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With increasing population doubling in vitro, human diploid fibroblasts exhibited a highly significant increase in glucose uptake from the growth medium and a corresponding increase in lactate production. The switch to glycolysis occurred prior to the onset of changes in intracellular glucose and lactate concentrations or in the specific activity of the glycolytic regulatory enzyme, pyruvate kinase, it also preceded the morphological alterations held to be characteristic of cellular senescence.  相似文献   

The in vitro degradation of [35S]chondroitin sulfate was investigated in human fibroblasts and rat liver. In rat liver, preparations of chondroitin sulfate were shown to be degraded by the concerted action of endoglycosidase and exoglycosidases. However, with human skin fibroblast preparations, hyaluronidase activity was not detected and chondroitin sulfate was degraded by exoglycosidase action.  相似文献   

Phosphoglucose isomerase (D-glucose-6-phosphate ketolisomerase, EC, purified from Lactobacillus casei, showed multiplicity with respect to electrophoretic mobility, molecular weight, kinetic properties and responses to erythrose 4-phosphate. Among the three forms isolated, one having a dimeric conformation, was specific for glucose 6-phosphate. Erythrose 4-phosphate inhibited this preparation in a sigmoid fashion, while this compound activated the enzyme for isomerization of ribose 5-phosphate. In tetrameric conformation of the similar subunits, the enzyme was more specific for ribose 5-phosphate and the inhibition exerted by erythrose 4-phosphate was hyperbolic. The possible implications of these observations have been discussed.  相似文献   

The hyperthermophilic crenarchaeon Aeropyrum pernix contains phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI) activity. However, obvious homologs with significant identity to known PGIs could not be identified in the sequenced genome of this organism. The PGI activity from A. pernix was purified and characterized. Kinetic analysis revealed that, unlike all known PGIs, the enzyme catalyzed reversible isomerization not only of glucose 6-phosphate but also of epimeric mannose 6-phosphate at similar catalytic efficiency, thus defining the protein as bifunctional phosphoglucose/phosphomannose isomerase (PGI/PMI). The gene pgi/pmi encoding PGI/PMI (open reading frame APE0768) was identified by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight analyses; the gene was overexpressed in Escherichia coli as functional PGI/PMI. Putative PGI/PMI homologs were identified in several (hyper)thermophilic archaea and two bacteria. The homolog from Thermoplasma acidophilum (Ta1419) was overexpressed in E. coli, and the recombinant enzyme was characterized as bifunctional PGI/PMI. PGI/PMIs showed low sequence identity to the PGI superfamily and formed a distinct phylogenetic cluster. However, secondary structure predictions and the presence of several conserved amino acids potentially involved in catalysis indicate some structural and functional similarity to the PGI superfamily. Thus, we propose that bifunctional PGI/PMI constitutes a novel protein family within the PGI superfamily.  相似文献   

Previous analysis of the gene encoding phosphoglucose isomerase (Pgi) suggests that this gene may have been transferred between a eukaryote and a bacterium. However, excluding the alternative hypothesis of ancient gene duplication has proven difficult because of both insufficient sampling of taxa and an earlier misidentification of a bacterialPgi sequence. This paper presents a phylogenetic analysis of published completePgi sequences together with analysis of new partialPgi sequences from six species of bacteria. The data identify a group of bacterialPgi sequences, including sequences fromEscherichia coli andHaemophilus influenzae, which are more closely related to eukaryoticPgi sequences than to other bacterial sequences. The topology of gene trees constructed using several different methods are all consistent with the hypothesis of lateral gene transfer andnot ancient gene duplication. Furthermore, an estimate of a molecular clock forPgi dates the divergence of theE. coli andH. influenzae sequences from the animal sequences to between 470 and 650 million years ago, well after other estimates of the divergence between eukaryotes and bacteria. This study provides the most convincing evidence to date of the transkingdom transfer of a nuclear gene.  相似文献   

ME, PGM and PGI electrophoretic banding patterns in 20 laboratory cultures representing 14 species ofTrichogramma were studied. Variations in PGM were found inT. exiguum, T. marylandense, andT. pretiosum. PGI also showed variation inT. exiguum, T. marylandense, T. minutum, andT. parkeri. However, ME variations were found only inT. pretiosum. Based on progeny analyses, we concluded that ME is a tetramer inTrichogramma with fast and slow alleles at a single locus, and that both PGM and PGI have a single locus and each has four alleles. PGM is a monomer, but PGI is a dimer.
Résumé Les bandes électrophorétiques de l'enzyme malique, de la P.G.M. et de la P.G.I. ont été étudiées chez 20 souches de laboratoire représentant 14 espèces deTrichogramma. Des variations de la P.G.M. ont été trouvées chezT. exiguum, T. marylandense etT. pretiosum. La. P.G.I. montre aussi des variations chezT. exiguum, T. marylandense, T. minutum etT. parkeri. Par contre, des variations de l'enzyme malique ne sont trouvées que chezT. pretiosum. En nous basant, sur l'analyse de progénitures, nous avons conclu que l'enzyme malique est un tétramère chezTrichogramma comprenant un allèle “lent” et un alléle “rapide”, à un seul locus, et que la P.G.M. et la P.G.I. ont chacune un seul locus à quatre allèles. La P.G.M. est un monomère mais la P.G.I. est un dimère.

Jeong JJ  Fushinobu S  Ito S  Jeon BS  Shoun H  Wakagi T 《FEBS letters》2003,535(1-3):200-204
The gene encoding phosphoglucose isomerase was cloned from Thermococcus litoralis, and functionally expressed in Escherichia coli. The purified enzyme, a homodimer of 21.5 kDa subunits, was biochemically characterized. The inhibition constants for four competitive inhibitors were determined. The enzyme contained 1.25 mol Fe and 0.24 mol Zn per dimer. The activity was enhanced by the addition of Fe(2+), but inhibited by Zn(2+) and EDTA. Enzymes with mutations in conserved histidine and glutamate residues in their cupin motifs contained no metals, and showed large decreases in k(cat). The circular dichroism spectra of the mutant enzymes and the wild type enzyme were essentially the same but with slight differences.  相似文献   

The second enzyme in the glycolytic pathway, phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI), catalyses an intracellular aldose-ketose isomerization. Here we describe the human recombinant PGI structure (hPGI) solved in the absence of active site ligands. Crystals isomorphous to those previously reported were used to collect a 94% complete data set to a limiting resolution of 2.1 A. From the comparison between the free active site hPGI structure and the available human and rabbit PGI (rPGI) structures, a mechanism for protein initial catalytic steps is proposed. Binding of the phosphate moiety of the substrate to two distinct elements of the active site is responsible for driving a series of structural changes resulting in the polarisation of the active site histidine, priming it for the initial ring-opening step of catalysis.  相似文献   

Ethyl methane sulfonate treatment was used to induce a mutation in the nuclear gene encoding the chloroplast isozyme of phosphoglucose isomerase in Clarkia xantiana. The mutation, which proved allelic to wild type activity, was backcrossed to wild type for five generations so that the two could be compared in a near isogenic background. An immunological analysis showed that the mutant, when homozygous, reduced the activity of the isozyme by about 50%. In contrast to wild type, the mutant showed little change in leaf starch level over a diurnal period or following a 72-hour continuous light treatment. By the end of the diurnal light period, the mutant accumulated only about 60% as much starch as wild type. However, mutant leaves had an increased sucrose level presumably because photosynthate was directly exported from the chloroplasts. The mutant also exhibited reduced leaf weight. These changes in metabolism and growth suggest that the wild type level of plastid phosphoglucose isomerase activity is necessary to achieve wild type carbohydrate status.  相似文献   

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