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The selection of clones resistant to methionine antagonists was undertaken on baby hamster Kidney cells grown in a methionine free medium, supplemented with homocystine, folic acid and hydroxo-B12. Clones resistant to 30 mug/ml ethionine were isolated after mutagenesis at an induced mutation frequency of 2.3 X 10(-5). An ethionine resistant clone, ETH 304, was extensively studied. The resistant cells excreted methionine in the culture medium and the intracellular pools of methionine and SAM were two to five times greater in the resistant clone than in the wild type cells. A semidominant ethionine resistant phenotype was observed in hybrids between the wild type and this resistant clone. Measurement of the specific activity of menadione reductase, B12 methyltransferase and ATP: L-methionine S-adenosyl-transferase in crude extracts of the wild type showed a repressive action of methionine on the level of the three enzymes. However, the ethionine resistant clone ETH 304 was not modified in this function. Menadione reductase is feedback-inhibited by SAM in wild type cells. The enzyme of the ethionine resistant clone was significantly less sensitive to SAM. When a comparison of thermal stability was made between the wild type and ethionine resistant clone enzymes, it was found that the thermal stability of the latter was modified. Three other ethionine resistant clones, independantly isolated, were similarly affected in the properties of menadione reductase. These results suggest that the pathway of re-use of S-adenosyl homocysteine, produced during methylation reactions, is highly regulated by methionine and SAM.  相似文献   

Datko AH  Mudd SH 《Plant physiology》1982,69(5):1070-1076
A search was made for compounds that would inhibit methionine biosynthesis in Lemna paucicostata Hegelm. 6746. dl-Propargylglycine (0.15 micromolar) produced growth inhibition and morphological changes which were prevented by exogenous methionine. Also, dl-propargylglycine inhibits cystathionine gamma-synthase activity. l-Aminoethoxyvinylglycine (0.05 micromolar) produced growth inhibition and morphological changes partially preventable by exogenous methionine. l-Aminoethoxyvinylglycine impairs the cleavage of cystathionine to homocysteine. Lysine and threonine, at concentrations which individually had little effect on growth or morphology of Lemna, together produced growth inhibition and morphological changes preventable by exogenous methionine. The resulting metabolic block prevented conversion of cysteine to cystathionine, presumably secondary to depletion of the supply of O-phosphohomoserine.Inhibition of Lemna growth resulted when the molybdate:sulfate ratio in the medium was increased to 20:1 or more. Such inhibition was prevented by lowering this ratio to 0.3 or less. A non-steady-state experiment (molybdate:sulfate, 20:1) showed that molybdate inhibited sulfate uptake, but it provided no evidence of a further impairment in the organification of sulfate. Molybdate-induced growth inhibition of Lemna was prevented by cystine but not by cystathionine or methionine. Cystathionine is not converted by Lemna to cysteine rapidly enough to sustain growth.  相似文献   

The endogenous content of methionine in isolated petals of Tradescantia was found to increase during petal senescence while the levels of S-methylmethionine and protein were found to decline. The increase in free methionine was, at least in part, the result of protein degradation. Methionine and homocysteine were shown to be intermediates in ethylene biosynthesis while S-methylmethionine was not involved. Application of 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) to all floral tissues resulted in large stimulations of ethylene production. ACC was shown to be an endogenous amino acid the internal levels of which correlated positively with the rate of ethylene production. Application of l-methionine-[U-14C] led to a rapid appearance of radioactivity in both ethylene and ACC. The specific radioactivity of C-2 and C-3 of ACC and that of ethylene were found to be nearly identical which indicated that ACC was the immediate precursor of ethylene in senescing petals of Tradescantia.  相似文献   

In immature rib segments prepared from morning-glory (Ipomoea tricolor) flower buds, the major soluble metabolite formed from tracer amounts of l-methionine-U-(14)C was S-methylmethionine (SMM). In segments of senescing ribs, (14)C was progressively lost from SMM and appeared in free methionine. Immature segments contained about 4 nmoles of free methionine and about 16 nmoles of SMM per 30 segments. As the segments senesced, the methionine content increased about 10-fold while the SMM content remained unchanged; during this time about 0.8 nmole of ethylene was produced per 30 segments. Tracer experiments with l-methionine-U-(14)C, l-methionine-methyl-(3)H, and l-homocysteine thiolactone-(35)S indicated that SMM was capable of acting as a methyl donor, and that in senescent segments the methyl group was utilized for methionine production with homocysteine serving as methyl acceptor. Of the 2 molecules of methionine produced in this reaction, 1 was re-methylated to SMM, and the other contributed to the observed rise in the content of free methionine.Internal pools of methionine and SMM were prelabeled (but not significantly expanded) by overnight incubation on 10 mum l-methionine-U-(14)C. The specific radioactivity of the ethylene subsequently evolved during the senescence of the segments closely paralleled the specific radioactivity of carbon atoms 3 plus 4 of free methionine extracted from the tissue, demonstrating that methionine was the major precursor of ethylene in this system. The specific radioactivity of carbon atoms 3 plus 4 of extracted SMM was about twice that of the free methionine.Based on these results, a scheme for methionine biosynthesis in senescent rib tissue is presented. The operation of this pathway in the control of ethylene production is discussed.  相似文献   

In plants, the transfer of the sulfur atom between cysteine and homocysteine, the direct precursor of methionine, is ensured by two chloroplastic enzymes, cystathionine γ-synthase and cystathionine β-lyase. These proteins have been purified to homogeneity from spinach chloroplasts and their biochemical properties determined. Cystathionine γ-synthase and cystathionine β-lyase are tetramers and are typical pyridoxal 5′-phosphate-dependent proteins. These enzymes are targets for the potent inhibitors of methionine synthesis that are lethal for plants. An Arabidopsis thaliana cDNA encoding chloroplastic cystathionine β-lyase was isolated by functional complementation of a bacterial mutant and cloned in a pET expression vector in order to transform Escherichia coli cells. Preliminary observations of the active site of the purified recombinant enzyme have been performed by characterization of the interaction between i) pyridoxal 5′-phosphate and the polypeptide chain, and ii) the active site-directed inhibitor aminoethoxyvinylglycine and the bound cofactor. This study will be developed further by crystallographic analyses.  相似文献   

Methionine dependence is a metabolic defect characterized by the inability of eukaryotic cells in culture to proliferate in a medium where methionine has been replaced by its immediate metabolic precursor, homocysteine. This defect has been reported to be a specific property of diverse tumour-derived and transformed cell lines; normal cell strains grow well under the above culture conditions. The basis of methionine requirement in such cells is not known. We asked whether this defect might be controlled by activated oncogenes and in particular by the mutated (activated) HRAS1 oncogene derived from the EJ/T24 human carcinoma line. We report that this oncogene induces methionine requirement after transfection in non-transformed immortalized rat cells.  相似文献   

The subcellular distribution of Met and S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) metabolism in plant cells discloses a complex partition between the cytosol and the organelles. In the present work we show that Arabidopsis contains three functional isoforms of vitamin B(12)-independent methionine synthase (MS), the enzyme that catalyzes the methylation of homocysteine to Met with 5-methyltetrahydrofolate as methyl group donor. One MS isoform is present in chloroplasts and is most likely required to methylate homocysteine that is synthesized de novo in this compartment. Thus, chloroplasts are autonomous and are the unique site for de novo Met synthesis in plant cells. The additional MS isoforms are present in the cytosol and are most probably involved in the regeneration of Met from homocysteine produced in the course of the activated methyl cycle. Although Met synthesis can occur in chloroplasts, there is no evidence that AdoMet is synthesized anywhere but the cytosol. In accordance with this proposal, we show that AdoMet is transported into chloroplasts by a carrier-mediated facilitated diffusion process. This carrier is able to catalyze the uniport uptake of AdoMet into chloroplasts as well as the exchange between cytosolic AdoMet and chloroplastic AdoMet or S-adenosylhomocysteine. The obvious function for the carrier is to sustain methylation reactions and other AdoMet-dependent functions in chloroplasts and probably to remove S-adenosylhomocysteine generated in the stroma by methyltransferase activities. Therefore, the chloroplastic AdoMet carrier serves as a link between cytosolic and chloroplastic one-carbon metabolism.  相似文献   

Rubradirin, an inhibitor of ribosomal polypeptide biosynthesis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
F Reusser 《Biochemistry》1973,12(6):1136-1142

3-Methyladenine is generally used as an inhibitor of autophagy [P. O. Seglen & P. B. Gordon (1982) Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 79, 1889-1892]. Using isolated hepatocytes, we observed that 3-methyladenine has other effects as well. 1. 3-Methyladenine promoted glycogen breakdown and inhibited flux through phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase. These effects proved to be unrelated to inhibition of autophagic proteolysis and were caused by cAMP, which slightly increased in the presence of 3-methyladenine. 2. Addition of 3-methyladenine to intact hepatocytes increased the intralysosomal pH and caused a lower density of the lysosomal population upon centrifugation in a Percoll density gradient. No increase in the intralysosomal pH was effected by 3-methyladenine in isolated lysosomes.  相似文献   

Antibiotic 1063-Z isolated from culture fluids of Streptoverticillium mobaraense was identified as pulvomycin. Pulvomycin was observed to inhibit protein biosynthesis in growing cells of Bacillus brevis. The poly(U)-directed poly(Phe) synthesis in cell-free systems of Bacillus brevis and Escherichia coli was highly susceptible to the antibiotic. Pulvomycin did not affect the transfer of Phe to tRNA. The results suggest that the target of pulvomycin action is the polypeptide chain elongation.  相似文献   

Treatment with ornithine decarboxylase inhibitors leads to a marked increase of decarboxylated S-adenosylmethionine (dc-SAM) in various tissues, accompanied by the concomitant formation of a metabolite of dc-SAM. This metabolite has been isolated from rat prostate samples by a combination of chromatographic procedures. The use of IH-NMR and of fast atom bombardment mass spectometry and the synthesis of an authentic sample allowed the unambiguous characterization of this unknown compound as the N-acetyl derivative of dc-SAM. A reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography procedure was developed for the separation of dc-SAM and its N-acetyl derivative into their diastereomers resulting from the chiral sulfonium group.  相似文献   

A potent irreversible inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine (AdoMet) decarboxylase, S-(5'-adenosyl)-methylthio-2-aminooxyethane (AdoMeSaoe), was used to study the regulatory control of this key enzyme in the polyamine biosynthetic pathway. Treatment of L1210 cells with the inhibitor completely eradicated the growth-induced rise in AdoMet decarboxylase activity, resulting in a marked decrease in cellular content of spermidine and spermine. The putrescine content, on the other hand, was greatly elevated. Although no detectable AdoMet decarboxylase activity was found in the L1210 cells after treatment with AdoMeSaoe, the cells contained 50-fold higher amounts of AdoMet decarboxylase protein, compared to untreated cells during exponential growth. Part of this increase was shown to be due to elevated synthesis of the enzyme. This stimulation appeared to be related to the decrease in cellular spermidine and spermine content, since addition of either one of the polyamines counteracted the rise in AdoMet decarboxylase synthesis. The synthesis rate was determined by immunoprecipitation of labeled enzyme after a short pulse with [35S]methionine. In addition to a protein that co-migrated with pure rat AdoMet decarboxylase (Mr approximately 32,000), the antibody precipitated a somewhat larger labeled protein (Mr approximately 37,000) that most likely represents the proenzyme form. Treatment of the L1210 cells with AdoMetSaoe also gave rise to a marked stabilization of the decarboxylase which contributed to the increase in its cellular protein content. Addition of spermidine did not significantly affect this stabilization, whereas the addition of spermine reduced the half-life of the enzyme to almost that of the control cells.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to study the effect of ammonia and lactate on growth, metabolism, and productivity of BHK cells producing a recombinant fusion protein. Results show that cell growth was reduced with the increase in ammonia or lactate: k(1/2) of 1.1 mM and 3.5 mM for stirred and stationary cultures, respectively, for ammonia and of 28 mM for both stationary and stirred cultures for lactate, were obtained. The cell-specific consumption rates of both glucose (q(Glc)) and glutamine (q(Gln)) increased, whereas that of oxygen (q(O2)) decreased, with the increase in ammonia or lactate concentrations. The cell-specific production rates of lactate (q(Lac)) increased with an increase in ammonia concentration; similarly for the cell-specific production rates of ammonia (q(Amm)), which also increased with an increase in lactate concentration; on the other hand, both q(Lac) and q(Amm) markedly decreased when lactate or ammonia concentrations were increased, respectively; lactate was consumed at lactate concentrations above 30 mM and ammonia was consumed at ammonia concentrations above 5 mM. In vivo (31)P NMR experiments showed that ammonia and lactate affect the intracellular pH, leading to intracellular acidification, and decrease the content in phosphomonoesters, whereas the cell energy state was maintained. The effect of lactate on cell growth and q(Gln) is partially due to osmolarity, on q(Glc) and q(Amm) is entirely due to osmolarity, but on q(Lac) is mainly due to lactate effect per se. An increase in ammonia from 0 to 20 mM induced a 50% reduction in specific productivity, whereas an increase in lactate from 0 to 60 mM induced a 40% decrease.  相似文献   

Trilostane is a competitive inhibitor of 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase. Invitro, the drug inhibits conversion of pregnenolone to progesterone but does not alter conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone nor progesterone to corticoid hormones. When given orally to rats, trilostane inhibits corticosterone and aldosterone production and elevates circulating levels of pregnenolone at doses lower than those that produce adrenal hypertrophy or inhibit gonadal steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

为了探索酸雨对水稻种子萌发时能量代谢的动态影响,以pH 2.5、4.0的模拟酸雨处理水稻(宁粳1号)种子,研究酸雨胁迫对水稻种子呼吸速率,CAT(过氧化氢酶)活性,线粒体蛋白与ATP含量及能荷(EC)的动态影响.结果 显示酸雨持续胁迫7 d,随时间延长,酸雨胁迫下各指标均发生变化:种子呼吸作用先升后降,在第4天达到呼吸顶峰;CAT活性和线粒体蛋白含量均呈上升趋势最后趋于平稳;ATP含量及EC水平先急剧上升,第5天达到最高值后有所下降.  相似文献   

Summary Ethylene production was induced in excised hypocotyl segments of etiolated mungbean seedlings in response to exogenous auxin. 1,2,3,4-14C-Methionine was efficiently incorporated into C2H4, although cold methionine added at substrate level did not enhance C2H4 production. Incorporation of labeled glucose into C2H4 was reduced when hypocotyl segments were incubated with cold methionine and homoserine, but the rate of labeling of CO2 was not affected. Feeding of labeled glucose to segments resulted in production of labeled methionine both in the presence and the absence of auxin, and auxin did not affect rate of methionine synthesis from glucose. The decrease in the amount of endogenous methionine during auxin treatment approximated the amount of C2H4 produced. The timecourse pattern of incorporation of radioactivity from labeled methionine into C2H4 during removal or re-addition of auxin was very similar to that of C2H4 production. The role of endogenous methionine as a C2H4 precursor is discussed.  相似文献   

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