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C1 inhibitor (C1IN) is a multi-facet serine protease inhibitor in the plasma cascades, inhibiting several proteases, notably, regulates both complement and contact system activation. Despite huge advancements in the understanding of C1IN based on biochemical properties and its roles in the plasma cascades, the phylogenetic history of C1IN remains uncharacterized. To date, there is no comprehensive study illustrating the phylogenetic history of C1IN. Herein, we explored phylogenetic history of C1IN gene in vertebrates. Fishes have C1IN with two immunoglobulin like domains attached in the N-terminal region. The RCL regions of CIIN from fishes and tetrapod genomes have variations at the positions P2 and P1′. Gene structures of C1IN gene from selected ray-finned fishes varied in the Ig domain region with creation of novel intron splitting exon Im2 into Im2a and Im2b. This intron is limited to ray-finned fishes with genome size reduced below 1 Gb. Hence, we suggest that genome compaction and associated double-strand break repairs are behind this intron gain. This study reveals the evolutionary history of C1IN and confirmed that this gene remains the same locus for ∼450 MY in 52 vertebrates analysed, but it is not found in frogs and lampreys.  相似文献   

Collectively, ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii) display far more diversity in many reproductive and genomic features than any other major vertebrate group. Recent large-scale comparative phylogenetic analyses have begun to reveal the evolutionary patterns and putative causes for much of this diversity. Several such recent studies have offered clues to how different reproductive syndromes evolved in these fishes, as well as possible physiological and genomic triggers. In many cases, repeated independent origins of complex reproductive strategies have been uncovered, probably reflecting convergent selection operating on common suites of underlying genes and hormonal controls. For example, phylogenetic analyses have uncovered multiple origins and predominant transitional pathways in the evolution of alternative male reproductive tactics, modes of parental care and mechanisms of sex determination. They have also shown that sexual selection in these fishes is repeatedly associated with particular reproductive strategies. Collectively, studies on reproductive and genomic diversity across the Actinopterygii illustrate both the strengths and the limitations of comparative phylogenetic approaches on large taxonomic scales.  相似文献   

The second intron in the mitochondrial gene nad1 was surveyed using PCR, DNA sequencing, or Southern hybridization in 323 species (313 genera, 212 families) of seed plants. The intron was absent in all 22 species (22 genera, 8 families) of non-Pinaceae conifers studied, in Welwitschia mirabilis, and in seven angiosperms. Whereas absence of the intron in seven angiosperms and Welwitschia is likely due to seven independent losses when evaluated against the recently published multigene phylogenies, the lack of the intron in all non-Pinaceae conifers can be best explained by a single loss. These data suggest that the non-Pinaceae conifers represent a monophyletic group. We also conducted a phylogenetic analysis of seed plants using a combined data set of the partial exon and intron sequences of nad1 generated from this study and published sequences of mitochondrial cox1 and small subunit (SSU) rDNA, chloroplast rbcL, and nuclear 18S rDNA. The results supported the split of conifers into two groups: Pinaceae and non-Pinaceae conifers. The Gnetales were sister to Pinaceae, in agreement with the conclusion from other recent molecular phylogenetic studies that refute the anthophyte hypothesis.  相似文献   

I A Zakharov 《Genetika》1983,19(11):1749-1752
A hypothesis has been put forward suggesting gene conversion as a mechanism of the cutting of foreign insertions (transposons, duplications) from DNA. During heteroduplex formation insertions result in one strand loops that can be attacked by nucleases specific for one strand DNA. A possible correlation is supposed to exist between the high activity of nucleases, on the one hand, and the low DNA content of genome and the absence of progressive evolution of the taxon, on the other hand.  相似文献   

Extant gars represent the remaining members of a formerly diverse assemblage of ancient ray-finned fishes and have been the subject of multiple phylogenetic analyses using morphological data. Here, we present the first hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships among living gar species based on molecular data, through the examination of gene tree heterogeneity and coalescent species tree analyses of a portion of one mitochondrial (COI) and seven nuclear (ENC1, myh6, plagl2, S7 ribosomal protein intron 1, sreb2, tbr1, and zic1) genes. Individual gene trees displayed varying degrees of resolution with regards to species-level relationships, and the gene trees inferred from COI and the S7 intron were the only two that were completely resolved. Coalescent species tree analyses of nuclear genes resulted in a well-resolved and strongly supported phylogenetic tree of living gar species, for which Bayesian posterior node support was further improved by the inclusion of the mitochondrial gene. Species-level relationships among gars inferred from our molecular data set were highly congruent with previously published morphological phylogenies, with the exception of the placement of two species, Lepisosteus osseus and L. platostomus. Re-examination of the character coding used by previous authors provided partial resolution of this topological discordance, resulting in broad concordance in the phylogenies inferred from individual genes, the coalescent species tree analysis, and morphology. The completely resolved phylogeny inferred from the molecular data set with strong Bayesian posterior support at all nodes provided insights into the potential for introgressive hybridization and patterns of allopatric speciation in the evolutionary history of living gars, as well as a solid foundation for future examinations of functional diversification and evolutionary stasis in a "living fossil" lineage.  相似文献   



The family Polypteridae, commonly known as "bichirs", is a lineage that diverged early in the evolutionary history of Actinopterygii (ray-finned fish), but has been the subject of far less evolutionary study than other members of that clade. Uncovering patterns of morphological change within Polypteridae provides an important opportunity to evaluate if the mechanisms underlying morphological evolution are shared among actinoptyerygians, and in fact, perhaps the entire osteichthyan (bony fish and tetrapods) tree of life. However, the greatest impediment to elucidating these patterns is the lack of a well-resolved, highly-supported phylogenetic tree of Polypteridae. In fact, the interrelationships of polypterid species have never been subject to molecular phylogenetic analysis. Here, we infer the first molecular phylogeny of bichirs, including all 12 recognized species and multiple subspecies using Bayesian analyses of 16S and cyt-b mtDNA. We use this mitochondrial phylogeny, ancestral state reconstruction, and geometric morphometrics to test whether patterns of morphological evolution, including the evolution of body elongation, pelvic fin reduction, and craniofacial morphology, are shared throughout the osteichthyan tree of life.  相似文献   

We examined potential vasomotor control mechanisms in an Antarctic fish (Trematomus bernacchii; usual core temperature approximately -1 degrees C), comparing sensitivity to agonists by means of the cumulative dose response and potency with reference to depolarization by 50 mM KCl. In efferent branchial arteries, norepinephrine (NE) produced approximately 20% of the maximal KCl tension and ~40% in the presence of 10(-3)M sotalol, suggesting a modest contribution of alpha- and beta-adrenergic tonus [half-maximal response (pEC(50)) = 6.29 +/- 0.37 M]. Carbachol (CBC) and serotonin (5-HT) had different sensitivities (pEC(50) = 4.50 +/- 0.40 and 6.82 +/- 0.08 M, respectively) but similar potencies (21.6 +/- 11.1 and 31.1 +/- 5.3% of KCl). A related species from warmer waters around New Zealand, Paranotothenia angustata, had similar vascular reactivity for NE (pEC(50) = 5.48 +/- 0.31 M), CBC (pEC(50) = 4.94 +/- 0.22 M), and methysergide-sensitive vasoconstriction with 5-HT (pEC(50) = 6.22 +/- 0.40 M). Agonist potencies were 9, 65, and 45% that of KCl, respectively. Bovichtus variegatus, a member of the phylogenetic sister group to the notothenioids, also gave broadly similar responses. In contrast, Dissostichus mawsoni, a pelagic Antarctic notothenioid, showed a dominance of vasodilatation over vasoconstriction, with sensitive isoprenaline (pEC(50) = 6.66 +/- 0.05 M) but weak serotonergic (5.2 +/- 1.5% KCl) responses. The unusual dominance of serotonergic control appears to be primarily a consequence of evolutionary lineage rather than low environmental temperature, but the pattern may be modified according to functional demand.  相似文献   

Partial sequences of the cytochrome b gene (402 bp) in mtDNA were determined for brackishwater gobiid fishes, genus Tridentiger, collected from geographically distant locations in the Japanese Archipelago, and their interspecific and geographic variations were analyzed and compared. Contrary to the results of a previous allozyme analysis which revealed the existence of considerable genetic divergence (Nei's genetic distance > 0.5) between T. obscurus and T. brevispinis, the mtDNA haplotypes (mitotypes) of these two species were very similar and could not be distinguished by any of the neighbor- joining, maximum-likelihood or parsimony analyses. Hybrid individuals between the two species were also found, with several mitotypes being shared by both species and their hybrids. The phylogenetic relationships of mitotypes were divided into three subgroups, the geographical distributions of the latter being allied to geographical features of the Archipelago. These results suggested the occurrence of multiregional introgression between the two species, with mitotypes transferring from one species to the other.   相似文献   

In recent decades, we have realized that honey bee viruses are not, in fact, exclusive to honey bees. The potential impact of Apis-affiliated viruses on native pollinators is prompting concern. Our research addresses the issue of virus crossover between honey bees and native bees foraging in the same localities. We measured the presence of black queen cell virus (BQCV), deformed wing virus (DWV) and sacbrood virus (SBV) in managed Apis mellifera (honey bees) and native Andrena spp. (subgenus Melandrena) bee populations in five commercial orchards. We identified viral presence across sites and bees and related these data to measures of bee community diversity. All viruses were found in both managed and native bees, and BQCV was the most common virus in each. To establish evidence for viral crossover between taxa, we undertook an additional examination of BQCV where 74 samples were sequenced and placed in a global phylogenic framework of hundreds of BQCV strains. We demonstrate pathogen sharing across managed honey bees and distantly related wild bees. This phylogenetic analysis contributes to growing evidence for host switching and places local incidence patterns in a worldwide context, revealing multispecies viral transmission.  相似文献   

It has been hypothesized from isozymic and cytological studies of Elymus species that the Old and New World taxa may be of separate origin of the H genome in the StH genome species. To test this hypothesis, and estimate the phylogenetic relationships of polyploid Elymus species within the Triticeae, the second largest subunit of RNA polymerase II (RPB2) sequence of 36 Elymus accessions containing StH or StY genomes was analyzed with those of Pseudoroegneria (St), Hordeum (H), Agropyron (P), Australopyrum (W), Lophopyrum(Ee), Thinopyrum(Eb) and Dasypyrum (V). Our data indicated that the H genome in Elymus species is differentiated in accordance with geographical origin, and that the Eurasian and American StH genome species have independent alloploid origins with different H-genome donors. Phylogenetic analysis of Y genome sequences with other genome donors (St, H, P, W) of Elymus revealed that W and P genomes are sister to Y genome with a 87% bootstrap support, and that StY and StH species group might have acquired their RPB2 St sequences from distinct Pseudoroegneria gene pools. Our data did not support the suggestion that the St and Y genomes have the same origin as put forward in a previous study using ITS data. Our result provides some insight on the origin of Y genome and its relationship to other genomes in Elymus.  相似文献   

In a previous study based on 100 whole mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) sequences, we sought to provide a new perspective on the ordinal relationships of higher ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii). The study left unexplored the phylogenetic position of toadfishes (order Batrachoidiformes), as data were unavailable owing to technical difficulties. In the present study, we successfully determined mitogenomic sequences for two toadfish species ( Batrachomoeus trispinosus and Porichthys myriaster ) and found that the difficulties resulted from unusual gene arrangements and associated repetitive non-coding sequences. Unambiguously aligned, concatenated mitogenomic sequences (13 461 bp) from 102 higher actinopterygians (excluding the ND6 gene and control region) were divided into five partitions (1st, 2nd and 3rd codon positions of the protein-coding genes, tRNA genes and rRNA genes) and partitioned Bayesian analyses were conducted. The resultant phylogenies strongly suggest that the toadfishes are not members of relatively primitive higher actinopterygians (Paracanthopterygii), but belong to a crown group of actinopterygians (Percomorpha), as was demonstrated for ophidiiform eels (Ophidiiformes) and anglerfishes (Lophiiformes) in the previous study. We propose revised limits of major unranked categories for higher actinopterygians and a new name (Berycomorpha) for a clade comprising two reciprocally paraphyletic orders (Beryciformes and Stephanoberyciformes) based on the present mitogenomic phylogenies.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 85 , 289–306.  相似文献   

This study develops the random phylogenies rate test (RAPRATE), a likelihood method that simulates morphological evolution along randomly generated phylogenies, and uses it to determine whether a considerable difference in morphological diversity between two sister clades of South American fishes should be taken as evidence of differing rates of morphological change or lineage turnover. Despite identical ages of origin, similar species richness, and sympatric geographic distributions, the morphological and ecological diversity of the superfamily Anostomoidea exceeds that of the Curimatoidea. The test shows with 90% confidence (using variance among species as the measure of morphological diversity) or 99% confidence (using volume of occupied morphospace) that the rate of morphological change per unit time in the Anostomoidea likely exceeded that of the Curimatoidea. Variation in the rate of lineage turnover (speciation and extinction rates) is not found to affect greatly the morphological diversity of simulated clades and is not a likely explanation of the observed difference in morphological diversity in this case study. Though a 17% or greater delay in the onset of diversification in the Curimatoidea remains a possible alternative explanation of unequal morphological diversification, further simulations suggest that two clades drawn from the possible treespace of the Anostomoidea and Curimatoidea will rarely differ so greatly in the onset of diversification. Several uniquely derived morphological and ecological features of the Anostomoidea and Curimatoidea may have accelerated or decelerated their rate of morphological change, including a marked lengthening of the quadrate that may have relaxed structural constraints on the evolution of the anostomoid jaw.  相似文献   

DNA derived from Mycobacterium leprae (grown in armadillos) was isolated, purified, and analyzed spectrophotometrically. The genome size and the guanine-plus-cytosine content of M. leprae were 1.3 x 10(9) and 55.8%, respectively. Among selected strains of mycobacterial, nocardial, and corynebacterial species, Corynebacterium sp. 2628 LB, isolated from a human leprosy patient, showed the highest DNA homology with M. leprae. Of the DNAs derived from mycobacteria, those of M. tuberculosis and M. scrofulaceum showed a comparatively high reassociation with the DNMA of M. liprae.  相似文献   

Xylan from Rhodymenia palmata binds to the cellobiohydrolase I from Trichoderma reesei (CBH I) or its core protein, inhibiting their activity. Adsorption onto microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel) is reduced approximately 30% for intact CBH I and nearly 50% for the core, whereas the effects with cellobiose are negligible. Structural changes concomitant with this binding are studied in solution by small angle X-ray scattering. In the "tadpole" structure typical for the CBH I [Abuja et al., 1988] the lengthening of the tail part is the most salient observation when xylan is present which accounts for an increase in Dmax (18.0 to 22.0 nm) and radius of gyration (4.74 to 5.18 nm). When xylan binds to the core the radius of gyration remains nearly unchanged. Here a model can be constructed showing a xylan molecule on the surface of the core protein near the tail part.  相似文献   

We isolated 13 804 T-DNA flanking sequence tags (FSTs) from a T-DNA insertion library of rice. A comprehensive analysis of the 13 804 FSTs revealed a number of features demonstrating a highly non-random distribution of the T-DNA insertions in the rice genome: T-DNA insertions were biased towards large chromosomes, not only in the absolute number of insertions but also in the relative density; within chromosomes the insertions occurred more densely in the distal ends, and less densely in the centromeric regions; the distribution of the T-DNA insertions was highly correlated with that of full-length cDNAs, but the correlations were highly heterogeneous among the chromosomes; T-DNA insertions strongly disfavored transposable element (TE)-related sequences, but favored genic sequences with a strong bias toward the 5' upstream and 3' downstream regions of the genes; T-DNA insertions preferentially occurred among the various classes of functional genes, such that the numbers of insertions were in excess in certain functional categories but were deficient in other categories. The analysis of DNA sequence compositions around the T-DNA insertion sites also revealed several prominent features, including an elevated bendability from -200 to 200 bp relative to the insertion sites, an inverse relationship between the GC and TA skews, and reversed GC and TA skews in sequences upstream and downstream of the insertion sites, with both GC and TA skews equal to zero at the insertion sites. It was estimated that 365 380 insertions are needed to saturate the genome with P = 0.95, and that the 45 441 FSTs that have been isolated so far by various groups tagged 14 287 of the 42 653 non-TE related genes.  相似文献   

Lake Tanganyika harbors the oldest, morphologically and behaviorally most diverse flock of cichlid species. While the cichlids in Lakes Malawi and Victoria breed their eggs exclusively by buccal incubation (termed "mouthbrooding"), the Tanganyikan cichlid fauna comprise mouthbrooding and substrate-spawning lineages (fish spawn on rocks, and never orally incubate eggs or wrigglers). The substrate-spawning tribe Lamprologini appears to occupy a key position that might allow one to elucidate the origin of the Tanganyika flock, because five riverine (therefore nonendemic) species from the Zaire River system have been assigned to this tribe, in addition to the lake's endemic species, which make up almost 50% of all 171 species known from this lake (Poll 1986). From 16 species (18 individuals) of the tribe Lamprologini, a 402-bp segment of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene was sequenced, and, from 25 lamprologine species (35 individuals), sequences from the mitochondrial control region were obtained. To place the Lamprologini into a larger phylogenetic framework, orthologous sequences were obtained from eight nonlamprologine Tanganyikan cichlid species (13 individuals). The Lamprologini are monophyletic, and a clade of six Tanganyikan lineages of mouthbrooders, representing five tribes (Poll 1986), appears to be their sister group. Comparisons of sequence divergences of the control region indicate that the Lamprologini may be older than the endemic Tanganyikan tribe Ectodini, and short basal branches might suggest a rapid formation of lineages at an early stage of the Tanganyika radiation. It is interesting that three analyzed riverine members of the tribe form a monophyletic group; however, they are not the most ancestral branch of the Lamprologini. This might indicate that they are derived from an endemic lamprologine ancestor that left Lake Tanganyika by entering the Zaire River system. These riverine species may not have seeded the Tanganyikan radiation, as currently thought, but may have recently recolonized the river after a long period of isolation, as soon as the lake was connected to the Zaire River again about 2 Mya. Neolamprologus moorii, endemic to Lake Tanganyika, appears to represent the most basal clade of the Lamprologini. Complex breeding behavior, involving the usage of gastropod shells and associated with dwarfism, is likely to have evolved in parallel in several lineages among the Lamprologini. The tribe Lamprologini may be in need of revision, since several genera appear to be polyphyletic.   相似文献   

Ergasilus megaceros (Copepoda: Ergasilidae) was recovered from the nasal fossae (lamellae) of the olfactory sac in 1 (1.8%) of 56 sea lampreys, Petromyzon marinus Linne, 1758, collected in May 2002 from the Cheboygan River, Michigan. Although the sea lamprey is a new host record for E. megaceros, this fish species may not be a preferred host because of its low prevalence. Ergasilus megaceros is the second ergasilid species reported from the sea lamprey in North America. This is the third report of an ergasilid species infecting the nasal fossae of fishes in North America, with E. rhinos being the only other species reported from this site.  相似文献   

Cai L  Han X  Hu D  Li X  Wang B  Ni J  Zhou Z  Yu X  Zhai X  Tian K 《Journal of virology》2012,86(12):7017
Here, we report a novel porcine circovirus type 2a (PCV2a) strain with 11 nucleotides (nt) inserted in the origin of genome replication (Ori). This is the first report of a PCV2a strain with nucleotide insertion in Ori. Our study will help further epidemiological studies and extend our knowledge of evolutionary characteristics of PCV2.  相似文献   

After the completion of several entire genome projects and a remarkable increase in public genetic databases in the recent years the results of post-genomic analyses can facilitate a better understanding of the genomic evolution underlying the diversity of organisms and the complexity of gene function. This influx of genomic information and resources is also beneficial to the discipline of systematic biology. In this paper, we describe a set of 6 previous and 22 new PCR/sequencing primers for RAG1, Rhodopsin and four novel nuclear markers from IRBP, EGR1, EGR2B and EGR3 that we developed through an approach making use of public genetic/genomic data mining for one of the ongoing tree of life projects aimed at understanding the evolutionary relationships of the planet's largest clade of freshwater fishes — the Cypriniformes. The primers and laboratory protocols presented here were successfully tested in 33 species comprising all cypriniform family and subfamily groups. Phylogenetic performance of each gene, as well as their implications in the investigation of the evolution of cypriniform fishes were assessed and discussed.  相似文献   

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