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Archaea are microorganisms that are distinct from bacteria and eukaryotes. They are prevalent in extreme environments, and yet found in most ecosystems. They are a natural component of the microbiota of most, if not all, humans and other animals. Despite their ubiquity and close association with humans, animals and plants, no pathogenic archaea have been identified. Because no archaeal pathogens have yet been identified, there is a general assumption that archaeal pathogens do not exist. This review examines whether this is a good assumption by investigating the potential for archaea to be or become pathogens. This is achieved by addressing: the diversity of archaea versus known pathogens, opportunities for archaea to demonstrate pathogenicity and be detected as pathogens, reports linking archaea with disease, and immune responses to archaea. In addition, molecular and genomic data are examined for the presence of systems utilised in pathogenesis. The view of this report is that, although archaea can presently be described as non-pathogenic, they have the potential to be (discovered as) pathogens. The present optimistic view that there are no archaeal pathogens is tainted by a severe lack of relevant knowledge, which may have important consequences in the future.  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of the alpha-D-mannosidases of rat liver lysosome and cytosol was examined using oligosaccharides of the oligomannosidic type. The hydrolysis products were characterized by 400 MHz 1H-NMR spectroscopy. Both catabolic pathways occur in ordered ways, but are quite different. In fact, the lysosomal pathway is a two-step process: the first step involves a Zn(2+)-independent alpha-1,2-mannosidase activity, whereas the second involves a Zn(2+)-dependent alpha-1,3- and alpha-1,6-mannosidase activity. The final product is the disaccharide Man(beta 1-4)GlcNAc. In contrast, the cytosolic pathway leads, in one step, to a unique hexasaccharide (Man5GlcNAc) which has the same structure as the polyprenolic intermediate synthesized on the cytosolic face of the rough endoplasmic reticulum during the biosynthesis of N-glycosylprotein glycans: Man(alpha 1-2)-Man(alpha 1-2)Man(alpha 1-3)[Man(alpha 1-6)] Man(beta 1-4)GlcNAc(beta 1-4)-GlcNAc(alpha)P-P-Dol. In addition, the enzymatic parameters of lysosome, endoplasmic reticulum and cytosol alpha-D-mannosidases are quite different. These results lead to the conclusion that the cytosol contains specific alpha-D-mannosidases which do not originate from lysosomes nor from endoplasmic reticulum. The discovery of cytosolic endo-N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase active on 'immature complex glycans' (glycopeptides of the oligomannosidic type and of the desialylated N-acetyllactosaminic type) as well as on the glycosyl-dolichol pyrophosphate intermediates allows us to hypothesize that these enzymes belong to a control system of N-glycosylprotein biosynthesis, their role being to destroy unfinished glycans. The fate of the formed oligosaccharide structures is discussed: are they destroyed by cytosolic or lysosomal exoglycosidases, or do they carry an 'oligosaccharin-like activity'?  相似文献   

Five widely documented mechanisms for chloride transport across biological membranes are known: anion-coupled antiport, Na+ and H(+)-coupled symport, Cl- channels and an electrochemical coupling process. These transport processes for chloride are either secondarily active or are driven by the electrochemical gradient for chloride. Until recently, the evidence in favour of a primary active transport mechanism for chloride has been inconclusive despite numerous reports of cellular Cl(-)-stimulated ATPases coexisting, in the same tissue, with uphill ATP-dependent chloride transport. Cl(-)-stimulated ATPase activity is a ubiquitous property of practically all cells with the major location being of mitochondrial origin. It also appears that plasma membranes are sites of Cl(-)-stimulated ATPase pump activity. Recent studies of Cl(-) -stimulated ATPase activity and ATP-dependent chloride transport in the same plasma membrane system, including liposomes, strongly suggest a mediation by the ATPase in the net movement of chloride up its electrochemical gradient across the plasma membrane structure. Contemporary evidence points to the existence of Cl(-)-ATPase pumps; however, these primary active transporters exist as either P-, F- or V-type ATPase pumps depending upon the tissue under study.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a general method to derive spatio-temporal population models mechanistically. We consider a system of multiple species living in a patchy habitat in which the local population of each species consists of some behavioural groups. We then formulate a continuous-time model where a small positive parameter is present, measuring the time scale of behavioural transitions relative to that of giving birth, death and migration among patches. By the singular perturbation method the model is reduced to a lower dimensional one in which the migration terms are, in general, nonlinear and related to the reaction terms describing the local dynamics. Two examples demonstrating the emergence of cross-migration models, i.e., the models in which the per-capita migration rate of one species depends on the density of some other species, are given.  相似文献   


This paper introduces a class of stochastic models of interacting neurons with emergent dynamics similar to those seen in local cortical populations. Rigorous results on existence and uniqueness of nonequilibrium steady states are proved. These network models are then compared to very simple reduced models driven by the same mean excitatory and inhibitory currents. Discrepancies in firing rates between network and reduced models are investigated and explained by correlations in spiking, or partial synchronization, working in concert with “nonlinearities” in the time evolution of membrane potentials. The use of simple random walks and their first passage times to simulate fluctuations in neuronal membrane potentials and interspike times is also considered.


This review is based on 58 climate-fisheries models published over the last 28 years that describe the impacts of fishery pressure and environmental variability on populations and ecosystems and include basic principles of population dynamics. It points out that the incorporation of environmental factors in fishery models has already been done and is of great importance for future models used in the assessment of marine resources. The work is guided by the questions to what extent have these models a) enhanced our understanding of the interrelationships between the environment, the fishery and the state of the exploited resources and b) helped to improve the prediction of population dynamics and the assessment of marine resources. For each of the six most commonly used model categories a case study is critically analyzed. The problems of “breaking relationships” between environmental factors and the biological response used in models, the trade-off between model complexity (realism) and simplicity (data availability) and the potential of multivariate climate indices for forecasting ecosystem states and for use as proxies for combined models are discussed, as are novel non-linear and spatially explicit modeling approaches. Approaches differ in terms of model complexity, use of linear or non-linear equations, number of parameters, forecast time horizon and type of resource modelled. A majority of the models were constructed for fish and invertebrate stocks of the northeast Pacific and the epicontinental seas of the Atlantic, reflecting the advancement of fisheries science in these regions. New, in parts highly complex models and sophisticated approaches were identified. The reviewed studies demonstrate that the performance of fished stocks can better be described if environmental or climatic variability is incorporated into the fisheries models. We conclude that due to the already available knowledge, the greatly enhanced computer power, new methods and recent findings of large-scale climatic/oceanographic cycles, fisheries modeling should progress greatly in the coming years.  相似文献   

D-2 dopamine autoreceptor selective drugs: do they really exist?   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The catecholamine dopamine plays an important role as a neurotransmitter or neurohormone in the brain and pituitary gland. Dopamine exerts its effects through activation of two types of receptors called D-1 and D-2. These receptors are distinguished by their different pharmacological characteristics and signal transduction mechanism(s). Release of dopamine inhibits the activity of dopaminergic neurons through activation of so-called dopamine autoreceptors which are of the D-2 type. In general, these receptors occur both in the soma-dendritic region of the dopaminergic neuron, where they are involved in the inhibition of the firing rate and on the dopaminergic terminals where they mediate the inhibition of dopamine synthesis and release. D-2 receptors occur also on the target cells of dopaminergic neurons both in the brain (postsynaptic D-2 receptors) and pituitary gland. On the basis of data gathered from in vivo (behavioral- as well as electrophysiological) studies it has been concluded that D-2 agonists are much more potent at dopamine autoreceptors as compared to postsynaptic D-2 receptors, indicating the possibility of a pharmacological distinction between these differentially located D-2 receptors. This concept led to the introduction of a whole group of drugs allegedly displaying a selective agonist profile at the dopamine autoreceptor. In contrast, biochemical (in vitro) studies with brain tissue as well as the pituitary gland, did not reveal any significant difference between the pharmacological profiles of autoreceptors and postsynaptic D-2 receptors. In the present minireview a balanced discussion is presented of these in vivo and in vitro findings and it is concluded that both autoreceptors as well as postsynaptic D-2 receptors are similar if not identical entities.  相似文献   

A shift from traditional engineering approaches to ecologically-based techniques will require changing societal values regarding ‘how and what’ is defined as engineering and design. Non-human species offer many ecological engineering examples that are often beneficial to ecosystem function and other biota. For example, organisms known as ‘ecosystem engineers’ build, modify, and destroy habitat in their quest for food and survival. Similarly, ‘keystone species’ have greater impacts on community or ecosystem function than would be predicted from their abundance. The capacity of these types of organisms to affect ecosystems is great. They exert controlling influences over ecosystems and communities by altering resource allocation, creating habitats and modifying relative competitive advantages.Species’ effects in ecosystems, although context-dependent, can be evaluated as ‘beneficial’ or ‘detrimental’. The evaluation depends on whether effects on other species or ecosystem function are more or less desirable from a given perspective. Organisms with beneficial impacts facilitate the presence of other species, employ efficient nutrient cycling, and are sometimes characterized by specific mutualisms. In contrast, many cases of detrimental engineering are found from introduced (i.e., exotic) species and are characterized by a loss of species richness, a lack of nutrient retention and the degradation of ecosystem integrity. Species’ impacts on ecosystems and community traits have been quantified in ecological studies and can be used similarly to understand, design and model human engineering structures and impacts on the landscape. Emulation of species with beneficial impacts on ecosystems can provide powerful guidance to the goals of ecological engineering. Using role model organisms that have desirable effects on species diversity and ecosystem function will be important in developing alternatives to traditional engineering practices.  相似文献   

The presence of complex I, or NADH dehydrogenase, in Trypanosomatidae is debated. Several subunits of complex I have been identified by biochemical studies, but the overall composition of the complex has remained elusive. Here, the authors review the present literature related to this mitochondrial activity and carry out a bioinformatic analysis to allow the prediction of the composition of a putative trypanosomatid complex I. The complex comprises at least 19 subunits and has a minimum mass of 660 kDa. It is larger than the corresponding bacterial enzyme but smaller than the typical mitochondrial enzyme of eukaryotes. All subunits known to be involved in electron transport are present, but the complex does not seem to be involved in energy transduction because four membrane subunits, normally encoded by the mitochondrial genome and supposed to be involved in proton extrusion, are missing.  相似文献   

Plankton and benthos are popular concepts identifying two ways of life of aquatic organisms. Their spatial separation led to the development of different sampling techniques and to separate conceptualizations of the principles governing these subsets of the aquatic environment. Reciprocal connections between plankton and benthos, however, are very strong both from a functional (energy fluxes) and a structural (life cycle dynamics) point of view. A full appreciation of such links is forcing marine ecology towards a more integrated approach.  相似文献   

Coarse-grained models of protein folding: toy models or predictive tools?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coarse-grained models are emerging as a practical alternative to all-atom simulations for the characterization of protein folding mechanisms over long time scales. While a decade ago minimalist toy models were mainly designed to test general hypotheses on the principles regulating protein folding, the latest coarse-grained models are increasingly realistic and can be used to characterize quantitatively the detailed folding mechanism of specific proteins. The ability of such models to reproduce the essential features of folding dynamics suggests that each single atomic degree of freedom is not by itself particularly relevant to folding and supports a statistical mechanical approach to characterize folding transitions. When combined with more refined models and with experimental studies, the systematic investigation of protein systems and complexes using coarse-grained models can advance our theoretical understanding of the actual organizing principles that emerge from the complex network of interactions among protein atomic constituents.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that the brood defence by parents of altricial birds should increase during the breeding attempt until the young depart from the nest. The two proximate hypotheses provide alternative predictions about the peak of brood defence intensity: (1) the vulnerability hypothesis predicts a rapid rise in brood defence after hatching of the chicks, with maximum defence intensity just before fledging and strong decline afterwards; (2) the feedback hypothesis predicts that brood defence intensity will, after a rapid rise, reach a plateau at the end of the nestling period and early after fledging and then slowly decline. I compared brood defence behaviour of altricial meadow pipit (Anthus pratensis) breeding in the Czech Republic during the late nestling stage and during the fledging time. A stuffed stoat (Mustela erminea) was placed 5 m from a meadow pipit nest and the defence behaviour of parents was recorded for 10 min from a hide. Brood defence intensity was higher during the fledgling time than during the late nestling stage, and this trend was more evident in males than in females. Regardless of the proportion of already fledged chicks and those still present in the nest, brood defence did not significantly decrease during the fledgling time in males or females. The results do not agree with the predictions of the vulnerability hypothesis and support the predictions of the feedback hypothesis.  相似文献   

《Ecological Informatics》2009,4(3):123-135
The rapid global loss of biodiversity has led to a proliferation of systematic conservation planning methods. In spite of their utility and mathematical sophistication, these methods only provide approximate solutions to real-world problems where there is uncertainty and temporal change. The consequences of errors in these solutions are seldom characterized or addressed. We propose a conceptual structure for exploring the consequences of input uncertainty and oversimplified approximations to real-world processes for any conservation planning tool or strategy. We then present a computational framework based on this structure to quantitatively model species representation and persistence outcomes across a range of uncertainties. These include factors such as land costs, landscape structure, species composition and distribution, and temporal changes in habitat. We demonstrate the utility of the framework using several reserve selection methods including simple rules of thumb and more sophisticated tools such as Marxan and Zonation. We present new results showing how outcomes can be strongly affected by variation in problem characteristics that are seldom compared across multiple studies. These characteristics include number of species prioritized, distribution of species richness and rarity, and uncertainties in the amount and quality of habitat patches. We also demonstrate how the framework allows comparisons between conservation planning strategies and their response to error under a range of conditions. Using the approach presented here will improve conservation outcomes and resource allocation by making it easier to predict and quantify the consequences of many different uncertainties and assumptions simultaneously. Our results show that without more rigorously generalizable results, it is very difficult to predict the amount of error in any conservation plan. These results imply the need for standard practice to include evaluating the effects of multiple real-world complications on the behavior of any conservation planning method.  相似文献   

Why does life diversify into the more or less discrete entities we recognise as species? Two main explanations have been proposed: i) species are a consequence of adaptation to different ecological niches, ii) species are a consequence of sexual reproduction and reproductive isolation. Phylogenetic studies of case-study groups can provide insights into the relative importance of divergent selection and isolation for speciation, but it can be difficult to infer causes of speciation unambiguously. The example of North American tiger beetles from the genus Cicindela is discussed. An alternative approach is to compare diversification between related sexual and asexual taxa to infer the relative importance of the two explanations. We outline expected patterns of diversification in sexual and asexual lineages under different scenarios using coalescent theory. Whether sexuals or asexuals diversify to a greater extent depends on the balance among various stages of diversification, particularly on the effects of sexual reproduction on rates of adaptive evolution. Rotifers offer a unique system to test these ideas, allowing comparison of patterns of genetic and functional morphological diversification in sexual (bdelloid) and asexual (monogonont) clades.  相似文献   

The mechanism that controls digit formation has long intrigued developmental and theoretical biologists, and many different models and mechanisms have been proposed. Here we review models of limb development with a specific focus on digit and long bone formation. Decades of experiments have revealed the basic signaling circuits that control limb development, and recent advances in imaging and molecular technologies provide us with unprecedented spatial detail and a broader view of the regulatory networks. Computational approaches are important to integrate the available information into a consistent framework that will allow us to achieve a deeper level of understanding, and that will help with the future planning and interpretation of complex experiments, paving the way to in silico genetics. Previous models of development had to be focused on very few, simple regulatory interactions. Algorithmic developments and increasing computing power now enable the generation and validation of increasingly realistic models that can be used to test old theories and uncover new mechanisms. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 102:1–12, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

With the advances in molecular genetics, animal models of human diseases are becoming more numerous and more refined every year. Despite this, one must recognize that they generally do not faithfully and comprehensively mimic the homologous human disease. Faced with these imperfections, some geneticists believe that these models are of little value, while for others, on the contrary, they are important tools. We agree with this second statement, and in this review, we examine the reasons that may explain the observed differences and suggest means to circumvent or even exploit them. Our opinion is that animal models should be regarded more as tools capable of answering specific questions rather than mere replicas, at a smaller scale, of a given human disease. Far from disappointing they are probably called for a promising future.  相似文献   

Summary Most life-history theory assumes that short-term variation in an organism's environment does not affect the survivorships and fecundities of the organisms. This assumption is rarely met. Here we investigate the population and evolutionary biology of red deer,Cervus elephas, to see if relaxation of this assumption is likely to make significant differences to the predicted evolutionary biology of this species. To do this we used 21 years of data from a population of deer on Rum, Western Isles, Scotland. Population growth rates in a stochastic environment were estimated using Tuljapurkar's small noise approximation, confirmed by bootstrap simulation. Numerical differentiation was used to see if the selection pressures (i.e. sensitivities of population growth rate to changes in the vital rates) differ between the stochastic and deterministic cases. The data also allow the costs of reproduction to be estimated. These costs, incorporated as trade-offs into the sensitivity analysis, allow investigation of evolutionary benefits of different life-history tactics. Environmentally induced stochastic variation in the red deer vital rates causes a slight reduction ( 1%) in the predicted population growth rate and has little impact on the estimated selection pressures on the deer's life-history. We thus conclude that, even though density-independent stochastic effects on the population are marked, the deer's fitness is not markedly affected by these and they are adapted to the average conditions they experience. However, the selected life-history is sensitive to the trade-offs between current fecundity, survivorship and future fecundity and it is likely that the environmental variance will affect these trade-offs and, thus, affect the life-history favoured by selection. We also show that the current average life-history is non-optimal and suggest this is a result of selection pressures exerted by culling and predation, now much reduced. As the use of stochastic or deterministic methods provide similar estimates in this case, the use of the latter is justified. Thus,r (the annual per capita rate of population growth) is an appropriate measure of fitness in a population with stochastic numerical fluctuations. In a population of constant size lifetime reproductive success is the obvious measure of fitness to use.  相似文献   

One of the most promising recent advances in biogeography has been the increased interest and understanding of species distribution models – estimates of the probability that a species is present given environmental data. Unfortunately, such analyses ignore many aspects of ecology, and so are difficult to interpret. In particular, we know that species interactions have a profound influence on distributions, but it is not usually possible to incorporate this knowledge into species distribution models. What is needed is a rigorous understanding of how unmeasured biotic interactions affect the inferences generated by species distribution models. To fill this gap, we develop a general mathematical approach that uses probability theory to determine how unmeasured biotic interactions affect inferences from species distribution models. Using this approach, we reanalyze one of the most important classes of mechanistic models of competition: models of consumer resource dynamics. We determine how measurements of one aspect of the environment – a single environmental variable – can be used to estimate the probability that an environment is suitable with species distribution models. We show that species distribution models, which ignore numerous facets of consumer resource dynamics such as the presence of a competitor or the dynamics of depletable resources, can furnish useful predictions for the probability that an environment is suitable in some circumstances. These results provide a rigorous link between complex mechanistic models of species interactions and species distribution models. In so doing they demonstrate that unmeasured biotic interactions can have strong and counterintuitive consequences on species distribution models.  相似文献   

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