构建了部分TCS的调控网络关系图。本研究旨在为深入研究苏云金芽孢杆菌的生长、代谢以及毒力因子的表达与调控,全面了解伴孢晶体的形成机制开辟新的研究方向。  相似文献   

Two-component systems are the most common mechanism of transmembrane signal transduction in bacteria. A typical system consists of a histidine kinase and a partner response regulator. The histidine kinase senses an environmental signal, which it transmits to its partner response regulator via a series of autophosphorylation, phosphotransfer, and dephosphorylation reactions. Much work has been done on particular systems, including several systems with regulatory roles in cellular physiology, communication, development, and, in the case of bacterial pathogens, the expression of genes important for virulence. We used two methods to investigate two-component regulatory systems in Escherichia coli K-12. First, we systematically constructed mutants with deletions of all two-component systems by using a now-standard technique of gene disruption (K. A. Datsenko and B. L. Wanner, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 97:6640-6645, 2000). We then analyzed these deletion mutants with a new technology called Phenotype MicroArrays, which permits assays of nearly 2,000 growth phenotypes simultaneously. In this study we tested 100 mutants, including mutants with individual deletions of all two-component systems and several related genes, including creBC-regulated genes (cbrA and cbrBC), phoBR-regulated genes (phoA, phoH, phnCDEFGHIJKLMNOP, psiE, and ugpBAECQ), csgD, luxS, and rpoS. The results of this battery of nearly 200,000 tests provided a wealth of new information concerning many of these systems. Of 37 different two-component mutants, 22 showed altered phenotypes. Many phenotypes were expected, and several new phenotypes were also revealed. The results are discussed in terms of the biological roles and other information concerning these systems, including DNA microarray data for a large number of the same mutants. Other mutational effects are also discussed.  相似文献   

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