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通过对我国已记载的35种齿甲属昆虫进行区系分析,基本明确了该属昆虫的物种多样性及地理分布格局,指出了中国齿甲属昆虫的区系特殊性,并推断其可能与以下三个方面有关,即1)齿甲属昆虫区系起源的特殊性;2)该属昆虫的分布中心和分化中心可能位于东洋区和澳洲区;3)该属昆虫在我国的集中分布地为华南区和华中区。  相似文献   

本文系统研究了潜跳甲属Podagricomela Heikertinger的中国种类,共10种,包括1新记录种:黑足潜跳甲P.nigripes Medvedev。文中提供了分种检索表、简要描述和雌雄外生殖器特征图。在此基础上对本属在中国的地理分布格局进行了初步探讨。潜跳甲属Podagricomela Heikertinger的分布中心在中国,表现出由南向北分布的特点,主要分布于华南区、西南区、华中区和华北区,多以芸香科植物为寄主。  相似文献   

本文就科昆虫的起源,各亚科、族及属的分布特点进行了分析和总结;并根据各属的世界分布情况,将其分为8种类型。文中还就中国科昆虫的地理分布及特点作了初步的探讨,结果表明:在我国已知的2亚科4族20个属中,东洋区分布的有10个属,其中有3个属仅分布于我国;古北区分布的有1个属;东洋-古北区分布的有3个属;东洋-新北区分布的有1个属;东洋-古北-新北区分布的有4个属;东洋-古北-新北-非洲区分布的有1个属。此外,科昆虫在中国的一个主要分布特点就是多数种类集中分布于华中区、华南区和西南区;而华中区则很可能是科种类的分化中心,并以此为中心向其他区扩散。  相似文献   

本文统计了中国树甲族Stenochiini物种,共计4属110种,依据有具体分布信息的标本及地理分布资料,分析了其中4属108种在中国的分布特点。结果显示中国树甲区系具有以下特点:1)东洋区分布;2)华南区树甲物种分布最丰富;3)特有种丰富。并对该族昆虫的分布格局进行了初步分析和讨论。  相似文献   

中国凤蝶科昆虫地理分布的聚类分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对中国凤蝶科昆虫多样性分布统计的基础上,用特有性简约性方法构建中国凤蝶科昆虫的分布区分支图。结果表明,中国凤蝶在8大生物地理分布区中可分成6个聚类群,至少有5次大的隔离分化事件造成了目前我国凤蝶科昆虫的分布格局。分支图显示出东北区与蒙新区比其他分布区形成要早,华南区和西南区的凤蝶多样性最为丰富,推测其原因可能与生态环境等因素有关。  相似文献   

跳甲的食性及食性分化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
跳甲隶属于鞘翅目叶甲科跳甲亚科,是一类具有重要经济意义的植食性昆虫。本文对跳甲食性及食性分化的研究进展进行了综述,诠释了寄主植物的概念,分析了昆虫食性专化发生的原因。跳甲亚科的寄主植物的范围虽广,但有85%的属为专食性属。一般认为,专食性的跳甲亚科和萤叶甲亚科是由食性较广的叶甲亚科进化而来的,食性分化在其中可能起了重要作用。广食性代价推动了食性分化的发生,广食性代价假说受到越来越多的实验支持。有关食性分化方向的观点倾向于寄主植物转向化学物质相似的植物,表现为寄主转移、寄主扩张和形成寄主型等;食性分化推动了同域物种形成。跳甲食性分化的研究对于丰富研究昆虫与植物相互关系的协同进化理论也有重要作用。  相似文献   

本文就Ji科昆虫的起源,各亚科,族及属的分布特点进行了分析和总结在大并根据各属的世界分布情况,将其分为8种类型,文中还就中国Ji科昆虫的地理分布及特点作了初步的探讨,结果表明:在我国已知的2亚科4族20个属中,东洋区分布的有10个属,其中3布于我国;古北区分布的有1个属,东洋-古北区分布的3个属,东洋-新北区分布的有1个属,东洋-古北-新北发布的有4个属,东洋-古北-新生-非洲区的有1个属,此外,  相似文献   

内蒙古自治区目前共知螽亚目昆虫5科、26属、58种(表1)。其中螽斯占总种数的74.2%,蟋蟀占17.3%,其余的占7.5%。其区系组成以古北种为主体,特别是东北中国种、东西伯利亚——蒙古种和欧洲——西伯利亚种是区系组成的核心(表2)。特有种占有一定的比例(10.3%),主要分布于该区东北部的森林草原亚带和西部的荒漠带。中部地区有部分华北种的渗入。在本区东部的草原带中,螽斯亚科昆虫最为丰富;西部的荒漠带中,硕螽亚科昆虫是最突出的代表种,并有中亚种的分布(表4)。从总的种类分布来看,东北部的森林带和草原带的昆虫种类明显比西部荒漠带要丰富,中部的干草原亚带则是上述两者的过渡区域。 文中还根据螽亚目昆虫在不同植被地区的分布情况,采用Sφgrensen系数比较了各地带之间昆虫区系的相似性(表3)。用聚类分析的方法将10个植被地带或亚带划分成6个大的地带区:森林区、草原区、荒漠区、暖温型森林草原区、暖温型典型草原区和暖温型荒漠草原区(图2)。作者详细地叙述了各个地带区中昆虫区系的组成特点和分布规律。并就前人对该区昆虫区划工作提出了若干修订意见。  相似文献   

经对河北大学博物馆保存的台湾拟步甲定名标本和相关资料整理,共计得到6亚科28族125属476种(亚种)。通过在属级水平上对台湾与中国大陆各省份拟步甲区系的相似程度和历史渊源分析,得到如下初步结论:(1)在种类组成上,台湾拟步甲的物种数量从多到少依次是:树甲亚科Stenochiinae 177种(37.2%)拟步甲亚科Tenebrioninae 136种(28.6%)菌甲亚科Diaperinae 73种(15.3%)朽木甲亚科Alleculinae 45种(9.5%)伪叶甲亚科Lagriinae 43种(9.0%)心甲亚科Phrenapatinae 2种(0.4%);(2)台湾拟步甲与福建的相似性最大,表明两地的区系分布有密切的历史渊源,而与大陆其他省份的关系较远;(3)构成台湾拟步甲区系的主体是东洋界华南区成分,属数高达125属(100%),其与华中区和西南区的分布联系紧密,与前者共同分布的属达到66属(52.8%),与后者共同分布的属达到61属(48.8%),与华北区、青藏区、蒙新区和东北区的联系比较疏远,共有属分别为30属(24%)、22属(17.6%)、19属(15.2%)和19属(15.2%);(4)台湾拟步甲的特有属较少,已知6属(4.8%),而特有种显多,高达236种(47.6%)。  相似文献   

记述了中国跳甲亚科1新纪录属角腹跳甲属Lypnea Baly,1876及1新种毛翅角腹跳甲Lypnea pubipennis Wang et Yang,sp.nov.,模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所.  相似文献   

Xizang (Tibet) is rich in Leguminosae flora, comprising 41 genera and 254 species so far known, exclusive of the commonly cultivated taxa (including 11 genera and 16 species). There are 4 endemic genera (with 8 species), 10 temperate genera (with 175 species) and 19 tropical genera (with 46 species) as well as the representatives of those genera whose distribution centers are in East Asia-North America, Mediterranean and Central Asia. 1. There are altogether 4 endemic genera of Leguminosae in this region. According to their morphological characters, systematic position and geographical distribution, it would appear that Salweenia and Piptanthus are Tertiary paleo-endemics, while Straceya and Cochlianths are neo-endemics. Salweenia and Piptanthus may be some of more primitive members in the subfamily Papilionasae and their allies are largely distributed in the southern Hemisphere. The other two genera might have been derived from the northern temperate genus Hedysarum and the East Asian-North American genus Apios respectively, because of their morphological resemblance. They probably came into existanc during the uplifting of the Himalayas. 2. An analysis of temperate genera There are twelve temperate genera of Leguminosae in the region, of which the more important elements in composition of flora, is Astragalus, Oxytropis and Caragana. Astragalus is a cosmopolitan genus comprising 2000 species, with its center distribution in Central Asia. 250 species, are from China so far known, in alpine zone of Southwest and Northwest, with 70 species extending farther to the Himalayas and Xizang Plateau. Among them, there are 7 species (10%) common to Central Asia, 12 species (15.7%) to Southwest China and 40 species (60%) are endemic, it indicates that the differentiation of the species of the genus in the region is very active, especially in the subgenus Pogonophace with beards in stigma. 27 species amounting to 78.5% of the total species of the subgenus, are distributed in this region. The species in the region mainly occur in alpine zone between altitude of 3500—300 m. above sea-level. They have developed into a member of representative of arid and cold alpine regions. The endemic species of Astragalus in Xizang might be formed by specialization of the alien and native elements. It will be proved by a series of horizontal and vertical vicarism of endemic species. For example, Astragalus bomiensis and A. englerianus are horizontal and vertical vicarism species, the former being distributed in southeast part of Xizang and the latter in Yunnan; also A. arnoldii and A. chomutovii, the former being an endemic on Xizang Plateau and latter in Central Asia. The genus Oxytropis comprises 300 species which are mainly distributed in the north temperate zone. About 100 species are from China so far known, with 40 species extending to Himalayas and Xizang Plateau. The distribution, formation and differentiation of the genus in this region are resembled to Astragalus. These two genera are usually growing together, composing the main accompanying elements of alpine meadow and steppe. Caragana is an endemic genus in Eurasian temperate zone and one of constructive elements of alpine bush-wood. About 100 species are from China, with 16 species in Xizang. According to the elements of composition, 4 species are common to Inner Mongolia and Kausu, 4 species to Southwest of China, the others are endemic. This not only indicates that the species of Caragana in Xizang is closely related to those species of above mentioned regions, but the differentiation of the genus in the region is obviously effected by the uplifting of Himalayas, thus leading to the formations of endemic species reaching up to 50%. 3. An Analysis of Tropical Genera There are 19 tropical genera in the region. They concentrate in southeast of Xizang and southern flank of the Himalayas. All of them but Indigofera and Desmodium are represented by a few species, especially the endemic species. Thus, it can be seen that they are less differentiated than the temperate genera. However, the genus Desmodium which extends from tropical southeast and northeast Asia to Mexio is more active in differentiation than the other genera. According to OhaShi,s system about the genus in 1973, the species of Desmodium distributed in Sino-Himalaya region mostly belong to the subgenus Dollinera and subgenus Podocarpium. The subgenus Dollinera concentrates in both Sino-Himalaya region and Indo-China with 14 species, of which 7 species are endemic in Sino-Himalaya. They are closely related to species of Indo-China, southern Yunnan and Assam and shows tha tthey have close connections in origin and that the former might be derived from the latter. Another subgenus extending from subtropical to temperate zone is Podocarpium. Five out of the total eight species belonging to the subgenus are distributed in Sino-Himalaya and three of them are endemic. An investigation on interspecific evolutionary relationship and geographic distribution of the subgenus shows that the primary center of differentiation of Podocarpium is in the Sino-Himalaya region. Finally, our survey shows that owing to the uplifting of the Himalayas which has brought about complicated geographic and climatic situations, the favorable conditions have been provided not only for the formation of the species but also for the genus in cer-tain degree.  相似文献   

The Xizang (Tibetan) flora with numerous endemics is of importance in Chinese flora. According to recent statistics there are in Xizang 27 genera of spermatophytes endemic to China, being only 2.25% percent of the total number of genera in the Xizang flora. Four of them are regarded as palaeoendemics (14.81%) and the others as neoendemics (85.19%). These endemic genera, of 30 species and 3 varieties, belong to 17 families, of which, Umbelliferae contains 6 genera, 7 species and 3 varieties; Compositae has 6 genera and 7 species, and Gentianaceae 1 genus and 2 species. All the other families each comprises one genus with a single species. The cosmopolitan families together comprising 14 genera with 15 species have the highest perecentage (52.92%) and the tropical ones (5 families, 5 genera with 5 species) come to the next (29.42%), followed by the temperate ones (3 families, 10 genera with 10 species) (17.66%). It shows that these endemic genera are obviously related to the tropical flora and temperate one in essence. According to the number of species, the genera endemic to China and occurring in Xizang flora may be grouped as fallows. Monotypic endemic ones 14 (51.85%) Ditypic endemic ones 6 (22.22%) Oligotypic endemic ones 4 (14.81%) Small endemic ones 3 (11.11%) The formation of the endemic genera is correlated with the topography, climate and environmental conditions, and they may have resulted from the diversification in geography and climatic influence for a long time. The southeastern part of Xizang Plateau is of very diverse ecological conditions, with the adequate precipitation, which may explain the concentration of these endemic genera in this region. The largest similarity coefficient (38.30%) of the genera endemic to China and occurring in Xizang is with those in Qinghai Plateau, next, with those in Yunnan and in Sichuan provinces (both 27.60%), which shows that these endemic genera are related to the floras of the regions mentioned above. The difference in the horizontal distribution of these endemic genera is obviously between the southern and northern parts of Xizang Plateau. The vertical distribution of the genera is also rather obvious, from 800 m to 5200 m above sea level, but concentrated in the zone of 3000 m to 4500 mm. Therefore their occurrence in Xizang is not only affected by the historical environmental conditions but also controlled by the horizontal and vertical distribution. The origin and evolution of some endemic genera, such as Psammosilene, Parateropyrum, Sphaerotylos, Salweenia, Ajaniopsis, Xizangia, Sinoleontopodium, are discussed in this paper. Parateropyrum, a monotypic palaeotropic endemic, belongs to the tribe Atraphaxideae including Atraphaxis, Calligonum and Pteropyrum. It may be a comparatively advanced group in the tribe, and is closely related to the genus Pteropyrum which is distributed in western Asia. The genus Parapteropyrum has possibly survived as a palaetropic-tertiary relic in this region. Sphaerotylos, a member of the subtribe Sphaerotylinae, the tribe Boehmerieae in the family Urticaceae, is a comparatively primitive genus in the tribe Boehmerieae so far known. As the other subtribes, such as Boehmerinae, Sarconchlamydinae, Orecnidinae and Maoutinae, are distributed in the tropics, rarely in the subtropics, the genus is no doubt a palaetropic -tertiary relic. Sinoleontopodium, belonging to the tribe lnuleae in Compositae, is also related to the genus Leontopodium. It is probable that the genus Sinoleontopodium arised later than the other. We come to the conclusion that the southern part of Xizang Plateau is also one of thecentres of the origin and differentiation of genera endemic to China.  相似文献   

福建省肖叶甲科属种分布类型与动物地理格局(鞘翅目)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究福建省肖叶甲科属与种的分布类型,动物地理成分以及该省与其他地区的区系关系,发现该省的肖叶甲科属级单元以南方成分为主,兼有南北广布成分,无典型的北方属;种的分布以亚洲季风区分布型(包括五种亚型)为主。兼有热带亚洲分布型以及少量的亚洲广布和北方型种。  相似文献   

本文讨论了中国草蛉科已知属种的地理分布及其特点,指出:属的分布以东洋成分比重较大,高山高原属分化明显;种类分布呈现东洋成分由东部沿海向北挺进、古北种类通过西北地区向西南延伸的格局,丰富的高山、高原种类及狭布种类,是我国草蛉区系的一大特点。  相似文献   

青藏高原和喜马拉雅地区锦鸡儿属植物的地理分布   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
锦鸡儿属Caragana是一个典型的温带亚洲分布属。本属在青藏高原和喜马拉雅约有24种1变种,约占整个属的1/3。这些种类几乎全部处于演化高级阶段,且既有叶轴宿存类群,也有假掌状叶类群。反映出种的分化很活跃,在横断山地区形成本属的分布中心、分化中心。本区内绝大多数种类是特有分布。替代现象主要受气候、植被变化作用,沿横断山和喜马拉雅分布的长齿系Ser. Bracteolatae Kom.是一个典型的替代分布类群。锦鸡儿属植物生态适应性很强,可在其生长的灌丛中形成优势种。 寒化和旱化现象十分突出,它们有一系列森林种、草原种和荒漠种及相关的形态变异。用锦鸡儿属植物进行青藏高原和喜马拉雅区域内的分布区关系分析及最小生成树MST和特有性简约性分析(PAE),表明横断山地区特别是其北部是本属植物的一个地理结点。以此沿横断山向北部唐古特和西部藏东南适应性辐射。横断山和西喜马拉雅联系微弱,看不出植物长距离扩散的踪迹,大多是由于生态因子限制而产生的隔离。虽然本区不可能是锦鸡儿属的起源地,然而,通过本区与邻近地区的地理联系,可推测它们在我国适应性辐射方向是从东北向西南。结合豆科蝶形花亚科其它属化石记录及其分布区局限在温带亚洲等现象,认为锦鸡儿植物是一组特化、晚近衍生的类群,起源于北方东西伯利亚晚第三纪中新世后期至上新世。  相似文献   

粉条儿菜属(AletrisL.)隶属于肺筋草科,全世界有23种1变种,东亚有18种1变种,北美东南部有5种,为典型的东亚-北美间断分布的属.本文在种(变种)的水平上,研究了粉条儿菜属的地理分布及其分布中心和多样化中心,并对其起源和分化以及现代洲际间断分布格局的成因进行了分析.结果表明,(1)中国共分布有粉条儿菜属植物15种1变种,而广义的横断山地区集中分布有13种1变种,是东亚粉条儿菜属植物分布最为集中的地区,而且包含该属植物各个进化阶段的代表.因此,广义的横断山地区是粉条儿菜属在东亚的分布中心和多样化中心.(2)根据粉条儿菜属及其近缘属的分布格局推测,该属可能在不晚于第三纪早期,起源于古北大陆.东亚和北美的粉条儿菜属植物形态区别明显,应该是隔离分化的结果.(3)该属植物可能曾经广布于北半球,后来地质、气候以及冰川等因素的变化,导致该属在一些地区灭绝,而仅存于东亚和北美东南部.(4)尽管横断山及其周边地区是东亚粉条儿菜属的多样化中心,但该地区很可能并不是粉条儿菜属最早的分化中心,因横断山地区周边的一些特有种可能是在晚近的时期形成的新特有种;另外,东亚粉条儿菜属一些原始的种类主要分布于我国中东部到日本一带.所以,中国中东部到日本一带可能是粉条儿菜属早期的分化中心.  相似文献   

嵩草属地理分布的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
嵩草属Kobresia Willd.隶属于莎草科,全世界有64种5变种,中国有49种4变种,属下分为4个组。该属主要分布于北半球温带至寒带,亚洲种类最多,主要集中分布于喜马拉雅山地区和横断山地区。上述两地共有总数的90%以上的种类。因此,喜马拉雅-横断山地区为嵩草属的分布中心。与嵩草属最近缘的属Schoenoxiphium只分布在马达加斯加和非洲东南部山地。两个属可能有共同的祖先,发生于冈瓦纳古陆。随着印度板块与非洲大陆分离并向北方漂移,嵩草属的祖先被带到欧亚大陆,在两个板块相遇处——喜马拉雅-横断山地区产生了现在的嵩草属。其后,喜马拉雅山脉进一步抬升,气候与环境发生巨变,嵩草属也进一步分化形成现在的规模。印度板块在早第三纪与欧亚大陆相连接,嵩草属可能就是此时起源于喜马拉雅山地区,并开始分化,且沿北半球的山系向北扩散到欧洲和西伯利亚,又从欧洲到格陵兰再到加拿大东部,从西伯利亚通过白令海峡到阿拉斯加并沿落基山脉南下达到美国的科罗拉多,形成了嵩草属现今的分布格局。  相似文献   

青海柳属植物地理分布及其区系特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过野外调查和查阅大量标本及文献资料,对青海省柳属(SalixL.)植物地理分布和区系特征进行了研究。青海产柳属植物多达45种(含种以下5变种、1变型),隶属15个组(Sect.),分别占青藏高原组、种的100%、40.9%和我国组、种的40.5%、17.5%,居我国第4位。青海柳属植物主要分布于青海东部,包括祁连山系东段和青南高原东南部,垂直分布集中于海拔2000~4000m,是世界柳属植物海拔分布最高的地区之一。青海柳属植物区系特征表现在:(1)种类丰富;(2)多型性突出;(3)地理成分较复杂,以欧亚大陆温带分布成分和青藏高原分布成分为主,中国特有分布占有一定的地位;(4)特有现象不明显,仅占青海种数的8.9%;(5)两雄蕊或单雄蕊的进化类群占绝对优势,占青海种数的93.3%。青海柳属植物与邻近的东部(甘肃东部、陕西)和东南部(四川西部、西藏东部)地区联系密切。由于第三纪以来喜马拉雅和青藏高原不断抬升,形成了适应高寒和干旱环境的青海柳属植物的分布与区系特征。  相似文献   

中国西部干旱地区啮齿动物多样性分布格局   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
周立志  马勇 《生物多样性》2002,10(1):T001-T003
在系统整理我国西部干旱地区啮齿动物的分布资料,获得物种分布范围的基础上,应用GIS软件,基于等面积栅格系统,研究啮齿动物的等级多样性,探讨啮齿动物物种的区域分化特征。结果表明,祁连山地和北塔山、伊犁天山、阿拉套山和阿尔泰山地,以及贺兰山地等处的啮齿动物的属数最高;塔里木盆地中心和藏北高原的属数最低。阿尔泰山南麓、伊犁天山和东祁连山地的啮齿动物科数最多;塔里木盆地中心和藏北高原的科数较少。在青藏高原的周边,寒漠与温性荒漠、荒漠与山地、高原与盆地、荒漠与草原、山地与草原等景观的交界处,多样性指数较高。蒙新荒漠区的啮齿动物的属科数比相对较高,青藏高原的属科数比值较低,但青藏高原的种属数比值相对较高,而且GF指数亦较高。  相似文献   

A brief general characteristic and review of distribution of the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae over zoogeographical realms are given, with an emphasis on the distribution within the Holarctic and Palaearctic. The potential of exploiting landscapes of all natural zones of the Holarctic by a low-rank taxon is exemplified by the Holarctic Ceutorhynchus cochleariae (Gyll.) species-group comprising ca. 20 species evenly distributed between the Palaearctic and Nearctic. Although neighboring with the powerful centers of tropical biota, the Holarctic fauna of the subfamily Ceutorhynchinae is formed mostly of endemic and subendemic genera which are especially abundant in the Palaearctic. This region possesses the most diversified generic and species composition of the fauna consisting of predominantly endemic and subendemic genera (in the Mediterranean and Saharo-Gobian regions, also of the highly diversified tribe Oxyonychini) up to its southern border. The existence of characteristic transitional faunas in the zones of contact of the Holarctic fauna with the faunas of the tropical regions in East Asia and Mexico is shown. These transitional faunas include a considerable number of endemic taxa of the genus and species groups. A conspicuous feature of the Palaearctic ceutorhynchine fauna is the rather numerous complex of the upland and high-latitude species.  相似文献   

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