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大气氟污染对牧草的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
包头地区由于工业排氟量大,当地牧草受到了严重污染。为了防治牧草氟污染,必须首先要搞清牧草氟污染的规律及其与之相关的情况。因此,大气氟化物扩散规律,大气氟浓度与牧草氟含量的关系,牧草种类受氟影响的情况等,是本文讨论的重点。一、环境概况包头地区北靠东西走向的阴山山脉,南濒黄河,地形东西狭长,北高南低。我国主要的钢铁基地之一——包钢座落在市区的西北角。 相似文献
二氧化硫污染对植物影响的研究进展 总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18
20多年来 ,关于SO2 污染对植物伤害症状、生长发育、生理生化的影响以及伤害机理的研究获得了长足的发展。研究成果应用于大气SO2 的监测和评价 ,以及抗污树种的筛选。对目前刚开始的SO2 与NOx、O3 等复合污染和酸沉降对植物影响的研究 ,将会成为今后研究的主导方向。 相似文献
PAHs污染土壤植物修复对酶活性的影响 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
PAHs作为一类持久性有机污染物对土壤环境质量产生深刻的影响。选用了中国亚热带城市普遍采用的4个树种(樟树、栾树、广玉兰、马褂木),利用盆栽试验,研究了PAHs污染土壤植物修复对酶活性影响。结果表明,多酚氧化酶活性定量抑制率为-94.98%—16.29%,过氧化氢酶为-76.71%—13.19%,磷酸酶为-49.62%—56.38%。土壤酶活性对PAHs污染的响应受到不同树种的影响。方差分析表明,过氧化氢酶活性在不同污染水平间差异显著,3种酶活性在不同时间下差异性显著,3种酶活性在不同树种×污染水平、不同时间×污染水平二因素作用下差异都不显著。主成分分析表明,PAHs污染对土壤酶活性的影响大于树种的影响,多酚氧化酶和磷酸酶对土壤反映敏感。 相似文献
本文研究大气氟污染对达乌尔黄鼠及其环境的影响。研究区内的钢厂为大气氟污染的点源。在研究区内选6个取样点,分别取黄鼠大腿骨骨样、植物样和土样。 黄鼠大腿骨骨灰、植物和土壤的含氟量是随与污染源的距离和方向的不同而变化的,离污染源愈远各样品的含氟量愈低。污染源西北方向,靠近污染源的取样点污染特别严重。但是,黄鼠体重与其大腿骨骨灰含氟量间没有明显相关。黄鼠可认为是对氟污染的“耐干扰种”。 在研究区内,氟污染对植物群落的种类、生物量和群落的多样性没有明显地影响。大腿骨骨灰和植物含氟量间存在一定的回归关系,其关系式为Y=27.16X~1.02。 相似文献
添加硫代硫酸铵对植物修复汞污染土壤的影响 总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2
由于汞污染土壤中汞的生物有效性非常低,限制了植物修复技术的应用。本试验通过室内盆栽模拟试验,研究了硫代硫酸铵添加到土壤后,对土壤中汞的生物有效性、印度芥菜生物量及其吸收土壤中汞的影响。结果表明,当硫代硫酸铵与土壤比例为1∶12.5(W/W)时,土壤中生物有效态汞含量最高,达0.51mg·kg-1,是对照的12.7倍。土壤中加入2g·kg-1硫代硫酸铵时,印度芥菜根、茎和叶片干重分别增加了0.23、0.98和1.22g,且印度芥菜根系、茎和叶片的总汞含量分别达到1.96、0.43和3.35mg·kg-1,是对照组的8、4和2倍。添加硫代硫酸铵后,土壤渗滤液中汞浓度增加,最高达2487ng·L-1。因此,添加硫代硫酸铵能提高汞污染土壤植物修复效率,但也能在一定条件下导致汞向地下流失。 相似文献
大气污染对35种园林植物生长的影响 总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25
对广东省佛山市大气监测的结果表明,酸性硫化物和毒性氟化物是陶瓷工业产生的主要污染物质。采用现场盆栽试验方法。比较分析了生长在佛山市陶瓷城附近高浓度SO2和氟化物大气污染环境下的35种园林绿化植物的株高、基径、冠幅等生长指标的差异,并采用综合生长指标评价方法对参试植物进行相应的抗性分级,选出8种抗性植物(铁冬青、菩提榕、环榕、仪花、小叶榕、红花油茶、幌伞枫、白桂木),17种中等抗性植物(小叶胭脂、腊肠树、毛黄肉楠、红桂木、茶花、吊瓜、火焰木、铁力木、柳叶楠、猫尾木、灰莉、密花树、海南红豆、复羽叶栾树、灰木莲、大头茶、印度紫檀),8种敏感植物(华润楠、海南木莲、格木、日本杜英、蓝花楹、观光木、蝴蝶树、白木香、乐昌含笑、无忧树)。 相似文献
1 引 言突发性环境污染是指在非正常情况下的污染,它有一定的特殊性。它没有固定的排放方式和排放途径,具有突发性,在瞬时或短时间内大量排放污染物质,对生态环境造成严重污染和破坏,给人民生命财产造成重大损失。这类污染事故越来越引起世界各国环境学家和政府的重视,正在探索如何防止突发性环境污染事故,以及当发生时应当采取的对策[1,4]。但对突发性环境污染造成的生态环境影响及长期效应缺乏足够重视,国内外少见报道。本文报道抚顺市突发性氯气污染事故的生态影响调查结果。2 研究的范围、内容和方法2.1 事故发生的背景某年8月一辆… 相似文献
核糖体灭活蛋白在植物中的作用 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
植物核糖体灭活蛋白 (ribosome -inactivatingproteins ,RIPs)能够破坏真核或原核细胞的核糖体大亚基RNA ,使核糖体失活而不能与蛋白质合成过程中的延伸因子相结合 ,从而导致蛋白质合成受到抑制。不同的核糖体对不同RIPs的敏感性不同 ,RIPs对自体或异体核糖体的作用也有很大区别。RIPs对病毒有很强的抑制作用 ,并且有些RIPs表现出对某些真菌和昆虫的抗性 ,因此认为核糖体灭活蛋白在植物的防御反应中扮演重要角色。另外 ,RIPs还可能参与了细胞代谢、细胞死亡等生理调控过程。 相似文献
The Effects of Cold Stress on Photosynthesis in Hibiscus Plants 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The present work studies the effects of cold on photosynthesis, as well as the involvement in the chilling stress of chlororespiratory enzymes and ferredoxin-mediated cyclic electron flow, in illuminated plants of Hibiscus rosa-sinensis. Plants were sensitive to cold stress, as indicated by a reduction in the photochemistry efficiency of PSII and in the capacity for electron transport. However, the susceptibility of leaves to cold may be modified by root temperature. When the stem, but not roots, was chilled, the quantum yield of PSII and the relative electron transport rates were much lower than when the whole plant, root and stem, was chilled at 10°C. Additionally, when the whole plant was cooled, both the activity of electron donation by NADPH and ferredoxin to plastoquinone and the amount of PGR5 polypeptide, an essential component of the cyclic electron flow around PSI, increased, suggesting that in these conditions cyclic electron flow helps protect photosystems. However, when the stem, but not the root, was cooled cyclic electron flow did not increase and PSII was damaged as a result of insufficient dissipation of the excess light energy. In contrast, the chlororespiratory enzymes (NDH complex and PTOX) remained similar to control when the whole plant was cooled, but increased when only the stem was cooled, suggesting the involvement of chlororespiration in the response to chilling stress when other pathways, such as cyclic electron flow around PSI, are insufficient to protect PSII. 相似文献
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - Early in the 20th century, disparate human developmental processes culminate excess artificial light during night time and distort the phenological,... 相似文献
广州城市大气的氧化型污染日趋严重;在植物伤害症状、超微结构、生长发育及生理生化效应等几方面阐述了光化学烟雾的主要污染物质NOx、O3、PAN及其同族体对植物的危害,最后讨论了利用植物防治广州的光化学烟雾污染的一些问题。 相似文献
The Effects of Silicon on Cucumber Plants Grown in Recirculating Nutrient Solution 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
Cucumber plants (Cucumis sativus) cv. Corona were grown in recirculatingnutrient solution containing either 10 mg l1 SiO2 (lowSi) which was the level present in the water supply or givenan additional 100 mg l1 SiO2 (high Si). Silicate wasdepleted from the solution when cucumbers were grown, but accumulatedwhen tomatoes were grown. Major effects on cucumber leaves ofadded Si were: increased rigidity of the mature leaves whichhad a rougher texture and were held more horizontally; theywere darker green and senescence was delayed. The mature highSi leaves acquired characteristics of leaves grown in a higherlight intensity, i.e. they had shorter petioles and an increasedfresh weight per unit area, dry weight per unit area, chlorophyllcontent, RuBPcarboxylase activity and soluble protein (all expressedper unit area of interveinal laminar tissue). Addition of Sidid not affect the final leaf area of the mature leaves butroot fresh weight and dry weight were increased. A pronouncedeffect of Si addition was the increased resistance to the powderymildew fungus Sphaerotheca fuliginea. Despite regular applicationsof fungicide, outbreaks of the fungal disease occurred on mostof the mature leaves on the low Si plants, while the high Siplants remained almost completely free of symptoms. The additionof Si could be beneficial to cucumbers grown in areas wherethe local water supply is low in this element, especially whengrown in recirculating solution or in a medium low in Si, e.g.peat. Cucumber, silicon, fungal resistance, powdery mildew, senescence, RuBPcarboxylase 相似文献