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Zoonotic influenza A viruses constantly pose a health threat to humans as novel strains occasionally emerge from the avian population to cause human infections. Many past epidemic as well as pandemic strains have originated from avian species. While most viruses are restricted to their primary hosts, zoonotic strains can sometimes arise from mutations or reassortment, leading them to acquire the capability to escape host species barrier and successfully infect a new host. Phylogenetic analyses and genetic markers are useful in tracing the origins of zoonotic infections, but there are still no effective means to identify high risk strains prior to an outbreak. Here we show that distinct host tropism protein signatures can be used to identify possible zoonotic strains in avian species which have the potential to cause human infections. We have discovered that influenza A viruses can now be classified into avian, human, or zoonotic strains based on their host tropism protein signatures. Analysis of all influenza A viruses with complete proteome using the host tropism prediction system, based on machine learning classifications of avian and human viral proteins has uncovered distinct signatures of zoonotic strains as mosaics of avian and human viral proteins. This is in contrast with typical avian or human strains where they show mostly avian or human viral proteins in their signatures respectively. Moreover, we have found that zoonotic strains from the same influenza outbreaks carry similar host tropism protein signatures characteristic of a common ancestry. Our results demonstrate that the distinct host tropism protein signature in zoonotic strains may prove useful in influenza surveillance to rapidly identify potential high risk strains circulating in avian species, which may grant us the foresight in anticipating an impending influenza outbreak.  相似文献   

Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) emerged in 1978 and spread worldwide within 2 years. Subsequently, CPV-2 was completely replaced by the variant CPV-2a, which is characterized by four specific capsid (VP2) mutations. The X-ray crystal structure of the CPV-2a capsid shows that each mutation confers small local changes. The loss of a hydrogen bond and introduction of a glycine residue likely introduce flexibility to sites that control interactions with the host receptor, antibodies, and sialic acids.  相似文献   



Multiple independent culture-based studies have identified the presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in respiratory samples as a positive risk factor for bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome (BOS). Yet, culture-independent microbiological techniques have identified a negative association between Pseudomonas species and BOS. Our objective was to investigate whether there may be a unifying explanation for these apparently dichotomous results.


We performed bronchoscopies with bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) on lung transplant recipients (46 procedures in 33 patients) and 26 non-transplant control subjects. We analyzed bacterial communities in the BAL fluid using qPCR and pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA gene amplicons and compared the culture-independent data with the clinical metadata and culture results from these subjects.


Route of bronchoscopy (via nose or via mouth) was not associated with changes in BAL microbiota (p = 0.90). Among the subjects with positive Pseudomonas bacterial culture, P. aeruginosa was also identified by culture-independent methods. In contrast, a distinct Pseudomonas species, P. fluorescens, was often identified in asymptomatic transplant subjects by pyrosequencing but not detected via standard bacterial culture. The subject populations harboring these two distinct pseudomonads differed significantly with respect to associated symptoms, BAL neutrophilia, bacterial DNA burden and microbial diversity. Despite notable differences in culturability, a global database search of UM Hospital Clinical Microbiology Laboratory records indicated that P. fluorescens is commonly isolated from respiratory specimens.


We have reported for the first time that two prominent and distinct Pseudomonas species (P. fluorescens and P. aeruginosa) exist within the post-transplant lung microbiome, each with unique genomic and microbiologic features and widely divergent clinical associations, including presence during acute infection.  相似文献   

The LAGLIDADG family of homing endonucleases (LHEs) bind to and cleave their DNA recognition sequences with high specificity. Much of our understanding for how these proteins evolve their specificities has come from studying LHE homologues. To gain insight into the molecular basis of LHE specificity, we characterized I-WcaI, the homologue of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae I-SceI LHE found in Wickerhamomyces canadensis. Although I-WcaI and I-SceI cleave the same recognition sequence, expression of I-WcaI, but not I-SceI, is toxic in bacteria. Toxicity suppressing mutations frequently occur at I-WcaI residues critical for activity and I-WcaI cleaves many more non-cognate sequences in the Escherichia coli genome than I-SceI, suggesting I-WcaI endonuclease activity is the basis of toxicity. In vitro, I-WcaI is a more active and a less specific endonuclease than I-SceI, again accounting for the observed toxicity in vivo. We determined the X-ray crystal structure of I-WcaI bound to its cognate target site and found that I-WcaI and I-SceI use residues at different positions to make similar base-specific contacts. Furthermore, in some regions of the DNA interface where I-WcaI specificity is lower, the protein makes fewer DNA contacts than I-SceI. Taken together, these findings demonstrate the plastic nature of LHE site recognition and suggest that I-WcaI and I-SceI are situated at different points in their evolutionary pathways towards acquiring target site specificity.  相似文献   

PCR-based subtractive hybridization was used to isolate sequences from Erwinia amylovora strain Ea110, which is pathogenic on apples and pears, that were not present in three closely related strains with differing host specificities: E. amylovora MR1, which is pathogenic only on Rubus spp.; Erwinia pyrifoliae Ep1/96, the causal agent of shoot blight of Asian pears; and Erwinia sp. strain Ejp556, the causal agent of bacterial shoot blight of pear in Japan. In total, six subtractive libraries were constructed and analyzed. Recovered sequences included type III secretion components, hypothetical membrane proteins, and ATP-binding proteins. In addition, we identified an Ea110-specific sequence with homology to a type III secretion apparatus component of the insect endosymbiont Sodalis glossinidius, as well as an Ep1/96-specific sequence with homology to the Yersinia pestis effector protein tyrosine phosphatase YopH.  相似文献   

The marine copepod Calanus finmarchicus constitutes the substantial amount of biomass in the Arctic and Northern seas. It is unique in that this small crustacean accumulates a high level of wax esters as carbon storage which is mainly comprised of 20:1n−9 and 22:1n−11 alcohols (Alc) linked with various kinds of fatty acids, including n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. The absence of 20:1n−9 Alc and 22:1n−11 Alc in diatoms and dinoflagellates, the primary food sources of copepods, suggests the existence of de novo biosynthesis of fatty alcohols in C. finmarchinus. Here, we report identification of three genes, CfFAR1, CfFAR2, and CfFAR3, coding for fatty acyl-CoA reductases involved in the conversion of various fatty acyl-CoAs to their corresponding alcohols. Functional characterization of these genes in yeast indicated that CfFAR1 could use a wide range of saturated fatty acids from C18 to C26 as substrates, CfFAR2 had a narrow range of substrates with only very-long-chain saturated fatty acid 24:0 and 26:0, while CfFAR3 was active towards both saturated (16:0 and 18:0) and unsaturated (18:1 and 20:1) fatty acids producing corresponding alcohols. This finding suggested that these three fatty acyl-CoA reductases are likely responsible for de novo synthesis of a series of fatty alcohol moieties of wax esters in C. finmarchicus.  相似文献   

The molecular pathogenesis of avian influenza infection varies greatly with individual bird species and virus strain. The molecular pathogenesis of the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) or the low pathogenic avian influenza virus (LPAIV) infection in avian species remains poorly understood. Thus, global immune response of chickens infected with HPAI H5N1 (A/duck/India/02CA10/2011) and LPAI H9N2 (A/duck/India/249800/2010) viruses was studied using microarray to identify crucial host genetic components responsive to these infection. HPAI H5N1 virus induced excessive expression of type I IFNs (IFNA and IFNG), cytokines (IL1B, IL18, IL22, IL13, and IL12B), chemokines (CCL4, CCL19, CCL10, and CX3CL1) and IFN stimulated genes (OASL, MX1, RSAD2, IFITM5, IFIT5, GBP 1, and EIF2AK) in lung tissues. This dysregulation of host innate immune genes may be the critical determinant of the severity and the outcome of the influenza infection in chickens. In contrast, the expression levels of most of these genes was not induced in the lungs of LPAI H9N2 virus infected chickens. This study indicated the relationship between host immune genes and their roles in pathogenesis of HPAIV infection in chickens.  相似文献   

Rabies virus (RABV) induces encephalomyelitis in humans and animals. One of the major problems with rabies is that the infected individuals most often do not develop virus neutralizing antibodies (VNA). In this study we have investigated the host immune response to RABV infection in dogs, using a live-attenuated (TriGAS) or a wild-type (wt) (DRV-NG11) RABV isolated from a rabid dog.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The experimental infection of dogs with TriGAS induced high levels of VNA in the serum, whereas wt RABV infection did not. Dogs infected with TriGAS developed antibodies against the virus including its glycoprotein, whereas dogs infected with DRV-NG11 only developed rabies antibodies that are presumably specific for the nucleoprotein, (N) and not the glycoprotein (G). We show that infection with TriGAS induces early activation of B cells in the draining lymph nodes and persistent activation of DCs and B cells in the blood. On the other hand, infection with DRV-NG11 fails to induce the activation of DCs and B cells and further reduces CD4 T cell production. Further, we show that intrathecal (IT) immunization of TriGAS not only induced high levels of VNA in the serum but also in the CSF while intramuscular (IM) immunization of TriGAS induced VNA only in the serum. In addition, high levels of total protein and WBC were detected in the CSF of IT immunized dogs, indicating the transient enhancement of blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability, which is relevant to the passage of immune effectors from periphery into the CNS.


IM infection of dogs with TriGAS induced the production of serum VNA whereas, IT immunization of TriGAS in dogs induces high levels of VNA in the periphery as well as in the CSF and transiently enhances BBB permeability. In contrast, infection with wt DRV-NG11 resulted in the production of RABV-reactive antibodies but VNA and antibodies specific for G were absent. As a consequence, all of the dogs infected with wt DRV-NG11 succumbed to rabies. Thus the failure to activate protective immunity is one of the important features of RABV pathogenesis in dogs.  相似文献   

We theoretically study the antigenic drift of viruses within an infected host, as observed in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) infections, assuming that a finite number of antigen-determining sites at the viral envelop gene are responsible for the specific immune response. The pattern of antigen evolution becomes more complex than that predicted from the previous one-dimensional antigen space models. If the viral growth rate is sufficiently large, the demographic stochasticity for the fate of a new antigen mutant can be neglected. The high dimensionality in the way a virus escapes the immune defense in genotype space could then causes a rapid increase in the antigenic diversity and the total viral density, until finally the whole antigen genotypes are used up. The viral population is then driven to extinction in a host by the enhanced immune response to all genotypes. In contrast, if the viral growth rate is moderate or small so that only a small fraction of new antigen mutants can survive during the initial endangered period of random extinction, the viral antigenic diversity and the total density remain bounded, thereby enabling them to persist for a prolonged period by shifting the dominant antigen types. The phylogenetic pattern of antigen divergence is well characterized by the mean number of surviving antigen mutants from an antigen genotype. The substitution rate at antigen-determining sites increases as the efficiency of host immune response increases. Received: 11 January 2000 / Accepted: 25 May 2000  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analyses of extracts of cucumber leaves infectedwith Colleiotrichum lagenarium, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum,Pseudomonas lachrymans, Erwinia tracheiphila, tobacco necrosisvirus or cucumber mosaic virus revealed the presence of a proteinband with an RF value of 0.55–0.60 (based on mobilityof bromophenol blue) on 10% polyacrylamide gel. This band wasnot evident in extracts of healthy or mechanically wounded leaves.The protein was not detected in uninfected leaves of infectedplants, but it was detected in similar amounts in infected leavesand in secondarily challenged leaves of infected plants eventhough symptoms were not apparent on the latter. The proteinhad a molecular weight of approximately 16 000 d, was adsorbedon DEAE-cellulose, did not react with Schiff's reagent, anddid not have ribonuclease activity. When injected into cucumberleaves, it did not inhibit germination of conidia of C. lagenariumor induce resistance against disease caused by the fungus.  相似文献   

The parasitic phaeophycean endophyte Herpodiscus durvillaeae (Lindauer) G. R. South has previously only been recorded from New Zealand, in association with a single host species, Durvillaea antarctica (Chamisso) Hariot (southern bull‐kelp). Here we use DNA sequence data from plastid and nuclear markers (chloroplast rbcL, ribosomal LSU, and a nuclear pseudogene copy of COI) to test for the presence of H. durvillaeae beyond the New Zealand region, and on host species other than D. antarctica. Analyses of samples from the Falkland Islands confirm the first record of H. durvillaeae from the Atlantic Ocean. We report that Falkland Islands H. durvillaeae are genetically indistinguishable from samples of this species from New Zealand's sub‐Antarctic Campbell Island, suggesting recent dispersal of the parasite across the Pacific Ocean, presumably by rafting with its buoyant macroalgal host. We also here record Hdurvillaeae from New Zealand endemics Durvillaea poha Fraser et al. and D. willana Lindauer.  相似文献   

A new type of mink cell focus-inducing virus was persistently isolated from the leukemic tissues of SL mice. In contrast to the dual tropic mink cell focus-inducing viruses reported to date, the new virus has the host range of the xenotropic murine leukemia virus. Analysis of RNase T(1) fingerprints of genomic RNAs suggested that the mink cell focus-inducing virus with the xenotropic host range isolated from SL mice is a recombinant virus deriving from xenotropic murine leukemia virus.  相似文献   

BackgroundThere are currently no vaccines or antivirals available for dengue virus infection, which can cause dengue hemorrhagic fever and death. A better understanding of the host pathogen interaction is required to develop effective therapies to treat DENV. In particular, very little is known about how cellular RNA binding proteins interact with viral RNAs. RNAs within cells are not naked; rather they are coated with proteins that affect localization, stability, translation and (for viruses) replication.Conclusions/SignificanceThe method for identification of host factors described here is robust and broadly applicable to all RNA viruses, providing an avenue to determine the conserved or distinct mechanisms through which diverse viruses manage the viral RNA within cells. This study significantly increases the number of cellular factors known to interact with DENV and reveals how DENV modulates and usurps cellular proteins for efficient amplification.  相似文献   



Lassa virus (LASV) is endemic in several West African countries and is the etiological agent of Lassa fever. Despite the high annual incidence and significant morbidity and mortality rates, currently there are no approved vaccines to prevent infection or disease in humans. Genetically, LASV demonstrates a high degree of diversity that correlates with geographic distribution. The genetic heterogeneity observed between geographically distinct viruses raises concerns over the potential efficacy of a “universal” LASV vaccine. To date, several experimental LASV vaccines have been developed; however, few have been evaluated against challenge with various genetically unique Lassa virus isolates in relevant animal models.

Methodologies/principle findings

Here we demonstrate that a single, prophylactic immunization with a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) expressing the glycoproteins of LASV strain Josiah from Sierra Leone protects strain 13 guinea pigs from infection / disease following challenge with LASV isolates originating from Liberia, Mali and Nigeria. Similarly, the VSV-based LASV vaccine yields complete protection against a lethal challenge with the Liberian LASV isolate in the gold-standard macaque model of Lassa fever.


Our results demonstrate the VSV-based LASV vaccine is capable of preventing morbidity and mortality associated with non-homologous LASV challenge in two animal models of Lassa fever. Additionally, this work highlights the need for the further development of disease models for geographical distinct LASV strains, particularly those from Nigeria, in order to comprehensively evaluate potential vaccines and therapies against this prominent agent of viral hemorrhagic fever.  相似文献   

Most angiosperm nuclear DNA is repetitive and derived from silenced transposable elements (TEs). TE silencing requires substantial resources from the plant host, including the production of small interfering RNAs (siRNAs). Thus, the interaction between TEs and siRNAs is a critical aspect of both the function and the evolution of plant genomes. Yet the co-evolutionary dynamics between these two entities remain poorly characterized. Here we studied the organization of TEs within the maize (Zea mays ssp mays) genome, documenting that TEs fall within three groups based on the class and copy numbers. These groups included DNA elements, low copy RNA elements and higher copy RNA elements. The three groups varied statistically in characteristics that included length, location, age, siRNA expression and 24∶22 nucleotide (nt) siRNA targeting ratios. In addition, the low copy retroelements encompassed a set of TEs that had previously been shown to decrease expression within a 24 nt siRNA biogenesis mutant (mop1). To investigate the evolutionary dynamics of the three groups, we estimated their abundance in two landraces, one with a genome similar in size to that of the maize reference and the other with a 30% larger genome. For all three accessions, we assessed TE abundance as well as 22 nt and 24 nt siRNA content within leaves. The high copy number retroelements are under targeted similarly by siRNAs among accessions, appear to be born of a rapid bust of activity, and may be currently transpositionally dead or limited. In contrast, the lower copy number group of retrolements are targeted more dynamically and have had a long and ongoing history of transposition in the maize genome.  相似文献   

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