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Because membrane proteins are difficult to express, our understanding of their structure and function is lagging. In Escherichia coli, α-helical membrane protein biogenesis usually involves binding of a nascent transmembrane segment (TMS) by the signal recognition particle (SRP), delivery of the SRP-ribosome nascent chain complexes (RNC) to FtsY, a protein that serves as SRP receptor and docks to the SecYEG translocon, cotranslational insertion of the growing chain into the translocon, and lateral transfer, packing and folding of TMS in the lipid bilayer in a process that may involve chaperone YidC. Here, we explored the feasibility of reprogramming this pathway to improve the production of recombinant membrane proteins in exponentially growing E. coli with a focus on: (i) eliminating competition between SRP and chaperone trigger factor (TF) at the ribosome through gene deletion; (ii) improving RNC delivery to the inner membrane via SRP overexpression; and (iii) promoting substrate insertion and folding in the lipid bilayer by increasing YidC levels. Using a bitopic histidine kinase and two heptahelical rhodopsins as model systems, we show that the use of TF-deficient cells improves the yields of membrane-integrated material threefold to sevenfold relative to the wild type, and that whereas YidC coexpression is beneficial to the production of polytopic proteins, higher levels of SRP have the opposite effect. The implications of our results on the interplay of TF, SRP, YidC, and SecYEG in membrane protein biogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the interactions between the signal recognition particle (SRP), the SRP receptor (SR), and the ribosome using GTPase assays, biosensor experiments, and ribosome binding assays. Possible mechanisms that could contribute to an enhanced affinity between the SR and the SRP-ribosome nascent chain complex to promote protein translocation under physiological ionic strength conditions have been explored. Ribosomes or 60S large ribosomal subunits activate the GTPase cycle of SRP54 and SRalpha by providing a platform for assembly of the SRP-SR complex. Biosensor experiments revealed high-affinity, saturable binding of ribosomes or large ribosomal subunits to the SR. Remarkably, the SR has a 100-fold higher affinity for the ribosome than for SRP. Proteoliposomes that contain the SR bind nontranslating ribosomes with an affinity comparable to that shown by the Sec61 complex. An NH2-terminal 319-residue segment of SRalpha is necessary and sufficient for binding of SR to the ribosome. We propose that the ribosome-SR interaction accelerates targeting of the ribosome nascent chain complex to the RER, while the SRP-SR interaction is crucial for maintaining the fidelity of the targeting reaction.  相似文献   

The mammalian peptidoglycan recognition protein-S (PGRP-S) binds to peptidoglycans (PGNs), which are essential components of the cell wall of bacteria. The protein was isolated from the samples of milk obtained from camels with mastitis and purified to homogeneity and crystallized. The crystals belong to orthorhombic space group I222 with a = 87.0 Å, b = 101.7 Å and c = 162.3 Å having four crystallographically independent molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure has been determined using X-ray crystallographic data and refined to 1.8 Å resolution. Overall, the structures of all the four crystallographically independent molecules are identical. The folding of PGRP-S consists of a central β-sheet with five β-strands, four parallel and one antiparallel, and three α-helices. This protein fold provides two functional sites. The first of these is the PGN-binding site, located on the groove that opens on the surface in the direction opposite to the location of the N terminus. The second site is implicated to be involved in the binding of non-PGN molecules, it also includes putative N-terminal segment residues (1-31) and helix α2 in the extended binding. The structure reveals a novel arrangement of PGRP-S molecules in which two pairs of molecules associate to form two independent dimers. The first dimer is formed by two molecules with N-terminal segments at the interface in which non-PGN binding sites are buried completely, whereas the PGN-binding sites of two participating molecules are fully exposed at the opposite ends of the dimer. In the second dimer, PGN-binding sites are buried at the interface while non-PGN binding sites are fully exposed at the opposite ends of the dimer. This form of dimeric arrangement is unique and seems to be aimed at enhancing the capability of the protein against specific invading bacteria. This mode of functional dimerization enhances efficiency and specificity, and is observed for the first time in the family of PGRP molecules.  相似文献   

Subunit II (CyoA) of cytochrome bo3 oxidase, which spans the inner membrane twice in bacteria, has several unusual features in membrane biogenesis. It is synthesized with an amino-terminal cleavable signal peptide. In addition, distinct pathways are used to insert the two ends of the protein. The amino-terminal domain is inserted by the YidC pathway whereas the large carboxyl-terminal domain is translocated by the SecYEG pathway. Insertion of the protein is also proton motive force (pmf)-independent. Here we examined the topogenic sequence requirements and mechanism of insertion of CyoA in bacteria. We find that both the signal peptide and the first membrane-spanning region are required for insertion of the amino-terminal periplasmic loop. The pmf-independence of insertion of the first periplasmic loop is due to the loop's neutral net charge. We observe also that the introduction of negatively charged residues into the periplasmic loop makes insertion pmf dependent, whereas the addition of positively charged residues prevents insertion unless the pmf is abolished. Insertion of the carboxyl-terminal domain in the full-length CyoA occurs by a sequential mechanism even when the CyoA amino and carboxyl-terminal domains are swapped with other domains. However, when a long spacer peptide is added to increase the distance between the amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal domains, insertion no longer occurs by a sequential mechanism.  相似文献   

The mechanosensitive channel MscL in the inner membrane of Escherichia coli is a homopentameric complex involved in homeostasis when cells are exposed to hypo-osmotic conditions. The E. coli MscL protein is synthesized as a polypeptide of 136 amino acid residues and uses the bacterial signal recognition particle (SRP) for membrane targeting. The protein is inserted into the membrane independently of the Sec translocon. Mutants affected in the Sec-components are competent for MscL assembly. Translocation of the periplasmic domain was detected using a membrane-impermeant, sulfhydryl-specific gel-shift reagent. The modification of a single cysteine residue at position 68 indicated its translocation across the inner membrane. From these in vivo experiments, it is concluded that the electrical chemical membrane potential is not necessary for membrane insertion of MscL. However, depletion of the membrane insertase YidC inhibits translocation of the protein across the membrane. We show here that YidC is essential for efficient membrane insertion of the MscL protein. YidC is a component of a recently identified membrane insertion pathway that is evolutionarily conserved in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts.  相似文献   

The translocating chain-associating membrane protein (TRAM) is a glycoprotein involved in the translocation of secreted proteins into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen and in the insertion of integral membrane proteins into the lipid bilayer. As a major step toward elucidating the structure of the functional ER translocation/insertion machinery, we have characterized the membrane integration mechanism and the transmembrane topology of TRAM using two approaches: photocross-linking and truncated C-terminal reporter tag fusions. Our data indicate that TRAM is recognized by the signal recognition particle and translocon components, and suggest a membrane topology with eight transmembrane segments, including several poorly hydrophobic segments. Furthermore, we studied the membrane insertion capacity of these poorly hydrophobic segments into the ER membrane by themselves. Finally, we confirmed the main features of the proposed membrane topology in mammalian cells expressing full-length TRAM.  相似文献   

Plant innate immunity is mediated by pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) and intracellular NB-LRR (nucleotide-binding domain and leucine-rich repeat) proteins. Overexpression of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) chaperone, luminal-binding protein 3 (BiP3) compromises resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo) mediated by the rice PRR XA21 [12]. Here we show that BiP3 overexpression also compromises resistance mediated by rice XA3, a PRR that provides broad-spectrum resistance to Xoo. In contrast, BiP3 overexpression has no effect on resistance mediated by rice Pi5, an NB-LRR protein that confers resistance to the fungal pathogen Magnaporthe oryzae (M. oryzae). Our results suggest that rice BiP3 regulates membrane-resident PRR-mediated immunity.  相似文献   

The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is the biggest organelle in most cell types, but its characterization as an organelle with a continuous membrane belies the fact that the ER is actually an assembly of several, distinct membrane domains that execute diverse functions. Almost 20 years ago, an essay by Sitia and Meldolesi first listed what was known at the time about domain formation within the ER. In the time that has passed since, additional ER domains have been discovered and characterized. These include the mitochondria-associated membrane (MAM), the ER quality control compartment (ERQC), where ER-associated degradation (ERAD) occurs, and the plasma membrane-associated membrane (PAM). Insight has been gained into the separation of nuclear envelope proteins from the remainder of the ER. Research has also shown that the biogenesis of peroxisomes and lipid droplets occurs on specialized membranes of the ER. Several studies have shown the existence of specific marker proteins found on all these domains and how they are targeted there. Moreover, a first set of cytosolic ER-associated sorting proteins, including phosphofurin acidic cluster sorting protein 2 (PACS-2) and Rab32 have been identified. Intra-ER targeting mechanisms appear to be superimposed onto ER retention mechanisms and rely on transmembrane and cytosolic sequences. The crucial roles of ER domain formation for cell physiology are highlighted with the specific targeting of the tumor metastasis regulator gp78 to ERAD-mediating membranes or of the promyelocytic leukemia protein to the MAM.  相似文献   

One cause of sepsis is systemic maladaptive immune response of the host to bacteria and specifically, to Gram-negative bacterial outer-membrane glycolipid lipopolysaccharide (LPS). On the host myeloid cell surface, proinflammatory LPS activates the innate immune system via Toll-like receptor-4/myeloid differentiation factor-2 complex. Intracellularly, LPS is also sensed by the noncanonical inflammasome through caspase-11 in mice and 4/5 in humans. The minimal functional determinant for innate immune activation is the membrane anchor of LPS called lipid A. Even subtle modifications to the lipid A scaffold can enable, diminish, or abolish immune activation. Bacteria are known to modify their LPS structure during environmental stress and infection of hosts to alter cellular immune phenotypes. In this review, we describe how mass spectrometry-based structural analysis of endotoxin helped uncover major determinations of molecular pathogenesis. Through characterization of LPS modifications, we now better understand resistance to antibiotics and cationic antimicrobial peptides, as well as how the environment impacts overall endotoxin structure. In addition, mass spectrometry-based systems immunoproteomics approaches can assist in elucidating the immune response against LPS. Many regulatory proteins have been characterized through proteomics and global/targeted analysis of protein modifications, enabling the discovery and characterization of novel endotoxin-mediated protein translational modifications.  相似文献   

The molecular chaperone heat shock protein 90 (HSP90) works in concert with co-chaperones to stabilize its client proteins, which include multiple drivers of oncogenesis and malignant progression. Pharmacologic inhibitors of HSP90 have been observed to exert a wide range of effects on the proteome, including depletion of client proteins, induction of heat shock proteins, dissociation of co-chaperones from HSP90, disruption of client protein signaling networks, and recruitment of the protein ubiquitylation and degradation machinery—suggesting widespread remodeling of cellular protein complexes. However, proteomics studies to date have focused on inhibitor-induced changes in total protein levels, often overlooking protein complex alterations. Here, we use size-exclusion chromatography in combination with mass spectrometry (SEC-MS) to characterize the early changes in native protein complexes following treatment with the HSP90 inhibitor tanespimycin (17-AAG) for 8 h in the HT29 colon adenocarcinoma cell line. After confirming the signature cellular response to HSP90 inhibition (e.g., induction of heat shock proteins, decreased total levels of client proteins), we were surprised to find only modest perturbations to the global distribution of protein elution profiles in inhibitor-treated HT29 cells at this relatively early time-point. Similarly, co-chaperones that co-eluted with HSP90 displayed no clear difference between control and treated conditions. However, two distinct analysis strategies identified multiple inhibitor-induced changes, including known and unknown components of the HSP90-dependent proteome. We validate two of these—the actin-binding protein Anillin and the mitochondrial isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 complex—as novel HSP90 inhibitor-modulated proteins. We present this dataset as a resource for the HSP90, proteostasis, and cancer communities (https://www.bioinformatics.babraham.ac.uk/shiny/HSP90/SEC-MS/), laying the groundwork for future mechanistic and therapeutic studies related to HSP90 pharmacology. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD033459.  相似文献   

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