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菠菜种子胰蛋白酶抑制剂的分离纯化与部分性质研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以菠菜种子为材料,经脱脂、酸性溶液抽提、热变性、硫酸铵分部沉淀得到胰蛋白酶抑制剂粗提物。再经离子交换、亲和层析和凝胶过滤,分离得到胰蛋白酶抑制剂SOTI,纯化倍数为57.22。SDS-PAGE测定其分子量约为22kD,等电聚焦测定其等电点为4.02。SOTI具有较高的热稳定性,在100℃处理后仍然具有一定的抑制活性。  相似文献   

Nováková  M.  Matějova  E.  Sofrová  D. 《Photosynthetica》2004,42(3):425-430
Thylakoid membranes (TM) of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus elongatus were exposed for 30 min to the influence of 0, 10, 100, and 1 000 mM CdCl2 (= Cd0, Cd10, Cd100, and Cd1000). Cd10 and Cd100 caused some increase in activity of photosystem 2, PS2 (H2O DCPIP), while distinct inhibition was observed with Cd1000. We also observed a similar effect when measuring oxygen evolution (H2O PBQ + FeCy). Chloroplasts of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) were incubated for 30 min with 0, 15, 30, and 60 mM CdCl2 (= Cd0, Cd15, Cd30, and Cd60). All concentrations studied inhibited the PS2 activity, the effect being stronger with increasing concentration of Cd2+. The photosynthetic oxygen evolution activity was also influenced most distinctly by the highest concentration employed, i.e. Cd60. Electrophoretic analysis of the protein composition of cyanobacterium TM showed chief changes in the molecular mass regions of Mr 29 000 and 116 000, while with spinach chloroplasts the most distinct differences were observed in the regions of Mr 15 000 and 50 000. Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBPCO) activity in cyanobacterial spheroplasts still remained on the 40 % level in the case of Cd1000, but it decreased down to approx. 2.5 % in the Cd60 sample of spinach chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Cytokinin-active ribonucleosides have been isolated from tRNA of whole spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) leaves and isolated spinach chloroplasts. The tRNA from spinach leaf blades contained: 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-β-d-ribofuranosylpurine (cis and trans isomers), 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-β-d-ribofuranosylpurine, and 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-d -ribofuranosylpurine (cis and trans isomers). A method for isolation of large amounts of intact chloroplasts was developed and subsequently used for the isolation of chloroplast tRNA. The chloroplast tRNA contained 6-(3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-9-β-d-ribofuranosylpurine and 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methyl-2-butenylamino)-2-methylthio-9-β-d -ribofuranosylpurine (the cis isomer only). The structures of these compounds were assigned on the basis of their chromatographic properties and mass spectra of trimethylsilyl derivatives which were identical with those of the corresponding synthetic compounds. The results of this study indicate that ribosylzeatin was present in spinach leaf tRNA, but absent from the purified chloroplast tRNA preparation.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic capacity of leaves of N-sufficent plantsof Spinacia oleracea L. increases following transfer a constanttemperature of 10C for 10 d compared to plants maintained at25C. The effects of nitrogen nutrition on this low temperatureacclimation have been investigated in respect of CO2 assimilation,the activities and activation states of key enzymes and thepartitioning of recently fixed carbon. N-deficiency greatlyrestricted acclimation of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation tolow temperature at both ambient and at saturating CO2 concentrations,indicating a restriction on accilmatory changes in both ribulose1,5-bisphosphatecarboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) and the reactions of ribulose1,5-bisphosphateregeneration. Nitrogen limitation led to an increase in thepartitioning of recently-fixed carbon into starch. Total proteinincreased during acclimation in both N-sufficient and N-deficientleaves and was much less affected than were the activities ofenzymes. Increases in the activation state of Rubisco and thestromal fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase occurred in response tolow temperature, but increases in the activities of Rubisco,sucrose-phosphate synthase or the cytosolic fructose1,6-bisphosphatasecould not be sustained in N-deficient plants throughout theperiod of acclimation, although the activities of these enzymesdeclined less precipitately than in non-acclimated N-deficientplants. These data are all consistent with the view that increasesin the activities of key enzymes of carbon assimilation area pre-requisite for acclimation to low temperature and thatthese increases are restricted under N-limitation. Key words: Low temperature, nitrogen, photosynthesis, Rubisco, sucrose-phosphate synthase  相似文献   

Cadmium (Cd) is highly toxic metal for plant metabolic processes even in low concentration due to its longer half-life and non-biodegradable nature. The current study was designed to assess the bioremediation potential of a Cd-tolerant phytobeneficial bacterial strain Bacillus sp. SDA-4, isolated, characterized and identified from Chakera wastewater reservoir, Faisalabad, Pakistan, together with spinach (as a test plant) under different Cd regimes. Spinach plants were grown with and without Bacillus sp. SDA-4 inoculation in pots filled with 0, 5 or 10 mg kg−1 CdCl2-spiked soil. Without Bacillus sp. SDA-4 inoculation, spinach plants exhibited reduction in biomass accumulation, antioxidative enzymes and nutrient retention. However, plants inoculated with Bacillus sp. SDA-4 revealed significantly augmented growth, biomass accumulation and efficiency of antioxidative machinery with concomitant reduction in proline and MDA contents under Cd stress. Furthermore, application of Bacillus sp. SDA-4 assisted the Cd-stressed plants to sustain optimal levels of essential nutrients (N, P, K, Ca and Mg). It was inferred that the characterized Cd-tolerant PGPR strain, Bacillus sp. SDA-4 has a potential to reduce Cd uptake and lipid peroxidation which in turn maintained the optimum balance of nutrients and augmented the growth of Cd-stressed spinach. Analysis of bioconcentration factor (BCF) and translocation factor (TF) revealed that Bacillus sp. SDA-4 inoculation with spinach sequestered Cd in rhizospheric zone. Research outcomes are important for understanding morpho-physio-biochemical attributes of spinach-Bacillus sp. SDA-4 synergy which might provide efficient strategies to decrease Cd retention in edible plants and/or bioremediation of Cd polluted soil colloids.  相似文献   

Male plants of spinach (Spinacea oleracea L.) senesce following flowering. It has been suggested that nutrient drain by male flowers is insufficient to trigger senescence. The partitioning of radiolabelled photosynthate between vegetative and reproductive tissue was compared in male (staminate) versus female (pistillate) plants. After the start of flowering staminate plants senesce 3 weeks earlier than pistillate plants. Soon after the start of flowering, staminate plants allocated several times as much photosynthate to flowering structures as did pistillate plants. The buds of staminate flowers with developing pollen had the greatest draw of photosynthate. When the staminate plants begin to show senescence 68% of fixed C was allocated to the staminate reproductive structures. In the pistillate plants, export to the developing fruits and young flowers remained near 10% until mid-reproductive development, when it increased to 40%, declining to 27% as the plants started to senesce. These differences were also present on a sink-mass corrected basis. Flowers on staminate spinach plants develop faster than pistillate flowers and have a greater draw of photosynthate than do pistillate flowers and fruits, although for a shorter period. Pistillate plants also produce more leaf area within the inflorescence to sustain the developing fruits. The (14)C in the staminate flowers declined due to respiration, especially during pollen maturation; no such loss occurred in pistillate reproductive structures. The partitioning to the reproductive structures correlates with the greater production of floral versus vegetative tissue in staminate plants and their more rapid senescence. As at senescence the leaves still had adequate carbohydrate, the resources are clearly phloem-transported compounds other than carbohydrates. The extent of the resource redistribution to reproductive structures and away from the development of new vegetative sinks, starting very early in the reproductive phase, is sufficient to account for the triggering of senescence in the rest of the plant.  相似文献   

Proteolytic fragments were obtained by limited proteolysis of120 kDa nitrate reductase from Spinacia oleracea L. using trypsinand Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease. Determination of NH2-terminalsequences in 9 to 14 Edman degradation steps allowed the exactlocalization of the fragments within the amino-acid sequenceof spinach nitrate reductase was deduced from the nucleotidesequence of cDNA clone pSPNR117 which was initially identifiedby hybridization to squash nitrate reductase cDNA clone [Crawford,1N. M., Campbell, W. H. and Davis, R. W. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad.Sci. USA 83: 8073] and anti spinach nitrate reductase polyclonalantibodies. This clone has a 2324 base insert, and the aminoacid sequence deduced from its open reading frame, which contains640 residues. The predicted sizes 42.5 and 30 kDa were in reasonableagreement with previous determination of the apparent molecularsizes of the FAD-cyt-chrome b557-binding, and FAD-binding fragments,respectively. Arginine residue was the cleavage site for trypsin and glutamicacid was for S. aureus V8 protease. The amino acid residueswithin the linker regions which connect the functional domains,could be cleaved with trypsin or S. aureus V8 protease may bewell conserved in the amino acid sequences deduced from thenitrate reductase cDNA sequences. A sequence identity of 61.2-80.1 % was found in the amino acidsequences deduced from the cDNA sequences as obtained by spinachand other higher plant nitrate reductases. However, the aminoacid sequences surrounding the proteolytic cleavage sites ofnitrate reductase had poor homology. (Received March 30, 1991; Accepted July 24, 1991)  相似文献   

A virus inhibiting protein (VI) was isolated from spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.). The VI inhibited infections of test plants with plus- and minus-strand RNA viruses. Inoculation of both local lesion and systemic hosts with TMV in the presence of varying amounts of the VI resulted in typical dose response curves for the number of local lesions or the amount of virus respectively. The lowest concentration of VI leading to a significant reduction in the number of local lesions was 0.06 μg/ml. The VI was found to inhibit local lesion formation only when applied within 2–3 h p.i. but still reduced the number of local lesions when applied up to 9 h prior to virus inoculation. The antiviral activity could be attributed to a protein of molecular weight 29,000 dalton with an isoelectric point of 10.3. Its activity was destroyed by heating for 30 min to 70°C. These characteristics resemble those of other virus inhibiting proteins described for members of the order Caryophyllales such as the Phytolacca inhibitor against which a serological relationship was obtained.  相似文献   

Oxygen ist reduced by the electron transport chain of chloroplasts during CO2 reduction. The rate of electron flow to oxygen is low. Since antimycin A inhibited CO2-dependent oxygen evolution, it is concluded that cyclic photophosphorylation contributes ATP to photosynthesis in chloroplasts which cannot satisfy the ATP requirement of CO2 reduction by electron flow to NADP and to oxygen. Inhibition of photosynthesis by antimycin A was more significant at high than at low light intensities suggesting that cyclic photophosphorylation contributes to photosynthesis particularly at high intensities. Cyclic electron flow in intact chloroplasts is under the control of electron acceptors. At low light intensities or under far-red illumination it is decreased by substrates which accept electrons from photosystem I such as oxaloacetate, nitrite or oxygen. Obviously, the cyclic electron transport pathway is sensitive to electron drainage. In the absence of electron acceptors, cyclic electron flow is supported by far-red illumination and inhibited by red light. The inhibition by light exciting photosystem II demonstrated that the cyclic electron transport pathway is accessible to electrons from photosystem II. Inhibition can be relieved by oxygen which appears to prevent over-reduction of electron carriers of the cyclic pathway and thus has an important regulatory function. The data show that cyclic electron transport is under delicate redox control. Inhibition is caused both by excessive oxidation and by over-reduction of electron carriers of the pathway.  相似文献   

Kinetic studies were performed on fresh-cut and aged leaf discsof Spinacia oleracea L. in order to investigate the regulatoryprocesses involved in sugar transport across the mesophyll plasmamembrane. A comparison of the kinetic profiles for fructose,glucose, sucrose and arginine obtained on freshly-cut and ageddiscs revealed that during wound-recovery, uptake is enhanced,but that this enhancement varies considerably for the differentsubstrates tested. Variation in the saturable and first-orderkinetic components of uptake was also observed. The involvementof a phosphoinositide-signalling mechanism in the wounding processwas examined by pretreating spinach leaves with lithium. Lithiuminhibited the enhancement of uptake and this effect was reversedby the addition of miro-inositol. However, in some experimentsthe tissue appeared to be insensitive to Li+. Gas chromatographicanalyses performed on cut discs indicated that ethylene wasproduced in response to wounding and that the addition of cobaltto the ageing media inhibited this ethylene production. Comparativekinetic studies of control and cobalt-treated discs indicatedthat ethylene was essential for the enhancement of transportacross the plasma membrane. However, addition of ethylene touncut tissue caused only a partial increase in the uptake offructose, which indicates that some additional wound-signallingcomponent is involved. Addition of cycloheximide to the recoverymedia completely inhibited this enhancement phenomenon. Thecycloheximide-response was not due to an inhibition of ACC synthasesynthesis nor to a reduction of ATP levels. We concluded thatthe effect of cycloheximide was on protein synthesis. Our resultsare discussed in terms of possible cellular and molecular mechanismsregulating sugar transport. Key words: Sugar transport, wounding, ethylene production, spinach leaves  相似文献   

Salt tolerant spinach (Spinacia oleracea) and salt sensitive pea (Pisum sativum) plants were exposed to mild salinity under identical growth conditions. In order to compare the ability of the two species for extra- and intracellular solute compartmentation in leaves, various solutes were determined in intercellular washing fluids and in aqueously isolated intact chloroplasts. In pea plants exposed to 100 millimolar NaCl for 14 days, apoplastic salt concentrations in leaflets increased continuously with time up to 204 (Cl) and 87 millimolar (Na+), whereas the two ions reached a steady concentration of only 13 and 7 millimolar, respectively, in spinach leaves. In isolated intact chloroplasts from both species, sodium concentrations were not much different, but chloride concentrations were significantly higher in pea than in spinach. Together with data from whole leaf extracts, these measurements permitted an estimation of apoplastic, cytoplasmic, and vacuolar solute concentrations. Sodium and chloride concentration gradients across the tonoplast were rather similar in both species, but spinach was able to maintain much steeper sodium gradients across the plasmamembrane compared with peas. Between day 12 and day 17, concentrations of other inorganic ions in the pea leaf apoplast increased abruptly, indicating the onset of cell disintegration. It is concluded that the differential salt sensitivity of pea and spinach cannot be traced back to a single plant performance. Major differences appear to be the inability of pea to control salt accumulation in the shoot, to maintain steep ion gradients across the leaf cell plasmalemma, and to synthesize compatible solutes. Perhaps less important is a lower selectivity of pea for K+/Na+ and NO3/Cl uptake by roots.  相似文献   

The effect of photoperiod on ent-kaurene biosynthesis was determined in the long-day (LD) plants spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) and Agrostemma githago L. Further metabolism of ent-kaurene was blocked by application of the growth retardant tetcyclacis, and ent-kaurene accumulation was measured by isotopic dilution using gas chromatography-selected ion monitoring (GC-SIM) (E. Grosselindemann, J.E. Graebe, D. Stöckl, P. Hedden [1991] Plant Physiol 96: 1099-1104). In spinach, the rate of ent-kaurene accumulation in shoots grown under LD conditions was 3 times higher than in shoots grown under short-day (SD) conditions. ent-Kaurene also accumulated in fully expanded leaves, but at a lower rate than in shoots (15 and 55 pmol g-1 dry weight h-1, respectively). In Agrostemma, ent-kaurene accumulated at a rate 2.5 times higher in plants grown under LD conditions than in those grown under SD conditions. In spinach, enhanced ent-kaurene accumulation was detectable after 1 long day, and with exposure to additional long days, the rate of ent-kaurene accumulation increased further. Conversely, when plants were exposed to LD conditions and then returned to SD conditions, the rate of ent-kaurene accumulation decreased. Following tetcyclacis application, ent-kaurene accumulation was observed in all parts of spinach that were analyzed, but there were large quantitative differences between organs of different ages. As the leaves matured, ent-kaurene biosynthesis declined. Petioles accumulated more ent-kaurene than the corresponding leaf blades. It is concluded that stimulation of ent-kaurene biosynthesis by LD conditions leads to a higher rate of gibberellin biosynthesis, which is essential for stem elongation in rosette plants.  相似文献   

Fujita  Naoko  Ayukawa  Yu  Fuke  Mitsutoshi  Teraoka  Tohru  Watanabe  Kyoko  Arie  Tsutomu  Komatsu  Ken 《Planta》2017,245(1):221-226
Planta - A LAMP-mediated, simple and rapid method for sex identification in spinach was developed. Nutrient compositional analysis showed a higher iron content in male than female plants. Spinach...  相似文献   


This paper introduces a fractionation scheme using water, acetone, chloroform, diethyl ether, ethanol, n-hexane, and methanol as extractants for the determination of manganese in spinach samples by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Simulated gastric and intestinal digestions as well as n-octanol extraction and activated carbon adsorption were performed for the bioavailability assessments. Comparative studies of the various extraction treatments were evaluated for confirmation analysis. The total elemental concentrations were determined after digesting the samples in a microwave digestion system. The method validation parameters were defined in terms of the detection limits, accuracy, and precision. Additional validation was performed by comparing the ICP-MS method with atomic absorption spectrometry. The limits of detection and quantification were 0.046 and 0.154 mg kg-1, respectively. Additionally, the repeatability and reproducibility, calculated from the relative standard deviation (%RSD), were 2.4% and 3.7%, respectively.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) are applied in agriculture to improve plant nutrition and confer better resistance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Spinacia oleracea L. is an economically important herbaceous crop characterized by limited tolerance to water stress. We compared the effects of three species of AMF belonging to the genus Glomus on gas exchange rates, growth and yield of spinach plants exposed to acute and prolonged water stress. Inoculated plants always gave better results than control (non-inoculated), stressed ones, being G. clarum the species that provided the significantly best effects and G. monosporum the less remarkable ones. Mycorrhizal inoculation is a valid tool to provide water stress resistance to horticultural crops, and experimental comparisons among different mycorrhizal strains can help to optimize the effect through the identification of specific associations.  相似文献   

菠菜性别相关 EST-SSR 标记的开发及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确菠菜EST序列中SSR的总体特点,开发菠菜EST-SSR引物;为利用EST-SSR引物进行菠菜性别相关特异序列的克隆奠定基础,本文从NCBI上获得1093条EST,利用在线软件SSRIT检测所含SSR序列,并进行分析。共检索出68条SSR序列,分布于64条EST中,检出率为6.22%,包括22种重复基元。其中二核苷酸重复基元的EST-SSR占主导地位,占总SSR数目的32.3%。利用在线引物设计软件Primer3.0设计了7对EST-SSR引物,在适合的PCR反应体系下,分别以雌、雄菠菜DNA基因组为模板,对设计的EST-SSR引物进行筛选,结果显示以EST序列HS097148设计的一对引物从菠菜雌雄基因组中扩增出一条雄性特异的条带,表明通过菠菜EST-SSR引物获得菠菜性别相关特异序列是可行的。  相似文献   

Response of castor (Ricinus communis L.) to cadmium (Cd) was assessed by a seed-suspending seedbed approach. Length of total radicle was the most sensitive indicator of Cd tolerance among the tested germination and growth characters. The ED50 value for Cd was 11.87 mg L?1, indicating high Cd tolerance in castor. A pot experiment was conducted by growing 46 varieties of castor under CK (without Cd) and Cd1 (10 mg kg?1 of Cd) and Cd2 (50 mg kg?1 of Cd) treatments to investigate genotype variations in growth response and Cd accumulation of castor under different Cd exposures. Castor possessed high Cd accumulation ability; average shoot and root Cd concentrations of the 46 tested varieties were 21.83 and 185.43 mg kg?1, and 174.99 and 1181.96 mg kg?1 under Cd1 and Cd2, respectively. Great variation in Cd accumulation was observed among varieties, and Cd concentration of castor was genotype dependent. The correlation between biomass and Cd accumulation was significantly positive, while no significant correlation was observed between Cd concentration and Cd accumulation, which indicated that biomass performance is the dominant factor in determining Cd accumulation ability.  相似文献   

A greenhouse pot experiment was carried out to investigate the availability of iodide and iodate to soil-grown spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) in relation to total iodine concentration in soil solution. Four iodine concentrations (0, 0.5, 1, 2 mg kg−1) for iodide (I) and iodate (IO3) were used. Results showed that the biomass productions of spinach were not significantly affected by the addition of iodate and iodide to the soil, and that iodine concentrations in spinach plants on the basis of fresh weights increased with increasing addition of iodine. Iodine concentrations in tissues were much greater for plants grown with iodate than with iodide. In contrast to the iodide treatments, in iodate treatment leaves accounted for a larger fraction of the total plant iodine. The soil-to-leaf transfer factors (TFleaf) for plants grown with iodate were about tenfold higher than those grown with iodide. Iodine concentrations in soil solution increased with increasing iodine additions to the soil irrespective of iodine species. However, total iodine in soil solution was generally higher for iodate treatments than iodide both in pots with and without spinach. According to these results, iodate can be considered as potential iodine fertilizer to increase iodine content in vegetables.  相似文献   

When 14C-labelled liposomes prepared from Spinacia oleracea leaf lipids or 14C-labelled microsomal fraction ('microsomes') prepared from Spinacia oleracea leaf protoplasts were incubated with unlabelled intact chloroplasts, there was a considerable transfer of label to the chloroplasts. This transfer occurred in the absence of added protein, but was stimulated by soluble protein fractions from Spinacia oleracea leaves. The stimulation was heat-stable and decreased after dialysis of the protein fractions. Salt solutions, containing no protein, stimulated lipid transfer proportionally to their conductivity. In all cases, the lipid transfer was not protein-dependent, but rather resulted from the fusion of 14C- and 3H-labelled liposomes or microsomes with chloroplasts. It is proposed that this photosynthetic tissue contains no detectable lipid-exchange activity between liposomes, microsomes and chloroplasts and that lipid transfer between these organelles is achieved by non-protein-dependent means.  相似文献   

Treatment with Spinacia oleracea extract (SO; 400 mg/kg body weight) decreased the locomotor activity, grip strength, increased pentobarbitone induced sleeping time and also markedly altered pentylenetetrazole induced seizure status in Holtzman strain adult male albino rats. SO increased serotonin level and decreased both norepinephrine and dopamine levels in cerebral cortex, cerebellum, caudate nucleus, midbrain and pons and medulla. Result suggests that SO exerts its CNS depressive effect in PTZ induced seizure by modulating the monoamines in different brain areas.  相似文献   

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