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Poty- and picornaviruses share similar genome organizations and polyprotein processing strategies. By analogy to picornaviruses it has been proposed that the genome-linked protein VPg may serve as a primer for genome replication of potyviruses. The multifunctional VPg of potato virus A (PVA; genus Potyvirus) was found to be uridylylated by NIb, the RNA polymerase of PVA. The nucleotidylation activity of NIb is more efficient in the presence of Mn(2+) than Mg(2+) and does not require an RNA template. Our results suggest that the nucleotidylation reaction exhibits weak preference for UTP over the other NTPs. An NTP-binding experiment with oxidized [alpha-(32)P]UTP revealed that PVA VPg contains an NTP-binding site. Deletion of a 7-amino acid-long putative NTP-binding site from VPg reduced nucleotide-binding capacity and debilitated uridylylation reaction. These results provide evidence that VPg may play a similar role in RNA synthesis of potyviruses as it does in the case of picornaviruses.  相似文献   

Picornaviral RNA replication utilizes a small virus-encoded protein, termed 3B or VPg, as a primer to initiate RNA synthesis. This priming step requires uridylylation of the VPg peptide by the viral polymerase protein 3D(pol), in conjunction with other viral or host cofactors. In this study, we compared the viral specificity in 3D(pol)-catalyzed uridylylation reactions between poliovirus (PV) and human rhinovirus 16 (HRV16). It was found that HRV16 3D(pol) was able to uridylylate PV VPg as efficiently as its own VPg, but PV 3D(pol) could not uridylylate HRV16 VPg. Two chimeric viruses, PV containing HRV16 VPg (PV/R16-VPg) and HRV16 containing PV VPg (R16/PV-VPg), were constructed and tested for replication capability in H1-HeLa cells. Interestingly, only PV/R16-VPg chimeric RNA produced infectious virus particles upon transfection. No viral RNA replication or cytopathic effect was observed in cells transfected with R16/PV-VPg chimeric RNA, despite the ability of HRV16 3D(pol) to uridylylate PV VPg in vitro. Sequencing analysis of virion RNA isolated from the virus particles generated by PV/R16-VPg chimeric RNA identified a single residue mutation in the VPg peptide (Glu(6) to Val). Reverse genetics confirmed that this mutation was highly compensatory in enhancing replication of the chimeric viral RNA. PV/R16-VPg RNA carrying this mutation replicated with similar kinetics and magnitude to wild-type PV RNA. This cell culture-induced mutation in HRV16 VPg moderately increased its uridylylation by PV 3D(pol) in vitro, suggesting that it might be involved in other function(s) in addition to the direct uridylylation reaction. This study demonstrated the use of chimeric viruses to characterize viral specificity and compatibility in vivo between PV and HRV16 and to identify critical amino acid residue(s) for viral RNA replication.  相似文献   

The cis-acting replication element (CRE) is a 61-nucleotide stem-loop RNA structure found within the coding sequence of poliovirus protein 2C. Although the CRE is required for viral RNA replication, its precise role(s) in negative- and positive-strand RNA synthesis has not been defined. Adenosine in the loop of the CRE RNA structure functions as the template for the uridylylation of the viral protein VPg. VPgpUpU(OH), the predominant product of CRE-dependent VPg uridylylation, is a putative primer for the poliovirus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. By examining the sequential synthesis of negative- and positive-strand RNAs within preinitiation RNA replication complexes, we found that mutations that disrupt the structure of the CRE prevent VPg uridylylation and positive-strand RNA synthesis. The CRE mutations that inhibited the synthesis of VPgpUpU(OH), however, did not inhibit negative-strand RNA synthesis. A Y3F mutation in VPg inhibited both VPgpUpU(OH) synthesis and negative-strand RNA synthesis, confirming the critical role of the tyrosine hydroxyl of VPg in VPg uridylylation and negative-strand RNA synthesis. trans-replication experiments demonstrated that the CRE and VPgpUpU(OH) were not required in cis or in trans for poliovirus negative-strand RNA synthesis. Because these results are inconsistent with existing models of poliovirus RNA replication, we propose a new four-step model that explains the roles of VPg, the CRE, and VPgpUpU(OH) in the asymmetric replication of poliovirus RNA.  相似文献   

There are two protein primers involved in picornavirus RNA replication, VPg, the viral protein of the genome, and VPgpUpUOH. A cis-acting replication element (CRE) within the open reading frame of poliovirus (PV) RNA allows the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 3DPol to catalyze the conversion of VPg into VPgpUpUOH. In this study, we used preinitiation RNA replication complexes (PIRCs) to determine when CRE-dependent VPg uridylylation occurs relative to the sequential synthesis of negative- and positive-strand RNA. Guanidine HCl (2 mM), a reversible inhibitor of PV 2CATPase, prevented CRE-dependent VPgpUpUOH synthesis and the initiation of negative-strand RNA synthesis. VPgpUpUOH and nascent negative-strand RNA molecules were synthesized coincident in time following the removal of guanidine, consistent with PV RNA functioning simultaneously as a template for CRE-dependent VPgpUpUOH synthesis and negative-strand RNA synthesis. The amounts of [32P]UMP incorporated into VPgpUpUOH and negative-strand RNA products indicated that 100 to 400 VPgpUpUOH molecules were made coincident in time with each negative-strand RNA. 3′-dCTP inhibited the elongation of nascent negative-strand RNAs without affecting CRE-dependent VPg uridylylation. A 3′ nontranslated region mutation which inhibited negative-strand RNA synthesis did not inhibit CRE-dependent VPg uridylylation. Together, the data implicate 2CATPase in the mechanisms whereby PV RNA functions as a template for reiterative CRE-dependent VPg uridylylation before and during negative-strand RNA synthesis.A common feature of positive-strand RNA viruses is the asymmetric replication of viral RNA. Poliovirus (PV) RNA replication has been studied extensively; however, it remains to be determined exactly how the synthesis of negative-strand RNA and that of positive-strand RNA are mechanistically distinct, culminating in the synthesis of greater amounts of positive-strand than negative-strand RNA (2). A cis-acting replication element (CRE) within the 2C open reading frame of PV RNA functions as a template for the conversion of the viral protein of the genome (VPg) into VPgpUpUOH (24, 26, 37). 3D polymerase (3DPol), in concert with other viral proteins, catalyzes the conversion of VPg into VPgpUpUOH on CRE RNA templates (22). It remains to be determined whether the tyrosine hydroxyl of VPg (14, 20, 21), the 3′ hydroxyl of VPgpUpUOH (22, 23, 43), or both (38) are used to prime negative-strand RNA synthesis. It would be informative to know whether VPg is converted into VPgpUpUOH before, during, and/or after the initiation of viral negative-strand RNA synthesis. Conversion of VPg into VPgpUpUOH before the initiation of negative-strand RNA synthesis would be consistent with the possibility that it primes the initiation of negative-strand RNA synthesis. Conversely, if VPg were not converted into VPgpUpUOH until after the initiation of negative-strand RNA synthesis, VPgpUpUOH could not possibly participate in the initiation of negative-strand RNA synthesis. Also, because multiple copies of VPgpUpUOH are necessary to prime reiterative initiation of positive-strand RNA synthesis (35), VPg is most likely converted into abundant amounts of VPgpUpUOH before the initiation of positive-strand RNA synthesis.PV preinitiation RNA replication complexes (PIRCs) were used in this study to examine when VPg is converted into VPgpUpUOH. PIRCs assemble and accumulate when PV mRNA is translated in reaction mixtures containing cytoplasmic extracts from uninfected HeLa cells and 2 mM guanidine HCl, a reversible inhibitor of viral RNA replication (5). The viral replication proteins expressed from the viral mRNA interact with lipid membranes in the cytoplasmic extracts to form RNA replication complexes (RCs) similar to those in infected cells (12). PIRCs convert VPg into VPgpUpUOH and initiate viral RNA replication when they are isolated from reaction mixtures containing guanidine and resuspended in reaction mixtures lacking guanidine (6, 19). Guanidine HCl functions as a reversible inhibitor of PV RNA replication, both in cells (11) and in cell-free translation-replication reactions (6). In cells, PV RNA RCs fail to immediately initiate RNA replication following the removal of guanidine HCl (11). Rather, PV RCs formed in the presence of guanidine in cells appear to be translocated to a region of the cytoplasm where the RCs and their contents may be recycled and/or destroyed (11), possibly by autophagic vesicles (17). Recycling and/or destruction of RCs by autophagic vesicles would preclude their function upon the removal of guanidine. PIRCs, which form in the presence of guanidine during the translation of PV mRNA in cytoplasmic extracts of HeLa cells, immediately initiate both negative-strand RNA synthesis and CRE-dependent VPg uridylylation upon the removal of guanidine (6, 19). Viral RNA replication and VPgpUpUOH synthesis are monitored by the incorporation of radiolabeled UTP (19-21). It is important to note that RNA replication in the context of PIRCs is artificial in that the PIRCs are stalled with guanidine and purified and then the guanidine block is removed. Despite this artificiality, the mechanisms of RNA replication within PIRCs appear to reliably represent the mechanisms of RNA replication in cells. There are several advantageous features of the PIRC experimental system: viral RNA replication is synchronous and sequential, with negative-strand RNA being made before positive-strand RNA (6); viral RNA replication is asymmetric, with an excess of positive-strand RNA being made from each negative-strand template; VPg is converted into VPgpUpUOH in a CRE-dependent manner (20, 21); and the reaction conditions, including nucleoside triphosphate concentrations, are easily manipulated (38). Importantly, PIRCs contain all of the viral proteins associated with RNA replication and RNA replication by PIRCs faithfully mimics the asymmetric replication of PV RNA observed in cells.PV protein 2C, the target of guanidine HCl (30), is a critical but poorly understood component of PIRCs and RNA RCs in cells. PV protein 2C has an NH-terminal amphipathic helix which interacts with cellular membranes (40), a central ATPase domain where guanidine-resistant and guanidine-dependent mutations arise (31, 32), a cysteine-rich zinc binding motif (29), and a COOH-terminal RNA binding domain (34) which appears to work in concert with amino acid residues at the NH terminus to bind RNA. 2CATPase can oligomerize (1, 41), anchoring viral replication proteins and RNA templates within membranous RCs (4). The ability of guanidine HCl to reversibly inhibit both CRE-dependent VPg uridylylation and negative-strand RNA synthesis implicates 2CATPase in the mechanisms by which PV RNA functions coordinately as a template for both RNA replication and CRE-dependent VPgpUpUOH synthesis (19, 21).In this study, we found that VPg was converted into VPgpUpUOH before and during negative-strand RNA synthesis and that 2CATPase activity, in the context of membranous PIRCs, allowed PV RNA to function simultaneously as a template for CRE-dependent VPg uridylylation and as a template for negative-strand RNA synthesis. We discuss how picornaviruses coordinate the synthesis of nucleotidylylated protein primers with other steps of viral RNA replication.  相似文献   

Chimeric poliovirus RNAs, possessing the 5' nontranslated region (NTR) of hepatitis C virus in place of the 5' NTR of poliovirus, were used to examine the role of the poliovirus 5' NTR in viral replication. The chimeric viral RNAs were incubated in cell-free reaction mixtures capable of supporting the sequential translation and replication of poliovirus RNA. Using preinitiation RNA replication complexes formed in these reactions, we demonstrated that the 3' NTR of poliovirus RNA was insufficient, by itself, to recruit the viral replication proteins required for negative-strand RNA synthesis. The 5'-terminal cloverleaf of poliovirus RNA was required in cis to form functional preinitiation RNA replication complexes capable of uridylylating VPg and initiating the synthesis of negative-strand RNA. These results are consistent with a model in which the 5'-terminal cloverleaf and 3' NTRs of poliovirus RNA interact via temporally dynamic ribonucleoprotein complexes to coordinately mediate and regulate the sequential translation and replication of poliovirus RNA.  相似文献   

L A Ball  Y Li 《Journal of virology》1993,67(6):3544-3551

Pestiviruses, such as bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV), share many similarities with hepatitis C virus (HCV) yet are more amenable to virologic and genetic analysis. For both BVDV and HCV, translation is initiated via an internal ribosome entry site (IRES). Besides IRES function, the viral 5' nontranslated regions (NTRs) may also contain cis-acting RNA elements important for viral replication. A series of chimeric RNAs were used to examine the function of the BVDV 5' NTR. Our results show that: (1) the HCV and the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) IRES element can functionally replace that of BVDV; (2) two 5' terminal hairpins in BVDV genomic RNA are important for efficient replication; (3) replacement of the entire BVDV 5' NTR with those of HCV or EMCV leads to severely impaired replication; (4) such replacement chimeras are unstable and efficiently replicating pseudorevertants arise; (5) pseudorevertant mutations involve deletion of 5' sequences and/or acquisition of novel 5' sequences such that the 5' terminal 3-4 bases of BVDV genome RNA are restored. Besides providing new insight into functional elements in the BVDV 5' NTR, these chimeras may prove useful as pestivirus vaccines and for screening and evaluation of anti-HCV IRES antivirals.  相似文献   

Efficient translation of poliovirus (PV) RNA in uninfected HeLa cell extracts generates all of the viral proteins required to carry out viral RNA replication and encapsidation and to produce infectious virus in vitro. In infected cells, viral RNA replication occurs in ribonucleoprotein complexes associated with clusters of vesicles that are formed from preexisting intracellular organelles, which serve as a scaffold for the viral RNA replication complex. In this study, we have examined the role of membranes in viral RNA replication in vitro. Electron microscopic and biochemical examination of extracts actively engaged in viral RNA replication failed to reveal a significant increase in vesicular membrane structures or the protective aggregation of vesicles observed in PV-infected cells. Viral, nonstructural replication proteins, however, bind to heterogeneous membrane fragments in the extract. Treatment of the extracts with nonionic detergents, a membrane-altering inhibitor of fatty acid synthesis (cerulenin), or an inhibitor of intracellular membrane trafficking (brefeldin A) prevents the formation of active replication complexes in vitro, under conditions in which polyprotein synthesis and processing occur normally. Under all three of these conditions, synthesis of uridylylated VPg to form the primer for initiation of viral RNA synthesis, as well as subsequent viral RNA replication, was inhibited. Thus, although organized membranous structures morphologically similar to the vesicles observed in infected cells do not appear to form in vitro, intact membranes are required for viral RNA synthesis, including the first step of forming the uridylylated VPg primer for RNA chain elongation.  相似文献   

Nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase (NTPase) is an abundant protein secreted by the obligate protozoan parasite Toxoplasma gondii, which has a wide specificity toward NTP. In the present study, two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs, MNT1 and MNT2) against recombinant T. gondii NTPase-II (rTgNTPase-II) were developed. Western blot analysis displayed that these two mAbs can recognize specifically rTgNTPase-II as well as a 63 kDa molecule in tachyzoites soluble antigens that corresponded to native NTPase-II. T. gondii tachyzoites pretreated with two mAbs were observed under Confocal Laser Microscope and a specific reaction was displayed on tachyzoites after indirect fluorescence antibody test (IFAT). When COS-7 cells were co-cultured with tachyzoites pretreated with two mAbs, the number of intracellular parasites per infected cell was significantly decreased compared with the control. Furthermore, incubation of T. gondii tachyzoites with two mAbs can inhibit NTPase activity in the presence of dithiothreitol, which hinted that the reduction of tachyzoite replication might be owing to the inhibition of NTPase-II by the mAbs. The passive immunization test indicated that the transferred mAbs can significantly prolong the survival time of challenge infected mice. Taken together, we concluded that the mAbs against NTPase-II can reduce the replication of T. gondii and have a crucial effect on the protection of host from T. gondii infection.  相似文献   

Four conserved RNA stem-loop structures designated SL47, SL87, SL248, and SL443 have been predicted in the hepatitis C virus (HCV) core encoding region. Moreover, alternative translation products have been detected from a reading frame overlapping the core gene (core+1/ARFP/F). To study the importance of the core+1 frame and core-RNA structures for HCV replication in cell culture and in vivo, a panel of core gene silent mutations predicted to abolish core+1 translation and affecting core-RNA stem-loops were introduced into infectious-HCV genomes of the isolate JFH1. A mutation disrupting translation of all known forms of core+1 and affecting SL248 did not alter virus production in Huh7 cells and in mice xenografted with human liver tissue. However, a combination of mutations affecting core+1 at multiple codons and at the same time, SL47, SL87, and SL248, delayed RNA replication kinetics and substantially reduced virus titers. The in vivo infectivity of this mutant was impaired, and in virus genomes recovered from inoculated mice, SL87 was restored by reversion and pseudoreversion. Mutations disrupting the integrity of this stem-loop, as well as that of SL47, were detrimental for virus viability, whereas mutations disrupting SL248 and SL443 had no effect. This phenotype was not due to impaired RNA stability but to reduced RNA translation. Thus, SL47 and SL87 are important RNA elements contributing to HCV genome translation and robust replication in cell culture and in vivo.  相似文献   

RNA structures play key roles in the replication of RNA viruses. Sequence alignment software, thermodynamic RNA folding programs, and classical comparative phylogenetic analysis were used to build models of six RNA elements in the coding region of the hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, NS5B. The importance of five of these elements was evaluated by site-directed mutagenesis of a subgenomic HCV replicon. Mutations disrupting one of the predicted stem-loop structures, designated 5BSL3.2, blocked RNA replication, implicating it as an essential cis-acting replication element (CRE). 5BSL3.2 is about 50 bases in length and is part of a larger predicted cruciform structure (5BSL3). As confirmed by RNA structure probing, 5BSL3.2 consists of an 8-bp lower helix, a 6-bp upper helix, a 12-base terminal loop, and an 8-base internal loop. Mutational analysis and structure probing were used to explore the importance of these features. Primary sequences in the loops were shown to be important for HCV RNA replication, and the upper helix appears to serve as an essential scaffold that helps maintain the overall RNA structure. Unlike certain picornavirus CREs, whose function is position independent, 5BSL3.2 function appears to be context dependent. Understanding the role of 5BSL3.2 and determining how this new CRE functions in the context of previously identified elements at the 5' and 3' ends of the RNA genome should provide new insights into HCV RNA replication.  相似文献   

Poliovirus 2C region functions during encapsidation of viral RNA.   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
L M Vance  N Moscufo  M Chow    B A Heinz 《Journal of virology》1997,71(11):8759-8765
We have been exploring the mechanism of action of 5-(3,4-dichlorophenyl) methylhydantoin (hydantoin), an antiviral drug that inhibits the replication of poliovirus in culture. By varying the time of drug addition to infected cells, we found that the drug acts at a stage which is late in the replication cycle and subsequent to the step inhibited by guanidine. Furthermore, we detected normal levels of full-length plus-strand virion RNA in hydantoin-treated cultures. A new assembly intermediate in addition to the expected assembly intermediates was detected in drug-treated cultures. This intermediate has properties consistent with that of a packaging intermediate. Drug-resistant mutants were readily isolated. Sequence analysis of three independent drug-resistant mutants identified amino acid substitutions in the 2C coding region. Reconstruction by site-directed mutagenesis confirmed that these single mutations were sufficient to confer drug resistance. Taken together, these data suggest that the poliovirus 2C region is involved in virus encapsidation and that hydantoin inhibits this stage of replication.  相似文献   

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