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目的:探讨优秀赛艇运动员不同部位肌肉微循环血流灌注量(MB)的变化特点,为无创微循环相关指标更好的应用于运动员机能监控提供参考和借鉴。方法:运用PeriFlux System5000系列激光多普勒血流仪对12名优秀男子赛艇运动员不同部位肌肉微循环血流灌注量进行无创测试,测试环境为室内,温度(25±3)℃,湿度45.O%~65.O%。结果:①基础值:肱二头肌〉肱桡肌〉股四头肌〉腓肠肌,且肱二头肌显著高于肱桡肌(P〈0.05),极显著高于股四头肌和腓肠肌(P〈0.01);②加热后值及加热前后差值:肱桡肌〉肱二头肌〉股四头肌〉腓肠肌,且肱二头肌、肱桡肌显著高于腓肠肌(P〈0.05)。结论:优秀男子赛艇运动员上肢肌肉值MBF值要明显高于下肢肌肉,尤其加热后值上肢肌肉明显高于下肢肌,而上肢肌肉或下肢肌肉之间则不存在明显差异,因此为了使监测结果更具有代表性,赛艇运动员进行微循环血流灌注量及其相关指标监测时应选取上肢相同肌肉上同一空间的解剖位点。  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同训练负荷结构下赛艇运动员无创微循环指标变化特点,为进一步完善无创微循环指标在运动员机能状态监控中的应用提供参考与借鉴。方法:2013年7月国家青年赛艇队作了世界青年锦标赛的最后备战训练,整个备战训练分为强度训练期及接下来的调整期,强度训练期主要以500 m、1000 m专项速度练习为主,其训练强度较大,而调整期主要以有氧长划为主,训练强度较小;以8名女性赛艇运动员为研究对象,应用Peri Flux System5000系列激光多普勒血流仪对8名运动员早晨空腹安静、坐位状态下右臂肱二头肌隆起最高处微循环相关指标进行测试,其中强度训练期结束时及接下来的调整期结束时各测试一次,通过对两个阶段无创微循环相关指标变化特点分析,进而对运动员竞技状态作出判断。结果:除运动血细胞浓度(Concentration of moving blood cells,CMBC),调整期微循环血流灌注量(Microcirculatory blood perfusion,MBP)、血细胞平均运行速度(Average velocity of blood cells,AVBC)、经皮氧分压(Transcutaneous oxygen pressure,Tcp O2)均明显高于强度训练期(P<0.05)。结论:不同训练负荷下无创微循环相关指标呈现出不同的变化特点,低强度负荷下无创微循环相关指标呈现出上升趋势,而高强度负荷下则呈现下降趋势。  相似文献   

目的: 观察下肢间歇负压疗法对男子赛艇运动员股四头肌皮肤微循环血流灌注量的影响,为该方法的实际应用提供理论依据。方法: 选取国家赛艇集训队的14名男子运动员,随机分为试验组和对照组,两组队员每日的训练计划相同,采用德国生产的VACUSPORT间歇负压体能恢复舱对试验组队员实行恢复干预,每次干预20 min,每周干预5次,共持续4周。在4周干预前后利用PeriFlux System 5000激光多普勒血流监测仪采集两组运动员股四头肌皮肤微循环血流灌注量(MBP)、血细胞运动速度(AVBC)及血细胞浓度(CMBC)等数据,测试值包括基础值与加热后值(44℃),并以加热前后的差值作为该指标的储备能力。结果: 干预前两组的微循环相关指标无统计学差异(P>0.05),4周干预后的测试结果如下①MBP:试验组MBP的加热后值和前后差值均显著高于对照组(P<0.05);组内比较无统计学差异。②AVBC:试验组AVBC的加热后值和前后差值均显著低于对照组(P<0.05);组内比较发现,干预后试验组AVBC的加热后值相比干预前显著降低(P<0.01),其加热前后差值相比干预前显著降低(P<0.05)。③CMBC:试验组CMBC的加热后值和前后差值均非常显著高于对照组(P<0.01);组内比较无统计学差异。结论: 下肢间歇负压疗法可改善男子赛艇运动员股四头肌皮肤微循环血流状态,对促进体能的快速恢复有着积极作用。  相似文献   

目的:通过对奥运会赛前6周运动员微循环血流储备能力的变化与常规机能指标关系的研究,探讨微循环血流储备能力用于运动员机能状态监控的可行性。方法:以国家赛艇队8名男子轻量级运动员为研究对象,每周一6:30-7:00在安静空腹状态下,指尖采血进行血红蛋白(Hb)、红细胞数量(RBC)、血尿素(BU)和血清肌酸激酶(CK)的测试,同时,训练负荷较大的两周以及奥运会前的两周分别进行静脉取血测试睾酮(T)和皮质醇(C);在相应的时间节点使用PeriFluxSystem 5000激光多普勒血流监测仪对运动员进行微循环血流储备能力测试。结果:运动员肱二头肌微循环血流储备能力与常规机能指标均呈现出一定的相关性,其中与T存在显著性正相关,(P <0.05),与Hb、C和T/C存在正相关,但不具有显著性(P > 0.05);与BU和CK存在负相关,且与BU的相关具有显著性(P < 0.05);结论:微循环血流储备能力在评价训练强度对机体疲劳积累的影响时更敏感,其的变化与常规生化指标变化特点具有一定的一致性,可在一定程度上作为运动员机能状态评价和疲劳程度判断的一项无创性指标。  相似文献   

目的:探讨长期有氧耐力训练对我国不同组别赛艇运动员肱二头肌微循环血流储备能力的影响,为我国赛艇队运动员身体机能状态监控数据标准的建立及微循环血流储备能力数据库的建立提供一定的依据。方法:77名国家队不同组别赛艇运动员及24名不同性别的普通健康国人(男、女各12名)运动员晨起空腹状态下使用Peri Flux System 5000激光多普勒血流仪对右侧肱二头肌微循环血流灌注量(MBP)及相关指标进行无创测试,且所有受试者测试位点均为右侧肱二头肌同一空间的解剖位点,无明显的空间差异;所有运动员测试均在其机能状态相对比较稳定的情况下进行,普通人测试均在健康状况良好的情况下进行,测试值包括基础值和加热后值(44℃),以加热前后MBP的差值作为微循环血流储备能力。结果:女子公开级(198.97±98.81)男子公开级(183.45±64.31)男子轻量级(151.01±65.96)女子轻量级(140.53±43.22)普通男性国人(127.21±56.38)普通女性国人(103.54±33.41),各组运动员均显著高于普通健康国人(除女轻组与普通男性国人比较),但不同组别运动员之间均无显著性差异(P0.05)。结论:1长期的耐力训练可提高赛艇运动员微循环血流储备能力,尤其是公开级赛艇运动员;2我国公开级赛艇运动员肱二头肌微循环血流储备能力正常值应在160以上,轻量级赛艇运动员应在120以上,且不同性别运动员之间无明显差异,若训练中明显低于正常值,则表明运动员机能状态较差且处于运动性疲劳状态。  相似文献   

等张收缩肱二头肌特性的多信号结合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
表面肌电图(Surface Electromyography,SEMG)表征了骨骼肌的电生理特性;而肌动图(Mechanomyography,MMG)则是反映骨骼肌收缩时的肌纤维振动的力学特性。超声可以清晰的观测骨骼肌空间形态变化,我们把超声扫描骨骼肌得到的有关骨骼肌结构形态变化的信息定义为“声肌图(Sonomyography,SMG)”。本文同步采集了肘关节屈伸引起的肱二头肌等张收缩时的超声图像、肘关节角度、SEMG和MMG信号,初步分析了不同信号之间的关系,多角度结合研究了骨骼肌的特性,表明了多信号结合研究骨骼肌特性是发展的趋势。  相似文献   

电针对小鼠肝脏血流灌注量影响的激光散斑成像显示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:应用激光散斑成像技术连续监测电针过程小鼠肝脏表面血流灌注图像,研究电针不同穴位对肝脏血流灌注量的影响,探讨激光散斑技术在针灸效应研究中的应用价值。方法:采用Moor.FLPI激光散斑血流成像系统分别对足三里组、曲泉组、非经非穴组正常小鼠电针30min以及不电针对照组连续观察30min过程中肝脏表面血流灌注量变化进行观察,分析电针不同穴位、各个时点肝脏血流变化的规律。结果:(1)肝脏激光散斑图显示电针后各电针组肝脏表面整体血流灌注均增加,肝门附近区域灌注量增加幅度大于肝脏边缘区域;(2)电针各时点各电针组肝脏血流灌注量均出现增加,电针0~20min灌注量增加率为足三里组〉曲泉组〉非经非穴组;电针25~30min为足三里组〉非经非穴组〉曲泉组。结论:激光散斑血流成像技术能够精确记录显示电针过程肝脏表面的微循环变化情况,电针可以增强正常小鼠肝脏血流灌注量,电针增加肝脏血流灌注的效应存在穴位特异性。  相似文献   

目的: 观察青海不同海拔高度的果洛(4 100 m)和互助(2 600 m)与平原地区上海(4 m)汉族健康人大循环及微循环特征。方法: 将青海果洛28名年龄(45.62±10.15)岁、青海互助27名年龄(47.25±8.43)岁、上海20名年龄(43.12±8.28)岁的三地区汉族健康人分为:果洛组(GL)、互助组(HZ)和上海组(SH);抽取静脉血分别行血常规:红细胞(RBC)、血红蛋白(HGB)、红细胞压积(HCT)、血小板(PLT)的检测;凝血功能:凝血酶原时间(PT)、国际标准化比值(INR)、纤维蛋白原(Fib)、部分凝血活酶(APTT)、凝血酶时间(TT)的检测,应用连续无创血流动力学监测仪(CNAP)连续测定连续心排量(CO)、每搏输出量(SV)、平均动脉压(MAP)、心率(HR)、脉压差变异率(PPV)、血管外周阻力指数(SVRI),应用脉氧监测仪测得指脉氧(SPO2),用旁流暗视野成像(SDF)监测技术观察舌下微循环指标:总血管密度(TVD)、灌注血管密度(PVD)、灌注血管比例(PPV)、微血管流动指数(MFI)。结果: 与上海组比较,互助组和果洛组的RBC、HGB明显升高(P<0.05),而PLT明显降低(P<0.05);互助组的PT、Fib、APTT、TT、CO、HR、SV、MAP、SPO2均明显降低(P<0.05),而TVD、PVD、PPV、MFI均明显升高(P<0.05);果洛组的HCT、 Fib、CO、SV、PPV、MAP、TVD、PVD均明显升高(P<0.05),而PT、INR、TT、SPO2均明显降低(P< 0.05)。与互助组比较,果洛在组的RBC、HGB、HCT、 Fib、APTT均明显升高(P<0.05);而SPO2、TVD、PVD、INR、TT均明显降低(P<0.05)。结论: 不同海拔地区的健康人微循环具有较明显的差异,高海拔地区健康人群微循环密度较平原地区明显增加,特别是在中度海拔地区更为明显,其特殊的生理意义,对救治高原地区感染性休克及慢性高原病有指导意义。  相似文献   

探讨缺血后处理对兔脊髓缺血再灌注微循环损伤的影响.成年新西兰大白兔24只随机分为假手术组(C组),缺血再灌注损伤组(IR组),缺血后处理组(P组).IR组和P组采用Zivin改进法制备脊髓缺血再灌注模型,P组在缺血30 min后行复灌1 min/缺血1 min相同处理3次.采用激光多普勒检测缺血前,缺血时及再灌注各时点血流量值,在再灌注24 h时取兔脊髓组织作HE染色观察病理形态学,比色法检测脊髓组织一氧化氮(Nitric oxide,NO)的含量,放免法检测内皮素-1(Endothelin-1,ET-1)及免疫组化法检测血红素氧合酶(Hemeoxygenase-1,HO-1)的表达.研究发现与缺血前基础值相比,再灌注10 min时IR组与P组血流量均有增高,在再灌注30、60、120 min,IR组血流量值有不同程度的降低;与IR组相比,P组血流量值在再灌注各时点均有不同程度的增高.与IR组相比,P组NO含量与HO-1表达均有增加,ET-1含量明显减少,NO/ET-1显著高于IR组(P<0.05或0.01),且P组脊髓病理学损伤轻于IR组.结果表明缺血后处理可减轻兔脊髓缺血再灌注微循环损伤,改善脊髓血流量,...  相似文献   

本文采用体重200±20g健康雄性Wistar大鼠,随机分为平原冻伤(FN)组、急性缺氧冻伤(FAH)组和缺氧习服缺氧冻伤(FHAC)组,实验观察了大鼠右后肢重度冻伤前后各组大鼠双后肢皮肤微循环灌流量的改变。结果表明,平原冻伤使大鼠双后肢微循环灌流量明显减少,提示局部重度冻伤对微循环的影响不只局限于冻区也涉及到对侧肢体。冷冻前FAH组大鼠微循环灌流量已明显低于FN组,表明急性缺氧时血容量进行代偿性的再分配,使微循环灌流量减少;FAH组大鼠冻后双后肢微循环灌流量的改变结果提示急性缺氧可加重其冻伤对微循环的损伤程度。FHAC组大鼠冻前微循环灌流量非常明显地低于正常对照,也明显低于急性缺氧对照,表明缺氧习服可造成微循环障碍;FHAC组大鼠冻肢微循环灌流量非常明显地低于FN组,提示缺氧习服加重高原冻伤引起的微循环障碍。  相似文献   

We report a reconstruction method to achieve high spatial resolution for hyperspectral imaging of chromophore features in skin in vivo. The method utilizes an established structure‐adaptive normalized convolution algorithm to reconstruct high spatial resolution of hyperspectral images from snapshot low‐resolution hyperspectral image sequences captured by a snapshot spectral camera. The reconstructed images at chromophore‐sensitive wavebands are used to map the skin features of interest. We demonstrate the method experimentally by mapping the blood perfusion and melanin features (moles) on the facial skin. The method relaxes the constrains of the relatively low spatial resolution in the snapshot hyperspectral camera, making it more usable in imaging applications.  相似文献   

The effect of magnetic field (MF) exposure on microcirculation and microvasculature is not clear or widely explored. In the limited body of data that exists, there are contradictions as to the effects of MFs on blood perfusion and pressure. Approximately half of the cited studies indicate a vasodilatory effect of MFs; the remaining half indicate that MFs could trigger either vasodilation or vasoconstriction depending on initial vessel tone. Few studies indicate that MFs cause a decrease in perfusion or no effect. There is a further lack of investigation into the cellular effects of MFs on microcirculation and microvasculature. The role of nitric oxide (NO) in mediating microcirculatory MF effects has been minimally explored and results are mixed, with four studies supporting an increase in NO activity, one supporting a biphasic effect, and five indicating no effect. MF effects on angiogenesis are also reported: seven studies supporting an increase and two a decrease. Possible reasons for these contradictions are explored. This review also considers the effects of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and anesthetics on microcirculation. Recommendations for future work include studies aimed at the cellular/mechanistic level, studies involving perfusion measurements both during and post-exposure, studies testing the effect of MFs on anesthetics, and investigation into the microcirculatory effects of MRI.  相似文献   

The progression of ischemic cerebral edema (CE) is closely related to the level of cerebral blood perfusion (CBP) and affects each other. Simultaneous detection of CBP and CE is helpful in understanding the mechanisms of ischemic CE development. In this article, a wide field of view swept‐source optical coherence tomography system was used to detect CE status and CBP levels simultaneously in middle cerebral artery occlusion rats. Images reflecting these two physiological states can be reconstructed with only one C‐scan. We quantify these two physiological states into four parameters, which contain two vascular parameters (vascular displacement distance and vascular perfusion density) and two edema parameters (optical attenuation coefficient and edema area). The association between the two vascular parameters and the two edema parameters was analyzed. The results show that there is a strong linear relationship between blood flow parameters and edema parameters. This work provides a new option for CE in vivo detection, and is very likely to play an important role in the development of relevant drugs or in selection of treatment options.   相似文献   

Cerebral malaria (CM) is a severe complication of Plasmodium falciparum infection associated with impaired cerebral blood flow. Visualization of the eye vasculature, which is embryologically derived from that of the brain, is used clinically to diagnose the syndrome. Here, we introduce camera‐phone laser speckle imaging as a new tool for in vivo, noncontact two‐dimensional mapping of blood flow dynamics in the experimental cerebral malaria (ECM) murine model of Plasmodium berghei ANKA. In a longitudinal study, we show that the camera‐phone imager can detect an overall decrease in the retinal blood‐flow‐speed (BFS) as ECM develops in P. berghei ANKA infected mice, with no similar change observed in uninfected control mice or mice infected with a non‐ECM inducing strain (P. berghei NK65). Furthermore, by analyzing relative alterations in the BFS of individual retinal vessels during the progression of ECM, we illustrate the strength of our imager in identifying different BFS‐change heterogeneities in the retinas of ECM and uninfected mice. The technique creates new possibilities for objective investigations into the diagnosis and pathogenesis of CM noninvasively through the eye. The camera‐phone laser speckle imager along with measured spatial blood perfusion maps of the retina of a mouse infected with P. berghei ANKA—a fatal ECM model—on different days during the progression of the infection (top, day 3 after infection; middle, day 5 after infection; and bottom, day 7 after infection).   相似文献   

AIM:To study the immunophenotype of hematopoietic progenitor cells from cord blood (CB) grafts (n = 39) in comparison with adult apheresis grafts (AG, n = 229) and pre-apheresis peripheral blood (PAPB) samples (n = 908) using flow cytometry analysis.METHODS: First, we performed a qualitative analysis of CD34+ cell sub-populations in both CB and PAPB grafts using the standardized ISHAGE protocol and a wide panel of 20 monoclonal antibodies. Next, we stud-ied some parameters, such as the age of mothers and the weight of newborns, which can influence the qual-ity and the quantity of CD34+ cells from CB. RESULTS: We found that the percentage of apoptotic cells was high in CB in comparison to PAPB (PAPB: 4.6% ± 2.6% vs CB: 53.4% ± 5.2%, P < 0.001). In CB, the weight of newborn and the age of the mother have the influence on CD34+ cells. The follow-up of Ag CD133in the ISHAGE double platform protocol in association with CD45, CD34 and the 7’AAD shows an equal rate between the two cell populations CD133+CD45+CD34+ high and CD34+CD45+ high with a higher percentage. So, is the inclusion of Ac CD133 necessary in the pres-ent panel included in the ISHAGE methodflLast part, we showed a signif icant presence of interferon γ in CB in comparison to PAPB, the annexin showing the high number of apoptotic cells in CB. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that many different obstetric factors must be taken into account when processing and cryo-banking umbilical CB units for transplantation.  相似文献   

Photoplethysmography is a well‐established technique for the noninvasive measurement of blood pulsation. However, photoplethysmographic devices typically need to be in contact with the surface of the tissue and provide data from a single contact point. Extensions of conventional photoplethysmography to measurements over a wide field‐of‐view exist, but require advanced signal processing due to the low signal‐to‐noise‐ratio of the photoplethysmograms. Here, we present a noncontact method based on temporal sampling of time‐integrated speckle using a camera‐phone for noninvasive, widefield measurements of physiological parameters across the human fingertip including blood pulsation and resting heart‐rate frequency. The results show that precise estimation of these parameters with high spatial resolution is enabled by measuring the local temporal variation of speckle patterns of backscattered light from subcutaneous skin, thereby opening up the possibility for accurate high resolution blood pulsation imaging on a camera‐phone.

Camera‐phone laser speckle imager along with measured relative blood perfusion maps of a fingertip showing skin perfusion response to a pulse pressure applied to the upper arm. The figure is for illustration only; the imager was stabilized on a stand throughout the experiments.  相似文献   

gDNA (genomic DNA extraction from blood is a fundamental process in many diagnostic, identification and research applications. Numerous extraction methods have been reported and are available commercially. However, there is insufficient understanding of the impact of chemical buffers on DNA yield from either whole or nucleated blood. Moreover, these commercial kits are often costly, constraining less well-funded laboratories to traditional and more cost-effective salt-precipitation methods. Towards this, we compared a salt-precipitation and a customized cost-effective spin-column-based method, studying the impact of different chemical constituents on the yields. This customized method resulted in a shortening of the extraction process, higher gDNA yields, and more successful PCR amplification of gDNA genes compared with the salt-precipitation method. Optimizing different chemical buffers on whole- and nucleated blood materials further revealed that certain chemicals boosted extractions from whole- but not nucleated blood. These findings may be useful to laboratories that do not have ready access to commercial kits, and improve their nucleic acid extractions from blood economically.  相似文献   

A model of facial heat exchange in cold and windy environments is presented. The tissue is depicted as a hollow cylinder and the model includes heat conduction and heat transport by blood circulation from the warmer core. A steady-state solution facilitating the estimation of wind chill equivalent temperature (WCET) as a function of the effective wind velocity, air temperature and blood perfusion rate was obtained. The results quantify and demonstrate the elevation of skin temperatures caused by increased flow of warmer blood from the inner core to the face. Elevated facial temperatures, while enhancing protection against frostbite and other cold-related injuries, also increase heat loss to the colder environment. Paradoxically, such elevated facial temperatures cause WCETs, as estimated by the prevailing definition, to attain lower rather than higher values, indicating, in fact, increased risk of frostbite. The results of this study should be useful in understanding and quantifying the effects of blood perfusion in protection against cold-related injuries. They should also be considered in the re-evaluation and re-formulation of the concept of wind chill, which has been a useful cold weather indicator for decades.  相似文献   

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